HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 188 N.Y.S. Real Estate Transfer Tax $2,780.00 Li JL/Ct{ fl<i5~ <J;3-j-q ~ IOOZ (91"1 . 20M -- IIIrpiII lad SIIe ~ wi" eo...-....... 0.-'. AN-IodividuoIcw CarpanIion. (liop_ 1111.aT YeN.-. u.................... .........-r-n.~. ~......... UIIID WI I.t __ .....w. THIS INDENTURE, nuuIe ~ 29th day of . July 2005 and BEJ1NEEN.JOHN A. LORETO, residing at 795 Glen Court, Cutchogus, New York 11935, 8S tenant-in-common, ~+wnr..v"""""""""vGevHy...1 - -., and COLLEEN REARDON, reaiding at 14 Colonial Drive. SmithtoWD, New York 11787. ea tenant-in-common, ~1___._...4_4~_._~."~ . panyoflhefimpan.and OCEAN POINT DEVELOPIlENT CORP.. a domeatic corporation having ita principal place of businesa at 140 Fell Court, Suite 303. Kauppauge, New York 11778 puny of Ihe second pan. WITNESSETH.lhallbc pany of Ihe lint poll. in cunsidenllion or Ien dollarll and GIber Vlluable considemion paid by Ihe pany or !he second poll. docs he.eby gt8IIl and .eICllllC ulllo Ihe party of Ihe second pili. Ihe beirs or M'ta!sSO'S and f"'ips of Ihe pany of lhe second pan f.......r. JALL Ihal certain plot. piece or para:l of land. with lhe buildiap and i1DplO'lCmenlS IheICOll erected, sillUlle. lying and heing.;".lhe at Oregon North, in tlll Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot #3 on Hap of Vista Bluff at Cutchogue, filed on 3/15/1968 as Map '5060. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first . part by deed dated April 26, 2002 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk'e Office on April 6. 2004 in Liber 12311 Page 813. TOGETHER WITH the benefits and subject to the burdens contained in a certain instrument dated December 15. 1975 and recorded in the Offic. of the Suffolk County Clerk in'Liber 7962 Page 450. TOGETHER wilb III righl. litle and interesl. if Iny. of Ibe pany of tbc fim pari, in Ind 10 Iny Slrcc:ts Ind roads Ibulling Ihe above.described premises 10 the cenler lines lhemif; TOGETHER wilh lhe appunenl.iCes and llIlhe esllle Ind rigbls of Ihe party of Ibe linl pan in and 10 Slid pn:mises: TO I lAVE AND TO HOLD.lhe premises herein grantccl unlo Ihe pany of Ihe second pin. tbc hein or suece.""n Ind assigns of Ihe party of Ihe second pIn forever. AND Ibe pIny of Ihe firsl pin covenants Ihullhe pany of Ibe finl pan hiS DOl done or sulJcn:d anythin8 whereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any wlY whltever. cscepl" aforesaid. AND Ihe pany of Ihe firsl pun. in compliance wilh Secliun I J or Ibe Lien Law. covenanls Ihallhe pany of Iha firsl pan will receive Ihe consideralion for Ihis conveyance and will hold the rilhllO receive such consider- alion as a lrusl fund 10 be applied firsl for Ihe purpose of payinl the cost of Ibe improvement and will apply Ihe same first 10 Ihe paymenl of the COSI of Ihe improvemcnl before usinl any pan of Ihe 10lal of Ihe same for any olher purpose. The word "pany" shall be construed as if il read "parties" whenevcr Ibe sense of Ihi. indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe pany of lhe finl pin has duly