HomeMy WebLinkAboutKronos ?~" 1_$1 ~"j + ~y ~ RESOLUTION 2007-964 ADOPTED DOC 10: 3399 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-964 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 18, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to sil!:n an al!:reement with Kronos for professional services, in rcgard to the finalization of Kronos Time Management Phase One, dated November 29,2007 in an amount not to exceed $4,320.00, all in accordance with thc Town Attorney. I'tr~~Q."Q--'1}"" Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER: William P. Edwards, Councilman AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Evans, Russell, Neville, Finnegan ~~ , e KRONOS' Improving the Performance of People and Business'. Professional Services Estimate Prepared For Town of Southold For the online (remote) delivery of Professional Services Only This Professional Services Estimate was created on November 29, 2007. It is valid for Town of Southold Signature until February 27,2008. Salesperson: Carolyn Alex Prepared By: Steve Whitman ~ MOMENTUM Kronos Confidential- Not To Be Disclosed To Third Parties Without Kronos' Express Written Consent Table of Contents 1. ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW: ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.A. Engagement Definition: ............................................................................................................................................. I 1.B. Additional Assumptions................................................. ............................................................................................. 1 1.C. Engagement Estimate By Product: ............................ ............ ....... .............................................................. ... .............. 2 1.0. Engagement Estimate by Role ........... ...... ......................... ...................... ... ................................................................. 2 2. Roies and Responsibilities....................................................................... ............................................................................ 2 2.A. Estimated Travel Hours.............................................................................................................................................. 2 3. Required Technology Environment ...................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Engagement Guidelines ...... ................................................................................................................................................ 5 5. Approvals..........,................ .............................................................,...................................................................,............. 6 <<. KRONOS' Professional Services Estimate Prepared for Town of Southold '''T' " ::~JE ' :'.: -= ,;:af - ~i ,..!lfI._, '.' '. ..."..-'-- . MOI\IIENTUM L ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW: ::::i:h!\illil"'ij >~i)!nm(J"', This Engagement Estimate includes Professional Services for the following: Professional Services only. ,,""n~ 'I'" . "~"HI'OO. ':'I'm'!;"~'. ".'I.'.'illf;.;'II.;jii'i.'.I"ii".iiTi,;~~",'0'. '.'".'11:'1'"',"".",.""'. ,...I"""i~':m.' '''"I' 'ImII' , b~Rm!' ~", i.' 1- :1):;"'l''';i\-''a;~!:H! i!\i' .;i(I;,;!>.,)ti''-'I;'';!E'ii.:-~,:iHtl':i _!1. 1\;)\,. ib~!llIl., . .~", l:la Irw.lillu~!IL~d~~h~iJ!!!'~h',~lW 1 !i:Wmf,!liii!i!!UiiHlj\fi]ibdm:~fj!l'~iU ' )!h~lIilm If!'.._ '" . Consulting services for this estimate are intended to investigate overtime calculation issues and verify Connect interface to EDS Is functioning properly. Should sufficient budget remain to repair and test this work will be done as well. If it is found that the scope of changes necessary exceed this estimate, a change order will be evaluated at that time. Kronos Confidential MSQ AD SSC V6.0A Page 1 11/29/2007 c:. KRONOS' Professional Services Estimate Prepared for Town of SOuthold ~ MOMENTUM .:;"""'H"IiJ!lII!lllIilt!iIIIlm._.iii!(~lil_~.,"ii!~iIIi!i'~1IIIIr'ill.,!"w~,r.ill '~f,irji~ilui.~Jlt"'~~mUMII!MSn.!liffi~mmmt~mIliOOl!li#Ullrn(;~II~!f;!f The table below Is an estimated projection of time and fees by product and/or ancillaries to be implemented. Times will be further refined during the Plan and Assess project phases. Product Plan Assess Solution Test 1ft Deploy Other TOTAL Build Certify 1ft HOURS Support Additional Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 TOTAL ESTIMATED HOURS 24 ,Pl\.inW:i:Wllliiii!IW'ii:" ..,. iiIiI~lliIl!liilRlillilli""iill~mi_iji!ililli!ii!l.~.iiiiii!ili;li!l ': . ';\:!:h14iJm~ ~ _~IllillJmf1I!~ll!flIIIF,lJ!illMtnnF,'l" The Engagement Estimate Is derived from the roles and rates associated with the resources necessary to complete the engagement. A Change Order signed by both the Customer Project Manager and the Kronos Project Manager Is required to reallocate the Engagement Estimate to fund a role whose budget has been exhausted. The table below defines the Engagement Estimate by role: Role Project Manager Application Consultant Hourly Rate $180 $180 Estimated Hours 1 23 Estimated Dollars $180.00 . $4,140.00 ~limi~"_.__I!I. Based on Kronos implementation experience, the following roles are critical for the successful online (remote) upgrade or implementation of the Kronos system in your organization: Suggested Qualifications Experienced Project Manager with successful track record. Complete comprehension of your time, attendance, and payroll policies. Strong oral and written skills. Complete comprehension of your time, attendance, accrual and payroll policies. Stronq oral and written sk~ Experienced with backup and recovery plan creation and implementation of database engine. Complete knowledge of the organization's network, Future plans, and outstanding issues or problems. Technical knowledge of network connectivity, and strong network troubleshooting skills. System Administrator Experienced System Administrator with two years of experience. Desktop Services Administrator~......__._._.Knowledqeable Desktop Administrator. Help Desk Knowledgeable in Windows and Intel based applications Web Master Knowledgeable in .Apache, Sun ONE, or Microsoft Internet Information Server. Title Project Manager Payroll Supervisor Human Resources Manager Database Administrator Network Administrator Town of Southold understands and agrees that unqualified or unavailable staff will delay the online (remote) upgrade or implementation of the Kronos system and may require Town of Southold to purchase additional Services From Kronos. If any of the above positions are not available in your organization, please contact your Kronos representative or a third-party vendor. Town of Southold Time Requirements: Kronos estimates Town of Southold resources will be required to spend at least two times that of Kronos resources, or a minimum of 48 hours participating in this project. ''''.wulifiHiiII! RIlil!IIIlmlilhlillllMI"'I~~mil\ll1mii!''"i!"':~i!!1.m~)iilmM!I!!lliliIH'''i''!'::'''''Hililllll!1 imW,~jmll.r~ _1IRli!in!dffi!*,l!mIilllP"mlll!t!i~,ji";Il~~~IIltl1~!il~mill),;f~'!ii~;Mlm!!IUI Billable travel expenses will be charged pursuant to the terms and conditions contained within the KRONOS SALES, SOFIWARE LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT. In certain instances specialized resources may be used that require the payment of airfare, lodging and related travel expenses. Customers shall be made aware of any such instance during the sales or Change Order process. . Travel time will be billed for all travel In excess of one hour From the resource's Kronos office. Kronos Confidential MSQ AO SSC V6.0A Page 2 11/29/2007 €. KRONOS. Professional Services Estimate J~.~ Prepared for Town of Southold ,,--if ' ,~",._,.. <'- MOMENTUM . Traveltime will be billed at an hourly rate of $180 per hour, . Travel time estimated for this engagement is 0 hours. . Traveltime estimated budget for this engagement is O. Krenos Confidential MSQ AD SSC V6.0.4 Page 3 11/29/2007 c:. KRONOS' Professional Services Estimate '~.~ ';,'x__ ....---.- Prepared for Town of Southold I~=:E ~; MOMENTUM i!'..i'~>'!i;,il.'.!'.!i;!J''' ., I!L' ~b'" "'~ff ,;"" ~w*IMb(~ . .... 11liii!ii."i!lill!!I!II!!!IIJllllllllllllllillllillllll~.' '!;I~~~:~. Kronos Confidential MSQ AO SSC V6.0.4 Page 4 11/29/2007 . KRONOS' Professional Services Estimate Prepared for Town of Southold MOMENTUM For information related to Kronos' Engagement Guidelines, please point your browser to: htto: Ilwww.kronos.com/SuooartJprofessionaIServicesEnaaoementpolicies.htm For information related to Kronos' Support Policies, please point your browser to: htto: Ilwww.kronos.com/SuDDortISuDDortServicespolicies.htm Kronos Confidential MSQ AO SSC V6.0A Page 5 11/29/2007 c;. KRONOS. Professional Services Estimate Prepared for Town of Southold MOMENTUM 1"1 f~, SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY KRONOS PRACTICE MANAGER By: Date: SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY KRONOS SERVICE SALES SOLUTIONS CONSULTANT By: Steplien P.. Wliitman_ Date: 11/29/07_ By signing below and by signing the Sales Agreement and Software License, Customer agrees to purchase the Services described above. Very truly yours, Kronos Incorporated ACCEPTED AND AGREED Town of Southold By: Date: Title: <)-u 1)1) nv' This document or any part thereof may not be reproduced In any form without the written permission of Kronos Incorporated. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007. Kronos, the Kronos logo, Kronos Touch !D, Vislonware, Workforce Accruals, Workforce Central, and Workforce TeleTlme are registered trademarks, and Kronos 4500, Kronos 4500 Touch 10, Momentum, Workforce Activities, Workforce Attendance, Workforce Connect, Workforce Employee, Workforce HR, Workforce Leave, Workforce Manager, Workforce Payroll, Workforce Record Manager, Workforce Scheduler, Workforce Scheduler with Optimization, and Workforce Timekeeper are trademarks of Kronos Incorporated or a related company in the United States. iSerles is a trademark of IBM. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Microsoft, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP are registered trademarks, and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Crystal Reports is a registered trademark of Business Object SA. Kronos Confidential MSQ AO SSC V6.0.4 Page 6 11/29/2007