HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 189 ,. " " ,.. r. , .- -(realls".... '1tt( ;.;L~O . ~'f. IIIAIIstflll i /,1, ~tI ~unl~)t 6"1 N ~" ~,() LJ2Lf26 PI'l?q O.u.tMet 1000 Se&.C.on 091.00 Btoek 06.00 Lot 001.000 o 1- ~~ 7 I FUlm 11:002 {3I001- B.rpi. aad S.le Deed. .'11b C:OVCDIIIll 'pin" GQlIIIO". ACI. - Individual or Curporaliua. (SialiC' dCOl) CONSULT YOUR ..-TER BEFORE SIGIING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTRUIIENT IMOULD BE USED BY UIWYERS ONLY. NOllembeJI. TillS INDEN1'URE,modethc 14th doyor ~ . IIETWEJ::N AMES D. RESSA and JACQUELINE RESSA. his wife f81'ding 8117 Pap&mlill RoIId, Pl8ndoma Manor. Haw York 11030 2005 ODd poll)' of Ihc Iirst pan,and RESSA FAMILY, LLC. with a11ic81 al 191 Main SI..... Pall Wallhlngton, Haw York 11050 party .r ,he ...,.,.... pan, W ITNt:SSt:"fII. IIw the put)' orlhc rUl. pon. i. cor..i.....,;.. or.... dollln ond ....., wluablc .....d.'."oo paid 11)' IhI: pony .. c.r.he """"'" par~ does hcnby ....: 1liioi ,0:1..... ""0 .he pony or.he _ pan, th. h.i.. or ..........and uotans .rthe party .r .be ...IIDII pon rom..,. I\LL.haI .....inplOl. picoc or......I.rlond. with ,he buildi... ond imp",..mCIIII_.naod,.iIuo",lyinJ and brill& in.... SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE 'A' FOR LEGAL DESCRIPnON. SAID PREMISES bBing known.. 32852 MAIN ROAD, CUTCHOGUE. HEW YORK 11935 THE WITHIN PREMISES 81'8 aoId IUIljecl to lh8 following: ,. Mor!gllllalllllda by Am88 D. R8888 8nd ~ina _ to W8Ihington Mulual88nk, FA, In lh8 amount aI $ dBl8d llMI2OO2 and racordod 2J112Oll3 in Uber 20299 Mp 658. 2. Morl9a9alllllda by Am88 D. _ 8nd J8cqueina _10 W88hing\Dn MUlUal 88ok, FA, In lh8 8Il1CUnI 01 $93.80, dalod 8I2J2Oll3 and racolll8d 2I28l2OO4 in lJb8r 20681 Mp 939. 3. Consolidation. ModiIIc8lIon, 8nd EXl8nSIon Agr88mant mada by Am88 D. R8ss8 and .l8r:qU8llno _ to Wallhington MuluaI88nk, FA, d8Iod lI/2I2IlO2 and I'8CIIIlI8d 2J28I2OlI4 in Uber 20661 Mp 940. ConaoIldI88d ~a8 1 8nd 2 to Ionn a slng18 h8n In 1118 amount 01 $1,000.000.00 and 8Xl8nds .....lh8l8rm oIlh8 88mB. TOOrnlER with oil lith.. '"lo.nd In....... irony. arr... party arr...li... pan, in ond lO.ny ........nd modI.....Ii...lhe _... .....'ibo:d prt'IIlbcs.. lhc _Iino._r; TOGETIIER..ilh Ihe oppun_ and oIllhc...... and riahll oft... po.,y of,... r.... I"'" In and In ...id .......i..l; TO "^VE ^NO 1'0 IIOLD Ihe premises _in pIlnled .'".. .... pany or.he ....ad pan. the ""10 .. .............,d _tano.r.he panyurlhc....,nd pan f__. ^:'<IIl.he party .r.... rnll p;uI co.......,.lha.th. pa"y nrlhc nlll pan hu 00' do..... ,.IIr.n:d onylhillJl ,,'hcn:b)'lhe..id pn:mi... I...... been ..-nbcr'Cd .n ...y ....y who"""", ....... 01 .r......id. JOV I'lIbllOD DeI"\$03I.' QO\IAlIll.'2lOU EXbI182 alll.'QWl*_ fPBD' . ~ -~.~"'iIeIIIIIIopoil. in COAIpIuInoc ..,:II Sct:1ion I] c.r lhc LiCIII~_i"'~WlII ....."" '110 , ~' , oJ, ....willha...theri&hllonoceivo.....COIItillil~.~~. r...rordloJlUl'llOlC "1. .... .BJ.'tl... t Vtf.awiu I ond "Ill apply ,he ..... 0... 