HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 443 " ... 9 , LI2417 f 4lf3 ~3-2-11, 1.1 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAl. OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 C',AUTlllN: 11115 AGIlEIlMENTSIIOUU> np. PREPARIiI) BY AN ATI"OIlNBY AND RBVIBWBD BY A1TORNEVS FOR SBUJ!Il AII0 PlJRCIlASP.R RPPOR8 SKlllING, I'"l, ~ THIS INDENTURE. Dlade IheOM dayofD:J..2OO5 brtween I.UBA CORSO. residing al Culchogue. New York, u too _ thirty-four pelftDt (34""> Interest AND REGINA COK..lID. rcsiding at Cutchogue. New York. ,ulo _ thirty.three pelftnt (33""> IDterest AND MONICA CORSO. residing al CuIChoguc. New York.._s to _ thirty-three pelftDt (33""~ party of the first part. and LUBA CORSO. residing al Culchogue. New Yark, u too . thirty-four percent (34") Interest AND REGINA COR-lID. residing al CUlchoguc. New York., ulo. thirty.three pereent (33"") Interat AND MONICA COR-lID. residing at CUlChogue. New York...u 10 . tblrty.three pereent (33") party of the second pan. WITNESSETII. Ihatlhe pany of the rmt part. in considenllion of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration. paid by the party of the second part. docs hereby grant and rrlease unlo the party of the second pari. the heirs or succcssors and lIS$igns of the party of the sc:cond part forever. AU. that certain plOl, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvel1lCllls thereon erected. situate. Iyinl! and being in lhe SEE SCHEDULE A A 17 ACHED (DFJlCRIPfION OF PREMISES) THIS IS A CONFIRMATION DEED OF A WT LINE CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 8. 2003. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE lhe SlIJDC premises as conveyed 10 the party of the first pan by deed in Liber 11981 cp 635. . . TOGETHER with all righl.tille and inll:rrsl. if any. of the puny oflbe first part in and to any streels and roads abulling the above described premises 10 the center lines lhereof. TOGETHER wilh the appurtenances and alllhe eSllllC and righlS of lhe pany of the firsl part in and to said pn:mises. TO IIA VE AND TO 1I0W the premises herein granted unlo the pany of the secood pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of Ihe second part forever. AND Ibe party of the lirst pan, covenanls Ihalthe party of the firsl part has nOl done or suffered anylhing whereby the said pn:miscs have been encumbered in any way whalC\'Cr. excepl as aforrsaid. AND the pany of the firsl part. in compliance with Seclion 13 oflhe Lien Law. COVClnanlS lhaltho: puny of the first part will receive lhe consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the rillhtto rrceive such consiclo:ration as alrusl fund 10 be applied firsl for lhas purpose of paying Ibe COIl of the improvement and will apply the same firsllO the paymenl of the COIl of tho: improvemenl befon: using any pan of the lOIlIl of the SlIme for any OIher purpose. The word .pany. shall be conslrued as if il read .parti~s. whcocvlll'lhas sense oflhis indenlure so requires, IN WITNESS WIIHREOF. the party of the firsl pan has duly cxecuted Ihis deed the day and year lirsl above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: NYSII" kcoIida:nlia1 KulI1Iu1C Fur. ua HoIUucs-I'NUOt CUP)TillbI ao....,r..Dn..Iop..... .1. t --- :; " " I ALL those cenain plots, pieces, or parcels of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County oC Suffolk and State of New York, kn~ and designated as Lot 1 and Lot 2, as shown on Map Prepared for Louis Corso & Luba Corso (Lot Line Change) prepared by Young & Young Land Surveyors, Riverbead, New York, last dated July 18, 2005, more particularly bounded and desaibed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the nonherIy line of land now or formerly Oregon LLC., said point being situate the following two (2) courses and distances from the'intersection of the boundary line between of land now or formerly Oregon UC on the west and land now or formerly of Timothy T. Steele and Jeanne F. Steele on the east and the nonherly side of Oregon Road, said boundary line also being the westerly line of a certain 25 foot right of way: 1. Nonh 48 deg. 44 min. 00 see. West 1,602.13 feet along said boundary line, 2. South 82 deg. 28 min. 00 sec. West 201.11 feet along the northerly line of land now or formerly Oregon UC; RUNNING thence Crom said point of beginning South 82 deg. 28 min. 00 see. West along land now or formerly Oregon UC 2n.00 Ceet to land now or formerly Morell LLC; RUNNING thence North 46 deg. 30 min. 10 sec. West along land now or fonnerly MorellUC and along land now or formerly Nancy Butkus 740.33 feet to the high water mark of the Long Island Sound; RUNNING thence North 84 deg. 43 min. 48 sec. East along the high water marlt oC the Long Island Sound 278.84 feet to Lot I, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso & Luba Corso; . RUNNING thence South 46 deg. 56 min. 48 sec. East along Lot I, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso & Luba Corso 730.n feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 3.5771 Acres. TOGETHER WIlli certain rights oC way and or easements shown on the aforementioned Map Prepared Cor Louis Corso & Luba Corso. . ~ " ~ umberofpqes 'I'ORRENS =rial. ertifiC8Ul' rior Of. . Qeed t M......I!Jsttumeat. Deed I Martpp Tu Stamp PBBS 3 age I Pilina Fee rA"tl1ina s. 00 P-S84 lOIalion . A-S2l7 (Couoly) A-S217 (Slate) ~P.T.li.A. . .' ~\ SubTotal 3/:) (JfJ . , :omm. of lid. dfidavil )/\. . OV " :enified Copy. 0 . IYS Sun:bqe lIher S: 00 IS: J!!L SubTotaI~ GrandTolal 9~\ ~ ,. ~. 