HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 442 r ~ .'1'- .. L 12Lfl1 ~ Y42 . . <b3- 2-1).l3 . ~ ,. ......J "!" ., .:.., I. '1,"If( , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAIJ'l1ON: 11115 AGIlEl!MEIO" SHOULD BE PllEl'AIIED BY AN A n'OlINEY A~D REVIBWI!\) BY A1TORNEYS 1'01I S~UJlIIAND PURl'IASP.R REFORESIGNISG. THIS INDENTURE, made m.(;.lI ~ay of~ ; 2005 bdween LOUIS CORSO. residing at Cutchogue. New York lIS to athirty-one percent (31'1>) ioterest AND LUBA CORSO. residing al Cull:hogue. New York. lIS to Ii twenty-three perceot (23'1>) Interest AND REGINA CORSO. residing al Cull:hogue. New York., as to a b.'toly-three percent (23'1>) interest AND MONICA CORSO. residing at Cutchogue. New YOrk..lIS to at~enty.lhree ~~,,,tJ~~'I>) ... I -', . '.'" pany oflhe firsl plUt. and LOUIS CORSO. residing al Cuu:hogiIe. New York as io Ii Ihlrty-ooe percent (31'1>) interest AND LURA C.'ORSO. residing III Cutchoguc. New York;1ii to a twenty-thm Percent (23%) Interest AND REGINA CORSO. residing at Cutchogue. New York. ,as to a.twenly-three pel'ftnt (23'1>) Interest AND MONICA CORSO. residing at Cutchoguc. New York..1IS to a twenty-three percent (23'1>) party of the second plUt. WITNHSSI:.TH. thai the p:Iny ofthe first pan. in eonsideroltion ofTen Dollars and other vall1llble eonsidemtion. paid by the pany of the second part. does hereby grolnt and release unto the pany of the second pan. the heirs or successnrs and lISsigns of the puny af the sec:ond part forever. All that cenain plol. piece or parcel of land. with the buildingsl1nd improvements thereon erc<:ted. situale. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDUI,E A ATTACHED (DF..sCRIPTION OF PREMISF..s) THIS IS A CONFIRM A TION DEED OF A LOT LINE CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITII ^ SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 8, 2003. C,... "I,' ,.,. I .... :J \,.' , BEING AND INTENDED TO DE the same premises.~ conveyed 10 the p~y. of Ihe firsl pan by deed in Liller 11981 cp 63S. I.. ~; f' . ~jPlK TOGETHER with all right. litle and inlA!rest. if any. of the pany of t~ first pan in and to any SlreelS and roads abulling the above described premises 10 lI1e cenler lines lhereof. TOGI:.TIIER will1lhe appuncnances and all the eslale and righlS or Ihe party of the first pan in and 10 said premises. TO IIA VB AND TO 1l0W the premises herein gr.uJt.ed unto the pany of the second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND Ihe party of the firsl pan. CQvcnanlS thai the party of the firsl pan has nOl done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whl1\ever. excepl as aforesaid. AND the pany of the first pan. in compliance with Seclion 13 ofthc Lien Law. covenanlS thatlhe party of the first pan will receive lhe consider:uion for this conveyance and will hold the righllO receive sl1eh considemtion I1S a trUst fund 10 be applied firsl for the purpose ~f,~~ing 'tfie casi'6f liie:lfuprovcment and will apply the same firsllo the paymenl of the COSI of the improvemenl.bl:fOk using IIny pan.oflhe tOlllI of the same for any other purpo5C. I.'. . f'.' ';' . The word .party. shall be conslrued as if it read .panies" whenever lhe sense of this indenture so requires. IN WrrNB.'tS WIIEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year firsl above written. IN PRESBNCE OF: - iea Corso NYSBA 1Ia_..11Ia1 e...lc Forms... II...,..."