executed Ihis deed lhe day and year firsl above wrinen. IN PRESl!llCE OF: ~~.Q~~ tt ~ A. Loreto {1~~ Colleen Reardon Page 2 of 3 AdatGwt8dg&I~_4 hi.... In NMlYork... Slate of New York, County or Suffolk On th. 29th day or July . In the y..12005 , beI'orll m., the undel8lgn.d, person.IIy'.pJl8llred JOHN A. LORETO p.raonally known to m. or proved to m. on the ba.l. of _dalactoly 8\/Idance to be ilia Indlvldualla) wtaa n.ma(!) Ie ~~.ubecrlbad 10 the within lnatrumant .nd acllIlClWl.lIQ.Id to me that h.'....,.".) ...out.d the ..m. In hllllllarl'tllalt cap.clt~), and that by hlalllarltll. .Ign.ture(.) on the Inlllnl'llent, the Indlvldual(eI or tha person upon beh8ll of which ilia 1ndivIdua11ll) 1ICI8d, lIIl8CUtad ilia lnatrumant. /1)./ .Q, ~ ~~~ ....1IllIWD f.lNIIC ~"""-YlItr III. .1IIIIIIr~ Qo-...... ~Aug.Il.1Illl1. AcllIIowIedgamant by llubacrlblllll WIh ... ....... In Naw York .. Slata of New York, County 01 On Ihe day 01 , In th. year lha undersigned, personally appllllred the aubecrfblng wItn_ to ilia lorai!otng lnatrumant, with whom I am personally lICqUIIlntad, who baing by ma duly sworn, did dapose and aay, that ha/ahaIIhay 11IIIda(.) In . , before me. that hafahaIIhay '"-f.) to be tha IndIvtduaI daacribad In and who lIIl8CUtad tha lo<ago/IIg IllIlrvmant; th.t IIlIid aub8crfblng wItnaI8_ pnlBent and aaw aaId ,execute the eame; and 'h.t a.ld wltne_ at the ..m. 11m. aubacrfbad h1a1harllhelr namala).. a wItnaaa Ihar8to. 11IIe No.: L "J66(.'J,5 :lOHN A. LORETO and COLLEEN REARDON TO OCEAN POINT DEVELOPMENT CORP. Distributed by ChIcago 'nile llISUranc:e Company Page 3 of 3 AcIa_.dgem.llt .......In New York s_ , ea: Slala of New York, County 01 Suffolk ,": On th. 'Z~ day of July , In the year 200S, beI'orll m., the und.rslgned, p.rsonally .ppeared COLLEEN REARDON peraon.lly known to me or proved'to m. on the b.ele 01 sallalaclory avldence 10 be the IndIvkIu.ll8) wtaa nllmlll.) Ie 'iBPa) aubacrfbad 10 the wllhtn lnatrumant and ackno.ABdlllld to me that -M/lhaf1ltar- ...cut.d Ih. eame In -flls/herllltalr- capacl~, and th.t by *ialharllllalro algn.ture(a) on the lnatrumanl, the IndMtIua~eI or ilia person upon bahaK of which the 1ndIvIdual1ll) .ctad, lIll8CUled lha Inalrumant. .~~ Notary Public KENNETH D. BOUTON, Not.ry Public. Stela a' N_ \'oItl No. Ot 80507B39O Qu.lifled in SuHolk Cou.. - '7 Commission &pi... Mey 27. ~D _ AoImDWIatlgamant taltWi' Outalda New York Stata , sa: . Slata of . County 01 , sa: . (or lnear! DIBtrtct 01 Columbia, llIrr1tory, Posae..lon or Fa..lgn Country) , On the day 01 , In tha year tha und.rslgned, personally appe.red , balo.. me, par.on.lly known to me or proved to m. on the b.ala 01 -liIIactory avldence to be tha Indlvldual(a) whoaa namale) Is (.re) aubecrlbad to the within InBltument end ~dlllld to me thet h./ehe/thay executed the ..me In hllllh.rlthelr c.p.clly(le.). that by hllllh.rlthelr' elgn.tur.(.) on the Inatrumanl, ilia Indlvldual(a) or Iha parson upon bahaII 01 which Iha Indlvlclual(a) actad, 8XtICUlad the Inllrument, and that Ilich Individual made euch appeal8ft08 baIo<e tha Underalg,nad In the (add the city or polIIIcaI eubdIvIaIan and tha elata or country or other pleca lh. acknoWledgement wee laken). ,; '/&'0 b4 SECTION I f>>i) 3~ I LOT <<=f COUNTYORlOWN ~~ AElUAN8YllAJl.1O: BLOCK JOSEPH G NEMETH JR ESQ PINKS ARBEIT & NEMETH ESQS 140 FELL COURT HAUPPAUCE NY 11788 Zip No. I I . ~ . ~ I I . ,. 1 . - '. " , .. I I I . , . . Number of pap TORRENS j REClRDED 2005 SeD 14 11:27:31 RI1 Edward P.ROIlaine ClERK OF SUFFOlJ( CWlTY L 000012409 P 188 DTI ~IO Serial II Certificale II Prior CIf. II Deed , MOItgatgC Instrument 3 Deed , Mortgage Tu Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps Comm. of Ed. s. ..!!!!..- Mortgage Amt. J. Basic TIIX 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAssiL or Spc:c. ,Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ---.:. Dual County _ Held for Appointment TranslerTax ~ -=-- Mansion Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-584 5. 00 Notation EA.-52 17 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total k Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total-A~q -' The or will family d YES If NO. page" . y coven:d by this mortgage is improved by a one or two lling only. or NO appropriate laX clause on of this instrumenL Affidavit 5 Real Property . Tax Service Agency Verification -- _. - -.- -.-.--. 1000 08300 0100 009000 -. CPF Tax Due 400.00 Improved Vacant Land X -;1 Satisfactio~e&lRcICl1SCS List Property Owners Mailing Address .!J RECORD &: RETURN TO: JOSEPH G. NEMETH, JR., ESQ. PINKS, ARBEIT . HEHETH, ESQS. 140 FELL COURT HAUPPAUGE, NEW YORK 11788 TO 10 TO TO 7 Title Com n Infonnation Co. Name Li crt Land Title A ene LLC nile" L36662S 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pari of the attached deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: John A. Loreto and COlleen Reardon The premises herein is situated iu SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Thwnship of Southold In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET of CutcholZue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. (over) TO Ocean Point Development Corp. Page I of 3 111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIII SOFPOLIC CO'ON'rY CLBRIC RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0096239 TRANSPBR TAX NOMBBR: 05-06610 Recorded: At: 09/14/2005 11:27:31 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012409 188 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 083.00 01.00 009.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed :Amount: $695,000.00 Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO HaDdling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHa $15.00 NO EA.-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTJI $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,780.00 NO Ccma.Pres $12,400.00 NO P... Paid $15,419.00 TRANSPBR TAX NtlMBBR: 05-06610 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRtlXBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine COW1ty Clerk, Suffolk COW1ty . . PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://WWW.Orp8.st.te.ny.u8 or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY A g '9 I I '*'1:;l <'So REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CI.BWlSCode I'" ~v, . , I cz.o.u__ I i I (~ I t?