HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12531 P 132CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INS'flRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. mede the 2~th day of Octoher in the year 2007 BETWEEN Dante N, Oliveri. 9908 Oxley Rond. Athens. OH 45701 pray of the tim pn~, and Dante N. Oliveri and Cymhin Oliveri, hu'~nd and wife party oftbe second part. WITNE.N~TH. flint die party of the fwst patl, in conslderstion of Ten I~)]]ars and other vuluabIe co~iderntion paid by the party of the second pan. does hereby remire, release and quitclaim unto the p,my of the part, the hei~ or succe~ors and assigns of the pm'ty of the second pm't forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or ptm:el of land, with the buildings and improvements then'on erected, situnte, lying and being in the See Schedule 'A.' Description Attached Being and intended to be the same prmui.~,cs as conveyed to the grantor by deed ~ 2/15/95, recorded 3/9/95 in Liher 11717 ~ 625. 'rO~ETHER with all right, title -'*nd interest, if nny, of thc party of the first ~ of. in and to uny streeL,~ and wads abuuing the above-deserihed p~mLe, es to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the patty of the first pan in nad to .said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and ns.xlgns of the parly oftbe .c,~-ond pall forever. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law, covenants that the puny of the first part v, ill n.x'eive the co~iderntion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such con- sideratkmusatnat fund to be appli~l fin for the puq)ose of paying the ¢o~t of the improvement and will apply die same lust tothe payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same fix. any other propose. The word "puny" shall he con.~rued as if it rend "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the f'uxt ~ has duly executed thh deed die day and year tim above written. ~/~ IN PRESENCE OF: Dante'. Otiverl Title Number 001~09-QTA..8 Schedule A De~rll~on Pa~e 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as mroe particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone monument on the northeasterly line of Hedge Avenue, said monument being located 1906.94 feet nollh of a poinl which is 519.64 feet west of another monument marldng the U.S. Coast and Geodectic Survey Trangulatlon Station 'PROS' and thence running North 40 degrees 37 minutes West)"]',.3 feet to another monument; thence South 40 degrees 00 minutes West 64.1 feet to another monument; thence continuing South 40 degrees 00 minutes West 35.95 feet to another monument; thence South 50 degrees 00 minutes East 25.65 feet to a point on the said Northeasterly Avenue line; thence along said road line North 69 degrees 15 minutes East 19.9 feet to a ddll hole in a concrete step; thence still along said road line North 56 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East 76.41 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.09 acres, more or less. ACKNOWLEDGE, MF, NT TAKEN IN ,NEW YORK STATE $lateofNewYork. Canalyof ,ss: the day of in Ihe ye3r umicrs~fled, perlomfily appc',ued · potyonally known lc* me or pmxx~d to me on the h~is of s~isractory evidence m he the individual(s) whose namcla) is (am! suh~cfihed to Ihe within inmumcnt and &*km)wicdgcd to me tim[ hdshe/they executed [hc ssme in hisih~th~ir capocitYiies). 0ad ,hal by his~.dtheir signalu,~ s) on tho inmmmem, tho individual(s), or thc pc~on upon bdndf of which the individuals) acted, execmcd thc inszmmeru. ACKNOWLF. DGEME,¥r BY SUBSCRIBING WITNT~S TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE Slate of New York. Courtly of , ss: On the day or in the y~r . hefme me. the undersigned, n No~uy Public in and for ~aid S~e. pefsandly sub~bintt ~ to the I*om~oi~ insuumenl, whh ~4tom I tun pefsonldly ncquaitoed, who. bei~ by me duly swum, did dclx~.