HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/28/1989FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSK1, JR. HENRY P. SMITH 15 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town-Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Minutes September 28, 1989 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 PRESENT WERE: President, Frank A. Kujawski, Jr. Trustee, Albert J. Krupski, Jr Trustee, John Bredemeyer, III Trustee, Henry P. Smith Trustee, John L. Bednoski, Jr. Clerk, Joan Schneider Clerk, Jane Blados Next Trustees Board Meeting: October 19, 1989 at 7:00PM, Worksession at 6:00PM. Field Inspections: October 17, 1989 at l:00PM Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustee monthly report for August, 1989, a check for $3,924.00 was issued to the Supervisors's Office for deposit in General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. Trustees' Inspection: October 17, 1989 Trustees' Meeting: October 19, 1989 III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. U.S. Army Cgrps of Engineers re: Maintenance dredging of Mattituck Creek planned for the winter of 1989. FRANK KUJAWSKI: They are talking about '15 thousand cubic yards of dredge swell. I have sent a letter to them asking them to consider the possibility of depositing spoil on the Bailey Beach side of the breakwater which once again the dune has eroded there, the traffic and the four-wheel drive and everything else going on it. I think that would be a good spot to put a portion of that fill. ALBERT KRUPSKI, Jr.: Is there any possibility of limiting access to that to cut down on the traffic? FRANK KUJAWSKI: It's Park District property. We talked about that in the past. They put...at one time they had embedded telephone poles, actually, and people went right around them. The only solution would be to control it. I wouldn't consider that kind of budget at this time, but I think something like that will have to be done. I believe the Town Board, yesterday, also, went on record with a resolution to support putting a portion of the dredge spoil there. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, that's an ambitious project. When do they ...ah FRANK: This winter, .... OK, so much for that. 2. John Thatcher, Fishers Island Conservancy re: Robert Searle application for construction of house adjacent to Barlow Pond. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I have a letter about the Searle application on Fishers Island from John Thatcher, Fishers Island Conservancy. This is quite an involved application, what appears to be, without having looked at it, a sensitive area of wetlands and fresh water for the Island. We've been in contact with the DEC trying' to figure out how their application went through there so fast and Joan has gotten some information, right? Right now we are waiting for Paul Carella to call back, who's in freshwater wetlands, to see if he actually did do an inspection. It's considered that possibly, an inspection was not even done and this went through as an unlisted action without any flags going up. If that's the case, they will possibly consider revoking or suspending the permit until we can go through a SEQRAprocess, where we would have a more detailed review, especially if it turns out that no one did look at it. We've gOt to get over there, too. While we're on the topic, since it doesn't appear anywhere else on the agenda, we did get permission to hire Cramer & Voorhis to go over and do an environmental assessment for us with comments, but to be honest with you, .I want the Board to consider this. They are talking about $450.00 just to go over there, plus transportation from Southold Town. That seems to be a lot of money. ALBERT KRUPSKI, Jr.: Did I get the impression that no matter what they said the Board would be required to make an inspection or it would be a ... would it be necessary for the Board to make an inspection. FRANK KUJAWSKI, Jr.: It might not be if they made a thorough assessment of it, but the point is, I think we should probably do an inspection. They have something else going on, also. The CEA designation for all of Fishers Island is coming up with a public hearing over there, I think, on the llth in the afternoon, and if that goes through,and the Island becomes a CEA area, this would automatically be getting a thorough review. So, at this point, what does everybody feel ~hout the price of the consultant? ALBERT KRUPSKI: I think it would be a better idea if the Board went over and reviewed it. HENRY SMITH: I think if we looked at it ourselves, first , and then made an intelligent decision after we had personally looked at it, then just go ahead and... ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, this site is near the freshwater drinking supply. Wasn't there another application? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Bagley Reis?...Reid? .... Remember him? ALBERT KRUPSKI: Bagley Reid, ok, I remember the site, too. Is he to the.. FRANK: I don't know where this is in relation to that. Well, Henry, any dates for your boat to be heading that way? HENRY SMITH: I'll be out of town the next week, this coming week. After that if we get a nice day, and see if we can get together and we'll go. FRANK KUJAWSKI: O.K. Does anybody... SPEAKER: What does it cost for a plane to go over? FRANK KUJAWSKI: I don't really know. Well, let me check and see if there is any interest to go over there in the next week. Maybe.. but if nothing works out this next week for flying, maybe we can set up something the following week before we meet again, OK? ALBERT KRUPSKI: Would that following week be after Columbus Day, or would that be before? HENRY SMITH: That would be after Columbus Day, not this coming Monday, but the following Monday. I know Columbus Day, that's your big pumpkin day. FRANK KUJAWSKI: When are you going, right through Columbus Day? HENRY SMITH: I'll be back that Sunday before Columbus Day, at least, that's the latest. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, if it turns out to be exceptionally warm or nice that Sunday, and you want to go... HENRY SMITH: If I'm back, fine. FRANK: Just call and we'll see what we can do. 3. JUDITH TERRY, TOWN CLERK re: Narrow River dredge spoil storage on Town property. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, the next is some action taken by the Town Board and it appears that the spoil site for the Narrow River dredge spoil would be on Town property. This is going to be on the Town Board's October I0th agenda for discussion and a resolution of the Trustees.. HENRY SMITH: This is just temporary, Frank FRANK: Yes ALBERT KRUPSKI: Still it would have to go through the Town Board, though. Frank-Kujawski: So we still have to get membership of the Town Board's liabilities, I guess. I don't know where we'll be on that application. After %onight, we'll see. 4. JQhn O'Hagen re: Application for dock on Corey Creek. FRANK KUJAWSKI, JR.: It's a... basically, what he is saying is that he is waiting for word from the Corey Creek Association and trying to get permission to use this area, so there is nothing much we can do with it until we get that. Mr. Vail would be next,...maybe just let me do 6 & 7 first, Mr. Vail, then you can get the floor. 6. En Consultants re: extension of permit #432, Elizabeth Yaro. FRANK KUJAWSKI: This permit expired or will expire in December...how the Board feels about it, I don't see any reason why .... HENRY SMITH: I think the reason why she is having a problem, I'm not sure on this, are the permits,or financing or what. I don't know but .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK HENRY SMITH: I know there is a valid reason. Historically, we have given permit extensions in the past. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, then a motion would be in order, unless someone sees a problem with this. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Itll make a motion to grant her an extension..6 months.. FRANK KUJAWSKI, Henry will second that.. Ail in favor... HENRY SMITH: Is that for six months? JOHN B~R~EMEYER: Actually, we have to give them one-year extensions. HENRY SMITH: That's what I thought. After a discussion on lengLh of extensions among the Board Members: ALBERT KRUPSKI: I make a motion to rescind my motion. I move to a one-year extension .... try to keep it consistent, at least. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Would someone like to second Albert's motion? HENRY SMITH: I'll second that. ALL IN FAVOR JOHN BREDEMEYER: I move to grant a one-year extension, as per usual. HENRY SMITH: Second the motion. FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor.. Ail ayes. 7o Toni DeMeo on behalf of Fleet's Neck Property Assn. re: bulkhead at end of Pequash FRANK KUJAWSKI: The last letter is from Toni DeMeo who is the president of Fleet's Neck Property Owners Assn., voicing they've gone around and they don't feel that the bulkhead is in the best interest of that area, and they wanted to let us know before this comes up tonight. I think we'll enter this letter in as part of the business when the hearing opens up. OK, Mr. Vail.. Mr. Vail explained his shore front erosion problem, also spoke about an application years ago for a retaining wall. He said he had lived on the creek for forty years and was familiar with what was happening there. Since the application, he has lost as much as six or seven feet... He asked for some procedure to stop the erosion. He wanted to know what could be done so he doesn't lose more property without going through a "shamefaced" procedure that he had been through before. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK,... Anybody have any co~¢m]ents? HENRY SMITH: I think we made a suggestion at the time...I know well what Mr. Vail is talking about and what he wanted to do, and apparently, suggestions that we made at that time did not work, so I think, possibly on our next field inspection...I think Mr. Vail should re-apply. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Maybe we can re-activate the existing application. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Does anyone know if that application still exists? Would you be interested, Mr. Vail, in rethinking the retaining wall again if we go down and take a look to see if that's appropriate? MR. VAIL: I'd be very muCh interested in your coming down and suggesting what I can do Without going through all that red tape. FRANK KUJAWSKI: How about October 17 .... it's a Tuesday, two weeks from this coming Tuesday? MR. VAIL: What time would that be? FRANK KUJAWSKI: We could put you on top of the list, 1:00 o'clock if you'd like. MR. VAIL: That would be all right. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, I think that's the best we can do, take a look again at what you're talking about and maybe put that application back to work again. IV. ASSESSMENTS: FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, I guess we have a few moments here, before 7:30 when our hearings begin. We have some assessments .... ALBERT KRUPSKI: You want me to do the first one? FRANK KUJAWSKI: If you would like to, go ahead. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I went down to Cusumano's and looked at it and it doesn't seem like there will be any problem. I am not sure where the channel is there and if it's .... environmentally, it's not going to have any impact. The only impact, possibly, could be the channel, maybe we could...Don, do you know where the channel is there? ...Eugenes's Creek DON DZENKOWSKI: On the other side. ALBERT KRUPSKI: OK, I thought it was, but I wasn't positive.., it's quite a way branched off there. DON DZENKOWSKI: That's why I've got to go out, I built that little platform for there earlier this year. ALBERT KRUPSKI: OK, I"LL make a motion to give it a Neg Dec, then for Vera Cusumano. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Second FRANK KUJAWSKI: We had a motion by Albert to give it a negative declaration and it was seconded by John Bednoski. Any other comments from the Board on the motion? All in favor All ayes. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number two is En Consultants in behalf of Gus Wade for a fixed dock, a ramp and a float on East Creek in Cutchogue. We have had this application for several months now. We've been awaiting arrival of a legal survey which we have. Would any of the Board members like to take a look at this? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Frank, we haven't seen that, yet. FRANK KUJAWSKI: You have not seen that..have you inspected this? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: We tabled it until we found out where it was, etc, etc. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Want to come up and take a look? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, we've been there before, but .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I'd like to make a motion to give this a negative declaration. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I'll second that. FRANK KUJAWSKI: That was seconded by Jay, all in favor.. All Ayes! Frank Kujawski: Number three is En Consultants in behalf of A1 Koke, Kimberley La., maintenance dredge 1200' x 60' channel to a depth of 6' below MLW in Jockey Creek, approximately at the spur at the end of Pine Neck Road. Approximately 6500 cubic yards of spoil to be removed and placed on beach for nourishment of the island to the east, and we don't give 10-year maintenance dredging permits, but that is also part of the application. I should let the Board know we did receive a copy from the DEC that this application is incomplete for their review, and they are interested in following a full SEQRA procedure on this with a designation of lead agency and so on. They have a lot of questions. This will let you know what some of their questions are. They want to know the method of dredging, they want to know whether a discharge pipe or a diffuser is going to be used, how is this equipment going to get into the area? They said the proposed project is in a critical environmental and wildlife area and plants will need to be meticulous.~.They also want to know what kind of proof could establish that this was originally dredged to six feet BMLW. I had a question,myself, about that. I'm just wondering what the Board's feeling about this project is. HENRY SMITH: Well, the Board was trying to get the County to do it,to take the pressure off the public launching ramp at Founders Landing and put it on to Pine Neck. As I remember, we contacted the County and they had no permit application, I mean no current application for it to do this. It was then decided that in order to speed up the process, Mr. Koke and his neighbors were going to go ahead and get the permit and who was going to dO it, was going to be decided at the end, whether the County was going to do it or was going to have to be funded through the Town or probably by the neighbors, etc. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I don't think the County was interested in this as long as it was going to be applied for by the homeowners. HENRY SMITH: Well, they really didn't care who got the permit, as long as they got the permit. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I thought they objected, originally when they thought a permit was applied for, isn't that correct, Joan? John Guldi objected to the fact that homeowners were putting in for it, originally, and we said, OK, they won't and you should proceed ahead, and I think he did turn in a permit application. Now this could be confusing it, but I think the information that has been given him now, is that the homeowners are not willing to wait, and therefore, they're going to assume the responsibility, not the County. HENRY SMITH: OKt That very well could be, but that's the impression I was under, and I know, at the time, the homeowners were willing to split part of cost with the Town on getting this done. I know one of the reasons they wanted ... the Town was interested, was to build up that point that was washed out in that last storm. Then you told me, I guess it was last week, that the County no more is going to rebuild islands that were washed away ..... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I don't think it was me. HENRY SMITH: Yeah,... well, this was at the spoil site. where it stands now. Well, that's FRANK KUJAWSKI: You don't know if A1 Koke and Guldi have had any conversations, do you? HENRY SMITH: I don,t know. A1 Koke, as far as I know, turned it all over to Roy Haje. Roy Haje was handling it and he said he couldn't proceed with the application until they got a letter of permission from Mrs. Hodskin for a spoil site, which the Trustees sent a letter to Mrs. Hodskinrequesting that her property be Used as a spoil site. She had a few questions that she wanted answered, but she did give permission. As far as the,you know, the depths, I think there is enough of the old channel left there that accurate depths could be made off of it. There are only two places that are filling in bad. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, 6500 cubic yards is alot. HENRY SMITH: Personally, I feel it could be cut down, if it had to. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Is it Town bottom? HENRY SMITH: It's all Town bottom, the whole creek is Town bottom. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I'm just wondering if we should encourage a communication between Koke and Guldi to possibly come in...let him follow the.. if Guldi will pick up the cost of this project. The Town is not going to come up with the money,that's for sure. You know that. To proceed ahead with the permit on this large a project where the DEC has the kind of interest, it would have to be positive dec. and that's going to incur a lot of expenses immediately on part of the homeowners in that area...and time. It seems if it were cut down to just get those bad spots by the County,they could see their way to get in there, either before the winter or early spring. Sounds like it might solve more problems. HENRY SMITH: I'm going to see Mr. Koke and I'll tell him to get in touch with Mr. Haje and Mr. Guldi and see if they can't... JOHN BREDEMEYER: Because, I think the homeowners here, didn't they start this on their oWn because at the time, it was too late for John Guldi to make an application, as I recall. HENRY SMITH: There was some problem in there. JOHN BREDEMEYER: It may have been the time they were looking to have a full environmental review on all county projects, and I think he may have reached the saturation point. I had Jay Tansky and Chris Smith from Sea Grant down and we were discussing the Town Jockey complex. They certainly said removal of course material from the mouth is no problem, whatsoever. Chris Smith did say he had some thoughts along my lines, that is if that drainage project along Hobart is built, he was going to send out some materials with respect to rejuvenating the marshland down below the marsh pond system. He has some technical information where they use the water hose and they blew out the fine silting material over shell bed and old sand and then restored the bottom. I said it would be nice if we could relay this soft slurpy stuff out and reconstruct the bottom with the hard material. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Obviously, it takes money. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Basically, they said it sounds good and will give us information on it, but they don't have enough money in that project to fund anything below the outfall. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I make a motion to table the assessment of this project until such time as Trustee Smith contacts Mr. Koke and encourages a meeting between him, Mr. Haje and Mr. Guldi. HENRY SMITH: It was my impression that the reason the homeowners went ahead to acquire this permit is because at this time, Mr. Haje..er Mr. Guldi said he doesn't care whose permit he works on as long as he had a permit. FRANK KUJAWSKI: JOHN BEDNOSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: All Ayes FRANK KUJAWSKI: Is there a second to the motion to table? I'll second that. All in favor I think we should recess our meeting for our hearings. TOM SAMUELS: Mr. Kujawski, is there any possibility you could do that Maddams? Mr. Haje could not be here tonight and asked if I could come on his behalf in regard to Item $6. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I guess we are flexible enough. OK, this is $6, En Consultants on behalf of Janet Maddams for a bulkhead that the Board looked at the other day with the 18 inches. We did have some questions about this. If I could just, to speed things up, the Board felt that the major portions of the bulkhead were structurally in good shape, but the pilings were having a problem. One of the things we wanted to know about was whether or not new pilings would solve some of the problems without going through a major construction and moving out another 18 inches. MIKE MOONEY: The problem is that the sheathing is about 73% deterioratedto the point where it's .. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We didn't notice that. MIKE MOONEY: That bulkhead has been there a great number of years. It appears fairly good. They have been filling it every year, filling the holes., you might have seen.. HENRY SMITH: We saw some spots where it was leaking and one spot without the piling seems to be leaning forward somewhat. TOM SAMUELS: Once you see Sheathing on a bulkhead start to go on one part of it, you can almost be certain that the rest of it is in similar condition. It is very rare for one part of a bulkhead to fail. Mrs. Maddams told me she applied for a permit 2 years ago, one of the conditions was to remove the structure. At that time, it was economically very difficult for her and it still is. She asked me if she had a chance if she re-applied and I said that in some instances the Trustees would go along with the 18 inches. Apparently, the DEC has already done so. I think that this particular case might be one you might consider for the 18 inches. It's certainly not going to protrude out any further than the bridge, by any stretch of the imagination. The house is close, it's one of those situations where it's difficult to retain the fill around the foundation to the house if you take out the structure. FRANK KUJAWSKI: How would you get in there and work. You have to go from a barge? TOM SAMUELS: Yeah, part of it, barge, you can get some small track loader with a boom on it for raising piles. Some parts of it, the return, of course, on the the launching ramp on side of the house, that has to be removed in total because the 18 inches would intrude on the neighbor's property. Over there can be excavated fairly easily and there's some room to put the fill. The part of the house that is on the canal is a little more difficult. ALBERT KRUPSKI: One of the problems the Board has is that there is a nice lush marsh in front of it. TOM SAMUELS: I would have no problem with the condition that that part of the marsh which is damaged or destroyed be recreated. It should be fairly easy to do. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think you probably guessed the sentiments of the Board, although we did notice that this was a highly unusual situation, the location of the house. What's the feeling up here? ALBERT KRUPSKI: Because of the unusual circumstances, I wouldn't have a problem with it, go with the 18 inches. HENRY SMITH: It's got to be done. There's no doubt about that. They are willing to regrate any marsh that they destroy in that area, that would satisfy me. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Would someone like to make a motion? HENRY SMITH: I'll make the motion that we negative dec this. JOHN BEDNOSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALBERT KRUPSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES. I'll second it. Ail in favor... I make a motion to recess the meeting for hearings. So moved. I'll second that. All in favor... V. HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNOF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. 7:45 PM FRANK KUJAWSKI: The first hearing~is in the matter of the application of En Consultants for Robert Boger to construct a retaining wall, two 5'x 20' floats, maintenance dredge area 10'x 40' to 4'depth and this property is located on Willow Point-Road. The CAC comments were disapproval of this, no reason to construct, floating docks would create navigational problems, no need for dredging. We did make some adjustments to this permit last time. Just wondering if those notes are in here. We did cut this back. HENRY SMITH: I think it even says in it it's down to two floats instead of... ALBERT KRUPSKI: It would cut down the dredging, the bulkheading and the floats, cut down everything. Mr. Boger was here .