HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12214 P 375 . ., .l:ONSULT YOUR LAWYF,R SEFllRE SlGNIHG TIllS INS'TIWIIENT-THlllIIISTIWIIENT SHOULD BE lllIED BY LAWYHlI ONLY L 1>>.1'1 P 375 THIIINDENTURE, maOe the 20 day of Seplember. 2002 BE'1'WEEN BAXTER PROPERTIES, INe.. a clomesl:lc corporation with Its principal place of businfiS at 4995 NBHaU Point Road. Cutdlogus. New York 11935. party of the fillt part, and WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR. AND JANE BAXTER GOELLER. residing at 4995 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogus. New York 1 1935. and 349 Rldgecreat Drive. Ssnta Barbara, Callfomia 93108-2225. respectively. the party of the second part, WlTNEUErH, thai the party of the fillt part, In cansideratlon of !en dollars and O1ller valuable consideration paid by Ule party of Ule second part. does hereby remlae. reI lase and qullClaim unlo the party of the second part. the heirs Of I_rs and lISIignS of the party of the aecond part fotever, All that certain plot, piece Of pan:el of land. situate, lying and being in the Town of SouthoId. at Cutchogue. County of Suffolk and State of New VOlt, being bounded and described as follows: BeGINNING at a pOint on the llOIIherty side of OI'llgCf1 Road said point being dIStant 1.100 1eet moll Of less wastelly \\'om the norlheastelly and of Bridge Lane; THENCE \\'om uId palnt of beginning along the nor1tlerty side of 0I'IlgCf1 Road. Sou1h 51 degrees 44 minullll 30 seconds West. 20.28 feet to IIl11Ql'1l11'1l11nt and lands now Of formllrty of SWIatocIuI; THENCE a\ong said lands, North 47 degTftS 411 mlllUllII 00 seconds West. '. 785.431eet to the high WIItIIr llne of Long Islllnd Sound; THENCE a\ong thll high WIItIIr llne of Long Island Sound. North 71 degl88ll 52 minullll 27 seconds East. 224.82 feet; THENCE Sou1h 47 degrees 08 minullll40 seconds East. 557.55 teet: THENCE North 51 degrees 44 minullll 30 seconds EIIst. 70.98 feet; THENCE North 47 degrees 08 minullII 40 seconds West. 530.18 feet to Ule high waJer llne of the Long Island South; THENCE IIlong the high waJer line of the Long Islend Sound. North 70 degrees 58 minullll 58 aeconds East. 129.24 feet; THENCE along lands now Of formerty of Simchlck, Sou1tl47 degrees 08 minUllls 40 seconds E1111t, 501.30 feet; THENCE South 51 d..... 23 mlnUllls 30 seconds West, 13.85 feet; THENCE Sou1tl31 degrees 32 minUllls 00 seconds West. 18.83 teet: THENCE Sou1h 51 degTftS 44 mlnUllls 30 seconds West. 328.35 feet; THENCE Sou1h 47 degrees 411 millUllls 00 seconds East, 1,128.08 feet to the nor1tlerty aide of 0I'IlgCf1 RoIId, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT to a right of WBIJ the SOuthel1y 20 feet of premisea and over 'leg" of premises to Onlgon Road. said right of way being bounded IInd desaibed as follows: BEGINNING at a paint on the northerly side of Onlgon Road, SIIid point being distant 1,100.00 feet mors or less from the northeasterty end of BrlcIge Lane; THENCE from SIIid point of beginning .Iong the nOftherly side of 0I'IlgCf1 RoIId. Sou1tl 51 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West. 20.28 feet 10 . lIIQl'Iuml!lnt and lands now or lon,leIty of ~Ia!l..Jul; THENCE IIlong SIIid lends, North 47 degl8llS 411 minUllls 00 seconds West, 1.148.32 feet; THENCE North 51 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East. 180.85 teet: THENCE Soulh 47 degrees 6 mlnullll40 seconds East, 20.24 feet 10 the northerly side of lands now Of b..leI1y of Ricci; THENCE a\ong saic:llllnds. the following two courses and ~_: 1. Sou1h 51 degrees 44 minullll30 seconds West. 170.38 teet: 2. South 47 degANls 49 minullll 00 seconds East, 1.128.08 feet 10 the northerty side of Oregon RoIId, the POint or place of BeGINNING. Said premises are also described on SChedule 'A' allllcl1ed hersto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the _ premises conveyed lD the party of the fnl pal1 by deed dated 7/1155, rscorc:led 9I19155ln Liber 3975 page 283. TOGETHER with all right. 1llIe and Interest If any. 01 the party of the first part in and to any IlrII8l8 and roads aIluttlnQ the above described pllImIsas to the cen1er Dnes thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenanoes and an the llStIIte .nd rights of the party of the lirIt part in and to said premllles; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or IIUC<'--T~ and IISIlgns Of 1tle paIly of lhe second pal1 rorever. Tll:l.s conveyance is intemled 1:0 confirm distribution of the ..sets of the perty of the first part to the abareholders puranant to its dissolution. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law. covanants that the paIly of the lirIt part will receive the conslderatlon for this convey.nee and will hold the right to receive sUCh consicletllllon as IlIrUllt fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same tlrst to the payment of the cost of the Improvament before using any part of the total of the same for any othel purpose. The won:I"party' shaD be conslrued as if it read 'parties". whenever the sensa of this incIenlunit SO Ailqul..