HomeMy WebLinkAbout31711-Z FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-32819 Date: 01/04/07 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 2860 LESLIE (HOUSE NO.) COunty Tax Map Ro. 473889 Section 98 RD (STREET) Block 1 PECONIC (HAMLET) Lot 2.6 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated JANUARY 4, 2006 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 31711-Z dated JANUARY 6, 2006 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to RICHARD D. & THERESE L. WHITNEY (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUIIITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-0S-0194 01/03/08 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 06-8773 12/14/07 12/20/07 BRIAN DYKE PLUMBING PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED ~,!::f!:::- Rev. 1/81 q; 7- 7yg-~ JSg 1 Form No.6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: I. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: I. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees I. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 0&, /'fU#f- New Construction: ,/ Old or Pre-existing Building: (c eck one) Location of Property: "IofJN~ (~6 l R Strt!. 0 l {J ffA'/MA 'c (J (I t!t Owner or Owners of Property: -r h t? /-P rfJ; I ~c, a~ . Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section '1 Y Block () J Lot 2. . b Subdivision ~J1~ /1 // ~ ~ Filed Map. -6 D ~ Lot: '~ Permit No. J. / 1- f I Date ofpermit. / It !. " Applicant: ,-- j, f]-I; , / Health Dept. Approval: Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: Fee Submitted: $ 7,C;-; nJ ~13~6.:? co 'L3J~'1 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 31711 Z Date JANUARY 6, 2006 permission is hereby granted to: PHIL PRODUCTIONS MARCO 137 W 25TH ST NEW YORK,NY 10001 for : CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 4 BEDROOM SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 2860 LESLIE RD PECONIC County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 098 Block 0001 Lot No. 002.006 pursuant to application dated JANUARY 4, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on JULY 6, 2007. Fee $ 2,855.10 ~ ~j~ IGllolbe. Q;,h~ ~ 1 <1 J ~~. 5 0 -------''' rnl'tc5~ vo~ IOf~O!o~I-\Lj-Dlf ~ {!;G.~..~m ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 1. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. is not responsible for the existing conditions at the subject premises. 2. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. is not responsible for corrections, upgrading or replacement of existing electrical violations at the subject premises. Any corrective work shall be solely the responsibility of the property owner. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. DOES NOT WARRANTY OR UNDERWRITE THE ELECTRICAL CONDITIONS AT THE PREMISES. 3. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. only recognizes the National Electric Code, the Building Codes of New York State all volumes and Local Municipal Codes, as Authorized by The Department of State Codes Division, via Village, Town or City Board Resolution. 4. AN ELECTRICAL SURVEY consists of a visual examination of the premises ONLY: Electrical Inspectors Inc. will comply with the requirements of NFPA 73, latest edition Chapter I. Section I-I, 1-2. If violations exist. a Notice of Violation (NOV) will be issued requiring correction by a licensed electrical contractor. After the violation has been corrected, a fe-inspection will be conducted and if approved a certificate shall be issued. 5. A SURVEY CERTIFICATE does not examine the actual wiring or devices unless all walls are opened and wires and devices are exposed prior to the survey being conducted. 6. A CERTIFICA TE is non-transferable. 7. AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION consists of an examination of wiring and installations during the rough stages of construction. After completion of the construction a final inspection will be conducted at which time a certificate will be issued provided no violation exist. In the event no inspection is requested during the rough stages of construction ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. will perform a CLOSED WALL SURVEY that consists of a visual inspection of the wiring and installations only. Since access is limited, ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. shall bear no responsihility for any defects or violations at the premises. 8. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. shall not be responsible to remove any walls in order to conduct an electrical inspection. 9. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. will only release information, certificates and reports to the applicant after payment for services rendered have been paid in full. 10. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, INC. assumes no liability for the results of its inspections. 11. The agreement may not be changed orally. ~ .. I ~ 8 ~ '" a ~ ~ fi b Iii ; N ~ SANITARY MEASUREMENTS A B S.T. L..P.I L..P. :2 Ie' 11' 16' 1"1' :2e.s' W E r ~ ~ I s ;. ~ ,. 8 ,. 2 . ~ ~ ~ :2"1' r-'-~-"~~'-- "-'-,<'._~--~-_.,.~ '- -'~-----"--~_..,,,___.~.~ _"_~ 1 LU; .<>< '~: ';,".' ~>~~>'..:>.;..:~-;;_.L~_;r--(r C<:::: l-;:;./\LT;'~ t:::RViCES ,,-\'. >: - -, ;\>(;,3.:'-";-;-~,'J ;/_(;?/~s F():1 "..,'-. JAN fi 3'2008,. ....;:.;.i..~:ciio.(~' IIr - 01'" J l.~~""'~~~~_r_._ '~,~.,_,____ ,..---...~.,...,..-._ru \l:l. _ ""J_~ '1 '- '(; :0 ", ( ~~ ;,';,c.::,,' ..... ~...... '5i": b,:,o;;io!.a';t,'r..::...... i-/ J 'l , 't if:: ~\--- . /. fl ""j."" '1 '- '(; :0 ", ( ~o.... ~ <S ~ ~ 't ~<": '0 " /. - - ">--- I ;:'/0 - //'5 - 6/9Y EJ-MC::lN.H9'<<!5ET ..~I'"OUND A.5TN:Z2T ....5T~~ O.~1'"(lUt:) c..GoHIHe"l" 1ItO.1tDOF~ 5.5T~ ce.G2I..J..M.~ I I / 'i;f': ,-.',;'-' "" .. ~,! ~",:j:,: :~<':!~;-',;."i i;2:le-; bt''1;,n '~':f ~,>;,. ._~2"':>':':,: <;;;ruj f;.j~!1d to ,;>:;~~:::';::~ :V~ ",-., :_'_'v.l ';-.,; ,.. .., '--;',"-:',::'I~:('t / z I <f n. 1::';:; .,..g u 0' ,!!l..f) ",<.UJ , b' ::::- -JJ~ ~.... ~ fl) Young &- Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 631-727-2303 Howa-rd. 11'. Young, La-net Surveyor Thomas C. lI'olpert, ProfeeBiona.l EngineeT RobBrt C. TlloBt, Architect DOUf/!a.B E. A.u.mB. ProfeeBionaI EngineeT NOTES AREA = 42,166 sa. FT. . 5U8DIVISION MAP f:AST HILL. SECTION I" FIL.ED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CL.ERK OF 5UFf'OL.K COUNTY ON NOV. 2"1, 1"11:3 AS FIL.E NO. 6044. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION . l'E HERESY CERTIFY TO SCOTT MOODY, SKYL.INE TITL.E, L.L.C & UNITED GENERAL. TITL.E INSURANCE COMPANY THAT THIS 5IJRVEY Y'lAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE I^IITH THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR L.AND SURVEYS ADOPTED 6Y THE NEI^I YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL. L.AND SURVEYORS. t/-rrv M-^- iA.{. SURVEY FOR SCOTT MOODY LOT 5 "EAST HILL SECTION I" At Peconlc, TOl"ln or Sovthold Svrrolk Covnt~, Hel"l York c.ount!:j TQX MQP District 1000 Section <1e Block 01 Lot 2.6 I TITLElFINAL SURVEY AMENDED DRIVEY'lAY L.OCATION MAP PREPARED JAN. :3, :woe DEC. :20, :2001 SGALE: 1"=50' JOB NO. :2OO1-0sa6 Dl"IS. :2005_0SS6_fe Fe ;IU ii~1 ~I~ii ~.!~ ~E~:i d~5 .;1 o il!' ;i.I ~i~5 I ~I =~I~i ~ft ~ ~ad I~;e liil I:;: ~'II II I o !51 !i~ ft ii;~ ill~ .li~; i~r o ~iil I.e~ ~:!I II;~ II:~ lell o 5<=~ I"~~ d~~ ~IIS i;i; ~~; Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 South old, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9502 Telephone (631) 765-1802 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATION Date I 'L /7 0 I n I / I Building Permit No. 2> I a ~ Owner: --r;( f2..et? ----L _ ~ J (Please print) fi.;, Plumber: OC(2f ~ OX!~ - m/4nfJ o?4fcj( 1[. (Please p ,'nt tJl r lead. I celiify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less tha 1% Sworn to before me this 2...0 day ofOprp~ 20fr]_ DO-w()l~___ Notary Public, su-ffi) ll:...--.- County DAWN ARGILA NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01AR6140208 Qualllled In Suffolk County MV Comml"lon <<-pitt" ;"nwurv 23, 2010 -- - -------:----~..~-- -- - - 3/711 Z- TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUilDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION ~INAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS, - t r~O ~I-'~ e:~ ~ ~j1)1/ J..,d.-' 4- j ~~~/ DATE 11..--3o~~7 INSPECTOR *~ 311/IL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [Xf INSULATION k " [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: riAR.. ~ ~ " ~ Vf(# DATE J/-IJ- tJh INSPECTOR ~~L ~ 31111 Z- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [~ INSULATION [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ~ ~ DATE 11--1- 0 b INSPECTOR ~ PL 3/71)z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST !<1 ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: .J- ~~ d1.o Ok; DATE /0.