HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck Creek Watershed Analysis 2001MATTITUCK CREEK WATERSHED ANALYSIS Final Report PrePared For: Town of Southold Board of Trustees Prepared By: EEA, Inc. 55 Hilton Avenue Garden City, New York 11530 (5~6) 74~ ~,~.oo eeainc~earthlink.aet In Conjunction with: U.S.D.3~ Natural Resources Conservation Service And Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District Apdl2001 This plan has been prepared for the New York State Department of State with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund Act TABLE OF CONTENTS IVe Page I troduction a d Project Background .... 1 Literature ............................................................................ 3 3 Project Location .................................................................... B. Physical Characteristics ................................................. 4 Natural Resources ............................... ~ ......................... 4 1. Wetlands ........................................................... 4 2. Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats (SCFWH) 5 3. Shellfisheries of Mattituek Creek ............................. 6 Subwatershed Arcas ...................................................... 6 Mcthoiogies .......................................................................... 7 Land Use and Land Coverage .......................................... 7 Water Quality Sampling .................................................7 1. Water Quality Classifications and Use Standards ......... 8 2. Coliforms ........................................................... 9 3. Shellfish Closures ................................................. 9 Overview of Current and Previous Studies Completed on The Mattituck Watershed ............................................................... 10 A. B. C. D. NYSDEC Priority Waterbodies List ................................... I0 Shoreline Pollution Source Survey ..................................... 11 Land Use Qualification ................................................... 12 Comparison to PEP Tidal Creek Study ............................... 13 Overview of Projects Completed on Mattituck Creek ...................... 14 Current Protection and Management Programs ............................ 14 Analysis of Water Quality Data for Mattituck Creek ...................... 14 Overview of Creek Impairments ....................... ~ ....................... 17 Possible Point Pollution Sources ....................................... 17 1. Hazardous Materials.... ................................... .... · . 17 2. Marinas and Boatyards ......................................... 18 Overview of Non-Point Pollution Sources ........................... 19 1. Agricultural ....................................................... 19 2. Urban ............................................................... 22 3. Septics ............................................................... 24 4. Boats ................................................................ 25 5. Out'fall Pipes Discharging Directly into the Creek ........ 26 6, Other ............................................................... 26 X. Addressing Water Quality Concerns .......................................... 28 XI. Estimated Loading Rates for Potential Contaminants ..................... 30 · A. Determination of Hydrologic Factors of Subwatersheds ......... 32 XH. Findings by Subwatershed ....................................................... 33 B. C. D. Background ................................................................ 33 Prloritization List ........................................................ Project Practices by Subwatershed ................................... Subwatershed Characteristics .............................. .... . .. ... . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 34 35 37 Subwatershed 01 ................................................ 37 Subwatershed 02 ................................................ 40 Subwatershed #3 ................................................ 44 Subwatershed 04 ................................................ 46 Subwatershed #5 ................................................ 49' Subwatershed ~6 ................................................ 51 Subwatershed ~/ ................................................ 54 Subwatershed #8 ................................................ 56 Subwatershed #9 ................................................ 60 Subwatershed #10 ............................................... 61 XIH. Project Implementation ......................................................... 63 B. C. D. E. Introduction ............................................................... 63 Stormwater Quality Management .................................... 64 Overview of Mitigation Measures .................................... 65 Example Project .......................................................... 71 Projects to be Completed ............................................... 72 XIV. Conclusions ......................................................................... 74 XV. Recommendations ................................................................. 75 References Engineering Design Specifications for Mitigation Projects LIST OF TABLES AND PHOTOGRAPHS Page Table 1 "Subwatersheds and Corresponding Sampling Stations" ........................ 8 16 Table 2 "Fecal Coliform Levels". ............................................................ Table 3 "Total Coliform Levels" ............................................................. 16 Table 4 ''Fecal Coliform Loading Rates". ................................................... 31 PHOTOGRAPHS I-Iashamomuck Project ........................................................................... 72 Each subwatershed secti6n also includes one photograph before the discussion. I. Introduction and Project Background The Mattituck Inlet and Creek watershed was investigated in order to identify the acute and chronic pollution sources, and to assess various potential treatment alternatives on a subwatershed basis. Mattituck Inlet has consistently appeared on the NYSDEC Priority Water Problem List (PWL). This list identifies pathogens as the main type of pollutant precluding shellfishing. The main source of pathogens noted in the PWL is urban nm-off with on-site systems listed as a secondary source. Through this study, the Town of Southold seeks to implement a stormwater management plan for Mattituck Creek, with the objectives of reducing pollutant loads (e.g., pathogens, sediments, nutrients and other pollutants transported by stormwater runoff to the Creek). The long- term goal of the Town Trustees is to enable re-opening of the entire Mattituck Creek system in the future for shellfish harvesting. This would greatly enhance the public and recreational use of these waters as well as provide additional economic benefits to the Town. The primary purpose of this investigation was to develop various treatment scenarios that could be implemented in a phased approach aimed at raising the current water quality of the Creek. Though the NYSDEC PWL states that urban run-off is the primary source of pathogens, with on-site systems listed as a secondary source, all land use practices that potentially degrade water quality are discussed in this report. Though the land use within Mattituck Creek watershed is predominately agricultural, the land use immediately adjacent to the Creek is primarily residential. Because the overall land use within the Mattituck Creek watershed is primarily agriculture, this report identifies many agricultural remedies for the water quality problems. However, this study supports the findings by the NYSDEC in the PWL in identifying urban nm-off and on-site systems as two of the major contributors to the water quality degradation in the Creek. The intent of this report is not a Creek Management Plan, and an extensive evaluation of the septic systems for homes and businesses along the Creek was beyond the scope of this report, but is recommended for future studies. In the following report, identification of subwatersheds was conducted to coincide with outfall pipes that directly discharged into the Creek. These pipes deliver stormwater that travels through both agricultural and residential areas. Since there is no reliable laboratory test available to differentiate between human and animal fecal constituents in fecal coliform data, determination of the sources of these pollutants is a challenging, exhaustive task. It was determined, through the studies and analysis conducted for this report, that retarding the stormwater runoff from entering the Creek would increase the water quality. Analysis was conducted to determine the subwatersheds with the greatest quantity of stormwater entering the Creek, and also those with the greatest fecal coliform content. The major pollutants that were evaluated for this project were Fecal and Total Coliform. Mattituck Inlet has consistently appeared on the NYSDEC Priority Water Problem List. In 1988, the Inlet was a high priority waterbody with a problem ranking of "severe". The creek had been heavily utilized in the past for its shellfish production. However, in 1984 the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) closed the creek to all shellfish harvesting due to excessive levels of coliform bacteria. There have been seasonal openings in the past (from 1985 to 1998) but this has been discontinued due to the chronically high bacteria levels. It is important to note that although the water samples from Mattituck Creek have only been analyzed for coliform levels, the mitigation recommendations that are presented in this report would also increase the water quality of Mattituck Creek by lowering sediment and nutrient levels entering the Creek. Field data collection included water samples taken at six stations along the creek, often during storm events. The boundaries of the Mattituck Creek watershed and of the ten subwatersheds are shown on Figure 1. The ten subwatersheds were identified within the larger watershed, and land coverage was evaluated in the field utilizing soil, topographic, and aerial maps. Land coverage data was then input into a stormwater runoff computer model. This stormwater mnoffmodel was developed by the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) entitled: Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55 (TR-55). Pollutant loading rates were then estimated for each subwatershed, using the mean Fecal Coliform level and the amount of runoff (obtained from the TR-55 model) for each subwatershed. The results of these field investigations and modeling have enabled the determination of priority watershed areas where mitigation efforts could be focused to achieve the maximum results based on the level of effort expended. In other words, public expenditures could be directed to those degraded water quality areas that are most easily rectified or show the greatest potential improvement at the least cost. The locations of the waters sampling stations are shown on Figure 2. In November 1998, an initial watershed analysis and report of findings for Mattituck Creek was conducted by the U.S.D.A. NRCS and the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). The water samples were collected by Southold Town Trustee, Jimmy King, and laboratory analysis was conducted by the NYSDEC. Final watershed analysis, mitigation recommendations and field investigations were conducted by EEA. Invaluable assistance was provided by Mr. James McMahon, Mr. Jimmy King, Ms. Valerie Scopaz, Mr. John Sepenowski, Mr. Emerson Hasbrouk, Mr. Alan Connell, and Mr. Tom McMahon for providing necessary resources to complete the study. This project has been fimded by the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) through an Environmental Protection Ftmd (EPF) grant award. The project has been broken into two phases; Planning and Design constitute Phase I, and Project Implementation constitutes Phase II. Phase I is the subject of this grant. In this first Phase, the Town shall assess the volume of water entering the watershed utilizing best available data on loading rates. Estimates will then be derived of the total amotmts of sediments, nutrients and pollutants that are contained in the runoff, and potential treatment options will be discussed conceptually. The planning and design phase will enable the Town to establish an implementation timetable and budget based on the design recommendations. Phase II will be the subject of future grant applications. A portion of Phase II has recently been funded by a grant award through the NYSDEC Nonpoint Source Implementation 2 Grants Program. The following sections of this watershed analysis report will discuss the methodology, results and recommendations for mitigation efforts. II. Literature Review Literature pertaining to this project was obtained from EEA's in-house library. Many reports pertaining to non-point source pollution, mitigation techniques, water quality, watershed management, and watershed best management practices (BMP's) were reviewed and utilized in the analysis for this project. Watershed recommendation guides and manuals were reviewed, such as the Long Island Regional Planning Board (LIRPB) Non-point Source Management Handbook (1983), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Non-Point Pollution in Coastal Waters (1993), the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Reducing the Impacts of Stormwater Runoff from New Development (1992), among other guides and manuals. The Centerport Harbor Fecal Coliform Study by Comell Cooperative Extension Marine Program (1995) was reviewed and referred to for comparison and relevance to the Mattituck Creek report. IlL Project Location Mattituck Inlet is located in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York on the north side of the north fork of Long Island and drains into the Long Island Sound. The total watershed for Mattituck Inlet and Creek encompasses approximately 1,687 acres. Figure 1 depicts the entire drainage area servicing Mattituck Creek and Inlet, as well as the 10 subwatershed areas, which are the subject of this investigation. The approximate boundaries of the Mattituck Creek/Inlet watershed are as follows: County Road 48 to the south, the mouth of Mattituck Inlet to the north, extending west as far as Bergen Avenue and extending east just beyond Elijah's Lane. The dominant land use is agriculture followed by residential. Commercial land use is a distant third. The bulk of the residential development found in the watershed is situated at the head of the Creek in the Town of Mattituck. Residential development around the Creek and towards Long Island Sound on either side of Inlet is generally of low to medium density, with lot sizes ranging from less than 10,000 square feet to over two acres. Over the past several years, land dedicated to agriculture has slowly been converted to other uses. In addition to being a focal point for residential development, Mattituck Inlet and Creek is an important harbor containing a large number of water-dependent and water-enhanced uses. Unfortunately, there is a trend towards stripping native vegetation from homesites to "improve" the view of the water. However, this activity has impacted the neighborhood's view of those sites has heightened the potential for soil erosion. Land use practices that increase the potential for soil erosion have potentially negative implications for the water quality within the creek A. Physical Characteristics The water bodies of Mattituck Inlet and Creek encompass approximately 165 acres, and stretch approximately 2.5 miles inland. The mouth of Mattituck Creek is armored by two rock jetties that extend approximately 1000 linear feet into Long Island Sonnd. Mattituck Creek is tidally connected to Long Island Sound and has a tidal fluctuation of about five feet. The Creek is no more than 400 feet at its widest point. A naturally shallow waterbody, Mattituck Creek has been dredged to a depth of 10 feet in the center channel. The creek is the only safe harbor on Long Island Sound east of Mount Sinai Harbor, a stretch of more than 40 miles. The creek has two long arms which extend outward; one to the west (Howard's Creek), the other to the east (Long Creek). The former is navigable for most of its entire length. The latter, however, is navigable only to the original Grand Avenue bridge crossing, a few hundred feet northeast of the existing crossing. Only small boats with shallow drat~ can be taken past this point. These particular physical characteristics have limited commercial use of this port to boats of less than 60 feet in length. The Creek supports an active working harbor that has retained significant natural resources in spite of the degree of residential and commercial development within its watershed. The majority of the Creek shoreline remains natural, with fringing intertidal marshes. The water-dependent uses include four marinas, a federal anchorage, numerous moorings and private docks; four commercial fishing docks, fish packing facilities and two public boat ramps at its head. On either side of the Inlet mouth, outside the rock jetties guarding the channel are park district beaches. The two rock jetties, most particularly the westerly one, are heavily utilized for recreational fishing. Most of the water-dependent uses are concentrated on the west side of the Creek. Mattituck Inlet also supports a significant commercial fishing industry. B. Natural Resources There are many important natural resources within the Mattituck Creek watershed which are in need of protection or restoration. These natural resources support significant finfish, shellfish and wildlife habitats. These natural resources include: 1. Wetlands Extensive tidal marshes, upwards of 45 acres, fringe the shoreline of Mattituck Inlet and Creek. The wetlands support both intertidal and high marsh vegetation, and the creek itself is classified by NYSDEC as littoral zone. Smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) dominates the marsh vegetation. There are also areas of dredge spoil located within this wetland system. These tidal wetlands are relatively undisturbed and highly productive, providing habitat for a variety of wildlife, shellfish and marine finfish. The most extensive complex of tidal wetlands is located on the east side of the mouth of the Inlet and is owned almost entirely by the State of New York. This includes the open water and intertidal wetlands north of Mill Road. This wetland is characterized by good flushing action and an estuary community that supports juvenile marine finfish, clams, mussels, and osprey. The remainder of the underwater lands and tidal wetlands in the Mattituck Creek watershed are owned by either the Mattituck Park District, the Town of Southold or private property owners. These wetlands are highly productive habitats that support a variety of fish and wildlife, both within the Inlet and Creek and in Long Island Sound near the Inlet. These undexwater lands support a substantial soft clam and oyster shellfishery, which is dependent on high water quality and undisturbed wetlands. 2. Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats (SCFWH) There is one designated Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat in the Mattitack Creek watershed. This is the Mattituck Inlet Wetland SCFWH. The following discussion is based on information contained in the Department of State's Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat Rating Forms (NYSDOS, 1987) and follow up. Location and description of habitat: The Mattitack Inlet Wetland SCFWH consists of approximately 60 acres of tidal wetland and open water within the inlet and the creek. It includes Mattitack Inlet, a deepwater inlet with strong tidal flushing, which enters Long Island Sound between two jetties. South of the inlet, Mattitack Creek is bordered by tidal wetlands and moderate residential and marina development. The wetland habitat itself is undisturbed and the majority of the wetland is owned by the NYSDEC. Fish and wildlife values: Small, undisturbed areas of tidal wetlands with good flushing are unusual in northern Suffolk County. The Mattituck Inlet Wetland has a high primary productivity that supports a large variety of fish and wildlife species, both in the wetland itself and around the mouth of the inlet in Long Island Sound. Osprey (New York State Special Concern species) nested on the state property in the wetland in 1984 and 1985 and feed in the wetland and on the creek. That nest was still active in 1999. (Within the past few years, ospreys have been observed nesting on poles that were erected in an island in the center of the southern part of the Creek, at its junction with Howard's Creek.) The wetland also serves as an important habitat for a variety of other wildlife as well as marine finfish and shellfish. Surf clams, hard clams and mussels have been harvested in or adjacent to the habitat area, but there have been pollution problems due to marina development within close proximity, thereby consequent shellfish closures. One pair of piping plover (T) nested on the beach to the east of the inlet in 1984, but the extent of use of this habitat by this species is not documented. 