HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 489 ~ 'l3-2-7~ L/2Lf:ZD f 1j~9, s_ N. Y.D.T U. Fann 8002 .1lIrpin ... SoIc Do:cd. with eo.._ opinsI OrInIar'IIIcU - Uniform IIckDowlod&n>onl CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THl8INSTRUIIENT.THISINlTRIIMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 9th day of November, 2005. BETWEEN N.ncy Butkus, residing at 321 West 78th Street, Apt,it. New York, New York 10024, party of the first part. and Scott Kaarman, residing at 249 East 4811I Street, New York, New York 10017, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the pany of Ihe first pan. in consideration of Ten dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the pany of the second pan. does hereby grant and release unto Ihe pany of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany oflhe second pan forever, ALL Ihat cenain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements theMln erected, situate, lying and being at Cutc:hogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more partieularly bounded and dc:sc:ribc:d on Sehedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof. SUBJECT TO covenants, restrictions, dedications, telephone, electric and gas easements of record, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the pany of the first part by deed dated July 8, 1998, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 24, 1998. in Liber II i 906 at Page 983. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party of the first pan in and 10 any SIn:CtS and roads abutting the above described premises 10 the cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenancCl and all the eslale and rights of the pany of the firsl pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlO Ihc party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany ofthe second pan forever. AND the pan)' of the tirst pan covenants that the pany of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, exccpt as aforesaid. AND the pany of the first pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the tien Law, covenants that the party of the tirst pan will receive the consideralion for this conveyance and will hold the righllo reeeive such consideralion as a trust fUnd to be applied first for the purpose of paying thc cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the paymenl of the COSI of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be eonstrued as if il read "panics" when ever Ihc sense oflhis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year first above writlcn. IN PRESENCE OF ~i~ .~~. Nancy B us J '.------- / . AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACf CORP. SCHEDULE A TITLE NO: '632-8-8254 AiDeDded 111812005 r"' . All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town c SOUTI-lOLD, at CUTCHOGUE, County of Suffolk and State of New York being bounde and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the center line of a 20 foot wide right of way, said point bein distant 2149.70 feet westerly from the intersection of the westerly side of Oregon Road an the center line of said 20 foot wide righi of way; THENCE from said point of beginninl along the center line of the 20 foot wide right of way north 46 degrees 39 minutes 5 . seconds west, 188.55 feet to a point and lands now or formerly of Kalamaras; THENC along said lands 'north 14 degrees 41 minutes "30 seconds east, 700.00 feet to a poin nIENCE still alc;lDg said lands, north 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west, I I 1.03 feet 1 the high water mark of the Long Island Sound; THENCE along the hi~ water mark of tI: Long Island Sound, north 88 degrees 16 minutes 20 seconds east, 214.50 feet to lands no' or formerly of Corso; THENCE along said lands, south 46 degrees 04 minutes 40 second east, 615.63 feet to a point and lands now or formerly of MORELL, LLC; THENCE