HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12411 P 316 WCB-~ Ro.:H1119 lunir.."" ""t.) ~ ~. '~'l'<" ~. 9') ?-t' I LI1Wl\ f 311o COl':.!' 1 "J'" C.' ,.. .. "," " Vlr:'1" .~l '!:~' .. .. I, _. ~.,,,' - ~ 3-Lj- I SuDd..1I N. Y...T.U. FIllIlllIOO2. ..Bu..ia .114I Wr DtM. .hh c:...aa~ ....... 0'.......'. Acu-lndlVkhI.tI... eo.,....iM CU......) _, _LA__II_T.-..,...,.,.---'nMlNTllIOUIII. _nLA__Y. nDSlJIIDENI1JIUl,madethe I'm .,01 September .inlhey.,.~r 2005 BETWEEN JOHN C. BEDELL and SUSAN C. BEDELL, his wife both residing at 375 Wampum Way Southold, New York 11971 party 01 the &nt pan, UId both residing at New York 11971 THOMAS MEYER and JEANETTE MEYER, his wife 8265 Soundview Avenue Southold, party of the IKllIICl put. ".............that the party of the first part, in COIIIlcIentioo of Ten Dollan and other YIluable ~ paid by the party' 01 the ICcosicI part, cbs IIereby 1_ and reJease unto the puty of the -.d part, the heirs or "_n aad auipl of the puty 01 the soCoDcI put forever, AU. that certslo pJot, piece or paRltI of Jaad, with the buILl:". and ~ tbca.- erected. situate, lyiarUld boiDc ill_ at Cutchogue, Town of Southold,. County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 1 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Woodbine Manor", .~. Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 15, 1986 as Map No. 8239. . Being the same premises described in the deed to the parties of the first part herein by deed from Thomas Andrejack and Catherine L. Andrejack, his wife, dated July 30,1993 and recorded August 9, 1993 in Liber 11639 Page 489. Said premises are known and designated as District 1000,Section 083.00 Block 04.00, Lot 001.000. TOGETII E.R with all riabl, Iille aad interest, il any. oIlhe JIIlrty of the firllllllrt in and to any Ilreets and roadl abutline Ihe above C1eacribed premilellO the cenler Ii... thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and III Ihe ellllle Ind rilhll of the JIIlrly of the first put In and 10 aaId premi...; TO HAVE AND TO HOLI) the pren,ilel herein Irllllo4 unlO the puty of the seconcI part, the heirs or 1l''"''afOJ'l and auipJI of lhe JIIlrty 01 lhe KCOnd part forever. c. .' I'...... AND lhe pllrly of the firlt JIIlIt co.....nl. that the plarty of the firSt put hu ,not clone or luft'ered anythinl whereby Ihe saicJ ,remisel have been enewnbored in IDY way'whatever, except.al aloresaIcI. . AND,lhe pllrty,o the 6rll JIlIrt, in compliance with Section 13 01 the Lien Law, ~cxnrenanla that the party of :.11>0 ~~!.Il"n. \\111 receive lhe """.SIcl....11OlJ for lhil conveyance' and will hold the richt 10 receive sueh consld. ~era,"!'l al a trull fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of payine the COIl oIlhe improvemenl and will apply I~ .1I.....6nl 10 lhe pll).lIlOnt or the eoII 01 the inlJ'ftlftllll!nt before uslar any JIIlrt of the total 01 the _ for ;any; other purpose. . The won! "pllrty" shall be construed as if il road "putie." whene..,r lhe sense of thil indenture 10 requires. :i~ WHEREOF, lhe Fly of the lUlt part~hu duly executed this deed the clay and year first above ,,_.w, '. ~_ ~.7f..,,{ '=~=~_:i;~ I SUSAN C. BEDELL . srATEOFNEWVORK) ) a.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLk ~~\~~~~m~~~_~ undenisned,JlIIIOIIIIly~_\.....l"~<<---\ I ' JlIIIOIIII~m-~ft.~~n~~__~.w~ evidea<e 10 bo \he indlvldi!lJ(l' wboIe nomc(l) it (....)..blcribed 10 lhe widlin illllnlmelllllllla.1caow1edpd ID ft lhII he1IhriIhey ..CCU1Ild ~ ..... in hio/hedtheir CIpICily(iOl), IIld IbII by hiolherllheir slpllure(l)'" Ihe WlrumenI, \he IndIvldUll(.), . ~ penon upoII bchalfofwbich dI. individual(.)