--;3 / -0 C, INSPECTOR ~~ ~ j 3/1// Z- p TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST ~ ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION 94 FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL ~ [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION , ~,~~ I IO-1fJ~f)h DATE INSPECTOR ~ ~ 3/7/1 -Z- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION 9<l FRAMING I ~TRAPPlNG [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS. ~_ t~-/ 0 ~, DATE <:{ -/1- 0 fc INSPECTOR ~~ 3/1/1 z- TOWN OF SOUTHOlD BUilDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION {){FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PlBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: ti- ~~ ' ~~.~~~~ DATE (7. --- 1-7 - 0 ~ INSPECTOR ~ ~ 31111 Z- TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PLBG. y<f FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS. -J~~ oIr; 3"-;L~of.o DATE INSPECTOR ~ ~ DATE COMMENTS ~t."'!r7--EIk- U ,f"A........ -.' t.';.... <" ;.. .JJ t//""'" 1::i- ,IJ -- r>> ~ Al.J"..I) "A" ~.... ~/) "~,J:.t' U 11_ -n / ~_ . ~ , ..J-.- . . ~ ~.A/ 1&..... "'. /Y ~ p---. /I ... _ '----A' D ;.-~ ~ ..... _ LA. :1Ii? ;/O"""+""fT~ _,r _. /7 2- ~. / - ~ J.....~ro ^ - ^. p __ D1A,) !Jl( f;;:.. 7l - f/ I If}./J .~ Y t>J I 'U (/ V /. 2: q -1-1 /I I. 'Y1'~ L<.A ..:..:s n:F /""7 ,pp., V P r-:lO~O NlgJ ~'f('~r"+->; J_fl...Vt\.^....I1 r;f t... a. MIJD ""t/~1i)~(1-...~ -,,, r.'.VfJ"Yt/- 0 '" , .J~, ~, o. .11 .Ar. .,. .t rA._ '" ~ 'CAN> Ok ,i': H ~.J ,..,,&JT "'''''' R j, nL -. f ~ -VA"} Ilk itA. ~.L """,)J~ ~ '~'VIl P. Ib-)/-1" p_v_-, ~'IJ" J- - w- _J"-' A_ ~ W---1I..-tl&~) ~ 01(: ~ -:// , ~ ~ r;; ..., p 3 ~. FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOUNDATION (1ST) FOUNDATION (2ND) ROUGH FRAMING & PLUMBING INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE 1I.J11 ~I' j::'0..i /'A1A.D/J '( , ~ _ _ .. III -13 -0 () F'V-l. (' 1J 1J ltL f...,.. '. . - - I.-r-.. < ~_ l~ /? j ~ .. [T,,'T I../;'y.. .~. il-~7 /./ '[/II - ..... ... ^ J...--ft:r-I II .....~b ~ 7 ?r:;.JJ.It. ;~t11( .J::. ~J, - /1J... ~J~ -r?- ;f /J if f"\ Q.Q'~ n .. I A4.. ,~ A '"t-'I U ...../ ~ Jl~ FINAL /I f/ ^ 71 ,.1 I J ~ I. ....//. L I V V" ,. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS . L ~ . ""'-L Irk... 7'.4J I) 'l-/ ' A J C"7f) ~A- ... {}J :J7?.... :O~ r & \2..t<:. ~ I '?, '\ ?, J H I/..(j, , - A f) 11...1, r-L... J/.L 1\ ....... ^ /.. r '. UJ"" l'! :1~ -.... -..., 'It (' 3 ~ (\ D ~ _.z -m ~ o 0- ~ :+. ~ l'! V' :>< "" .. -..:J~ , ..., ~.... ,0 ~12: ~l::J o ~ 6 ..., 11\=:: \ t::l o t>J -"" ~~ ~ I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Mail to: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT. TOWN HALL . SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. cJ'/H/ [l7? '_ ikl \1>hone: C~ G7llt . (CI/~:;- ~fJ' /58-1- Building Inspector ffY"-- -- -1:1.9 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT L'" 3c,.~o>1 INSTRUCTIONS Dol" 1'1 ,'06b a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location oflot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for re oval or demolition as here' described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, ti , and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. '-- Ii Ii o p'c State whether applicant i owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder N ~ lC If f corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. .~ ~Il 1. Location ofland on which proposed work will Z:5b 0 t~ '() j?i House Number Street c COUll!y. ~~,M~ No. ,1OOq /~ef.?on~ ~?f '\ SubdlVlslOnJI\'r,+-' pt::L!.f _ J>- V'i \ (Name) Block CJ I Filed Map No. r)1lCffZ f~6 Ov 0v) / (ti~ Hamlet 1~~~qn4>13'r.o,a flU' '0 ...!Iit~ ,obu1.rd'\l ~ (J I.jI.liJ '^.;~'" !l'1J~:) ~lbJbt /;;.. ': "..'- ) .\:, O~ \ \:IJ:" ;1 J ,.. .n --.. ," 2. State existing use and occupancy of premi es and inte ded use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy . . b. Intended use and occupancy 0\ 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition V'" ddition Other Work Alteration 4. Estimated Cost 17G SOl (JU \) (Description) Fee 5. If dwelling, number of dwellIng units If garage, number of cars "5 I (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor I 6. Ifbusiness, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions~fexistingstructures, if any: Front Height " Number of Stories Rear Depth Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear DePth Height Number of Stories , v' Depth 1,( 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front_1 