HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-55.-2-16 . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennell Orlowski, Jr.. Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 August 24, 1990 Jack Rump1er Spectrum Awning P.O. Box 1298 Southold, New York 11971 RE: Request for waiver of site plan for Spectrum Awning SCTM*1000-55-2-16 Dear Mr. Rumpler: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of August 10, 1990 requesting a waiver of site plan requirements for your awning business. The Board will waive the site plan requirement, provided all conditions mentioned in your letter are not exceeded or changed. The conditions for site plan waiver are: Not more than one full time employee and two part time employees. No changes to the existing buildings or site. Retail sales at the site will be minimal, with most of the work being performed at the customers home, business or boat. If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~~;kb Bennett Orlowski, Jr. ~~ Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Vincent Wieczorek, Zoning Enforcement Officer . . -sufFlLE R.K Ph August 10, 1990 Chairman Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Southold Town Planning Board P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 re: Site Plan for former Daval Party Tent Property SCTM #~ue~ /~ s 13 /000 - OS'S - 2. -/(0 Dear Chairman Orlowski: Spectrum Awning Inc. is a custom work shop, building marine canvas, commercial and residential awnings and assorted custom canvCisproducts. . <:::l1rr,!"p!:ly Spectrum employs .i:t.~ ~~",~~';>.;ll~.t'~j;1me~+(lY;El:e~~:' <- , . Ext\~bit .ldet<;.us.~l~e. p.+oposed usage of the existing building. ~;;'~""1'lQ. plans to,<<hange' the builci~1;UJ. '!?'F;~1 t2.!::~";;!,i,,,"~~~"k!!l, eu.~&nUy . Spectrum does not foresee a large retail trade as the majority of sales are phone initiated and followed by a sales visit to the customer's home, business or boat. The on-site retail trade is less intense than that of the previous business of Daval Party Tents. Ttl;,.....stlllllila.tloii~;:I,}~'a:~wailler,,~~;..~~~~'~'<lf~i;~SOl.';oiIFe. A'. ~:pt:l:f.r1.~'~": :_,.",,,-,..J'_ - - , ~~!~"1i>~ Very truly yours, LtE'~U~ President JER:paf Enclosure -' ~- . E~lf3IT i . . E I D I A C H I , I I G ! F , B I , I I .-~- ----- .- ---~....__._-~--_.._---_._- .-......-.-.. , A iZEPt R SHOW ROD 1'''1 S7'1~ H R RE Fl D r Nn:z'!- Fo'! EI<. 3S~ 8 R cFl L \1\/ 0 R\~ S HO? <323 @ ,. RREA 0 STORAGE 3Y3 ~ HREFJ t ReSTROOM L..15~ A RE A F OFFICE ~1 ~ .AREA G O~t= ICE 91 ~ .RRJ8 H VIOR1<SHOP I}OOO gJ _AREfl I S TORI1GE 230 ~ "OiI'lL J)2.32.~ _ SCALE: III: \0' .J h ~ ;t ~j H ~ f' . '....I"r" i[!d iI' . . Iii \ I! t I ~ .. ~ ..." [ ! i' ~j PPi I ~ I ! 11 :llii !Hn ln~L- ;; c;;;; c ~ i I III ~ ]:1 i ! II nH! ! n ... il ::;:!@..~ !i !~Hf ) j I ~ ~ ~ ~ :; g . nT! !~ " : ~~. S .. .. '..~ ~ i nt~!~ :~i , ~1 IS, i .lit', ~ ;" !; ~ e...@ ~n ~ go ;.,,~ ~ tr:~ -,...':< ~ 0 ,-:;' Vl"'" Z:. III Vl ( ~ :;: ~ -< ;::;...,., ~ III 0 ,.. k~ . , n < , ,. I' I~' : !~ ~ % ,10 j' I' i-!p li\ it/) ; I ! !g iO: -I Igl ~ ~ 0 ! (J1 i . (J1 . ~ ,-- ,:;=~~;~~~~~;.:&~i;;~;f~~;~: ~;;; ... ....c" ..c..,o" -z c,." --L..~_I__ , ~ ' t " e " ~: ;~t;! ~i~ii " ;~ ! '. , ". C,Il_27 ~ , , e , , i~ ~ r ,\ "'.~ ," ~ , , '.>,. e ~ ~ \\ I 7L --=- , /JT: of ~ LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SCANNED SPFile Type: Approved Proiect Type: Site Plans Status: No Site Plan Required SCTM #: 1000 - 55.-2-16 Proiect Name: Spectrum Awninq Address: CR 48. South old Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Jack Rumpler. Spectrum Awninq Owner Name: Zone 1: Approval Date: 8/24/1990 JAN 1 0 2008 Records Management OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: Zone 2: Location: SC Filinq Date: C and R's : Home Assoc: Rand M Aqreement: Zone 3: SCAN Date: