HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12531 P 639 &./ ;;L.~- 3' J i ,i/ ~~?Sak~~c......~omnw 71~/- t.f~ THIS INDENTURE MADE the 11~y of October, Two ThollSlll1d Seven between HENRY BRANHAM McNEIllY, JR., residing at 115 Dogwood lane. Town of Newburgh, Orange County, New York 12550, party of the first pan, and CAROLINE McNEillY BOYAR, residing at 79 Cypress Lane, BriarelilT Manor, Westchester County, New York 10510, party of the second part: WITNESSETlI; That the party of !he first part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100 ($10.OCI) Dollars lawful money of !he United States, AND OTHER GOOD AND V AI.UAIJLE CONSIDERATION paid by !he party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, her heirs. successors and assigns forever, all of his right. title and interest in and to the property, being a one-sixth interest, including all buildings and improvements thereon. more fully described lIS follows: o 00 a 0 All the right, title and interest of the party of the first part (being a one-sixth interest). in , r\ \. () Jl and to all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Bayview near ~ \tl Ou- Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Su/Tolk and Slate of New York plirticularly ~ ~ . described as follows: o BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of an existing road or right of way 110.7 feet southwesterly along said line from the westerly line of North Bayview Road, said poilll being the sou!hwesterly comer of land of Howard A. Teedter, ]nc.: RUNNING thence along the northerly line of said road or right of way South 61 degrees, 47 minutes, 20 seconds West 149.3 fcetto a concrete monument; THENCE along other land of the party of the first part North 29 degrees, 12 minutes. 40 seconds west 21 5 feet more or less to ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek; THENCE northeasterly along said ordinary high water mark of Goose Creek 150 feCl: THENCE along said land of Howard A. Tocdter, Inc. South 29 degrees. 12 minutes, 40 S'-'COnds East 225 fect more or less, to the point or plal."e of beginning. Also with a right of way over said, existing road or right of way from the southw.."Stcrly comer of the premises northeasterly to said North Bayview Road. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part in and to any stn.'cts and roads abutting the above deseribed premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the Iirst part in and to the said premises, TO HAVE AND TO nOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. her heirs. sueeessors and assigns forever. AND the said party of the first part covenants that he has not done or sullcn.:d an}1hing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. AND the party oflhe first part. in complianee with Section 13 of the Lien I.aw, eovcnanlS that the party of the first part will receive !he consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration us u trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of ~hC . . ~ . .