HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 441 " I.-J24.11 ". .. ~ .~ . f L-f~) . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) , , . 8'3-2-)),)3 STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAlmON: THIS AOREEMENT SHOUlD HE PKEPARED BY"'"' ATlURNEY AjO;D REVIEWED BY AITORNEVS RlR SELLER AND PUROfASI!Il BEFORE SKljO;INO. ~ TillS INDENTURE, made ~ day of W. . 2005 ;w' , between LURA CORSO. residing al Cutchoguc:. New Yolk, 81 to 8 twenty-three percent (II"') intErI!li1 AND REGINA CORSO. residing lit CulChoguc:. New Yolk. ,115 to 8 twenty-three percent (I3'lL) Interest AND MONICA CORSO. n:siding lit Cutchogue. New YOrk..1I1 to a twenty-thrce pen:etlt ~'lL) pany of the fint pan. and LOUIS CORSO. n:siding IltCwchogue, New York.. to 8 thirty-one percent (31'lL) IntErest AND LUBA CORSO. residing at Cutchoguc. New York, uto. b\"enty-three pemlnt (23'lL) intErest AND REGINA CORSO. residing at Cutchoguc. New York. ," to 8 tWenty-thfee 'pe~!!t' p,3'lL) Interest AND MONICA CORSO. residing at CUlchogue. New York..8lI to 8 twenty.three percent (~'lL) .. . c pany of the second pan. WITNESSETII, that the pony of the first part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration. paid by the pany of the second pan. does hereby grant and n:lease unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. ALL thai cenain plol. piece or parcel of land. wilh !be buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE ,\ A TI ACHED (DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES) This rnnpIVont'l! is mad, os Hit of 0 So",hald Town Planninll BOIII"d R'5ol"twn dilled ~mHr B. 2063 so ,It at tltll 5116;", Hrt:lIl will IItlual4.S1 aCl'tl5 BEING AND IJIo'TENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to the pany of the first pan by dc:cd in Liber 11981 cp 635. '-, "III TOGETHER wilh all right, title and interest. if any. of the pany of the first p:U\'lncand to any streets and roads abulling the above dcscribed premises 10 the ccnlCr lines thereof, TOG1:.TIIER wilh lhe appurtenances and alllbc estate and righlS of the pany of the first pan in and to said premises. TO HA VE AND TO 1I0l.n the pn:mises hen:in grunted unto lhe pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of !be second pan forever. AND the party of the first pan. covenants that the party of !be first part has not done or suffered anything wbcrc:by the said pn:miscs have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as afores:lid. ANDthc: party oflbe Iirsl pan. in compliance wilh Seelion 13 of the Lien Law. covenanlS Withe party , ohhe first part will rec:cive the consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 rc:c:eivc: such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the COSI of the improvement and will apply the s:lme firsllO Ihe payment of the cost of the improveme'nt before using any pan of the loIal of !be same for any olber purpose. . The word "party" shall be: conslrued as if it read "parties" whenever lbe sense of lhis indenture so n:quires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl part has duly exc:cuted Ihis dcc:d the day and year Iirst ubove wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: jO;YSOA ReoidnIialIlcaI EIloIe """"" III JIoIDo<s'(9IOO) C"",riSIIl Capoo/IollovelapmrD1 .