HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA - Memorandum of Agreement . . 12/27/07 STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 27th day of December 2007, by and between the negotiating committees for the Town of Southold ("the Town") and the CSEA, Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Town of South old Unit 8785 of Suffolk Local 852 ("the CSEA"). WHEREAS, the parties have engaged in negotiations in good faith in an effort to arrive at a successor agreement to the one that expires on December 31, 2007; and WHEREAS, the parties have arrived at a tentative agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties stipulate and agree as follows: I. The provisions of this Stipulation are subject to ratification by the CSEA's membership and ratification and approval by the Town Board. 2. The signatories below agree to recommend this Stipulation for ratification/approval. 3. A copy of this original document has been provided to representatives ofthe Town and the CSEA 4. All proposals not contained herein made by either party during the course of negotiations shall be deemed dropped. 5. Section 13 (Uniforms). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, delete and replace with: "Public Safety Dispatchers, Traffic Control Officers, Bay Constables and employees from the Landfill, Highway Department and Human Resource Center, who are supplied uniforms may either, at their option, clean their uniforms I 12/27/07 themselves or elect to utilize the Town selected cleaning service." 6. Section 19.8 (Sick Leave). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, add new second paragraph: "In order to be paid for unused accumulated sick leave, the employee must notifY the Town Comptroller, on a Town provided form, of the employee's non-binding intention to retire no fewer than 45 calendar days prior to the date of the adoption of the budget, but in no event later than October I st. The retiree shall receive the monies due provided that the required notice was provided. Ifthe required notice was not provided, then the payment will not be lost, but shall become payable 30 calendar days after the commencement ofthe fiscal year for which the Town budgeted for the same or had an opportunity to do so. " 7. Section 23.2 (Health Insurance). Add to first paragraph: "Any employee hired after the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement shall contribute 5% of the premium cost towards medical and hospitalization benefits." 8. Section 23.2 (Health Insurance). Amend second paragraph: "Effective on the first day of the month following the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-20 I 0 Agreement, the Town's medical plan benefit package shall fully and completely mirror the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan as it existed as of January I, 2007. Effective each succeeding January 1st, the Town's medical plan benefit package shall fully and completely mirror the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan as it existed as ofthe January I st of the previous calendar year." 9. Section 23.2 (Health Insurance). Amend third paragraph: Notwithstanding any 2 12/27/07 other provisions of Section 23.2, effective on the first day ofthe month following the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, the prescription co-pays for medications for which there is no generic brand equivalent shall be equal to one-half ofthe difference between the co-pay required as of January I, 2007 and January I, 2008 by the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan. Effective each succeeding January I st, the prescription co-pays shall be equal to one-half of the difference between the co-pay required as ofthe January 1st of the previous calendar year and that January I st by the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan." 10. Section 23.4 (Health Insurance). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, delete and replace with: "Employees shall not be eligible to be covered under the Town's health insurance plan, if they are eligible for coverage under another Town employee's Town health insurance plan. The employee may reinstate coverage in the event of an emergency causing the loss of the other person's Town health insurance, consistent with the rules and regulations of the Town's health insurance plan and applicable laws and regulations. It is understood that an employee who is covered by another Town's employee health insurance plan shall be considered a "covered employee under the Town's health insurance plan" for purposes of determining eligibility for retiree health insurance." II. Sections 24.1. 24.2. 24.3 (Emplovee Benefit Fund). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval ofthe 2008-2010 Agreement, delete Sections 24.1, 24.2 24.3 and replace with: "The Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan for each full-time employee." 12. Sections 27.1-27.2 (Salarv). Delete and replace each section with "Effective 3 12/27/07 January 1, 2008, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.75% increase. Effective January 1,2009, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.75% increase. Effective January 1, 2010, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.75% increase 13. Sections 27.1-27.2 (Salary). Effective January 1, 2008, prior to the application of the salary percentage increases set forth in '1112, the salary schedules for Bay Constable, Senior Bay Constable, Mini-Bus Driver, Planner Trainee, Planner, Senior Planner, Principal Planner and Senior Justice Court Clerk shall be revised as set forth in the attached Appendix A. In addition, effective January 1, 2008, prior to the application of the salary percentage increases set forth in 'II 12, the "off salary scale" Senior Justice Court Clerk shall receive a base salary increase of $5,000. 14. Section 27.8 (Salarv). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, delete. 15. Section 52.1 (Term of Agreement). Effective January 1, 2008 through December 31,2010. 16. New Section (Leave for Civil Service Examination). Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of the 2008-2010 Agreement, employees may be request to utilize one personal or vacation day per year for the purpose of taking a Civil Service Promotional Exam. These requests shall not be unreasonably denied except when unusual circumstances exist including, but not limited to, situations when the granting of a request will detrimentally impact the staffing of a Department. 4 ~~. 12/27/07 FOR THE CSEA: gw~ . J\ L~ J. . fA )~AV1~~J ~/??. .sd ~ ~~~. /7Z /#/-7/~~ t{UA~~~ {!liuUJ( I)M4~ 5 , . ' Title Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Mini-Bus Driver Planner Trainee Planner Senior Planner Title Principal Planner Senior Justice Court Clerk Appendix A Post June 8. 1999 Scale Entrv 1 ~ 42,197 45,150 46,331 47,604 50,557 51,739 26,471 29,424 30,605 38,261 41,214 42,395 46,954 49,907 51,088 54,045 56,998 58,179 ~ 47,926 53,333 32,199 43,990 52,683 59,774 ! 49,107 54,514 33,381 45,171 53,864 60,955 ~ 55,531 61,817 36,334 48,124 56,817 63,908 ~ 74,900 49,868 ACCOUNTING & FINANCE DEPT. John A. Cushman, Town Comptroller Telephone (631) 765-4333 Fax (631) 765-1366 E-mail: accounting@town.southold.ny.us TOWN HALL ANNEX 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971-0959 http://southoJdtown.northfork.net/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR RECEIV:CD o fC 2 ,J /' From: Connie D. Solomon SO"lr,,"~J T' ,.. ,.. I. ..... .... ;.'.dl....erK To: Elizabeth Neville, To Date: December 28, 2007 Re: 2007 Memorandum of Agreement Please find attached a signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) reached with the CSEA on December 27, 2007. CSEA is planning to hold a ratification meeting on January 9th or 10th, 2008. Once the CSEA has ratified this agreement, the MOA can be presented to the Board for ratification. Thank you. {cds Attachment