HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12531 P 711 1./ :J- S- 3/ P 1/.1. 10 3-{~d-9 ! BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8002 (short venion), FORM 8007 (long venion) ., " . .." " \ CAU'I1OIl: THIS IIOREEMENTSlIOOLD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTORIII\Y AND REVIEWED BY ATTORllIiYS FOR,SEllER AND PUROIASER III!FORE SIGNIIIG. THIS INDENTURE, made the September 7,2007. '1. I' \ ,..I BE7WEEN Louis F. Parillo and Maris.. Parillo, of 8 Trail Court, Water Mill, New York 11976, party of the first part, and . Marco A. Parillo. as :rru.~lec of the P.,lrillo Family Trust of 2007 of 1145 Maple Crest Circle, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania 19035. :' : " . party of the seoond part: .:. WITNESSETH, thatlhe party of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and No Cenls' (SIO.OO), lawful money of the Uniled Slales, paid by the pa'rty of lhe second part, does hereby grant and release unlo the party of lhe second part, the heirs or SIICX:eESOrs and assigns of lhe pany of the second part forever; ALL that cerlain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ereCled, situate. lying and being in the Southold, Suffolk, New York; TOGETHER with all right, title and interesl, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streelS and roads abuning the above described premises to lhe eeiuer lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and alllhe eSlate and righlS of the party of the first part in and 10 said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOW the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. I , AND Ihe party of the first part, covenants thai the party oflhe first pan'ha.~ nol done or suffered anylhing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whiitever, exeepi as aforesaid. , .;' AND the party of the first part, in compliance with SCCtion 13 of the ll~n U1w, covenanlS that lhe party of the first part will receive the consideration for Ihis oonveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund 10 be applied fllSl for the purpD\\C of payi.ng the lXlSt of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvemeni before u.~ing any part of the IOIaI of the same for any Olher purpose. ' The word "party" shall be construed as if il read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so ' requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of lhe first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. NYSIIA~ II<oidenIW Real r,...lC """'" (g,ml o 200.< Mollllew _."A Co.. a ........ of ,h. LuloNcxio Group. .:, ., , . SCHEDULE A Description of Property for Deed I SCTM /I 1000-103-1-29 Grantors: Louis F. Parillo and Marisa Parillo Grantee: Marco' (\. Parillo, as Trustee Date: Sept~!!iber 7, 2007 , All that certain plot, ~iece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being on Fawn Lane, Cutchogue. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known, shown and designated as and by Lot 51 on a certain map entitled "Map of Moose Cove at East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York", prepared by Otto van Tuyl & Son, from surveys completed June 14, 1960, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on August 30,1960 as Map No 3230. SUBJECT to cover'lants and restrictions of record affecting said premises. BEING AND INTEN'pED TO BE the same premises as were conveyed to said . Louis F. Parillo and Marisa. p'arill~ by deed of William M. Beebe, dated June 21, 1973 and , il ", recorded in the Suffolk Coujity Clerk's Office on June 22, 1973 in Liber 7425 cp 178 , .:. I , NYSHA~ IlaidrnliaJ Hal Ell". Fonno ('MlI!1 .... 0200:5 Mlllbew ReDder & Co... II1fmbcr of lbe LclCis."l:n.ii Croup. L f. e~ Louis F. Panllo ~~~4lAUo ri Parillo ! :~ IN PRE~~E ~F: . :!. . . .. ~ f!:/fJQ ~.. ....--' ~I.. , !. Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York Slate (RPL fi 309-a) STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the 7th day of September in the year 2007, before me,the undersigned, personally appeared Louis F. Parillo and Marisa Parillo, personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within inslrUment and acknowledged to me lhall~y exeClued the same in Iheir capacily(ics), and thai by their signalure(s) on the instrument, Ihe individual(s)" or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, execuled the inslrume f individjlal taking acknowle gment) , ." .' . , t.:' '.. " DAWh GlUoWlnN t<<>TARY PU8l.IC. STATE OF NEW YORK !i2-1437350-SUFFOLK COUNrf CC>>.lMISSION ~IRES PM Y 31. 2r:tIt , ., NVSB^~ _ ReaI-. forms ('l~'()) -2- C 2lI05 Manhow Bencl<, &: Co... member of ,110 ......_ Omup. Deed Title No. ...Tille Number TE... Louis F. Parillo and Marisa Parillo To Marco A. Parillo District 1000 Section 103 Block 1 Lot 29 County or Town Southold Street Address S60 Fawn Lane Cutchogue, New York 11535 Return By Mail To: David J. Gilmartin Gilmartin & Bregman . . 320 Hampton Road , Southampton, New York Ilfl68 " Reserve This S ace For Use or Reconlin Office ~I . .::= ," .. " , :O<YSWI.. _dellliol aalliswo For... (9JllO) .J. C:I1lOS MauI1ew &coder'" Co.. 0 ..._ of die lz.isNuis Group. ., '" ," 12.oICM1Vl'1. NlIIIl\lelor~ ~ TORRENS Serial~ Certificate # Prior Of. # Deed I Monp..I__. 4 Page I Filing Fee 3 . RECOROEO 2007 Nou 27 02:41:21 PH JUDITH R. PRSCllLE Q.ERK OF SlIFFIl.K COltfTI' L 000012531 P 711 D1I 07-12022 Deed I Mo......To. s....p ~\\ ,;; FEES Record... I Ill.... s....ps Handling TP-S84 NOlation . EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (S.....) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ~-- , , Comm. of Ed. S 00 Affidavil ~ ~Copy) /~~ _ Rea- Copy Sub TOlII Olhcr Ql':)'2) GRAND TOTAL 5 ..... - -_. r. S 1000 10300 0400 029000 Dale Initials 7 Satlsfacci RECORD & RETUKN 'J'U: . Gilmartin & Bregman Attn: David"J. Gilmartin 320 Hampton Road P.O. Drawer 5071 . Southampton, New York 11968 ,. ly{ortllBF AmL ,~ l. Basic Tax i. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiI. Or SpecJAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual TOWII Dual County __ Held for Apponionmcnl TrlD.ferTax ~ Mansion Tax _ The properly covered by Ibis mongage is o~ wiD be improved by a one or (wo family d\ve1ling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropri~ clause on page #., ohlli. inoInunenL - f 6 CommunI Preservation Fund Consideration Amounl $ 0.00 CPF Tax Due $ 0.00 Improved ___ Vlcanl Land_~ TO TO TO 8 Co. NIIDC nd.# SUFFOLK COUNTY REcORDINC & ENDORSEMENT PACE 9 Thi. page fomll part of lbe 1Il18Ched nlle.COm an Information OIled (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENO __ mild. by: In the TOWIIShip of In the VILLAGE or HAMLEl' of Cutchogue BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPtm'OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDlNC OR .'IUNC, (OVER) Louis F. PanUo and Marl5a PIII\IIo The premises herein is 5ituated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. To Mol.... A. Parillo... TrusIee SOUIhoId -I 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS Ol!'rICK RBCORDING PAGE Ty,pe of IDs~ruman~: DEEDS/ODD Rwaber of Pages: 5 Reoeip~ Number : 07-0110064 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-12022 BecoZ'ded: A~: 11/27/2007 02:41:21 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012531 711 Dis"ic~: 1000 Sec~ion: Block: 103.00 04.00 BDMIRBD AND CHJl."<mD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lo~: 029.000 Deed Amo1m~: Beceived ~he Pollowinv Fees Pave/Pil.ing cO!: EA-cn TP-584 C.r~.Copies TrUlsfer tax $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 Por Above In.t:Z'umen~ BJr-.p~ NO HO HO HO NO NO Handling HYS SRCHG EA.-STATE Hou~ioD RPT Comm.Pre. P_s Paid $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $30.00 $0.00 $250.00 EX8IIIpt NO HO NO HO NO NO TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 07-12022 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSr.RCNENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE Coun~y Clerk, Suffolk Coun~y PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.slllle.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY ~ cu.. Deed 2:~ ~ II ~l ~JJ C3. Book L( , \7 C4. "'Be I , , I. PROPERTY INFORMATION Cl. S!MS Cadlt 1,1,. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE 01' NEW VOIIll STATE BOARD 01' REAL PIICIPERn SERVICES RP - 5217 KI'4117....JIItI "'_1 560 LDlalIon ITllttT-'I Fawn Lane 1i1lfi"'iiiME h Southo1d g""DIITCJ1l'M Cutchol!Ue IIIUAGt 1l~ ~. I 2. IIuyw No.. Parillo LAST NMII!! I CQMMN\l' ~larco A. . as Trustee FIRS'...... LMI NUIIi Ico.ANY .......... , . 3. Tax Indicalll when futuro T.. iii" IU'I In 1M 11111 I IIII/lnl if...... _ buyot __... -.. d Ionnl . A_ LAlT NAME ICOW'AN- HIlI'.... '"1111~1ItND.1""NAMIr. C"1"0Il1ilM'r. IrATI """"" ..1_......-dAluu.... -....--......- , 01 P.coll OR 0 Pan of. Pan:el '.ON"", Ixl ..... IORI ""'ES . IOnlyH........Po_C_......,~ .u.. Plllnning Board wiIh Subdivi&iDn Authcny bill. 0 .... SubcIviIIon ApprovDl WIll RIq'*-i lor Transfer 0 C. Parcel Approved for Subchilian wilh MiIp ProvidBd 0 5.=:- I - 5. ...... No... Pari 110 LMT MMI lCOWWt't Louis F. ..." "'I! Parillo I.AlTNAIII/CCJMPo1lNII ~!arisa MlTNAMI _........_-lIley~ e. Owneratllp Type il Condominium 1 ~ Community Servlco S. New Conltn.ctlon on VIClm LInd J Indwtrill 1M. Proparty ~ wtd*1 III Aurtcullwal DiIhIa: K Publc6ervico '1III.1luyo,_.___~ L Furat .hat thI proplfly. In III Agrictdtural DiItricI' ,.. ChecII: 0.. or more of............... ........IID tI'arIIIer. ^ Solo Botwaan AeIativu. or Former Allatlvel B S8Io BotwIlon RDlDIDd Campa"'" or Partnefa In BUliness C 0110 01 ttut Buyen it aim I W... I) Buyer or SIller" Gav.nment Agency or Lending InatiMion I; llood T..,. ..... Worr_ '" Borgoin .nd _ tSpoc;fy B_, ,.. Sale of FrlClional or ..... ."., Fee 1n_ISpecIfy BeIowI G SignifiCAnt ChMOO in Property Batwaon T8Xllblu SWuI.w::I Silt OIl It SIlo of Business Is Includedlrl SIlO Price I Oilier Unuaull FJIClon AHcrlng SaI. Pra ISpecify Bekww. J Nono o o o o 1. Check tile boI& IMIaw which.... acanIeIy ~ tile.... 01 the property at 'M .Im. of ..Ie: ^~ 000 F.mlly_ I;~Agrlcultu"1 y 2 or 3 F...,. f'-lcMnl.-J F Commordal C . ~.r VKllnl..... (t APllrtIMnl D Non-RolOdanloal V...nl Land H EnllrUlnmonll Amusomem I SALE INFORMATION j N/A n. .... Contrl. D.. I I ..... Day v.., 12. Date of ...., Tr__ 9 I 7 I 07 ..... Illy YOIr , " 0,0, 0 I , , . (fuU Silt Price is dIIlCUlllnOunt plid for the propeny including PlrIONIl property. This peyftMlM rnly be In dle fonh of calli. athar property or "oodI. or the 8ISUI'\'lptlon of morlgl_ or ather obIlgltlonLt PrDau round I" rM fNMnJSt ""'ole doIIlt MICNInI. ,..-...............- I 0 0 0 1 _1...........- . . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - lla1a should reOec:t lhIt III" FiM._nl Rolland Tax Bill ,..__...... ".V_"_lloIIhm, 0 ---- -' '7. T__v....Ial.._In_1 ; , 3~5~o, , '1. ",-",,__ 1"">.1 ,/I-LJ '1._.__1 8. T.. Map 1- , lloII....nlll_ln.........._._h._ wIlh_1I _orlall 1000-103-1-29 1 I CERTIFICATION I I cortlt) ..... oil "'.... _ "laI'onualloa ........ ... ..... rlNlll.... ..... .... "'......, ""lb. ... or ID)' -......."'.ad hooIitIl.... I ............_.... ~ or 0JJf ..1II'u1..... _Id or..- Ilod .._ .11 lIIIbJecl ... OJ .... ....._ or... ...... low _... I.... -... "'lIIIDa or...... ....1nI....... !!!B!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY _tn Av~ P (b..,; Uu IUYRIIIGNA...... IIO/f/'" ~lr Gilmartin ,........ David J. '''''\ThAN< 1145 ............. ~~n1e Crest Circle .rIIII'..........ILllIAL1J 631 ....""" 283-0200 ---. G1adwyne CllYOO_ PA ..." 19035 "Clllll: r ~~~~.~ Ir:../D, /01 NEW YORK STATE COPY SELLER