(. .. . ALL those cenain plots, pieces, or parcels of land, with Lhe buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at CULchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 1 and LoL 2, as shown on Map Prepared for Louis Corso &. Luoo Corso (Lot Line Change) prepared by Young &. Young Land Surveyors, Riverhead, New York, last dated July 18, 2005, more particularly bounded and desaibed as fol1ows: BEGINNING at the nonherly terminus of the boundary line between land now or formerly Oregon LLC. on the west and land now or formerly of Timothy T. Steele 8< Jeanne F. Steele on the east, said point being situaLe North 48 deg. 44 min. 00 sec. West as measured along said boundary line 1,602.13 feet from the interSection of said boundary line and the northerly side of Oregon Road, said boundary line.also being the westerly line of a certain 25 foot right of way; RUNNING thence from said point or place of begimrlng South 82 deg. 28 min. 00 sec. West along land now or fonncrly Oregon LLC 201.11 feet to Lot 2, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso 8< Luba Corso; RUNNING thence North 46 deg. 56 min. 48 see. West along Lot 2, as shown of Map Prepared for Louis Corso 8< Luba Corso 730.77 feet to the high water mark of the Long Island Sound; RUNNING thence along the high water mark of the Long Island Sound the following three (3) tie-line courses and distances: 1. North 84 deg. 43 min. 48 sec. East 93.02 feet, 2. North 80 deg. 59 min. 55 see. East 159.50 feet, 3. North 82 deg. 53 min. 39 see. East 85.44 feet to land now or formerly Louis C. Corso, Regina Corso, 8< Monica Corso; RUNNING thence South 48 deg. 53 miD. 00 sec. East along land now or formeriy Louis C. Corso, Regina Corso, 8< Monica Corso 709.84 feet to land nOW or formerly Timothy T. Steele 8< Jeanne F. Steele; RUNNING thence South 69 deg. 56 min. 25 see. West along land now or formerly Timothy T. Steele 8< Jeanne F. Steele 145.17 feet to the point or place of Beginning. CONTAINING an area of 4.5183 Acres. TOGl!TIIER WlTII &. SUBJECT TO cenain rights of way and or easements shown on Lhe aforementioned Map Prepared for Louis Corso &. LuOO Corso. , lumber of pages TORIU;NS erial. :cnificaIC . rior Of. . " '. , . .' 0' RECORDED 2005 Oct 31 10.2fl108 Al1 Edward P.Robaine ClERK OF SUFFOlK COUNTY l ??oo12417 P 441 D1I 05-13107 Deed /.Morlp&e Inslrumeut Recording I Filing SllImps 6 SatisfactionslDi~leases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECO~ Ii: IQITURN TO: f2-1r,'-I:/Y)b"~ -u S-I .~ c) /YJfl"j IV. ~/ >tr!llnl' 7 3 age I Filing FeCi landIing P-584 10000000n . A-52 17 (County) A-5217 (SllIIe) ,- -.. ..P.T.~.A. :Omm. of Ed. .ffidavil t , :ertified Copy " IYS Sun:harge Itber Deed I Mortpac Tax SllImp FBBS jY- 5, 00 .< 01'. Mongagc Ami, I. Basic: Tu. 2. Additional Tax Sub TUllII Spc:c:JAssil. or . , ----<- <{ . -:-:-: Sub Total 1'< 77\ \.)()CL) 011 Spc:c:./Add. TOT. Mm. TAX Dual Town --.:.... Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinlment Tnms,fc:r Tu -G> MlUIllion Tax -... 5: 00 The property covc:red hy Ihi. lnangage: is or will be improved hy a tllIC ur two family dwelling only. YES or NO ,1'= IS: J!!L Sub TOlBI 1?:iJ '/97. " ~. If NO. lICC appropriate lax c:lauKC on pl\ic . or lhis in5lnlmenl. /'(h3'1t>r Clnmd Total Section 08300 0200 011013 5 CoIlUllWllt)' PnHlVlltioD had Consideration Amount $ -e -l:J Lot " CPF Tax Due s hnprov..'