HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-04/29/1987HENRY P. SMITH, President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, Vice-Pres. PHILLIP J. GOUBEAUD ALBERT KRUPSKI, JR. ELLEN M. LARSEN BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 April 29, 1987 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 6:00 Work Session The Board of Trustees reviewed the findings regarding the matter of the Wetland Application for Cramer/Moore for a Wetland Permit on property located on Meadow Lane, Mattituck. (see resolution No. 29. commencing on pg.t5) 7:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Trustees was held on April 29, 1987 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. President Henry P. Smith opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.. Present were: President Henry P. Smith Vice President John M. Bredemeyer, III Trustee Ellen M. Larsen Trustee Phillip J. Goubeaud Trustee Albert Krupski Bay Constable Donald Dzenkowski Secretary Ilene Pfifferling Also present were approximately %6 people in the audience. Trustee Smith advised that the next regular field inspection will be held on May 20, 1987 to commence at 12:00 P.M., and the date for the next regular meeting will be held on MmV 28, 1987 to commence at 7:00 P.M. to be held at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the minutes of the March 26, 1987 meeting. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the minutes of the April 15, 1987 Special Meeting. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the June mooring renewals. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page Z- April 29, 1987 Trustee Smith gave the monthly report for March 1987 as follows: Application Fees S135.00, Dock Fees $743.00, Wetland Application Fees $1200.00, Wetland Inspection Fees $65.00 and Mooring Renewal Fees $400.00 for a total amount of $2543.00 which was turned over to the Supervisors office to be placed in the general fund. Trustee Smith advised that the Public Notices are published on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board if anyone wishes to review them. President Smith commenced with agenda item number three, Communications as follows: 1. From Supervisor Francis J. Murphy regarding New York State Legislation, "An act to amend the Environmental Conservation Law, in relation to the taking of shellfish from public or unleased lands under water." Also, year round conditional opening of Mill Creek and Mattituck Inlet? This matter will be referred to the Southold Town Baymens Association requesting their comments regarding this matter. The Trustees will forward comments to the Town Board. 2. From the New York State D.E.C. regarding the Old Mill Inn and Joseph Lestingi projects. These communications are to be placed in theic respective files. 3. From the New York State D.E.C. information regarding the Helen Reiter project. 4. From John J. Newman information regarding his property located on Sailor's Needle Road, Mattituck. Trustee Bredemeyer advised that he inspected the site and reported that there was no problem with this individual matter. 5. Erom Richard C. Ryan, Regional Supervisor, Real Property, R~gion I regarding Gid's Island. 6. From Virginia A. Gill, President, North Fork Audubon Society regarding the Cedar Beach Tern Colony. Trustee Larsen is to draft a letter to be forwarded to Mr. John Guldi, Principal Civil Engineer~ Dept. of Public Works, regarding this matter. 7. From Charles W. Bowman regarding his application for construction of two houses and docks, Main Bayview Road, Southold. 8. From Steve Malinowski regarding his responsibilities as Special Bay Constable on Fishers Island. A letter is to be forwarded to the Town Board recommending additional compensation for this position. 9. From Raymond L. Jacobs, Sup't of Highways regarding ~,wooden platform at Pipe's Neck Road. Trustee Smith advised that the Trustees looked at the site and they have no problem with the project. 10. From William D. Moore & Benjamin Herzweig regarding the Meadow Lane project. 11~ From the Southold Town Planning Board a coordination letter for Harold Reese's project in East Marion. The-Trustee~ will forw~rd~their comm~nts~re, gard~g~,this project-to~th~ Planning Board. _ ~ ~ -.i~.~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ Board of Trustees - Page 3 - April 29, 1987 12. From the Land Use Company regarding a request for a determination of jurisdiction on property of Christopher Milliken on Fishers Island for house construction. Trustee Larsen inspected this property and it was determined that the Trustees have no jurisdiction regarding this matter. 13. 14. 15. From the New York State D.E.C. regarding Gid's Island project. From Charles deQuillfeldt, New York State D.E.C. a Thank you. From En~Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Elizabeth Yaro, application no. 478, a topographical survey containing 1' contours as requested by the Trustees. 16. From the New York State D.E.C. Notice of Complete Application for the Orient Mosquito District regarding maintenance of 4750 lin. ft. of existing mosquito control ditches and to.place the excavated material on both sides of the ditches. Project is located on Main Road, and east side of River Road, Orient, May 15th comment date. The Trustees gave approval of this ~equest by granting a waiver for the project. 17. From the Nature Conservancy regarding the Cedar Beach project. Trustee Smith proceeded with the Resolutions until 7:30 P.M. V. RESOLUTIONS: 1. ROBERT J. DEROSKI - APPROVAL - MOORING Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the mooring request made by Robert J. Deroski to place an offshore mooring in East Creek, using public access. A stern anchor is to be used also. 1. Vote of Board: Ayes: All~- This resolution was declared duly adopted. 2. ROBERT J. DEROSKI - APPROVAL - MOORING Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the mooring request made by Robert J. Deroski to place an offshore stake with a pulley line to onshore stake in East Creek using public access. 2. Vote of Board: Ayes: AIl - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 3. RONALD F. LANKSHEAR APPROVAL -MOORING Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by Ronald F. Lankshear to place an offshore mooring in Mattituck Creek using private property as access with the provision that the Bay Constable find a suitable location for the mooring~ and with the provision that the boat will not impede navigation or interfere . ~.with any other boat. A stern anchor is to be used~ 3. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 4 - April 29, 1987 4. PHILIP SALICE - NON-SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPL. NO. 506 Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Krupski the following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 506 NAME: Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Philip Salice This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: Unlisted DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' x 40' (with additional 4' x 4' offset at outer end) fixed elevated walk extending from existing bulkhead; 4' x 16' hinged ramp; 6' x 50' float oriented N~g and (2) 6' x 30' floats oriented E-W to form "V". Dock over area behind existing bulkhead (30' x 99.5') and c~hstr~Ct a 12' x 15' Gazebo. LOCATION: Bayview Avenue, Mattituck REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 4. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 5 - April 29, 1987 5. WINIFRED GUNNISON - EXTENSION ON PERMIT NO. 291 Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED TO APPROVE the request made by Winifred Gunnison for an extension on permit no. 291 for a period of six months. Said permit will expire on October 29, 1987. 5. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 6. WII.~¥.l~ H. FRANK - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act in the matter of the application of Wilhelm H, Frank for a Wetland Permit on certai~ propert~ located at 1225 Arshamomaque Ave., Southold. Trustee Bredemeyer advised that this was for the dredging only. 6. Vot~ of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted, 7. FRANK & DELORES DAVIES - APPROVAL - MOORING Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trust=e Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by Frank & Delores Davies to place an offshore mooring in Little Creek, using private property as access. A stern anchor is to be used. 7. Vote of Board: Ayes: AIl - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 8. ROBERT L. & ELIZABETH A. STEWART - MOORING - DENIAL Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Smith it was RESOLVED to DENY without prejudice the application submitted by Robert L. & Elizabeth A. Stewart to place an offshore mooring in Mattituck Creek whereas the Bay Constable has indicated that the area is saturated with moorings at this time~ therefore no room is available at this time. 8. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 9. WUNNEWETA POND ASSOCIATION C/O FREDERICK J. BRUCE - LEAD & EMERGENCY APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Larsen it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act[ in the matter of the application of Wunneweta Pond Association c/o Frederick J. Bruce fora ~etland Permit on certain property located on W~nneweta Road, Cutchogue, and be it furthe~ RESOLVED that an ~m~rgency approval is granted for the dredging work proposed for Wunneweta Pond as depicted in the application submitted. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 6 - April 29, 1987. 10. JOHN H. MULHOLLAND - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of John H. Mulholland for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Island View Lane, Southold. 10. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 11. 11. ANTHONY & ROBERT PISCIOTTA - WAIVER Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud Whereas, The Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board considered all the documentation submitted concerning this request, and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this request appellant requests permission to construct a one family dwelling, sanitary system, and driveway. 2. The subject property is located on Windy Point Lane, Southold or more particularly identified on the Suffolk County Tax map as£ 1000-78-6-3~t&2, Now, therefore be it RESOLVED that En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Anthony Pisciotta be and hereby is granted a Waiver of the Wetland Ordinance as requested for the construction of a single family dwelling, sanitary system, and driveway as per the survey of property at Bayview dated January 16, 1987. A 50' buffer zone is to be maintained on the property. Property is located on Windy Point Lane, Southcld. Vote of Board: Ayes: Trustees Smith, Krupski, Bredemeyer, Goubeaud- NAY: Larsen This resolution was declared duly adopted. 12. HERBERT MANDEL - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Tr~ustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Herbert Mandel for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. 12. Vote of Board: Ayes: AIl - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 13. JOHN L. BAGSHAW - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act in the matter of the application of John L. Bagshaw for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at Nassau Point, on Harbor Road, Cutchogue. 13. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 7 - April 29, 1987. 14. EDWARD TASHJIAN - REQUEST FOR EXTENSION ON PERMIT NO. 290 14. Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED to TABLE the request made by Edward Tashjian for an extension on permit no. 290 until compliance is made in accordance with the resolution previously adopted by the Trustees on May 29, 1986 requesting~ that dry wells are to be installed on property located on Stillwater Ave., Cutchogue. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 15. MICHAEL S. GILLILUND - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Michael S. Gillilund for a Wetland Permit on certain property located at 4586 Sound Drive, Greenport. 15. Vote Of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 16. STEPHEN M. GRZESIK - MOORING - DENIAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to DENY without prejudice the mooring application of Stephen M. Grzesik to place an offshore mooring in Gull Pond, Greenport as there is no room available' at this time. 16. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 17. CLEAVES POINT CONDOMINIUM - AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the amendment to the application submitted by Eh- Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Cleaves Point Condominium to construct a stone revetment as requested by the Board of Trustees. 17. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 18. MURRAY KLAPPER - PERMIT EXTENSION - PERMIT NO. 226 Moved by Trustee Goubeaud seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Murray Klapper for an extension on permit no. 226 for a period of six months. 18. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 19. ROGER VORCE - PERMIT EXTENSION - PERMIT NO. 2201 Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ROGER VORCE for an extension on permit No. 2201 for a period of six months. 19. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was Reclared duly adopteR. Board of Trustees - Page 8 - April 29, 1987. 20. MARY DF. MAR.TINO - PERMIT EXTENSION - PERMIT NO. 302 Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by Mary DeMartino for an extension on Permit no. 302 for a period of six months. 20. Vote of Board: Ayes: AIl - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 21. DAVID ROSENBERG/OLD MILL INN - NEGATIVE DECLARATION - APPLICATION NO. 514 Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Krupski ~he following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 514 NAME: OLD MILL INN/DAVID ROSENBERG This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct 1200 sq. ft. of decking With pilings (4). LOCATION: End of West Mill Road, Mattituck, New York. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 21. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 9 - April 29, 1987. 22. MICRAET. & JANE SUEIRO - NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPLICATION N0.512 Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Larsen the following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.'A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON TBE ENVIRONMENT Date: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 512 NAME: MICHAEL M. & JANE B. SUEIRO This notice is issued~pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review an-d~-6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To maintenance dredge 40 cu. yds. of spoil and to install two 20' x 5' floating piers. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Wiggins Lane corner of Dawn Drive, East Marion, New York. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: i. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 22. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 10 - April 29, 1987 23. BROADWATERS CO~E ASSOCIATION - NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPLICATION NO. 510 Moved by Trustee Goubeaus seconded by Trustee Larsen the following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON TBE ENVIRONMENT Date: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 510 NAME: JAMES E. FITZGE~AI.D, JR. PRESIDENT FOR BROADWATERS GO~E ASSOCIATION, INC. This notice is issued-pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review an~-6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of'Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the-environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: REPLACE EXISTING BULKHEADING, RETURN, AND REPLACE THREE EXISTING PILINGS BULKHEADED CATWALK: ADD APPROX. 20' OF OPEN CATWALK, MAINT. DREDG~ DOCkinG AREA: ADD THREE FLOATING DOCKS WITH 4 FINGERS. LOCAT%~0~O~ p~OJEC~: Eastern end of Mason Drive, Cutchogue. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 23. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 11 - April 29, 1987 24. JOHN LESTINGI - NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPLICATION NO. 516 Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer the ,following non-significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON TBE ENVIRONMENT' Date: April 29? 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 516 NAME: EN-CONSULTA~]TS, INC. ON BEHALF OF JOSEPH LESTINGI This notice is ~ssued pursuant to the-provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review an~.6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the-environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct a stairway down face of bluff for access from yard to beach. A 10' x 10' storage room will be attached at lower end of stairs. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1150 Sound Drive, Greenport. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 24. Vote of Board: Ayes: AIl - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 12 - April 29, 1987. 25. CHRISTIAN B. SAI.MINEN NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPLICATION NO. 515 Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer the following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON TBE ENVIRONMENT Date: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 515 NAME: CHRISTIAN B. SALMINEN This notice is issued~pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review anR~6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pen~ing for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To construct a 16' x 20' deck with steps to the water. LOCATION OF PROJECT: 240 Lakevimw Terrace, East Marion, New York. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.EoC. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 25. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 13 - April 29, 1987. 26. BT.AN CARDINALE - NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - APPLICATION NO. 511 Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer the following non- significant environmental assessment was declared: S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO-SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT DATE: April 29, 1987 APPLICATION NO.: 511 NAME: JOHN H. GEIDEMAN ON BEHALF OF ALAN CARDINALE This notice is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Trustees, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: UNLISTED DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: To expand an existing catwalk by the addition of two new floats, 10' x 20' and 10' x 16'. There is to be no dredging associated with this project. LOCATION: Foot of Bridge Lane, Cutchogue on Wunneweta Pond REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An environmental assessment form has been submitted which indicated that there would be no adverse effect to the environment should the project be implemented as planned. 2. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the Southold Town Building Dept. and the New York State D.E.C. it is assumed that there are no objections nor comments from those agencies. 26. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 14 - April 29, 1987 27. RICHARD A. HALL - WAIVER - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board considered all the documentation submitted concerning this request, and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this request appellant requests permission to register a deck 24' x 32' which replaced an existing deck on the subject property. 2. The subject property is located at 15 Midway Road, Southold property is identified as 1000-90-2-4 on the Suffolk County Tax Map. 3. The project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Richard A. Hall be and hereby is granted a waiver of the Wetland Ordinance as requested to register a deck (24' x 32') on property located at 15 Midway Road, Southold. 27. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 28. OTTO SCHOENSTE1N - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Goubeaud seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act in the matter of the application of Otto Schoenstein for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Gull Pond, Greenport. 28. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Mr. Schoenstein requested an emergency permit for the dredging on the above referenced application. Trustee Bredemeyer advised that the Board should take a careful look at the dock in this area to be sure that it does not extend out any further than the existing docks in the area. As far as the dredging was concerned Trustee Bredemeyer advised that this does not constitute an emergency to the 'extent that you are providing access to safe harborage or navigation or protecting property or life or limb. 29. S.E.Q.R~A. DETERMINATION FOLLOWED BY.VOTE OF BOARD ON APPLICATION ~NO. 312~FOR CRAMER/MOORE ,'MEADOW LANE, MATTITUCK. The following was read by Trustee Bredemeyer: Board of Town Trustees - Page 15 - April 29, 1987 S.E.Q.R.A. FINDINGS IN THE MATTER OF CP, AMER/MOORE MEADOW LANE, MATTITUCK The following subjects represent the major impacns ana their mitigation developed through the initial D.E.I.S., Trustee scoping list leading co Response Comments, Public Hearings (2), Work Sessions (2) review by experts, additional field studies and the F.E.I.S. Incorporating the relevant areas above, Each area will be briefly described with reference to three general canegories as it might affect permitting; those areas being: l. SITING: Includes physical protection of the Wetland, the Soil and Water Conservation and Wildlife values. 2. COMMUNITY VALUES 3. NUTRIENT ENRICHMENT OF POND Ail these will be described with reference to the scope and the relief requested of an impact. The degree of mitigation offered through the process. The degree of mitigation preferred by the Board, and the reasons supporting the determination. Board of Town Trustees - Page 16 - ~p~il 29, 1987. SITING: Siting which includes the yhysical protection of the marsh, soil and water conservation and wildlif~ values. A. Relief is sought to place a house within 75' of the Wetland Boundary. Three alternatives offered are: 13', 28' and 38' from this boundary. Extensive pre, during and post construction mitigative measures are described by the Applicant, Town Planner and Soil Conservation Service. Also included are the Applicants offer to prctect the fringe with resnrictive covenants ( C & R's). Extensive Wildlife inventory on site by Applicant and experts revealed no animals receiving special legal protection, but many which are hardly "door yard" varieties and should be protected by maximum mitigation no any impacts to the fringe and protecting it. B. The mitigation offered is for three distances: 13', 28' and/or 38' from the marsh and house size alternatives. C. Mitigation perferred: The Trustees interpren their 75' jurisdiction distance under Chapter 97 as a zone within which upland land use is to mitigate as many impacns as practical impinging on Wetlands. While the Board has a policy of minimum 50' buffer zones where practical, it has provided buffers of much less with properly mitigated upland land use. Construction controls offered by the Applicant and Town Planner including protective C & R's for most all land seaward of the r~ar of the house is preferred for maximum protection of the pond and to mitigate land use on site. Also prsferred with respect to nutrient values is the no fertilizer option and containment of run off during and post construction. Protective plantings out side the C & R's Zone as described by the Soil Conservation Service, and no deck or patio at the rear of the house as described by the New York State D.E.C. Permit for Renate Reidel for the same lot are all indicated. Additionally, the Board prefers window area on the rear of the house be limited to no more than 1/3 greater than the minimum required by the New York State Building Code. There shall be no pens housed out side of the house for obvious reasons. The Boards preferred location is the 38' set back with essentially all land to the rear protected by C & R (except a buffer around the house for protective planting and/or fire control) as Board of Trustees - Page 17 - April 29, 1987. the most responsible alternative in light of the wildlife values associated with the pond. Similar pond set backs exist for othez houses in the area and this would permit a uniform buffer around the pond should the owners follow suit. D. Reasons supporting the siting are: 1. Options offered by the applicant are practical and mitigative. 2. Past history of permits on the site. 3. Extensive value community places on wildlife. 4. Mitigation of impacts will be total; possibly positive beneficial impacts if road noise can be reduced by plantings. COMMUNITY VALUES: The aforementioned siting contcavenes the private subdivision front yard set back C & R's by 50% resulting in a set back of 25' from the road which will require additional consideration by the Zoning Board of Appeals under Town Code. Additional mitigation to minimize the visual impact of house size should be addressed by the Z.B.A. who has more experience in this hype of action. The Trustees feel the health of the pond ecosystem should take precedence in any set back decision particularly as this is a head water of a creek which is poorly flushed but has a diverse and abundent wildlife population as found in the F.E.I.S.. The Trustees also want minimized, the managed turf areas consistant with this approach to minimize the. apparent size of the house. It should be noted that the relief sought from both Public Law (Chapner 97 Wetlands) and Private C~& R's with the 25' front yard set back is 50%. The intensity and number of persons raising concerns at the public hearings clearly weighed in favor of wildlife values. Any decision by the Z.B.A. or Court of Competent jurisdiction to set back the house further would require additional review by the Board as to potential impact. NUTRIENT ENRICHMENT: A. While applicant employed State of Art Methodology no compute ~Board of Trustees - Page 18 - April ~-9, 1987. Nitrogen impact to groundwater; simple recalculation using methodology they provided, using an average of four locally available fertilizers at recommended rates for that front yard area of approximately 2500 sq. ft. and using a four person residency which is not unexpected(they used 2.54) would result in nitrogen loading of approximately 15 parts per million when pun on the annual rain fall basis. While the major component of the sanitary system nutrients is expected to miss the pond as per the applicants F.E.I.S. and the Suffolk County Dept. of Health, this can not be said for the turf areas North West of the pond which may combine with a vector of unknown magnitude go the East from the sanitary system as described by Barbara Royce, in the expert review. This concern is substantive enough no limit all fertilizer nutrients on the site as offered in the D.E.I.S. to insure a maximal attenuation of any Vector that has not been described. No further permits should be granted for neighboring lots until a total nitrogen assessment is made. This applicants refusal To perform such cumulative nitrogen calculations, based on incorrect speculation that the New York State D.E.C. routinely denies applications below the i0' contour and that the Town Planner could legally prevenn building on neighboring lots are non substantive The other reasons given above do indicate that it is not expected nhere would be a significant impact from the construction with mitigated upland land use. This applicants failure co perform such cumulative nitrogen calculations should result in a C & R burden for this site no upgrade sanitary system nutrient removal capabilities should applications for neighboring lots determine more removal is necessary. 'Board of Trustees - Page 19 - April 29, 1987. INTENT OF PERMIT (Subjecn to proper language of C & R's by To~ra Attorney) House to be sited a mmnimum of 25' from the road. C & R's to protect in perpetuity 307 of the marsh fringe, excluding AT wide path to weuland for water mccess/and or catwalk assembly. No use of inorganic fertilizers anywhere, no "Turf" arem, Po deck or patio areas go rear and rear window area no more than [.33 times State Building Construction Code. Conditions of Permit: As described in siting, the various methods that were offered as far as crane excavation, removal of material from the site, the use of hay bales and geo-textile as depicted in the goil Conservation Service report. No sprinkler system on the site~ (ing~c C & R's FOR NUTRIENTS: At the option of the Applicant(s) they may either: C & R future upgrading of Sanitary System or upgrade current planned system to State of Art if approved by the County Health Department. Final wording of C & R's to be between Attorneys for the Town and Applicant with approval of Trustees. Details of Permit Fees, Building Construction time frame and inspections required are no be set afte~ the C & R's are addressed. Ail permits are presently one (1) year duration. 'Board of Trustees - Page 20 - April 29, 1987. VOTE OF BOARD ON1 FINDINGS Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED co approve the Boards findings and reasons supporting the Findings regarding the Cramer/Moore Wetland Application for construction of a single family dwelling on Meadow Lane, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: Trustee Smith, Trustee Krupski, Trustee Larsen, Trustee Bredemeyer, Trustee Goubeaud THIS RESOLUTION WAS DECLARE DULY ADOPTED. VOTE OF BOARD ON PERMIT Moved by Trustee gredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubem,d ~t was RESOLVED to Approve the Wetland Permit in the matter of the application of Cramer/Moore for the construction of a single family dwelling on Meadow Lane, Mattituck subject to the preferred site set backs and C & R's as described in the findings and subject to the proper language of the C & R's by the Town Attorney. Vote of Board: Ayes: Trustee Smith, Trustee Bredemeyer, Trustee Goubeaud Nay: Trustee Krupski, Trustee Larsen THIS RESOLUTION WAS DECLARED DIU~Y ADOPTED. President Smith called for a recess of the regular meeting at 8:25 P.M. in order to hold the following public hearings: 7:30 P.M. - In the matter of the application of Henry & Deborah Stasiukiewicz to fill with 150 cu. yds. of fill to level depression on property located on Cases Lane Extension, Cutchogue. 7:32 P.M. - In the matter of Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of Helen Reiter/Original Barge to install 1314 lin. ft. of retaining wall approx. 5' landward of meadow fringe, expand existing float to I10', install a 16' ramp and a 6' x 40' float. Run 1314' x 12' catwalk landward of retaining wall and fill with 4,000 cu. yds. of trucked in fill. Property is on Main Rd., S0uthold. 'BoarR of Trustees - Page 21 - April 29, 1987. 7:34 P.M. - 7:36 P.M. - 7:38 P.M. - 7:40 P.M. - 7:42 P.M. - 7:44 P.M. - 7:46 P.M. - In the matter of the application of the Land Use Company on behalf of Anthony Gambino to conk'k~uct a 30' x 50' single family dwelling plus attached decks a minimum of 60' landward of high marsh. To install a sanitary system a minimum of 100' landward of high marsh and install a well. Property is located on Lupton Point Road, off of M~rratooka Road, Mattituck. In the matter of the application of Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the Cleaves Point Village Condo Association to construct 607± lin. ft. of low profile timber retaining wall with 15' return on the west side and a 30' return on the east side. To backfill with 400± cu. yds. of fill to be trucked in from an upland source. Property is located on Shipyard Lane, Greenport. In the matter of the application of William H. Lieblein, Pres./Port of Egypt Enterprises, Inc. to place two floating timber docks (1) 5' x 100' with (8) 3' x 20' finger docks, and (2) 5' x 60' docks with (5) 3' x 20' finger docks. Property is located on Main Road, Southold. In the matter of the application of En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Louis Sulich to construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' x 100' fixed elevated (4' above marsh).walk; a 4' x 12' hinged ramp, a 6' x 20' float secured by (2) 10" diameter pilings. Property is located on-Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue. In the matter of the application of the Land Use Company on behalf of Jerry Bady to install 3 moo~ing piles and to maintenance dredge a 20' x 45' area to 6' at MLW with approximately 88 cu. yds. of resultant spoil to be disposed of at a suitable upland site. Property is located at 1775 Calves Neck Road, Southold. In the matter of the application of the Land Use Company on behalf of William Horstmann to resheath approximately 164' of timber bulkhead and to extend the return located at the east end of the bulkhead an additional 4' landward. Property is located on Little Peconic Bay 'Road, Southold. In the matter of the application of Daniel & Irene McKasty to construct a private dock 70' x 4'. Property is located at 13220 Main Road, East Marion. The Board resumed the regular meeting at 8:55 P.M. and resumed with the resolutions. Mrs. Egan appeared before the Board regarding her mooring in Mattituck Creek. There was a problem locating her mushroom in the creek. The Trustees advised that the Bay Constable would help Mrs. Egan with this matter. Board of Trustees - Page 22 - April 29, 1987. HENRY & DEBORAH STASIUKIEWICZ - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Goubeaud WHEREAS, HENRY STASIUKIEWICZ applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated November 25, 1986, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and no objections were raised, and W~EREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, s~fety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that HENRY AND DEBORAH STASIUKIEWICZ BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: FILL WITH 150 CU. YDS. of fill to level depression on property 'located at Cases Lane Extension, Cutchogue with the following provisions: There is to be a 35' buffer zone along the creek. There is to be no disturbance to the natural mound. The depression is to be filled with sand. This~ permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liabil£ty insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. VOTE OF BOARD: AYES: ALL -- THIS RESOLUTION WAS DECLARED DULY ADOPTED. B. COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORP. ON BEHALF OF HELEN REITER - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Smith WHEREAS, JOHN COSTELLO on behalf of HelenfReiter/Original Barge applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated October 29, 1986, a~g. WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and ~Board of Trustees - Page 23 - April 29, 1987 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that JOHN COSTELLO ON BEHALF OF HELEN REITER/ORIGINAL BARGg BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE ToWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Install 1314' Bo of retaining wall approximately 5' l~ndward of meadow fringe, expand existing float to 110~, install a 16' ramp and 6' x 40' float. Run 1314' x 12' catwalk landward of retaining wall and to truck in 4,000 cu. yds. of'lill to be used as backfill. This permit is approved witht he following provisions: 1. Subject to the submission of new plans and approval of said plans by the Trustees. 2. Subject to permission to place material 75' from the stakes as placed by the Board if fill should become available prior to final adoption of a map and D.E.C. approval. 3. A~endment to the total lin. ft. of the retaining wall due to the possible extension of same on the east end. Property is located on Main Road, Southold. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Co ANTHONY GAMBINO - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, THE LAND USE COMPANY ON BEHALF OF ANTHONY GAM~INO applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated Januarys4, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Board of Trustees - Page 24 - April 29, 1987. Conservation'Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees With respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The Land Use Company on behalf of Anthony Gambino BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTEDT PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Construct a 30' x 50' single fmm~]¥ dwelling plus attached decks a m~nimum of 60' landward of high marsh. Install a sanitary system a minimum of 100' landward of high marsh and install a well. There is to be no disturbance to the vegetation oL topography within 50' of the high marsh/intertidal marsh. Property is located on Lupron POint Road off of Marratooka Road, Mattituck. Thi~ permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. CT~AVES POINT VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski WHEREAS, Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Cleaves Point Condominium applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 11, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested Board of Trustees - Page 25 - April 29, 1987. persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and no objections were raised, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Cleaves Point Condominium BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AS AMENDED TO: Construct a stone revetment 607± lin. ft. with returns. Property is located on Shipyard Lane, Greenport. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not. commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. mo PORT OF EGYPT.-WILLIAM LEIBLEIN - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Goubeaud seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, William Leiblein on behalf of Port of Egypt Enterprises, Inc. applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 9, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and no objections were raised, and WHEREAS, the Board has ~etermined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of Board of Trustees - Page 26 - April 29, 1987. the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that William Leiblein on behalf of Port of Egypt Enterprises, Inc. BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF 'CH~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Construct do~ks as follows: 5' x 100' with (8) 3' x 20' fingers and 5' x 60' with (5) 3' x 20' fingers. Property is locaated on Main Road, Southold. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if~work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and t~e Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please.take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adotped. LOUIS SULICH - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Larsen WHEREAS, Eh-Consultants,Inc. on behalf of Louis Sulich applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 18, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and no objections were raised WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of Louis Sulich BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' x 100' fixed elevated (4' abo-ve grade of marsh) walk; 4' x 12' hinged ramp; 6' x 20' float secured by (2) 10" di~mpter pilings. Property is located on Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue. Board of Trustees - Page 27 - April 29, 1987. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Ge JERRY BADY - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Smith WHEREAS, the Land Use Company on behalf of Jerry Bady applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 18, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Land Use Company on behalf of Jerry Bady BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Install 3 mooring piles and to mm~ntenance dredge a 20' x 45' area to 6' at MLW with approximately 88 cu. yds. of resultant spoil to be disposed of at a suitable upland site. Property is located at 1775 CALVES NECK ROAD, SOUTHOLD. This permit is approved with the provision that soundings are to be taken after the project is complete. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not Board of Trustees - Page 28 - April 29, 1987. commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. WILLIAM HORSTMANN - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Krupski WHEREAS, The Land Use Company on behalf of William Horstmann applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 1t, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and no objections were raised WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The Land Use Company on behalf of William Horstmann BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF T~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Resheath approximately 164 lin. ft. of timber bulkhead, and to extend return located on the east end of the bulkhead an additional 4' landward. Property is located on Little Peconic Bay Road, Southold. This permit will expire on August 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall Board of Trustees - Page 29 - April 29, 1987 file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. DANIEL & IRENE MCKASTY - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Goubeaud seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, Daniel & Irene McKasty applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated February 20, 1987, and WHEREAS said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 29, 1987 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and no objections were raised WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Daniel and Irene McKasty BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Construct a 70' x 4' dock. Property is located at 13220 Main Road, East Marion. This permit will expire on April 29, 1988 if work has not commenced by said date. There are two inspections required and the Trustees are to be notified upon the completion of the work. Prior to the issuance of said permit by the Clerk, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a certificate that he has public liability insurance policies insuring against any liability which may arise in the performance of the operations pursuant to such permit in such amount as shall be fixed by the Trustees, which said policies shall name the Town as a name insured. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. I. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Town Trustees - Page 30 - April 29, 1987. 31. JOSEPH FLEMING - MOORING - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Smith it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the mooring request by Joseph Fleming to place an offshore mooting in Broadwaters Cove, Cutchogue using a private R.O.W. as access. A stern anchor is to be used also. 31. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 32. DANTET, SILVERMAN - APPROVAL - EXTENSION ON PERMIT NO. 260 Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee~Bredemeyer it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the request made by The Land Use Company on behalf of Daniel Silverman for an extension on wetland permit no. 260 for a period of six months. 32. Vote of Board: Ayes: Trustee Smith, Trustee Bredemeyer, Trustee Goubeaud; Nay: Trustee Larsen, Trustee Krupski This resolution was declared duly adopted. 33. NICHOLAS IPPOLITO - WAIVER - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board considered all the documentation submitted concerning this request, and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this request appellant requests permission to construct a garage addition within 75' of "Old Cove." 2. Property is identified on the Suffolk County Tax Map as: 1000-052-02-7 & 11; also known as 230 Carole Road, Southold. 3. The project as proposed will not affect the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Gary Fl~nner Olsen, Esq. on behalf of Nicholas Ippolito BE AND HEREBY IS GRANTED A WAIVER OF THE WETLAND ORDINANCE AS REQUESTED TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE ADDITION WITHIN 75' OF "OLD cOVE." PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 230 CAROLE ROAD, SOUT~OLD. 33. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 3~. MARINO FARAGUNA - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED tO APPROVE the apptication~ofMar±no'F~aguna as requested to place one pilingon the creek side of an existing float to provide additional support. Property is located on Skunk Lane, Cutchogue. 34. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - this resolution was declared duly adopted. Board of Trustees - Page 31 - April 29, 1987. 35. ARTHUR R. STUCHBURY - WAIVER Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer WHEREAS, The Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and WHEREAS, the Board considered all the documentation submitted concerning this request, and WHEREAS, the Board made the following findings of fact: 1. By this request appellant requests permission to remove existing bathouse, install deck with covered area consisting of an area approx. 22' x 22'. 2. The subject property is located at 9820 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York or more particularly identified on the Suffolk County Tax Map as: 1000-118-6-10. 3. The project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that C. Dantes, on behalf of Arthur R. Stuchbury Be and hereby is granted a waiver of the Wetland Ordinance'as requested to remove an existing bathouse, install a deck with covered area consistin8 of an aLea 35. approximately 22' x 22~ on property located at 9820 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared dul~ adopted. 36. CLIVE TYRER Trustee Goubeaud reported that whereas the Trustees approved a resolution that moorings that are placed near a channel will have to use fore and aft anchors. T-~ls~raquest made by Clive Tyrer for a stern anchor ~ will ~Qt-.r~qu%ye._~:perM~t~ A letter will be $oyyarded to M~.~%yI~r ~ advising him of same. 37. ALAN WATSON - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Krupski seconded by Trustee Larsen RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead a~ency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Alan Watson for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Wells Road, Peconic. 37. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopteR. 38. JOHN LANG - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Krupski RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in re~ard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act in the matter of the application of John Lang for a . Wetland Permit on certain property located at 190 Oak Street, Cutchogu~. 38. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 39. HIDE-A-WAY BOAT BASIN Trustee Smith advised that the Secretary is to forward a letter to Board of Trustees - Page 32 - April 29, 1987 the applicant advising him that he will n~ed site plan approval by the Planning Board before the Tmustees will start to review the proposal for the docks as this is a marina that is proposed. Property is located off a private R.O.W. off of Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. 40. ANTHONY & MICA PANZARINO - MOORING APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the mooring request made by Anthony & Mica Panzarino to place an offshore mooring in Mud Creek, using private property as access with the provision that the boat does not swing. 40. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 41. WEST LAKE ASSOCIATION - LEAD AGENCY DECLARATION Moved by Trustee Larsen seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental 0uality Review Act in the matter of the application of the West Lake Association for a Wetland Permit on certain property located on Lake Drive at West Lake, Southold. 41. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. GRANDFATHER APPLICATIONS: CHRIST & THEODORALOUREKAS - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Grandfather Application of Christ & Theodora Lourekas to secure a permit for a bulkhead, stairs and platform on property located at 619 Bayview Ave., Southold. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - this resolution was declared duly adopted. 2. KURT KOEHLER - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Krupski it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Grandfather Application of Kurt Koehler to secure a permit for a bulkhead, steps, walkway~and float with pilings on property located at 3915 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. 2. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 3. ROBERT & BLANCHE L. CHILTON - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED to _~PPROVE the Grandfather application of Robert & Blanche L. Chilton to secure a permit for a ramp and floats secured by spiles on property located on Beachwood Lane, Southold. 3. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 4. RONALD ZANGHETTI The Trustees advised that this project would require a wetland application. Board of Trustees - Page 33 - April 29, 1987 The Secretary is to forward a letter to Mr. Zanghetti advising him of same. 5o HARRY P. BRQOM, JR. - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED to Approve the Grandfather Application of Harry P. Broom, Jr. to secure a permit for a bulkhead, dock, shed floats (3) with pilings. Property is located on Peninsula Road, Fishers Island. 5. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - this resolution was declared duly adopted. 6. PETER JAMES BYRNE - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED to Approve the Grandfather Application of Peter James Byrne to secure a permit for a floating dock with pilings on property located on Bayview Avenue, Southold. 6. Vote of Board: Ayes: All - This resolution was declared duly adopted. 7. WILBUR BALDWIN - APPROVAL Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Smith it was RESOLVED to Approve the Grandfather Application of Wilbur Baldwin to secure a permit for a floating dock with pilings and walk, (what is presently on site). Property is located on Haywaters & Vanston Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue. 7. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Mr. Barnish appeared before the Board of Trustees regarding the project of Mr. Carlo DeGaudenzi, 3520 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. The Trustees will meet with Mr. Barnish on the property of Mr. DeGaudenzi on May 20, 1987 regarding this matter at 12:30 P.M. The Trustees discussed the Wolf Pit Associates Project. Trustee Bredemeyer advised that he made an inspection of this project and he recommended that the construction should be kept above the 10' to 15' contour. Trustee Bredemeyer also advised that if the Board agreed, they could also recommend that the Planning Board restrictively covenant all elevations below 15', allowing foot paths, dock, ramp and float construction. Critical Area Designations for Significant Coastal Fish & Wildlife Habitats Trustee Bredemeyer suggested that the Board sit down and discuss the beneficial aspects, as far as starting to control mooring areas in some o~ the productive shellfish areas on Trustee land for a critical designation so that there would be more local control. TriButyl Tin (TBT) the Board felt that there is a need for public awareness regarding this matter. Board of Trustees - Page 34 - April 29, 1987 Trustee Bredemeyer will attend the Public Hearing on the Effectiveness, Responsiveness and Accountability of the New York:State Dept. df Environmental Conservation sponsored by Assemblyman John Beham and Assemblyman Joseph Sa~icki, Jr. to be held on April 30, 1987 in Riverhead at the County Center Legislative Auditorium. Moved by Trustee Bredemeyer seconded by Trustee Goubeaud it was RESOLVED that Mr. Anthony Leggio is to submit:an ~Environmental Impact Statement by May 29, 1987 or he is to submit a plan to remove the structure from his property located on Glenn Road, Southold. Vote of Board: Ayes: Ail - This resolution was declared duly adopted. Trustee Larsen will draft a letter to Mr. Guldi regarding the Cedar Beach Project. Trustee Smith reporteg that up by Mill Creek, the County or State is widening the road and every so often ~h~e is an area that dr~i~n~o-- the marsh. The Trustees advised that the Bay Constable go down to the site and see if they have D.E.C. Permit for this and that catch basins should be put in on the site. There being no further business to come properly before the Board of Trustees a motion was made by Trustee Smith seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer and carriedtp~djou~ at 10:30 P.M. RECEIVED g. ND yILED BY TME sOUTMOLD TOWN