3. Shellfisheries of Mattituck Creek The estuarine waters of Long Island historically supported a significant fishery for numerous species, such as the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria), blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), bay scallop (Aequipecten irradians), soft-shelled clam (Mya arenaria), and common oyster (Crassostrea virginica). The change to water quality characteristics, primarily increases to salinity, the introduction of predators (i.e., oyster drill [Urosalpinx cinerea]), dredging of mudflats, decline of eelgrass (Zostera marina), and overharvesting, have all contributed to the reduction of both diversity and abundances. Presently, only the hard clam remains in harvestable numbers. Hard clams are found in varying abundances from Bar Harbor, Maine and the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the north, all the way south to the Gulf of Mexico. The species is found fi.om the intertidal zone to subtidal depths down to 60 feet. Hard clams are typically found in waters with a salinity of greater than 15 parts per thousands, and a substrate ranging fi.om sand to muddy sand. Hard clams are typically harvested manually by means of a clam rake with attached basket or tongs. In shallow water, the clams can also be collected by hand. Hard clams are filter feeders, meaning they strain large amounts of water to obtain food which primarily consists of phytoplankton (microscopic free floating plants). During the feeding process, additional materials are injected. These can include fine grain sediments, chemical constituents, nutrients, and bacteria. In most cases, these elements pass quickly through clams or become inactive. The bacteria which is not typically found in clams remains inside the clams, but cannot sustain itself and dies off within five days. If the clams were cooked, the bacteria would be killed before eating them. Since most hard clams are eaten raw, the bacteria would still be active and present a hazard to the consumer. It is for this reason that the NYSDEC has established guidelines on the amount of bacteria present in the water to avoid people from becoming ill. Area closures occur once bacteria levels exceed a total coliform medium Most Probable Number (MPN) of 70 per 100 milliliters of water, and not more than 10 percent of the samples exceed an MPN of 330 per 100 milliliters for a three-tube, three-dilution test. The coliform levels must remain below these standards for seven days prior to harvesting. C Subwatershed Areas The entire watershed of Mattituck Creek encompasses 1,687 acres. The total area of the 9 subwatersheds (not including Subwatershed # 9, as it has been discovered not to contribute to the Mattituck Creek watershed) encompass 1022.6 acres. The remaining 664.4 acres have not been included in this study. Since the subwatersheds were delineated from water sampling stations identified by the NYSDEC as areas of highest pollutant loadings (due to location near outfall pipes, etc.), it is believed that the analysis of these 10 6 subwatersheds will allow for the maximum amount of pollutant source identification with a reasonable amount of effort (water sampling and analysis). After the NYSDEC identified the areas of highest pollutant loading (due to outfall pipes, etc.), delineation of the subwatersheds which contributed to these pipes or road-ends was conducted. This was accomplished with the use of topographic maps, and verified in the field. Even though the areas outside the delineated subwatershed areas did not have any correlating water quality data, an analysis of the remaining land within the watershed has also been conducted for this report. Though this analysis does not include any water quality sampling or analysis, it does include analysis of literature, field observations, and maps (including soil, wetland, topographic, etc.). IV. Methodologies A. Land Use and Land Coverage The present land use and land cover has been determined using 1996 aerial photography provided by the NRCS, field verification, and detailed land use maps in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) format provided by the Town of Southold. B. grater Quality Sampling NYSDEC has established 15 water quality sampling stations in Mattituck Creek. These are shown on Figure 2. Each station is sampled according to procedures described in Recommended Procedures for the Examination of Sea grater and Shellfish, APHA, 1970. Stations were placed near potential pollution sources, such as drain pipes. Stations were also located at readily identified landmarks. These stations have been deemed adequate to evaluate the sanitary condition of the Creek by NYSDEC in the report, "Evaluation of Bacteriological Water Quality for Conditional Certification" (December, 1998). The water quality samples were analyzed for coliform bacteria (both total and fecal), that are used as indicators of human and animal waste contamination and possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Since shellfish are harvested for consumption, it is important to know the coliform levels in the waters from which the shellfish are being harvested. The shellfish filter the water, and coliforms in the water are absorbed by the shellfish. These coliforms can become harmful to humans when the shellfish are ingested. Water sampling was conducted by Shellfisheries staff members and the Town of Southold Trustee, James King. The water samples were examined using a 3-tube 3- dilution test by the NYSDEC microbiology laboratory following procedures described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, (APHA, AW'WA, 1992). Mattituck Creek was evaluated and classified based on the analysis of total coliform bacteria data. The method to collect the water samples was taken fi-om recommendations from the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP). The method involves the collection of water samples under adverse pollution conditions, such as afier a rainfall and during an ebbing tide. Since Mattituck Creek is a conditional area, water quality data were collected following varying amounts of rainfall. This aids in determining the rainfall limits within which the water quality remains acceptable. Sampling data used in the report were collected during the ebbing tide, and rainfall was recorded at the Town of Southold police station in Peconic. Sampling locations were identified by NYSDEC because of proximity to either road ends or stormwater direct discharge pipes. After this, seven were chosen to have a subwatershed analysis conducted for reasons described below. TABLE 1: Subwatersheds and Corresponding Sampling Stations: Corresponding Subwatershed Sampling Station 1 2 6.2 3 6.1 4 6.3 5 7.1 6 7 4.1 8 8 9 10 Subwatershed # 9 has no corresponding sampling location listed, as it was discovered to be disconnected fi.om the watershed of Mattituck Creek. 1. Water Quality Classifications and Use Standards Water quality classifications in New York State are currently based primarily on three indices: total coliform level, fecal coliform level, and dissolved oxygen concentration. The primary objective of the on-going water quality monitoring program in Mattituek is to prevent human health impacts from exposure to pathogenic bacteria and viruses which can result from either direct contact with contaminated water or the consumption of tainted shellfish. However, the detection of these pathogens is generally a tedious undertaking. Consequently, water quality testing for Mattituck entails the analysis of coliform bacteria, which are relatively easy to measure; these bacteria co- occur with the pathogens of primary concern and serve as indicators of the possible presence of those pathogens. In order to be certified as a shellfish harvesting area, the median total coliform level for any series of samples must be 70 MPN/100 ml or less (where MPN/100 ml is the most probable number of organisms per 100 milliliters of sample). New York State (2 NYCRR Part 701 20) classifies these certified shellfishing waters as "SA", which designates the highest level of water quality. An "SB" classification is assigned where the monthly median total coliform level is 70 to 2400 MPN/100 mi, where no more than 20 percent of the samples exceed 5000 MPN/100 ml, and where the monthly geometric mean value is 200 MPN/100 ml or less. 2. Coil forms Coliform bacteria are used as an indication of the possible presence of pathogenic organisms. Since it is difficult, timely and expensive to test for specific pathogens, then in order to insure that water quality is satisfactory for the protection of public health, simple, reliable and rapid methods for detection and enumeration of micro-organisms are necessary. Therefore, methods have been developed which determine the presence of other fecal organisms. These are called indicator organism and are indicative of the possible presence of pathogenic organisms. Total coliforms can come from a variety of sources, including soils and vegetation. Fecal coliforms, however, have their origins in the intestinal tracts of warm- blooded animals. Since fecal coliforms are more indicative of a fecal origin, and are a higher standard than total coliforms, fecal coliforms as an indicator were used in this study (Comell Cooperative Extension, 1995). A review of the literature on coliform removal, (EPA 1993, Jolly 1990, NYSDEC 1992, and Schueler 1992, 1987), all confirm that the removal of fecal coliforms is a function of hold time. At a minimum, 72 hours is required to remove the bulk of the coliforms. Optimally, six to seven days of detection time is required to maximize the reduction. Anything longer can lead to stagnation, odors, and anaerobic conditions. The removal of bacteria during the holding time is achieved through a variety of functions that include: absorption, sedimentation, natural die-off and predation by zooplankton. 3. Shellfish Closures As discussed previously, the waters of Mattituck Creek have historically provided a rich shellfish harvest. The waters within Mattituck Inlet and Creek experience significant fluctuations in water quality and thus are, with one exception, closed (uncertified) to shellfish harvesting. The exception to this mle is during the winter (December 9th - April 30th) when water quality north of a line between landmarks at the south side of entrance to Howard Creek and 1085 West View Drive improves adequately to permit a conditional harvesting program. The conditional harvesting program allows shellfish to be taken except following a 0.3 inch rainfall within a 24 hour period, when coliform levels are unacceptable. The colder and dryer winter season is a time when there is little stormwater runoff entering the inlet and there are lesser levels of boating activity. The Creek has been uncertified since 1984. The conditional shellfish harvesting programs have been operating in Mattituck Creek annually since 1985. These programs have been operated with the joint cooperation of the NYSDEC Shellfisheries Section and the Town of Southold. During the preparation of this report, the conditional harvest of Mattituck Creek has been eliminated. This was not due primarily to further water quality impairments, rather, an administration action by NYSDEC in response to fiscal and personnel constraints. As of 9 the submission of this report, shellfish harvesting is currently prohibited throughout the Creek. However, NYSDEC staff are presently analyzing the water quality of the Creek to determine whether a possible seasonal shellfish harvesting program can be supported. The Town of Southold has an ultimate goal of re-opening the shellfish beds without a conditional restriction. V. Overview of Current and Previous Studies Completed on the Mattituck Watershed There have been several studies conducted conceming the Mattituck Creek watershed. These include studies conducted by NYSDEC and other agencies reporting the pollutant levels and the shellfish closures for the Creek. Other studies include the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, currently being proposed by the Town of Southold. In 1986, the Southold Conservation Advisory Council identified and mapped all known sites where stormwater nm-off was discharged directly into the creek. This map, updated in 1994, shows the location of completed improvement projects (filtration of stormwater runofo. A. NYSDEC Priority Waterbodies List Periodically, the NYSDEC Division of Water publishes a list of surface waters that either cannot be fully used as a resource, or have problems that can damage their environmental integrity. The NYSDEC Priority Waterbodies List (PWL) includes individual waterbody data sheets describing the conditions, causes, and sources of water quality problems. Since 1984, Mattituck Inlet has remained on the PWL, despite attempts to improve water quality. The "Problem Information" description for Mattituck Inlet in the 1996 Priority Waterbodies List" states: "Use Impairment: Shellfishing Type of Pollutant: Pathogens Sources of Pollutant: Urban Runoff, On-site Systems, Other (Boat/Marinas) Severity: Precluded Documentation: Good Resolvability: Strategy Exists; Funds Needed" The "Further Details" description of this document states: "Use impairment: Year-round shellfish closures-conditional shellfish harvesting in the northern 2/3 each year. Cause: Stormwater nmoff, failing septic systems, boat discharges-heavy boat population in summer 10 The Inlet has poor flushing characteristics. This area is part of the Long Island Sound Study and the Long Island Coastal Management Plan. A local stormwater management plan is being developed and implemented. Source of Information: Region, Marine Resoumes and Regional Water" Tidal waters at the mouth of Mattituck Inlet have been designated by NYSDEC as high-quality SA waters. The tributaries of Mattituck Creek (Howard's and Long creeks) are designated as SC waters. According to NYSDEC Water Quality Regulations, the best usages of Class SA saline surface waters are shellfishing for market purposes, primary and secondary contact recreation and fishing. These waters shall be suitable for fish propagation and survival. The best usage of Class SC waters is fishing. These waters shall be suitable for fish propagation and survival. The water quality shall be primary and secondary contact recreation, although other factors may limit the use for these purposes. Mattituck Inlet has consistently appeared on the NYSDEC Priority Water Problem List and the Priority Waterbodies List. In 1988, the Inlet was a high priority waterbody with a problem ranking of "severe". This indicated that the designated use of the waterbody, shellfishing, was precluded by the poor water quality. The 1996 NYSDEC PWL identified the primary pollutant in Mattituck Creek to be of pathogens. The primary source pathogen indicating organisms was identified as urban rtmoff. Other sources identified are boat/marinas, and on-site wastewater treatment systems located close to the shoreline. Pathogens can also come from illegal discharges from holding tanks of boats, and high concentrations of waterfowl, especially in the sheltered portions of the Creek during the winter months. The use impairment for the creek is year-round shellfish closures with conditional shellfish harvesting in the northern 2/3 each year. The cause of this use impairment is the presence of pathogen indicating organisms from stormwater runoff, failing septic systems, and boat and marina discharges, due to the heavy boat population in the summer. The correlation between rain events, particularly during fall, winter, and spring seasons, would indicate that urban runoff and failing septic systems are more important than the marina discharges. Water quality problems in Mattituck Inlet have been identified as having a high resolution potential in the 1996 Priority Waterbodies List. The NYSDEC PWL also states that the lower (southern) part of Mattituck Creek has poor flushing characteristics. While water quality within Mattituck Creek fails to meet SA water quality standards most of the year, it may be possible to improve water quality and reopen areas within this otherwise productive water body for shellfishing on a more regular basis. On land, this will require a concerted effort to collect and detain the flow of stormwater long enough to remove pollutants. B. Shoreline Pollution Source Survey In December 1989, the NYSDEC Bureau of Shellfisheries completed the Mattituck Inlet/Mattituck Creek Shoreline Pollution Source Survey. This report describes the pollution sources that are contributing to Mattituck Creek. This survey is implemented in response to a closure of a waterbody for shellfish harvesting. Findings of this survey stated 11 that although there are approximately 140 houses on the shore of this creek, and all have in- ground sewage treatment systems, according to NYSDEC, there was no evidence of any system malfunctioning. One of the main sources of pollution identified by this report was storm drains found on many streets, which border the shoreline of Mattituck Creek. In many cases, these storm drains discharged directly into the Creek. Another source of pollution identified by this survey was streets that end on the shoreline of Mattituck Creek. These include Jackson Landing, Westphalia Avenue, South Drive, and Bayview Avenue. In these situations, rainfall runoff and runoff from nearby houses (lawn watering, car washing) can flow directly into the creek. This survey identifies waterfowl as another possible pollution source. Waterfowl (i.e., ducks, geese and swans), gulls, cormorants and herons have been observed in great numbers on the Creek. Finally, the survey mentions abandoned oil storage and asphalt tanks located on the western shore just inside Mattituck Inlet. C. Land Use Qualification A review of the land use maps produced for the Town of Southold LWRP, indicates that the vast majority of the land associated with the land adjacent to Mattituck Creek is classified as low density residential(A/AA). The shoreline adjacent to the creek is nearly entirely residential, with the exception of four small marinas, a restaurant, and a boat mooring area (27 moorings) at the head of the creek. Agricultural lands dominate the land use in the western and eastern margins of the watersheds. Based on these land uses, the primary chemical constituent of concern would be petroleum hydrocarbons that could leak from residential heating oil tanks. Marinas have also been documented as introducing the following pollutants into the environment: petroleum products, paint, solvents, and anti-fouling paints utilized on boat bottoms. The usage of such materials is highly regulated by NYSDEC pursuant to NYCRR Part 325 Fi Fra 3 (D)(1)(C), as well as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). However, current water quality monitoring programs do not routinely sample for such constituents; therefore, data are restricted to spills and/or violations. Since agricultural and residential land uses pre-dominate within the creek watershed, bacteria and nutrient loads present the greatest concern. Nutrient loading is associated with both residential areas (lawn fertilizers, wastewaters) and agricultural areas (plant fertilizers and animal wastes). Nutrients typically show up in the following analyses: Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), nitrogen-ammonia (NH3)), nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), total phosphorus (TPO4), ortho-phosphorus, and total organic carbon. The elements above are by-products transported to the creek either via stormwater runoff or grotmdwater flow. Nutrients present in the groundwater may take decades to reach the creek. Excess nutrient loading often results in an increase of chlorophyll-a (plankton blooms) which will reduce light transparency that could ultimately result in a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels as the phytoplankton die off and begin to decay. 12 The potential discharge of chemical pollutants and effects of nutrient loading are all detrimental to the productivity of any water body and should not be overlooked. The data presented by the NYSDEC in the "Evaluation of Bacteriological Water Quality for Conditional Certification" (1998) indicates that the level of coliforms within the Creek typically exceed the State standard for total coliforms of 70 MPN per 100 milliliters of water. The correlation of exceedance with high rainfall events (0.60 inches of ran/hour) indicates that bacterial loading is pr/madly stormwater driven (NYSDEC 1998). There are several sources of pathogens identified in the literature referenced. These sources include septic (sanitary) systems, marina and boat waste/discharge, domestic pet waste, and livestock waste, among others. It has been identified in the NYSDEC PWL that septic systems and urban runoff are the two main contributors to the pathogens entering the Creek. For this reason, an analysis of the loading rates for each subwatershed has been conducted. Through this analysis, conclusions can be drawn concerning the highest priority projects that will have the greatest positive effect on the water quality of the Creek. The projects suggested in this report include berms, detention/retention areas, wetlands, and other methods of retarding the stormwater runoff from directly discharging into the Creek from outfall pipes. Though this does not address the possibility of failed septic systems directly discharging into the Creek, it is believed that the suggested projects will have a significant positive impact on the water quality of the Creek. Further studies (Creek Management Plans, etc.) can be conducted to determine the impacts of individual sources, such as failing septic systems or marinas, to the water quality of the Creek. These studies can be conducted through the use of dye- testing or other methods. D. Comparison to PEP Tidal Creek Study In October 1999, EEA concluded a study for the Peconic Estuary Program on ten tidal creeks in the Peconic Estumy. As part of this study, EEA analyzed a wide range of water quality data, including fecal and total coliform levels. The coliform levels obtained from Mattituck Creek were compared to the values for the other 10 creeks studied, to gain an understanding of the water quality in Mattituck Creek relative to other creeks within the same region. Though water quality samples were taken at different times for both of these studies, and there was much more data for Mattituck Creek than any of the ten tidal creeks, this comparison is still informative and useful. A mean fecal coliform level for subwatersheds 2,3,4,5,7, and 8 was determined to be 42 MPN/100 ml. A mean total coliform level for the same subwatersheds, under dry conditions (since this was similar to the Tidal Creeks study) was determined to be 210 MPN/100 ml. The levels determined for Mattituck Creek are negatively biased, as the sampling stations were located in close proximity to known pollutant sources. Comparing the fecal coliform data from the 10 other creeks to the levels detected in Mattituck Creek, the following is apparent: five creeks had higher levels of fecal coliform, and five creeks had lower levels. Comparing the total coliform data to the other 10 creeks; four creeks had higher levels of total coliform, while six creeks had lower levels of total coliform. This 13 rough comparison shows that both the total and fecal coliform levels in Mattituck Creek are within the mid-range of readings for other tidal creeks within the same region. VI. Overview of Projects Completed on Mattituck Creek The Town of Southold has implemented two storm drainage improvement on the Mattituck