HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 967 . 't/'.\ I .". \.' .;...: . I l/2L/-13 P4&7 ? o'Iq.oo '!JP~'oo 1- 00 (. q Lf~ ;2 -s . . t--no/q f " , '. I'Olm lIIICJ:! 1_'- 20M -lbIpiollllll s.Io D<<d. whb Coveaa/IIS ....... ""-'. AolI-I.dMduol... CarponIloR, 1'Ii......0 _T_ LAIIftII_ ...._ -na.1_11I_-TllmI..,...- _..... _IIYLAWnM-.Y. and THIS INDENTURE. madclhe 28th day of October, 2005 BETWEEN KIM FALLON, residing at 3200 Soundv1ew Avenue, Mattituck, New York, 11952 I party of lhe fil'Sl pan, and BRIAN PESSIN and DIANA PESSIN, husband and wife, both residing at 310 East 75th Street, ,2A, New York, N~ 10021 party of the second pari. WITNF.ssRTH, Ihallhc pany uf the fil'1l part. in considellllion of len dol""" and ClIher valuable consideralion paid by Ihe party of Ihc ~ part. docs hereby granl and release unlO Ihe party of Ihe second part, Ihc heil'1 or suc:ce1Slll'1 and wigns uf lhe puny of the lICCODd part forever. ALL Ihal certain plol. piece or partel of land. with the buildings and improvemcn\lO thcn:on en:cu:d. situate. lying and being in lhe See Attached Schedule A "7 k. jJr-'ses ).u-e.'~ de;s~'4uJ ",e. -.J ,If!.. ..~.t.J.cI -k>.6... ~ ,j1]'X..L ~5 'f'&,.:. e d.s/!-n'1J..d i",J ~ ,.,.~rJ..J ;" L"~ I~JI" ';1'.1" 71.3 TOGETHER ",ilh all righl. lille and illlerest. if any. of Ihe pany of the fi"'l pan. in und 10 any slreels and n,ad. abulling Ihe abnve.lI.:<crihcd pn:mioc. lu Ihe center line~ Ihereof; TOGETIIER wilh Ihe appunenance~ and all ,h. e.lale and righl~ n"lhe pany nf lhe finl pan in and 10 said pn:mises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premis.:s herein Illlluted unto Ihe plIny..r Ihe ~cond parl.lhe heirs ur'DCCC..ors and w.~ign. or Ihe pany ur the second pun rnrever, AND Ihc pany or Ihe firsl purl eovenan.. Ihallhe pany or the firsl pan hus nnl dnne ..r ""ffered anylhing wherchy lhc ..id pn:mise. have bc:cn encombered in any way whalever. escepl as afore.aid. ANI) Ihe pany..r lhe lirsl pari. in compliance wilh Section 13 or Ihe Lien Law. C(lvenanls Ihallhe purty nr Ihc Ors' pari will receive Ihe consideration ror Ihis conveyance and will hold the rir;hlto receive such con5ider- !llion a. a lru51 "und 10 be applied lirsl ror Ihe purpose or puyinglhe eO.1 or Ihe improvement and will apply Ihe sume first 10 Ihe poymenl or Ihe en'l or Ihe improvement heron: u.ing any pari of Ihe Inial or Ihe .ame fnr any "Iher purpnse. The v,,'rd "parly'. shall be c:"n5lrued a~ ir it rcad "panics" whenever Ihe ~en.. ....thi. indenture 51' require~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe puny nf Ihe firsl pan has duly esceDled Ihi~ deed lhe day and year first "h..ve wrinen. '..7~~<w" /'1 ~ ~ KIM FALLON . r .s- ':. .- . . '. .... . .' Schedule A Description TI~e Numbe~ LT1D198 Page 1 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. sltuate, lying and being In the Town of SOuthold, County of Suffolk and State of New YOrl<, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue at the division line between the hereinafter descrlbed premises and land now or formerly of Jo Michalecko and Robert Roweh;; RUNNING THENCE southeasterly along the last mentioned land the following two courses and distances 1. south 24 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds east 183.85 feet to a point; 2. south 24 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds east 483.46 (Deed) 474 (Tax Map) feet to a point; THENCE south 65 degrees 35 mInutes 50 seconds west along other lands now or fonnerly of Sunbow Associates 430.69 feet to land now or fonnerly of John W. Robinson; THENCE northwesterly along the last mentioned land the following two courses and distances: 1. north 23 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds west 457.40 feet to a point; 2. north 22 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds wesl 37.07 feet to land now or fonnerly of Barbara Kavlarls and Maureen Beirth; THENCE northeasterly and northwesterly along the last mentioned Isnd and Isnd now or fonnerly of Edward Z1mnoski the fOllowing two courses and distances: 1. north 65 degrees 21 minutes 20 seconds east 298.64 feet to a point; 2. north 24 degrees 00 minutes 20 seconds west 183.07 feet to the southerly side of Sound VIew Avenue; THENCE north 71 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds east along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue 119.19 feet to the point or piece of beginning. Said premises known as 3200 Soundview Avenue, Maltituck. ~glIIMfItlll""'ln N.wYork SlIIlII Slale 01 New York. County 01 Suffolk AcIL-*Igemenl taIaIn In New York Stale . as: Slale 01 New York. County 01 .n: On the .:ut clay 01 O~ln Ihe year ~Iore me, the undersigned. peraonally.appured KIM FALLON personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of s8ltslac:tory evidence to be the IncIlvtduallsl who8e name(sl is lare) sub8cribed to the within Inatrument and ackllowladged to me that he'shellhay executed the same in hlslherllhelr capacltylles). and that by hislherllheir slgnaturels) on the Instrument. the indlvldual(s) or the pereon upon behall 01 which Ihe1=~~y' ANN MARIE BRADLEY YOlk NOTARY puBUC. Sla\t of New NO, 01BA8DBiB~9 QUIIIfIBd In N.-u CountY eu..u.1l88Ion ExpIres 3/91fJJX17 Acknowledgement by Subscribing W1lnBaa taIaIn In New York Stale On the day 01 , In the year the underslgned, personally appeared . before me. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis 01 aatJslactory avidlInce to be the indlvldUBlls) whoae namels) Is (are) subscribed to \he wlthin lnsIrument and acknowledged to me that helshellhay execuled the ssme In' hlslherllhelr capaclty(ieS), and that by hislherllhelr signaturels) on the IlIlIInIm8nt. \he IndIYldUBI(s) or the plllSllIl upon behall 01 which the indIvIduaIls) lICIlId.llXlICU\ad the 1nstru"l8!'1. " AckncIwIedlfB!MRt taken outalc\e N_York SlIIlII Stale 01 New York. County 01 . aa: . State 01 . County 01 . ss: . lor Inaart District of Columbia, Territory, Possession Dr Foreign Country) , before me. On the day 01 . in tha year tho undersigned, personally appeared the subsCrIbIng wilnll8ll to the foregoing instrument. with whom I am personally 8Cqualntad. who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say. that helshellhay I'lIIIkle(s) in that halshellhay knOW(s) to be the IncIvkIUBI dBac:ribed In and who lllCllCUIad the foregoing instrument; thai said subscribing witness was preaant and _ said execute the seme; end that said witness at tha aame lime subscribed hlslharAhelr namels) as a witnas.\hBrBto. TiUa No.: I-/" I o"f' Kim Fallon TO Brian and Diana Pessin Distributed ~' Chlcaaontle Insu~~ On the clay 01 . in the year the undersigned, personally appaarad . before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis 01 aatl8IBclory evldanca to be lh8 indlvldualls) whOee namels) Is (ara) subscribed to the within Instrumenl and acknowledged to me that he'shBllhay executed the aame In hl8lherllhelr capacltylie.). that by hi8lherllhelr signaturels) on the Instrument, the Indtvidualla) or \he parson upon beha1I 01 which \he IndMdual(s) aelad. axacutad the Instrument. and thai SUCh Individual madB such appearance before the UndBrslgnad in the (add lh8 cIIy or poIlt1c81 subd1vislon and \he alate or counlry or other place the acknowledgement was lakan). SECTION 094.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 0505.000 COUNTYORTOWN Suffolk Rl!TURN BY MAIL TO: Scott Lavin, Esq. Barton, Barton & Plotkin 420 Lexington Avenue New York, NY Z1pNo. "0170 I I a: ~ a: ~ ~ ~ i i ,.,' :1 .~ . lie . "', . Recordin & Endorsement Pa e d ,..,-~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) . -" ~umber of pages TORRENS :eriolll :erlificulC II 'riorClf./# Deed / Mortgage Instrument . \ 3 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 'age / Filing Fee -fund ling rr_ 5.. 00 t,- ;1/D fP-S84 "olation ;21 ~-52 17 (CounlY) ::A-5217 (Slole) U.T.S.A. -< 15.- ~::... w Sub Totol' :::omm. of Ed. 5. 00 a.ffidavil :::ertified Copy Reg. Copy Olher / J.i.= Sub TOlDI Grand Tolol 4 IPt'.O Dlslnct Real Properly Tax Service Agency Verificolion 1000 Og400 0200 005000 6 SalisfoctionslDischargeslReleases Lisl Propeny Owners Mailing AddRss RECORD'" RETURN TO: 5&>+1 LA-vi 11{ G~. IJkln-, B~4 ~/Dr~'" Lf 1...0 L ~'''.J4.. /Le-,w"t!.- Alt<.v Yo,..Jt.~ /II./. IOI]/) 7 Co. Name "lie It 8 Suffolk Count " This ""gc forms Jlarl of the otlached - K./Yl ,c~ The pn:mises herein is siw:lled ill SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of In rhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU g MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. (over) TO 1;~~ ~~:;i: RECORDED 2005 Die 07 09:41:53 A~ Edward P. RoIaaine ClERK OF SUi'FOl.K CClJIllV L 000012423 p 967 !)n! 05-18167 Recording / Filing Stomps MortgsgeAmt. /. ~ (I' ,. I 1. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Totol SpecJ Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX . Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinunenl Transfer Tax 5/ Co Q Mansion Tax I:le ~ \)-0 TIle property covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page It of Ibis instrume~Or d(' S CommUllity PreHn-adoD FuDd 1 Consideration Amount $ ~ .;2..9a, 1J1It). tI (J CPF Tax Due s ~.:l. ffdZJ.OD Improved ....... Vacanl Land TO /1) TO TO Information ~ made by: :5I1lJ't-L, I d. M uJ,-/ut.1<. 1 1111I111 11m I~IIIIIIIIIII ~III ~IIIIIIII mllDI IIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIII SO'PFOLlt COUN'lY CLBRK: RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of IDstrumeDt. DEBDS/DIlD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0126924 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-18167 Recorded. At. 12/07/2005 09:41:53 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012423 967 District: 1000 Section: Block. 094.00 02.00 lZ'II'a.M:IlfBD AJm CHARGlID AS FOLLOWS $ Lot: 005.000 Deed AlaQI.ID t: Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above IDstrument bempt NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Piling COE IEA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax COIIlIIl.Pres $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $5.160.00 $22.800.00 BRDd.1iDg NYS BRCHG lEA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTII MaDsioD Tax $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.900.00 12Y"""Pt NO NO NO NO NO NO Pees Paid $41.012.00 TRANSPER TAX HCKBER. 05-18167 THXS PAGB IS A PART OP THB I:NSTIlUIIBNT THIS XS HOT A BILL Bdward P.RoIIIaiDe COl.IDty Clerk. Suffolk COl.IDty PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orps.st.te.ny.ul or PHONE 15181 473-7222 F,DR courm USE ONLY i-1:IOI' f Cl. SWIS Code I 1/: -"1, ~ .(, ,( ?I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORIC cz. ....0..,; 0..._ I I t?J 7 I ~.5I STATE - OF RIAL ..-...f SIIMCEI . MOn8'l ..,. Yelr C3. _ I /.~. '/,';,3 C4. ,...I#/, b. '1 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1'=1 3200 ..-.-- Sound view Avenue ...... - Mattituck Cll'YCIITQWN 2. ..... - PESSIN LAIr ...,CZIIIMIIY PESSIN 1A1IT,..../~ I. T.. ......... fuhn T.. .....10 III In -I ____--lIl-lIIforml' - . . . RP - 5217 IIP-III'''~ - 119521 ..- BRIAN -- DIANA ....,IMM: ...., ~'CCMWW -- .r_, ...........llIl5r..... CRY .. 'IOMI ItA1I -- lOnIy....."'.__.....,." 4A............... with c...........ltIIrln AIIhortly &xliii 0 ..__~_......lIorT_ 0 C._~...SI\;t_OIiIh....._ 0 .. IndIcMe the ..... II a._rMnt ReI ..... L_........ ....... ...... 1..._ OR IZJ ....01._ Ixl ..... IORI .. -r:- 3. .;ll .... I.=.., I - .._.FIIT ..- - ~N ,- 1l;T;!r - LAlTMMi'~ ....- -...--.....,." .. ~Typo 1oc:..40.oIo..... .. _ ConoIrucIion '"' v_ ~ IlIA. ",-l-.dOlilhlnonAg__ 1&""'_'___'" ...... _10 in.. AgrIadIunII_ J. a..II:.... boI: ....... which ......_ ..."...... 1M ... of tile properly .... ...... DI air. o o o o A~ DIIIF.mlly__ B 2or3Fom1y_ C ""ldonttol_n1 toncl D Non quid.'" VKanllInd , SALE INFORMATION I 11. __11M. E ~ Agrlc:uOuroI F CGnunIreioI (j ......... H E__I_ I ~ Caonmunlly_ J - II': PuIII;c_ L _ ,I.;;J, 'l.a .b,O.D. 0.0 I , , . lFuU_ _. ...101II_ poId lor... ___ pononol_. TlIi1_ _III in'" form "'...... _ _ or goodI, or IlIo _pilon '" ..-"11I11II orolllor DIllIgoUanoJ __101/10____ ...==:= I . . . . . .0.0.01 AllSES9MENT INFORMATION. o.to .....uld N111C\ Ihl 10_ Flnol_ RoIllnd Tex Bill 12._"'_'''''- J I ~ I 1(..51 tE I .:lr'nJl .... - 1lLM__ ,..a.II:_........_smdIlJ __ ..- L_"~ ___or__ .... _ _ CorIlI*IIII or __..__ 011I "'...._.._.S.lIor auy. ar ..... II Ccr._.~..c.1'lI ,..." or lAId.. InIdtudon Dood TVIII'" __ or IIorpIn .1Id _lSpocIIy_1 _"'Fr_or~""nFeo_IIlpocIIy_ S/gnlllcoraa.-.In ~ _ T_...... _.... Doll ...... __.. 1ncI_ln Solo _ 0IMr U....I_ -....... _lSpocIIy_1 Nono ,..:: ~.:: from , (1. ~~7. T.... A-.cI YeIue (af........~ I ; / ~ .' )/Q!lJl1Jct , . 1.3 :=\ /').t':)1 , ,.. ",-,,- 1tJ.../ .~-LJ ,..___ I 2O.T_....._I_w...- 10411I___._____ I I CEIlTIFICATlON l I CIfI'III)' thlllIII flI... ..... fIl b6. -- tIdtnd .. ... form .... trw -.I nmd CIo till .... vi...,. kDall- ~ .... bI!IIIn ..... I -A.. . .... die IIIIIdD& vr _...... .... _ vr_1Id ....... ........ OIl...... _...... vr... ...... .. .-.... ........... ..... vr...._ I~M 7':0 BUYER'SATIORNEY Y ~~~~ liOI<<8'~~ ..", , 3c;1oo I ~~, flv-l!Au).p 1'1III11 ...... Inlll:r IllI.II J111.JL..fur J c:.. N V I / /f,;,)a.... Cll'tCIIIIQlllWll "'''11 .. HW!! t.~~ 1000: 094.00: 02.00: 0005.000 ~~J- Lavin -- Scott -- 212 687-6262 -..- ....-- r NEW YORK STATE COPY