10 lhc pa. TJ;E r.... ..",OIIy pan .,f ,he ....1 nr.hc II!"" for OIly Glher ~. 'n", ....... ".ny" .hlll ... ........... IS ifi. ...0001 ''\'Ilnics'' ...henrv" Ihe ...... of thu indcn.;ft .. ""l.,..... . . . IN WITNESS WHERt:OF.lhc party of!hc fi.llpa" h.. duly.........'bl.dccd Ihe day IOd)'Clil 0... aha... ...n:r.n. I ...Iti'!lI:Hl.:eW.: .~ / \ " . " " '. " .:" . . . " SCHEVULE NAN ,A1111lat mrtiIIn plat, pletle or PIal fllInd, sIIuIIle, Ip1g MIl ...... ~ In tile TDwn d 5cUhaId. ,Caunly flWl'aIk Ind StIle fI New Yark. baunded IIId ~L.d . .... -, . BEGINNING It I paint tile ~ Ine fI MlIIn RoId It the 1/IIIlI5KtIDn wIh the ~. ...., amer fIll1nds now llI' ru...1eIfy fI Havden F. AIen IIId LaIs B. Allin, SlId pcMt fI beginning I. being 50 feet nartt.sIIlo~ IIDng SlId Ine fI MIIn RoiId from tile I1llI1herIr carner or lends now or rannerty fIIl1le 0lIdIague0New SIBaIk HI 1l>-1cII 0uM:II. Jnc:. (OI!I Burying Graund)i ' RUNNING llIENCE UIng SlId IInds I\CIW or rannerty fIl HIyden F. Allen end LaIs B. AI/In Ihe lbllaMlg two (2) allIIIeS IIId clistallQ!l: . 1. SauItI 44 degrees 37 minutes :zo ...1lIs fast, 585.25 feet lD I monUllllllll; Ind 2. North 76 degJeel35 minutes 50 -.GIlds EIIt. 126.45 reet ID I IIlClIlLIIIeIIt Ind tile sout"UKIa~ line fI IlInds now or lbnnIrIV fI JlIIIIIIIIIn H. AIen lniI WInIbItIl L SmIth; i RUNNING THENCE"" II1II lands I\CIW or 1\....., fA JonIIhIn H. Men Ind WlnlbettI L SmIIh tile rallowing , two CDUllllIIId distances:. . : 1. ScUh 48 degrees 59 minutes 10 IKIlndS EIIt. 231.50'" lit I monument Ind : 2. ScUh 59 degrees 59 minutes 10 -:IllI1lIs fast, 140.16 fIlIlt lit I .. or ....Ihe shcn of East Creek ; IMI Eugene's CnIeIc; ! RUNNING THENCE aIang SlId fast Creek, mare or less, the l'olbNllllllWo (2) a1Urse5 Ind cIIlIt.la!S: i 1. 5cdh 30 degrees ZO mlnullS 36 5elXIII1ds West. 26.70 feet; 1tId. .2. Sautb 06 degrees 08 m1nlDS 46 secDllds West, 26.70 reet ID the northerIr side d IIndI now or l'clmBIy rI : Nanette M. ftMlIa: RUNNING THENCE IIong Slid IInds now or lbnnerIV fIl NIInIIIIl M. fevoIIlnd arilnulng IIcq "ndlnow or lbnnerly fIl Glen L NIers and Doovtl., L PeIIerI" South 75 dtv 1110 mIrIItes 10 IIlClllIldI West" 107.38 feet ID. pipe l'ound IItthe ~IT .~ I, line fI tfIrbor lMIe; , RUNNING THEHCE IIong Slid HIrbDr line" Narttl33 degnles 43 min.- 00 SeclDIllIs West 518..... ....lD the SDutherIr carner rlllnds now 01' IannerIr fIl11le CUIdlague New SIIIbI& ,an D ...... CDlIld. Jnc:. (Old Burying Gnlund);' . RUNNING TllENCE IIDng SlId IInds IlllW or ro.,.1IIIy fl1be OiIdlague-New S&<<oIk HlslDofall CalId, Inc:. (Old BuryIng GralnI) tile l'aIIowIng '- (2) alUlllllIId cIIsbI... 