alol] said lands the following two courses and distances: I) south 67 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds west, 356.55 feet; , 2) south 41 degrees 30 minutes west, 444.10 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO the rights of others over that portion of premises covered by 10 foot wi( portion of a 20 foot right of way.and over the southeasterly 50 foot wide. strip of land leadir from 20 foot wide right of way to lands adjacent on the north. , TOGETHER WITH a right of way 10 feet in width ~ver l8J:lds of Zuhoski from tl northwesterly comer of the premises to the southerly comer of said premises and then a rig of way 20 feet in width from said southerly com::r southeasterly about 2,700 feet to Oreg( Road; the center line of said 20 foot right of.way being the boundary between said land I the party of the first part and said lands of Zuhoski and its direct exteosio 6 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS.: On NOVembe~ 200S, before me, the undcl'liigned, personally appeared Nancy Butkus personally 1m to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual(s) se namc(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to mc that helshe executed the same in hislhcr capacity(ies), and that by hislher signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf or which the individual(s) acted. executed the same. ~ NO/a IlENNETH B.1AHLEJr Sutto/l" c:':11c. S1alll 01 Ne" ,. "Im &pi,: i/!!- OIlA451~ ..."", 28, ~ IlEJlIlElH 8. lAHlER Nola/J Public, StIlI vi 111111bdI Sutfulk CaanIJ. No. OtlA4517611 llnll ElqlinS FIbnJIJy 28, 2; Title Company: Aquebogue Abstrac:t Corp. Title no.: 632-8-8254 N8ncy ButkuI -TO- Scott Kaufman RECORD AND RETURN TO: Daniel A. Schwartzman, Esq. Senior cou....., ~me Equltle. Inc. 55 Fifth Avenue -11" Floor New York, New York 10003-4398 . --. I .. Number ofpogcs TORRENS Serial # Ccnificare # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mongagc Inslrumcnl Deed I Mortgage l'oIX Slamp 3 FEES Page I Filing fee Handling 5 .w.... TP-S84 NOlaliun F.A-S217 (Counly) EA-S217 <Slule) Sub TOlul R.P.T.S.A. 30 CO Comm. 1)1' Ed. 5. .00- Atlida\'il ~J"cuP~ Rcg. Copy s-~ Sub Tatal GrolndTolul~ Olher 4 DisuiC:ll000 Seclion Real Properly Thx ServiCt' Agency Verificalion Block 01.00 LoI 007.003 S 08300 0200 007003 - .- 6 SUlisfac:lil1DlDischurgelilRclcasc !.iSI Propen)' Owners Mailing Address RECORD"" RETURN 'f0: Daniel A. Scbwartzman, Esq. Senior Counlel, Time Equities Inc. SS Fifth A venue - I Sib Floor New York. New York 10003 \ I RECOIIDED 2005 IbJ 17 01: 39: 18 PI1 Edtlard P. RoIuine CLERKOf' SI.JFFOlK CWITV L D00012420 P4~ DTI 05-15487 Rel"Ording I Filing Slumps Mongage AmI. I. Basic 1':1x 2. Addiliollal Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I Assil. or Spec:. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual CounlY _ Held rur lmcnl TrolllSrCr 1) Mansion 1 ..- The propc v~rcd by Ihis mOlglll! ur will he improved by :1 une or ramily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriale [all clause on page # llr lhis in; Communlt Preservatiun "'und S 3.7oo.0oo.0~ CPF Tall Due ~ proved ~ Vacant l.:md TO TO TO 7 Title Company Information Co. Name A ucbo uc Abstract Co . Tillc # 632-5-8254 II Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e This JIlIgc rorms pan or Ihc altachcd aa",aln & Sale "ith Covenantl Dred (SPECIFY TYPE Of INSTRUMllNT) made b Nan~ Rutku~ The pn:misis herein is silualed in TO In lhe Township or SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Southold Scott Kaufman In 1hc VILLAGE or HAMLET ur Hamlrt of Cutclaol!ue BOXES' THROUGH R MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FIUNe 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 1111 I111 1111111111111111111111111 StJPPOLIt COUH'l'Y CLBRIC RECORDS Oll'lI':J:CB RBCORD:J:NG PAGE Type of ID.t~t: DBBDS/DDD Humber of Page.: 4 Receipt Humber : 05-0120265 