HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-11/27/2007LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Lillian Ball Eric Keil Ray Huntington Chris Baiz Michelle Zaloom Members Absent: Monica Harbes Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Stephen Searl, Peconic Land Trust Tim Caufield, Peconic Land Trust Vice President (7:14 p.m. – 8:27 p.m.) Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison (7:42 p.m. – 8:27 p.m.) Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:08 p.m. with six LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? Acceptance of meeting minutes from 11/13/07 MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to approve the Land Preservation Committee meeting minutes from 11/13/07. Motion carried: 4/0/2 (Michelle Zaloom and Eric Keil abstained) Applications and Inquiries: ?? WESNOFSKE PROPERTY [executive session] SCTM #: 1000-69-4-8.1 Zoned: A-C Location: s/s CR 48, Peconic CPF: Yes Total Acreage: ±8.235 acres PDR Acreage: ±7.19 acres Update re: status. Melissa Spiro gave background information and present status of LPC application. A signed offer letter was returned in September 2006 for an overall purchase price for a development rights easement that was not based on price per buildable acre; however, signed contract was never submitted by applicant. Stephen Searl of Peconic Land Trust, has met with family member who wants to purchase property from the Estate who have asked for an increase in offer amount. Both Melissa and Stephen have recommended that Estate and family member have their legal counsel send written notice to Town as to who PDR Seller is – Estate or family member? - and whether or not they wish to proceed with subdivision. LPC receptive to discuss offer once there is written notice as to who is selling rights to the Town and, if family member, contract of sale is submitted. Addition to Agenda: ?? VITTI PROPERTY SCTM #: (farm) 1000-59-3-27 Zoned: A-C Location: 43155 CR 48, Southold CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 20.76 acres (GIS 20.98 acres) Subdividable: Yes Update re: status. Stephen Searl, PLT, said that he met with landowner to explore options. Landowner would like to sell farmland outright and Peconic Land Trust is contemplating making an offer and/or finding a conservation-minded buyer. Stephen asked if the Town would consider purchasing development rights on the entire parcel, or leaving out one building lot in back of parcel with a curb cut on CR 48. Parcel has potential for “affordable” farming. LPC showed interest and Stephen will keep committee updated on project status with Peconic Land Trust and landowner. EXECUTIVE SESSION. The members entered into Stephen Searl shared appraisal information with LPC members. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Return to Agenda: ?? C.W. FRANCIS & SON, INC. PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-19-1-14.7 Zoned: R-80/R-200 Location: 32400 Rt 25, Orient CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 26.5 acres (GIS 26.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes Reviewed revised Conservation Subdivision layout and PDR application. Original conservation subdivision proposal, with three lots, submitted to Planning Department did not meet conservation subdivision requirements and needed revisions. Planning Board letter to landowner strongly recommended that the development area on Lot #3 be relocated to an area more suitable for construction of single family residence. Melissa, Anthony Trezza (Senior Planner) and Heather Lanza (Planning Director) had a lengthy meeting with landowner and his legal representation. Landowner strongly opposed the relocation of building envelope. LPC reviewed proposed conservation subdivision. Land Preservation Committee and Planning Board will have a joint meeting. MOTION made by Ray Huntington to direct Melissa Spiro to commission an appraisal for a 20.15 acre development rights easement as shown on the Conservation Subdivision Plan last dated November 19, 2007 for a three lot subdivision (2 building lots of the north side of the property and a building envelope on the south side of the property). No second. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Lillian Ball, to direct Melissa Spiro to commission an appraisal for a development rights easement subject to revision of Conservation Subdivision Plan last dated November 19, 2007 that would result in the relocation of the southerly building envelope to the north side of the property adjacent to proposed Lot #2. Such revision would result in a viable block of farmland on the subject parcel and the continuity of the existing preservation adjacent to the subject property. Motion carried: 6/0 ?? KAUNECKAS PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-95-4-3.1 Zoned: A-C Location: 8500 Alvah’s Lane, Cutchogue CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 25.14 acres (GIS 25.14 acres) Subdividable: Yes Reviewed inquiry from Lisa Kombrink re: easement language pertaining to screening of property and future subdivision of easement area. LPC is not in favor of future subdivision of easement area. LPC could not agree on property screening prohibitions and put this to a vote. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to adopt contract/easement language regarding prohibition of future screening of property. Motion failed: 3/3 (Yes – Ray Huntington, Michelle Zaloom, Lillian Ball / No - Eric Keil, Chris Baiz, John Sepenoski) Ag Structure Review Request: ?? N&J MANAGEMENT CO. PROPERTY SCTM #: 1000-113-13-1.2 PDR Acreage: ±15-16ac Total Acreage: ±17.32 acres CPF: Yes Location: 4735 Westphalia Rd, Mattituck Zoned: R-80 Reviewed greenhouse request. Melissa reviewed easement language with Lisa Kombrink (LPC’s special counsel) and determined that easement allows for construction of new greenhouse, all subject to applicable Town Codes. General Land Preservation Items: ?? Greenhouses – County meeting update. Melissa Spiro attended County meeting regarding greenhouses. Hand-outs – Guidelines for Existing PDR’s & Guidelines for New PDR’s – that she received at County meeting were distributed to LPC members for review and future discussion. ?? Small Lot Policy Status Ray Huntington presented status report. Policy not scheduled to go before Town Board for approval. Ray will make effort to speak to Supervisor Russell concerning placement on Town Board agenda. ?? Appraisals for AgPDD HOLD for future discussion due to time constraints. ?? Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session re: status of offers ] Not prepared for meeting. Informational: ?? Public Hearings Scheduled Blocker (open space) - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 @ 7:50 p.m. Marco (development rights easement) - Tuesday, December 4, 2007 @ 7:55 p.m. Addition to Agenda: ?? MOFFAT/WOLFE PROPERTY SCTM #: (farm) 1000-55-2-10.1 Zoned: A-C Location: 47775 CR 48, Southold CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 26.20 acres (GIS 25.66 acres) Subdividable: Yes SCTM #: (waterfront) 1000-55-3-6.1 Zoned: R-80 Location: 50100 CR 48, Southold CPF: Yes Total Acreage: 36.34 acres (GIS 35.63 acres) Subdividable: Yes Update per Al Krupski. After he was approached by a potential buyer, Al Krupski spoke to landowner, Sean Moffat, about willingness to consider selling parcels separately. Mr. Moffat appears willing to consider. Melissa gave background information of LPC’s offer in April 2007, counter-offer, and revised offer that was not accepted by landowners. LPC suggested that Al put potential buyer in touch will landowner and report back to committee if there is preservation potential for one or both lots. Next Regular Meeting: ?? Tuesday, December 11, 2007, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m The next regular meeting will be held on ., in the Town Hall Conference Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m. by the six attending members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Committee Secretary