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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12530 P 331 A-IJ.S-3D j> 33/ /0 ~- S- -d.. f _NY\ITUF....IlllI5-~_-UaI_~ CONS\JLT YOUR LAWYIlR BEFORE SIGNING nos INS11lUMl!Nl' .11I1S "''SI'IlUMENT SHOULD BE IISBD BY LA WYERS ONLY nus INDENTURE, made thc:I~y of 00--\0 'ee..r" ,2007 BETWEEN PAUL DINIZIO, residing at 637 Brown Street, PO Box 591, Greenport, New York, 11944 as Executor of the Last Will and Testamenl of META D. ERICKSON A/KJA META DOWNS ERICKSON Iale of Suffolk CouOly. deceased. Suffolk County Surrogate's Court FRe No. S38 P 2007 party oflhe firsl part, and PAUL DINIZIO. residlag at 637 Brown Street, PO Box 591, Greenport, New York, 11944; CHRISTINA M. DINIZIO, resMil\. at 637 Brown Street. PO Box 591. Greenport, New York. 11944; and SHARON LEOLA COX. residing at 2595 Westphalia Road, Mattituck, New York. 11952 party of !he second part, WITNESSETH. lhalthe party of the first part, by virtue of lhe power and authority given in and by said last will and testament and in consideration of TEN ($10.00)---- dollars, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto !he party of !he second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with !he buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Peconic, near Nassau Point, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monumenl set at the intersection of the easterly line of Haywaters Drive with the northerly line of Mason Drive; and running along said easlerly line of Haywaters Drive, 2 courses as follows: 1. North 12 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds West 117.29 feet; thence 2. North 5 degrees 53 minutes 50 seconds EasI83.85 feel to a concrete monument; THENCE along land now or fonnerly of William H. Mason and Harry E. Mason North 75 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds Eas1141.37 feel to a concrete monument and land of Hayum; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Hayum, South 12 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds East 186.14 feet to the northerly. line of Mason ~ve; RUNNING THENCE along said northerly line of Mason Drive, South 72 degrees 24 minutes 30 secoods West 168.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Meta Downs Erickson, deceased. by deed dated June 23, 1992, recorded in !he Office of !he Clerk of !he County of SUffolk on in Liber 11497 at page 40. TOGETHER wi!h all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of !he first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to !he center lines thereof; TOGETHER wi!h !he appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of !he decedent's dea!h in said premises, and also the estate therein, which !he pany of the first pan has or has power to conveyor dispose of, whe!her individual, or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD !he premises herein granted unto the party of !he second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first pan covenants !hat the party of the first pan has not done or suffered any!hing whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the flfSt pan will receive the consideration for Ibis conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and will apply !he same first to Ibe payment of the cost of Ibe improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word Mparty_ shall be construed as if it read Mparties- whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN \VI.TNF3S WHEREOF, the party of !he first pan has duly executed !his deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~ PA STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) 55: On the _' :J.,~ day of ~r , 2fm, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared PAUL DINIZIO, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrwnent and acknowledged to me !hat he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the . t. This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording, Deed I Mortgage Instrument " Number of pages 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 . NotiItlon EA-S2 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T'sA Comm. of Ed. Allldavlt Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other .- RECORDED 2007 Hou 15 09:57:55 A\'I Judi th A. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUHTY L D00012530 P 331 DTI 07-10963 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Realrdlng I Filing Stamps 5. 00 ~ S- , 7~ ~ Mortgage Amt ,. Bask Tax 2. Additional Tax SUb Total SpecJAsslt or Spec I Add. TOT, MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax 0 Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage Is or will be Improved by a one or two family dwelling only. '. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page' of thlslnstru.9'J.n_t. IV 2-"-(;7 Sub Total .:(tf S.OO ~':el~' m.'-."~ ~' ,~ ~ ' ',$, ;~', ," ~.)~d ' ..v:;+o', " I,~~: . Sub Total /3fL I~rf-- k{ Grand Total 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 0 RelII Property Tax Service Agency Verification 4 Dlst 1000 Section. I.~.oo . "lock OS.OO Lot 024.000 07033872 1000 10400 0500 024000 ~ l~ 6 Satl CPF Tax Due o $ Improved XX -.....-"'......----- "._,---" - ..--...... '" .. .