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-15487 Recorded: At: 11/17/2005 01:39:18 PI L:J:BBR: PAGE: D00012420 489 Deed Amount: SectiOD: Block: 083.00 02.00 Il!YaxINBJ) AND CBARGBD AS POLLOWS $3.700.000.00 Lot: 007.003 Di.trict: 1000 Received the Pollowing Pee. Por Above IDstrumeDt BF-.,pt NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Piling COB BA- CT!' TP-584 RPT Tran.fer tax COlIIIII.Pre. $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $14.800.00 $71.000.00 BaDdliDg NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copie. SCTM MaDsioD Tax $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $5.00 $0.00 $37.000.00 Exlll NO NO NO NO NO NO :ree. Paid $122.957.00 'l'RANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-15487 'l'HIS PAGB IS A PART O:r 'l'BB INSTRCMBN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward p.RomaiDe County Clerk. Suffolk County C3. _k PROPERTY INFORMAnON 'q-' ... ,~ fl.,?' REAL PROPERTY TWANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Cado 1~,7..?, 80g '11 .JJ. ' It. STAlE Of IEW_ STAlE _OfREAl.~_ C2. o.t. ~ nll:arded C4. ......1 RP - 5217 1INl1711n'J/rr 1'=1 2050 ITIIIIT........ Dignans Road P1W!T u.w Town of Southold ""'...- Hamlet of CutchoRue -- "CGllI 2. ..,., No_ Kaufman L.QT U.,f'I'lWtM'I Scott toIISr..,...; ...., ..../CQIIIWft ~r... I. Y.. Ind.... whirl fuIu,. TD BIll.. 10 be.... _.. 11__~_fIl_"1onn11 -- IAlr"",UNIWP _T_ aTYOI TCMN ,1 I 'ofP._ OR 0 P."or.Po.... srATt ..CGllI ITJIIP...... ....ITRII'... 4. ....... the n..... .. A----____.t _........_ on "'".... L::::- I .... r""""'''''' Ixl -... IORI '1IDfI. 7 . 7 1 I 1OnIy._oI.___......." 4A._..__s.._AIoIIoolIyEm'" D "_~_RoquI...s"T._ D 4C._~""Subd__Mop_ D 1.- - Butkus LAST__/aJM'oUft' Nancy '.'1IMIt LA5T NMlIr. I aJIINItf '1liio' *- ^~OneF~_ n 2 or 3 F.mHy Relldenlill C _d....oI_Ln D Non_V_Ln , SAlf INFORMATION I 11. _ _... Dolo Ii ~ AgrIcuItunoI I ~ Community_ F ConlInI..III J Ind_1 (j __ II: _.._ II E............' Am_nt I. _. -...----." I. Ownorohip...... II c....d.....UIllll I. New ConlIn-. on V_ UncI _ Poaporty ~_.n Aci- DIIIrIcI 1......._.d__Ind....... 1IlIl""_II'n ........__ D D D D J. a.- 1M .... ....... which ......... '........... the __ of .... ......., .. .he I"'" of ....: - .... , 05 v... 'I.CheIk_DI'__"'''''''la -......__ ..- ..........-.r. SIIe a.rw.n ReIIIfvw or Formar RoIItIw. 5* _ _ Componioo or _'n Bull_ One 01.... Buvoro .. .... . _ Buyao or_ II_~", Landing_ DIId T_... Wo_ u.Ilarv." _ SlIa ISpocIfv_, SlIa 01_1'" l.ooI....n Faa 1_ CSpadfy_1 Sig_ ChI... In "'-"" _ T..... SloI.. _ SIll Do SIll 01 BuII_ 111_" 5* Prico 0Ih0r Un_ F...... AIlocIlng 5* PrIce ($pod" _ na ..J ';} , liS v... 12. Dolo 01_' Tn_ 11 , 9 11. fuQ _ ..... 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 I '1.0.0 I , , . lFuII Sola ...... II .... ...., _nt poid for IN ._ny Including .......1 ........,.. n.. ..-y1nlN INV ba In tho form of c:uh. aIher property or lload1. or IN _umplion 01 moftlllll" or alhlr _IIgIIIOn..) ""'1DUItd ID ,he".,.., wItGIe dtJIIu MIOIIIIL ,.. -...........- I I propMy ........... .. .... . _ . U . 1r ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dota .hould reIIOCIlhe '.1111 ROIl_anI Roll .nd Tox Bill . 2004/05 lI.Y_oI -- ''''''__1 . 117 T___,....~In_1 .....lntarn""'.... ... . .-- 11. "-" a.. )2,1 ~ I-U 11.___1 '12 , CV1t~GLt:: , 1,9.1,0.01 , zo. 'ulllp'" r -.II ........._1wI .. .............. IIIIch .... wIIh ........ ............. 1000 - 083.00 - 02.00 - 007.003 I I CERTIFICATION I I ~ _.. ",... _", __ -.... oalldo...... on _.... _ .to........", IIIf ..._....... .... boIIofl.... I' '. '-" .... ... ........ IIIQ' __ __",_ filet........ -II MII\II<t.......... ON........"'... _ Iow_ Ill................ ....",__ !!!n!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY 11/9/05 SchwartzlII8n .... E^~T ~ ~ .....- 1 Daniel _T_ 1'1lIUT.... WTI...... ST. L92l7 "2.l~ I7-OP.-:~.l121 NEW YORK STATE COpy 11/9/05 ....