watershed in response to some of the studies that have been conducted. One was conducted on Bayview Avenue, on the western shore of Mattituck Creek. Here, nine catch basins and leaching pools were installed in gravel trenches at the road end. A series of catch basins were also installed along either side of Bayview Avenue. Two catch basins were also installed at the foot of Knollwood Lane on the east side of Mattituck Creek. Even though the overall goal of this plan is to identify impairments to and mitigation alternatives for the entire Mattituck watershed, ten subwatersheds were identified. These subwatersheds were identified based on available water sampling data and by attempting to choose subwatersheds which may have greater impacts than others (due to a heavy influence of aghculmral, stormwater, or other mnoffinputs.) VII. Current Protection and Management Programs The Town of Southold has several programs through the Peconic Estuary Program that have been designed to protect and manage the resources and water quality of the area (PEP Nonpoint Source Management Plan - Inventory, June 1995). The "Base Programs" that pertain to Southold have been included in Appendix D of this report. VIII. Analysis of Water Quality Data for Mattituck Creek Under adverse pollution conditions, many sampling stations in Mattituck Creek fail the water quality standards set by NYSDEC for certified shellfish areas. Bacteriological data at Mattituck Creek show that rainfalls in excess of 0.20 inches have an adverse impact on water quality. However, Mattituck Creek does satisfy the criteria for a conditionally certified area under specific rainfall conditions. Under dry weather conditions (less than 0.10 inch) all stations meet the water quality criteria. Under moderate weather conditions (rainfall between 0.10 and 0.40 inch) only Station 3 fails to meet the criteria. Close examination of the water quality and rainfall data shows that this station exceeded the acceptable total coliform levels only twice. These two instances also occurred early during the conditional evaluation period of Mattituck Creek. Through December 1998, Mattituck Creek was sampled 41 times: 15 times under dry weather conditions (0.00 - 0.10 inch rainfall), 18 times following moderate rainfall (0.10 - 0.60 inch), and 8 times following rainfalls greater than 0.60 inch. Stations 1,1.1, 2,3,4,4.1,5,7,7.1, and 9 satisfy the water quality criteria for a certified shellfish land under dry weather conditions and following moderate rainfall. These stations lie within the portion of Mattituck Creek that have been designated as conditionally certified. Stations 6,6.1,6.2,6.3,8, and 8.1 do not satisfy the water quality criteria. These stations lie within the portion of Mattituck Creek that have remained uncertified and closed to shellfish 14 harvesting (located at the southem end of Mattituck Creek and along Long Creek). The NYSDEC recommends that Mattituck Creek should be closed to harvesting for seven days following rainfalls greater than 0.30 inch. It does not appear that the bacteria spreads throughout the creek during a typical tidal cycle, but remains within the headwaters, perhaps dying off before it can spread. This would support the theo~ of low flushing rate of the headwaters. It is also possible that some other unknown factors are controlling the spread of bacteria. The vast majority of the water sampling conducted for the 1998 NYSDEC report took place in November through May. During this seasonal time period, there is typically reduced level of activity at each of the four identified marinas and many of the homes which may be used by summertime residents only. Review of this data indicates that the strongest correlation with bacterial levels is with both rainfall and seasonal events. Whenever rainfall exceeds 0.20 inches, bacteria levels increase particularly at the station found at the southern terminus of Mattituck and Long Creeks. The NYSDEC bacteriological data indicate that the southern portion of the creek receives the highest concentration, with levels dropping as one proceeds north to the inlet. Stations situated north of Howard's Creek are typically below NYSDEC standards, but can exceed the standards after a heavy rain. This would suggest that the probability of keeping the creek open to shell fishing increases significantly towards the northern portion of the Creek. It would appear that the greatest concentration of bacteria would occur on a regular basis from June through August. This is due, in part, to the following: · the large concentration of recreational vessels · apparent lack of adequate pump-out facilities · increased summertime population exerting pressure on the aging septic system · the increased volume of patrons to the waterside restaurants. Most of this heightened creek-side activity diminishes after Labor Day, and is nearly gone by the end of October. The wintertime loading rates would thus be greatly reduced and confined to periods of heavy rain (0.20 inches) when deposits of bacteria are washed into the creek. It is anticipated that the majority of the stormwater discharge points should be identifiable and associated pollutants treatable. The potential for non-point source discharges is also probable, but it is anticipated they contribute only a small percentage of the bacteria. This would indicate that the fall through spring period would offer the lowest potential for high bacteria levels offering the least impact to the shellfish industry. Upon analysis of the available water quality for the Creek, it appears that water quality is most conducive to shellfish harvesting during seasonal periods, from fall through late spring period optimal. Additionally, since bacteria levels drop towards the northern end of the Creek, this section is more likely to support a certified shellfish area. The addition of some form of stormwater treatment at key locations is also likely to reduce the 15 likelihood of the water quality at the Creek to exceed NYSDEC guidelines during heavy rainfall events. This may permit the harvesting of shellfish without conditional closures. Additional Water Ouality Sampling In addition to the 15 regularly sampled stations, three additional rounds of water quality sampling were conducted during July, August, and September of 1997, during periods of heavy rainfall. These samples were collected by Southold Town Trustee Jimmy King. The samples were collected at the road ends (or pipes) to obtain estimated values of total and fecal coliforms that are being directly introduced into the Creek. Samples were collected at subwatersheds 1 through 8 at the discharge points (identified by NYSDEC and verified in the field). Although this data is limited to only three sampling days, analysis of the data provides useful insight as to the source of the coliform levels that are being monitored near the center of the Creek. Both the July and August sampling periods contained data fxom three different sampling events, while the samples for September was collected during just one sampling event. Both fecal and total coliform levels were analyzed, and the arithmetic means of these numbers appear in the tables below. TABLE 2: Fecal Coliform Levels Additonal Water Quality Samplin.q (at Road Ends) Fecal Coliform Levels (in MPN/100 mi) Date Corresoondino Subwatershed Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7/24/97 4.783 40.533 18.200 2.053 28.333 28,333 4,655 5,850 8/18/97 8.867 941 32.100 2.450 31.333 26,433 5,900 4,900 9/11/97 93.000 43.000 9.300 15.000 75.000 240,001 46,000 3,900 TABLE 3: Total Coliform Levels Additonal Water Quality Samplin.q {at Road Ends) Total Coliform Levels (in MPN/100 mi) Date Corres~ondino Subwatershed Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7/24/97 24.767 55.100 196.667 40.533 240.001 124.667 230.047 240,001 8/18/97 196.667 81,500 196.667 198.867, 196,667 153,334 78,000 30,500 9/11/97 230.000 39.000 230.000 93.000 93.000 ,240,001 240,001 110,000 Mean 110,717 68,300 196,667 119,700 218,334'139~001 154,024 135,251 16 IX. Overview of Creek Impairments The general focus of this study is to improve the water quality of Mattituck Creek. Stormwater runoff from the roads and the developed properties has been identified by NYDEC as the primary adverse impact on the water quality of the Creek. This water may contain various kinds of organic and inorganic pollutants related to homeowner land use and landscaping practices, highway maintenance, fanning practices, marinas and recreational boat activity, and other practices. With residential development, the volume of runoff discharging directly into surface waters may increase due to the introduction of impermeable surfaces and the channeling of water onto those surfaces into the Creek. The obliteration of natural drainage swales through thoughtless building practices and site design can result in a change in the normal water recharge pattern within the watershed of the Creek. In addition, the location of subsurface wastewater leaching pools between shorefront homes and the water's edge means that high tides and storm tides can result in a temporary influx of salt-water into the leaching systems with a subsequent outflow of pollutants into the Creek waters. There are two ways to classify impairment sources to any water body. One is point source pollution, where the pollutant source can be directly identified. The other is non- point source, where the pollution does not come from an easily identifiable source or location. In order to discuss any mitigation measures for Mattituck Creek, further discussion and understanding of these impairments must be defined and discussed. These pollutant sources are discussed in detail below: A. Possible Point Pollution Sources As discussed above, point source pollution refers to water pollution that comes from an identifiable source or location. Point source discharges are subject to the permit requirements of the Clean Water Act. For the purposes of this study, point sources include: land uses along the shorefront which potentially generate surface water contaminants (e.g., marinas, gas stations, etc.), processed wastewater discharges, or piped stormwater outfalls. Road ends are discussed separately, and are not considered point sources in this report. The following point pollution sources may be contributing to the degraded water quality at Mattituck Creek: 1. Hazardous Materials Historically, there were gasoline storage tanks just inside the mouth of the Inlet on the west side of the Creek. These storage tanks have been removed and the soil has been cleaned. Also, there are asphalt tanks that are situated directly across from the mouth of the Inlet. These tanks contain a small amount of asphalt, but are no longer in operation. No other hazardous materials information was gathered for this report, as it was out of scope for the goals of the project. 17 2. Marinas and Boatyards Mattituck Inlet and Creek supports four marinas. These provide a total of just under 300 slips. The facilities and services that these marinas and boatyards provide are discussed below: Peterson's Dock Located just inside the mouth of the inlet on the west side on a 3.4 acre parcel, Peterson's Dock has about 30 slips, which are used by commercial and recreational craft. The commercial boats include a trawler and half-a-dozen lobster boats. In addition to the in-water slips, Peterson's has the only outside dry rack storage facility on the Inlet. The dry rack capacity is about 60 craft. Upland uses on the site include winter storage, staging areas for commercial operations and lobster trap storage. Amenities provided include travel lift, electricity, water, ice, and basic repair and fueling services. A launching ramp is available for public use for a fee. Mattituck Inlet Fishing Station Just south of Peterson's is the Mattituck Fishing Station, a 3 acre parcel with about 50 slips. This marina provides rental boats along with a bait and tackle shop, a launching ramp available for a fee, gasoline fuel and rest rooms. This marina caters to smaller craft in the under-20 to 30 foot range. There also is a residence on the property. Mattituck Inlet Marina and Shipyard Mattituck Inlet Marina is a large full-service marina, located just south of the Old Mill Road on the west side of Mattimck. Although it provides slips for seasonal rental and limited transient use, one of its principal functions is full-service boat maintenance and repair. There are seven large sheds on the upland portion of the site, which are used for hull and engine repair, maintenance, paintIng, drying and refinishing as well as winter storage. Outdoor winter and wet storage are also provided. There are three travel lift stations with the capacity to handle boats of 30, 50, and 80 tons, and lengths up to 110 feet. The in-water docking capacity is about 78 slips. Amenities include showers and restrooms. Gasoline and diesel fuel also is available. A pump-out station is proposed for this marina. This marina has also installed a contalument with a drywell to retain waters, which are used in the washing of the boats at the haul-out stations. Matt-A-Mar Marina Located at the eastern bank of the head of the creek, Matt-a-Mar marina is one of the larger recreational marinas in the Town. It has about 90 to 100 slips, of which close to 50 percent are used by transient croft. In conjunction with the federal anchorage located nearby, this marina provides one of the main concentrations of 18 transient use within the inlet. Matt-a-Mar provides many recreational boating amenities, with showers and restrooms, ice, and full-service repair. Matt-A-Mar is reported to have a pumpout facility, however, it has not been available for use according to a local fisherman. Also provided are a restaurant, an outdoor pool with a cabana, and a kayak launching dock. In addition to outdoor winter storage, the marina has the ability to store about 100 boats in its sheds. In-water wet storage is available for about 25 craft. B. Overview of Non-Point Pollution Sources Non-point source pollution refers to water pollution that does not come from an easily identifiable source or location. Non-point sources of pollution are more diffuse and difficult to define than traditional point sources, which originate from "any discemable, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or vessel or other floating craft, from which pollutants are or may be discharged" (Section 502 (14) of the Clean Water Act). Non- point sources are not subject to Federal permit requirements. Control of non-point sources is a process that requires action by several agencies and individuals. Non-point sources of water pollution contribute contaminants that seep, leak, runoff, and rain into surface waters and groundwater. The complex runoff process includes both the detachment and transport of soil particles and leaching and transport of chemical pollutants. Chemicals can be bound to soil particles and/or be soluble in rainwater. As the runoff moves, it picks up and can'ies away natural pollutants and pollutants resulting from human activity, finally depositing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters, and ground waters. 1. Agricultural Historically, land use in areas such as Mattituck has been predominately agricultural. Residential development has increased in this area, however, Mattituck remains largely agricultural with a mixture of newer uses (i.e.: vineyards). The use of fertilizers and pesticides has caused groundwater contamination in portions of the North Fork where agricultural uses are prevalent. Excessive pumpage from irrigation has resulted in the accelerated movement of pesticide and fertilizer contaminated groundwater. Pesticides/Herbicides Pesticides and their degradation products may enter grotmd and surface water in solution, in emulsion, or bound to soil colloids. Some types of pesticides are resistant to degradation and may persist and accumulate in aquatic ecosystems. Certain pesticides have been found to inhibit bone development in young fish or to affect reproduction by inducing abortion. Herbicides in the aquatic environment can destroy the food source for higher organisms, which may then starve. Herbicides can also reduce the amount of 19 vegetation for protective cover and the laying of eggs by aquatic species. Also, the decay of plant matter exposed to herbicide-containing water can cause reductions in dissolved oxygen concentrations (North Carolina State University, 1984). The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) has conducted an eighteen-month study (October 1997 through March 1999) to provide a comprehensive examination of pesticide impacts on Long Island groundwaters. This study was analyzed because of the significant amount of groundwater input feeding into Mattituck. Of all the Suffolk and Nassau townships, the Town of Southold was found to have the greatest pementage of pesticide-impacted wells (51%). Forty-eight wells in the community of Mattituck had detectable levels of pesticides, metabolites, or nitrates (greater than the MCL). Most of these 48 well samples had detectable levels of aldicarb (aldicarb sulfoxide+sulfone, trade name Temik). The other pesticides within detectable levels included nitrite (NO3), dieldrin, Edb (ethylene dibromide), TCPA (tetrachloroterephthalic acid), metalaxyl, metolachlor, Simazine (herbicide), and 1,2-dichloropropane. Other chemicals that were discovered during this study in wells at Mattituck included MTBE and metribuzin. Animal Waste Animal waste, which contains nutrients and bacteria, including fecal coliform, fecal streptococci bacteria and other pathogens, can be either a point or non-point source of pollution. The more dispersed wastes of dogs, horses, and wildlife (including waterfowl) are considered non-point sources because they originate in many dispersed locations and are transported by stormwater runoff to surface waters and to groundwater. Waterfowl are a significant source of coliform bacteria into numerous bay and other tidal areas within Suffolk County. Non-point source pollution problems caused by waterfowl are attributable to domestic White Peking Ducks that have been released, abandoned or have escaped to coastal or inland ponds; semi-wild ducks, and the increasing populations of Canada geese, mallard, and seagulls in certain areas. Migrating Canada geese utilize agricultural fields as feeding and resting areas in the spring and fall. Runoff from these fields can carry large amounts of fecal coliform and pathogens deposited by geese and other migratory waterfowl. Runoff from fields receiving manure will contain extremely high numbers of bacteria if the manure has not been incorporated or if the bacteria have not been subjected to stress. Shellfish closure and beach closure can result from high fecal coliform counts. Although not the only source of pathogens, animal waste has been responsible for shellfish contamination in some coastal waters. The method, timing and rate of application are significant factors in determining the likelihood that water quality contamination will result. Manure is generally more likely to be transported in nmoff when applied to the soil surface than when incorporated into the soil. The presence of large, open, manicured grassy areas (i.e., golf courses, ballfields, schools, etc.) can also indirectly contribute to pathogen levels, in addition to nutrient loading (fertilizer) and pesticide and herbicide pollution of the receiving waterbody. Presently, only the presence of pathogens has been identified. The greatest potential source of pathogens associated with these areas would be those derived from Canada 20 goose droppings. In recent history, Canada geese have become less migratory, spending entire winters in the northeast United States. These birds feed in large numbers on the grasses associated with golf courses, ballfields, etc. During the grazing process, large amounts of bird wastes are left behind which have the potential to be washed into the estuary. Additionally, farm fields with unharvested or lost grain can also support large populations of geese. In either case, it does not appear that adequate habitat exists to support a large number of geese adjacent to Mattituck Creek. Certain parts of Mattituck Creek, particularly Long Creek and Howard's Creek, have been observed to be heavily utilized by waterfowl. Fecal wastes from these birds can contribute significantly to the overall pathogen levels in the receiving waters. Recreational feeding of waterfowl exacerbates the problem of fecal contamination by causing species that would normally migrate northward during the spring to remain in the area year-round, and by allowing populations to expand above normal levels due to easily obtainable food supplies. Although no study has been undertaken in Mattituck Creek which assesses the impact that waterfowl can have on water quality conditions, it is likely that waterfowl make a significant contribution to coliform concentrations in this waterbody. The control of waterfowl waste as a source of surface water contamination is a particularly difficult problem to address. Signs can be posted at key locations to discourage the introduction of artificial food supplies to waterfowl habitats. However, feeding waterfowl is perceived as an acceptable form of recreation and interaction with wildlife by humans. Furthermore, any future effort to moderate waterfowl populations in Mattituck Creek must be undertaken in a manner that is consistent with the somewhat conflicting goal of protecting the Creek's important natural resources, which includes those same waterfowl. Waste composition varies with animal age, breed, sex, and feed. For example, ducks produce about twice the daily volume of waste of humans, but more than five times the fecal coliform bacteria. Fertilizers The three primary macronuthents used in fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Of the three primary macronutrients, nitrogen appears to be the major groundwater contaminant. Often because of the complexities of varying soil characteristics and plant requirements, more fertilizer is applied than the plant can use. Since nitrate-nitrogen is highly soluble, the nitrogen that is not taken up by plants and bacteria leaches out of the root zone and eventually reaches ground or surface waters. Nitrate-nitrogen is highly mobile and can move readily below the crop root zone, especially in the sandy soil characteristics of the North Fork. The topsoil of a field is usually richer in nutrients and other chemicals because of past fertilizer and pesticide applications, as well as nutrient cycling and biological activity. Topsoil is also more likely to have a greater percentage of organic matter. Soil eroded and delivered from cropland as sediment usually contains a higher percentage of finer and less dense particles than the parent soil on the cropland. This change in composition of eroded soil is due to the selective nature of the erosion process. This 21 selective erosion can increase overall pollutant delivery per ton of sediment delivered because small particles have a much greater adsorption capacity than larger particles. As a result, eroding sediments usually contain higher concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and pesticides than the parent soil. In aquatic environments, nutrient availability usually limits plant growth. When nitrogen and phosphorus are introduced into a stream, lake, or estuary at rates higher than normal background or natural levels, aquatic plant productivity may increase dramatically. This process, referred to as cultural eutrophication, may adversely affect the suitability of the water for other uses. Increased aquatic plant productivity results in the addition to the system of more organic material, which eventually dies and decays. The decaying organic matter produces unpleasant odors and depletes the oxygen supply required by aquatic organisms. Excess plant growth may also interfere with recreational activities such as swimming and boating. Depleted oxygen levels, especially in colder bottom waters where dead organic matter tends to accumulate, can reduce the quality of fish habitat and encourage the propagation of fish that are adapted to less oxygen or to wanner surface waters. Highly enriched waters will stimulate algae production, with consequent increased turbidity and color. The increased turbidity results in less sunlight penetration and availability to submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). Since SAV provides habitat for small or juvenile fish, the loss of SAV has severe consequences for the food chain. 