g Rear ~ 0 '1. v Height Number of Stories 2- 9. Size oflot: Front 'I I Depth 250 ~ZO ) j / 10. Date of Purchase ~'Q Name of Former Owner 9~(c' ( r,,, r() t3-:"lC1) 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ~S { '0 ~"h~'k J!.. \ ~O I Rear I h5/ 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES_NO L 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES ~ _Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES t/ NO_ I4_N=~ofOwn~of,,=;,J7~ ~r Add",,, (J~t -"ft PhoooNo_ 7 Name of Architect ~lLi M W Address r1l Phone No ;j 3-a<::/- rl7-d Name ofContractor~l':7o Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES _ NO ~ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES_NO_ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: (Name 0 COUNTY OE (S)He is the of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. 20~ BONNIE J. DOROSlO NotalY Public. State Of IfewN No. 01006095328, SaIIo1tj:qImtJ Term &pi", July 7, 20.u.J- ~ . ~ ~, ~ i'l , ~ ~ r ~ ~ 0, ~ 8 N ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ j N '" , 8 N ~ . " i! <! b ~ ~ Ii Q ~ N w ~I E jlk ;;@~1~~"-- iff; \:~ i'J l ! s 'to ~. L.. ~ :0 ", < ~~ ~~ ~ << ~ ;.0- 't<:- ~. ~ /. -~ C6 \b El.MO~6ET ..MONJMENTFOI..W .&."ST~5ET .&.ST.A.Ke~ O."lflEPOl.tID , , / G . CHIMNEY lItO. I'tOOI'" 0VBit s. 5TOOP CE. c.a..L.Jl<< ~ Young & Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead., New York 11901 631-727-2303 Howard W. Young. Land Surveyor Thrnna.s C. Wolpert. Professiona,l Engineer Robert C. Tast. Architect Ronald E. Pfuhl. Landscape Architect Douglas E. Adams. Professional Engineer !UI j~~i '~~ii ~. . ~~il 9~!5 . ~!~~ I ': MAR 2 4 'Oe o NOTES AREA = 42,i€>€> SQ. FT. . SUBDIVISION MAP 'EAST HILL SECTION 1,,'FILEDiN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON NOV. 2"1, l"Ii9 AS FILE NO. E>044. )-~Q ~ .1 . ~. . "a is ~1!5 ~~~I ;;1; .~d lbee ~~~, liii ~!mi S!!,~ ~~ ~~"i Ii~ig ef e . ?e(Grvt/=ft. 3 /T JI SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION . I'E HEREBY CERTIFY TO THREE PILLARS DEVELOPMENT, LLC THAT THIS SURVEY I^IAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE V'lITH THE CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEV'I YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. / !;I. ia~~ ~Ii~ ~1~! f!!=~ i~r o . '- ~1.h- I&, 'V (::.;:; ..9 u O',!!l lIJ -..J,<U) .J)"ti;;:: riI ....:t: (f Ii} HOI^IARD V'I. YOUNeS>, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 45e"l9 SURVEY FOR THREE PILLARS DEVEI..OPMENT,I..I..G L.OT 5 "EAST HIL.L. SECTION I" At PeG-onlG-, TOl/lln of' Southold Suf'f'olk. County, Nel/ll York. c.ount~ Tox Mop District 1000 SecUon "18 Block 01 Lot 2.€> I FOUNDATION L.OCATION SURVE"r" o M~ ~;B~ tCIi!l!s ~m !i~5 ~~i! II:~ I~II o FOUNDATION LOCATION MAP PREPARED MAR. i. 200E> JAN. 6, 200E> !iC=~ !.'t ~~~a ..~~ ~'~!1 I~.~ t~~ B~; SCALE: 1"=50' JOB NO. :2005-05ie DV'IcSo. :2005_0666_PI FI.. r ~ " 4 ~ ~ 8 , I 0, i :;; " ~ !3 Ii: ! E ~ '" , ~ ..; o < .!j ~ o ~ 11 " .. ; NOTES AREA = 4.2,"766 50. FT. . SUBDIVISION "'AP 'EAST HILL SECTION I" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON NOV. 2"1, 1"I"7S AS FILE NO. 6044. . VERTICAL D~,TUM = N.c&.V. DATUM (M.S.L. 1"12"1) w N ). E s -to ~. ~ ;&L ~ , < 'L~~ ,~<' '5?' ~~ /' ~ <:'"" '0 " /. -to ~. "'. '0 ", < . <::> 'L~<' ~ 9;& CS ~:i' ~ ~/: /' ~ <:'"" '0 " /. - - ">--- . ..... / . ..... I <f '" r::.;:; J)U (J:fJ ~ "', &' .J)'ti.~ dI rif......:z: ~ (f /11 El- MOJtI.IMI!NT!ET .. MO\t.MBltT I"'C:ll.tC A. STN::!: fEr .&. 5TAICJ!! I'"Ol..IO o. PIA!! I"Ol..M' C_CHIlof1te'T' RO_ROOl"OVER. S.9TOOP Ge.GB..L..<t<<~ / o ~"'O ~ t::::J I I ~ ~~'" "<li: o Young & Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead., New York 11901 631-727-2303 Howard. W. Young, Land. Surueyor Thoma.s C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Robert C. TaBf, Architect Ronald. E. Pfuhl, LanrlBcape Architect Douglas E. Arla1nB, Professional Engineer HEAL TH DEPARTMENT USE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION . II'e: HEREBY CERTIFY TO THREE PILLAR DEVELOPMENT, LLC THAT THIS SUR ACCORDANCE I'lITH THE CODE OF FRACTI ADOPTED BY THE NEI'l YORK STATE A PROFESSIONAL LAND SUR ORS. SURVEY FOR THREE PILLARS DEVELOPMENT, LLG LOT 5 "EAST HILL SECTION I" At PeGonlG, TOl/lln of Southold Suffolk County, Nel/ll York c.ounty Tox Mop o;st,;clIOOO Section "18 Block 01 Lot .2.6 I BUILDIN6 PERMIT SURVE"'I'" MAP PREPARED JAN.6,:200E> 5C.ALE, 1"=50' J06 NO. :2005-05,& DI"46. :2OO5_0666J:>p_updal:e BP 5g1 g~R~ a~~i bft~ii ~..ti! ~~Ia "~55 ~!II o !!