HomeMy WebLinkAboutReiger, Y.H. - Harbor & Narrow River Rd '. RECEIVED 713 TI/ 1j"'f.S.jI: Y.H.RIEGER 370 HARBOR RD POBOX 491 ORIENT NY 11957 JAN 1 6 2008 SouJhultl Town Cler& Jan.132008 Mr. Peter W Harris Superintendent of the Southold Highway Department. 53095 Rd 25 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Harbor Road and Narrow River Road; intersection and Bay frontage. Dear Mister Harris, For the past three decades I am writing to the Southold Highway Department about the poor road conditions without any reactions or acknowledgment from the Department. The following problems should be addressed soon: First: Over the years there is a constant flooding during high tide, in the intersection of Narrow River Rd and Harbor Rd due to the badly engineered road (low elevation of surface and drain pipe). These conditions are detrimental to our potable water and deteriorating road surfaces. Secondly: Since the time we lived on 370 Harbor rd (over 30 years) there exists a depression of bout 12 inches in front of our driveway and the runoff of rainwater is not functioning properly since we always have a large poodle of standing rainwater. Thirdly: The end of Narrow River rd and adjacent parking area is subject to constant erosion. The retaining barriers have been reset several times (over30 feet) the past years The receding beach is splattered with chunks of surface asphalt (Aboutl Y:z" thick) and no efforts have been made to clean it up and protect the area which is open to the public and fisherman for the only recreational access to Orient Bay. This cumulative damage from the last three storms should be remedied soon. Some portion of the $ 12 million share of the 20-mil federal aid package to Suffolk County for repair of coastal areas damaged by rain wind and erosion should be used for the reconstruction of these seriously neglected county properties. We are hoping that you will consider this a continuous phenomenon. And address this ~tt~iligence. ~owncle~ Encl: copies of :past letters, fotos of erosion and floodings E,JO of to,lR;;;:OlV 1<ir/f::L'\.,,> 1<t71 'Vt(/ENf t /0.1, 12../07-- BeLef( POCt/Jl 0 JJ 'I'~. ,-,r.li,-' 'L".."-: c. ,:f. ," ",,;.) .,;,:.c' f:\: .,.l..." " :~,'_..,,;..~1,..Jj.i.-- '.t-' ""'"'''''7' ... . ~~"',!.? .,\i. .' "~;:t.t -~'" , '; ~r. ~ ~ -:~:~' "....... -::'- ,.., .'. ,.'oe:: , .~. ; Y.H.Rieger 370 Harbor Rd P.o.Box 2061 Orient NY 11957 March 11996 Raymond 1. Edwards Superintendent, Southold Highway Department Town of Southold P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Rd Southold NY 11971 Re: Local Road surface conditions; Harbor Rd Orient. Dear Mister Edwards; On behalf of the Douglass Development Community I would like to bring to your attention the poor road surface conditions on the corner of Narrow River Rd and Harbor Rd in Orient. Most of the surface is broken up, see photo'C', and the sustrate is very unstable and soft. The garbage truck leaves deep ruts and water is not draining. The main raison is the poor drainage on the corner of Harbor & Narrow River Rd. The drain pipe shown in picture' A' is to high above surface and the drain pipe photo 'B'is completle clogged creating a water condition saturating the foundation of the road. We would appreciate it very much if you could address this preexisting condition and rectify the originaly, poorly engineered road. Particularly since the end of Narrow River Rd is designated as area for parking by Town Permit only. Respectfully submitted c'iP&b~ cc Town Oerk \- "2't\.. ~G Q::' ~~ G ~ (y, ~ 6Z 2- & ~ 4 .u. \:J [j