2. Urban As urbanization occurs, changes to the natural hydrology of an area are inevitable. Hydrologic and hydraulic changes occur in response to site clearing, grading, and the addition of impervious surfaces and maintained landscapes (Schueler, 1987). Most problematic are the greatly increased runoff volumes and the ensuing erosion and sediment loadings to surface water that accompany these changes to the landscape. Hydrological changes to the watershed are magnified after construction is completed. Impervious surfaces, such as rooftops, roads, parking lots, and sidewalks decrease the infiltrative capacity of the ground and result in greatly increased volumes of runoff. Urban stormwater runoff is rainwater that collects on hard surfaces (i.e., roads, parking lots, roofs, etc.) that is unable to leach back into the groundwater through the soil and is therefore transported to the creek via a network of storm drains and culverts under the roads. The runoff has the potential to collect pathogens fi.om several sources. One contributor is the waste fi'om private pets. People fail to curb (pick-up) their pet's waste (which is against the law) while walking the animal. This waste is eventually transported to the creeks. Other sources of waste include animals (e.g., raccoons) which live in storm drains and rock doves (pigeons) which roost under bridge overpasses. Another potential source would be materials that leaked onto the road fi.om household refuse during the collection process and is eventually transported to the creek by stormwater runoff. These scenarios would appear to be the most likely in regard to the coliform loading of Mattituck Creek. This is supported by data collected by the NYSDEC and reported in their 1998 water quality sampling report. 22 Samples routinely failed the shellfishing standards at stations located at the southern terminus of the creek. These stations are primarily located in the portion of the creek with the greatest concentration of developed land. Additionally, some of the oldest homes in the area and the greatest concentration of permanent residents are located at the southern terminus of the Creek. Due to the lack of freshwater influx as a result of the replacement of natural landscapes with impervious surfaces associated with development, the headwaters of the creek have the potential to become stagnant. If this were the case, the head waters would show a greater trend towards eutrophication which would be evident by poor water quality (i.e., lower dissolved oxygen, turbid water, high nutrient level, periodic plankton bloom, etc.). The episodic occurrence of high coliform counts and the rapid drop off would also support the stormwater transport of pathogens. As indicated by the relatively short temporary closures (i.e., seven days) mandated by the NYSDEC, the presence of coliform bacteria is of a short-term nature. Urban development also causes an increase in pollutants. As population density increases, there generally is a corresponding increase in pollutant loadings generated from human activities. These pollutants typically enter surface waters via runoff without undergoing treatment. The major pollutants found in runoff from urban areas include sediment, nutrients, oxygen-demanding substances, heavy metals, road salts, petroleum hydrocarbons, pathogenic bacteria, and viruses. Auto and track engines that drip oil are the source of most of the petroleum hydrocarbon pollution found in urban runoff. Some polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to be toxic to aquatic life at low concentrations. Hydrocarbons have a high affinity for sediment, and they collect in bottom sediments where they may persist for long periods of time and result in adverse impacts on benthic communities. Lakes and estuaries are especially prone to this phenomenon. A large portion of the developed residential acreage is in turf or other plantings that require the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that release nitrogen and organic chemicals. Lawns are a major source of nitrates. Lawn irrigation may also impact aquifers through the over-pumpage of the water supply. Other impacts not related to a specific pollutant can also occur as a result of urbanization. Temperature changes result from removal of vegetative cover, and increase runoff across impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces act as heat collectors, heating urban runoff as it passes over impervious surfaces. Thermal loading disrupts aquatic organisms that have finely tuned temperature limits. Salinity can also be affected by urbanization. Freshwater inflows due to increased runoff can impact estuaries, especially if they occur in pulses, disrupting the natural salinity of the area and leading to a decrease in the number of aquatic organisms living in the receiving waters in some areas. All aquatic organisms, from algae to the most complex plants or animals, respond to changes in the environment. Responses may be due to either particular, non-recurring stimuli, or rhythmic changes, which are usually related to recurring factors (such as tide 23 or day length) in the environment. Certain factors have especially pronounced effects; light, temperature, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), nutrient availability, and solute concentration. An organism's response to one factor, such as temperature, may alter its response to another, such as the presence of a solute in the water making difficult to predict the results of a particular set of changes in the environment. Tolerance to features of the environment varies widely among aquatic organisms. Such as often occurs with stormwater collected from urbanized areas, large inputs of freshwater into a marine estuary resulting from storm events have the ability to disrupt the natural salinity of an area and can lead to a decrease in the number of aquatic organisms living in the receiving waters in certain areas. Changes in salinity can also disrupt metabolic activity in animals. The salt concentration in the body fluids of most marine invertebrates is nearly the same as that of the environment. These forms of animals have a narrow salt tolerance and are restricted to regions of relatively stable, near-seawater salinities. The alteration of natural hydrology due to urbanization and the accompanying runoff diversion, channelization, and destruction of natural drainage systems have resulted in riparian and tidal wetland degradation or destruction. 3. Septics Septic systems and cesspools are the most commonly used on-site sewage treatment systems on Long Island. Pollutants from on-site systems include: nitrogen, organic chemicals, metals, bacteria, and viruses. The nitrate found in the effluent from on-site systems is highly soluble and moves easily through the soil to groundwater. Nitrates discharged in shallow recharge areas can contaminate shallow aquifers and surface waters. Nitrogen from on-site systems can pose a threat to groundwater if housing densities exceed one house per acre. On-site systems generally produce low pollution loadings to groundwater in low-density residential areas such as the North Fork. In the past, septic systems and cesspools were sometimes poorly sited, but now revised health department regulations tend to eliminate this problem. Many septic systems or cesspools were installed during the drought of the 1960's when the depth to grotmdwater was much greater than it is now. With the recurrence of normal rainfall in the 1970's, the water table rose and many leaching systems were flooded by groundwater and ceased to fimction. Many owners of on-site systems do not follow a preventative maintenance program. More often than not, homeowner's do not have the septic tanks pumped out as frequently as needed, thus allowing the sludge to flow to the leaching pool where it clogs the infiltrative surface of the leaching pool and field. Unnecessary or toxic chemicals may be poured into the system in an effort to avoid a pump out. Tree roots may also enter the piping and leaching pool and eventually prevent proper functioning. 24 Septic systems can be a source of viruses and other pathogens to groundwater and water supply wells. Bacteria, on the other hand, from septic systems do not appear to be a significant problem because most bacteria are trapped in the soil or material within the leaching field area. However, falling systems may contribute to high total coliform counts, especially older systems located near coastal areas. The location of subsurface wastewater leaching pools between shorefront homes and the water's edge means that high tides and storm tides can result in a temporary influx of saltwater into the leaching systems with a subsequent outflow of pollutants into the Creek waters. 4. Boats Marinas and recreational boating are increasingly popular uses of coastal areas. On Long Island, boating activities are an integral part of both an extensive marine- commercial industry and a large recreational pastime. Boating activity brings with it a potential for the discharge of human wastes and other pollutants into waters that are utilized for recreational activities and shellfish harvesting. The most significant impact from boating activities is the discharge of untreated and partially treated sanitary wastes into Long Island waters. The discharge of boat wastes can result in elevated fecal coliform counts, and nutrient and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) loadings. Another important impact of boating activities is the contamination of benthic organisms, finfish, and wetlands from oil products. Sanitary boat wastes contain ammonia, nitrates, phosphorus, BOD, total solids, suspended solids, and other pollutants similar to those generated by a household on land. Untreated sanitary waste may also contain large numbers of fecal coliform and a number of other types of bacteria and viruses. Shellfish that ingest the microorganisms discharged from boat sanitary waste can become vectors for the transmission of diseases if the concentration of pathogenic organisms in shellfish meats is substantial. In addition to the health related problems, the introduction of sanitary waste into a body of water can increase the concentration of oxygen-demanding substances, which consequently reduce the amount of available oxygen for the metabolic needs of aquatic organisms. The effect of boat sewage on dissolved oxygen (DO) can be intensified in temperate regions because the peak boating season coincides with the highest water temperatures and thus the lowest solubilities of oxygen in the water and the highest metabolism rates of aquatic organisms. The majority of the registered boats on Long Island are under 25 feet in length. According to Coast Guard regulations they are not required to have sanitary facilities and most do not. These boats tend to be used on a dally basis and those without sanitary facilities discharge untreated wastes directly into coastal waters. The larger boats, 25 feet in length or more, are required to have Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD's) and holding tanks. Boats with holding tanks are required to discharge the wastes at approved pump- out stations. There is one such pump-out facility in Mattituck Creek that accepts wastes from boats during the boating season. 25 Hydrocarbon pollution from boating activities can also cause localized problems in marinas and embayments. Careless or improper fueling practices and leaking fuel tanks at marina fuel docks result in a large number of small spills that can severely affect the aquatic environment in the immediate vicinity. Petroleum hydrocarbons tend to adsorb to particulate matter and become incorporated into sediments. They may persist for years, resulting in exposure to benthic organisms. The soluble fractions of oil can be toxic, inhibitory, and, in some cases, stimulatory to marine phytoplankton; and have the capacity to alter phytoplankton population structures. Boat maintenance, and repair operations can also be sources of metals and compounds that may be toxic to marine organisms. 5. Ou{fall Pipes Discharging Directly into the Creek There are at least ten storm drainage outfall pipes emptying directly into Mattituck Creek. The drains originate from County and Town roads as well as from private property. The size of the outfall pipes range from 4 to 36 inches in diameter. These pipes are believed to be a significant contributor to water quality impairments in the Creek. In addition, several local streets terminate at the creek shorehne, allowing rainfall runoff to enter directly into the creek. These roads include: Bayview Avenue, West Mill Road, Knollwood Lane, The Anchorage, and Wickham Avenue. These pipes are considered non- point source pollution because, according to the NYSDEC Water Resources Department, there are no formal outfall pipes discharging into Mattituck Creek under SPDES (State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits. 6. Other Highway Deicing Highway deicing materials include salts, gravel, sandy soils, and other materials. Sodium chloride is the most extensively used salt on Long Island. Improper storage and highway application can cause a significant impact on the environment when salts percolate through the soils and subsurface materials to the water table. Once in the groundwater, both sodium and chloride ions are non-reactive and can persist for centuries. They move with the general groundwater flow and can be carded down to deeper aquifers that are used for public water supply. Runoff from roads can carry excess salt into creeks and embayments leading to a temporary increase in the salinity and a subsequent change in the physical character of the water body. Sediments Although not directly investigated as part of this project, sediments in Mattituck Creek are strongly suspected to be an additional source of fecal coliforms, especially during the summer. Other investigators have observed the accumulation of fecal coliform in marine sediments (Rittenburg, et. al. 1958; Sayer, et.al. 1975; Von Donsel and Geldreich 26 1971, Volterra, et.al. 1985, all cited in Heufelder 1988). Heufelder (1988) found that Buttermilk Bay, Massachusetts conta'ms sediments with the capacity to accumulate fecal coliforms and that these bacteria can return to the water column by physically disrupting the sediments. Heufelder (1988) further found that the accumulation of fecal coliforms in the sediments was related to the organic content of the sediment and the proximity of the area to a contamination source. Fine-grained highly organic sediment contained higher fecal coliform concentrations. Heufelder (1988) further found, based on his own work and the work of others, that not only do sediments have the potential for protecting and accumulating fecal coliforms, but they may also support their growth in proportion to the available nutrients. He further concludes that this gives added implication to the input of nutrients from on- site septic systems even if those systems are not directly contributing live bacteria to surface waters. Valiela, et.al. (1991) expanded on Heufelder's sediment work. They evaluated the size of stocks of fecal coliforms in the water column, sediment and sea wreck in Buttermilk Bay, and concluded that sediments contained most of the fecal coliforms. They found that fecal coliforms in the sediments were as much as one order of magnitude greater than in the water column or sea wrack and further that bacteria were so abundant that re-suspension of fecal coliforms from just the top two centimeters of muddy sediments could add sufficient bacteria to the water column to have the bay exceed the shellfish standard. These studies have applicability to Mattituck Creek. Buttermilk Bay, part of Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts, is relatively similar to Mattituck Creek. Both water bodies are geographically close to each other, support similar flora and fauna, areas surrounded by similar development, experience similar climate and are geographically somewhat similar. It is not unreasonable, then, to consider sediments as part of the problem causing high non-rainfall bacteria levels in Mattituck Creek in the summer. The increased survivability and growth of fecal coliforms in warm temperatures, and the likelihood of increased re-suspension of sediments in the summer by increased boating traffic (prop churn as well as wake), increased swimming and other anthropogenic activity in and on the water, as well as scouring by tides, currents and waves can all combine to produce the increased levels of coliforms. However, there must be a source of fecal coliforms to the sediments to initiate this process. Stormwater runoff in the watershed supplies a constant (storm-driven) source of high numbers of fecal coliforms to colonize and grow in the sediments. Additionally, stormwater is most likely a major source of fine-grained organic sediments to Mattituck Creek. Stormwater runoff tan'les a large sediment load, much of it fine-grained and high in organic content (from agricultural fields in the Mattituck watershed), to surface waters. Also, stormwater runoff is a major source of nutrients which, according to the above authors, contributes to the survival and growth of fecal coliforms in sediments. Therefore, any measures which reduce stormwater runoff to Mattituck Creek will also act to reduce the accumulation of fine-grained organic sediments, reduce the nutrient 27 loading, reduce the replenishing supply of fecal coliforms to the sediments and, therefore, help to reduce fecal coliform levels in Mattituck Creek (Comell Cooperative Extension, 1995). X. Addressing Water Quality Concerns Pathogen loadings fi'om natural wildlife populations can be a substantial source of water quality degradation in an area such as Mattituck Creek. However, human activities in the coastal zone, especially land development, generally have an overriding effect on natural contaminant inputs to stormwater discharges. Depending on the type of development present, stormwater runoff can be a source of metals, organic compounds, nutrients, or other contaminants, in addition to pathogens. The water quality impairments in Mattituck Creek due to stormwater runoff that have been discussed above can generally be addressed in two ways: 1) Measures can be implemented to reduce contaminant loadings in the effluent carded by individual stormwater discharges (e.g., outfalls, streams, etc.). This approach treats stormwater runoff as a "point source", and typically involves structural devices that address a relatively small portion of the entire contributing watershed area, but which can be very effective in mitigating acute, localized water quality problems. 2) The rate of contaminant generation and transport in the upland areas can be controlled through the use of "best management practices", public education initiatives, and other non-structural means. This "watershed-wide" approach treats stormwater runoff as a "non-point source", and typically involves relatively inexpensive implementation measures. The implementation of structural control measures (e.g., catch basins, leaching pool systems, retention basins, etc.) can serve the multiple purposes of storing a specific volume of stormwater, allowing the stored water to be recharged to groundwater, and creating conditions by which sediment particles can settle out of suspension. The sedimentation fimction of stormwater management structures is particularly important, since most contaminants (including coliform bacteria and other pathogens) associate with fine-grained sediment particles. As sediment is removed fi'om the stormwater, therefore, so too is a large fi'action of the contaminants. Conservation Choices The key to successful conservation practices that lead to increased water quality in a watershed is careful, complete planning. Several different conservation and environmental farming practices have been identified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and are apphcable to the Mattituck Creek watershed. Each practice will work most effectively in combination with others as part of a total resource management system. These practices include: 28 Pasture Planting: This conservation practice entails planting grass and legumes to reduce soil erosion and improve production. To accomplish this, one must drill or broadcast adapted grass or legumes into a low-producing pasture or a steep, eroding cropland field. This practice results in the heavy grass cover slowing the water flow, which reduces soil erosion. Good pastures protect water quality by filtering nmoff water and increasing infiltration. Stream Protection: This conservation practice entails protecting a stream by excluding livestock and by establishing buffer zones of vegetation to filter runoff. To accomplish this, grass, riprap, gabious, catchment basins, and/or infiltration chambers are installed along the edges of a stream to buffer the banks from heavy stream flow and reduce erosion. A buffer zone of vegetation along the streambank filters runoff and may also absorb excess nutrients and chemicals. Crop Residue Management: Leaving last year's crop residue on the surface before and during planting operations provides cover for the soil at a critical time of the year. The residue is left on the surface by reducing tillage operations and turning the soil less. Pieces of crop residue shield soil particles from rain and wind until plants can produce a protective canopy. Ground cover prevents soil erosion and protects water quality. Wetland Enhancement: Most wetland enhancement work includes small structures built to add water or regulate waters in an existing wetland. Subsurface and surface drains and tiles ar~ plugged. Concrete and earthen structures - usually dikes or embankments - are built to trap water. These practices maintain a predetermined water level in an existing wetland. Adjustable outlets allow the landowner to fluctuate the water level during different seasons. Enhancement also includes planting native wetland vegetation if plant populations need to be supplemented. Crop Rotation: Crops are changed year by year in a planned sequence. Crop rotation is a common practice on sloping soils because of its potential for soil saving. Rotation also reduces fertilizer needs, because alfalfa and other legumes replace some of the nitrogen that eom and other grain crops remove. Nutrient management: After taking a soil test, setting realistic yield goals, and taking credit for contributions fi-om previous years' crops and manure applications, crop nutrient needs are determined. Nutrients are then applied at the proper time by the proper application method. Nutrient sources include animal manure, sludge, and commercial fertilizers. These steps reduce the potential for nutrients to go unused and wash or infiltrate into water supplies. Pest Management: Crops are scouted to determine type of pests - insects, weeds, and diseases - and the stage of development. The potential damage of the pest is then weighed against the cost of control. Finally, if pest control is economical, all alternatives are evaluated based on cost, results, and environmental impact. Precaution is taken to keep any chemicals from leaving the field by leaching, runoff or drift. 29 Water and Sediment Control Basin: An embankment is built across a depressional area of concentrated water runoff to act similar to a terrace. It traps sediment and water running off farmland above the structure, preventing it fi.om reaching farmland below. Cover Crop: Crops including cereal rye, oats and winter wheat are planted to temporarily protect the ground f~om wind and water erosion during times when cropland is not adequately protected against soil erosion. XI. Estimated Loading Rates for Potential Contaminants To determine the adverse impacts that each subwatershed is contributing to Mattituck Creek, coliform loading rates were quantified by multiplying total runoff by mean fecal coliform level. These loading rates will aid in the determination of the priority of each subwatershed and the subsequent conservation and mitigation choices that are proposed for the subwatershed. Nitrogen and phosphorus are indicators of pollution fi.om human activity. It is impossible to quantify all system inputs such as concentrated effluent plumes due to non- uniform subsurface flow, failing septic systems, large heavily used systems, underground storage tanks or surface runoff into wells. However, since the water quality data in this analysis focuses on coliform levels, these pollutant loadings will be more directly analyzed and quantified. The pollutant loading rates of each subwatershed were calculated using the mathematical equations and conversions shown below: Total volume of runoff: 43560 square feet/acre x 1 foot/12 inches = 3630 cubic feet/acreage in inches Watershed acreage x Runoff depth x 3630 cubic feet/acreage in inches = X cubic feet X cubic feet x 7.48 gallons/cubic feet = X gallons Fecal Coliform Loading: 1 ounce = 29.57 ml 1 ounce/29.57 mL x 100 ml x 1 gallon/128 ounces = 0.02642 gallons X gallons of runoff/0.02642 gallons per 100 ml x mean fecal coliform level (MPN)/100 ml = MPN MPN = Most Probable Number The table below identifies the fecal coliform loading rates for each subwatershed. The loading rates are calculated with the equation described above. The loading rate is a 30 useful indicator of the potential impact that each subwatershed has to Mattituck Creek (in terms of feacl coliform input). The priority rankings (the column on the fight) were determined by using an average of the three rainfall rates (1.0, 2.7, and 3.5 inches per day). Once these numbers were averaged, a priority ranking was determined in descending order (fi:om highest loading rates to lowest). This priority ranking is an important factor in determining the overall ranking of the potential for mitigation projects in each subwatershed. These loading rates allow the determination of the greatest amount of fecal coliform reduction potential by subwatershed. TABLE 4: Fecal Coliform Loading Rates Fecal Coliform Loading Rates by Subwatersheds Mean Fecal Coliform Total Vol. Fecal Coliform Subwatershed Acres Level Rainfall Of Runoff Loading Rate PrioriW Inches/24 MPN/100ml hrs. Gallons MPN 1 5.3 2 123.2 24 1.0 33452 3.03 * 10^7 1 2.7 2140912 1.94 * 10^9 3.5 3746597 3.4 * 10^9 3 69.4 34 1.0 0 0 3 2.7 716063 9.21 * 10^8 3.5 1413282 1.82 * 10^9 4 76.8 12 1.0 0 0 6 2.7 0 0 3.5 145971 66.3 * 10^6 5 23.8 14 1.0 0 0 5 2.7 32311 1.71 * 10^6 3.5 129245 6.85 '10^7 6 19.6 7 21.4 10 1.0 0 4 2.7 151076 5.72 * 10^7 3.5 331205 1.25 * 10^8 8 663.9 13 1.0 0 0 2 2.7 7390856 3.63 * 10^9 3.5 14421183 7.09 * 10^9 MPN = Most Probable Number Fecal coliform loading rates were not determined for Subwatershed # 9 or # 10. There was no corresponding water quality sampling location for Subwatershed # 10, so there was no available data on fecal coliform levels. As discussed previously (and below), it was determined that Subwatershed # 9 was isolated fi:om the Mattituck Creek watershed. 31 Determination of Hydrologic Factors of Subwatersheds NRCS Technical Release 55 (TR~55) was used to estimate the hydrological factors necessary for determining the amount of stormwater each subwatershed is contributing to the entire Creek under separate storm events. TR-55 presents simplified procedures to calculate storm runoff volume, peak rate of discharge, hydrographs, and storage volumes required for floodwater reservoirs. These procedures are applicable in small watersheds, especially urbanizing watersheds. The TR-55 model begins with a rainfall amount uniformly imposed on the watershed over a specified time distribution. Mass rainfall is converted to mass runoff by using a runoff curve number (CN). CN is based on soils, plant cover, amount of impervious areas, interception, and surface storage. Runoff is then transformed into a hydrograph by using unit hydrograph theory and routing procedures that depend on runoff travel time through segments of the watershed. Rainfall: A regional rainfall time distribution for a 24-hour period is included in the TR-55 model. One critical parameter in the model is time of concentration, which is the time it takes for runoff to travel to a point of interest from the hydraulically most distant point. Hydrologic Soil Groups: Soils are classified into four Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSG's) (A,B,C, and D) according to their minimum infiltration rate, which is obtained for bare soil after prolonged wetting. The HSG's are as follows: A = Sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam - low runoffpotential and high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted. Deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels. B = Silt loam or loam - moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils. C = Sandy clay loam - low infiltration rotes when thoroughly wetted and consist of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water. D = Clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, or clay - high runoff potential, very low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted. Estimating Runoff: By increasing runoff and decreasing travel times, urbanization can be expected to increase downstream peak discharges. XII. Findings by Subwatershed A. Background As discussed previously, in 1986, the Southold Conservation Advisory Council identified and mapped all known stormwater runoff sites in the Mattituck Creek area. This map was updated in 1994, with completed drainage projects noted on the map. From these identified stormwater rtmoff sites, water samples were collected at 16 locations within 32 Mattituck Creek. From these 16 sampling stations, eight were chosen that had the highest coliform levels. The NRCS identified the 9 subwatersheds with identifiable outlets. These subwatersheds coincided with eight of the sampling stations with one exception; there is a substantial contributing area located west of Cox Neck Road south of sampling station # 5 referred to as Subwatershed # 9. Runoff from this watershed is reaching Cox Neck Road, and flows over the road during severe storms, according to a local source. There is no culvert pipe under the road at this location. A final subwatershed (Subwatershed # 10) was identified and studied by EEA. However, since there was no corresponding water quality sampling station, no pollutant loading rates were estimated. The boundaries of each subwatershed were determined by using topographic surveys (Two-foot interval contour maps), and by ground-trothing to distinguish the contributing drainage area of each subwatershed. There are additional land areas within Mattituck watershed that contribute to the Creek that are not addressed in this report. The reason these areas are not addressed in the following part of this report is that these areas did not correspond to discrete outfall locations identified by the NYSDEC. The Town may address these in a more generic fashion by Best Management Practices or land use recommendations. B. Prioritization List Each of the ten subwatersheds were evaluated and given a priority ranking with regard to the other subwatersheds. The major attributes that were considered were the amount of contributing water to the entire Mattituck Creek watershed (using TR-55), the interpretation of all available water quality data, the fecal coliform pollutant loading rates, and an overall evaluation of the positive impacts that mitigation measures could have on the subwatersheds. Priority was given to subwatersheds where a combination of high pollutant loading rates, and the opportunity for a highly beneficial mitigation measure existed. 33 Rank (According Rank to Availability and (according to Degree of Average Beneficial Pollutant Loading Rates for the Pollutant Mitigation Subwatershed Following Storm Events (in inches) Loading Rates) Measures 1.0 2.7 3.5 1 8 2 3.03' 10^7 1.94' 10^9 3.4' 10^9 2 1 3 0 9.21 * 10^8 1.82' 10^9 3 5 4 0 0 66.3 * 10~ 6 4 5 0 1.71 * 10~6 6.85' 10^7 5 3 6 9 7 5.72' 10^7 1.25' 10^8 4 6 8 0 3.63' 10~ 7.09' 10^9 1 2 9 7 N/A 10 7 C. Project Practices by Subwatershed Subwatershed 1 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Maintenance of Street cleaning and $185,000 Completed existing structures catch basin maintenance(AirVac Truck) Subwatershed 2 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Retention basins Raise inlet N/A Suffolk County elevations of drop Dept. of Public structure in swales Works to complete within median of this project. CR 48 34 Subwatershed 3 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Wet pond/retention Utilize large natural N/A Suffolk County basin depression on the Dept. of Public south side of CR 48 Works to complete to accept runoff this project. from CR 48 Subwatershed 4. Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Wetland Filtration Install a water $50,000 Not yet determined, control structure on since this mitigation the outlet culverts project was not on Westphalia ranked highly Avenue to divert water into existing wetland area Subwatershed 5 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Storm Water Installation of new $50,000 Summer 2001 Drainage Facilities storm water drainage facilities underneath Cox Neck Road Subwatershed 6 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Maintenance of Street cleaning and $185,000 Completed existing structures catch basin maintenance (AirVac Track) 35 Subwatershed 7 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Install catch Install catch $50,000 Not yet determined, basins/infiltration basins/infiltration since this mitigation chambers chambers along Mill project was not Road ranked highly Subwatershed 8 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Earth Berm Construct a berm at $50,000 To be completed in the intersection of the Fall of 2001 Oregon and Mill Road Road run-off Replace the road-end $50,000 To be completed in drainage project at the Old Grand the Fall of 2001 Ave. Bridge with vegetation and catch basins/infiltration chambers Subwatershed 9 This subwatershed does not contribute runoff to Mattituck Creek (as discussed in the report). Subwatershed 10 Practice Components Estimated Cost Timeline Earth Berm Creating a berm at $25,000 To be completed in Mill Road the Fall of 2001 D. Subwatershed Characteristics Subwatersheds 1 through 10 are presented graphically in Figure 1, and the corresponding areas of each are listed in the table below. This table also shows the fecal coliform levels of the surface water samples fi.om 1998, as described previously. These levels are important indicators for ranking the priority of each subwatershed for mitigation projects. The mean slope was obtained using topographic maps. The major soil types were obtained using Suffolk County Soil Conservation Service Soil maps. The depth to groundwater was obtained using the Suffolk County Groundwater Contour Map. 36 Depth toiMajor Mean Fecal Subwatershed Ground Soil Drainage Mean Coliform Number Acreage water Type Class Slope Levels (feet) 'Percent)MPN/I OOml 1 5.3 -5 Pi/Rd A/B 7 N/A 2 123.2 -5 Ha B >1 24 3 69.4 -5 C A >1 34 4 76.8 -5 C A 1.8 12 5 23.8 -5 Rd A 4.8 14 6 19.6 ~5 C/Rd A/B 8 N/A 7 21.4 ~5 C/Rd A/B/C 8 10 8 663.9 ~5 Ha B 3 13 9 N/A -5 Ha B 1.7 N/A 10 19,2 -5 C/PI/Rd A/B 3,4 N/A 1. Subwatershed #1 37 Photo Description The photo above shows the discharge pipe that formerly extended directly off of Knollwood Lane. This pipe has been removed and a series of catch basins have been installed in the area where the road end used to exist. Extent/Location Subwatershed # 1 extends just north and south along Knollwood Lane and east almost to Grand Avenue. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The average slope within Subwatershed # 1 is approximately 7%. The overall pitch in this subwatershed is from northeast to southwest, and the topography is fairly uniform. The elevation of the high point is approximately 40 feet above mean sea level (MSL), occurring near Grand Ave at the northeastern part of the subwatershed. Land Uses and Land Coverage Subwatershed #I consists of 5.3 acres. The land use within this subwatershed is entirely residential. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #1 are a mix of soils within the hydrologic zones A and B. There are similar amounts of Plymouth and Riverhead soils within this subwatershed. These soils indicate both sandy and sandy loam soils, which are both relatively well-dralned soils. Therefore, the infiltration rotes within this watershed would be a mix of infiltration versus nmoff compared to the entire watershed. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources There are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources within this subwatershed. However, this subwatershed is entirely residential, and formerly Knollwood Lane was collecting the nmoff fi'om these house lots and directly discharging this nmoff into the Creek via the discharge pipe in the above photo. The potential contaminant sources include typical urban sources (e.g., pet wastes, auto wastes, lawn fertilizers, etc.) as discussed earlier in the Non Point Source Pollution section. 38 Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads The pollutant loading levels for Subwatershed # 1 were not calculated as there was no corresponding sampling station. PropertF Ownership All of the property within Subwatershed #1 is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies An additional pair of leaching pools may be installed in this subwatershed to handle additional flows. However, the infiltration chambers described earlier would be an excellent alternative. A major advantage to these units is that they can be installed in high water table conditions and is applicable to this subwatershed. With as little as 12 to 18 inches of properly compacted backfill, the chambers are designed to withstand loads of up to 32,000 pounds per axle. Proiects Completed and Tentative Results The road-end at Knollwood Lane was removed and replaced with vegetation. Two catch basins were installed at this road-end also. Though there is no water quality data to support the assumption that this project has been successful, anecdotal information suggests that much of the stormwater that in the past had gone directly into the Creek is now being infiltrated. The vegetation in this area has reached almost full cover, and local residents who have witnessed heavy rainfall events say that the catch basins rarely overflow. This indicates that a majority of the stormwater is being infiltrated. 2. Subwatershed #2 39 Photo Description The photo above shows the culvert that extends beneath Wickham Avenue (looking west). Matt-a-Mar Marina is on the right in the photo. Extent/Location The southern end of Subwatershed # 2 extends east and west along County Road 48. The subwatershed extends northward to just below Tuthill Road, and follows Wickham Avenue north and south. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The topography within Subwatershed # 2 was uniform. The high point in elevation was approximately 32 feet. The overall slope for this subwatershed is >l%. 4o Land Uses and Land Coverage Subwatershed #2 is the second largest watershed, consisting of 123.2 acres. The predominant landuse is cultivated agricultural land (67 acres). These agricultural lands are situated at the far end of the subwatershed. The outlet of this subwatershed into the creek is intercepted by a small tidal marsh. There is also a significant amount of residences in this subwatershed, in close proximity to the Creek. There is also a cow pasture and barnyard north of CR 48. Stormwater drains via a swale across the cow pasture, into a Phragmities- dominated wetland that is ditched, and into the Creek. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within subwatershed #2 are predominately within the hydrologic zone B. There are substantial amounts of Haven soils within this subwatershed. These soils indicate sandy loam soils, which are relatively less well-drained soils. Therefore, the generation of runoff within this subwatershed would be relatively more, due to the low amount of infiltration. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources The contributing runoff area includes a significant portion of County Road 48 (6.3 acres). Runoff generated from CR 48 is conveyed through storm drains and culverts, and collects in a deep swale between CR 48 and the raikoad tracks, and a swale within the median of the eastbound and westbound lanes of CR 48. These two swales are connected via a culvert pipe and drop structure located in the median, which outlets into a cow pasture on the north side of the road. There did not appear to be any vegetated filter strips between the barnyard and the drainage swale. Livestock and/or their waste products may enter surface runoff that enters the wetlands. According to the NRCS, the receiving wetland is bisected by a surface ditch, which reduces the efficiency of this marsh in filtration of stormwater and removal of dissolved or transported pollutants/wastes. A significant agricultural area is located further upgradient in this subwatershed on the east side of Mary's Road. This farmed parcel has the potential to contribute significant sediment, nutrient and chemical loads to the receiving waters. This is exacerbated by the fact that a natural drainage swale is located through the center of this farmland that is not currently protected by permanent vegetation. Gullies develop annually in this swale, indicating delivery of topsoil and sediment to downstream areas. There are also a lot of waterfowl that have been observed along Long Creek, which is in Subwatershed # 2. This subwatershed is situated at a point in Long Creek which has relatively little flushing, compared to the rest of the watershed of Mattituck Creek. Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads 41 The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 2 was calculated as 24 MPN/100 ml. These calculations were made from water quality data taken at sampling station 6.2. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 1.0 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff: 33,452 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 30,387,888 MPN For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff: 2,140,912 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 1.94 x 109 MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff: 3,746,597 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 3.40 x 109 MPN Subwatershed # 2 is the only subwatershed where there was substantial runoff generated by a 1 inch rainfall in 24 hours. Although the fecal coliform loading rates are higher in subwatershed # 8 for a 2.7 inch and 3.5 inch storm, subwatershed # 2 is having a significant impact on bacteria loading trader all storm conditions. Property Ownership The County of Suffolk controls a drainage easement in this area located at section 107 block 19 lot 2.1. The rest of the subwatershed is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. The NYSDOT is currently proposing the construction of a recharge basin on the lots located north of CR 48. Applicable Treatment Strategies Subwatershed # 2 is the number one priority area and is where mitigation efforts should concentrate. Mitigation efforts within this subwatershed should include measures to reduce runoff and control erosion on cropland. Conservation management plans should be developed with the landowners to address gully prevention, soil erosion control, nutrient management, pest management and nmoff reduction. Farm conservation practices such as crop rotations, contour farming, and cover and green manure crops will help to increase crop residue in the soil, and reduce erosion and runoff. Field borders and filter strips will filter runoff before it reaches the Creek. The construction of a sod waterway to convey surface runoff through the natnral drainage swale would slow the stormwater to a non- erosive velocity. This sod waterway would substantially reduce soil erosion and sediment transport to the wetlands and Creek. Improved bamyard drainage, routing stormwater around the barnyard, and maintaining/improving livestock fencing to keep animals from entering drainage swales will also reduce the potential for livestock wastes to enter the Creek. Pest management practices could be used to apply pesticides according to insect thresholds determined through field scouting. Fertilizers should be applied according to 42 soil test results. Many of these practices are already being implemented, others are not. Providing cost sharing assistance to implement these conservation measures will provide an added incentive for participation. Grants may be applied for through the Environmental Protection Fund with sponsorship from the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District. A portion of County Road 48 falls within this subwatershed. It is conveyed through storm drains and culverts and collects in a deep swale on the south side of CR 48, north of the railroad tracks and a swale within the median of the east and west lanes. The two swales could be used as additional stormwater detention areas simply by raising the inlet elevations of the drop structure in the median and the culvert pipe connecting the two swales. The feasibility of using these swales for ponding water, however, must be approved by NYSDOT and the Long Island Rail Road. For a 2-year storm, or a 3.5 inch rainfall event, the implementation of this project would result in an approximate 0.4184 acre/feet of gained storage area. Using the pollutant loading rates described earlier in this report (in "Estimated Loading Rates for Potential Contaminants" section), this would be an approximate fecal coliform loading reduction of 1.2 x 108 MPN. 43 3. Subwatershed # 3 Photo Description The photo above shows the discharge pipe that extends off of the comer of CR 48 and Westphalia Avenue, at the head of Mattituck Creek. Extent/Locatio~ Subwatershed # 3 is 69 acres in size. This subwatershed consists mostly of County Road 48, and portions of Youngs' Avenue and surrounding properties. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Depamnent of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The stormwater converges from the east and west along CR 48 in Subwatershed # 3. The highest elevation in this subwatershed is approximately 46 feet above sea level, which occurs along CR 48, at the western-most part of this subwatershed. The lowest 44 elevation of 3 feet above MSL occurs near the intersection of CR 48 and Westphalia Avenue. The median watershed slope is very gentle, less than 1%. Land Uses andLandCoverage This subwatershed includes a significant drainage area (approximately 5 acres) fi.om County Road 48. There are 16.5 acres of impervious areas in this watershed. Soil Types and Relationship to Runq_ff Generation The majority of soils within Subwatershed//3 are within hydrologic soil group A. There are substantial amounts of Carver soils within this subwatershed. These are relatively well-drained sandy soils. The generation of runoff within this subwatershed would be relatively less than in Subwatersheds gl and #2, due to the high amount of infiltration. However, County Road 48 also constitutes a significant portion of this subwatershed. Much of the runoff fi.om this subwatershed comes fi.om pipes and storm drains along this road. Therefore, the impelMous surfaces associated with CR 48and the presence of the stormwater piping system would have a more significant impact in this portion of the watershed than the soil types. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources Several outfall pipes were observed discharging directly to Mattituck Creek within Subwatershed # 3. The origin of many of these pipe outfalls are not known, and thereby are suspect. A high concentration of waterfowl was also observed in Subwatershed # 3. Additionally, numerous smaller homes are concentrated at the head of the Creek. It is unknown whether all subsurface septic systems are fully functional. Due to the shallow groundwater conditions and proximity to the water's edge, it is likely that several of these systems may be failing, thereby contributing to the nutrient and pathogen loads in the Creek. Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Load~ The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 3 was calculated as 34 MPN/100 mi. These calculations were made fi'om water quality data taken at sampling station 6.1. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 1.0 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 0.0 gallons Fecal coliform loading: MPN For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 716,063 ~gallons Fecal coliform loading: 9.21 * 10°MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: 45 Total volume of runoff: 1,413,282 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 1.82 * l09 MPN Property Ownership A portion of this watershed is Town (Trustee's) property and currently constitutes the parking lot area adjacent to the boat ramp. This area is immediately south of the Creek. The rest of the subwatershed is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies A large natural depression exists on the south side of Route 48 directly south of Shirley Road, section 122 block I lot 2.2. If an easement could be obtained, this depression could accept a significant amount of the runoff generated and conveyed by County Road 48. The depression would require alteration/engineering to handle the runoff. It is also recommended that dye-testing be conducted for two outfall pipes which flow directly into the Creek. The original design plans for the pipes cannot be located, so it would be very important to know where the water is originating that is directly entering the Creek. 4. Subwatershed # 4 46 Photo Description The photo above shows the culverts extending directly into Mattituck Creek, carrying nmoff from Westphalia Avenue. A natural wetland area exists on the opposite (west) side of Westphalia Avenue (upper left on the photo above). This wetland is a brackish marsh, and there is a significant amount of Phragmities australis growth throughout the marsh. The lower corrugated metal pipe seen in this photo provides the hydraulic connection between the wetland opposite Westphalia Avenue and the creek. Extent/Location Subwatershed # 4 encompasses 76.8 acres. The northerly and easterly boundaries of this subwatershed coincide, for the most part, with Westphalia Avenue. This subwatershed extends south along Cox Neck Road, and through the residential area, through Cindy and Pat Lanes. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The topography is uniform in Subwatershed # 4. The high point in the elevation is approximately 51 feet above sea level. There are no noticeably steep slopes, and the overall slope is approximately 1.8%. Land Uses and Land Coverage Subwatershed # 4 cOnsists primarily of woodlands. There is also a significant amount of residential areas within this subwatershed. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #4 are predominately within the hydrologic zone A. There are substantial amounts of Carver soils within this subwatershed. These soils are relatively well-drained. Similar to Subwatershed #3, the generation of nmoff within this subwatershed would be relatively less than in Subwatersheds #1 and #2, due to the high amount of infiltration. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Source.* Besides the typical contaminant sources that are associated with a relatively large amount of residential area, there are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources in this subwatershed. 47 Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 4 was calculated as 12 MPN/100 ml. These calculations were made from water quality data taken at sampling station 6.3. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 1.0 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 0.0 gallons Fecal coliform loading: MPN For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 0.0 gallons Fecal coliform loading: MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 145,971 ~gallons Fecal coliform loading: 66.3 * 10v MPN Property Ownership All of the property within Subwatershed g4 is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies The two culverts, which currently discharge road runoff directly into Mattituck Creek, should be removed/replaced with a catch basin inlet structure fitted with a sediment trap (either in a series or at the base of the structure) to provide some stormwater pre-treatment prior to discharge. These catch basins should also be connected to a conveyance system which re-routes the stormwater to the in wetland area on the west side of Westphalia Avenue, thereby providing additional filtration prior to ultimate discharge into Mattituck Creek. The wetland area located on the west side of Westphalia Avenue could also be used to increase stormwater detention time and provide natural filtration. This could be accomplished by installing a water control structure on the outlet culvert, which would raise the outlet elevation several inches. This treatment would require a detailed engineering survey and design to ensure that adjacent properties are not flooded and that the character of the natural wetland is not significantly impacted. The necessary easements would have to be obtained. There are a series of catch basins collecting stormwater runoff off Bennets Pond Lane, which presumably discharge into this wetland area. These systems should be examined further to determine whether improved sediment control is needed. Restoration of the upper marsh utilizing plants such as smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), which filter and cleanse stormwater rtmoff, would be ideal for this subwatershed. 48 5. Subwatershed # 5 Photo Description The photo above shows the culvert that directly discharges the stormwater runoff from Cox Neck Lane (just west of Breakwater Road) into Howard's Creek (a tributary of Mattituck Creek). Extent/Location Subwatershed # 5 encompasses 23.8 acres. This subwatershed extends north and south along Cox Neck Road (which tums into Mill Road) as far south as Bergen Avenue, and north along Luthers Road almost as far as Stanley Road. Topograph¥ and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Pubhc Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. 49 The topography in Subwatershed # 5 is relatively moderate, with an approximate slope of 4.8%. The high point in elevation for this subwatershed is approximately 47.5 feet above mean sea level. Land Uses and Land Coverage The land use within this subwatershed is entirely residential. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #5 are predominately within the hydrologic zone A. There are substantial amounts of Riverhead soils within this subwatershed. These soils are sandy and relatively well-drained. Therefore, the generation of runoff within this subwatershed would be relatively low, due to the high amount of infiltration. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources Besides the contaminant sources that are typically associated with relatively large residential areas, there are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources in this subwatershed. During one site inspection, however, "grey" water was observed at the outlet end of the culvert from Cox Neck Lane. The water also had a noticeable rancid odor, and suds or flocculent was observed floating in Howards Creek towards the direction of Mattituck Creek. This may represent an isolated incident or be indicative of a chronic pollution problem, and should be investigated further. Ouantitativelv Estimated Non-point Pollution Loadv The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 5 was calculated as 14 MPN/100 ml. These calculations were made from water quality data taken at sampling station 7.1. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff: 32,311 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 1.71 * 106 MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff: 129,245 .gallons Fecal coliform loading: 6.85 * 10'MPN It should be noted that the loading rates presented above reflect long-term readings taken at the NYSDEC sampling stations shown in Figure ~ and do not account for the coliform loads sampled at the pipe outfalls as presented in Tables 2 and 3 (Part 1 of this report). Isolated releases of "grey" water or suspect wastewater, such as described above, may also not be reflected in these mean bacterial loading estimates. 50 Propert~ Ownership All the property within Subwatershed #5 is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies Stormwater from Cox Neck Road could be diverted into the existing wetland area with the installation of curb inlet catch basins with sediment pits and manholes for clean- out (at the terminus of Howard's Creek) northwest of Cox Neck Road. This wetland is primarily freshwater, and supports a significant stand ofPhragmities australis. Currently, the culvert that runs underneath Cox Neck Road is acting as a water control device due to the accumulation of leaf litter and sediments in the culvert. The litter and sediments should be removed and replaced with an engineered water control structure, so that a desired water level and release rate can be achieved. Thus, the wetland can serve an additional function as a stormwater detention pond. An altemative treatment strategy would include the installation of two sets of curb inlet catch basins containing sediment pits along Cox Neck Road, to the east and west of the existing inlet structure. Manholes should be provided for maintenance access to the sediment pits for the grit removal. These structures would then drain to a series of infiltration basins located below the grassy area between the existing inlet and the creek. These infiltrations will provide pre- treatment to road runoffprior to discharge to the creek. The installation ora series of catch basins and leaching pools to intercept roadway runoff fi-om Rosewood Drive and Luther's Road will help to reduce the total capacity needed in the infiltrators at Cox Neck Road. 51 6. Subwatershed # 6 Photo Description The photo above shows the end of Bayview Ave., where one of the mitigation projects, funded by NYSDEC was implemented. This photo was taken during a rain event, where the runoff can be observed being delivered into the catch basins, as opposed to running directly into the Creek. This treatment has been observed to be successful in catching most of the runoff for the majority of the rain events. Extent/Location Subwatershed # 6 surrounds Bayview Ave. on the west side of the Creek. This subwatershed extends to Cedar Drive to the west, and just into the Shore Acres development. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. 52 The approximate slope in Subwatershed #6 is 8%. The highest point in elevation is approximately 5 l0 feet above sea level. Land Uses and Land Coverage The land use within Subwatershed # 6 is residential adjacent to the Creek, and agriculture further away from the Creek. Soil Types and Relationship to Runqff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #6 are a mix of soils within the hydrologic zones A and B. There are similar amounts of Carver and Riverhead soils within this subwatershed. These include both sandy and sandy loam soils, which are both relatively well-drained soils. Therefore, the runoff generation rates within this watershed would be relatively low, due to the high degree of infiltration. Documented and Idento~ed Potential Contaminant Sources Besides the typical contaminant sources that are associated with relatively large residential areas (i.e., cesspool overflow, lawn chemicals), there are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources in this subwatershed. Quantitatively Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads The pollutant loading levels for Subwatershed # 6 were not calculated, as there was no corresponding NYSDEC sampling station in Mattituck Creek. Propert~ Ownership All of the property within Subwatershed #6 is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies If the mitigation measure discussed above is not adequate to handle the average storm flow conditions, a series of infiltration chambers could be added to increase the capacity. However, local residents have observed that the catch basin system that has been installed appears to accept the runoff fi'om all but the heaviest storm events. Projects Completed and Tentative Results The road-end at Bayview Ave. was removed and replaced with vegetation. Two catch basins were installed at this road-end also. Though there is no water quality data to support the assumption that this project has been successful, anecdotal information suggests that much of the stormwater that in the past had gone directly into the Creek is 53 now being infiltrated. Local residents who have wimessed heavy ra'mfall events say that the catch basins rarely overflow. This indicates that a majority of the stormwater is being infiltrated. 7. Subwatershed # 7 Photo Description The photo above shows sheet flow runoff during a rain event traversing across West Mill looking west. Note the berm on the right of the photo that was built to discourage flooding of the property at right, but which results in increased volume and velocity of runoff. Extent/Location Subwatershed #7 is only 21 acres in size. This subwatershed extends southward from West Mill and Naugles Roads. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, 54 NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The slopes in subwatershed # 7 are relatively moderate to steep, averaging 6 percent or more along the flow path of West Mill Road. The highest point in elevation is approximately 64.5 feet above sea level. The overall slope throughout this subwatershed is approximately 8%; however, there are steep slope sections characterized by a 25-foot drop in elevation with a 100-foot linear distance adjacent to the Creek. Land Uses and Land Coverage A portion of this subwatershed is residential; however, the predominant land use is pasture/grassland (13.8 acres). Also included within this subwatershed are two marinas; Captain Bob's Fishing Station and Mattituck Inlet and Marina. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation Soils within Subwatershed # 7 vary between hydrologic zones A and C. A significant portion of this subwatershed is classified as "C"; while there is also a large amount of Riverhead (Zone B) and Carver (Zone A). Such a mix of soil types makes it difficult to determine the relationship to runoff generation, as part of this watershed would be well-drained, and an approximately equal part would be more susceptible to runoff. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources Besides the contaminant sources that are typically associated with residential areas and marinas, there are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources in this subwatershed. Quantitatively Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 7 was calculated as 10 MPN/100 ml. These calculations were made fi.om water quality data taken at sampling station 4.1. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 151,076 ~[allons Fecal coliform loading: 5.72 * 10' MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 331,205 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 1.25 * 10~MPN Propert~ Ownership 55 All the property within Subwatershed #7 is privately owned, as of the printing of this report. Applicable Treatment Strategies The installation of a series of catch basins and drywells along West Mill Road would help reduce roadway runoff from directly entering Mattituck Creek by intemepting and percolating it into the ground higher up in the watershed. Such engineered systems should replace all existing culverts and road edge drainage systems along West Mill Road which currently discharge road runoff overland directly into the creek. A more cost effective method would be to install infiltration chambers to act as storage and infiltration sites. These units consist of high density polyethylene chambers designed to store rtmoff underground. The chambers have an open bottom and permeable sides to promote infiltration. They can be linked together to increase capacity and are designed to replace traditional catch basins. They are cost effective, easy to install and provide effective treatment where pollutants are removed by adsorption, straining or decomposition by bacteria in the soil. The existing curb inlet at the base of West Mill Road is partially located below a retaining wall, and difficult to mainta'm properly. There did not appear to be any manhole in line with the drainage system to enable sediment cleanout. The installation of a sediment trap or grit chamber that can be cleaned out periodically would improve the effectiveness of stormwater pretreatment. Also, the bulkhead along Mattituck Creek appears to be threatened by uncontrolled stormwater, which has washed out soil behind the bulkhead. This will threaten the longevity of the bulkhead and connective measures should be taken promptly. In line with the Board of Trustees' Policy of Pump-Out Stations, Mattituck Inlet and Marina is scheduled to install a pump-out facility per the considerations of their bulkhead repair program. Additional stormwater controls and BMP's could be implemented at Captain Bob's Fishing Station to further improve Creek water quality. The Town Trustees may seek to develop a cooperative drainage improvement project with this facility. 