HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarine Law Enforcement Task Force
DOC ID: 3251
OCTOBER 23, 2007:
RESOLVEDauthorizes Supervisor
, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Scott A. Russell and/or Chief of Police Carlisle Cochran to execute an Agreement to
provide joint services to form a Marine Law Enforcement Task Force in the Peconic
and the Townships of East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southampton, Southold and
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
Louisa P. Evans, Justice
Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman
Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Evans, Russell
Aareement to provide ioint services to form a Marine Law Enforcement Task Force in
the Peconic Estuarv and the Townships of East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southampton,
Southold, and Riverhead
Whereas, the undersigned representatives of:
Suffolk County Sheriff's Office Marine Unit, Marine Police, Police and Marine Enforcement Units
of the Towns of Riverhead, Southampton, Southold, Shelter Island and East Hampton, Marine Police,
Police and Marine Enforcement units of the Incorporated Villages of Westhampton Beach, East
Hampton, Southampton, Quogue, and Sag Harbor, New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation Police, New York State Police, Suffolk County Park Police and New York State Park
Police and the United States Coast Guard having determined that it is in the public interest to
coordinate Marine Enforcement in the Peconic Estuary and tributaries which includes waters within the
Towns of East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southold, Southampton and Riverhead and to include
Moriches Bay, Moneybogue Bay, Quantuck Bay, Flanders Bay, Little Peconic Bay, Great Peconic
Bay, Shelter Island Sound, Gardiner's Bay, Block Island Sound, Long Island Sound, Fisher's Island
Sound, West Harbor, Napeague Bay, Shinnecock Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, and to establish a
central resource furnishing law enforcement information, technical and material assistance and
standardized marine enforcement training, hereby mutually agree to the following:
Unless otherwise provided by a separate agreement, the MUNICIPALITIES will be responsible for all of
its own expenses and liabilities incurred due to its membership in the TASK FORCE, including, but not
limited to: vessels, automobiles, equipment, supplies, fuel, personnel costs (including, but not limited
to, salary, retirement, social security, health insurance, workers compensation), and civil liability
defenses, claims and liability. Unless otherwise provided by a separate agreement, the
MUNICIPALITIES will retain any revenue received, including but not limited to: fees, fines, judgments,
forfeitures, grants and financial assistance. The TASK FORCE may apply for grants and other
assistance with the distribution of benefits and liabilities determined by the grant application as
approved by the affected MUNICIPALlTES.
MUNICIPALlTES become a party to the Agreement upon the signature of an authorized representative
to the Agreement. MUNICIPALITIES may withdraw from the Agreement upon ten day's written notice
by an authorized representative. ALL MUNICIPALITIES must agree to all amendments to the
The joint services to be provided by this municipal cooperation are:
1. The formation of the Peconic Estuary-Eastern Long Island Marine Law Enforcement Task
Force(henceforth referred to as TASK FORCE) for the coordination of the marine law enforcement,
homeland security, and public safety resources of the New York State Division of State Police, New
York State Park Police, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Police, Suffolk
County Sheriff's Office, the United States Coast Guard, the Townships of East Hampton, Shelter
Island, Southampton, Southold, and Riverhead, the Incorporated Villages of Quogue, Sag Harbor, East
Hampton, Southampton, Westhampton Beach and any other municipal corporation and district that
may receive membership in the Task Force.
2. The coordination of the TASK FORCE marine law enforcement, homeland security, and public
safety efforts in the Peconic Estuary and it's tributaries which include the waters within the Towns of
East Hampton, Shelter Island, Southold, Southampton, and Riverhead, namely Peconic River,
Flanders Bay, Little Peconic Sound, Long Island Sound, Fisher's Island Sound, West Harbor,
Napeague Bay, Shinnecock Bay, Moriches Bay, Moneybogue Bay, Quantuck Bay, and the Atlantic
3. The TASK FORCE will establish a central, coordinated resource to provide law
enforcement/homeland security related to technical and material assistance, information, intelligence,
standardized marine law enforcement training, interoperable communications, coordinated
preparedness, coordinated emergency maritime incident contingency plans, and responses to natural
and man-made critical incidents and disasters, including acts of terrorism and homeland security
related incidents, and the coordinated responses for the rescue of life and property.
4. The TASK FORCE will provide stewardship for the long term protection of natural and human
5. A Peconic Estuary-Eastern Long Island Marine Law Enforcement Task Force Council
(henceforth referred to as COUNCIL) will be composed of two designated representatives from each
Task Force member. The Council Chair will be selected by the Council Members.
6. The COUNCIL will determine the method and format of recording and disseminating reports of
TASK FORCE activities.
7. The TASK FORCE will develop a membership and resource directory, and will hold a minimum
of three meetings a year.
8. TASK FORCE members will utilize the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the
Incident/Unified Command System (ICS) as adopted by New York State to manage law enforcement,
disaster, and incident responses.
9. The TASK FORCE will promote, plan and monitor an annual exercise of all preparedness
related to the marine environment.
10. The TASK FORCE will coordinate with the U.S.Coast Guard to conduct joint enforcement,
rescue, training and exercise operations within the Peconic Estuary and adjacent waters.
11. The TASK FORCE will establish an interagency communication system.
12. TASK FORCE members will equip their marine response vessels with multi-frequency radios
with common marine frequencies and a minimum capability of transmitting and receiving on
155.370MHz and Marine Band channel 16.
13. TASK FORCE members will suspend use of internal codes during TASK FORCE response
14. A TASK FORCE member responding to a marine incident will notify other members and request
such assistance as is necessary; notified members will immediately respond pursuant to the intent of
this Agreement. The TASK FORCE member requesting assistance will assume the duties of Incident
Commander and will remain in charge of that incident.
15. The TASK FORCE will promote the preservation and protection of the natural resources of the
. estuary through education and enforcement. The diversity of this ecosystem and its impact on the
Peconic Estuary as a whole will be particularly recognized.
16. The TASK FORCE will promote boating and water safety through the development of a
Speakers Bureau, utilization of local media, and dissemination of boating and water safety materials.
i ochran
own Police Department
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C ef, William Wilson
Southampton Village Police Department
Ch' ,Gerard Larsen, Jr.
E st n Village Police Department
hief, ay Dean
Westhampton Beach Police Department
Sgt. ul Slevins
NYS Police, Riverside Barracks Troop L
Chief, David Brewer /
Suffolk County Park Police
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Capt. Timothy Huss
NYS DEC Police, Region 1
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Capt. Daniei A. Ronan '
U.S. Coast Guard
Long Island Sound
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East Hampton Town Police Department
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Chief, James Overton
Southampton Town Police Department
Chief, Thomas Fa iano
Sag Harbor Village Police Department
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Major, Richard K. O'Donnell
NYS P rk Police
incent F. De Marco
Sheriff of Suffolk County
Capt. Dorothy Thumm
NYS DEC Poli e
Marine Enfor men Unit
Chief, Ed Mic els
East Hampton own Marine Patrol Sector