HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12217 P 140 ... WCB,! Ill!vll/ll'l lunlr,,..,,,..:I\.) L /22f7 P Ho DISTRICT 1000 SECTION: 097.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT o14.0QO 51........ S. Y I.T U. Fot.IOO:J " .........;; ..tad: Wt o.tl. .... CornuM ....rw GtUUolt'. ;\n'- ir..h~...<< c.,.,.,. biq:..a...) ~y~LA____III1JI______I_U._JJYLA__y. . , III 11IfI1NDDI11JRI.1ll&de IIIe ;Jj clf,yof August ,In IlIc year 2002, III'I"WIDI BRIAN: BROOKS and NANCY BROOKS, hb vif., both residing at P.O. Box 1001, 455 Be.be Drive, Cutchogue, NY 11935, . Q,-7-ILj party ofllle lint part, md BRIAN: BROOKS, residing at P.O. Box 1001, 455 Beebe Drive, Cutchogue, NY 11935. party of die -.d part, ..._.... that die pal1l of die &nit pan. ill ~ of Tell Dollarl md oIber valuable COII~ paid IIy die puty of the -.d put, diau IleIdIf llJUIl..... reIeue umo IIIe pany 01 IIIe -.d pan, die bain or _.moq..... aIIipa of .. party ofllle RCoiid pIl1 '-"', AU. that certlIiII P!oIo piA!CIe or pual oflllld, wilb die bw'ldlDc. md impI{jI'r ". dler-. er1IdlllI, lIItum. Ifia.r..... ... in the see Schedule" A " attached hereto and lIade part hereOf. BEING AND INTBNDED TO BE the sa.. premises convey.d to the partie. of the first part by ZOUKAS CONTRACTING CORPORATION, d..d dated August 23. 2001 and recorded Septeaber 7. 2001 in Liber 12140 cpo .347. SUBJECT TO Any state of facts an accurat. survey IIi1Y show. SOBJECT TO ~ovenilDts, agree..nt., restrictions and ......nt. of record, affecting the pr.llises conveyed herein, TOGETHER with .n 'Igbl, 11* .nd illlHClt, if JIIly, of lhe pari)' of lhe Ii... part in and to ..., ~ ..... .....Is awning the Abo~ dncribcd premises to the cenll:r Iinai thereof; TOGI!."THER with IlIe ~ A.... an the - and rights of the pany of the &rat pari ill ..... to .ud prem_; TO JlAVY. AND TO nOLD the premises henin fI'lIIlted unlO IIIe pari)' of die ~ JUt, the lIeiB or -_ u4 Nlipaof IlIe party of the _c1 pari ,_. AND the parSy of IIIC! first part coVOlllllllthat IlIe pany of the lint pari .. _ <10M or 1Urr.-l ~ ..hereby the ....w,. remi.... have been _hemlln oy Wly wbalever, ellll!'Pt as ~ . AN D the party" the Ii"t pari. in comp1ianae wilh SeCticm 13 of the Lien Lio.... __ that the party of the firat pari ....i11 recei.... the COIlIw..ation far lhit CODVey_ ..... win hctld the ript to ..."" IUd! CIlIIIid- eratio<\ as Illnut fund to lie ,applied ,.... far the Jl"'llO'I" of payin~ the cost of lhe improYemaIt ..... will apply IlIe ~me lirst 10 the pa)'lIlml '0' IIIe cost of the nnptOftmt!nl before U$inc any part of IIIe total of the _ for my oIher JlW'llIISl!. . The _I "puty" shall he mll$lrue<lllS if it IUd "pa.li"." whencftr lhe sense of this _mllIC 10 nqIliNs. IN WITHISS WHEREOF, IlIe pArly of the &rat part hu duly _led tIli. deed the cia, aacI yea, lirst ....... wri II Id tn... , . STATE OF NEW YORK) ,.... COllI'l'I"Y OF StJPP'OIII OII~~or AuguSt: u.....,..,2002".r-......... 1IIIllmiencd.....-n,IJ11lCll1.dBRYAN BROOKS & . JICIIOIIlIIly......... \10 me 01' pII>WId \10 me 0lII die.... orsalislictory I\'idcace \10 be die iadividuol(Il.m-lIIIIIC(l) ileon) tubIcri1Ied \10 du: wiIIua '-1IId admowIadpi \10 lIII/ llm hrllhollh., oaec:uled Ibe.... ill hlrlllcMbe/r 1"'. .;1I)'(lal, IIId llm by bllll1lorllbevllpllllllrlfl).lhc ""__4, die individullllll,onh. _ upanbelwlr orwlucll du: lndMcIuII( IChd, ex<<GlOCIlho i......lIlOIIL. NANCY BROOKS, IS P., · STATEOFNIltWYORK) I ..., COUNTY OF I c.~1IQlII! NilmIAV 1IUIUc..... II ' "01~ _fit "'reUdOmcur ... - J In.... Counl,ladMdulllllcl"l adluwled&mnl Q....~. ....Melriill,~" · 'orlClClll'llleda_ 'lII_iIl New Yorio ShIll. 011 dIe_c!lIyor__ in Ill.,.., _ hero........... lIlIldeIl1p.d. Jl'!IIOftII11l1pJlOlUod _ JICIIOIIlIIly known to me 01' pII>WId to.... 00 ........ or DliltVlOI')' ."idCMC \10 be Ibc indiYidullllsl.m- MIIlIII) il (1ft) ti'''vibed 10 Ibc wiIlIin i--.nIlIId Itknowlodpd to me llm boflhoillloy ex<<GlOCIlbe lIOIIIIO 10 imIbetIlhm CIJlICiI)'(Ia" IIId IlIot by hlsIbedlhoit sipolUlolI' on lbe 1MblllllCod, .... !ndiYidulIIlll. or lbe person upon belWr orwhlCh lbe Indlvlduale., -. nOCllod die inalnunonl. S1p1llln: _d 0IlIce.t IIIdMduaI 'lII1d..ICICII...'"""'.....1 .. Slota.OIIIrtot.tC'alwD.... T.....,..~ mf.Da.or'enlpColl...,. I_ 011_ _ day or /II!he,.., -:- bo/'aoe me, .... ........<ipod. Jl'!IIOftIIly lppOIIod . . JICIIOIIlIIly............ IIlII or pII>WId 10"", on ........ orsalislictory I\'idcace \10 he IIlo illdividuo!ls> wboso _t' ill..., SIIll1cnhod 10 .... oriIhin ~ ond a-Iodpd 10... _ ~ ex-..!........ iIlluslbotflboirCllplOily(lal, llm by 1IlloIberJdlolr1llplllun('1 0Il1be i.-...,Ibc Indivldual(1), or........- upon beIwlr otwhidl tho lndiYiduollIJ ....... ftOCllIod .... ...._..IId thol SlICll indiYlduaIlItIIIe SlICllIpfK__~. Won! Ibe llIIdonipod ill .... . (1ft""".... city 01'...... polM.... subcliNlon """.... _GrCOUnlry 01'...... plIcr Ibe..~ _ .....). ___......omoeor IlldMdulllllda.~ .. Ftr .....""'.... 1111..... 0Il1IId0 or"", \"orIo SlUt. ...... I11III .. iIctb WIIH CoviNAHT AGAINST Q.AN1Cl1l'S AC.s Tm.II\IQ. BRIAN BROOKS & NANCY BROOKS, HIS WIFE, secT10N wx:a; LOr CIllIHTY 01. TOWN TO BRIAN BROOKS, ao_ AI ........ or PIdI_nllof ......1' . ... lit Hew 1''''' UTlIIlIf 81' -.us. 1'0. ...... .... ... tOIl ... . 'MLI _ .L~..Jl... lIIIItihfftIi, Firrt A1lIft'WIl Title lUll mil" CmlIpall' of Nf1J1 IWt ~ JOSEPH J. O'CONNOR, ESQ. 10 HEMLOCK DRIVE MtLLER PLACE, NY 11764 ...... I I a I I I .1 I -'-- r . TIItI NulIIIIr; TS-22D5761 PolIty No. : StllwaIt TIlI8II11118lC1 CoIIIpoq' BCHIEDULIii A AU.llIaI cerIaln pklI, piece or paaI of land willI the building lII1d Jmprowments lII8nlan 1lI8Ct8d. siIuale. lying lII1d _ aI CUIl:hogue. Town of SouItIold, C'4lIlty of SuftIIlc lII1d SIaIa of New VOlt, IlnaIim lII1d designated 811 Lot No. 15 811 shown 0111 cerIaln map enliIIed. "Map of MlllllIe CfNfIlII1d fiIlld in the SulfDIIt County ClIltk's 0IIce on August 30, 1960 811 Map No. 3200 and being fllDl8 parf/alIIIly boIIIded m:I deIcribed 811 faHaws: BEGINNING ala point on the SClUIheaIltedy side of Beebe Drive wI1ele same is iIlIIrseCI8d by the divIlllorI IIn8Il11we1ln 1aIIl14 m:l15 OIl sIlict map; RUNNING THENCE north 30 deg/88Il14l11inu1l1G 30 II8COIllI& -. 