...od..........dt. illSll1llllelll. . SALLY BESSO NOIIIry Public. State 01 New YorIr ,...... .... ~ No. OIBES022704 ~~- Qualilled In Sullolk County S1plllllre.a 0Illce ~ ConvnI.llon Expiretl Janulry la, 211ll1vld.a1 takla.lCbowledpleDl . For ......_.....11111.... .. New Yoril S1a1e. .. Slate, DIstrIet ~CoIa....... TIrrll1n7. ....al.a,.r Foret.. CGaalry . srATEOFNEWYORK) ) a., COUNTY OP';UFFOLH ~1I!e~.lOf !>-~i.~~S bcr~me, dI. undeniped; peIIDIIIIly~ (l: 1/::...'. r R _0_ 'Jory' paIOIIIIly known ID...... Fc;ved 10 me on \he bestl ~....oIi evideRce 10 bo ~.indivillUll(I) whose .Il11o(.).11.(....) ..lucribed 10 Ihe !l'ilbln iIlmlmem IIlcI __lcdpllO "'!' rh!I hclshcIIhey .......... ~ ..... i. ~islherllh.ir ClplCity(in), and dill by hillhedlheir sipaNri(.) on \he iIIIInDIletIt, ~ indhnd..I(I),...1he penon upon bobalrofwhicll ~ individuaIC.)....... esecuted dI. instrument. S' C"> ~ S1...lnre .adilln.e ~ . SAlLY BESSO Iadlvlda.1 takln..-......-I NOI8ry Public, SIIIe of New York No. 01 BE5022704 Qualified In Suffolk County Convnl..lon Expires Januery 1 a. 2Q08 )n., ~ Ihe _ dsyof in ~ year _ bof.... me, ~ undasisned, JlIIIOIIIII)' appeored penonally known to me or proved ID me on ~ bests orslll~ evidence 10 be !be indlvidUll(I) wbose nomc(l\ i. (....\..blcribed to Ihe wldtl. 1_ and lCIcnowIedaed 10 me lhII holshcllhey ......... the ..... in hislherllheir cspocity(iOl), IbII by hlslherllheir slsllll1lrO(.) on dI. in_I, Ihe individual(s), or ~ penon upon boh.lf ~which the individualC.) ....... cs.."'" dI. inmumenl. snd IhlllIUCh individual ...... suc:b .........- boron ~ .......ned in Ihe . (Insen lhe .ily or Glher polill..1 subdivision snd the _ or <01III\I}' or DIh<r pi_ the a<knowledsmenl wullken). .. For .....O...........III.k.. OU_ of New Yoril 5..... ....&l1IIlll .. acrb . WITH CovENANT AGAINST C;lAN10l'S Aces T1nUlo.. oLIlIs: - '~lf:.""J""'.2 JOHN C. BEDELL and SUSAN C. BEDELL 10 THOMAS MEYER and IT...... --. or ... ... .... Of mu u",a,__,... _., FiT.t American TiUe f"'.TIlIIte CUlflpa", of NftJ York ~ SIp_llre.ad 0Illce ~ Iedlvldellltoklns ..k.owIedlmeal District 1000 UCTION 083.00 lLOCIC 04.00 LOr . 001.000 COUNTY 01 1IHIfI Suf folk R_ Al Req..S1~ FInt_11tIe1_~"NewYclIIl el'TlleN 1'1 ......L TO, \l-~ ~.J \ \ .(ll"......'O" E.S" Q.. '7~ ~~q~ S~ ~~, N.Y. ~.... I I a I I I I .1 . ...:.: --.---- ~- .. Number of pages , TORRBNS 3 RECORDED 2005 5ep 26 11130; 21 lit Edward P. ROIDIi". ClERK IF SlffOLJ( COlMY L ??oo12411 ' P 316 DTI 05-ll8313 Scrilll# Cortificale It Prior Ctf. # Deed , Mortgage IIIIJIrumeIIt 3 Deed, Mortgage Tax Stamp PB'SS RecoIdiDa' FiliDg SIampII MorIpge AmL 1. BuicTax 2. Additioaal Tu: Sub 1\Jtal SpecJAasiL or Spec. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual CoWlty _ . Held for Appoinlmeat 'I'rauflll'Tu: ;;},;).i' 0 -==- MlIII8ionTax The property covaed by Ihis mortgage is or will be iIDprcMld by a ODe or two fBmi1y dwellillJ only. . YES or NO If NO, see appropriale lax clause on pap' oflhis~Yb~ . I Section ~.O'.. Block tr\t,(J" Lot 007 1.07"" . ~ ".. ..... .... ..iooo -;;-J Salisfacli~~elelles Ust Property 0_ ~ ~ ..!J RECOBD &: IlE'l'UllN TO:. 4 DiaL I cIlN:t ReIIl Property Tax Service Agency Verification , . 5 Commwdty' Preservation Fa.ad Consideration Amount $ S7J 0, nJi) CPP Tax Due $ 00 - Improved ,/ ~~ %v, \ 4- ,r..c\O, E,S$.. '75 <{~tqcc-'r S-ril-c"T \-\".....-i~~ N 'y. . '\\7Lf.3' . 7 IoformatiOD 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonus part of the altacbed ~~~9 (SPBCIPY'TYPB OF INSTR~ The premIau hcmia iI situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made by: ~.I\.~ c. ~O...\, 4.......0 ~~...., C. (t~_\)> \", I_I; p 'TO In thcTowaahip of S....,...J\",,,\O -.p..........!:. <"lcr~t'I. ""...0 InthcVILLAGB , -=::--~ (\"\"''S--c, ),. f' 1.....I,Re' orHAMLBTof BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTBD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILlNG. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS Oll'lI'ICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iastrumeat. DElmS/DDD NUmber of pases. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0100654 TRANS1I'ER TAX NUMBER: 05-08313 Recorded: At: 09/26/2005 11.30.21 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012411 316 District. 1000 Sectioa. Block. 083.00 04.00 &:7_:wI:NBD AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $570,000.00 Lot. 001.000 Deed Amount. Received the Pollowiag Fees For Above Iastrumeat Exempt Exempt Page/Filiag $9.00 NO HlU1dliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO RYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,280.00 NO CDmIII.Pres $8,400.00 NO Fees Paid $10,829.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-08313 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTROIIENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaiae County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://_.orpll.atllt8.nv.u& Dr PHONE 16181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY ~ ONLY C1.IWlI'c:o. " , . I 1./. 7. 3. g, g, ql C2. - Deod - .... I.!. 1 i" I f!.!' I CI,_ I t. tR,4, /.\ IU'-I.3. /,(P, ,* REAL PROPERTY 1RANSfER I&OR1' lII'AlEDF__ lII'AlE_DF-............_ RP . 5217 PROPERlY INFORMATION 11'III7.... . ""-1 ~ .._~ nilifi"&pDQ ROilQ "",.iI.lL'/R8 !ll:IB 1.- - ~1fW&. ~L ..... I I. T.. __.....T.....ID..._ I .... __"'IIuvor_lIl_"_, - - Ill~iM ~& ~tte .......- fCllMWft' -- II..'_AND............ 4. 1ndklIII'" ...... 01 & A.4 .......- to I .........._ an''' TCllIIII _CUIII "A1I 1OOIr........ _ - ........... 4A.1IIImIng...d wfIh .. ......... ~..... 0 .... & -" JIiM_ _....... tarT..... 0 Co ,... AppnMd IDr .~.....tIIaIl............... 0 I ,.._ III 0 Po""'._ L::", I - IDR I Ixl _,IPIlEI' . . -- ..... L_ - ~;:.2s" LMr , ~2f;: ) I 1M , . .~ ~~C ~..1'" c. 7. CIIIIcII:.... .... .............. - ................. _.. d1eIll"lllJlllY. 1M...... fII__ "~ ~I . ~ CononunIIy_ F Convnon:III J"'- 0....- X Publla_ H _,_ L - '..-..._-..........-.... 1 . , . , , , ,0,0 I ......., ". I ASSESSMENT INFORMAlION . 1lOUl......1d .... tho '"- F1nol . monl RoU one! Tu BUll ..y_..' -~....- fT't):J,ftJ.T___Iof.....-.._1 ..... w............ ..... A~ 000 FamiIy_ B lorlFamily_ C _V_lond D ___lond I SALE INFORMAlION I 11.___ .s:. 1 ~I oSl - .,.. "'\ I'" ,OS'I - "" - 'I._"-'~ J, 11....__ , ,S':70i 0 d,O ~ 0 ,01 CFIlII__III11o__poIdlorlllo_Iradng__, ___...In 1IIo......___or_ orlllo............ mor"".- Dr.... ~.. >>J ".,. ffMllWlra".....................,. -...--.......... ..~l'IPoIIClloldol."'1IIIm "___anV_lMllI tIA ___..AgriouIInI_ ,.--.---. ....... _10 In ..AgriouIInI_ o o o o 'II. CIIIIII: _. .....__ _0 _.......-....r. A ___or__ a SoIo__Cloml*IIoor_ln_ C 0000111Io"-10_._ D lIuvoror_Io_....,ort..dng_ B Oedl'lPo" ~ or....... ond _ flIpooIIy_ F _"_or'-thonPoo_IIpodIf_ o __IChongoIn"'-"t_T__ond_llIIoo H _......_.._In__ . llIIw u.-IOI F_-,__lStloclIv_ J - 11.,,-_ 1 ~\(J I-LJ 11.......__1 ~M"Uc.'t. C"""""",\,~L.J~ ; , , st- , f?', S?'O' '" , ; .. ,...., r .- w,.... ~- -w _.... _.......... ................ . . - lID \ c) CHi' og~. <I ... I 0'+ dO Oed. 0 co.. 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