HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12529 P 87THIS IS A LEGALI.Y BINDING INSTRUMENT. IF NOT FULLY UNDE~ST~D. WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSUI.T AN A'ITORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. TH)S INDE~RE, made th~ ~ day of ~G ~ ~ two thou~ and s~'en. ~'~n CATHERINE K. HAWKINS. as to t~ on~halfintem~ of Jo~ph W. Hnwkin~ of 7085 Hoflon ~, ~uthold, New Yo~ i 1~71, ~ ex~umr of~e I~t will and testament J~eph W. Hn~ins. lam of 7085 Hom~n Lane. d~ea~d, party of the finn ~n, and DAVID HAWKINS & CH^RLO'ITE HAWKINS. 'l'mstees of the Joseph W. Hawkins Credit Shelter Trust. or7085 Horton Lane, Southold. New York 11971, party of the second pan: -; ~'mV~SSt~rH, that the party of thc firsl pan, by virtue of thc power'and authority to him given iu and by. the said last will and testamcnL and in consideration of 0.00 dollars, lawt'ul money of the United States. paid by thc party ofthe second pan. does hereby gram and release unto thc party of the second parL David I.lawkin~ and Charlotte Hawkins. 'rru~ees of the Joseph W. Hawkins Credit Sheller Trust end ossi~s forever, ' ' · ALL that certain plot. piece ur parcel of land. with the buildings and improvementa thereon erected, situate, lying and be..ing in the Town of Southold, County of Suflblk, State of New York. bounded and described os follov,.,s: BEGINNING at a point on the muthwesterly line of Hortnn l.ane distant southeasterly 250.00 feet lmm the comer formed by the intersection ofthe souiheoslerly line of Sound View Avenue wiIh the .~uthweslerly ling of I lonon Lane, from said point of beginning. Running thenc~ alonE, the .said southwesterly line of I lonon Lane South 47 dcgn,~ 48 minutes 00 seconds East 150.88 feet: Running thence along other: land of C. W. Booth, South 48 ~legrues 53 minutes 40 seconds West 270.00 reel to land of Kempner. : Running II~ence along, said land of Kempncr South 72 degrees 2.1 minutes 00 seconds west 106.41 fget to land of Kramer, '. Running thence along said land or' Krumer Noah 47 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West 64.12 feet to land or BenTmnn: Running Ihcnce alonE, said land of Berr).man North 42 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds East 200.00 feel to other land ofC. W. Booth: Running thence along said other land nrC. W. Booth, North 40 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East N YSBR's Rcsidemin] Real ESL. lc I-'oflllq (9~110) 0 ~OO.'i Mal~hew Ik-lzler & ¢o.. a ra.~lber of the Lexis/lexis Group. 160.04 I'cet to Ihe said southwesterly line of Horton I.anc al the point of BEC}INNING. BEING AND INTENI)ED TO BE pan ol'the same premiss convex'ed to J~;eph W. Hawkins and Catherine K. Hawkins by deed dated April 15. 2005. and recorded in Ihe SulTolk County Clerk's office Ma.v 13. 2(105. in Liber D00012387 al page 123. Subject to all covenants, easem.ents and restrictions of record, ir any. atTeeting said premises. TOG£THER wilh thc appurtenances, and also nil thc cslale which the said teslator had at time orhis decease in said premises, and also the e~tc therein, which thc puny orthe I;nlt pm1 has or has power to convey or dispose o£, whether individually, or by virluc of said will or otherwisa. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Iht premises herein granted unto thc puny o£the second part. David Hawkins and Churlollc Hawkins? Trustees ol'lhc Jo~ph W. Hawkins Credit Shelter Tins! and assigns forever. AN/~ Ibc puny of'lhe Iirsl purl covenants thai hc has not done or suffen:d anything whereby lite said premises have been encnmbcred in an.v way whalever. In prese e f: . , , ~ · , Acknowledgment ~' n Person Within New York Slate (RPL § 309-a) STATE OF NI'~W YORK ) 1 .~.: COUN'rY OF SUFFOLK ) O, the ~ ~'~L,~.,.. of /]'t,~S "/" __.in the .