HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12530 P 205 J · GON~ULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THI~ IN~TRUMENT--1141~ INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE U~ED BY LAWYEI~ ONLY. · . BRIT+'EEN MICHAEl. A. TYNAN. residing at 8125 Zi~lbla Ten'ace, Playa Del Roy, California 90293: SHARON T. JENSEN, resi~ling at 5260 Edgeworth Drive. San Diego. California 92109: KATHI.EEN T. M ETZLEIL residing at 4591 Oxbow Ridge. Fair Oaks, Caiifomin 95628: JOAN T. KINCAID. k/k/a Joan A. Tyrian. a/Va Joan T. Kincaid, residing at 1318 Oceunaire Drive, San Luls Obi~oo, Califomla 93405: and STEPIIANI A. TYNAN. k/k/a Stepheni T. Arm.-~.mng. residing at 408 The Strand. Manhattan Beach, California 90266 party of~he first part, and MICHAEL A. TYNAN. AS ADMINISTRATOR OF TIlE .........EST. ATE (~F JOIIN A. TY'NAN. DECEASED, SUFFOLK COUNTY #974AI 985. residing at 8125 Zipola Ten'ace, Playa Del Re)'. Callfomia 90293 pa~y of the ~cond part. WITNEgSF, TH, that the puny of the first pan, in consider~ion of Ten Dolla~ and other valuable consideration paid by the party oF the second pan. does hereby remi~, release and quitclaim unto the patty ot' ~ pan. the heir~ or succe~,or~ and assigns of thc party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or pan:el of land, wilh the buildings and improvements thereon ere~ed, aimate. lying and being in the Village and Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk aad State of New York. ulso known and desig~natad ns $60 Founders Path, Soutbokl. New York, tax map designation 1000=064.00-02.00-021.000 on the Official Tax Map of the To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Being the tame premisns conveyed to John A. Tyrian by deed dated August 12, 1964 and recorded on September 18. 1964 in Lihet 5617 l~e 7 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Sulfolk~ State of N~:w York. TOGETIlER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the fi~st pan o£ in and to any streets and roads abutting, the above-described premiss to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first pan in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the ~econd pan, thc heir~ or ~ and n~igns of the puny of the .,~,oad part forever. A~I} the party of the tim pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenan~.~ that the puny of the fit~l pan will ~ceive the considernfion for this conveyance and will bold the right to ~ceive tach con- skleration a.q a trust fund to he applied fi~t for the pu~nse of paying the cost of the improvement end will apply the tame first to the payment of the cost of the i,,,p,uv'ement before using uny pan of the total of the tame for any other propose. The word "pa~ty~ shall he construed ns iflt read '~mins" whenever the sense ofthis indenture so m:luires. IN WrINg. NS WIIEREOI;, the party of the tim part has duly executed this deed the day and year fi~t above written. IN PRESENCE OF: J~AN T. KINCAiI~/ TITLE NUMBER: ~=NP-01428 --/ SCHEDULE 'A' DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or.parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Village and Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as lot numbered twenty.four (24) as shown on map entitled, "Subdivision Map of Founders Estates, Inc., situate at Southold, Suffolk County, New York" made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, C.E., dated March 18, 1927, and · filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 10, 1927, as map number 834. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ~ ss,: On this ~ day of ~ in the ysu~.2007,"before me SIIARON T. JENSEN, the undemigucd personally appem'ed pemonally~known m~laage to be individual whose unm. flla-s~bscribed to the within instrument and ecknowiedged to me tha~ she exenu~xI the same in the peflun upon behalf .of-G/nich the individual acted, executed the instrument, and that such individaal make such appearance before the undcrsigncd in the ~ (add the city or political subdivision and thc smtc OF count/OF oiler place thc ecknowlcdA~.