m .. -:z Q f:: ~ ~ (t: \ < CJ ~ ~ H&F Rieger 370 Harbor Rd Orient NY 1I957 Mr. Raymond Jacobs. Superintendent of Soutbold Higbway Department PoBox 1I79 53095 Main Road Soutbold NY 11971 Re: Harbor Road surface and structural disintegration. Dear Mister Jacobs; As for the past two decades I am writing to you about the bad road conditions in front of our residence in Orient. The enclosed photos are showing the usual winter damage done by the snowplows, incurred mainly because of the poor quality and road surface structure, primarily consisting of a patchwork of dropped inferior tar mixture added during different time periods in the year. As you can see on tbe photos this mixture is plastering my front lawn. Our main concern is the influence ofthis tar mixture and pollution of our drinking water. We have a very shallow well located in close proximity to the road and noticed the poor quality and oily taste in our potable water everytime your maintenance truck dropped new tar into depressions on our road. Since we build our house in the late seventies we always have a standing puddle of rainwater in front of our driveway and getting worse every year. This depression about l2'deep makes it difficult to exit our property by car. The run-off of rainwater does not exist on our street. The structure and elevation oftbis road is poorly designed and not properly constructed. The intersection of Harbor Road and Narrow River Road is always flooded during bigb tide and has poor drainage. This section of Town Road supposedly was to be rebuilding sometime ago with State Funds specifically assigned to this project for access to the Orient Bay. When will it happen? We would appreciate it if you will address this mailer promptly and reconstruct properly Harbor Road. Not just with a superficial cover of the surface with gravel. Furthermore r would like to make it clear that r will not permit the filling of these hole within the proximity of our well with a carcinogenic pollutant from your tar mixture. Jfwe find any traces of this pollutant intruding into our well, we will hold you liable for any health problems incurred from this, as you know we have to rely on our shallow drinking water table which is very susceptible to any runoffs and we are very concerned by any intrusion of salt water, tar and other pollutants. We hope you will fmally rebuild properly our very short and badly constructed Harbor Road, with the right grading and proper run-off. Respectfully yours. H. & F. Rieger Enclosures: Pictures of Harbor Road Cc: Southold Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Nelville Town Board Town Attorney Departments ., .,. i 0\ Atl4,,~r1 991 HA"?i'l.nP RrI ,?n. f I.~(., F7 "",(JI"J.~ \ ,. --- €tr,AcH EIRO.5:./o,...J /iJ "FROtJr t)F' ;f4R'SO<< Rtf 6aO~E(' 1 9 8 8 . HARBOR Rt;;.AP- VtJDE!<: W47-cR 3~c," ~ D ~ It ~ '0 ~ Z Z9 m- ?\) ~ \) ~~ .IV ~cn t{L -\ --- /:?e-,AC-H ~RO.!;.Jot-l J,J "FRO,Jr OF' ff4KBO<< Rei 6aOl'>~ 1 9 8 8 HARBOf( !?OAP- {/fJDEF\ l-V47C"R 3~bb I--., <. ~~ ~'} UJ - ~ ~ t ~ :( ~ ~ :2 k a C) \t . " \,'fP,,-.';t. "'r~~t';'i;.,~~: ;;'iJ. ~q'l"'~'.\,;~' ,~~'tJ ."..... -- -- ;.:;.-.....:: ~ - - ~-- "" --- . . --:..::-~~~" . . ?-~~..~ . ~'.:-.., ....~,(~~.~~ -,,- ~':"'?/h}.~ -':-, ~ -"'-"""~- -/-" ~~-~ '-. 'i.'('"" ~ '.f/':. \ . ;. 'J'.o' _.~'. .~ ' '. . '. . ~.- :'. oj ~.~j~~~i! ',. l.''''~ . .,.. '""'~ /,- . oJ' "".t. ~ ,Sf?t . '.'~jf .'t.~ ,.;9.; "....Ji;i... __ .h.:(,.:..~~~ .' -- ,-., - .t~~ ......~ AIr ~ ,.. ~ CJ ~ ~ ~ \t: 1 \XS .-.--;- , .;: ,::; ~ ,..\!: 0')'-'"- \' O)~ ,.. . ~ ~. ~ ~~ "C:( "'\~ ,: ~ ~