~I ;;11 ~~15 II~I ~~Ii g~'1 ~~~e j~~1 5~5 1;1 ~I~i ihl IIi; . o ~;I. l!i*~ IIi; ~!i~* b3~e I~a o M~ g~~~ ~<~b ~m II;~ It:i lell o 5'~! lObI ~!~s ~~~. liii ~ . ~ ~ ill ~ 9 8 ::> ~ ~ ~ 9 8 ::> 8 , . ~ ~ . oj I Ii: ~ ~ ~ ;; , ~ o o ~ I tfj' ii ~ o b .: ;; " " ; N w E s 'to ~L.. ~ 'E. ", < , 0 ~~ "" Q" <;>~<" CS q, A<. ~-~ /' ~ C'.. '6 " /, El- MON.JMENT fEr .. MON./I'ENT FO\.N:I &.. 9TAKE SET .... &TAIC.E fCMlD O. PIPE PG1lJ'It) C '" GHl~ ~.. ~ OVER e. !:lTOOP a. GeL.LAA ~ NOTES AREA = 42,166 SQ. FT. . SUBDIVISION MAP 'EAST HILL SECTION I" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ON NOV. 2"1, l"Ii9 AS FILE NO. 6044. . VERTICAL DATUM = N.60.v. DATUM (M.S.L. 1"12"1) 'to ~ /.' ~'" '?, , < A 0<" ~'~ Q" ~<" '5?' q,~ ~ /' ~ C'.. '6 " /, - ;;--... / . '- '<f ry 1::';:; .J) u it.J!!.!JJ # ...,~U)& -I)"ti ii2: dI ur .....:t: ~ ~ II} , , o ~"'O """", r:::::; / ~ ~~'" ""'-i o Young /Ie Young 400 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead, New York 11901 631-727-2303 Howard W, Young. Land Surueyor Thomas C. Wolpert, Professional Engineer Robert C, Tast, Architect Ronald E, Pfuh~ Landscape Architect Douglas E, Adams, Professional Engineer HEAL. TH DEPARTMENT USE .-......."'~..~ ""_,,~,,,~"'__"_"~"''''_'V''__4__-'' ~. . "0 .~...,.'.- ~-._. ~.",,""'" ~....----- SUi'i"OI.K COUNTY DEPARiMIW'1' OF H,,;\l;lii S:;:RVICE5 P!':RMIT F,:::: ApPROVAL OF COt4STRUCTION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESlDl;;NCr:: ONLY i ; ! , i I C,m: .ljl~L ~ H.S, f"'"" ~Jn, R~...:..oS -~~ 1 ~ .......... ~ A?F';~~Vr!i) --- . T ~ _ 1, FOR MAXIMUM OF L/ Be:OROOMS ! +- , EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DAT~ OF APPROVAL _._-_..........~.~,.....,"_.>~-' ..~,.-,,~..~-'..-...,...~ ,..-....'~- - ..'~.' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION . iI'IE HERESY CERTIFY TO PHIL MARCO PRODUCTIONS THAT THIS SURVEY V'lAS PREPARED IN ACCORl2 CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESS I ~ HO~ARD ~. YOUN60, N.Y.S. L.S. NO. 458"19 SURVEY FOR PHIL. MARCO PRODUCTIONS LOT 5 "EAST HILL SECTION I" At Pec.onlc, TOl"ln OT Southold 5LlTTolk Count!:j, Nel"l York c.ountl,j Tax Map 01s'del 1000 See!;on <18 Block 01 Lot 2,6 I BUILJ::>IN6 PERMIT 5URVE"( '1 S'L. \! t: . ,,- , ". , '-' .....;;J '.,~-JL MAP PREPARED ,\- OCT. 5, 2005 SEPT. 21, 2005 SEPT. i, 2005 ~ -"_i SCAL.E:I 1"=50' -JOB NO. 2005-0336 Di"l6. 2005_0536_1op BP ~!II ~~5~ !I~~ .J~ .~~ ~- "~~s ~!~j o 51~1 ~ji~ ;!I! ~I~I ~~II ~il " ~n I~~i ~~ im i:~~ ~ji~ ~Iil . o !isl ~~ - !i~~5 ~I!i~ 5;~~ ~i1~~ i~r o . Ii ~~i~ ~~Iii~ I'~~ ~~!I il:~ II:~ 1;11 o 5<=~ !.~~ i5~i ,,~~ ~~~~ I~;~ ~i~; ,'- " INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. 31 Stewart Street Floral Park, NY 11001 516-358-0505 718-428-6622 fax 516-358-0394 VARIANCE SEARCH STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SPECIAL SERVICE #M-22870S CLIFFORD GELBARD, being duly sworn deposes and says: - THAT he is President of INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. and has a search made, under the direction of the records and/or the files of the County Clerk and Registrar of the County of Suffolk for the purpose of an application for variance affecting the following premises: SUBJECT PREMISES: DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 098.00 BLOCK: 01.00 LOT: 002.006 That such search includes a chain oftitJe as to the premises and all of the adjoining lots. That this Affidavit is made to assist the Board of Appeals ofthe Town of Southold, to reach any determination which requires as a basis therefore the information set forth herein and knowing full well that the said Board will rely upon this truth hereof. Liability is limited to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). BY: CLIFFO President Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 /12 / 'IO'QLI ~r,nESP, cr,Cl,; 0' New York , ."-n ", State' Notary PUblbCj Ci'6033690 ty No. . Nassau coun 20 auall\led I:' November 22, , Exp"es commisSion ~ SCHEDULE A (DESCRIPTION) ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ERECTED, SITUATE,LYING AND BEING AT PECONIC, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 5 ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF EAST HILL, SECTION 1" AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON NOVEMBER 29, 1973 AS MAP NO. 6044. SUBJECT PREMISES District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.006 1. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino 3. John Pontino and Joseph Pintino to Richard 1. Horton Jr. and Debra S. Horton 4. Richard 1. Horton Jr. and Debra S. Horton to Joyce A. Willliamson 5. Joyce A. Williamson to Phil Marco Productions, Inc. (last deed of record) Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 /}; Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 Dated: 2/25/75 Recorded: 4/8/76 liber 7824 page 545 Dated: 4/1/76 Recorded: 4/8/76 liber 8015 page 33 Dated: 5/29/84 Recorded: 6/8/84 liber 9577 page 597 / ) ) ) STAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. BY; CLIFFORD ELBARD President TERES!', cr,CCIO 'OLl Not~ry P~'blic, State of New York No. 01CA6033690 ~ Qualified in Nassau c~un~2 20Q,S Commission Expires Novem er , PREMISES ADJACENT TO THE NORTH District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.015 1. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) 3. John Pontino and Joseph Pontino to Robert Adipietro and Edward Dart 4. Robert Adipietro and Edward Dart to Edward Dart 5. Edward Dart to Henry F. Praus 6. Richard F. Lark, as executor to Susan C. Praus (last deed of record) Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 Dated: 12/3/77 Recorded: 12/6/77 liber 8354 page 598 Dated: 6/22/79 Recorded: 6/27/79 liber 8649 page 316 Dated: 4/2/81 Recorded: 4/20/81 J liber 8990 page 373 Dated: 2/10/90 Recorded: 2/14/90 . liber 11017 page 268 J INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. BY: CLIFFORD G BARD President , /1 . Cf"I')P'~l \ TER!:'"P. U, w- f NO; York Notary Public, ~t~:t~'~680 ~. No. 01 GAO~ c County Quaiified If, N"~~~elllber 22, 200 Commission Exprres PREMISES ADJACENT TO THE EAST District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.003 I. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) 3. John Pontino to Joseph Pontino 4. Joseph Pontino to John Pontino Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 1/3/74 liber 7562 page 522 Dated: 11120/74 Recorded 11/21/74 liber 7754 page 248 Dated: 12/11/82 Recorded: 12/17/82 liber 9285 page 578 BY: CLIP President 4; TERrS,6 C.I\(':(:l('lr leI J Notary Public, S\':lle_o::'-!~\'" York NO.01Ct,.\1c.,.,siJ ---- Qualified jn N~,S~.,-'! (',:nlJnty "jt'" Commission Expires N0\jt::lllUdl 22, 20~ PREMISES ADJACENT TO THE EAST District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.002 I. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 3. John Pontino to Joseph Pontino Dated: 11/19/74 Recorded: 11/22/74 Liber 7755 page 15 4. Joseph Pontino to Helen Pontino Dated: 12/16/74 Recorded: 1/2/75 liber 7775 page 445 5. Marilyn Goodwin, as executor to Marilyn H. Goodwin, Joseph H. Pontino, Deborah M. Pontino and Steven R. Pontino (last deed of record) Dated: 6/23/05 Recorded: 7/27/05 liber 12399 page 951 INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 \ ,-. ("'r'l( JU'-'~YJ TERfSI' j.~ ~. -j "'W York / . \a'_80 ,1':' Notary PubliC, S""""'.i'''J. . No. O"\Cf\>":~~-~ ',"~+\' Quali1ied i:i N~~~-~~i-~b~\: '22., 20~ Commission Expires PREMISES ADJOINING TO THE SOUTH District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.007 I. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 3. John Pontino and Joseph Pontino to Joseph Pontino Dated: 5/5/83 Recorded: 5/9/83 liber 9355 page 234 4. Joseph Pontino to Philip Marco (last deed of record) Dated: 6/16/83 Recorded: 7/12/83 liber 9385 page 218 INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. BY: CLIFFORD G President Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 ~p"cu" T[GE~l, State 0:,1\;<6,;' '(u,\', ..I Notary pub~;'CA6'O~jC:,dO /' No. ., N ,. d' v_, .:, ,<, Qua\\1\sd \r, ~\~'~\t~j;i\j01 22, c~Ob Commission Exp"es , PREMISES ADJOINING TO THE SOUTH District 1000 Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.008 1. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 3. John Pontino and Joseph Pontino to John Pontino Dated: 5/5/83 Recorded: 5/9/83 liber 9355 page 236 4. John Pontino to Phil Marco Productions Inc. (last deed of record) Dated: 6/17/83 Recorded: 7/12/83 liber 9385 page 220 INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO., INC. BY: CLIFF President Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 " 7 .. / i\CV8;tiG6r .:~, ~n ,J (-.:::,.:::.U~ PREMISES ADJOINING TO THE SOUTHEAST District IOOO Section 098.00 Block 01.00 Lot 002.016 I. George R. Leslie and Flora S. Leslie to Lukas Pontino and Katherine Pontino, his wife (same chain as for Lot 002.006) Dated: 1/2/35 Recorded: 1/4/35 liber 1796 page 353 2. Joseph Pontino and John Pontino to John Pontino (same chain as for Lot 002.006) (last deed of record) Dated: 12/14/70 Recorded: 12/15/70 liber 6855 page 342 INTRACOAST L ABSTRACT CO., INC. Sworn to before me this 14th day of November, 2005 ~~. ~..;\\J;j, -, ",\. ....c,.., ;,..il.,\", ,.'~'I,'~"I\\) I ,,,Rc,,": S\,,\~ 0"'-- "fUO\IC'C"60'J)O',J , , tar, 1 r- "r'L~,,;', '."\'_ No NO. O. , l-.lass","\) ',' - ')'J. ...,uo OIJ.alihed \~\~es N0\jt;l\u\.Jdl ... \ '5510\\ 8-? COt'l\t'l\1 i i 9P.()(} '0/. ()o- tJ '" '" '" It'> N ... N N 296 GOO u. cJ,.... 0 I.U e4~~ .-z UJ . ~::i w~ VI SEE SEC. NO.: 086 MA ~.,-,-_"':"~ ~-r-- LINE ~, ." <".~ . / r.&. . 'r~"'" ~ ":'''. ....... .~.., ......... 118 . <?:;s . z Ii Cl f?) )>. ~ 2 IllZ .oJ 0 . . FOR PCL. NO. SEE SEC. NO. . 085-03-011.2 ~ J:! ~ 192 ~~ n , ~;o<: ~~.~ /j'J . . J,!$ - ./0 -2..[ '6'~ r<,.J y , /711 . / i . . ~ <Of) . y' I . '1 -.f) . ":1 ,., I'M! ,. '- f.,()<f(/ I1Mr~ - 7'f"1'1' , C/,u ()IFllF' Ir!J'7!n ftJt.JrJ ' )~tXb 11AI' AJIfIfJF' CIIJ-r lit",. )~. I . ~'~" ~ . . & 8 II , /. .:..... ~L-_:~ ISO.O. /- $...."...,... / NI./'" ..// to- . 0" ANTON . KULL ~9 197a // f\\.Etl \lQ~ , 'l!jlf1. ... ' JI"" ~TSOH .&" SulfoII 0?0lI"I - H/Q,f' f' "" . '. <.. Q :t :t ~ :t ::! :t Q ".~"./O.E. '0.0' . . ~OA:D"'--~-/" - .2..~'.L-r It." . \'~'\" : -=- "'1: '~ . ".= ..........?; ~:'17 ....- 1('). '.. "'1. 'OO J. rf C1 ,i, ,.i . i:.. 'r..: j . ;-1 @ PH/~/P WENTZEL I l NlOtF Rns. KQROL.ES"~i / N/O/F EClWUI KO."OlarSICI ......----- -- y { ,----..---- LESLIE'S .......... III. .,. ,,- ISO. o' 10.0' 110.0 zoo.o .. / :: .. ,. " ~ "@ ". @ 10. r. 110.0' ~, \.. !O Co Co .. .. . . .. .. .. .. !l .. . , " ,. ~"-- , - .. . .. o. (j) @ --'# \ . z,,_ ISO.O' ...... " . '0. .. .uo' . PARKa PLAYGROUND .... AREA' 5D,67Z SO, FT. \ ,- . .0, + ~ " I~ ! ,0 " \ "'- -.. TEST HOLf:5 NO.1 NO.1 "-" ..,...., " - , ,;;'.. /...- - ..... ..., 4"""'" ". .' -- ...- "II~ ..... "',," .,.,',," ,-. r-' u 8' 1'... Idr_ /.--; --:~ " \ ". ..~;~ --==~--.. '.. ;... rA, - ~! ", ~li(!.,l\~# :; 1(.61 -::',- '''.. - ~"" ~ ~. '. ",- -.. ,,'" ~~ . .~ .,. 60~ "DT ARF.A $CHf:OU~f: i -1 dl~ - j ~ '''';5~ , '~ fn::ENo-: LOT NO. $O.FT. . . . . . 7 .',.7. 4&,ZI. 41r.3"7, ."1000 .Z,"'. .52,-eel' '.,710 f' '-? I ~~ 5 ? of 311/) e Permit # Permit Date REScheck Software Version 3.7.3 Compliance Certificate Report Date: 07107/06 Data filename: Untitled.rck Energy COOe: New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Suffolk County, New York Detached 1 or 2 Family Non-Electric 21% 5750 Location: Construction Type: Heating Type: Glazing Area Percentage: Heating Degree Days: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Compliance Passes Maximum UA 860 Your Home UA 838 -> 2.130/o Better Than Code (UA) Assembly ...... ..: .. _' - - .. . .. . ~. I, Ceiling 1: Rat Ceiling or Scissor Truss: Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic): Wall 1 : Wood Frame, 16" D.C.: Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane: Skylighl1: Wood Frame:Double Pane: Door 1: Solid: Door 2: Glass: Floor 1: All-Wood JoistlTruss:Over Unconditioned Space: 2441 511 4570 661 g 56 292 3804 30.0 30.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.320 0.320 0.280 0.360 85 17 274 212 3 16 105 126 30.0 0.0 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page, they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge, belief, and professional judgment, such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code. BuilderlDesigner Company Name Date Page 1 of 1 3/fll 6 RR308.4 HAZARDOuS-LOGA TIONS RR30B.4 HAZARDOUS LOCATION THE FOLLO""NcS SHALL BE GONSIDERED SPEGIFIG HAZARDOUS LOGA TIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF GLAZING, I. GLAZING IN SIDE-HINGED DOORS EXGEPT JALOUSIES. 2. GLAZING IN FIXED AND SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES AND PANELS IN SLIDING AND BI-FOLD ASSEMBLIES. GLOSET DOOR 3. GLAZING IN STORM DOORS. 4. GLAZING IN ALL UNFRAMED SY<INcSING DOORS. 5. GLAZING IN DOORS AND ENGLOSURES FOR HOT ruBS. "'HIRLPooLS. SAUNAS. STEAM ROOMS. BATHruBS. AND SHOY<ERS. GLAZING IN ANY PART OF A BUILDING Y<ALL ENGLOSINcS THESE GOMPARTMENTS Y<HERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60 INGHES (1524 MM) MEASURED VERTIGALL Y ABOVE ANY STANDING OR Y<ALKING SURFAGE. 