*ment wzs ndcun/) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF .~ ' .C~'~l'~_ .~O., ss.: On this day of~lr.~,~ in the year 2007, before me KATHLEEN T. METZLER, the unda~igned pe~oually appeared~raunally known to me OF proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to he individual whose name is subscribed to the within insltument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, that by her signature on the instmmenL the individual OF the pe~on upon behalf of which the individual acted, execrPted the,.~ins?umont, and that such individual make such appearance before the undersigned in the~v~,~.. *d 51/~'% (add the city or political subdivision end the state or country OF mher place the acknowledgement was taken.) WP~E:~I~ ~/w Pu~c ce. em w ' Notmy Public STATE OF CAUFOI~NIA, COUNTY OF ~ LLLd.~PO~9 ) ss.: personally appenmd i~rsonally Tmown to mc ~x*~,<, .c. :~...-;; :,*; ;.,.. ,,~oL. ~.f_:L_m/...:.* :*.~'*:..:_ to he individual whesa name is subssribed to the within instrument nnd acknowledged to me thut ~he executed the name in her capacity, thru by her signature on thc instrument, the individual or thc person upon hehnlr or which the individual acted, executed Ihe insaunp, ent, and that such individucl nmke such spic. atonce hefo~m the undasigned in the ~ (add the city or politicnl subdivision and tim state or country or other place thc acknowledgement was gun,) ~ CommiNion~ 17~4~4l · Notary Public iV~$~ N~P/Pure ' C(Mm~ I g'rATE OF CALI~RNIA, ~U~ OF ~ ~i~ ~all~ ap~ ~l]y ~ to me oF pm~ to me ~ ~e ~is ~d~ ~ ~ Jndi~do~ wh~ ~c la ~ubg~b~ ~ ~ within ~t ~ achnow]~g~ ~ m~ · ~t ~e exgu~ ~ ~c in h~ o~city, ~1 b~ ~r si~t~ oa the in~g ~ indi~d~l ~ · c ~n a~n ~lr or which ~c ~dKidual act~, exgu~ ~c imprest. ~d ~t such indi~dual ~e s~h ap~ ~f~ thc ~i~ ~ ~e ~ ~r~ ~d ~e city or ~lifiol su~i~sinn a~ ~e state oF ~uut~ oF oth~ placc &c acknowl~gem~t ~ ~.) _._ ACKNOWLEDGEAIENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE .' Sta2 of New Y~ County of .~: the day of in the year undmisned, pmonftlly appeared , penmnnlly Imown to me or proved to me on rite buis of mtisfanto~ evidence to he tho indivldm~s) whose name(si is mbscribed to the within instrument md acimowisd~ed to me that bc/shc/thcy e~ _~___~_ thc ~ in his/her/their CalXU:it~ies), and that by his/horAhelr sisnnnn~s) m the irdlnonent, the ind|vidusl(s). the pason upon bchslfof which ~e bldividmd(s) med, cx.~_.__t~_ Ihe instnmleUL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBING WITNF~S TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE StAte of New York. County of , ss: On the day of' in the year . hefc~ me, the unclct~sned, a Noun~ Public in and for said State, pensormlly ACKNOWLEDGEM FAIT TAKEN IN N KW YORK STATE State of New Yoflc, Co.nty of , ss: On the day of in the year unde~gned, pe~onnlly appeared . pa-:,mmlly hewn to me (~ In.mci to me on die basis of satisfmot~ eviduw~ to be t~m individual(s) wt~se nan. s) is (are) suhecn'hed to the within insmnnent and aclcnowisd~id to me that he/she~hey execut~cl d~c s~ne in his/he'Ah~r enpncit~(ies), and that, by hls/hedtheir sisnatore(s) on the ianMmlmr, the indivklual(s), or the pengo upon bchu]f of which the individual(s) __-,~__ _. ex~cu~:d the ~nstnJfl~lt. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State of C~.t.n~ORNIA, County of ~.~t .,~k,t . ss: *(Or ~,~c~ District of Columbia, Tg.itory, Po.mslon or Foreign County) subsm*bk~wimesstothe foresoinzinsmnnent, withwhom ImlJlOnthc.l&4_3~___.d~.vof~lntheyalr 2007, before me pmonally anqunmm:l, wl~, h~ins by me duly sworn, dtd depe~ and I MICHAEl. ~l~,~t e undeni~ned permnally s~peated say thet he/she~they rcside(s) in ~.~ aL~.% ~, that be/shc/th~ to he thc individual dcscdbed in and who executed the f~eqoing insmmlent; that said suksaibin~ wiu~ss wan present md saw said excc~tc thc same; and that said witness at the same dine subm~bed hi.q/herldtcir amc(s) as a witnc, thercto Title No. FNP-01428 Quitclaim Deed MICHAEL A. TYNAN, SIIARON T. JENSEN, KATHLEEN T. M KTZLK. I~ JOAN T. KINCAID AND STEPHANI A. TYNAN TO MICHAEL A. TYNAN, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF TIlE ESTATE OF JOHN A. TYI~AN, DECEASED huwalL'6kalv, fbw.m-ar proved to me on the bnsis of satistant~/ evidence the within instnnent and aehowled~ to n,.e tl~ hdsk~. .,eculed the same in his/Im,/~ak* capacity(b), that by his/he.nM~ir si~ature~) on the im, munmt, the individuR,~ or the pmm~ upon t, ehnlr or which ~ individual~) anted, ~_,,_~ the ins~m~t, nd bt such individual make ach nppeanmce before the undrained in the L~O~ 4~f (edd the city c~ politicnl subclivis~on and the rote or a2untry or other place the m:knowledgement w~ taken). SEE .A~D Y.'~'r O~IAI, _ ACg. N~ Tax Hap D~.stgna{::Lon: 1000-064.00-02.00-021.000 COUNI~ OR. TOWN: Somhold. O~on1¥ of Suffol~ RECORD AND RETURN BY MAlL TO: 1ho Judldnl Title Insuranr. e Apn,:y LLC 800-281-Tm.E (8485) FAX: 800-FAX-g396 Ban,/H. Fentin, Esq. White PhtM. New Yosk 10601 State of California Count~ of San Dieso ),,: Number of pages "~ ' '~ ' This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Page / Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 Notation Comm. of ~. 5. ffi A~vit ~nifi~ C~y NYS Sumh~e 15. ~ Sub Total ~ ~r Gr~d T, al Tax Service Agency Verification 6 I Satisfacdc' ~dre~s ,,,/.C~')RD a RRTI]RN TO: Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www. suffolkcountyny, gov/clerk /0ia/ Title Co. Name Tide # Suffolk 2007 No~ 14 01:38=09 ~ Judith R. Pascale CLE~ ~: 5UFFOLK COUNTV L rX~0125-~ P205 E)T# 07=10~69 This page forms part of the attached Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spac./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dunl County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax /.~ Mansion Tax / The property covered by Ibis mongaga is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES. or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clnttse on page # of this in.stmmenL Co~,,~--ity Preaezmttton ltNmd 5 Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land __ Information & Endorsement (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMExNT) made by: The premiss herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.  In the TOWN of ~,~'g/ ,~m ,//,/,~ A~-~'~r'the VILLAGE / or HAMLET of ~"~--' ~__~_~ (over) SUm~LK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~ oE Znsi:z13ment:: DEEDS/DDD Number off Pages: 6 Receipt ~h,--~e= : 07-0106501 TIUtI~SFER TAX lq',JHBER: 07-:1.0869 1000 D~d,~ount: l~coEd~d: At: LZBER: PAGE: Seo~.on: Block.: 064.00 02.00 EXA~L~g~ ~ CH~7,ED AS FO~ $o.oo l~o~v~d *ch~ FolLov~ng Fees Fo= ~x)ve Page/FtlSng $18.00 140 COE $5.00 NO F~-CT! $5.00 !~O FJL-BT~TE TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce=~.Cop~es ~0.00 ~O T=~s~e= ~ ~0.00 NO C~.P=es TAX N~fBER: 0"/-10869 THTS PA~E ZS A ~ART OF THE ZNST~T ~H3:S TS NOT A B'rLL ~ud.i..~hA. P&ecale County Cle=k, Su££olk Coun2y 11/14/2007 01:58:09 FM D00012530 205 021. 000 Exempt $5.00 ~O $15.00 $165.00 NO $o.o0 $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $248.00 PLEASE TYpE OR PRESS FIRMLY wHEN WRITING oN FORM - · ,, INSTRUCTIONS: http'JI www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR~t,~TY 0SE ONLY' . - I ~ ] , ;~ ~ . __~_,.,.,,, ."" -, ,- /"1 ldrdiif/RP - 5217 560 [ Pounders Path I SouChold ] I 11971 [ z sa~ I Zynan ~ as AdmlnlsCra~9~ I Michael A, ..[ I I I I , . .o.0l 1'~. r-eli Sale PrIM I , , ~ , , ~ · D 20. Tax Map k~l I MI kl~ M mm~ than lu~a', attaeh ehN4 web ad~ Mentlfle~}l I c~rrF~'no. I I SELLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY