HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12378 P 97 J .r "rr- ..... L \J-)1~ r O~7 I , -. q7-5- Y.5 NY DOS. 8upio.... SoJe Deal _ eo-I....."" 0nuI....'. Ad. l...s;vldllaJ orColponllIoa (Slnale Shed) (NYDTU lIOO2) CONSULT YOUR LA WYliR BEI'OaE SIGNING THIS INSTRlJMENT. THIS INSTRIlMENT SHOULD DB IlSllll BY LA WYIiIlS WiLY THIS INDENTURE, mad. the BE1WEEN 7th February . in th. year 2005 day of STANLEY MALON AND CHRISTINE MALON, his wife residing at 265 Linton Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York 11757 - : W""'l":l.5; €! """j )hoY'".v..-I~'" ":"'- , ;If'H ,..~~~.,..:!,...,~.,., ..\oj "" ',f~""':O~' .,~ I', . "', ') _'":-',1 ", ,,") ': ......-:";('):) VGOU:! .F; e:!JFl,\Ii:> ~GY ",11:-! 10 olSla ':;OIdu'l ~M il~SS,aa .,101 party of the fi\oIUp&itOiuid Ie ni boil:lluO _Ol: ,I C ~1ll"aoQ ..,iq>::! l1lli2illmmo:) - MALON INDUSTRIES,INC. a New York Corporation having a prineipal offiee at 265 Linton Avenue, Lindenhurst, New York 11757 party of the &ecood'port. WITNI!SSETIf,that the party of the firsl port. in considCl1llioo ofTen Dollars and other valuabl. .0DSidcntion paid by che party of the sccood port. docs hereby grant and relcas. unlO the party of the sccood port. the heirs or IIUCCCSIOrs and assigns of the party of the second part foreyer. -' ALL that c:cr1ain plot, piece or parcel of land. with th. buildi"lls and improvcmclllS thm:on cm:Icd. silualc, lyiog and bcinJ in tbc at Cutehogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, more partleularly bounded and deseribed as follows: SEE ATTACHED DESCRIPTION TOGETIfER with all righl. litl. and interest. if any. of the party of the flRl part of. in and 10 any s_1s and roads abulliDg tbc above-dcscribcd premises 10 the c.nlct lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appu!tcnances and all tbc eslalund riprsof\he party of the first part in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th. premises herein &nn~d unlO che party of the second port. the heirs or succe..o;ors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the flRl part covenants !hat the party of th. first part bas nol dOn. or suff.red aoything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fl1'Sl port. in compli.... with Section 13 of th. U.n Law. .Ov....ts thalth. party of che fl1'Sl part wiD receiy. the consideration for this conv.yance and will hold the righlto ....ive such consideration as alnlSl fund 10 be applied fl1'Sl for the purpose of paying the .ost of the improvemenl and will apply the sal1lC fl1'Sllo che paymenl of the cost of the improY.11IC1II before using any part of the 10181 of the sam. for any other purpose. The word "party" sball he coostrued as if il read "parti.s" wh.n.yer the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNI!SS WHEREOF. \he party of the first part bas duly ....u~ Ibis deed the day and year flRl aboy. wri~D. s~~ A~t..~tMalon IN PRESENCE OF, r USS"CXNOWU!IJGMEN1'l'OtiI BlJU)WW1I7IINNEW YORK ST..mONLY: SlmalNewYork,Countyal Suffolk Iss., aDdle 7 dayot February in die year 2005 befDlll me, die UDdcJsiptd, pcISOI1OIly appeared Stanley Malon . penooalfy knowD 10 me or proved 10 me DO die basis of salisfactDly evidence 10 be die individual(s) whose oame(s) is (...) 5Ilbscribed 10 die wilbin insImmeol IOd ackoowlcd&cd 10 me Ihat b<IsheIlhey exec:uted die ...... in bisIbedlbeir capacity(ies), IOd 1baI by bislherllheir signalUle(s) 00 die ioslrumeut, die individual(s), or die penon upon behalf of wbid1 die individual(s) IlCIl:d, executed die iosIrumont CHARLES R. CUDDY No\8tYPU~~.~~New~vr~ Ouallfleclln Suffolk COUn\Y.;........,. ublic Commission expires December :1"1'.__ ACIfNOWU1/JGM/!NTFOIUIFORUSSWmt'NNEWYORKST..mONLY: 1_ y",* SII/JII<riI>I"II W/'"en AcIo.../odpomI CmIj1caw/ Slate of New York, CDUDl)'aI Iss.: 00 die day of in die year befDlll me, die UDdcJsip:d, peISDIllIlly appeared lbe subscnDiDg wimess 10 lbe fDlllgDing instrument wilb whom I .,,; personally acquainted, wbo, being. by me duly sworn, did depose and my 1baI beIsbeflbey ....ide(s) in (IftM pI4<< ofruilkll/% i.r i. a city, incIlUk the stre<l and ",.., """""'r. If dn.)\ IMreaj); tbaI hcJsheItbey know(s) 10. be die individual dcs<ribed in and who esecuted lbe foregoing insaumeDl; Ihat said suboaibinS witness was proseol and saw said __ lbe llllIDe; IOd Ihat said.witness at lbe 5IlDlC lime 5Ilbscribed bisIbedlbeir oame(s) as a wilDeSl tben:lO. BARGAIN" SALE DEED wnHOJYeNAHI5AOAJNSTCJRAJrmlR"$ ACn TfTlENo. Stanley Malon and Christine Malon TO Malon Industries, Inc. FIDELITY NATIONAL T.ITLE .INSURANCE COMPANY ii ""..'''