6. GLAZING IN AN INDIVIDUAL FIXED OR OPERABLE PANEL ADJAGENT TO A DOOR "'HERE THE NEAREST VERTIGAL EDGE IS "'ITHIN A 24-INGH (610 1'11'1) .ARc; OF THE DOOR IN A GLOSED POSITION AND ",HOSE BOTTOM EDGE IS LESS THAN 60 INGHES (1524 MM) ABOVE THE FLOOR OR I^lALKIN5 SURFAc.E. 1. GLAZINcS IN AN INDIVIDUAL FIXED OR OPERABLE PANEL. OTHER THAN THOSE LOGATIONS DESGRIBED IN ITEM 5 AND 6 ABOVE. THAT MEETS ~ OF THE FOLLO"'ING GONDITIONS. 1.1 EXPOSED AREA OF AN INDIVIDUAL PANE GREATER THAN q SQUARE FEET (0.E>36 1'12). 1.2 BOTTOM ED5E LESS THAN 18 INCHES (451 MM) ABOVE THE FLOOR. 1.3 TOP EDeE GREATER THAN 36 INGHES (q14 1'11'1) ABOVE THE FLOOR. 1.4 ONE OR MORE Y<ALKING SURFAGES "'ITHIN 36 INGHES (q14 1'11'1) HORIZONTALLY OF THE GLAZINcS. E>. ALL GLAZING IN RAILINGS REGARDLESS OF AN AREA OR HEIGHT ABOVE A Y<ALKING SURFAGE. INGLUDED ARE STRUGruRAL BALUSTER PANELS AND NON-STRUGruRAL IN-FILL PANELS. q. GLAZINcS IN Y<ALLS AND FENGES ENGLOSINcS INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SY<IMMING POOLS. HOT ruBS. AND SPAS "'HERE THE BOTTOM EDeE OF THE POOL OR SPA SIDE IS LESS THAN 60 INGHES (1524 MM) ABOVE A Y<ALKING SURFAGE AND ""THIN 60 INGHES (1524 MM) HORIZONTALLY OF THE Y<ATERS EDGE. THIS SHALL APPLY TO SINGLE GLAZING AND ALL PANELS IN MULTIPLE cSLAZINcS. 10. cSLAZINcS ADJAGENT TO STAIRY<AYS. LANDINGS. AND RAMPS "'I THIN 36 INGHES (q14 MM) HORIZONTALLY OF A Y<ALKINcS SURFAGE "'HEN THE EXPOSED SURFAGE OF THE cSLASS IS LESS THAN 60 INGHES (1524 MM) ABOVE THE NOSE OF THE TREAD. EXCEPTIONS, THE FOLLO"'INcS PRODUGTS. MATERIALS AND USES ARE EXEMPT FROM THE ABOVE HAZARDOUS LOGATIONS, I. OPENING IN DOORS THROUGH "'HIGH A 3-INGH (16 MM) SPHERE IS UNABLE TO PASS. 2. DEGORA TIVE cSLA55 ITEM I, 6. OR 1. 3. GLAZING IN RR30eA, ITEM 6, HHERE THERE 15 AN tNTERVENIN6 y.,jALL OR OTHER PERMANENT BARRIER 6ETYEEN THE DOOR AND THE GLAZING. 4. cSLAZING IN SEG TlON RR30E>.4. ITEM 6. IN Y<ALLS PERPENDIGULAR TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN A GLOSED POSITION OR ;;HERE AGGESS THROUGH THE DOOR IS TO A GLOSET OR STORAGE AREA 3 FEET (q14 1'11'1) OR LESS IN DEPTH. cSLAZING IN THESE APPLlGATIONS SHALL GOMPL Y "'ITH RR30E>.4. ITEM 1. 5. GLAZING IN RR30E>.4. ITEM 1 AND 10. "'HEN A PROTEGTlVE BAR IS INSTALLED ON THE AGGESSIBLE SIDES OF THE OF THEcSLAZIN6 36 INGHES 51E>2 INGHES (q14 MM 51E> 51 MM) ABOVE THE FLOOR. THE BAR SHALL BE GAPABLE OF "'ITHSTANDING A HORIZONTAL LOAD OF 50 POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT (145 KGIM) "'ITHOUT GONTAGTING THE cSLASS AND BE A MINIMUM OF 1-1/2 INGHES (3E> MM) IN HEIGHT. 6. OUTBOARD PANES IN INSULATING GLASS UNITS AND OTHER MULTIPLE cSLAZED PANELS IN RR30E>.4. ITEM 1. ;;HEN THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE cSLASS IS 25 FEET (1620 1'11'1) OR MORE ABOVE cSRADE. A ROOF. Y<ALKING SURFAGE. OR OTHER HORIZONTAL (""THIN 45 DEcSREES (O.lq RAD) OF HORIZONTAU SURFAGE ADJAGENT TO THE GLASS EXTERIOR. 1. LOUVERED "'INDO'"'" AND JALOUSIES GOMPL YING "'ITH THE REGlUIREMENTS OF RR30E>.2. E>. MIRRORS AND OTHERS cSLASS PANELS MOUNTED OR HUNcS ON A SURFAGE THAT PROVIDE A GONTINUOUS BAGKINcS SUPPORT. oFFrC$ , APPROVED AS NOTED DATE: 1M! B.P. # a/'+lI~ FE' . ~ ~, t5'5.!2 BY: ~Ple "(f'{ BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 7t51802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOiLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. ;:OUNDATlON . TWO REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH. FRAMING & PLUMBlNG 3. INSULATION 4. FINAL. CONSTRUCTION MUsT BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. OC~LJFANCY OR USE IS UNLAWFUL VlITHOUrCERTIFICATE, OF OCCUPANCY DO NOT PROCEED WITH FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY OF FOUNDATION LOCATION.. HAS BEEN APPRQV~.,. . PLUMBING ALL PLUMBING WASrg & WATBEERF~~~~~RING TESTING UNDERWRITERS CERT\FICA", REaU~ COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODES AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF - SOUTHOlD TOWN ZBA SOUTHotD TOWN PlANNING BOARD SOUTHotD TOWN TRUSTEES J J N. V.S. DEe ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQ!JIREMENTS OF THe CODES Of: NEW '(~$!~Ii PLUMBER CERTlFICA TlON ON LEAD CONfENT BEFORE CERTlFICA TE OF OCCUPANCY SOLDER USED IN WA TER SUPPL Y SYSTEM CANNoT EXCEED 2/10 OF 1% LEAD. FLOODZONE~ COMPLY WITH CHAPTER "46" FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION SOUTHOLD toWN CODE. CERTIFICATION OF NAILING & CONNECTIONS REQUIRED. RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFf PURSUANT TO SECTION 45-100 OF THE TOWN CODE.