2'11.D5 feet; THENCE IIOiIlledy aJong an arc of a CUI'VI bearing to the~, hlwing aladilJs of 13.93l8a1 a dlsIance of 33.21 _to the W8llIerIy side of Deelbll PaIh; THENCE aouth 13 degRles 09 minutes 40 seconds IIlIIlt along the \II n'BIly side of Deelbll PaIh. 183.83 feet; THENCE aouth 76 deglll88 50 minutes 20 II8COIllI& WI6I. 150.00 feet; THENCE north 59 degrees 45 minlIl8s 30 II8COIllI& west, 41.39l8a1 to lhe llOIllI1easlerl side of Beebe DrIve a1the point or place of BEGINNING. IlIlIlItc:I 1000 Sdon 097JlO IIlDci 07JlO Lot 014.000 ~ Sd'leduIe A '- been nlIIde _.ible vlll aur WlIblNl8 for I'IIvlllw onty purpa.... The hi Sd'leduIe will be lncIudId. wIlh your 11lIe Cammilnl8l1t. Ant changeI nlIIde ID lhe SChedule which... not been llIlnClioned by TiIlaerv. Inc. will not be Included In lhe tide policy and 11'... will not be InIunld. ....., by. l11l.EllERV.lIC. 1111ll)7..... (2ll:l)831.ol'11l ~ r~lIlt A iIcludII PIllI1 a1'1 , I;' 2 I I . Numller of JIIIII TORRENS smal" RECllR(lEI) :l.OO2 O<:~ 28 12:SJ.:n I>l'I t ' !'~1l''''; P.""',!"._._ , . -cw....... '. ., t ..-" SlJFFllU: r..?lNT" CerliliallC~ II l.. OOOO:~:.t Prior Or. . ~!i.(i .. ~p, 02-.!~ ...... Deed , Monpp Instnlflleftl Deed I Monpp Till bnp m:s R.ecofdmll'Fi'" SWflps 4 I'8gr 'Filina Fcc llandlin& TP-S14 ""'"lII&f AmI, I. BuieTax Nul8lion 2. AddilioMl T. Sub Total Ell-51 IHCounIYJ f,A.~217 (Stalel _ Sub Total OIller , -707/ GRANI) TOTAl. SpecJAssiI. Or 51*. INIAl TOT. MTG. TAX o..IT(lWl1 o..IC_>,_ Iwld lilt AlfIlllflimmenl ~ Trnsflll'T. V_ Manaion Tu _ The pNptI1y eoYeflld by lid. mild... is or will Ite Improvtd by a 0111 or Iwo fam i1y dwel1ina only. yeS or loll) If NO. _ appNpIill1t/ IlIX elause ,lft \llIlI.t * _ oflhis iNtnnneal, R.1':l:S.1\. ~ s QQ...- Comm.ofl5d. Affidavit Cenll1ed Copy Rea. Copy Sub TIllaI Reall'foperty Tax Service AJ,cw;y VeriflCMiOll Dill. S<<Illlll R lock LoI 6 Communit PreIi4:l'VDlitln Fund Consideration AIl1OUfl} S CI'I' TIlX Dlle S Vaeanll.and 1'0 -.I'D TO TO ~814 1000 09700 0700 014000 J ~~ isflll:liOllllll>iscllarscslKe1easesl.l5t rl'\lpellY "'........ ...........' .___ RECORD" RETURN TO: JOSEPH J. O'CONNOR, ESQ. 10 HEMLOCK DRIVE KILLER PLACE, NY 11764 9 z:z. Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa 8 'Ibis JlIIll'! Ilm1$ put ,,,'!he B11acl1cd BRIAN BROOKS & NANCY HIS WIFE, DEED __... 00 (SI'I~'t"YTYPHOFIN5nUJMENT) BR KS, 'Ire JIR.'II1i8cs hI.'l'Cin i$ silUlllcd in SUI:FOI.K COUNIY. NEW YORK. In I.he 'rlllmShip of SOOTHOLD In I.he VlI.lAGE COTCROGO! m.dc lly: TO BRUR BROOKS, " Ol' HAMJ.r:r of BOXES S 'IHRlJ 9 MUS... UH 'IYrED OR I'RINTED IN UI.A(;K INK o.'IL Y I'RIOR TO Ra:ORDING OR flUNG, COVER) . ~---~-PLEASETvPEORPRESS FIRMLY WHENWRITING ON FO-RM---------- http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 C3. Book PROPERt\' II'lFj)!I 'rl 455 Beebe Drive 1. Property I Location REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES ,-, "-',j' RP -5217 , RP.521'iR~~'3i97: " ."" ".'<'" STREET NAME " Cutchoque VilLAGE STREET NUMBER To.O of Southold CITY OR TOWN 2. Buyer Name Brooks LAST NAME f COMPANY 'Rriilllln FIRST NAME NY l1q"l"i ZIP CODE LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address lAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ZIP CODE 4. Indicate-the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed \ # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size I" ( /I 'ttGt;~ ACRES Ixl lOR I FRONT FEET DEPTH 6. Seller Name Brooks Brian FIRST NAME LAST NAME f COMPANY Brooks Nancy LAST NAME f COMPANY /1 FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately descr!J'8s th~~~;~~,e Pi.:9'~ aUhe..tfi11e of sale: I' 1/ //,"'J( \/ / ~,'.'