~e and shy thai I~hdrhey residels') in thai ludshe/they know(s) to he the individual described in and who executed lhe fumlgoin~ iflr. M~mem: thal hid sub~'rJhing wime~s w~s jweseflt and ssw ssid execule Ihe same; and that ~ wicne~ al the ~u~ lime suh~dbed hi~n~dl~ir nur~s) as a whness thenno ACKNOWLEL)G~MEN'T TAKEN L'q NEW YORK WTATF. State of New YmL Conmy of On [he day of in the undeaigned, pem~ally appeared · permn'.dly Imown to ne or proved to me on the b~sis of s,~ L,d'm:to~ evldem.'e to be the individual(s) whose nmrLY s ) is (me) sulw.'rihed to the within inslmmem and u.dmowJedsed to me be/"~hi~Mmy e~ecuted the .,,amc in hi.t~hefhh0ir cap41c~t~.ic~ ). and Ihal by hi~herhheir si~flaurc(s) on tM ins~ument, the individual(s), or the pc~san u/xm heh',d f of which the individual(s) ~cted. execmcxl the ir. su~meflt. ACTI~OWLEI)GEMEN'T TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATI': "State of Ohio, County oF Athens, ~,~: *~Or ir'~n D~rlct of Columbia. Territory. Pusst...~ion or Foreign County! OntheiglhdayofO,'ad~erin~heyenr 2007. ~f~ ~ly kno~ to ~ ~ ~ to ~ on t~ ~ of ~f~o~ ~ m ~ t~ i~iv~ts] ~ ~(s) ~ (~) ~ri~ to ~uz~ ~e ~ in hi~eir c~)~i~ thru ~ hi~r~ir ~h~f or whi~ the i~ividu~(s) M~. c~t~ t~ ~ch i~ivi~ ~ ~ch ~ ~fo~ the u~d (add the city or political subdivision and t' ~tale or eourury oF other pla~ the m:know~/~mcnt wnstakenL / / Qultclaim .ced .,, LOT: 03.000 '~ .~l~ , Title No. 001909-QT A-S TO DonEe N.OUveri and C~nthb Ollverl RETURN BY MAIL TO: DISTRIBUTED BY TOUR TITLE EXPERTS The JudldM TItM Insurance Agenoy LL.C Quick T.k A&~ncy 500 Nanh BrMdv. ay TI~ .1~i¢~o Alrium, Suil~ 142 ~ ~ I I This docoment will be pu. blic. record. Please iemove all Social Security. Numbers .., prior to.recording. Deed I Mortgage Jnstmment Pugu / Filing Fee ,~.,~ ] hmdling 5. '.0~ '1'1'-584 ' ~ Nulalion · · 17.A-52 17 (County) ~ R.RT.S.A, ~ Croton. of ~., 5. 00' Affidavit ., Cc~tilied Cupy NYS Su~ha~g~ 15.. ~ ' Other Real F'roperr Tax .Service A~ency Verification 6 Deed / MorLgage Tax Stamp F :EIL~ Sub Total Sub Total Recording / Filing $1:nnps ' Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Add,ional "fax 'Sub Total Spec./AssiL Or Spec. 1Add. T0*I: MTO. *lAX Du.',J 'Ibwn _.. Dual Coumy _._ Held for ~ppoimmcnt Trar,sl~r Tax Mansioa Tax The property covc,'cd by this m,.u'lgugc or will lac improved by a one or £amily dwe]]in{; on]).'. ':'ES .... or NO 'Grand Total /~'~_,n . Jif N.O,, see appropriate tax ok,usu .. . ~-{page# ' of this inslru,ne,,i. 1000 01000 0700'~}09000" 5 {Community Preservation ruqd Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Satisfac'ions/Discl,arges/Releases List Pwpeny Owners Mailing Address IU;2CORD & RETURN TO:. ' 310 Center Drive, Rivbrhead, NY 11901, . Name · www.$uffolkcounlyny.§ov/¢lerk [Title# ]mp:ovcd__ Vacant Land TD TD TD Title Co, mi)any i_,fl'orm;flinn' 'DOt 909-o?A- Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'llfis page forms part of lhe attach~ TO P~J n"~ha (SPECIFY TYPE OF fNSTRUMENT) Thc promises herein is situated itt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.' lu thc VILLAGE · . or HAI~ET of ~ d__ made b)': SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDING PAGE Type of Zns~-t~ment: D~-~DS/DDD N,,--l~e= of P~es: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0100562 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-11571 Distriot: 1000 ~oozd~d: At: LIBER: PAGE: Sootion: Block: OZO.O0 07.00 EXAM~NEDANDCBARGED~LLOWS $0.00 11/21/2007 09:47:23 AM D00012531 132 009.000 ~oeived Ge Followi~ Fees For Above Zestcument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Henctling COB $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO n-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer ~ax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 0"/-11571 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.oo $30.00 $o.oo $152.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Juch~thA. P&ao&le County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'.//www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ! I.,,,~ ,3 .~ ~. ~' I ] ' 4~. Ftan~g Bo~d wffh ~..~r,~m A.~x~ Fadm I I & ~~1~ '.~~ I '~/ ~{/~/I ~,~=~r~ CI IOmof~e~b~e~ ~~ , , , .........,.-__.---,, . , ~ ' . ~ ' . } ' , . ~.~. ~,0~ ~ i , ~~ ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY