HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 803 >0 NO CONSIDERATION T.lIS INDENTURE, made the (p '/'h day of ',.Ap,..i I '1 9 ~ 1 z Q ~ QUITCLAIM DEED ql-~~l , two thousand and five BETWeEN JONATHAN H. AlLEN , I'8lIidIng at 33 Dogwood Lane, EIIIngIon, CT 06029-2205 I c(e esft:r-e party of Ihe first part, and JONATHAN H. ALLEN and CAROlYN J. ALlEN. Tru8llla8, or lhaIr SllCClBl'JI'Bln trust, under Iha JONATHAN & CAROLYN AlLEN LIVING TRUST, dated J.... 28, 2003, end any 8IIIlI/Ilhen18 ther8lD, residing at 33 Dogwood Lane. Ellington, CT 0602ll-2205 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that Ihe party of the first part, In COIlIlderallon of ten dollars and other" valuable conslderetlon pald by the party of the s~d part, doea hereby remlae, release and quitclaim unto the party of Ihe eecond part, Ihe heirs or luccallOrs and 811lgns of the party of the second part, foraver, all right title and Inl8I88Iln ALL Ihal cartaln plot, plece or pareal of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, slluate, lying and being at Eeat Cutchogue, Iha Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southweslarty line of Eugene's Road, 1,106.35 feet solllheastarly along said soulhweatarly line from the Main Road, said point of beginning being the northerly comer of land of Glover; thence from said polnt of beginning running along said land of GloV8r and palling through a monument, South 280 48' 40" Weat 180 feet more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Eug_'1 Creek; thanee westerly and thenca sOUthweateriy along lald high water mark about 280 fHt more or lell 10 land of W.P. Tuthill; thence along Aid land of W.P. Tulhlll, two courses and dlatancal al followa: (1) North 690 33' 400 Weat 160 feel more or leas, to a monument: (2) North 480 33' 400 Weat 231.60 feel 10 e monumenl; thence elong , land of the party of the first part, North 29"' 22' 50. Ealt 281.06 feat to a monument on said southweaterly line of Eug_'1 Road; thence along Aid louthwelterly line, South 83011' 20. East 459.118 feet 10 ~ point of BEGINNING. ." -, TOGETHER wtth a right-of-way for trevel on fool and with vehicles betwHn the maln lOuth road and the premlaea herein conveyed over the drlvewaya Ihat now exllt: SUBJECT to rlght.of.wayaa sel forth In Deed In Llber 61134 of Deeds, at page 428. BEING AND INTENDED to be the lame prami..1 conveyed to the party of the first part, by deed dated July 10, 1991, and r~ed In the County Clerk'l Office In Uber 11320, Page 693. SUBJECT to a life eslate retained by the prior partlel of the fltst part, or the survivor of them, for their sole and absolute use and enjoyment and poseesslon for the remainder of their lives. SUBJECT 10 any llala 01 fllCla an accurata survey may ahow. SUBJECT 10 any CCMIFlIU1tII, easemenII and reetrlctlcn d I'IICClrd. ft any. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest, ft any, of Ihe party of the first part. In and to any stree18 and roads abutting the above deecrlbed premlsea 10 the canter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenancel and all the eatsla and rlghla of the party of the first part, In end to Aid prem_: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premiles herein granted unto \he party of the lecond part, the helra or succeelora and 811lgns of the party of the aecond part Ioraver. AND the party of the flrat part, In compliance wtth Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the liral part, will receive the consideration for this conveyanee and will hold the right to receive auch consideration as a trult fund to be applied first for lhe purpoae of paying the COlt of the Improvement and wtll apply Ihe same flratto the paymant of the coat of the Improvement before ualng any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party" Ihall be conatrued as If It r.ad 'partl..' whenever the ..nee of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the flrat part, hall duly executed thll dHd the day and year fltst above written. IN PRESENCE OF: J 11tInd.rc1 N. Y.a.Y.u. Form _ .Q_ _ .unlfaml _0 ~.dll'..ntlsln81"lIMIl Fona 221. TO BE USED ONL V WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YOR~ STATE SIU 01 New York. County 01 H: SIU 01 New York. County 01 H: On the day 01 , 2006 , blllore me. \he unde.-lgnlld, pereonaly appeared peraonally known 10 me or pnwed to me on \he belli 01 eaUa!IIcIory evtcMnoe to bIIlhe Incllvlduel(l) whoea _(1)11 (are) IUblc~beclto lhe wllIIIn IneINmlnl end acknowledged 10 me that haIehaIIhey eucullcl lhe HII11 In hlllharllhBlr capacl\y(IeI). end \hat by h1l1ih1r/1helr Ilgnalure(l) on the lnllrumanl, the lndIvlcIuaI(l). or the pereon upon bllhall 01 which Ihe Indvldual(l) BCIlId. _lIcIthe InItNmenL On the' day 01 undel'llGned. pereonaIIy eppeered pereonally known III me or prvvad to me on lhe belli 01 lalillllclory IIVIdenca to bII lhe Indlvlclual(l) whOIB 1llIIIllI(1) II (_) IUblc~ to the wllIlIn lnIlNm&nlend acknowledged 10 me lIIat hBIIhB/IhBy eXICullcl lhe 18mB In hII/hIrIlhIlr Cepeolly(lBl), and thai by hllllhBrlthalr IIgnature(l) on the lnebuman!, the IIIdNldual(I), or \he peraon upon bIIhaII of which Ihe Indvtclual(l) BCIlId. BXICUlIcI tha lnelrumenl. ,200 ,bIIIore !,'la. Ihe (e1gnalure end oIIIcII ollndlvtclual taktnQ IClcnOwIedgmenl) (e1gnelure end olllca ollndvlduallBklngllCknowledgmanl) fll~f) (InHrt lhe r othar pollllc8llUbcllvlllon) TO BE UBED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE S1a1e (or D111~ct 01 Columbia, Tanttory. or Foreign Country) 01 !IS: On the lo""" day 01 Afl/'f) In Ihe yBI~') balore me, the underllgned. pereonally eppeared r . JONATHAN H. ALLEN peneonally Icnawn to me or proved to me on the belli 01 eallalllCtory lIVkIlInca to blithe Indlvldual(l) whCIBB neme(a)1a (are) IUblc~becI to lIIa wllIlIn inllrUmant and acknowledged to me that hlllhBlthey BXICUlIcI the 18mB In hllllhBrtlhelr cepecIty(lBIl. end \hat by h1l11harlthelr 1Igna1ure(1) on Ihe InatNrnent. tha Indlvldual(I). or the penoi1 upon bIIhaIl 01 which Iha 1ncIvIcIu1l(1) ecllcl. eXICUlIcI the InltNman!, and that euch Indlvk1u81 medB euch eppee_ bIIIore Ihe unda.-lgned In Iha In {} {IIJI 0 C./Ulf .f- (end lnMrt lhe State or Country or olIIer piece \he acknowledgment... taken) ~ STACY CORBIN MWAltF ........, - IIY~-- 11l1li"""-.- 'Ul.11.lI1l1O ~ .' , , QUITCLAIM DEED SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS g7 8 2 SUFFOLK 700 EUGENES ROAD nile No. JONATHAN H. ALLEN TO JONATHAN & CAROLYN ALLEN UVING TRUST. !, ReconIed at Raqueet 01 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: .........JOUI or ..Yaluc:1GMD0P1nU ~N'_ D11lrlbuled bv.. r. connonwea I th _ AV.......-..a.M!II' LAW OFFICES OF SAUL KOBRICK. P.C. 1305 FRANKLIN AVENUE SUITE 170 GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 ~'I'II1o&IID TITI.K lallMllC& -.- ~ I I ~ I .. " . . . Number of pago=l 1ORRI!NS 2 RECORDED 2005 II1II 12 101:!81 Oi All Eaolard P. baine CLERI( OF SlJ'Fl1K COOIlT'1 L OOOOI23e6 P eo! DTt 1)4-40473 Serial II CenificlIII! II J>rior Of. II IX'Cd / MllrlJllll!e InKtrum..'IIt Ilccd / MIlrtjpI&C llix StlII1Ip R&....'\lI'lIing / I'mnll StlII1IpS 3 FEI!S Handllllll 1..- S. Oil I R.P.T.S.A. / ) / 1.) ---3..0_ ~ s.~ Sub lhtul j.~- MOrlllllSC AmL I. B_Tax 2. Additiunal Tax Sub Total SpccJAlIllil. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTc:l. TAX ._ _ Duallbwn _ Dual Coonly _ Held for Appoinlmcnt__ 'TranlIfer Tax MulJllion Tax The pmperty covered by Ihisl\llll'tgll8e ill or will be impnl\W by a 1l11e IlI'lwO fumily dwcllin[t only. YBS L_ or NO__ If NO '. IlIX claw;c on this i ru nL / '" . c) Page I Filinll'~ TP-Stl4 Nlllation EA-S:! 17 ICllWllyl BA-S::!17 tSlalC1 Cumm. or Ed. Affiduvit Ccl1ificd Copy NYS Surcharge: Other IS. UO 1''' SubThtal_ .~~ I~/ tJ Grund Thlal Section Block Lot 5 l7 d Real P'tlpcity Tax Service AFncy Verificulion ~~ 1000 08100 0600 002000 ~~ Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improved VlI4'Unl Lund oj... Ii) 6 SatiKfuclionIllOi...~slRelcIl5C8 l.ilit Pnlpeity Owllen; MlIi1inll Address RECORD" RETURN TO: ~()..W O~ic.es of S Q\A.1 l<ohrick,PC \~05 Frav'\l<lin Ave(\l)..e... SlA.i~ 110 ~arJe.(\ c;to' f\J':i 11530 TO m TD 7 Tide Com IDformation . . Name 1111e. 8 Suffolk Count Recordin 'Jkd (SPECIFY TYPI, 01' INSTRUMENT, & Endorsement Pa e This page fmus pun of the uu.achcd mode: by: ~1:LA11e.a- The premillCll hen:in is s1tuall:d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NHW YORK. :w 10 A "1_ . I " In the lilwnshipof -Bo.u:l:h.o.~.- '1( an ~ C !1..fil.!rt:\..b!YID III the VILLAGH ~':'~I./';lOoi t,,^,,'F.f..East: C U.~IA@ BOXJ:..<l 6 n~RU I MUST BE TYPF.D OR PRIN1'HO IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR 10 RECORDING FlUNG.. lo\..,rl . IIIIID 1111111111111111111 ~Ig I1111 mil I1111 1111 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIII StlJ'roLlt cOmrrY CLBIUt RBCORDS O....ICB RBCORDING PAGB Type of In.~rumeD~1 DBEDS/DDD Humber of Pagesl 3 Rec.ip~ NUmber 1 05-0051057 TRAHSFBR TAX ROHBBR: 04-40473 Recorded: A~I 05/12/2005 10128:06 AM LIBRR: PAGB: D00012386 803 Dis~ric~1 1000 S.c~ion: Block 1 097.00 06.00 .""JlINBD AIlD CRARGBD AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lo~1 002.000 Deed Amoun~1 Received ~he 1'011owing I'.e. I'or .I\bo". In.~:nDml~ .....-.qp~ NO NO HO HO HO HO page/I'iling COB D- C".t'Y TP-584 RP'1' Trlm.fer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Handling RYS SRCJm BA-S'!'ATB Cer~.Copi.. SCTK Coaa.Pre. I'ee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 B7-.qp~ NO HO HO NO HO HO 'l"llAlfSI'BR TAX R1lJIBBRI 001-40473 THIS PAGB IS A PAR'!' 01' THB INSTRUIIZNT THIS IS NOr A BILL Bdward P.Romaine COIm~Y Clerk, Suffolk Coun~y .. . 2._ - ~ ..~......."'fII. -4 ... ..... .._....~..4 on .. ... * RP . 5217 IINUI 11ft... .LJ ''''P_. OR 0 -"'.- IClnIr.PiIIl...__....,....." .. :::.., I - .... lOR I Ixl .....r...r ..- - ~ a .......1DIn:I.... .........1tIIDn AudIorIlV' EIdIIa 0 " 5 ...~IIIoo._'__..._ 0 'M:./ tV. 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