HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 876 , , , ~ i', : 'i . . ... 11 ,\ "" No I.:onsidermion dON 10110 0'11.00 O<.z..ClO oo3.cCO . r /" C'" ) C'lNSUL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 2'i day of A..'t"'-, ~o 5- BETWEEN Hayden F. Allen and Lois B. Allen, his wife, residing at 320 Eugene's Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 \i~ es~tt party of the first part, and Jonathan H. Allen, residing at33 Dogwood Lane, Ellington, CT 06029 and Winabeth L. Smith, residing at 1488 Canton Avenue, Morgantown, 'i'N 26505 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN dollars and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION Said premises known as 320 Eugene's Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935. Being and intended to be the same premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed, dated February 26,1998, recorded March 6.1998 in Liber 11881 in page 970 in the Suffolk County Clerl<'s Office. The grantors, Hayden F. Allen and Lois B. Allen herein reserve a life estate for themselves or survivor between them for their exclusive life use and occupancy. TOGETHER with all right, title and interes~ if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive suCh consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if it read .parties' when ever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~~d- ~ Hayden F. Allen ifZ~i 'E. (1/p~~~; LOIS . Allen Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 . Bargain and Slle Deed. with Covenant against Granto,'. Acts - Uniform Acknowledgment Fonn 1000-7 . "" I' " I ( ( , '. ~ ,---'.. . , ...;.. .') " Title No.: L 253537 SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel ofland, situate, lying and being at Cutchoguc in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State of New York and being more panicularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed intersection of the southerly side of Eugene's Road with the southeasterly side of Main Road; RUNNING TIIENCE along the southerly side of Eugene' I Road the following two courses and dislances: I} 2) Allen; South 68 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East, 371.86 feet; South 74 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds East, 274.81 feet to land now or formerly of THENCE along said land South 29 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds West~ 26~ OS fect; THENCE South 77 degrees 01 minutes 20 seconds West, 126.45 feel; THENCE North 44 degrees 11 minutes 50 seconds West, 585.25 feet to the souiheaslerly side of Main Road; . THENCE along the southeasterly side of Main Road North 46 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds East, 67.27 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETIlER with and subject to a right of way for travel on foot and vehicles between the Main South Road and premises now or fonnerly of Hayden F. AIleD on the east as set forth in a certain agreement recorded 7nOlUin Liber 5996 cp 355, 'J- e . ~,... (Toplher wilh all ripl, IiI1e IDCI iDtclllSl at in aad 10 any &Incl1 and fl'*"'-'''' '" .-,.I- (roads abutlin8 \he above delcribcd premilel, 10 tIIll cenICt line l\tenor. CcrIirICllund IlIpor1ofToIo. N... Va TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS ...&N: IN NEW YORK STATE SI8Ie 01 New Vork, CountY 01 So..J)",,\~' u: SI8Ie 01 NewVork, County 01 On the tC\ day 01 A.>"),~ \- In lhe year too'- On \he day 01 in \he yor before me, !he undenlgned. pelSOrlllly IPPU~ Hayden F. IlefoI1l me, \he undanIgnacl. personally appeantd AUen end Lole B. Allen pellOl1Blly known \0 me or proved \0 me on \he bM 01 pellCllllllly known \0 me or proved \0 me on \he b8III 01 uIiI'-<<:\OIy evidenClI \0 be the lncIivIdual(.) whoIIlllllme(.) II ....,.......,. evidenClt \0 be thll incIJvidual(.) whoae IIIIIM(I) II (ent) subacribed \0 the wIlhIn Inat/umeIIIIIICI adCrDAJdged \0 (,11I) .ubaCftbed \0 \he within InalM1llllll and ac:IcnowIecIlle \0 me Ihel he/ahe1lhIy .-:ulId the lime In hiahtr/lheIr me thai hll/Ihllllllay 8Il8ClIIed lhe ume In hiIIher/lhllir cepecily(iH), end \h8I by hla/herllhllr a1g1llllln(') on \he CltpKityf-). end IheI by h .. r alglllllUl1I(a) on \he 1nalrum8lll, \he Indlvldual('), or the peIICIIl upon bahaIf 01 w111Ch in. ual(.). or I1IOn upon bIIheIf 01 which thlllndlvldullll') lICled,lIlllIC'dM thlllna1nlllllll. in.bumenl. II: (liglllllUnl and olice oIlndIvIduelllkilg IIC:IlI\OWI8lIgnl) STEVEN KRAMER NoIIIY Public, Stale 01 New 'I'oltI No.02KR8018811 QuallRed In New York c:auntr ~ \\Sl C;onnJIIIOIl &xplrtI " "' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN neE ACKN EDGIIENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE SI8Ie (or DI.tricl 01 ColUmbiII, T8I1iIory. or FOl1lign Coun1ry) 01 ..: On thll day 01 In \he year Ilefont me, Ibe undlllllgned, pe_11y appeentd pelSOrlIlly known \0 me or proved \0 me on thll beai. oIlI\IIfIIdIlry evidenClt lD be \he ind"Niduel(a) whoIIl name{.) iI (are) .ublCltbed lD lhe within inabumenl and lCknOWledged \0 me \h8I heII/leIIhlIy lllllICUled \he urne In hiaIher/IheIr Cltpecllyllel), IIICI \h8I by hlalherllhelr a1gnature(a) on \he Ina\TUIIIlln\, the Indlvlduel(.), or \he peIICIIl upon beheW 01 which \he 1ndivIduel(') ecbld, executed \he inItIurIIIInI, and lhll such Individual mllCle such appeerenClt before the undeIaIgned In \he In (and iIwWIlhI Stale or Counlry or oIher pIaClt IhIIC1C/101Ol11dgm wu........) (1nMrI!he CiIy or oIher poUtiCltllUbdiYialon) (1ignalU11I11nd oIIIce oIlIIdIvIdual taIdnO lCknowledgm8nt) Allen TO SECTION 097.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SOUlhokl STREET ADDRESS 320 Eugene's Road, CUlChogue, NY 11935 AllenlSMlTH BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TItIII No. R8COIlIed at Requeat of Uberty TIlle Agency, LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: ~ KnIrIIIIr, Esq. FeIdrIIIIn, Kr.- & MoIIIICO, p .C. 330 Vendeltllll Molar P8Ikway HII"PP"''II'', NY 11788 i I & I ~ I I I . , .. " ~JIIIII roRRllNS ' Serilll , Cedific:alc , , Prior au Deed I Morrpp 11lI1IUinea1 , Deed I MorIpae Tall Slamp FEES 3 PIp/ Filial Fee , --12.- HIllClIiDa ' ' 5.' J!!L TP-"" ., ~, NCIlaIioD ' '!A.52 17 (CouDIy) EA-S2i7 (SlIUl) , R.P.T.s.A. Comm. of Ed, ' ,'-- '1_ Sub TollII 10_ 5. J!!L m "'7;I'''-,~ B> --'!';', ' ~/ i .- ~~.' r- , c O. , I..) ~,<~>~ 'V. ".'r':. '. ':' ':.1".4......... Aftldavil Cenirled Copy NYS sun:Jiuae OIlIer IS. J!!L Sub TlIlaI ! 5':< Grud ,"f!MaJ 1000- O<t?, OO-O~'OO - co3.~ Real Property 1"l1li Service , Apney ,VeriflCalion -.. --------. .- - . - -..--- . - 1000 OP700 0600 003000 '~ Salilf~hupI/Rde9"'l USI Pnlpeny o,,;na; Mailinl ~ RECORD Ie JlE'I'VRN TO: ' ~~ Cor-de.. Fe..\6~ ~rc..t\l\er 'f-~MCo ~ 30 \J~~\l1" N'oTcr ~ l-\~fb-~e.. Ai II "r8f{ RECORDED 21m Sep 19 10119108 All Edward p.RlIUine CLERKOf' SUFFll.K COUHTY L 1)00012409 P876 DT' 05-07171 Rcc:onlinl! I Filina sWnpa Monpae Ami. I. Billie Tax 2. Addilinnal Tall Sub Tollll SpecJAuiI. ,or Spec./I\dd. Tar. MTG, TAX ,Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for AppoinlmClll, , TransferTax Mansion Tax C2:_ 6; _ The pmperIy covered by Ihii monaaae is or wiD be improved by a one 01' IWO fimi,ly dwelling only. YES 01' NO If ~O. see appropriate lax clause on , pap /I of Ihls '1lII"' nt. , , ',5 eo_1IIIltJ PnI..~tlOD J'und , Consideration Amount S ().. CPF Tax Due 5 v TO TD . '::" ','ntle Com an Information , " Tille II.;' :,' , :Suffolk Count" ecor.dili' ;i~Endorsement Pa e This JlIIC forms pan of !he l!llachcd 0. UP-. D- o ( PECJPY n'JIB'Of INS'fRUMENTI made by: The premj... hcr!=in is 5ilUlllcd in SU,"'''OLK COUNTY. NEW YORK, 11' rI~ . 18-. ^^ . ~, In lhe Township, of S"'"4J::a.1..J-- ~ ~L!.~ '1nIheVILLA~ n .' __, orH~'of'~ , BOXES 6 THRU' MUST BE TYPED OR P~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO REC -... 1."0 OR F1UNO. (over) . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 SUl'l'OLlt COmr.rY CLBRlt RECORDS OI'PICB BCORDING PMB Type of l:nstrulllltnt: DBBDS/DIm Humber of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0097655 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-07171 Recorded.. At. 09/19/2005 10.19.08 AI( LIBO: PMB: D00012409 876 District: 1000 Section. Block. 097.00 06.00 BXAMDIBD AIlD CR:"RGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 003.000 Deed. AlllDunt. Received. the I'ollowing Pee. 1'01' Above l:nBtZ'UIII8Dt --.pI: Bxlllllpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO H8Dd.1ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SJl.CHG $15.00 NO :&:A-C'l'Y $5.00 110 :&:A-STAT:&: $75.00 110 TP-584 $5.00 110 Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 110 SCTII $0.00 110 TrIlDBfer tax $0.00 110 C_.Pres $0.00 110 Pees Peid. $152.00 TRANSFBJI. TAX KDMBBJI.. 05-07171 THl:S PAOB l:S A PART OF TIIB mSTRUIIBIlT THl:S l:S NOT A Bl:LL Edward. P.Jl.amaiDe County Clerk, Suffolk County . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS I'fRML Y WHEN wRmNU ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpll.stalB.ny.uI or PHONE (5181 473-7222. FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Cl. 8WIS eo. 1 ,-/, 1,3, g, ~, 91 cz.__R..."lod I IJJ ',.1 tj,6'~": = DlIf n. C3. IIaoIc L.k... 4'. 1.(, (J, 91 C4. "- 1 g, 7. 6, PROPERlY INFORMAnoN STAll or __ STAn_W__RlY_ 1. "-" ....- ,* REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 111'4:11 1ft .., I...,. - ~ Ul~ /.... - IJW-~ 1.1U Indlcllawllorol......T...IIJ....1D bit..,. ~ _.. 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