\IIJOOI CopyripI CaPJOn"Dcvc'-' -I. II' .. ". ALL those cerrain plots, pieces, or parcels of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, siruate, lying and being at Curchogue, Town of Southold, CoWlty of Suffolk and Srate of New York, known and designated as Lot 1 and Lot 2, as shown on Map Prepared for Louis Corso &: Luba Corso (Lot Line Change) prepared by . ., Young &: Young Land Surveyors, Riverhead, New York, last daled July 18, 2005, more particularly boWlded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northerly ~nus of the boWldary line between land now or formerly Oregon u.c. on the west and land now or formerly of Timothy T. Steele &: Jeanne F. Steele on the east, said poinr being situate North 48 deg. 44 min. 00 sec. West as measured along said boundary line 1,602.13 feet from the intersection of said boWldaIy line and the northerly side of Oregon Road, said boundary line 8Iso being the westerly line of a certain 25 foot right of way; RUNNING thence from said point or place of beginning South 82 deg. 28 min. 00 sec. West along land now or formerly Oregon LLC 201.11 feet to Lot 2, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso &: Luba Corso; RUNNING thence North 46 deg. 56 min. 48 see. West along Lot 2, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso &: Luba Cono 730.77 feet to the high water mark of the Long Island SOWld; RUNNING thence along the high water mark of the Long Island SoWld the following three (3) tie.line courses and distances: 1. North 84 deg. 43 min. 48 sec. East 93.02 feet, 2. North 80 deg. 59 min. 55 sec. East 159.50 feet, 3. North 82 deg. 53 min. 39 see. Easl 85.44 feet to land now or formerly Louis C. Corso, Regina Corso, &: Monica <:Drso; RUNNING thence South 48 deg. 53 min. 00 sec. East along land now or formerly Louis C. Corso, Regina Corso, &: Monica Corso 709.84 feet to land now or formerly Timothy T. Steele &: Jeanne F. Steele; RUNNING thence South 69 deg. 56 min. 25 see. West along land now or formerly TImothyT. Steele &: Jeanne F. Steele 145.17 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 4.5183 Acres. TOGETIlER WITH &: SUBJECT TO certain rights of way and or easemenls shown on the aforementioned Map Prep3red for Louis Corso &: Luba Corso. <. ~ t.: . . .:. )/umberofpages TORRENS Serial # :ertificatc # .' . RECORDED 2'.lO5 Oc\ 31 IO,20llJa llI'I Edward P.Rolllaine CLERK OF SUFFIJ:..K COUNTY L DOool2417 P 442 D1I 05-13108 Prior CIf. # Deed, Mortgap Instrument. J Page' Pil~ Fee HaIIdling TP-584 Notation . EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SllllC) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit nl^- Certified Copy -0' \. NYS Sun:harge Olhcr 4 Disl. Deed, Mortgage Tax Stamp PEES Recording' l'i1inll SllImps fr_ . '3.1 Mortgage Ami. I.. Basic Tax 2. AddilionalTax Sub TOlal SpecJAllSit. or . i , 5'100 .(- ./- t; - ~ Sub TolaI !@ ~ -;:-;. \ ~.01J 5: 00 Spec. 'Add. __ _ .____ ____ TOT. MTG. TAX _ ... Dual Town _ Dual (".ounty _ Held for Appointmenl Tr....sfer Tax e- Mansion TIlx ----: The: property coveml by this lIIortl8l!e is or will be improved by a one or IWI) family dwelling Clnly. YHS . nr NO ______ If NO. see uppropriulC lax clause on page /I Df this in.'ltnlmcnt. lo'~"'.r 15: J!!L Sub Total ~L11. ~ Grand TOllII Section 5 ColDlDwdtJ Prelervatiolll'u1ul . CDnsideration AmDunt $ _-6>:::_.__ Block Lot ,.--.-.-- ; Rea1 Property /j Tax Service Agency Verification 6 SatisfllClionslDischargeslRclCllSCll Lisl:Propeny Owners Mailing Address h RECORD" RETVllN TO: fII,CICIA C. rYJo.oe~/. Pj. -:s- /0 ~o ~/,.J (2.A ~ ~O(dOc.) NY //9?/ ~~~ 1000 08300 0200 ~~) 011013 CPF Tax Due s 6- Impn,vL"<I ..-, ...... ... - ... ./ Vacanl Land / m 10 TD 11) 7 n Infonnation 6~'T.PAcr -, ;;] c . Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'Ibis page forms pan of Ihe altached Ce.SD t ~I=_' (SPECIFY. TYPB OF INSTRUMENT) mad" hy: The pmniscs herein is silualcll in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township uf ~c) i7ri1c-::> ._._ ._... ___ h,lhc VIlLAGE or' HAMLET of BOXES 6 TIlRU 8 MUST BE TYPBD OR PRlNTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO ROCORDINCl OR FILING,. t!o~s~ lover) III~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" I11II111 111111111111 1111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICI!: RECORDING PAGI!: Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmbe~ of Page.: 4 Receipt NUmbe~ 1 05-0114076 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13108 Reco~d.dl At: 10/31/2005 10120:08 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012417 442 Dist~ict: 1000 Deed AmouDtl Section 1 083.00 RYlt,MINBD AND $0.00 Block 1 02.00 CHARGBD AS Loti 011.013 POLLOWS Received the Pol1owiDg Pee. Po~ Above Instrument Bxlllllpt Bxlllllpt page/piliDg $12.00 NO HaDdliDg $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO N1'S SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STA'1'B: $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~t.