HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 157 .~ . , , Ll24-2~ P /57 .. 'w . q,- (;-'$ . . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE BIGNlNG THI8IN1TRUIIENT.THIS INIlR1IMENT IIIOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, mBdethe ~ deyof December, 2005 BETWEEN NANNETTE M. FEVOLA, reeldlng et 755 HlIIbor Lane. Cutchogue, NY 11935 1:>",,,. party of the first part, end 111'::11 SCIACCHITANO and CYNTHIA SCIACCHITANO. husbend and wife. both rallding at 240 Donna Drive, Mattltuck, NY 11952 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the Drat part. in conaldaraUon of TEN ~d nafl00ths ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second part, doa& h8l8by grant and relllllse unto the party of the 88COl'Id part, the hairs or IUCCeslors end allignl of the party of the second part forever, ALL that cartain plol, place or pan:el of land, with the buildings and imp~ th8lllOll erected. Iltuata. lying end being In the SEE SCHEDULE MAB ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the IBme pramllel conveyed to the party of the first part by dll8d made by Richard Favo/a and Nannetta M. FlMIIa dated February 10, 2000 and recorded February IS, 2000 In Liber 12020 cp 820. TOGETHER wllh all right. tIlIe and 1n....1, If any, of the party of the first part In and to any slrelltll and roads abutting the above dllllcribBd premllel to the cenl8r Ilnlllllhereof: TOGETHER wllh the appurtenances and ell the ..lata and rlghlB of the party of the first part In and to IBid premllel; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preml&8l heraln granted unto the party of the aacond part, the hen or IUCCIIlIaors and _Igna of the party of the I8COnd part forever. AND the party of the first part _III thet the party of the fnl part has not done or BUffered enythlng whereby the IBid premiBllll have been encumbered In any way whataver. except as aforIIlIaid. AND tha party of the fIra1 part, in compllllllCll with Sectlon 13 of the Lien Law. covenenIB that the party of the fint part will receive the conBidllRltlon for thill conveyance and will hold the right to receive IUch con&lderetion 81 e lru&t fund to be applied fnl for the purpOl8 of paying the cost of the Improvement and wllapply the sema fot to the payment of the cost of the Improvement bafora ulIIng any part of the tol8l of the IBma for eny other purpose. The word "party" shall be conelnled as If It reBd "partl.." whenever the sense of thilllndantura 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the hi part hllll duly executBd this daBd the day and year fnt above wr1ttan. ~ Ht. ~_ NANNETTE M. FEVOLA . ..' ....1 .. .. .' " I' ":', . ":I " ,1" . ,. :I" ~'I i.....I..1 .... :.,: ,::: I .1 I " i.- .," I,,:, .~; I " ." I_I . , ' o. .,', " ...., ,'. ." : .. ," . . __.!..:' ~~.. . .. .. '. I. ~. ...... ~ . _ ..L..... . _. -- FIDELITY NATIONAL TI'tLE"INSURANcEt:bmMri" 1TI'LE NO. 05-7~w.stJIIF SCHEDULE A.l ~"".) ALL that certain plot, piece or pan:cl of land, situalC, lying and being at Cutchogue. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described u follows: BEGINNING at I point on the boundary line between land now or formerly of Koubek and land of Tuthill North 75 degrees 10 minutl!S 10 seconcIs Eat 252,20 feet Ilongsaid boundary line from the euIIlI'Iy line of Harbor Lane, said point of beginning being the northeasterly corac:r of land conveyed by KllI!bek to Meinen, from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE Ilong said land of Tuthill North 75 degrees 10 minullllIO seconcIs But 353.&0 feet toonlinuy high water mark of Eugene'l Creek; llIENCE Southerly IIICI then easterly and then lOuthealcrly IIon8 said Iiigh water mark 400 feet more or less to land of Swling;' . , llIENCE Ilongsaid land of Sterling. South 75 degrees 10 minullll 10 seconds West 541 f~ to land conveyed to PIOI; THENCE Ilong ~id land and II000gland of Meinen, Nonh 2S degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West 203,35 feet to the poinlorpl_ofB~INN~G., , TOOE1lIER with I sixteen '(16) foot ript of way 11011& said land of Tuthill over Slid IancI of Meinen from the nor,1hwesterly comer of the premises westetly about 252 feet to Harbor Lane. , . . ~ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS ...anE IN NEW YORK STATE ll/8l8 of New York. County of Suffolk On the ~ dlIy of December In the y8lIr 2005 before ml. Ih8 undellignlld. .--wily eppeerecI NANNETTE M. FEVOIA perwIIIIIy kmMI tlI me or pIlMld to me on the b8Ils of 8IIlIIfllClDly evidence tlI be the Indlvidualla) whoee I111lII8(a) Is (are) -..bIcIlb8d 10 the within lnatrument end lICIcnowIedged 10 me lhel hIIIlh8Ilhey 8llIICIIlIId the _ In hIaIherIlh8ir capecity(lell). end th81 by hleIherllhelr signalure(a) on .... lnalrument. the Indivldu8l(a). or the peraon upon b8h8If of which the incIlvldual(s)" 8llIICIIlIId ....1naIIunBI1. (a1g~re end ~ ~lvIdual"';'ng lICIcnorAadgmenQ NOTARY PUBLIC u: 81818 of New York. County of On the dlIy of In the y8lIr BeIonl me. the uncIeralgned, P8f8OI\IIIIy appeared PeIlOlllllIy known 10 me or pIlMld tlI me on the b8aIa of ..Iilof-.lll.., evidence 10 be Ih8 indlvldu8l(a) whoee name(a) Ie (Ire) aublc:rlb8d 10 the w1lh1n InatrurnenI end 8CIcnllIIAedged to me lhel hIIIlh8Ilhey 8ll8Cul8d the "1118 In IIIIIh8dIh8ir capecl\y(lea). 8ncI lh8I by hlllherMelr 8I01\IIIUI'I(e) on .... 1na1rum8nI. the 1nd1vldu81(a). or the peI8OI1 upon beh8If of which thelndlvlclu8l(a) 8CI8d, 8llIICIIlIId ....ln8lnllll8nL u: (a1g1lllbn 8ncI offtce of Indlvldlllllllldng BCkno\"Aedgment) MARY KO(AI(OWS<l NoIBIY~NV No. OtK()qS7006Sl1ffu1kCly. Comm.=res~ept.2,200lr TO BE USED ONLY WHEN ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 "AnE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STAlE 81818 (or DIalrIcl 01 Columbl8. Tenllory. or Forelgn Countly) 01 u: On the dlIyof In the y8IIr before me. the undenIgned. peraoneDy eppellred personeDy ~ tlI me or pllMld tlI me on the beIIIII of lo8lIaf8cb~ evId8nc:e 10 be the IndlvldU8~a) who88 name(a) Is (are) aubacrtbed 10 the wIIhIn In&l/Umenl8ncl8Clcnllwlldged 10 me lhellHll8hellhey 8llIICIIlIId the urneln hIlIIhel1lh8lr CllIp&Cily(Iea). end lh81 by h1a1h8lllh8lr lIIgn8Iure(a) on the lnabument, the IndIvldU8l(a). or .... person upon behan of which the Indlvldu8l(a) 1ICl8d. 8llIICIIlIId the inatrumenl. andlh8l auch individual m8de lIUCh eppeerence before the undel8lgned In the In (lllHIIlhe CIly or other poIilicel aulIdhIlalon) (anl _lhe Sl8I8 or Ccu1IIy or olher ......lha acru-redg_ _ "ken) (IIgna\ur8 end ofI1ce of Inllvldu8ll8kklg eclcucMlldgment) Title No. DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 097.00 BLOCK 08.00 LOT 008.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS NANNETTE M. FEVOLA TO DAVID SCIACCHITANO & CVNTHIA SCIACCHITANO Recorded al Requaal rI COMMONWEALTH LAND T1TLE INSURANCE COMPANY Tn- IT_FaWOF___OFTI1UU_._.... DIIIlIbuIIId by O Commonwealth "1.AND.~~.>>oy Sladjllkl & TI8I'Il8y. PLLC P.O. Box 479 Rlverhead. NY 11901 ca.wa..'WEALTH I.\NDTIrU 1.-.'ICIl COloIPANY I:l ~ I ~ III '" ~ i I i , .... ..... Number of pqeI TORRENS Serial II Cenincalell Prior Of. II Deed . Mort.. l~menl Deed , Mongagc Tax. SllImp 3 Page , Piling Pee FBES Handling s .DlL TP-S84 NOllllion EA-S217 (Counly) EA-S217 (SllIle) Sub ToIllI ~4)- R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. S. JIlL Affidavil Cenified Copy Rea. Copy Other 1000 4 Oislriet Real Propo:ny Tax. Service Ageru;y Verification Sub Total ClrIInd Total J"~ ., onn'" "''' .........-- Og700 0600 008000 .. SlIIisfactionlOilc:halJlCslRe1easc Lisl Property OWIICI1 Mailing Add.....ss REt.'OKD & llETIlKN TO: SLEDJESKI & TIERNEY. PLLC P.O. Box 479 Riverhead, NY 11901 7 Co. Name Tille /I . , RErolDED 2005 Dee 29 04: 28:26 PM Edward P.Roraiine a..ERKlF Slf'FOlK COllfTY L 000012428 P 157 Drl 05-21318 ReconIina' filina Slaml'" MortJlll&C AmI. I. Billie Tax. 2. Addilional Tax Sub 1'0101 Spcc:.' Alsil. or Spec. , Add. TOT. MTa TAX Duol Town _ Dual Counl)' _ Held for Appoinllm: 1_ Transf'cr Tax Ifl!, . Mansion 'I'.IX The p....peny by Ihis mll1llagc is or wiD be i proved by a on~ llr IWll family dwelll only. YF.s or NO __ If NO, see opp 'OIC lax elous~ 1111 paac II f this iOSlmmclI1. 5 Considmlion Amounl 166 000.00 CPl' Tax 0 It, $ 20 ,320.00 Improved X VlIClInl Land _ TO ID TO : TO nile Company InronnatJon t. 8 I.. & Endorsement Pa e Suffolk County Recordin DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMIlNT) This poae fornu; part Dr the Olllll:hed NANNETTE M. FEVOLA ,,'-n mudc by: The p",misis herein is siluoll:d in . TO ~A\6! SCIACCHITANO ih~ CYNTHIA SUFFOI.K COUNTY, NHW. YORK. In the TIIWDShip IIr SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE SCIACCHITANO, husband and wife Dr HAMLET Dr CUTCHOGUE BOXIlS II THROUGII8 MUST BF. TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 Rf:.CORDING OR FILING ~ IlIverJ IIUIIIIIII 111111111111111 1111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUI'FOLK comrn CLBRlC RBCORDS OI'I'J:CB RBCORDJ:HG PASB Type of Xnstrument: DElmS/ODD Number of Pages: . Receipt Number : 05-013.389 TRABSI'BR TAX HUMBER: 05-21318 Recorded: At: 12/29/2005 04.28:26 PM LIBBR: PASB: D00012428 151 District: SectiODI Bloclu Lot. 1000 097.00 06.00 008.000 1!Y~HBD AND I"'Il'UGID AS I'OLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,166,000.00 Received the l'ollowiDg Pee. I'or Above XDstrument Bxempt ....'""lPt Page/Ii'iling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SJlCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.COpies $0.00 NO JlPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $4,664.00 NO ManSiOD Tax $11,660.00 NO Co=D.Pres $20,320.00 NO Pees Paid $36,796.00 'l'JlANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR: 05-21318 '1'HXS PAGB XS A PART Oli' 'l'HB INSTRUIIBN'l' TBJ:S IS NOT A BILL Bel.arc! P.Jlomaine County Clerk, Suffolk County - PI:EASEfVPE-CnIPRI:SS FfAM[YWHe-,\rW~mI\lG-oN FOh""M- -- . INSTRUCTIONS: http://_.orps.stato.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUIlrTY'USE ONLY C,.'-_ 1~r;.3..~,g.rl cz. Dlde DeId R...~ I /::> ., .;z 7, o~ ~ -.- VIIIr CI._ II ,-"" ~ .:z. qjc:..p_' . /,r,~1 PROPERTY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE lIP __ STAlE _ OF ~PROPEII1Y_ RP . 5217 u.J217IM "", '-~I 755 --. ,,.,.,-.-.. Harbor Lane ..-":1 NMM: z. ...,., ..... ~ld _DO Sc111CCh1tano ~~~ua - I." ~....v€ -- Ia. IAR"-" ICCMWft' Sc111CCh1tano Cynth1a ....- lAIn IilAlC/ggwl'M'l' I. T.. ___T..BI~.."'too_ , ..... W__Iluvor_IoI_"__ -- LMT""~ ........... --.J al""_AllrDITfI'IITNMII! .. ........ ... IMIrnMr 01 . --...nt RaI....- .........ol.. __ _00_ 1 , lor PI"'" OR 0 Pin oil PI...I . 11"11. _c:.aIK .. =.., I - -..... Ixl ...... IORI 2.1 6 , '.ad" lOoIr. _ 01. '"'""" _ ..........,. oa._.__s......_AuIIIorIIyf*s 0 411."tf'_AppmoI_RoquIIodIorT_ 0 4C._~IorSu__Mop_ 0 ..- - Fevola LUT'" IaMWft' Namette M. ...-r_ lAIT......'_ 1ft ...:.....,.. ,z. Dolo 01_' T_ ,12 - , ol:f I 05 DIy .- . -...--..........,. .. 0wn0rIhIp Typo 10 CandomInlum I ~ Cammunoly So_ .. _ConolnIolIon on v_ Uond J _ ,M. "- L..-_..As.-..r_ K ...- Soovlco ,.. ............. 1-"_ -... I. F.... ......._lIloonAgoiaant_ 11. ChIII& _ or .... ,,__ ,.",... rr- .. .-...: ^ ---.._- B _ _ RoI_ Componiol.. _In__ C _ 01... IIuyoro 10 llou I -. () ~ or _10 ___ Agency.. Londng__ I! Oood Typo nil W......., .. .....n ond _ lSpocIIy _ I' _ oI_..Loa........ _ CSpooIIy_ o lIIgnIficonl ChonIIIIo "'- _ T_ _ ond Solo Do H _01_11""'-10&010_ I DIhor U.....I FICllln _"II _I'rIoIISpocIIy _I J Nono o o o o J.__....___-. ....'___01__....._01..10: A~ OnoF__iol II 2..IFomiIy_ C _nIlol_ Lond I) _idonlill V_ Lond I SALE INFORMATION I n. ___ I!~Atlricul1u'ol I' Com.......1 o Aponmonl II E......lnn~1/ Am_ I 10 - ,15 .... I 05 ... , 1 , 1 . 6. 6. O. Q 0 0 . 0 I , , . IFulI &010_..... _1_ fOld lor Il1o .......'" InoIudlng _I "'-'Y. 1l1li poymonl_ too 10 ....Iorm "'_ ..... _ or....... or'lla ..mpllon 01 __..__ ~I __10"'"___..-. '''___01_ I .0.01 ___10__ . ASSESSMENT INfORMATION. OaIIlhould reIIlCI Ibl II.al Finol _mini Ron .nd To. Bill 'J.fuII__ I"Y_ol~ ......--10.4 IlJ.T...._V_1ol........1o_1 _L......_u...._ , ; 1 1 0 0 01 , ,s. ,,-,,_ 12.1. l!j-LJ '1.___' Ilettltuck.Q/tchogue .T.......~...IIl'__P1___.___ 'M' ..._. 1<m-aJ7 .oo.ai.oo.ml.lXXl I I CERTIFICATION I 1--,..... ..or... _or....................... ...._............ _,........... u1'1IlJ ................. bdldllIIlIl__............. or.., ..... ... _ or _1iId _ .... ..hjorI.. .. .... _........._ "'... ..... low _-................ .... or_ ...._ !!l!Xi!! BUYER'8 ATTllIlNEY ~~I~/I~ J,S'/; ~~ LAN6 . r......... NAIll rAnt" t\) ---.J Sledjesk1 ThcIIBs ....- -,... 631 727-1515 ......... .-- aTA. .. ~ ~.jwJ4 1WIIl__ I/~tII,;S'" NEW YORK STATE COPY