1. NoIth &0 _us 5] mRIIIls 10 IIlClIIldI EIsI, 247.96 l'eetlD a pipe; end '2. NoIth 40 _I!I 03 minutes ZO .xlods West. 297.3 l'eet lD tile SlUt tll'ly rille fIl MIIn RaId; Ind RUNNING 1l8ICE IIang SlId MIIn lad, NaIth 45 dIgI T 44 ~ 001llCDl1CIs EIst. 50.00 feet ID tile paint 01' pIICIl.rI BEGINNING. . Ackn_dg_tt....n In .....York S_ Slale at New Vottc, County of ~~...' -: .. _ . ss: . . I ,.... NovubeJt.i . On the -KRday of ~~.1 JII.. .in lhe yeer 2005 . before me, I"" undtnlgned, personally appellllld . AMES D. RESSA.nd JACQUELINE RESIA perIClIIlIIIy IuIawn 10 me at proved 10 mo on I"" bills 01 aallsl8ClOly lWIdence 10 be lhe Indlvldual(l) _ nemll(l) lire (arel lubICIlblldlO Iha wtl/lIn InllrUment and ec:krawllKlglld 10 m. Ihal IIIIllIIIII!lhay axecuted lhe lam. In ltIlIIllWnh.lr esp.clly(lal), and that by a1l111alheir Ilgnature(l) on IhI ,"slrumenl, Iho IncflVidualCI) at IIlI palllOn upon behall of which the Indlvldual(l) lellld. a 1/18 I I1rument. ARMJR~........ ""~iDuem8~M ~ In MuMU_.., . J .,..., EIDlI'M-' Ackn Wg_nt by"Su_blng W11n... ta"'n In ..... YorkS_ Slate of New Yotk, Counly of , bolore me. On IIlI day 01 , in tha year the undtnignlld. penonally appaallld lho sublc~bong __ 10 th. loregorng IlIIlrumenl, with whom I 1m pal'llOllally acqullinted. who blmg by mB duly sworn, did deplll8 and say, 1""1 h8IlIhellhey IUllidotl) In lnat h....l1eIlhey know(s) 10 be IhD Individual _bed In and who .xecuted the lonIgoIng Instrumenl: 1""1181d IUbsaiblng wttnns was prellnl and laW I8Id elClCU\a I"" I8me: and Ihall8ld wilnal 111/18 18mB l1ITle subscrfbod hislhC!rnhl~.lIIIme(s).. a wltn... rnerelo. Tille No: Firsl Ame~can rlll8lnl. Co.fIllle No.: 3001-103409 AMES D. RESSA and JACQUELINE RESSA TO RESSA FAMILY, LLC Distributed by Chicago "ndc Insurance Company Ackn_dgomant Iaken In .....York S_ Sleta of ..... Yarll, County 01 NIII8U , II: '- ~O~~, On tha \ d.yof S~."'''''' . in Ihe year 2005 , before me. IIlI und......d. pal1lOllllly a_red STEPHEN A. RESSA paI'IIOIl8lly IuIawn 10 me or proved 10 me on 1/18 basil 01 18l1slaclory 8YId8nca 10 ba the IndIvldU8lOO _ nameOO II JOltlO(lublcllblld to lho within inslnm8n1 and acknowladglld 10 mo thaI h'- .xecullld Iha sama In hl~ capacltyMl( and Ihal by hllll\lllOGllt Ilgn8lUre(1O on Ih. instrument, Iha Indlvldual(s) at tha pal'llOll upon bahlIlI of which lhI indiYidualOO 1ICI8d. axllCUl8d lhe Inllrulllll1l. ~, ~(#l _..... UEAIf1CEII... - PubIIa.... at N..__ -.. No. 01111481"-'" . QuIIIIIId In ___ 0IIIIClIr '1.. 0...... 'JT'-n... 8....~.-. _" AcknowlMlgamen1Ia"'n outalde New York S_ . II: 'StaID of . County 01. 'Cor insan DII1~ct of Columbia, T.nnory, POISOISion at FotaIgn Country) II: . before InD. On the dey 01 , In I"" YIIIr IIlI undellllgned. palllOnaI1y appaallld PII'IIOIl8IIy '"-' 10 me at proved 10 me on the basis of I8ti.factory avIdonoe to be Ih8 Indivldu.~I) whoIo narna(s) IS (are)lublcnblKllO Ih8 wnhln Inllrumem and ack.-llldglKllo ma lhaI heIIhellhey ex8CUl8d the sarno In hllllher/lhalr es;lllCity(III). and lhaI by hllllh8r/lha1r signaluraCs) on lhe InalrUmenl, l/I8 Indlvldual(s) or lh8 pal'llOll upon beheK or which lhe Indlvldual(s) actall, exlCUlod tha inslrulllllnl, and IhaI such Individual medo such appoaranca belor8lha undlrslgnaclln Ih8 (lIdd lhe cily at political subdiYillion and the 1818 at counlry or olhIr p1acal/18 actcnowIldlllmllll was IIkIn). DISTRlC1 1000 SEC110N 097.