6 SlIisrllClion~ List.Property o.w- Mailing Addreu ~ . RECOJ.ll) &1lETUllN TO: '{7Jf"CKIII' tY. . rY/~'oe.c-, Pj ',. -:s- 10 Q?o ~JN (d.... ~ . ~OIn'DC.,;) NY 1/9?/. RECOROED 2005 Oc~ 31 10:20108 All " Edward P.Rollllli"" a.ERK 0;: . SlFFOLK COIJ1T'f L 000012417 P 443 .DT* (15-13109 Recording I Filing Suunps 3" Mor!P.F Ami. I. BasitTu. 2. AddiliODal Tall Sub Total Spa:JA&lIil. . , or Spa:. IAIJd: TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmenl 1'ransrcrTu ..e-r MlIDIion Tall ---<. '. , . , - . The prvp:rty coven:d hy IhiK mortgaat is or 'will be ImproveCl by a ,_ or two family dweUing only. YES 'If NO If NO. IICC appropri.... IIIX t"uue on JII8C #I of this io._, . . /O'Jo(..or 5 eo......ullJ Jll:eRrntloD I'aIId Consideration Amount $ ...{:).. CPF Tax Due $ 6- Improved 'VDtDnl Land -., / TO 10 ~' TO TO . SutTolk Count Record. n . 'Information lS",7.Btcr -, ;;)Co. & Endorsement 'Pa e This JIlIF f_ pert oftbc lIllIII:hed CoesD , i I t __. V::;I= (SPECJFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN11 made by: The premises herein is silUlllcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~c,)""'", ~ lD !he Township of lD Ihe VIUAClE 01 HAMLET of ~OXES 'mRU' MUST BB TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR flUNG, . . lover) ~~5~ I glllllllllllllllll~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ I1111111 111111111111111111111111 SOPPOLlt COUNTY CLERK: RECORDS O....:I:CE RBCORDDI'G PAGE Type of :In.tZ'\DII8Dt. DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.. 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0114076 TRANS"ER TAX NUMBER: 05-13109 Recorded. At. 10/31/2005 10.20:08 AM L:I:BER: PAGE: D00012417 443 Diatrict: 1000 Section; Block I 083.00 02.00 'II!'I'I\XIRBD AIm CJIAJlGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 011.012 Deed Amowl.tl Received the rollowing reea ror Above :Inatrument .....-.pt B."l:-.pt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHei $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Tranafer tax $0.00 NO CClIIIDI.Pre. $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $247;00 TRANSPBR TAX RQJIBBRI 05-13109 TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART or THE :IIl'STROMBIlT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Edward P.RaIIlaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE "TYPE OR PRESS FIRftolL Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orputato.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNT'/!USE ONLY C,. _ c.- I/It ~ ~ e: f,~1 .LP' JII e.}r " REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. aat. DMd Rlaa.'" aTAlE Of _ WOIIK STAtE IIOARD OF REAL I"IIUI'UII 'f IERVICES C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION ":1 RP - 5217 .NII'.....W ..-.- OreaoD IIoacI SIIlIn..... ICutchollue em' 1l:II1UMI ...- 11935 ..- 2.- NImo CORSO I.Mr ......, QNI'Mft' CORSO r.nR~ LAST ICO/IIIWI't LUBA ...1..... REGINA MnNTr.A _T_ I. I. Ta ~whnfullnT","..ID.""" I ..... 1__IIuworIllll_lIl_ollorml -- IMTNoWt/Cl'''''''' nwr __ a...'_.AND............ .. ........ 1M....... at .. ._4 _..-..._ on..._ CIIY 011 TOM. IIAII ,.caa L :::..v I - ,--' rm Ixl ...... IORI ACNI.; . lOnIW__"o_____ u._..__........___ 0 _______...TIO_ 0 c.__..._____ 0 I ,ot Pan:oll 011 D Pairt of . Plircel 1.- - CORSO ~Stl'" ......... CORSO LUBA RteUtX" HONICA LUir....,~... ,.T hA", - , ... , - -...--.-- I. Clwnonhlp Typo ho CoMonlI....m I ~ CDmmunhy SarviaI .. NIww Co... ..... - on V.-t Und J Ind_1 1IL"'-__o.~_ K Publc_ ___0___" I. _ ....1Ilo_~In..~roI- 11. a.cIl_. .......... ..... ......... . ....r.: A SoIo__..__ B Solo _ _ tom....... .._In 1IuoI... C _"'... ..,..._.1oI1or o auy..._~_.........~I_ Ii Dood Typo lei __ .. ....... MIl Solo ISpacIfy _ F Solo 01 Fr_.. Lo8.... Feo _lSpodly _ G s".-" a.... In ~ _ T_"'" MIl Solo DoIoo H Solo 0I1Iuol_ .1_1. Solo I'IIl:o 1 Un..... F_ AIrooIlIlg Solo PrieolSpodly_ J No.. ~ o D. o o 7._.......____ .....__......"'..._....._01_ A~_Fomlly_ B 2 Dr 3 Fomily 1loIi_1 C _101_l.ond D Nan...... 4iaI VICInI. lind I SAlE INFORMAllON l 11. __Dolo Ii ~ AgrIcufturol r- Commo..101 (j ~ h._4 . H EnIe.,.lnnwm/___.. 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W'IP IIALD ,I'd~r Of'" MnnT"IPo ...,- P....T";t"~. ~ .....- (;;'11\ -- 7fi,~-la.'11n -- SEWR .4~.v /~~,- ..n NEW YORK STATE COPY i . J ell ~~hnrll~ Ni'j ono.TCIIMI ATE Ilq1~ ""-