~'enr 2007. before me, the under.,~igned, personall), appeared CATI IERINE K. HAWKINS, per~mnll.v known to me or proved to me on the basis ol'salist~ctory evidence to be the individual(s) wh~e nnme{s) is (are) suh~ribed to Ihe wilhin instrument nnd acknowledged to me thai she executed the same in her cnpaeit)(ies), nnd lhat ~' her signature(s) on the instrument? the individual(s), or the parson upon beball'ot'which the individual(s} acted, exeeuted the instrument. . (sigd~lure and office of (~lividunl flaking acknowledgment) 2(105 Ma~lh~,' nL~Jcr x- Co.. a racraher ol'lhe I.exisNexis Group. Number of pages ,,_,/ TORRENS Certificate # Prior Cfi. # '" Deed ! M~)rtgage Instrument Paga! Filing.F~. Handling · · TP-584 Noafion Deed / Mortgage Tux Stamp FEES EA-52 17 (County) EA-$2I 7 (Sate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub Total 4 [ D. ist. toool Sectioa 'lax Service Verification 15. 00 Sub Total 07032620 ~000 os400 0700 00~004 [ Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Pmpia'~ Owners 6 Mailing Address ! RRCORD & RETURN TO: BURNER Cmmc~.s & S~n'm, llp ~CO,~,ED 2007 Nov 05 12;48:38 Sudith R, Pa_.................~le CtERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L I)00012529 P 087 OT# 07-09992 Recording / Firing Samps Mortgage Ami .... 1. Basle Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeedAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual ~own Dual County = Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax Thi~ property cgvored by this mortgago is or will I~ i,nprov~ by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO see appmpriato tax clause on · ' ' of this instrument..~ 5 [C-"'omm~lt:y Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ ~ CPF Tax Due $ '~ ]mpmvcxl Yncant Land .To · TD TD · smm,az~s~ [7. ] Title Company Information [Co. Name Safe Harbor Title Aoenc~v. r,t'd. ..s [ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pal of rbe attached /~d ~.C~ · ' (SPECIFY TYPE OF ~STR~EN~ ~¢;~ ~, ~,~L;, ~; ~,~r e~.~ Thepm~sesh~inissituat~in f~ ~ ~ox~ ~, ~klq S ' SUI~OLKCOU~Y,~WYORK. made by: TO In. the Township of' ~'toll~O I d BO~'6 THRU, MUST BE ~P~ OR PRI~ED IN BLACK ~K O~Y PRIOR TO RECORD~G dR FIU.d. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RKCORDING PARE Type of Instrument: DHEDS/DDD l~,~er of Pages: 3 Reoeipt Number : 07-0103971 TRANSFER T~X NUMBER: 07-09992 1000 De.dA mount: Recorded: LIBER: PA~E: Section: Blo~k: 054.00 07.00 EX,M4INED A~ CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 11/o5/2oo7 12:48:38 PM D00012529 087 Lo~: 001.004 Re~ived the Following Fees For A~ove Instrument Ex---pt Page/F$1ing $9.00 NO Handling CO~ $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO E~-STATH TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cern. CopSes $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0,00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NI]~EF, R: 07-09992 THIS PA~E IS A P~T OF THE INSTRI~EHT THIS ZS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $30,00 $0.o0 $149.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Juc~th A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk Count's' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTYUSE ONLY .....,~, ~, .. ~ I ,,,.-,,,s "/q i" .,.,,L REPO,,'r ' '. ~ li~ ~..&~ $'rA"fl~ OF NEW YORK ' RP - 5~17 1. ,~.~ I 7085 I aorton tans I I Southold ] Southold I11971 ]David Havktns & Charlotte Hawkins, Trustees of Joseph N. 8avklns Cred£t Shelter I I I iCaCherine K. Havkins, Executor of Estate ~ Joseph V. Havkins Devise under Will [ ~S~MENT IN~RMA~N - Dina shouM mflm [he lelfll FiMI Am~ ~1 and Tax Bill [ 20. Tax Mq) kidaHd I RMI idiM) M mm din/our, iny. h M wld~ eddldoltJl IditMd) 1000-051-07~01.004 J I I CF. RTIFI~A'IqON m I oert~ dam ail et tlae I~ d' iJk~,,, e~red em this Form are In~ ,..M ax'~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ I m~ ~ ~ ~ d m~- ,~ilhNd fidse gnlm~ .~ mataia] rnd Ira.da v,m mb. lt~ me to the m'~,gd[~s d the re, mi Inw rt, hdve to the mnldn~ .nd fllinl; af ~'ut hairm~nt~.  R 7085 [ Horton Lane ,~ ~Southold I NY I . h SELLER [ 11971 Burner [ Nancy 631 I 941-3434 I NEW YORK STATE COPY