HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 373 # 11'1ir 6>"'". rille. , $ ).100.00 L1lLf ILl- P373 D ~/oO() ;3.00 S () () f3 - ocf.o Ddb /p. J.. - 0 CZ 3-4-/ 2 .. ,.,.aD......... $11II:111III.... c:r....... 0.-..,.,. ~.c:.,...dllllIiIp .....IJlIYI'n.I Mllm ClMULTYCXJalAwyaaDuu~TIIII~-"IIDDISDIJMIII'I''''''''_UIIlDnuWYDIonY .. day al Sepl........ . In 1lIo,.., ZOO5 .. TllISIIIDDIIVU._1lIo 13 InwDN JOSEPH DIMRTOLo. raIdl.. or 990 Duck Poad Ro8d. Cae....... N.Y. 11935 '. pul)'~rhefinllrwn,_ JENNIFER LAMONICA. raIdJ... or 119 _ RolId. M1....... N.V. 11501 '. ......al..___ WJnIEIl5E1lI,dIIl......'or....fInl_ h_uCTnDolJan ____poId..,... .....allllo_...............,.....___dIt_UCIlIo__llIohclnor__......or ......,.or................I....... ~......~.....Jlio<!..........alllod,'-..._........ .' __............11.......... 'SEEIlCIIEIlUl.E .". ANNEXED HERETQ Al'm INCORPORATED BY REFF.RENCE . HEREIN. ..... ad IotndallO be tIac __ .......... CUYCytd 10 lbe JW11 of III. lint JW1 b1 deed .. LIbor 11974...... 501. " TOGETllu........ ri....IIc..__lh.y.al1llopodJalllloflnl.....a1. ..."'11I)'___.......... 11I4 I lkrcribcdpaabalO....a8er....Ibeftrof.TOGI11ID.......irv 1Dd1ll_"_riII*ullIII ...,a1"" 1inI............... ....._lOIIAVEAJlIDlOROU>""~_......._dlo ...,a1... ....... _ dlolllin...................... al1lll..., pl1IlI.......... _. . AND..,.,., ul&hc fina pel ~ IbIldlc pM)'OtIbc rna ~ Manrc"<< 1Ulfncd'&II)'IIdaa ~ ~ ~ praaioa___IIIII)'_--.....- AND _...., 01.. 11m...,.... . ,- __ whh s.:dan lJ 0(.... 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Sc:rvic:c: Agency Verification oaa.oo Section BI~.r' D () /hJ.- O/~.{1(J() lilt Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held fnr AppointmRnl Transfer Tax .;J,( 100 Mansion TlIJI The propeny coven=d by Ibis mongagc: is or will be impRlvcll by a one: or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appmpriall! Ill.' clause on page # of Ibis inslrument. Comm. of Ed. Affidavil 5. 00 ,,'211 - & Cenificd Copy NYS Surch"'1le Other 15. J!!L Sub TOIBI Grand ToIaI /~ 5 Comm1lDltJ PnHrvatioa FuDd CPF Tax Due $ 05039614 1000 ~'TS ReMC A T 08300 0400 012000 Consideration Amount S 6 Satisf;Jl;tionslDi5Chargc.VRelease.~ List Prupeny Owne:rs Mailing Atldrcsll hi ;o;;~a9 ~{, '1 W1~~ ~/ '0. 1/;/-.:5 7 ~ Improved ,.- v/ :antLand TO TO 7 Title Com L~ 7 & Endorsement Pa e Information :S..sv I.. Di AAdolo Recordin Reu/ (SPECIFY TYPI: OF INSTRUMENT) made by: 8 SutTolk Count This page forms part of !he anached ~~~~ In !be Township of In !he VILLAGE . or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. The premises herein is siwwed in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ,<;0 u. -Ii r) I d (over) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJP'FOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OJ'FJ:CB RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0107707 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-10731 Recorded: At: 10/13/2005. 02:40:06 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012414 373 District: 1000 Deed AIIIouDt: SectiOD: Block: 083.00 04.00 BXAMIIIlBD J\IlD CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $525.000.00 Lot: 012.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Jtor'""lpt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-C'rY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2.100.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $7.500.00 NO 1'88S Paid $9.752.00 TRAHSI'BR TAX NtJIIBBR: 05-10731 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp;J1 www.orputllle.nY.U8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY use ONLY I 't. 'l. -3. <!, r.11 C2.Dnl_Rec._ , /~ I / 3,tJJ.~ MOIIIh IMy 'Yilt C3.... 1/ ,ei'. '-I, I . VI C4.....ue ,..3, '7...3. PROPERTY INFORMATION '=, ~<A\o~~?$~~1> ~o~ _ ..= L....J-~~.eJJ Ic4 ::Ce~.ul .{.?..c.~ I LUr_,aMIINY C1. SWIS Cade loT.. ___TIXIlIIIo......._ I ... -------..-. .~ ..,.,......,1CIIMI'IIWf' ,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT srAlE IF NEW YORr srAnSOAlllOf_...........-.... RP - 5217 IlNII7 ... "" 1\13$ _cma ..., NAIll ......... I .,.., _II AND .'M.. .... . "'''11 ,.cxg 4. ~.. numbIr.. A___... Hal"" .........4 _ 1M died ""CII_ , '01"""",10 DII D ,..oI.P..... 1CInIy1,.."'.__...."appIr. ..::::..., ,\So I x I ~o I DIll .. fIIONTl'IIT .._ I >>1 BAGZ:r()~ ".... UlT ___/aM'MY . . ..... . 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