~ D., Telr <<:3._ I t, c?, 'i.&" C4.Pogel -I, ( f. PROPERTY INFORMATION it 8TA1E CII' _ YORK aTATE BOARD OF REAL 1"IIUrEII1't' IERVICES RP - 5217 1lP-U11' ..., J/IfI 1'=1 895 I~ NUMIIII Glen Court IITlItUNAIK 2."- No.. Southold C1TYGRiTOlllll Ocean Point De~t Corp. ~ C~PRue 111935 ..- "ltaIiIIi LMTfMMI'~ fllSl... 3. T.. IncIcIte whn full.uI Ta _artllO belant I 8..... U__buvor__Cot_arbmJ, -- 1M. MINi, c:owwrtY FIlITJIAMI al'lmlTDlIIW 11;'1. ;:wgxx;, ,,.n_IANDS'M.,NMII 4.1ndiutt1 the number of A__ -..nt RaIl ....... b_.J_...d .. thI dMd '1 I, 01 P...... OR 0 Port 01. Po...1 .. =:.... I - ___FlU Ixl DO"" lOR I "Agu .5 .8 I lONr.Portol.__......._ u,"""'*v__s..bdI,IIMo.,_E_ 0 411._~_RlqundforT"'" 0 C.__ro.8u__Mop_ 0 ..- - Loreto I.AlIJ....,ClDMMfft' John A. tllll_ Reardon L"'NAM1i'~"lrfY Colleen -,- . A~OnIF.mlly_;"1 B 2or3Famity'FIIIIdanUaI C R..adentIaI VIl*II LInd 9 Nan.flnldlnll'lI Valnl LwId I SALE INFORMATION I 11.80"__ E ~ AgrlcaIIunI F c-ciII a ApoMlOlll H Em.....in.....nt I AmUNlhtnt l~~_ J ,_... II: Public_ I. _ -....--.......- a. ~lpTypoIll~... .. Mow CanItru;don an V_PI Land ____.._...'110'- -......-.-..--. IhM Iho prGpIrIy ill ...n Agricul&urll DiIcric:t o o o o 7. Cheak"" boa: HIow wItich mod accu,..... dncrIbee the ... oI....11f'111M1tY .. .... If.... aI _Ie: 10 ....... I 4 DIy I 04 YOM 11. a..II: _... .......... _........ _....... to......r.r. A 5o"__IIt__ B Sail 8Mween RUled ComPl_ or""" in Bull.... C Onoar....Suvorw.._.-. D 8_.. -.._ Agoncyllt Londing 'no1lluIIon r: Dad TyPo... w..-1It IIorgIIn .nd _1SpooIfy_1 F SIlo.. "1CIi_1It Lao"'" Fw 1_1SpocIIy-' G SlgnlfiClN Chongo.. _rty _ T_...... _ SIIIlloloo \I _"__"_In__ I 00hIr U.... __ AIIICIin8 SIlo _18pocIIy_ 1 None 12. D.....SIIoI Tr_ 7 I 29 ....... DIy I 05 v... ,6,9,5,0,0,0,0,01 , , . lFuII Sell PricI iI tbllIDIal InKN,u1l. pIIlCI for 1h1 IWOI*'tY incIucIing ptlIQftII prgpIfty. Tbll payman1 may be In 1M fonn 01 cash. ata.1l,.rty 01' GOOdI. or 1helllUmpcion of mORVllll or oIher obIiplionLJ PIuaJ raund to rite,..,., wIIotI doIMr...... ,..=;::.=~= I , ,N~A, , , ~ 0,0 I ASSeSSMENT INFORMATION, 0IItI _uld reflecllho 111111 Flno'-"'", RoIl.1Id Tu 8ill ,..,~"..~-- ..IIRoIhm I 0 4-117. T...a-edv........~............1 wIIich 1.1............. ...... ,a.FuD__ ,..-- ,3,1, fJ-u ,..___1 ; Mattituck-Cutchogue , 1,6.0.01 U.F.S.D. 2O.T....._'....._II_....._._____1I1 83 - 1 - 9 I I CERTIFICATION I . mlffythol......... _<6_..._ ...lhIII_ 1ft _...__'10......... <6.., lull ...... ..._....._.......--.. <6111J _..... _ 01_ ... ........ ... MIU1d _..... ...........,.... ......... _ ............... ....111............_ . 1mB IUYER'S ATTORNEY ~t~~. By' 1t1 " 7/29/05 .... ft.' ..._LL .- l'-t b.m rEo -- f; eo q()3 I ..- ......-.-.. IRMIT'" WlDlIALIJ ~~lA f4 Nemeth .....- Joseph G., Jr. -- 631 234-4400 -... -- CllYCII_ "q" IHH ....... "A'. ~~ ......-- John A. Loreto NEW YORK STATE COPY 7/29/05 .."