HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 390 . . ~ , . , . () \,,0 . I L-12LfOJ f3QO ~ oG'I,O o~.oO Q4-3-3. I \ . CONSULT.YOUR LAWYER BEFORE IIGNING 11l1Jl1NIlRUIIENT.11lIIINITRUIIENT IHOULD BE WED BY LAWYERI ONLY . ~.s INDENTURE, made the)'1 ~ day of Ju';'. ~5 BElWEEN Andrew S. Berkman, I8SidIng at 90 Riverside Drive, New YCIIk, New York 10024 and 08b0rlIh Berkm8n (f/kIa DeborIIh B8c:8J) l'1IIidlng 81328 MIddle Street, Amherst, MlIU8d1uHllII 01002 perty of tha first perl, end Berry Berkman, residing at111 Weat89" Street. New YCIIk, New York 10024 party of 1I1,,_d perl, WITNESSETH, lI1atll1e party of the IirIt pert, In OORIideralion of Ten ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the I800Ild pert, dOlI hereby grant and raIeeae unto Iha party 01 the _d pert. the heIrlI or IlICCllAOI'I and _1gnI of the perty of the second pert forever, ' ALL that certain plot, piece or plll'C8l of land. with the buildings end Improvements lheraon erected, silu8le. lying and being In 1111 A1lIIr MalUluck, In the Town of Southhold, County of SUffolk and SIaIa of New York. bounded and demibed as follOWll: BEGINNING at a point on the norlhlllly Une of Oregon Road (North Road) at the lIOUtheeal8lty comer 01 the premlsel herain dllllCl1bed and at the 8Oulhwesllll1y comer of land formerty of Zuhosk~ Ialer of Graphic Arts Management Corp.; RUNNING THENCE lIOUth 52 dagraes 02 mlnutea 00 I800IldI west Illong the northerly line 01 Oregon Road 396.72 feel 10 land now or forrnllIly of Vincent Z1mnoskl EsI8ra; THENCE north 38 dagreea 49 minutea 45l111C01ld8 west along IBid last mentioned land 4284.72 feet 10 Iha ordinary high water mark of Long IlIand Sound; I 2.~~1t..I THENCE eesl8rIy along IBid Sound 10 land formerly of Zuboskl, 18l8r of Graphic Arts Management Corp., 1118 tie line of IBid COII/'I8 b8lng north 47 dagraas 19 mlnUl88 30 lIIICOIld8 888t358.97 feet; and . O b ~ 0 () I THENCE eoull1 39 dagraes 20 mlnUl88 30 _dl Bllt along 1B1d1..t mentlon8d land 4295 feel 10 th8 point , or pl8ce of BEGINNING. () O'!> . 00;;) This D8Bd is 8Jl8CUted by Andrew S. Berkman, individually, and pursuant 10 a Power 01 Allorney 8X8CUted on . 3 0 O} D8cembBr 115, 1985 by Deborah Berkman and racarded In thl 0IIIca of the Suffolk County Clerk on the 14"' b (). day of FBbru.ary, 1988 In lIber 9978 Pag8 438. TOGETHER with all right, tlll8 end inl8l'111t, if any, of lI1e party of the first pert In and 10 any slra8\s 8nd roads abutting the above d88cr1b8d pramlsel 10 the center IIn88 Ihereof; TOGETHER will1 th8 appurten_ and aU the 881818 and rights of the party of the first pert In and 10 88id prenll88s; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe premis88 heraln granted unto th8 perty of the II8CO/\d pert, 1118 helnl or SUlXBIIOrs and lIUlgnll of lhe perty of lhe II8Cllnd pert forever. AND the Party of the first parl, in compliance with SlIcIion 13 of 1118 lI8n Law, covenanlllhatthl party of th8 first pert wIII1lIC8lv8 the consideration for this COIMlYllRC8 and wiU hold Iha right 10 recelll8 8UCh oonllid8ralion as a lrust fund 10 be applied IIrst for lhe purpoH of paying th8 COlli of Iha Improvement and will apply 1118 88m. first 10 1118 paymenl of th8 COlli of Ih8 Imp_t befor8 UlIIng any pert of lh8 Iotal of lh8 same for any olher purpose. Th8 word "party" liMO be CORlIlrued a. II R I8lICI "partl8s" wh_r Iha _ of thlll IncI8nlunt so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. th8 party of the first pert has duly 8X8CUl8d this d88d th8 day and year fllSt aboV8 wrilIan. IN PRESENCE OF: ~S~. Andrew S. Berkman c, s. Deborah Berkman BW:....- A ,;: . I F/I&/A ]).,btJl"'" 13.~t/lJ. Slandlnl N.Y B.T.U. F..... 8001-1IIrgoIn and.... Doecl, wIIIIoul CovenInI.,... ClI8nIor'aAolo -Unllann Adalll 1.J:.,....1 Form 3.264 .. ~ ...," Number of.... I TORRENS ScriIl. CeI1lfic:alD . I'rbQU 4 Deed IIobtJ. aT msa-t Deed IlofarTH. TM &Imp FBBS ""1'lIia& P. p.-I', 11'-514 NallliCIII EA-52 17 (0laQty) 1lA-5217 (lblo) R.P.T.8.A Canm. of Ild. AffidavlI Catified Copy Reg. Copy . . 0dIer s SfIaIp 0IIe =1=- ~- (1) = SubToIaI /S" 70QQ 5~ 1'5 - Sub ToraI . 01='" - GRANDTOTAL~ R.1 Pnlpsty Tax Service AfI/IC1 V.ubIicn , DiIr... _ _.. llecti..._. _ _BIadr._ , __ _. 'oN. , ~ ~50 7~ 1000 09400 0300 003001 ~ ~T S. 1000 09400 0300 003002 ~ RP A 1000 09400 0300 003003 SMI I . '- IailiaII 7 !I.tl~1euII Lilt I'ropenyOwaa Mailm, RECORD .. RK11JiN to: Ancl...eiAi'S. ~t,..k.m (Af\ I toSs' 4~ LeY:If'l~1D/"I Aten\A~ I~"" Floor' 8 TItle CompaDY IDformatioD N(W.) L-IvrL, N ~ 100'7 Co.N.... V Tide t# Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement P , 3 RECORDED 2005 ~ 08 011 13: 57 P!I Edvard P. RoIDaine ClEP.K OF 5lFFOlJ( ClllJIoIlV L 000012402 P 390 Dr. 05-01225 RocanIIaa I PiIIa& SIaIIIpI I().O Mclrrwe Amt. 1.1IuiG TM 2. .6..tdllioall TIX Sub To'" - SpecJAAiL Or Spao./NId. TOT.Ml'G. TAX Dull Town Dull CoImty_ Held for AJIJlllrIIanment _ TrIaIfwTu -I aCOy ::::.-- Mualoa TM The JIIIlpIrC)' ooVlnll II1Ibl1 monPi01S or will be bnproved by . 00. or two family dWlllIina llIIIy. YES III'NO If NO, _ ~....iaIe tax &:luH on..... 1# _of ~ 6 Comm . Preservation FWld Couldera . Amount S~4 4l S_, ."tSQo. ~. Impnlved 7 acanl Laod ./ TO TO TO 10 11ris JlIIF bm& part oflbe Rltocbecl (SPECPY'J"YPB OFINS'IlWMIM') made by: ~ r. '"B.efL.ma.lJ "Df.h" ("0 h (le.,;' t rn n.<ll TO 13a.V"("~ BifUn~ Tho pIaIIisa bnia q.."""-O in SUl'lUKCOONlY,NBWYaoc III tbo TOWII&bip of Sf) u. ,UIf'Jl rJ... III lbc VlIJ..AGB arHAMlBI'of BOXES S THlW9 MUSTBB 'l'YPSD(ltPRlN11lD JN~INKCH.YPRIOll TO 1UlCXImING000PlLJNO. . . IIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIII~ IIIIIIIIIIII~ 1II111I1111111111 IIIIIU ~IIIIII~ II~ III SUFFOLK COmITY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Page.. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0082367 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-01225 Recorded. At. 08/08/2005 01.13157 PM LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012402 390 District. 1000 SectiClD: 094.00 1ZYlUlINBD AND $300.000.00 Block 1 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 003.001 POLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fee. For Above Instrument J!w-.pt 1!w_"lpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO KlIDclliDll $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-5B4 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $70.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Tran.fer tax $1.200.00 NO COIIIID.Pre. $4.500.00 NO Fee. Paid $5.889.00 TRANSFBR TAX NDMBBR. 05-01225 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRtlJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Belward P. ROIII&iDe County Clerk. Suffolk County . PU:ASE TYPE OR PRESS FIPlMLY'WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.llBfe.loly.ull or PHONE 15181 473.7222 FOJicoum USE ONLY . . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS ~ lit "ATE OF __ IiTATE_OFMAL-.nv_ I Y.?.3I~lg"'11 cz.... Deed 'I, - IIJ2" <eD" ~T cs._ I /oJ. V,e;:~c..,,-I .3;1'/)1 . PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1U'-l!1' 8ft"" 1'=1 173 I11lIO--. Southold CIIY U.11MN Oregon Road .....- -.-J Mattituck -- WCDIlI ......... - Berkman ...T..../~ Bar~ ..... LUT_'.......... ........ ..,... ___T..........._ ...... w__...._III-..._1 -- 1 ......_IAIIID~IWM ............. ....... of an ....nI __,,_...Iloo_ ...... _/CQIIWtf' ......NAIC cnv 1M ICIMt . IIA'II _CCIII ~ I '01_ OR D ""rloI."".... ..=.., I - ,."u..., Ixl DOPIH IOR137. N:NI .. 1OnIy.......--....,,"""" .........Ing__SOIlld___biIIa D .. "'VJiIian ApprM............. TIIIIIfar 0 c..................."'''''su____ D 1._ - ~rkman 1fIM4E/~ Andrew ......... Berkmaa 4tl:A.. ($U~{ uwr__,~ Daborah ..,....... 7. a..c.... Ita below which ..........,. ___..................., .. ......... af..a.: A- ~IlOFImif_ B~2"'3Fom1Iy_ C _ v.... LInd l) Nolo" '-" nllll V..,. LAnd I SALE INFORMAnON I 11,"10__ 1l~_II1"" F COm_ a ._ H E_I_/Amu_ I~~- 1 _ K _80..... L F..... -..---...,,"""" I. o..n..Hp Typo 10 C<xDxnInIum I. _Conolr_ on V_Und -"-,,,~_..-.--- -Ilovw _.d__"-,,, ......._..I...~- 11. a..II_. ..... 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