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO T~lU1.f.~ tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.P~es $0.00 NO Pees Paid $247.00 TRANSPBR TAX NCKBBRI 05-13108 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdwa~d P.Romaine County C1e~k, Suffolk County ~ PLEAsE TiPE OR PRESS FIRMLV WHENWRITliIIG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:J' www.orps.stste.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY . I~,~, 3,/?,8.11 it cz.__R.....- I (.!, V I ~-!.., '. . CI._I /,,2.,'1'/ .71C4.'-1 ,$1.$1";'1 \; ... PROPERTY INFORMAll0N CI. SWI8._ 1'=1 IINrI....... Cutchogue CllVOO_ aBUB Oregon Rosd a'MIl'1MMr. z. ..... -- LMT..../~ CORSO CORSO ....rN.wA/~ I. T.. 1ndICIII....... fubn T.. SIll.. U) be... -. W_lIlInbu,.-_Io,_oflonnl L. -- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE Of tEW YORK STATE _ OF _-.nvSEIMCl!8 RP - 5217 u.&317" ."" 11935 --VILI.ACII ~B111S IP_ Ii'll'.... BG [NA MONICA ,.,.- lAIr....../COIII'AIIY ...,..... IlIImT_IIAM1'IMU.fMAME ClI"'."llMl "''''''' .. ........ the...... of .. ._4 IIoIII*QII ...-......... Oft the.... I , of '.reel. OR 0 PlIrt of. "ceI 1._ I Ixl ::-"' ,...., .....f CORSO CORSO cUfill'(Y" I~ CORSO IORI '-. IILPIH 1.- -- LAIT......./QIIHONI'I 7. a.... the bu...... which.........,....,....... the...., the.........., .. 1M tfnw Dlua.: ...:"""" ^~OnoFornlly_1l B Of 3 Flmily .....ntill C ReaiHnIW Y.:.nt UncI I) Non Rill_oil V_ Land SALE INFORMATION "..... Cantrm DBa . I LOUIS LUBA ut'ln' MONICA E~ Atl.eulturol I ~ CammunllySortko F CGmmon:IIl ,J IndUllrlo1 (; ApoIt-. K Public""'" H Eran-...nt I AmIllOmDllt L FaraII. 12. Iloto", 8010 I T_ '3.___ I. . ITATI IOnIy I....",. _ _.....,......" OA. ........ ..... _ Suber ...... -...,. E-. .. e....-v..... AppnMI_ "-IWrad for T'...... C. PM:III AfIptowed fDr II:. ~.... .18iDn willi MIp ProwIdIId o o o _11Io__..........." .. ()wnoroh;p T_.. tGndomlnlum .._~on_Land - _ ~ _n on._...... ...1Iuyor_._-..... ......praperty....en Agril:uIIur.IDIIhic:t o o o o '1. CIIICIl_. ....., ~ _ -. _......... to.....r.: ^ 8010__..__ B 5010_ Ro_~Ioo.._in Bull... <: 011o "'.........._. SoIIor D au,. or SIIIr iI Go..I\\o..... Agn:y or LencInu IftIdMIon F. Doad Typo not __ .. So""ln ond Solo 1&pociIy _I ~ Solo of _.. '-Ihon Foo l_lSpocify _ Ci s.u- thonga .. "- _ T...bIo __ ond Sole 0- H SaIl of BUIi.. it IndudIId in SetI PrIce I Otho< Un_ __ _no 8010 PrIco 18poo:I1y_ None ..T..__,___II____._____I l)"t'l , .J..l, 05 - Ill> - . .~, ,0,0.01 , , . IFuIl Sill' Price. the tOClllnlOUM peid far 1M properly inclulfing P8rtDn1l property. 1lI1a peymenl rIllY ... in tht farm of cnh. .If ....rty or goodI. or IhI ....rnplion of mol R l or ather abIig1don"J "-- round ro 1M,...,., ....... amcNIIII. '''_11Io''-'''_ I 0 001 __Inlllo_ . ' ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dole .....uld _ Ih.101ll1t Flnol __ Roll .nd T.. Bill ,.. :::' ~-:.::... tram d::l..J;( 17. ,_........".... leaf.. PM'*I1n ~ I ~II ,1.1'nIpooty-. ~ I-LJ ,..___~-L{'1, 1000-83-2-11.11 -f6 . 3.s . / .0. U , , , u.Jz..h~(.(JL .' I I CERTIFICATlON I I ....uI) _ 08 '" 1110....... or bd"...._......... GO ..... filnn .... _.... __ fl. Ibo """ 0111I)" k_.......... hoIIof) mol I ..... _1hoI1bo __ allIll' -..... _ 01_ ""'.........m...... _Ill'" ....._ allhr..... .... ......w. ""'......._... 01_11III"- ~ BlIVEIl'S ATTOIINEY /p-,R.l.- .... LOUIS CORSO .rllLLl ..... PO BOX 1287 ..,..........I....IUlMLD Cutchollue alVUIIIOIIWI INY 11935 ....... IT.... _./ ~ ..-~~6 .KW:1I__TUlI LOU I 5: COKSU I ;~['4JO( MOORE ....- (631) ....- J'ATRICIA .C. -- 765-4330 ""-- / NEW YORK STATE COPY \..