~ '. cost of the improvement and will apply same first to the payment of the cost of the improvcmcnl before using any pan of the total .,1' the same for any other purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above writtcn. STATE OF NEW YORK ) 58: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On the/'17fay of October, in the year 2007, before me, the undersigne.s!...u Notary Public in and for said State, personalty appeared HENRY BRANHAM McNEILL Y~1iCrsonully known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuates) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed the same in hislbcr/their capacity(ies), and that by hislber/their signaturc(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individua1(s) acted. exccuted the instrument. ~) k~ Notary Public. \.\ I ').\.filL V,A.n( K. A. DI4"E 1(, HALSTEIID Na,ary ru~lic. Slalll at New York No. 4856289 Qu.hlied in Ora. CounlV"u"O Commission bpi,. March 3'. W, )- Ctz. Record and Return to: George F. Stradar, Jr., Esq. Northrop & Stradsr. PC One Corwin Court. PO Box 2395 Newburgh, NY 12550 1140.005\S:ICIlcna\McNcilly. Havy D.lrllla:d .1..,...11015071 . ",,' ) ~, Number of"plI&Cs TORRENS ~ RECORDED 2007 Hov 27 10:53:22 AM JUDITH A. PASCALE CLERK OF SUFFOlK COON1V L 000012531 P 63~ DTII 07-11968 Serial II CarlIIlc:BI8 II Prior Clr. II Deed I Mmtgage Instrwnenl Deed I Mortp&e Tax Sllllllp FBIlS RIlcanlill& I Filing SlBmpS 4 P8&e I Fllln& Pee t1B11dlin& TP-'84 MotIpp AmL 5 lUL- 1. BuicTax 2. AddillDOB1 Ta: Sub TolaJ SpecJAssit. 0. Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Duel Town Dual Count)' Held ror Apportionmenl Tt8nsrerTa: //lOCI - NOlllliOll EM2 17 (County) EA-'217 (51818) R.P.T.SA Coman. or Ed. Affidavit CertlOed Copy ReS. Cop)' _ Sub Tolal ~1il ORAND TOTAL /4Q. 6 Communi Consideration A o SubTolaI OIher Resl Property Tax Service AgeJrr:y Verificalion ",... -. . !l;p.r.linn.n __ _ B lock Lot I 07034822 1000 07100 0100 042000 SlBmp (! ~~ Ode I ~ lnilleIs L . V 7 SDtisractionslDisc:lwps/RIIleases List Property Owners Meilins Addrass RECORD" RETURN TO: 5 CPF Tax Due Improved Vacanl Land -'0 r 1/ r 0 It,,'€? ~r.- 1 ;bI-M.iW- ~ - ?t.. ~J~/fe k.t.. tkcwv t~ I Po ~ J~95 s . 1'rI'( 1,158) Suffolk Coun Recordin' & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pmt oflhe a\l8l:bed 'H p(j, J 1. /J (SPECFY TYPE OF 0IIS1RUMENT) 11M, Y p r tJ A/'4 /JI /Yk /J e /It Jr. The premises herein is silulllcd in SUFFQLKCOUNIY, NEW YORK. In the Townsbip of So I,(..-tkol J- In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of m m m Title Company Information Co. Name r 9 mod. by: TO /l?cA/e,'//y ~~r BOXES 51HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING ORFIUNG. (OVER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUN'lY CLEIUt RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of In.t~nt: DEEDS/DDD Number of Paqe.: 3 Receipt Number : 07-0109880 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-11968 R8cord8d: At: 11/27/2007 10:53:22 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012531 639 Di.trict: 1000 Section: 071.00 BXAMINED AND $300,000.00 Block: 01.00 CBARGBD AS Lot: 042.000 FOLLOWS D_d Amount: R8ceived the I'ollowinq 1'... I'or Above In_trument BXlllllpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Paqe/I'ilinq COB SA-Cft TP-584 Cart.Copi._ Transfar tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 Handlinq inS SRCRG SA-STA'l'E Notation llP'1' Camm.P:.:.. 1'__ Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $30.00 $3,000.00 $4,349.00 Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX HUMBBR: 07-11968 TBI:S PAGB IS A ~ART 01' TB INSTROMEH'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALI: County Cl.:.:k, Suffolk County I ~1 I 011 o.v ,.... 