.'UIJ I'll t-~I . f",-Fidelity.9),#,-,../ ....".,. "",.. J." ""_ n. "...tr.IIH ,', .." -...,... USB..C11NOWUSDGMBNTrOlUl BlJU)WW117tINNlIWYORKST..mONLY: , SlateofNewYork,CoUnl)'aI Suffolk Iss.: 00 lbe 7 day'of February in lbe year 200S befDlll me, die W1deniptd, penooaIlyappeared Christine Malon I . personally knowD 10 me or proved 10 me au lbe basis of ~ evidence 10 be die individuol(s) whose oame(s) is (...) 5Ilbscribed IOlbe wilbin inslrWDe01 IOd admowlcd&cd to me tbaI b<IsheIlhev exec:uted lbe 5IlDlC in bislhedlbeir capacity(ies), IOd Ibat by hWherltheir sigoallllO(s) on Ihe instrumeOl, lbe individual(s), or Ihe penon upon beha1f of which lbe individual(s) IlCIl:d, cxecotcd lbe iosIrumonL awua'amDf a~ NaIar1 PubIIo, StaI8 01 New - No.1587222l1 Notary Pu c QuaIIIIed In Suffolk CaunlY CornmIuIon Elql/rIa 0IcImbIr fl, Q ACXNOWUlDGMBNT FOMJI FOIl USSOUrslDII NEw YouSr..m ONLY: 10.. "$1... '" Fom.. G...""............._ C."""'.I ................................................. .1"" (Campi", v.... wit" Stair'. CtuItTr, Pro";" (If' ",..kitMllIy) 00 lbe dIly of io Ihe year before me, die wldemigoed. pcISOI1OIly appeared pasonally knowD 10 ~ or proved 10 me au lbe basis of ~ evide""" to be lbe individual(s) whose oame(.) is (...) subscribed to lbe within instrumeollOd aoknowlodged 10 me tbaI ~ executed lbe same ill bisIhedtbeir capocity(ies),1hat by hisIberIlbeir S1gDllIlllO(S) DO lbe ioslrumeut, lbe individual(s), or lbe _ upon behalf of which lbe individual(s) octed, exec:uted die illSlrWDeDl,and tbaI such individual made sucb appoazonce befDllllbe un.....igoed io lbe (Insen'M cIly o,o1he, poIiI;cal subdivi.rian and 1M SlOw or ctJUIIJry or OIM' place ,he acknowledgment war 1aknI~ DISTRICT 1000 SEcnON 117 BLOCK 5 LoT 4.005 CoUNTY OR TOWN Southold RECORDED"T REQUESTOF fldelll)' NalloD8l TIlle InsuraJI<e ComplUly . RETURNBrMAJLTO Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 Riverhead, NY 111101 i i II: .. o .. !!l II: .2 i III j!: .. ffi i 'I / .~....' '. SCHEDULE A AIl that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at 'Cutchogue, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and deScribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Main State Route 25, distant 85.35 feet southwesterly as measured along the northwesterly side of Main State Route 25 from the corner formed by the intersection of the northwesterly side of Main State Route 25 and southwesterly side of Cox's Lane; THENCE along the northwesterly side ofM~'l State Route 25, South 46 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds West 150 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly of John J. Miesner, Jr.; THENCE along lands last above mentioned, North 43 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West 362.02 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly of Glover; THENCE along lands last above mentioned, North 51 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds East 154.16 feet to lands now or formerly of Kaelin; THENCE along lands last above mentioned the following two courses' and distances: I. South 42 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds East 249.58 feet; 2. South 43 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds East 100 feet to the northwesterly side of Main State Route 25, at the point or place of BEGINNING. ., r . . '.] ~ [i, 3 " '.' " . F$CORDEO . 2005 Mar 22 04:20: 19 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012378 P 097 on 04-33834 Number of'R~ges TORRENS Serial N Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording I Filing Stamps 4 FEES , " Page I Filing Fee -LA- .5' 5_ Mortgage Amt. Handling TP-584 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total EA'52 17 (County) EA.5217 (Slate) -' b _ Sub Total ;::)..7 Spec./Assit. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual Coullty_ Held for Apportionmellt~ ransfer Tax LL- Comm. of Ed. 5~ Mansion Tax ""'- The property covered by this mortgage is or \vill be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO_ IfNO. see appropriate lax clause on page # _of this instrument. $-- _ Community Preservation Fund I e Amount $ R.p.T.sA ~o=- Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other 5 /,~ ~ SubTotal GRAND TOTAL -I e:0- f:l). " Stamp I Date I . Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist. Section B lock Lot _ .c 0______ _ 1000 09700 0500 004005 ~CPF Tax Due s Initials -;1 Satisfactions/Discharges/Reieases List Property Owners Mlimiig Address ..:J RECORD & RETURN TO: -" Improved Vacant Land )0 TO TD TD Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. P.O. Box 1547 445 Griffing Ave. Riverhead, NY 11901 8 Title Company Information 9 Co. Name Title # Suffolk COlUlt Recordin & Endorsement Pa e TIus page fom1S part of the attached DEED (SPEClFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: . Stanley Malon and Christine Malon The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTI, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of Southo.ld In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutchogue Malon Industries, Inc. 130XES 5 lliRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII .lNn. ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0029969 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-33834 Recorded. At. 03/22/2005 04:20:19 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012378 097 District. 1000 Section: 097.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 05.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 045.005 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copias $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-33834 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ t!:}, l..?)~ ,g ~ , ~--~~~i I{Z~ CI. _ J C4. ..... ' ,. REAL PROPERTY 1RANSFER REPORT C1." eo. ITAlE OF MiW YOIUIi STAlE IIOAIm Of' RIAL rI'IIUrWIft'T 8VICII RP - 5217 ...1217.... ." PROI'ERTY INFOIlMATION '.=1 ..-. -.,-" Hain Street (NYS Route 25) .,......... ~cho2.ue gn'QR -- ll~.ii " I. ..,.. - ~,.,I:ries. Ine_ ....,- LMT"'J_ ___ -- I.TOII ___T.........._ , ..... ___""'_11I_01_" ",lon Industries .inc. ~ LAIT i'I!I5I:AIW "'NAIIi 265 Linton Avenue ..-.-.-........ , Lindenhurst CRYaIIICMIli I, ........... 011 D P.rt"._1 I NY ,11757 .flu ..aa: .. =..., , - ~....., IXI ...... 'DR' .~. - 1OoIV._tlI.__...,........ u.-.._____..E.- 0 .. .. L....IL1iIIan AIIPnNII_ ReQuIrIc:I...,.,.... 0 c._....-Iar..~_.....IIop_ 0 .. ....... 1M ...... III a ..4..' ... ,... .._.......... an ... .... ..- No- Malon KVVIR'ICf UllIT .....,CQIIMIW Stanley .....- l1t\a!l,_ Christine ...,.... A~ Ono FtmiIyRooi_ B Z...I~..IIy_1 t. _..._mLand D NDft - "" ....1 v.... Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11.....__ p.~~... F -.... (i _ H __'Am_mom I ~ CommunIIY"" J - II: PubIc _ L Fa_ -...--...,........ .. 0w0l0rIhIp TVPlII_m "__.._Land -"'-IY~_..--- ......-._.._~ ....... _"10 In.. Agriou_ __ o o o o 7. aMlIIr..... .. .......... .... - .....,........ the .. .. 1M....... III: '1M 11IM eI... '.......tlI_,_ 02 I - 07 I no; .... - 1L a..- _ ...... __ -- _ _............--....: A ___...__ II 101o__ComponIoo...-.ln_ C Ono" lie Buvoro 10 _ . _ D IIuwIr 01 ...... II Go._..._4 ~ or L..dng InIIiIudon II -1'IPo...__.....,., ond _C8IlooII\'_ F ......,._...........,.._UIlIoaIfy_ o ..-Chongoln "- _T__ond_lIIuo H ___III_In__ I 0IIl0r un.- _AIIDlIIng 1010 -lSlIooilv_ J _ - I I EMf YW ,..,..-- Q, , ,0.0 , , , . lFuI 1010 _I. "'" _ .moum poId tor... p",ponyl_"II .......1_. lNIlYYIMnt rIllY lID In'" form of GlIb. athlIr propIf'tY or...... or'" __pliDn 01 11.0",,,, or othIr obUpIJanL) "'- round ro "........... MIOUftL w._........__ I 13 . 0 , 0 I __In"_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DoIa """"lei ....oct ....101.. "..1_ Roll and Tn BIll ,..-... -"--I ...... w_.. r1" ...... II1.T___IoI._"_' . . 5 0.0,0, , ,.. "'-' CIuo 12. 1.0 '-U ...___' Cutchogue-Hattituek .. Tallopldo-"',loIl __lIl1llNO_f..... ___ _...........1o?i1 1000-97-05-4.005 I I CERTlACATION I '<II1I)_oII"'''_''~.. . _..IIIIo_..._ond_CIO......."'IIIJ'... '"'1. -_..... .-....... "'''' .... _ _ '" _1Ioct...... .11...... _1011Io __ . . "'....... .... _10........... ....,_ __... !Y!!!! IUYEWS ATTORNEY Halon Industries, Inc. ~ML ~oI..!J7loS- Cuddy Charles C. ...,- .... - 265 Linton ~venue ...,..... ..... JWII WIIiR lAID 631 369-8200 -- -- art.._ , NY I 11757 ..- ~.~ ~~, I Stanley Halon ~... ,.... '(;.b ~ I .2./'7' oJ'" IIUII_~ 11Im r Christine Kalon - ". Lindenhurat ..... NEW YORK STATE COP.Y