HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12419 P 654 .. .' No N.Y.S. Transfer Tax Requi.red Ll24-)q P~.S~f ;Y3~J-lq.Lf Form KOO~ 19199) - 20M - B;upin and Sole Deed. wilh eo........ opiRJI ar........AI:lI-lndividuoi or Corpanoian. llIi.... ~I CONaULT YOUR LAWYa....... ..,..... "..I~-T....... ..-,..-11......- ay ~OIILY. THIS INDENTURE. made the 10th day of November 200S and BETWEEN DONNA M. WALTERS, residing at 10105 Oregon Road, CUtchogue, New York 11935, as surviving tenant by the entirety of John J. Walters, who died a resident of Suffolk County.. New York on July 8, 1992 partyohhefirslpart.and DONNA M. WALTERS, residing at 10105 Oregon Road. CUtchogue. New York 11935 and RACHEL D. BEREZNY, residing at 10105 Oregon . Road, CUtchogue, New York 11935, as tenants-in-common party of !he second pan. WITNFAliSETH. thallhe party of !he first pari. in considcralion of Ien doll8l'll and oIher valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. dc1C5 hereby grant and release unlO !he party of the second part. the heirs or s_..... a.~signs of !he party of the lICC"nd part f_. ALL thai certain plot. piece or pan:el of land. wilh the buildings and improvemenlA !hereon erecced. SilUlIIC. lying and heinrm~ at CUtchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and StatE of New York, being more particuIarly bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly line of Oregon Road distar North 490 44' 40" East 168.11 feet from a monument situate at the intersection of the northwesterly line. of Oregon Road and the northeaster line of Duck Pond Road; thence from said point of beginning running along other land now or formerly of Antone Haurus North 390 00' 00" West 261.85 feet to a point and lands now or formerly of Fellinger-Ihar; thence along said last mentioned lands North 490 44' 40" East 151.13 feet to other lan now or formerly of Antone Haurus; thence'along said last mentioned lands South 390 43' 40. East 261.80 feet to the northwesterly side of Oregon Road; thence along the said northwesterly side of Oregon Road South 490 44' 40. West 154.46 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated November 14, 1975 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk'S Office on November 19, 1975 in Liber 7945 Page 64. TOGETHER with all righl. lille and interest. if any. of lhe pany of the lirst part. in and tu any street. and mad. ahuning the above-described prembes In lhe cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenances and .lIlhe estate and right. "flhe rany ohhe li...t pan in and 10 said premi,""s; TO HAVEANDTO HOLD the premi.... herein granled unlo the PUrly or the second pan. the hei... or suc.:c..,ors and as.ign. or Ih. pany of lhe second ran ro~ver. AND the party uf Ihe lirst pan covenanls Ihal the pany or the 1i...1 pari has nUl d"ne or suffered anything whereby Ihe said premiloC. have heen encumbered in any way whale~er. except as arorell8id. AND Ihe parlY of the lirst rarl. in cnmpliance with Section D of the Lien Law. e"venants thai the rarly of the lirsl pari will receive Ihe c"nsideration for Ihis cnnveyance and will h"ld Ihe right to reeeive such consider- ation .s a trust fund lu be applied fir.1 for the purpnse of paying the cusl of Ihe improvement and will apply the same lir.t tu Ihe paymenl or lhe eost of the improvemenl before using any pari of lhe total of lhe same fur any nlher rUrp,'Se. The wnrd "pany" .hall be cnn.lrued as if il reud "parlies" whenever Ih. sense nf thi. indcnlure SI' re~uire.. IN WITNESS WHEREO.... the pany of the first ran has duly excc:uted this deed Ihe day and year firs. ahov. wrillen. IN "I~"I;..--,:,,'I;' eta-: ~m.~ Donna M. Walters AdalClWled.-nt leken In NewYorll8l8l8 SIal. Dr New York. Counly 01 Suffolk . n: On \h810th day 01 November, In lhe year2005 ,balor. m., Ih. undarslgned, parsonally.appearedDOI\"NA M. WALTERS p.rlonally known to me Dr proved 10 m. on the balil 01 latllfactory evidence 10 be th. IndMdual(s) whos. name(s) Is (lII'8) subscnbed 10 lhe within Instrumenl and acknOWledged to m. Ihal -tnt/sh./Ihey ex.cut.d Ih. sam. in -IHtIIh.rlllleir capacity(;es), and lhat by .ftieIh."c\lMllr....ignatur.!ll on tha instrument. the indivldulll(lII or \he person upon behd 01 which Ihe Individuallel acted, executed the l1strument. ~J}~~ NOiAilM~ NDlIIr........ 01 NllrM No 0lllM83511lO...... ClXIIIl. Q.....l . .EIphIO:L31.2ClJfi AckllClWladgemant by Subecrlblng Wltn..s l8k8n In Haw York Sl8l8 Acknawlsdgemant l8k8n In New YarttSlate Slate Dr New York, County 01 I , , I On th. day 01 , in Ihe year the undersigned, parsonally eppeared .ss: , balor. m., personelly known to me or proved to me on Ihe basis 01 sallsfaclory evidence to be tlla indlvldual(s) whOle name(s) Is (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to m. that h./shelthey executed the same in hlslherlthelr capaclty(l"l, and thaI by hla/herllhalr slgnatuns(s) on the lnstrUm8nt, \he indlvldual(l) or \he person upon bahaK of which the indlvldual(s) acted, executed the lnslrull18!'f. Acknowl.dQ8m8l1t leken oul8Jda Haw YorII S1lde Stete of New York, County 01 , ss: . Stste 01 , County 01 , II: . (or Insert District 01 Columbia. Territory. Poasaaslon or Foralgn Country) , belore me. On the day 01 , In the year the undersigned, personally appeared the subscribing witness to the Ioregoing instrument, with whOm I am personally acquainted. who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, thet helshallhay reslde(s) In that helshallhay know(s) to be lIle irdviclual claacribad in and who lllf8CIlI8d the fonsgoing Instrumanl; IhaI said subscribing wiInaas wee praaant and saw said exacute the same; end lhat laid witness al the same time lubscribed hlslharllhair name(l) as a wltnesl.thereto. Title No.: DONNA M. WALTERS TO DONNA M. WALTERS and RACHEL D. BEREZNY Distributed by Chicago ntle Insurance Company On the day 01 . in the year the undersigned. personally appaar8cl , balora me, personally known 10 me or provad to me on the basis 01 sstistactory evidence to be tha Indlvidual(l) whose nama(s) Is (are) subsc:ribad to the within instrument and aclcnowledged to me that he/shelthey executed Ihe same In hlslherlthelr capacity(ies), that by hislherlthelr slgnature(s) on the Instrument, the Indlvidual(s) or \he person upon behall 01 which the Indivldual(s) acted, ellllCUl8d \he Instrument, and that such individual made such appearance bIIIo18 the undersigned in the (add the city or potitical subcfNlslon and lIle state or country or oIher place the acknowledgemenl was l8ken). SECTION BLOCK lOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAlL TO: LARK & FOLTS ESQS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 Zip No. PaRe 3 of 3 I i .. a: ~ !! ~ i ~ I :i! ... ~. Number of paj!l$ TORRF.NS 3 Senal # . CenifieaIC # Prior Ctf. # Do:ed t Mortgage Instrument Dc:l!d t Mongage TIIX SlamP FEES 3 Page t Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5. J!!L 5_ Notation FA-52 17 (County. 5 FA-5217 (SIaIC) ~ 7 (" __ R.P.T.S.A. ~ Sub Total :i-4 Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Al1idavit Certi fied Copy NYS Sun:harge Other IS. J!!L. Sub Total Grollld Totul 4 Disl. 1000 Section083.00 Block 02.00 Lot 019.004 Real Propen Tax Service Agency Verification 05045097 1000 (~--s~ ~4-NOV;'; ........-....... 08300 0200 019004 - 6 SatisfactionslDilCCluugeslRcleases List Pn'peny Owners Mailing Addn:ss RECORD &: RETURN TO: LARK & FOLTS ESOS PO BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 7 Co. Name Title # P.ECORDED 2005 Ibv 1402:11:46 PM Edward P.Roa3ine ClERK OF SUFFOLK CWHTY' L 000012419 P 654 DTI 0'5-14839 Rccording t Filing SllIIIlpS Mongage Amt. I. Ba.~ic TIIX . 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJA....~t. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual C(lunty _ Held for Appointmen2:::.=-- Tmnsfer Tax -.:..,.J' _ Mansion Tu The pnlperty covered by this mongage . or will be improved by a one or tw family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tllX dau.~ on page # of this instrument. ./ I-tO -(J ) S CommUDlty PreaervatioD 1'11111 ideration Amount $ -0- PFax Due $ -0- Improved )( Vacant Land -:r- TO J (J TO TO Title Com N/A NA an Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the :illllL:hed Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made b) The pn:mises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. DONNA M. WALTERS TO In the Township or Southo1d DONNA M. WALTERS and In the VILLAGE RACHEL D. BEREZNY or HAMLET of Cutchoque BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrumentl DEEDS/DDD Number of Pagesl 3 Receipt HUmber ; 05-0118624 ,- TRANSFBR TAX BOMBBR: 05-14839 Recorded I At; 11/14/2005 02111;46 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012419 654 Deed Amount; section I 083.00 BXAJaNBD AND $0.00 Block I 02.00 CH,A,R~ AS LotI 019.004 District; 1000 POLLOWS Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above I~strument lZY""'Pt Bxel Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO ICA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CODa.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $149.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR; 05-14839 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TBB INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS--FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON i=ORM - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWIS~ I ,!-,7.3,g',g,f' C2.DeMDeod_ I 1/, /)',051 G'1h gw v.. CUg"" I /,~, Yo/, 11C4.P_ PROPERlY INFORMATION REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF _ YOM ITATE IOARD OF REAL rnurat.1 'I SERVICES RP - 5217 INZI7..... Nft '....._1 Looodon 10105 ...... .- Oregon Road '''.'1 hANL Southold crnOllTlM"'\I Cutchoaue WIM'''' 119351 .. w.. 2.1_ Homo ~ nnnna M_ ..T.....,. Berez~ LAlT NMtIIC Rachel D. ........., 3. Ta IndicaIe where f1I:ure Till ...... ID '-.... IiIlinl ..,IIIr....n__Iot_offonnll Walt-ers __ ",",,;;.;'I'_NY P.O. Box 347 Cutchogue SJNIT.......II AND ITRftT IUM' cnv 011 TOWN DO~ M. "M' IN . YI 11935 I aTAlI NCCD' .. Imnc... tM I'IIIIIIM of "--~-..,.nt Roll...... ._001 an ...._ i 1 0 ' of Parmi. OIl P"t of . Paral 5._ P_rty I Slao 'IIOtITI'IIT Ixl 1>>"'''' IORI 'N;fI(fI .9.41 1OnIr......of.__..thoy~ 4A. PIonnlno IIoIrd w;m s_ AulI10riy ExiI1I 0 48. _ Al>Pn>voJ_IIoquOod far T....... 0 c.__""__MopPnwIdod 0 ..- N..... Walters LAaT NM'1!/co..AII'I' Donna M. "II'''I~ LM'NAMI,~ ........., ^~ Onto F.mlly Ruldo_ B 2 or 3 Fomiy Raldontlol C R.._ Vocont Lond I) No.-tIol VICMI Lond I SALE INFORMATION I ".__D... 1i~Agric:uII"r.. F Camlllo.a.l (j Aptrtmlnt H Entlrtllnment I AmulMl'leftt I ~ Communi., ....1.. J IndUllr101 K PubllcSlI'Ya L Fore.. Ch.. 1M __ _ _ thoy 0JlPIv: .. Ownonhlp 1P ;0 CondomIn.... .. New ConItruction on V...... LMId _""'_~_n,,"""""'I~ _ Buyor __ 0 dIocIoouno _Indcoting thIt the prqxtrty 1111"1 an Agrlcultur" Diltrict o o o o 7. Check the box below which n..e ........, ....... ,lie .... of_ property .. 1M time of ..Ie: N/A - , Do. , v_ 11. a.ck _.. mGI8 111.-- ....sa. u III"U'-' to tr...r.: 9.18 BIIIWIIOn Flctllllvel or Formw Rell'1ivw Sale IIaMIuon RoIMed ComPlntel or Partners In 8ualnou On. of the Bu.,.. II .. . Seller Buyar Dr Se..er II GoYtmment Agenr:y or Lencling InlU1ut:lon _ Typo _ W......., or ~ ond _1Sllodfy Bolowl SlI, of FrectioNlI or lMIltwt F-. InI... (Specify BIlow) Siyniflca"ll Chang. In Properly ........ TaubIo SlIIu. and SlI. On 8Mollluli_1o I_In 8M Prico 0Ih.. Unu...., F..... AIlocting Solo Prico ISpocIIy _I J Nano Gift; Creation of tenants-in-common 12. 0.. of ...., Tr..... 11 I 10 - ..., , 05 v.. 13. n.n .... Prl.. N/A . . . 0 ,01 , , . IFull SIIII Price II the ,alai IIftGUIW, llIid for the property Including per..... prDpOlly. ThII P-vmMllNy be In lhe form 01 CMh. ather properly or ~ or 1M aaumpdon 01 mong.. or DthIr obI.....iona.1 PlHRlDUnd to rhlllfMt8. wfJrW ws.r MftOUIL '4._......-01__ I Ii!/A,. 0 , 111 propIrty Included .... the .... ,. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D... ohauld nllect Ih. Iotul Finol _urn.n' Roll .od To. Bill '1.::"01=:=_10, 5I".T...._V_C.hllpo....."'"._1 , ; 5 5 5 0 ; 'I. ....-. CIo_ 12 .1,0 I-U ,1. SchooIDlolrlclNomo I Mattituck - Cutchogue UFSD 21. TaMop 1do_/IIoI_..co111 __10..._ ___ __loll )OCltO - 83 - 2 - 19.4 I , CERTIFICATION I....., "'1 .. ol... _ olW..- _..... .. _ _ .... ......... __ ....... ... ol "'1............. ... .......... 1 __ .... "'" .....in. 01 UOJ ,,1IIIId _ _ 01_...... fIId ""*' ..... ..bjrct me 10 IIw ............ 011110 ...... ..... ....u.. ... IIw ....... ood ..... 01..... _Ill. !Y!U BUYElrS ATTORNEY '-R..~ -() ~ 11/10/05 IUYlltIKllMTWl DATE Lark lAI'_ Richard F. ,.., IW4 10105 ..-,,- Oreqon Road I11IEIT ,.,.. UlfIPWft 631 AMA__ 734-6807 m__ Cutchoaue ""'...- NY ...n 11935 ...- ;' B!.!&!! ~l..1f {J .~ ....LPlaIlINA...... . NEW YORK STATE COPY 11/10/05 " ...n .. .~