-- RECORD S. RETURN TO: Vacant land _ TO---.LL William H. Price, Jr.. Esq. PO Box 2065 Greenport, NY 11944 TO TO Mall to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Oerk 310 Center Drive. R1verhead. NY 7 ntle Company Information 11901 Co.Name NONE T1t1et NONE 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of the attached by: The Estate of Meta Downs Erickson ExecUlOr's Deed (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein Is situated In SUFFOLK COUNlY, NEW YORK. made TO In the TOWN of 5;nulhnld PAul Chri~tinll M Dini7io and Sharon L~ In the VILLAGE Cox or HAMLET of CutchQlIue BOXES 61HRU' MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR flUNG. lover) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znstrament: DBBDS/DDD Numbe~ of Pages: 3 Receipt Numbe~ : 07-0106745 'l'RANSnR '1'AX NUMBER: 07-10963 Reco~c:led : At: 11/15/2007 09:57:55 AM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012530 331 Disuict: 1000 Section: Block: 104.00 05.00 BY_~NBD AND CIlDGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 024.000 Deed AmO\U1t: Received the I'ollowinq Fe.s I'o~ Above ZnauuD.nt Bx_pt Bxempl Paqe/riling $9.00 NO Bandlinq $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STA'.rB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Ce~t. Copi.s $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO T~ansf.~ baa $0.00 NO ColIIm.P~.. '$0.00 NO r..a Paid $154.00 TRANSFBll TAX NUMBER: 07-10963 TBZS PAGE ZS A PART OF 'I'D ZNS'l'ROMEH'l' TRZS ZS NO'I' A BZLL Judith A. pa.cale County Cle~k. Suffolk County CI._ PROPERTY INFORMATION -- - - - --PL:EASE'TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLYWHEN WRITING ON'FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:J' or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~:7 ,?-;,t,t, 71 4 ,rs-pZ u PoS. Iit"".- ,. \';-. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Cod. STAlE OF NEW YORIC STAlE IIOAIID Of REAL ....o..n.. SEllVlCES RP - 5217 .NJl7~J1f7 1'=1725 .,nn; I MMe. Hason Drive IJRUT NAIll Southold C1rYOIlICMW Cutchogue ........ p935 """"" 2.8_ No... Dinizio IAITfMIII/CfW'IIIIY Paul and Christina K. -..... Cox Sharon Leola LAIr IIAMt Il;OMMNV -....., 3. Tea: Indahl wherI tuaure Ta BIUIlre to be.1It I .... W _'hIn buyor _ "" __ "'ianni --- lASINAMI!!/etlMPNlY ..... ..... 51tILLI ~ANDI11If"NAWI em QIlI TOWN &TATP .. COOl .."'" IORI . IOnIy B ,.. 01. ,_ _ nlhoy oppIy: CA."'...... __ __iIy E1c1oll 0 ... __ AppoovoI_lloqund forTronoIor 0 oc.l'lrcol AppnMOdla, -- - Mol> - 0 4. ....... the number of AuearMnt Roll ~ b............d on tIM ... 11 . of Parcell OR D Plrt 01 . Perce! "~I .... .1K)N11'11"l' Ixl 'ACNJI' 7. 3 I ..- -- Esta~~Hata Downs Erickson '''''MAUl' "111' IIMIf LMT NMII/CDIIIPIIfII't ""IT ,... A~ On. FomBy _..I B 2 or 3 Flmlly Relktend81 C _101 V.... Lond D _IIIIoIVOCOIlILnl I SALE INFORMATION I "..... Contract D... F. ~ Agricuhur.1 I' Com.......1 G Apon...nI " Enro_nll Am......onI I ~ Commun~y Serv"" J Indu,,,101 K Public Servlcl L F.... _lIlo _ _ nlhoy oppIy: L awn-hlp 1yPo .. Candomlnlum I. New ConstrYCtion on VIC8l1t lAnd 1QA. Property I.DcIIm wllhln In AgricullureJ DIIlrict -.. Bu,er ..... . di...... natice IndiI:8Ilng IbII ilia prapMy illn l1l'i AWlca*urll Dilulcl o o o o J. Ch_ ... ... MlDw which molt ........y .......... ... UN of the pr...y _ the tIm. aI uIr. - / Do, NA / '1Or ,I. ChIcIl_ ar more ale- condIIa.. u rr-....... ..1rII.-...: A Sale Between ReIMiva Dr Former RellRMi. B Sale Between ReIIted Campania or Patlne... in Business C On. oIlhe 1Iuyo.. 10 _ . SoIIo. D Buyer or Seller i. Government AglIncy Dll.8ndlng lnltltulion " Do'" TVpo ... -.l1l\I '" Borgoln _ _ lSpocIly _I " Sale 01 F_.... '" LOll "'on Foo r_ 'Spoclly Below! e; s;gmr..... Chonge In _ -. T_ Sl......d 5.10 Da II Sol. 01 8_10 Ind.- .. Solo Prk:a I 0Ih0r Un....... F...... -IIIJ _ Prlco ISpocIfy BoIow1 J No.. 12. Dolll 01_1 Tr.._ 10 / \ ~ /2007 Mcnh 0Ir' v.. 11 Fall _ PrIoo . .RA. .0.01 , , . IFull SaIl Pra is the 10111 .mount plid for .... property including perwonel properlV. ThiI peyrnenI ,.., blln the form af ~ other propertV or ODOell. or.... .uumption of MOrtgtgll or at'" abligltionLJ PIeue round IcJI ,h. nHfVII whM fJoIllf .mount 'F.YA,'A DAlI!d 1.._.........."'-' I >Y. 0 0 I _--In........ ' . ..... ~. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. De.. should reflocllh. IateIt Fln.i_monl Rolland T.. Bill o 7 IO,V_oI_lIoIIlYaml ---- I 11. T_ -... V.... I"''' ...... In ,,__II ; , 5,4,0 , o IL "- a.. 12 .1 ~ I-U tI.___ I Cutchogue .. T.. Mop..._1 RoII.....-IIII11.....__. _ _ wllIl _Mild_olin 1000-104.00-05.00-024.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ~ .... uII III tho ...... III lei.......... ..."n'CI on lhIo ram. Oft InIe ODd __ u.tho ...... III 0'7 k........ uad 1IoIofl.... I ....._ .... .... .....1.. or IIIIJ ,,~ I'uIw _ fJIl11111t1t11l'Dr1l1enoln wlllUIbJft't .. to.... ............. 011_ ....1 .w ...ti.1! 10 ... ...... and IOIaIII: at........ IaUrumenll. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ (0 ~I z.,.07 Price, Jr., Esq. ...r_ Wiliam H. .... flllIThA'WI! I PO Boll 591 slIIlIr......-oI sr..lllMlll.vTBllAlfl 631 477-1016 -""'" .-...... Greneport NY 11944 ""'.. ..... "." ZPCOIIL .&~~ .. --- J 'J,f),.;)1 NEW YORK ST ATE COPY DA"