8. Subwatershed # 8 56 Photo Description The photo above depicts a water control structure that was installed in a natural drainage swale located south of Wickham Avenue. Tlfis structure was designed by the USDA NRCS and installed with the cooperation of the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation Service. This water control structure is at the northern part of a drainage-way easement owned by the Town. Extent/Location Subwatershed # 8 is by far the largest of the subwatersheds, totaling 667 acres. This subwatershed includes all areas north of Wolf Pit Lake (including the Long Creek tributary), east to Elijah's Lane, and west to approximately Reeve Avenue. The northernmost boundary of this subwatershed is approximately Sound View Avenue. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was detemfined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. 57 The topography in Subwatershed # 8 is relatively uniform, except for a large natural drainage swale occurring south of East Mill/Oregon Road. Much of this swale is wooded and leads to a marsh area. There is channelized flow within this swale. The swale has slopes of approximately 5%. The highest point in the subwatershed is approximately 105 feet above sea level. Land Uses and Land Coverage The predominant land use is intensive agricultural production including potatoes, com, and other mixed vegetables. Sod Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #8 are predominately within the hydrologic zone B. There are substantial amounts of Haven sandy loam soils within this subwatershed, which are relatively less well-drained soils. Therefore, the mnoff generation within this subwatershed would be relatively higher than in subwatersheds #3 and g4, due to the low amount of infiltration. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources Waterfowl f~equent Long Creek, which is where this sampling station is located. Also, there is a concentration of residential properties adjacent to the Creek within this subwatershed. The large agricultural area within this subwatershed also potentially provides a significant source of pesticides, fungicides, sediment, and possibly coliforms (t~om soil, live stock, etc.) Ouantitativel¥ Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads The mean fecal coliform level for Subwatershed # 8 was calculated as 13 MPN/100 ml. These calculations were made fi.om water quality data taken at sampling station 8. The following pollutant loading calculations were estimated: For a 2.7 inch rainfall: Total volume ofnmoff: 7,390,856 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 3.63 * 109 MPN For a 3.5 inch rainfall: Total volume of runoff.' 14,421,183 gallons Fecal coliform loading: 7.09 * 109 MPN Property Ownership Most of Subwatershed #8 is privately-owned property. There are also some large parcels on the western part of the subwatershed that are designated as "County 58 Development Rights". In the southeast of the subwatershed, there are two large parcels of "Town Development Rights". A relatively small portion of property designated as "Subdivision Open Space" exists at the western part of the subwatershed. Finally, there are two relatively small parcels of property designated as "Town Owned" in the southwest portion of Subwatershed #8. The Town also has a drainageway easement south of Mill Road. Applicable Treatment Strategies There are several areas within this subwatershed where conservation practices might be installed to reduce the volume and rate of runoff entering Long Creek. The first location falls within the existing drainage easement area between Lots 1 and 2 of Section 100, Block 5. A dam could be constructed across the drainageway with a water control structure to detain and slowly release the accumulated nmoff at a rate that will allow for sediment settling and bacteria reduction. The second site is located within the triangular piece of property botmded by East Mill Road/Oregon Road and Mill Lane (Section 100, Block 5, Lot 1). This small area could be used for sediment retention and as a recharge basin. Due to the relatively small size of this area, the basin would have to be designed to allow runoff to pass through during intense storms. Its major function would be to reduce sediment and runoff during low flow storm conditions. The Town may wish to consider closing the southerly road on this triangle, to gain additional area for construction of such a basin. The third site is located within the drainageway of Section 100, Block 2, Lot 4. This field has already been laid fallow due to the high erosion potential when actively farmed. A dam similar to site 1 could be constructed to detain and treat runoff. Since sites 2 and 3 are on private property, easements would have to be obtained before proceeding with any of this work. The fourth area where measures could be implemented is within the cropland. These fields could be treated in much the same way as in Subwatershed # 8. If cost share assistance is provided, there is a much greater chance of obtaining farmer participation. There are two road ends of Grand Avenue that currently deliver roadway runoff directly into Long Creek. The Town is currently considering closing the southerly road and just below the existing residential driveways in order to provide enough area to accommodate installation of a series of leaching pools, similar to the treatment utilized at the end of Bayview Avenue in Subwatershed #6. The grade above these structures could be restored with plantings of native groundcovers to provide an enhanced vegetative buffer. The northerly road end of old Grand Avenue could receive a similar treatment, with leaching pools installed to the west side of the existing road end. A low-profile bulkhead could be considered seaward of the infiltration area, to create a perched beach for intertidal marsh restoration. This combined treatment would not only provide needed stormwater control; it would also increase marine aquatic habitat, reduce shoreline erosion and improve water quality in Long Creek. 59 9. Subwatershed # 9 Extent/Location Subwatershed # 9 encompasses 118 acres, and extends westerly fi.om Cox Neck Road along Bergen Avenue. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The topography in Subwatershed # 9 is fairly uniform. The overall slope is approximately 1.7%. The high point in elevation in this subwatershed is approximately 53 feet above sea level. Land Uses and Land Coverage The land use within this subwatershed is predominately agricultural. Soil Types and Relationship to Runoff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #9 are predominately within hydrologic zone B. There are substantial amounts of Haven sandy loam soils within this subwatershed, which are relatively less well-drained than the soils occupying other subwatersheds in this study. Therefore, the runoff generation would be slightly higher, due to the reduced permeability of the surface soils. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources There are no known documented or identified potential contaminant sources in Subwatershed # 9. Quantitatively Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads Pollutant loads were not quantitatively estimated for this subwatershed, since rtmoff seldom hms over Cox Neck Road, and does not discharge directly into Mattituck Creek. PropertF Ownership A little more than half of Subwatershed #9 is privately-owned property. A relatively large portion (encompassing just under one-half the subwatershed) is designated as "Town Development Rights (Partial)" property. 60 Applicable Treatment Strategies Subwatershed # 9 has been given the lowest priority for mitigation measures. There is a relatively large natural drainage basin located on the west side of Cox Neck Road, which seldom, if ever, flows over Cox Neck Road. There is no culvert under the road and there is a 7.9 fl. elevation difference between the road shoulder and the lowest point in the drainage basin. There is a house located directly north of the basin that would receive two feet of water in the basement if the runoff topped Cox Neck Road. There is no indication that the house is flooded on a regular basis. Cox Neck Road appears to be acting as a dam for this subwatershed. 10. Subwatershed # 10 Photo Description The photo above shows the runoff (containing a significant amount of silt) emanating from the farmland located north of East Mill Road. This photo was taken on East Mill Road, looking west and downhill towards Mattituck Creek. This runoff collects into a pipe on the southerly road bank, and flow is channelized down a natural swale which discharges directly into the Creek. 61 Extent/Location Subwatershed # 10 extends eastward to Reeve Avenue, and extends north and south of East Mill Lane. This subwatershed encompasses 19.2 acres. Topography and Depth to Groundwater Based on interpretations made from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works Topographic Maps (March, 1974), and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "Water Table Contours and Locations of Observation Wells in Suffolk County, NY" map (March, 1997), the depth to groundwater was determined to be approximately within five feet of the ground surface for this subwatershed. The topography within Subwatershed #10 is fairly uniform, except for a drainage swale that hms along East Mill Road and extends southwest to the Creek. The highest point in elevation is approximately 67 feet above sea level. The average slope in this subwatershed is approximately 3.4%. Land Uses and Land Coverage The predominant land use within Subwatershed # 10 is row crops (9.2 acres). There is also a significant amount of woods in this subwatershed (7.79 acres). A portion of this watershed is also occupied by a nursery operation which grows stock primarily in covered hoop houses and greenhouses. Soil Types and Relationship to Runqff Generation The soils within Subwatershed #10 are a mix of soils within hydrologic zones A and B. There are similar amounts of Carver and Plymouth Sands, and there is a large portion of Haven sandy loam soils within this subwatershed. These soils are relatively well-drained. Therefore, the runoff generation rates within this watershed reflect a mix of infiltration and runoff. Documented and Identified Potential Contaminant Sources A significant area of row crops occupies the head of Subwatershed #10. Silt-laden stormwater runoff fxom the farmland runs down East Mill Road, is discharged into a woody swale, and then channelized and discharged into the Creek. There is a small marsh area, which may filter some of this water on the fringe of the Creek. Quantitatively Estimated Non-point Pollution Loads Pollution loading rates were not estimated, as there was no corresponding water quality sampling station for Subwatershed # 10. 62 Property Ownership The majority of this subwatershed is privately owned property. A small portion of Subwatershed # 10 is classified as "Subdivision Open Space". This area is south of Mill Road. Applicable Treatment Strategies The implementation of BMP's on the farmland at the head of Subwatershed #10 is essential to improving water quality in this reach of Mattituck Creek. Though there is no fecal coliform data to determine the pathogen loads in this area, but sediments can be observed entering the Creek in this area. These sediments, originating on farmland have the potential to carry fertilizers and pesticides. Currently, the crops are planted parallel to the flow of nmoff, which increases the flow and velocity. Crops could be planted perpendicular to the flow, which would slow the runoff. Also, a grass filter strip could be planted between East Mill Road and the tillable farm area. Financing could be obtained from the Conservation Reserve Program if this grass filter strip is declared a Conservation Reserve Area. Finally, if an agreement could be made with the property owner(s), a small retention basin could be built on the farmland north of East Mill Road, which could reduce the volume of runoff and associated off-site sediment delivery. This, again, would require developing cooperative agreement with the property owner(s). Another complex treatment strategy would entail damming up the existing natural channel and installing a water control structure to create a wet pond or retention basin for the stormwater runoff water that is discharged directly into the Creek via the open channel. The existing woody swale is a deep depression that appears to comprise relatively un-developable land. The creation of such a wet pond in this woodland setting would provide additional wildlife habitat potential as well. This swale occupies private land and agreement must be sough with the property owner to facilitate such a treatment. .The Town may also wish to consider acquisition of the portion of this property necessary to accommodate such a detention pond system. Suffolk County is currently offering bond funds up to a 4020 match under their Land Preservation Partnership Program, to be used for acquisition of properties for estuary protection and open space preservation. XIII. Project Implementation A. Introduction One of the next steps for this project will be for the Town to select one of the high priority subwatersheds where best management practices are needed and feasible. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District staffs are committed to completing the necessary engineering survey and project design, and supervise the installation of best management practices within the subwatershed selected. Other practices will be designed and installed by the Town on a priority basis as available funding permits. Further discussions with the Town of Southold Trustees and Engineering Department will determine where the most feasible 63 project possibilities exist of the ones outlined in this report. Non-scientific factors, such as land ownership and easements were not addressed in this report, and must be considered before these projects can commence. B. Stormwater Quality Management There are many approaches that can be utilized to manage the water quality problems at Mattituck Creek. The more traditional type of program has reacted to existing water quality problems by constructing facilities to ameliorate them. Less traditional approaches tend to guide growth and develop various types of programs, which prevent water quantity or quality problems from occurring in the first place, or develops solutions, which do not include siting facilities. The following strategies can aid in minimizing problems attributable to stormwater pollution soumes: Require the immediate recharge or on-site detention of stormwater, where feasible, in order to reduces the volume ofnmoff; · Promote the use of storage areas - either specifically constructed detention basins, multi-purpose paved areas, natural ponds or other existing or altered landforms - to reduce sediment transport and coliform contamination from nmoff; · Limit, regulate and, where necessary and practicable, prohibit new shoreline development in order to protect the quality of adjacent surface waters; · Provide adequate buffer zones surrounding tidal and freshwater wetlands; · Promote or require the institution of municipal street cleaning programs to help minimize the pollution effects of stormwater nmoff; and · Require strict control over the disposal of collected materials in sanitary landfills. The following stormwater management systems, sununarized in descending order of preference, should be used to capture and treat the "first flush" when designing stormwater facilities. (First flush refers to the delivery of a disproportionately large load of accumulated pollutants that are washed from the surface of the land during the early part of storms and transported in runoff). The systems are: (a) infiltration, (b) retention, and (e) extended detention. (a) Infiltration Infiltration of runoff on-site by use of vegetated depressions and buffer areas, pervious surfaces, drywells, infiltration basins and trenches permits immediate recharge to groundwater reserves. Studies of the effect of stormwater recharge on groundwater conducted as part of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) on Long Island indicate that, while chlorides and nitrates in infiltrated stormwater reach groundwater, lead and other heavy metals and most organic compounds are absorbed by the soil and do not enter groundwater. Thus, potential chloride and nitrate loading must be minimized by instituting appropriate management practices within the watershed. 64 (b) Retention Retention by use of wet ponds or constructed wetlands provides for the storage of collected runoff in a permanent pool. True retention allows for storage of stormwater runoff with release via evaporation or infiltration only. Pollutant removal efficiency is related to the duration over which stormwater runoff is detained in the wet pond and is subject to physical settling of sediment and biological uptake. (c) Detention There are two approaches to stormwater detention: d~ detention and extended detention. The primary function of dry detention is to store and gradually release or attenuate stormwater runoff in order to control peak discharges and minimize flooding. Dry detention provides few, if any, water quality benefits and, therefore, this practice may not be used as a substitute for water quality treatment practices such as infiltration, retention or extended detention. Nevertheless, dry detention can be used in combination with measures (such as infiltration or retention) so that both the quality of stormwater runoff can be enhanced and peak discharges attenuated. Extended detention provides for a longer storage time than a dry detention pond. Sediment is the primary pollutant removed from stormwater runoff prior to its release into a waterbody. As such, the degree of removal is likely to be quite high if the pollutant is a particulate, but very limited removal can be expected for dissolved pollutants. C. Overview of Mitigation Measures A number of factors are considered in formulating and applying control methods to non-point sources. Structural methods (e.g., retention/settling basins) can be used where stormwater is conveyed to the receiving water by a stream or large storm sewer. If the greater portion of flow reaches the water at many diffuse locations, Best Management Practices (usually including street cleaning) are appropriate, if cost-effective. An overview of the different methods to accomplish the three stormwater management systems discussed above (infiltration, extended detention, and retention) are discussed below in greater detail: Catch basins A catch basin is a stormwater runoff inlet equipped with a small sedimentation sump or gdt chamber. A catch basin provides for the capture and subsequent removal through regular maintenance of sediment and debris from stormwater runoff before it enters a subsurface stormwater conveyance system. They are designed to handle contributing watersheds of lA acre or less. Catch basins are effective in removing coarse-grained sediment and debris in stormwater runoff, but only if they are maintained and cleaned out after storm events. Fine-grained particles and dissolved pollutants are 65 not effectively trapped in catch basins. The estimated capital costs for material and labor range from $2,000 to $4,000 per basin. Constructed Wetlands Constructed wetlands consist of a constructed, shallow water area, usually a marsh, dominated by cattail, bulrush, rashes or reeds, designed to simulate the water quality improvement function of natural wetlands. Constructed wetlands are usually a component practice in a total system approach to stormwater treatment. The wetlands are constructed downstream from stormwater management structures (e.g., infiltration, retention and detention practices.) Constructed wetlands can be designed as either "free water surface systems" or "subsurface flow systems". Free water surface systems consist of basins or channels with a natural or constructed subsurface barrier to prevent seepage. Soil or another suitable medium supports emergent vegetation. Subsurface flow systems, on the other hand, consist of trenches or beds underlain with a natural or constructed impermeable subsurface barrier. Soil or gravel are used in the trench or bed to support emergent vegetation. Stormwater nmoff to be treated is introduced into the wetland via drainage pipe and a stone-filled trench. The performance of any constructed wetland system is dependent upon the system hydrology, precipitation, infiltration, evapotransportation, hydraulic loading rate, water depth and pH. All these factors can effect the removal of organics, nutrients, and trace elements not only by altering retention time, but also by either concentrating or diluting the stormwater. The cost of constructed wetlands varies depending upon the size needed. Along with the design and construction of this wetland, there are also costs for environmental analysis (and permitting), complex grading and hydrophytic vegetation plant materials. Also, watertight membrane liners are very expensive. Based on the available literature, it is apparent that the use of wetlands as a pollutant treatment system is a viable option. Many states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, Texas, Virginia, and Washington are currently utilizing aquatic plant systems. In general, the efficiency rates for these wetlands has been approximately 65 to 99 percent for various parameters (i.e., total suspended solids, total phosphorus, TKN, trace metals, and bacteria). Efficiency will vary by climate and season. Regarding fecal coliforms, some systems function at nearly 100 pement. At the Phillips High School in Bear Creek, Alabama, fecal coliform levels dropped from 1,560,000/100 mg to <10/100 ml (TVA 1990). Critical Area Protection (Permanent Vegetative Cover) Another critical area protection technique is to establish or maintain permanent vegetation to stabilize these areas, discourage conversion of environmentally sensitive areas, and prevent sediment and nutrients from entering waterbodies. The practice