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 007.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK COUNTY RETURN BY MAIL TO: RESSA & AIlKEN. ESQS. 33 MaIn S\rael PM Washlnglon, Naw Yotk Alln: SI8ph8n A. RoI8a. Esq. Zip No. 11050 'i i R u .. IE l!; III " 2 i .. I '" I .. ll! " . " .. , . . f RECOROEfI 2005 Dee 13 02:01158 PI! Edward P,RoHine ClERIC (F SUFFOlJ( COlIfTY L 000012425 P 189 DT' 05-19067 . , Number of pages TORRENS Serilll # Cenificate # Prior Clf. # Deed / Monca&e InslrUmenl Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp "'EE.li RI:l:ordill& / Filina SIIunps 3 Grand lbtal I Mongaae AIIII. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax SubTotal SpeciAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held forAPPOin~ r-- Transfer Tax 01'- Mansion Tax L The propeny covcn:d by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwellill& only. YES or NO If NO. liClC appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. P-oIgc / Filing Fee Handlina TP-584 5. 00 6- Notation / t:>, 76 = ?D=-" Sub Total EA-52 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (State) Comm. of Ed. Amdavil Cenified Copy NYS Sun:hll/'&e Other 5. 00 R.P.T.S.A. 15. 00 Sub Total 4 Disl.ID Real Propet1 Tu Service Agency Verification. , . roD 5 CollUllllDlty F...Je.....tIoD I'aIuI CPF Tax Due Improved 6 Salisfac:lionslDiscluugcslRcleasc:s LiS! Propeny Owners Mailina Address RECORD a RETURN TO: Vacant ~ TO /0 Qe~a. ~ it.j+l<en, E"~s.. 33 main .Sff.ee.+- "'''0(+ Wo.Shrormn / AJ Y 11050 atI1l: S-fephefl -A. Q~ I DQ. ~::me 300/-1 3 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e bet1 lSPECI~TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) TO TO 7 Title Com I 8 'The premises herein is siloaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~ TO. ,,,,,_,,,~~J.. t"sSQ -+all I: I ~ t.Lc.., In lhe VILLAGE C:.t..clGh llrHAMLETof ~ BOXES Ii THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO R' RDING OR FILING. Cover) made by: 11111I11111I DIIIIIII BIIIIIII 11111 11I1 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPFOLK COUNTY CLERIC. RECORDS OpnCE RECORDIHG PAGE Type of In.trument; DBBDS/DDD NUmbe~ of Page.1 4 Receipt HUmbe~ : 05-0129271 TRANS PER TAX BOMBER: 05-19067 Recorded.; At; 12/13/2005 02101158 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012425 189 Di.t~ict: Sectiolll Block I LotI 1000 097.00 06.00 007.000 .v"UIIlIBD Ala) CBARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed. AIDouI1t I $1.700.000.00 Received. the Po11owing Pee. Po~ Above In.t~t B,v-..pt --..pt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Hand.liDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO !IA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copie. $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 NO SC'l'JI $0.00 NO T~an.fe~ tax $2.800.00 NO Man.ioll Tax $17.000.00 NO COIIIIII.P~e. $31.000.00 NO Pee. Paid. $50.952.00 TRJINSPBR TAX NOIIBBRI 05-19067 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' '.rBB INSTR1DIBN'1' THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdw.~ P.Romaine County Cle~k. Suffolk County ;- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpll.at8te.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY tJ.41 go, .3 d I, REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Ct. SWI8 Code D. . I STATEOF__ STATE_OF REAL-.nv_ C2. Da'- _ R..._ l.!l J (;> I ~ CI._k~C4."-II,~ PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 IIP-AI'......"" "=1 32852 ".11"-' JlAIN ROAP ........... CUTCHOGUE a"GlfCIIIiI ...... 11935 ...... z. ...,.. - RESSA FAMILY. LLC LMfU.I_lf'411 ....r~ I.AIT__,__ IW -- :LT.. 1___r.IIiIo....IIo_ I ..... W__...,.._III_"'_ -- UlI.....'COWM't -- InIII!T ........ANDI....'__ crrt 01 TIMN I I I of Po...1o OR D P.rt of. Po.... . IIA11 "1:lCa' ..=." 1 - -"IT Ixl ..... lOR 1 .... 6.9 lOnIr.-"'.___lhow....." 4A. PIoIlllIlll_..... _ AuIlonlyblola 0 4I.StIbd._AppowoI_RoqurodforT_ 0 4C._~for~_"'_ 0 4. ........ ... numIIIr at a_~_ ~...d _....._..lIIO_ ..- - RESSA ...... ....,CDMMIft' AMES P. HIIII""" RESSA LMT..../~y JACllUELINE .,., .... ~ OMfomilr_ B Z..3Fom1Iy_ e RJ...... YICInt LIonet D Non - .. .... VIAnI unci I SAlE INFORMAnON I "....._- n~'-II .. CammIn:iII G A,......... 11-'- 1 ~ CoonmunMr So_ J - K __ L f_ _...___lhow....." .. DwnoIWhlp TwIoIo ~Iuno .. _c:-_ on v_ Lond ,M. "'-IY~_..AgriouIIuroI- ,....,.._.__ar-. ......_.In.. 1I8-.nI- o o o o 7. a-k the...... wNoh ........ ...."...... the 1M of the.....-rtY ...... tI.- III... ,..ChIIII:__......._ .- __ ..- .. ........r.: , N/A , - .., v_ **, 14 , 05 - Oar - --....-..-- SII._ _C<lmpo_.._in__ One "'.... .....10 .... . _ ...,.... _ iI__ Agonoy or Londlng_ DIId T'/IIO'" __ or ....... _ _1SjIIdIy_ _alf_or~_Foo_\8pIIlIfy_ SIgn_ Chongo In "'-" _ T____Dol _allIuoI_IoInal.-In__ 0Ih0r Un_ f_ -. Solo _ISpooIly_, No.. ,1._"''''',_ '3.FuII__ .1,7.0,0,0,0,0,0,01 . , . (foI Solo Prtco .......... _..Id Ia,...._ hodld... __ ._. _...- _110 10 ",.form of -. _, _.r..... or.... ....mption aI mJl1OION 01 other obllgltlonl.l ,..... round 10 ........... dolIIIt MIGIIftf. ,..-......."'..- 1 ,0 ,0,0 I __In__ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON - DaIlI ohoulel ..0... 1...1_ RnII Aa...._ Roll .nd T.. Bill ,...,.."'. ._4--10 5 I.. r....__IoI.....-._1 ...... ......-.... .... . . , .1 .3 .5 .0 .0 , , ,..,,-CIao I 2, I .0 I-L!!J t..___ I MATTITUCIC - CUTCHOGUE .. T.. __ .........../IIoII.....tU"...1wJ Of..... ......... ....... ...... with ......... ....,__1&11 PISTRICT 1000 SECTION 097.00 I BLOCK o~.oo LOT 007.000 I CERTIFICATION I '~_oII"'..._ar_ 1...............lhls_........'""'_I..I........"'IDJ~--.....__,.... ........-...: "'...,___"'__..._........_..IIltDo....... "'.... ....._..""'................"'__ dO. I IlUYEll'S ATTORNEY B \\. \~-ol' .... RESSA -... STEPHEN A. -.- -- Re.u4, II/1114SVL Na.i.n SbLr.e.t .....,................. 516 .....- 944-3000 -- Pollt Illa4h.i.11gton .......- I NY 1 11050 pAn ~CXIIIt r HYi!! ~..I~f~L-le.~ lA.~'4105 IQ.WI iii/;;J;;c D'UC ..... JAC!lUElINE RESSA :.L-J' . NEW YORK STATE COPY -' - j