<I /: / Vue;lnt Lund ' .... , TD /0' TD I. TO , n . Information /S.:!.7Z''' COT -,..., c . . ! SutTolk Count Recordin Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of tbe auached The premises herein is siluall:d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In~1bwnshipuf ~ii(D":> In the VILLAGE or HAMlEr of B.OXES 'THRU 8 MUST BR TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I-1LING" made hy: , ()~ , ! i (SPEC TYPE OF INSTRUMENTI Cw.v TO (over) 111111111111111111111111111 11111 111111111111111 11111111 111111111111111111111111 StJlI'rOLIt COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OFFICB RBCORDDfG PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBIlS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0114076 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-13107 Recorded. At. 10/31/2005 10.20.08 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012417 441 District: 1000 Section: Block. 083.00 02.00 BXAIIINEII AlII) CHARGBII AS I'OLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 011.013 Deed Amount. Received the Pollowing I'ees I'or Above Instrument Exempt 1fy~t page/I'iling $12.00 NO Bandling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRaG $15.00 NO ICA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co:IIIm.Pre. $0.00 NO l'e8. Paid $157.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBBR. 05-13107 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TBB INSTRtlJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . - --.--" . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRM[\'WHEllfwRmNG ONl"ORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stIItlI.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTV'USE ON~ V CI.S_~ C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I --- A1lIIT_ Cutchoaue QlYGIIIIGWN .1< 9':/1 . lit REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. D8Ie DMd Rlcardlld ~?J,~g,f1 //J 1.3/ J ~Jr ~ f5fY v... STATE OF _ YORIl ITATE IIOAIID OF _ .-any IIEIMCES CoI. ..... I RP - 5217 ~17""'JM Oregon Road llIUlllMll ....... 11~~ I 1._ -- CORSO LAIT .....,CIMNNY LOUIS , LUBA ,..... I CORSO ...... .-,CQIIWIMY I REGINA , MONICA ..., NMIl J. Tu IndIaMe wbIre fuIu.. TIX ... nlD bllOnI I .... _____loIbaaDm"'_. - lAIT .....,CCNWIY F.-r .... ....r_.AMI~1IMII! O'NGIIIICJMII ".n. p cum: DII'TIl IORI . lOIIly.-"'.--...,....,. ..PIon..............llubdIvition""""""'E-. ~ .. SIAldt.... ApprcMiI_ Rlquired forT...... 0 c._~""s.__..._ 0 4. 1ndIuIe.... ......... rI .. ...... ........ ..._........... all tile.. I . of 'arcel, OR G Pall: at a Percel ..- I Property MON' toUr - CORSO CORSO Ixl 'AOIeI' I LUBA REGINA ...rNAllllii ...... -- LAIT...../~Mn' I CORSO LAST YIlt , IXWMN" MONICA ....r~ A~ OM F.m;ly_" H 2.r3~_ C _mIol_loncI D Nan-R.idlnllIl VICMI lIInd I SAlE INFORMATION I 11.___ n/s I! ~ AgricuOu.oI F Commoo<ooI (j - H Emanail1menl f Arnwen.nt I ~ CommunIIy Sorvlco J lnduItrill K "",roc_ I. ..... -.... - -- ...,....,. .. 0Wn0nItIp TvPo .. ~Ium .. ,..., CanItrucIion on V8Cllnt L..nd IIlIl ""'- ~ wilhn on AgrIdanI_ ,.........-.__1-... .....1IIo_"III..AgricuIIuroI_ o o o o y.CMcIl........_____.......<II...._......-......: - 1 I o.w' .... 1 'lJ I 05 ~ v_ ,1. ChIdI_ or ..... III __ ..ldlh-._ _......... tD ~ A 8010__",__ B ___Camponioo",_1II Bull_ e ON 01 u. &uy.n iI.. . SeDor D Buv- ar SIIIr" Qoil.t......nl AgIncy.. landing InIIiluIIon F. 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I __ dIOt ,............ of _.._.- _ <11_......... wII....... d!ollle _.,' . <IIdle _.....-.. IOdle -... ad ....<11__ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY i(i(ku 11(01--- MOORI> .....- PATRICIA C. -- PO BOX 12811 .nQ.T ....- ( 631) SI1lUT", WTlIIMW 165-4330 . -- --. CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 ""'...- IT'" IP.... SEW!II --~ 4!R~~' MCf;-ia(" NEW YORK STATE COPY