1:3._ U ,J..;'5,:3, UC4.P_1 ,(o.3 ,9J 14.7 ,3,R,~,9.J III - REAL PROPERTY THANSFER REPORT .' Cl. &wIS Code " C2. Date Deed__ STAlE Of NEW YORK STAlE IIOAIIIl OF REAL PROPERTY _ICES RP - 5217 1lP..J217 IlH )WI PROPERTY INFORMATION "~I -- 1T1IfI.1IIUIIUIII Goose Creek Lane .IM!:........ 1._ - Boyar LAlTNA..:,c:clIIMtft' I So:.ur1d I Caroline McNeilly ......- :~ctIUL ClTYOII'fOIIIN LAST NMI! , COMI"AN'I FIlI1 NAIll .. Tax 1ndiDIIe..... futI.n T.. Bill... to bet lOI'II _I ..........,...,.,__101_.."""'11 - lAITNAIlIE/CQIINIft' ........... 5nR!T"WIIItRANIIITIIii'..... CII'YOIIICM'N ITAff Z1P~ L =... I .... -.." Ixl ClIl'l'H lOR lOoJv.'....._--....,"""'" .tA. lltennlna Board wIIh 1ubcP"1tIIon Authority ExiJII 0 os. SubdMoIOll AopnwoIwu RequllOd for T.......' 0 C,Pon:oI"""""",,Ior__...,,_rdlld 0 4. IndiGIte the ........ .. a________ -....---......- . 1 I. of Pan:et. OR D Pert of . Plirctll L_ - M,.N...'lYl 1... I.AIT ,.,.., aiiiiiiY I II.W....!rDnha... LMT...../~ ,........ A~ OM ....lIy _ntI.1 R 2.,3__- C _IIIV..nt '-l I) _I VICInI Land I SAlE INFORMATION I "..... eon_ Dna I!~_'U"I F CammI..... Q Aportmont H erMr1Ilnmenl, AnU"menI I ~ Community S..- J _ K PIlbIi._. I. Fontll -....----"""'" I. Ownunohip T..... ~I... .. NowCo_...VacInllMd 'lIA.___onAG_IID111ric1 '0&~_._""1co1ndlcoting ""',.... _. In onAgrlcuIlu...DIIIricI o o o o 7. CMcIr. 1M 110. billow wNdt moa ......... ~ the ... of the property at ... time of ....: 10 - I 5 "., 107 v_ ~ I" 15.a-ko........._I; M' _..~......tranIfer: 12. ~ "'....1 ,.,...... tD ,,'1 "., I 01 v_ ,\ n c D F. F (i II I J Sel. Between ReIItIVM or Famwr ~1advcI Sale EksIwoen AoIIIed CompaNes or PlrlJws In Busin_ On. at tho Buyen II also . Seller Buyer or SeDer II GOWI'nrTI8n1 Agency or Lending lnatltutlan Dood Type ... w.,,",,lY or 1IIrpUI0nd SlIIISpodfy _ SIll. of Froc:tIoMI or tJta thin Fea Intorest CSpodfy Below) Signifant Chlnge In Property Bcm.wen T8uble Stalu. .,d Sale DIU Sill 01 a........ _In _ PrIco Ot:t.r UnUlual F8Ctors AffecIing Sale Price ISpecify .I~ Nono -- 13. Full.... Price ,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,01 , , . CFulI BIle Pric. .. tho IGIII amount PIIid lor the proparly including personel property. ThiI PIY'ftB"I may be in me farm of cash. other plDperIy or goodI. or the aaumption of mortg11g811 ar on. abligllllons.) I'fNse round 10 1M MIl"'" IIIIItoIe dolIM amGUI'IL ,..-..................... 1 , 0, 0 , 0 I --......- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Do'" ""ould ..no..'holo",.' Fln.1 AuOllmonr Roll and To. Bill ,I. V.. of \fnn"'" RaIl from UL.~ '7. TDt8I ,...... V....lof ............ tnn"-)I which illA.......IL..... ; ; ',O.7.D.OI , 'I. "'-"Y- la., \ ,0 I-LJ ,~._DIIlrtc1Nom1I ,\Oll{kli 2lI. T..........._I RoU_I_I.___r_........ ___ _1s1I 07100-0100-042000 I I CERTIFICATION I I _, ..... 011 '" \be '"""" If! InfiInnolloD _ ... IIIIll fnnn Oft ,.... und ,,'...... (kI "'" I.... or '"' knowlodAo aad IIoI<fl .... I -... ..... "'" ......... III .., wllllul ,. !111airn1Ml or III8IertII fIlL1 bertID wllllUbJ&"l'l me Ifllhr ......-w... or.... ....... "w reIaIh.. In .... ........ -.t IDIIqr: 01.-. ~ BUYER BUYER"S ATTORNEY L -t ~. ~ ~ I IJ-h ir) r.... - D'. St.rAdar. Jr. IASTNMIi Geor:,e P. 'IllS 114W, 79 11.....INUl'IIICI Cvnrell!!l Lane ITRRT JMIIt WlIR IALlI 845 .-"COD' 561-8000 I~NUMllII Briar~liff Manor Cll\'OO_ I!I.'Y sr... 10-;10 ..- A.~.Ij ~-- I I () j, fi /01 DllTl , NEW YORK STATE COpy