also includes stabilizing eroding areas using biotechnology, hydoseeding and mulching, sodding, and the use of container-grown plants. This practice includes seeding cool season grasses and legumes, warm season grasses, placing sod, planting trees and shrubs, 66 and utilizing existing perennial vegetation. Permanent vegetative cover controls surface runoff, sediment and solid phase nutrients by providing long-term perennial cover for critical areas. The cost varies from "no-cost", when existing vegetation is used, up to $1,500 (or more) per acre for hydroseeding critically eroding areas. Critical Area Protection (Streambank and Shoreline Protection) This practice entails the use of vegetation, structures, biotechnology, or management techniques to stabilize and protect streambanks and shorelines. Streambank and shoreline protection involves the following components: (1) vegetation (rushes, sedges, grasses, legumes, shrubs or trees), (2) structural improvements (slope stabilization, filter fabric, riprap, deflectors, fencing, bulkheads, or groin systems), (3) management techniques (removing debris, fallen trees, or gravel bars in the flood plain on the inside curves of the stream), and (4) biotechnical altematives (the use of willow wattles or direct seeding). In general, this practice will decrease the bed load of the stream (or creek), reduce soil erosion, decrease sediment and nutrient delivery to waterbodies, and lower stream temperature by shading streams. The cost of this practice ranges from low cost for biotechnical components to very expensive for structural designs. Diversions A diversion consists of an earthen drainage-way of parabolic or trapezoidal cross- section with a supporting ridge on the lower side. Diversions are constructed across the slope and are stabilized using grasses and legumes. This technique intercepts and re- routes runoff away from areas of high pollution potential, and reduces erosion. Diversions redirect stormwater runoff to safe outlets and only indirectly control the release of sediment, pesticides, pathogens, organics and nutrients. The costs of this technique varies according to design requirements, though the costs are generally low. Dry Detention Basin A dry detention basin is designed to collect and store stormwater runoff in a temporary pool of water for less than 24 hours. This technique provides for the gradual (attenuated) release of stormwater runoff, and permits settling of coarse-grained sediment found in it. As previously stated, pollutant removal effectiveness is very limited for dry detention basins. Dry detention basins are generally not effective for water quality control. Dry detention basins cannot be designed to handle the "first flush" of runoff. These basins are expensive to construct, but cost less than extended detention basins. Extended Detention Basin Extended detention basins are designed to collect and store stormwater runoff in a temporary pool of water for 24 hours or greater. This allows for complete settling and removal of most particulate pollutants found in urban stormwater runoff. Indirectly, extended detention basins control the release of sediment (coarse and some soluble 67 nutrients, organic matter, trace metals, pathogens, hydrocarbons, and thermal modifications). Extended detention basins typically consist of an excavated area with an embankment dam, a principal spillway (riser) with an extended detention control device at the riser outlet. These basins have been designed to capture, detain and treat urban stormwater nmoff from the first ½ inch of runoff ("first flush"), or runoff from a 1-year, 24-hour storm event, for a minimum of 24 hours, prior to gradual release through the riser. Ideal detention time is 40 hours or longer. The longer the detention time, the greater the pollutant removal. Typical removal rates for pollutants after 48 hours are: 80- 90% for sediment, 40-50% for total phosphorus, 40% for nitrogen, 50% for organic matter, and more than 90% for trace metals. Significant reductions in pathogen counts and hydrocarbons were reported after 32 hours. Extended detention basins are expensive and require maintenance. Implementation q£Land Use Planning Implementation of land use planning entails the adoption and implementation of comprehensive environmental regulations to govern the development process for the purpose of providing long-term watershed protection. This technique is used to guide future development and land use activities so as to mitigate the effects of non-point source pollution. The cost varies due to the varieties of components involved, including the level of effort needed to complete and implement a program. Infiltration Basins and Pits Infiltration basins and pits consist of an excavated basin (or pit) constructed in permeable soils, for the temporary collection and storage of stormwater runoff prior to ex filtration. These basins and pits only indirectly control sediments, nutrients, trace metals, organic matter and pathogens. After temporary stormwater detention, stormwater runoff exfiltrates (percolates) through undisturbed subsoils in the basin (or pit) floor. These basins (or pits) remove pollutants through sorption, precipitation, trapping, straining and bacterial degradation or transformation. It is estimated that under ideal exfiltration conditions, long-term pollutant removal rates for infiltration basins are from 75-100% for sediment, 50-75% for trace metals, 70-90% for organic matter and 75-100% for pathogens. The cost of such structures varies depending upon basin (pit) design. This alternative has relatively inexpensive construction costs. Infiltration Trench An infiltration trench is a blind sub-surface trench, 3 to 10 feet in depth, backfilled with gravel for the temporary collection and storage of stormwater rnnoffprior to exfiltration. Stormwater rtmoff exfiltrates (percolates) through undisturbed subsoils in the trench floors, or is collected by perforated underdrain pipes and routed to an outflow facility. These trenches effectively remove fine particulates and soluble pollutants through sorption, precipitation, trapping, straining and bacterial degradation or transformation. Stormwater runoff should be pretreated prior to reaching the trench. Infiltration trenches are not intended to provide removal of coarse particulate pollutants. 68 When coarse particles are deposited, they can plug the infiltration trench and render it useless. It is estimated that under full exfiltration conditions, infiltration trenches can remove up to 100% of sediment, 65-75% of total phosphorus, 60-70% of total nitrogen, up to 100% of trace metals, 90% of organic matter and 98% of pathogens. Most trench systems are able to divert 60-90% of the annual nmoff fi.om impervious areas into the soil. The cost varies depending upon infiltration trench design. Integrated Pest Management Integrated pest management (IPM) is an ecologically-based integrated pest control strategy designed to keep pest populations below economically injurious levels using a variety of control tactics. IPM uses monitoring, pest forecasting, scouting, and "economic thresholds" to determine the appropriate use of pesticides, and altemate pest control tactics. The management options include: use of biological control agents, cultural practices, such as: rotation, the use of trap crops, destruction of pest breeding and refuge sites, ecosystem diversification, scouting, resistant varieties, mechanical weed control, timing of planting and harvesting, and the selection and use of pesticides, pesticide formulations and alternatives, and timing of application. In most of these management options, IPM reduces the availability of pesticides as a nonpoint source pollutant. The cost is variable, depending upon the control tactic used. Irrigation Water Management Irrigation water management is a planned system that determines and controls the rate, amount, and timing of irrigation water. This technique is used to reduce the leaching of pollutants by applying irrigation water based upon waterholding capacity of the soil and the needs of the plant material. This practice is accomplished by "scheduling" the rate, amount, and timing of the application of irrigation water. The cost may entail additional labor expenses to collect "scheduling" data. Software scheduling programs are commercially available. Nutrient Management Nutrient management consists of integrating the availability of nutrients in the soil (supplied fi.om organic matter and plant residues) with the nutrient requirement of plants. Commercial fertilizer should be used to meet additional needs. A well-designed nutrient management program controls nutrient loss by reducing excessive applications. Component practices of a nutrient management program include soil testing, development of a nutrient management plan, managing the rate, timing and placement of nutrient applications, and soil management practices to control surface losses of nutrients. There is no additional cost associated with this technique, except for soil tests or consulting fees for services to prepare nutrient management plans. 69 Pathogen and Nutrient Control This measure includes waterfowl waste management and control. This entails adoption and enforcement of a "No Feeding Waterfowl" Ordinance, including a public information/outreach program. Another measure is grass management, limiting lawn size and extent. Physical barriers for geese~ swans and ducks can be installed between water and feeding areas. Also, land use regulations and planning can be applied to discourage developments and landscaping which would attract additional nuisance waterfowl to an area plagued by nuisance waterfowl. Other, less passive forms of waterfowl waste management can be explored if it is felt that this is a large source of pollutant loadings to Mattituck Creek. The costs range from no cost (for homeowner-initiated auditory harassment or feeding prohibition) to very costly (for intensive efforts to interfere with reproduction over a large area). Another measure of pathogen and nutrient control includes institutional control measures employed by local governments and management measures employed by individuals to prevent non-point source pollution by canines and felines. Expenses involved are associated with municipal enforcement and personal responsibilities connected to spaying, neutering and purchasing of "pooper scoopers". Retention Pond (Wet Pond) A retention pond (also known as wet ponds) are typically excavated ponds with a dam and emergency spillway, designed to accept stormwater runoff from watersheds greater than 10 acres in size. Ponds vary in size according to design; however, they usually have a shallow inlet area 0.5 to 2 feet deep, and a permanent pool of 3 to 8 feet in depth. Retention ponds maximize the hydraulic residence time of the detained stormwater runoff, and allow pollutants to settle out from 2 to 14 days. Retention ponds control post-development peak discharge rates to pre- development levels, and can achieve a high removal rate of pollutants due to gravity settling, chemical flocculation and biological uptake. Retention ponds generally cost less than extended detention ponds. Routine maintenance of retention ponds includes removing woody vegetation, mowing side-slopes, embankments and the emergency spillway, inspections conducted annually and after design storms, debris and litter removal, erosion control of vegetated areas and nuisance control of insects, weeds, odors, and algae. Non-routine maintenance includes structural repairs and replacement, and removal of accumulated sediment in the bottom of the pond (performed every 2 to 5 years). Roof Runoff System A roof runoff system handles roof runoff by directing it to down spouts and into trenches prior to infiltration into permeable soil. Estimated costs are very low. 70 Street and Pavement Sweeping Street sweepers are designed to dislodge debris and dirt from the street surface, transport it onto a moving conveyor, and deposit it into a storage hopper. The most common types of street sweeper is a mechanical sweeper, which uses a rotating gutter broom to transport particles from the gutter area into the path of a large cylindrical broom which rotates to carry the material onto a conveyor belt. Water is sprayed on the collected material to control resuspension of the fine particles. Intensive cleaning of streets and pavements can result in up to 50% reduction of fecal coliform and a 15% reduction of total coliform; however seasonal differences may occur. Overall, the practice is limited in pollutant load reductions. Estimated costs of this measure are high. In 1988, the City of Milwaukee swept 86,000 curb-miles for about $25 per curb mile swept. Peat/Sand Filter Systems Peat/Sand filters are gravity-driven, constructed filtration systems designed to reduce nonpoint source pollutant loadings from watersheds to receiving bodies. These systems capture and treat the first ½-inch of runoff from impervious areas by temporary detention and infiltration. Peat/sand filter systems consist of three basic concepts: A small pre-treatment wet pond: for gravitational settling and temporary storage. · A flow-splitting concrete weir and earth embankment (to control the depth of stored stormwater runoff) · An off-line grass/peat/sand filter bed basin area: for temporary surface ponding, rapid infiltration and treatment of urban runoff. An addition of a gate valve to the end of the peat bed underdrain system provides greater flexibility in controlling the hydraulic residence time of stormwater runoff. Also, reed canary grass is typically used in peat/sand filter bed basin to harvest nutrients from the surface-ponded stormwater runoff. Based on experimental data, it is believed that peat/sand filter systems can remove up to 90% of suspended solids, 70% of total phosphorus, 50% of total nitrogen, 90% of biological oxygen demand (BOD), 80% of trace metals, and greater than 90% of pathogenic bacteria found in stormwater nmoff. The engineered designs of these systems are expensive. D. Example Project Hasharnomuck Pro/ect The USDA, NRCS and the Suffolk Count Soil and Water Conservation District, with funding and support from the Town of Southold and NYDEC, designed and installed a stormwater retention and control structure in the Town of Southold. The water control structure was designed to store an identified amount of water. This water is held in the ponded area, as shown in the photo below. The water is then slowly released to a stream that feeds Hashamomuck Pond. This structure replaced a culvert underneath the 71 road that directly discharged all stom~water from the gully seen in the photo to the stream that feeds Hashamomuck Pond. An easement was obtained by the property owner to the west of this retention pond and an agreement was made as to the design levels of the pond. This project was implemented to reduce the amount ofcoliforms in Hashamomuck Pond. Though no water quality data directly supports the effectiveness of this structure, the project has clearly been successful in holding water for a significant amount of time before allowing it to flow into the Pond. Photo Description: The water control structure can be seen in the center of the photo (barrel riser covered by a gridded trash rack), and the water being retained is covered in snow and surrounds the structure. E. Projects to be Completed #1) Location: Intersection of Mill Road and Oregon Road Project Components: · Easement or purchase of triangular parcel · Installation of two catch basins · Excavation · Sand fill · Installation of concrete weir with adjustable elevation 72 · Rip-rap/headwall · Topsoil and seed · Re-alignment of Mill Road end · Erosion control Estimated Cost: -$50,000 (Plus easements/purchases) #2) Location: Mill Road East Project Components: · Easements · Installation of two catch basins · Installation of culvert pipe · Headwall and Rip-rap · Asphalt Patch · Erosion control · Topsoil and seed Estimated Cost: -$25,000 (Plus easements) #3) Location: Cox Neck Lane Project Components: · Easements · Raise road 300 linear feet (+/-) · Installation of two catch basins · Installation of culvert pipe with outfall headwall · Installation of concrete weir structure · Topsoil and seed · Erosion control Estimated Cost: -$50,000 (Plus easements) #4) Location: Intersection of Grand Avenue and Wickham Avenue Project Components: · Demolition · Installation of guard rail · Erosion control · Installation of two catch basins with inlet grate · Installation of two leaching pools · Installation of two manholes 73 · Topsoil and seed · Installation of drainage pipe Estimated Cost: ~$50,000 XIV. Conclusions Mattituck Creek suffers from the effects of fecal coliform pollution. Because of fecal coliform contamination, water use impairments are experienced in the Creek. The Creek is uncertified for shellfish harvest. Non-point source pollution is the primary cause of fecal coliform contamination in Mattituck Creek. One of the major non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria to Mattituck Creek is stormwater runoff, especially on the southern part of the Creek. Agricultural activities in the Mattituck Creek watershed area also contribute to high fecal coliform levels. The open farm fields are habitat to many waterfowl, which contribute to the fecal coliform production. Though farm animals are minimal, there are still several farms that contain animals (dogs, cats, horses, chickens) which can also contribute to high fecal coliform levels. These large agricultural fields are barren for most of the winter, and offer minimal infiltration for stormwater. The results of our investigation suggest that stormwater discharges are the most important factor causing periodic and episodic increases in fecal coliform levels at Mattituck Creek. Mattituck Creek shows an immediate and significant response of increased fecal coliforms' levels linked to rainfall events. The increased levels of fecal coliforms occur quickly after the onset of nmoff. Mitigation efforts need to be directed at runoff, because of the high loadings associated with runoff events, and further because NYSDEC sampling is always carried out trader rainfall conditions. If improvements in water quality are to be made based on NYSDEC testing, then pollution loading of Mattituck Creek by rainfall must be mitigated. Also, because of the stormwater contribution of fine-grained sediments, nutrients and sources of fecal coliform bacteria to the sediments, it is important to remediate stormwater runoff inputs in terms of how they can also impact dry weather background fecal coliform levels. High density development, a gridwork pattern of numerous streets, a high pement of impervious surfaces and the sloping terrain all contribute to the volume of stormwater runoff and the loading of fecal coliform bacteria. A total of 10 subwatersheds, each relating to specific nmoff sites to the Creek, were delineated. Runoff volumes and fecal coliform loadings were calculated for each. All of these drainage areas were (and continue to be) sampled during rainfall events. Data shows that runoff fecal coliform levels are very high for all drainage areas, and that runoff for all areas leads to significantly increased fecal coliform levels in adjacent harbor waters. Runoff volumes are also significant for these drainage areas. For many of the discharge points, where stormwater enters the Creek, the fecal coliform levels in the runoff are in the range of tens of thousands of fecal coliforms per 100 ml. 74 During rainfall events the actual Creek waters adjacent to the discharge points are in the tens of thousands of fecal coliform per 100 ml. Additional Creek samples taken adjacent to stormwater outflow pipes are extremely high (hundreds to tens of thousands/100 ml). These levels greatly exceed the shellfish standard. Water quality is greatly reduced in the Creek waters in the vicinity of outflow pipes in discharge areas. Recommendations A top-down approach is recommended for Mattituck Creek, whereby activities should be initiated in the upper most sections of the watershed, and are then extended downslide through the watershed to the Creek so that stormwater is collected and infiltrated throughout the watershed. A further recommendation is to address the pollutant loading caused by the "first flush" throughout the watershed. Long-term impacts of improving structural and non-structural stormwater runoff controls will result in an improvement in general water quality depending on the control alternatives implemented at Mattituck Creek. The non-structural alternatives of detention and retention of more diffuse sources of stormwater rtmoff will also improve long-term water quality, by reducing turbidity. Peak flows will be modified, reducing suspended sediment concentrations in watercourses. Retention of water will also enhance the settling of suspended sediments. Non-structural alternatives may not adequately control such sources of pollution from stormwater runoff as coliform bacteria, pesticides, metals and hydrocarbons, since they primarily address stormwater flows and suspended sediments. It is true, for instance, that some phosphorus and heavy metals adsorb onto soil particles, which settle and are thereby removed. However, nitrates are extremely soluble in water and are not removed by alternatives that merely detain or retard flows. A non-structural alternative that is an exception to this is street cleaning, which has been shown to reduce contaminant concentrations. A list of recommendations to help achieve the ultimate goal of improved water quality in Mattituck Creek, are as follows: System Maintenance - There already exists a system of storm drains, catch basins and infiltration basins in the Mattituck Creek watershed. Although their number is insufficient to address the entire runoff problem, they provide a base stormwater network. Their effectiveness, however, has been nearly eliminated due to clogging. Throughout the study period, most of the basins were filled with sediment, and the storm drains clogged with debris. This has caused nearly a complete bypass of most of the system during rainfall events. The problem is exacerbated during winier months when vast quantities of sand is needed for street maintenance, since most of the streets are on the slope of a hill. It is therefore recommended that a vigorous maintenance program be established that keeps the storm drains cleared of debris, and the basins empty of 75