- //,'" , A~oneFamilYReSidential 'E~ Awiculturaf ;/~ I ~ CDmmunityService B 2 or 3 Family Residential F Co'~~J) J Industrial C Residential Vacant Land G Apartment K Public Service D Non-Residential Vacant Land H Entertainment I Amusement L Forest SALE Atl~' 021 11. Sale Contract Date / / Month Day Year 08 '17 02 12. Date of Sale I Transfer I / I Month Day Year STATE (Onty if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48, Subdivision Approvalwas Required for Transfer D 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 I Check the boxes below as they apply: , 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is ih an Agricultural District o o o o 15, Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A B C D E F G H I J o , " " 0 , 0 1 , ,-, . (Full Sale Price is th~ltotal a'mount paid for the Jroperty including personal property. This payment may,be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or oth~ obligations.l Please round to the nerest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate ~e value ~ personal I q 0 I 0 I property Included 10 the sale, ; . ASSES Il\IFi I'lN , O",a shOUUlrefleQtleJal J'I 13. Full Sale Price Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a SeHer Buyer or Seller is Gove~nment Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Belowl Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 16. Year of AsseSsment Roll from which information taken ssment Rol ilnd Tax Bill 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I 18. Property Class 2 1, 0 I-LJ 19. Sohool District Name 1 (' u-l c (,\ U(lluJ 20. Tax Map Identifier~sl J Rollldentifier{sl eN more than four, attach sheet with additional identffier(sJ) 1000-097.00-~7.00-014.000 .),-, 0,01 , j j cn- 7-/4- " . ...- . . I ta;l\~klAtll)t,l:.:,~.1 I certify that all of the items of infonnaoon entered on this fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful f~ statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY , BUYER SIGNATURE P.O. Box 455 ,,01 // ,j./ It: ,,:, ""~:-' .,./-,4t(,.f"- DATE LAST NAME 08/7.(.l02 O'Connor .1 1001 Beebe Drive .."" "'~' &<;,{ ARSA.Gt!ft)E STREET NUMBER Cutchogue STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) NY 11935 erry OR TOWN ZIP CODE (/ <.KSELLER .~ (;<( ,e z/ /, ( / d'C 08/ z.q02 ,~ .\/ ./ ,_.<,~- DATE _\..1'" SELLER SIGNATURE ;/"--! ~. ./ --'7 ;;. Joseph J. FIRST NAME )- ", 0 '/75- )(1; TELEPHONE NUMBER -w" . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mil IIIIIIIII~ 1111111111111 SUPPOLlt COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OJ'J'ICB BCORDING 'ACm Type 01: :tD.~:r:tIIII8ll.t: DBBDS/mm RuIIblIr of ....: ... TUJlSJ'BR TAX NUKBBR: 02-12962 R.corded: At. LXBBR: 'ASBI 10/28/2002 12.53.32 ... D00012217 1"0 Di.tr:l..ct: 1000 Section I Block: 097.00 07.00 RY~ AND CKARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 014.000 D.ed .AIIal:IuIlt: Page/Pilillg COB D. -C'l'Y 'fP-58" ItP'1' Tr_.f.r tax Received the 1'011owing P... I'or Above XDat:r:tllll8ll.t Bx8lllpt 110 JlaDdlillg 110 D'S StnlCBG 110 D.-STAR NO Cert.Copie. 110 BC'.L"M NO coma.Pre. I'ee. Paid. $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 !Ix,""",t 110 NO 110 NO 110 NO '.rIWmPD TAX R'lDIBBRI 02-12962 THJ:S PAGB XS A PARl" 01' TBB INS'1'RtlHBIlT Bd.ward. P. JI.oIIIaiDe eo:mty Clerk, SUffolk County