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofUle first pal1 has duly executed this cleed the dIIy and year first above written. 72-:2.-;;2... I IN PRESENCE OF: :::ml!t:~ ffdelldqH -. ~ .. SCHEDULE A All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of SOUl'HOLD, at CtITCHOGUE, County of Suffolk and State of New Yorlc, being known as lot no. 1 on a Minor Subdivision for Baxter Sound Estates, said lot being bounded and descnbed as follows: BEGINNJNG at a point on the northerly side of Oregon Road said point being distant 1,100.00 feet more or less westerly from the northeasterly end of Bridge Lane; 1HENCE from said point of beginning along the northerly side of Oregon Road, south 51 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds west, 20.28 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly of Swiatocha; THENCE along said lands, north 47 deg.~ 49 minutes 00 seconds west. 1785.43 feet to the high water line of Long Island Sound; THENCE alODg the high water line of Long Island Sound, north 71 degrees 52 minutes 27 seconds east, 224.62 feet to lands now or formerly of Gallagher; THENCE along said I~ds, south 47 degzces 06 minutes 40 seconds east. S77 ,80 feet to lands now or formerly of Ricci; THENCE along said lands the following two courses and distances: 1) south 51 dqpICCS 44 minutes 30 seconds west, 170.38 feet; 2) south 47 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds east, 1128.08 feet to the northerly side of Oregon Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH A SUBJECT to a right of way along the southerly 20 feet of premises and over "leg" of premises to Oregon Road, said right of way being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on t1ie northerly side of Oregon Road, said point being distant 1100.00 feet westerly from the northeasterly end of Bridge Lane; THENCE from said point of beginning along the northerly side of Oregon Road, south 5 I degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds west, 20.28 feet to a monument and lands now or formerly of Swiatocha; THENCE along said lands, north 47 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds west, 1148.32 feet; THENCE north 51 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds east 180.85 feet; THENCE south 47 d~~ 6 minutes 40 seconds east, 20.24 feet to the northerly side of lands now or formerly of Ricci; nmNCE along said lands, the following tWo courses and distances: 1) south 51 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds west, 170.38 feet; 2) south 47 degrees 49 minutes . 00 seconds east, 1128.08 feet to the northerly side of Oregon Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. 1 Serial II Certlflllllte II ReQJRl)El) 2002 On 10 &4141102 "" Edward P.bail'lt' ClEllI( OF SlJFFll..l( COUNTY L DllOOI2214 P 375 I>rl 02-10858 NWllber 01 pIIII TORRENS Prior Qt. II . Dttd I Monpp llutnIment Dttd I Monpp Tax Slimp PEES Itecordin& I Filln& SlImps . Plie I Filina Fee I,). HlIndllnJ .s TP.S84 5 NotIlIoD EA.,S2 17 (CowIly) S SabTolal olt- ~ EA.S217~) 3Jti2 R.P.T.$.A. CcImm. oIM S<W.- ~ J/_ .J. Jtea. Copy - '79 I~ SabTllIII Olher - 10 (p GRAND TOTAL . Mm1pp ADd. . 1. BuieTax 2. Addllloaal Tax Sub TOIlIl Ral P1ope1ty TIlt Seniee Aptrr:y Vtrificlllion DiIt. Scetillll B lock ", 6l- . " SpecJAssiI. Or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX DIIIITllwn DIlII County_ Held for ApportiOlllDent _ TrusferTIIX ..Jr_ MInIillll Tax _ The JII'OIICI'l)' eovend by this rnanpp Is or will be Improved by . one or two family dwellin& oaIy. YES or NO If NO, ace appropriIle ID clause l1li paao /I oIlIlls_1IlIIeIlL s Communi Preservation Fund Lot COl1lllclention Amount S Slemp 101 I CPF TAl< Due s It- DalIl Improved Kant La7 /1; TO TO TO Wickham, Wickham & Bressler,P.C. P.O. Box 1424 Mattituc:k. New York 11952 9 8 ntle Company Information Co. Name Title # Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pap forms pen of1hc .1I...M1 Quitclaim n..ed mode by: 1lAXT!ll PROPER'l.'IES. INC. (spECFY TYPE OPINSllWMENT) The pnmses '-:in is si1uated in SUFFOl.K COONlY. NEWYOIUC. TO InlheToWDShipof WILLIAM J. llAXTER, JR. AND JANE BUTER GOELLER In the VlUAGE or HAMLET of SOU'lHOLD CUTCHOGUE BOXES51HRU 9 MUST BE TYPEDORPRINIEt) IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TORECORDlNO OR FD.JNQ. . I~ , 111I1 ~II om 1 11111 1111111111111 11111111 IIIIIIIIU I111111 1m ". ..~ SUP'l!'OLX COUN'l'Y CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Inetrument. DUDS/DDD IlUmber of Pages: 4 . ~RARBFBR TAX HUKBBR: 02~10858 Recorded. At. LIBBR: PAGB: 10/10/2002 04:41:02 PH D00012214 375 District: 1000 Seetion: Sloek. 072.00 02.00 BXAMINBD JUiID CHIUlGJm AS J'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 002.001 Deed Amount. ; Page/Piling COE BA- en TP-584 RP'l' Transfer tax ~.ceived the ll'ol1owi:.a.g- pees por J\l:Jove Instr\1llllllnt Ex8lllPt NO Handling NO HS SORCHG NO EA-STATE NO Cert.Copies NO SCTM NO Comm.Pres Pees Paid $1.2.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $106.00 Ext!lllPt NO NO NO NO NO NO! 'f tRARsPBR TAX NUMBER: 02-10858 , . THIS PAmI IS A PART OF THB INSTRmmHT ~ p Bdward P.Roaaine County Clerk, SUffolk County f m;;. , ~ t r