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: A retaining wall, OK. Be back from high water, right. Roy Haje to submit new sketch of project. Remove retaining wall, shorten float,dredge 40, yeah, to 4', for 40' ALBERT KRUPSKI: What's on the Public Hearing? Is that accurate? FRANK KUJAWSKI: No, that was on the application, what's on the Public Hearing is a smaller project with only dredging where the floats were going to go. We were supposed to get a new sketch. We did not receive a new sketch, but I think we should move ahead with the hearing, anyway, and if people want to wait for the new sketch we can t~hle the hearing when it's over. So, keeping that in mind, is there anyone here to speak in favor of this application? In opposition to this application? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I'll just say the same co~m~ents,you know, particularly about the retaining'wall, bulkhead, whatever he wants to call it there. You know, there's .. I don't know if there's a clear indication that that's required. It's a very narrow creek, well protected, and the erosion that's occurring might be might be occurring from his own land, the runoff .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: Oh, I'm sorry. I do have that new information. The number of additional floats has been reduced by to one float, one existing and one proposed, that's 5'x12' to be kept against the westerly side of the bulkhead, dredging will occur approximately 20' out from the bulkhead at 4', 35 cubic yards of spoil. HENRY SMITE: Where's that going, Frank? FRANK KUJAWSKI: The material used will be less so that it will be a retaining wall, be located along the eroded bluff to prevent further loss of trees and other plants. So right there, at the site. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I just want to say..You know where that big tree there...is it going to be seaward of the tree? ALBERT KRUPSKI: Does he have a sketch there? FRANK KUJAWSKI: For a revised work plan showing these changes is attached...want to take a look? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I'll give it a try, but... FRANK KUJAWSKI: This area, only area right here and he's showing spoil, I think, to put behind a retaining wall. HENRY SMITH: So he wants to...that's a bulkhead, really, not a retaining wall, it's out into the water. JOHN BREDEMEYER: One section we were allowing him to excavate to it, for the purpose of the float and the boat to minimize, originally the whole stretch was going .... ALBERT KRUPSKI: Yeah, we cut it down to this. You could add it to this existing bulkhead .... JOHN HOLZAPFEL: He's only b~lkheading in front of the float? JOHN BREDEMEYER: Right. In other words we minimized, .... we felt we were bringing it back to allow the boat to come closer, it wouldn't impede navigation, because he, basically, came back and said the depths weren't that critical. He just really wanted to be able keep his boat there. HE~RY SMITH: So the bulkhead is only in front of of where the boat is? JOHN BREDEMEYER: Exactly. ALBERT KRUPSKI: And he said that would be sufficient for him? I think, part of the spoil, I think we talked to him about what you mentioned about the erosion being there ..... Hopefully, that soil will be used to slow that water. HENRY SMITH: Historically, when this development was made and this basically, a man-made canal in there, and it was to be done the way it is now. Most of the neighbors..all of the neighbors are bulkheaded except him, that are living there presently. JOHN BREDEMEYER: That doesn't make it right. HENRY SMITH: No, but at the time, it was the accepted way of doing it, and... JOHN HOLZAPFEL: There's a mariner right down a little bit further. HENRY SMITH: Correct. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Well, that's where the transition here was...neighbor, bulkheaded. He has bulkhead, if you will, going to retaining wall, going to none, so we figure we created a transition zone. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: That's if we compromise. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think it is, too. There were no comments, I guess, from the audience, Board? Any more information .... we apparently do have all the information we requested. Seeing no one else I'll move to close this hearing. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Second. FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALBERT KRUPSKI: JOHN BEDNOSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Ail in favor? The Board want to do something with this, or? I make a motion to approve this application. Second. All in favor? OK, Next application is, the next hearing is in the matter of the application of John Geideman on behalf of Crescent Beach Condominium Association to install 8 pilings and add a splash board to a dock in a piling area . This is at the foot of Maple Lane, CAC approved this project. Is there anyone here to speak in favor of this project? Opposition to this project? Seeing no one, does anyone on the Board have I"ll make a motion to close this hearing. SECOND any comments? ALBERT KRUPSKI: ALL AYES PRANK KUJAWSKI: ALBERT KRUPSKI: ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I'll make a motion for approval of this application. SECOND The next hearing is from En Consultants on behalf of Edward Fergus to construct a 4'x 20' fixed dock, 4'x 16' ramp, two 6'x 16' floats and this property was located at the right-of way at the end of North Bayview Dr. We had requested a better map and some adjustments. We did get such a map from Mr. Haje. It..we've been there several times. We just weren't sure which area of the property was actually going to have the dock. Has everyone seen this map? If not, I'll pass it down. Is there anyone else in the audience that would like to comment in favor of this application? In opposition to this application~ Anyone on the Board have any comments? I think this clears it up quite a bit. I make a motion to close the hearing. HENRY SMITH: Second. All in favor. FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALBERT KRUPSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I make a motion to approve the application. Second. All in favor. Next is in the matter of application of Proper T Services on behalf of Richard A. Hall to construct a single family dwelling, a walkway 4' x'25' from the retaining wall over the rocks, a 4' x 7' stairs for access to the beach. This is on Kimberly Lane in Southold. There doesn't seem to be any major problem. One note was that if the swimming pool was constructed, it should have its own dry well for back washing and be located as far from the wetlands as possible. That's for future. Does anyone in the audience have any co~ut,ents in favor of this application? OK, is there anyone here to speak in opposition of this application? I make a motion to close the hearing. ALBERT KRUPSKI: SECOND. ALL AYES. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Move to approve. HENRY SMITH: SECOND. ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Everyone approved both motions. Next is in the matter of the application of James V. Righter on behalf of Mrs. W. G. Rafferty in Fishers Island to renovate an existing garage apartment and construct a 400 sq. ft. addition on the structure on property located on Middle Farms Pond, Fishers Island. We have been there several times. I think most of the Board has seen this. Is there anyone in the audience to co~L~,ent in favor or opposition to this application? Frank, I don't know if we said it last month or not, but would be a very indicative thing to put between and the water. There is a slope there that's fairly JO~N HOLZAPFEL: hay bales there theconstruction dramatic. FRANK KUJAWSKI: JO~N HOLZAPFEL: FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALBERT KRUPSKI: FRANK KUJAWSKI: Right. Just as a general precaution. OK Was there any mention of the septic system? I believe it was discussed there and it's upland from that site. Is it not on the other side? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I think last meeting we discussed it where they told us it was going to be on the other side. HENRY SMITH: Toward the road... JOHN BREDEMEYER: Toward the road, right, near the driveway. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, I make a motion to close the hearing. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor ALL AYES HENRY SMITH: I make a motion to approve with the stipulation of hay bales. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Second ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: Next is in the matter of the application of John Geideman on behalf of the Cutchogue/New Suffolk Park District to construct an 80' bulkhead with a lQ' return on property located at the foot of Pequash Ave. The Board was at this site and as mentioned earlier at this meeting, we do have a letter from the Fleets Neck Property Owners Association which I'll read at this time. I'd like it entered into the record of the hearing with reference to the proposed bulkhead of the beach, fronting the New Suffolk Park District Park adjacent to and west of Pequash Avenue. The Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association does not feel a bulkhead at this location is required. In its place, it is recommended that additional plants be placed in a few areas on the bank to help retard any possible erosion. Let's hope every effort will be made to keep the Park beach in its natural state as much as possible. This was also disapproved by the CAC because of need. They suggested stabilizing the bluff which, I think, echoes the Fleet's Neck Association comments. Is there anyone here to speak in favor of this application? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Frank, are they still putting the application forward? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Yes..well it hasn't been withdrawn. Mr. Geideman met with us. Does anyone speak in opposition to this application? You'll have to state your name. STEWART DUBAN,.. Fleet's Neck Property Owners Ass'n. In addition to the letter that was submitted, and you read, we also feel that the cost of doing this, which would be turned over to the Park District, and eventually would come back as taxes to the residents to the area, has to be considered. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Right, thank you. Just as a point of information, we were discussing, I think, down there, the idea of road drains, etc. to prevent the erosion on the beach, and today we submitted four and added Pequash, the end of Pequash as the fifth project to go...let's see, that went to the DEC, did it not, which proposed kind of a unique drainage system, not as elaborate as occurring in other areas, but a drain system using an asphalt burm at the end of the roadway, funneling it into several large leeching pools under the roadway. So, I added this as a fifth area. SPEAKER: ...This is down property you're speaking of.. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Right..yes, yes..OK JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Frank, can I just ask about that? You wrote to DEC? FRANK KUJAWSKI: No, the Town of Southold has made application. The DEC, I think, has suggested this method. I just saw this today. Maybe you'd like to take a look at it. I still don't understand. You said you wrote to DEC places. No, we're sending them on to the DEC as part of an JOHN HOLZAPFEL: about these five FRANK KUJAWSKI: application, ok. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: FRANK KUJAWSKI: under waivers, I included, but it comments? ALBERT KRUPSKI: As part of a Town application..? As a Town project, yes. This will be coming up later on think, but in the original application, Pequash wasn't is going to be now. Anyone on the Board have any You know it might be better if we...because of all the concerns that have been raised on our two inspections, that we table this application and try get the Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association and Cutchogue/New Suffolk Park District together and try to work something out that .... you know, it's a community project down there..community should be for it. JOHN BREDEF~YER: Looks like a mistake in the making to me. I just...I have my reservations. HENRY SMITH: I think we ought to just .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I was...disapproving it, so that it was done with, because I think there is a better way to do it. That method has already been used. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I think we should just let it die. HENRY SMITH: We let too many things hanging when we... this kills it...it's ..they want to know... SPEA~RR: Let's go for a compromise because I didn't think the Board would be looking that strongly against it, but that's fine. JOHN BREDEMEYER: That's not going to serve anybody. I think that well taken it for this one. FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK , unless there are any other comments, I make a motion to close the hearing on this. HENRY SMITH: Second. FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: I'll make a motion to deny this permit. ~LBERT KRUPSKI: Without prejudice, for reasons we should still... FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, for reasons suggested by various groups, the CAC, the Fleet's Neck Property Owners Association, and the Trustees, that the bluff appears to be fairly stabilized now and a few plantings done appropriately should really stabilize it. HENRY SMITH: Second. FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next application is in the matter of Proper T Services on behalf of Dr. Francisco Sciotto to construct a 4' x 16' walkway, 4' x' 16' hinged ramp, two 6' x 20' floating docks on ROW off North Bayview Road. The CAC did approve this project. Is there anyone here to speak in...for this project? JIM FITZGERALD FOR THE Doctor: FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK HENRY SMITH: Who owns the ROW, Mr. Fitzgerald? JIM FITZGERALD: It's the ROW to his house .... the applicant's ROW. HENRY SMITH: OK, I just misunderstood. I thought it was like a community with a ROW piece of property. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Is the boat we saw down there be the same one that's going to go off the dock or .... ? JIM FITZGERALD: I haven't been down there recently, I don't know. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I know he has two boats, he has a boat and his son has a boat, a very big boat that's why he need a big dock. In a sense they're big outboards or inboards or whatever.. JIM FITZGERALD: There's a fair sized inboard there, something like a 22', you know, run-about type. Both boats add up to 56 feet in length, so you add them up.. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Right,ok, the only concern I had, seeing it, was for navigation around them, the extent of the intrusion into that small spur. JIM FITZGERALD: That's a dead end channel there. JOHN BREDE~EYER: I know it is, my only concern is that he would be aware of it, that we would still want a right to navigation. JIM FITZGERALD: Yes, yes, that's why I'm setting it in as close to shore as possible without being able to use... JOHN BREDEMEYER: OK, it was just our only concern~that we had in looking at it, Frank and I going down to look at it a second time that .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: Any other comments from the audience? I think the Board probably has made their comments. I'll make a motion to close the hearing. HENRY SMITH: Second FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor.. ALL AYES ALBERT KRUPSKI: Move to approve. HENRY SMITH: Second. FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor.. ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next for Nicholas Theoharides from En Consultants to construct and, I think the advertised description of this project has been changed. It is a 4' x 70' catwalk, a 4' x 16' ramp, 6' x 16' float, dredge the area of the float, rather than dredge the navigation area and channel has been eliminated. The area of the float would be the 3' BMLW. This property is located at 800 Maple Avenue, Southold, NY. This has been around awhile and I should say, at the start, Jay, maybe you would like to make some comments about the application and some new infoimation? JOHN BREDEMEYER: Yeah, with respect to this application, I met with two members of Sea Grant with respect to a proposed water marsh treatment system that's going to be installed upgrading of this on Hobart Avenue, and the concern being that since the Trustees have already gone on record with a ban prior to this project, excuse me, after this project had gotten to this stage not permitting additional small projects without reviewing it in the context of water quality. I was concerned that ..that this be looked at in the same light and both Chris Smith and Jay Tanski agreed to take a look at it on face value I described to them .. and the project..they really didn't see a problem...they would take the time to look at the application within the next month so they would get it back to us with their co~L,ents that they would give on it. That's basically what we have come to. I also opened the line of communication as far as the possible aspect of this marsh treatment system as far as getting information, sharing information, etc. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Since this application has been rather controversial and back and forth around the board, I think any additional information, professional information like this would really complete the record. So, if there are any comments from the audience, we like to add that to the record right now or the Board, and at the conclusion, would like to table this hearing and reopen it next month to introduce this final information to it and then make a decision in October. So, are there any comments from the public either in favor of or in opposition to this application? MIKE MOONEY, North Fork Waterfront Contractors: I'm glad you people are taking such an interest in this project. Hopefully, we can get this thing resolved. It would be a nice New Year's present for this guy to have, with a year and a half now in process. I hope the Board takes this consideration into their future projects that they get and try to drag out some of these other projects for a year and a half. I'm sure that the gentleman will appreciate that the final conclusion is that if this is the last piece, we go along with everything that had to be done, made our changes. Hopefully, this will be the last one. Thank you. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Thank you, Mr. Mooney. Just want you to know the Board, also has been very flexible and gone along with all the changes to this project, too. Are there any other comm'ents? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Frank, I think it's the upland part of it that I brought up month after month, after month. If you remember the layout of that land, there is a gigantic funnel that takes all the water off his nice green grass and runs in right in to that one place where the dock is going to be. You know, if something could be done to alleviate some of that run off, it might be something you could include on the application. HENRY SMITH: I don't think so, cause that would go upland and that would be like holding a club over the guy's head. I don't think we can do anything with that. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Would you make a suggestion? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I can also disagree, we can do something. When I talked to the Town Attorney, he was fairly clear that a person is responsible, particularly for water going into creeks or bays. That's one where its clearly defined and that a person is responsible for that water., run off saltwater run off,...point source of pollution of going into the bay. do think you have a responsibility, whether you follow up on it or not. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I'm not disagreeing with that. JOHN BREDEMEYER: The rains got to go somewhere...maybe if it were a direct action on his part in as far as having graded it or did some activity with the lawn, but I don't see as a principle that you can hold a man accountable for an act of God. If he did something there to grade it purposely down there, but I thir~ this is the second or third landowner in the last few years~ I'm sure a few kind words, a little sugar, would help here, but I think if we clobber the guy .... JOHN HOLZAPFEL: OH yeah, I'm not saying, I'm just saying that as a reco~t,~endation. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Yeah, yeah... SPEAKERS: Unclear: JOHN BREDEMEYER: I would say after a year and a half waiting for a permit, this one has about a snowball's chance in hell of coming through, but.. HENRY SMITH: ..Putting an addition on his house, I think it was two years ago, and one of the things that was that he had to install dry wells for his roof run off and for his immediate landscape area of his addition to contain his roof run off in the dry wells, so that part of it is done. So I think now it is minimal what's running off down there other than what possibly could be coming down that road which is a co~£m%unity road,etc. JOHN BREDEMEYER: We could ask, it couldn't hurt. ALBERT KRUPSKI: We put similar conditions on other permits. FRANK KUJAWSKI: On dock permits? HENRY SMITH: No, not dock permits. ALBERT KRUPSKI: On bulkheads, sure. HENRY SMITH: On grading permits and .... houses and things like that for road run off. I know myself, when I put my...I had to put a dry well in. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I can't...it's been a while, I don't remember the exact layout of it, lay of the land.. HENRY SMITH: I think this is a little extreme, at this point to a throw .... we put this guy back and forth through the wringer and all of a sudden now we're going to shoot his foot off with this.. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Let's just leave it as a suggestion as Frank, I think, had made the suggestion ... FRANK KUJAWSKI: We have a couple weeks to think about it. Maybe each of us, probably wants to go back and take another look at it, take another look, and come up with a suggestion. In the meantime, hopefully, get some information to digest, also. Any other co~m~ents? I would make a motion to table this hearing until our October meeting. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second FRANK KUJAWSKI: Would this be...all in favor. HENRY SMITH: Will this be finished at that time, or would it have the possibility of being tabled for another month? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, we'd like to get those comments from Chris Smith. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I was assured we'd get them without any problem. I'll have them there. HENRY SMITH: I'll go along with it if it is acted on. That would be the last leg. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, it's not in our hands, reallyt HENRY SMITH: Well, it's not in our hands, but accepting information at this late date, I think a thirty day .... JOHN BBEDEMEYER: It is not unreasonable since we...it's more or less an after thought. HENRY SMITH: Right JOHN BREDEMEYER: Frankly, I have every assurance. He would have gotten to us today, but it was just last Monday and whatever, and I didn't feel it was appropriate to , you know, to force them to take a hurried look at it. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I have a motion to table, and a second. Ail in favor of a t~hling. Henry? HENRY SMITH: I just want to be assured .... FRANK KUJAWSKI: You can be in opposition to it. HENRY SMITH: That there's going to be a...I'm in opposition to it. Three Ayes, one Nay FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, Jay? JOHN BHR~EMEYER: I'm in favor of the tabling. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Do we have time to advertise? HENRY SMITH: Advertise for what? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Public hearing... The meeting is on the 17th and we have to advertise twice, I guess we have to get two editions of the paper...two weeks? JOAN SCHNEIDER: NO, just one, ten days. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Ten days, OK, good, we shouldn't have any problem. The next hearing is in the application of Francis Weisent to register retaining wall and stairs constructed on property located on Naugles Drive, Mattituck. This goes back a ways and this is actually sort of a grandfather permit, although the structure is not that old. It's after the fact and there was a violation, I think, originally issued here some time back. Is there anyone from the audience that has any comments in regard to this application? Anyone on the Board have anything to add? HENRY SMITH: Are we just going to Grandfather this or they going to have to... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think rather than Grandfather it, I think we'll... HENRY SMITH: ...Pay the usual fees and things of that sort? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Certainly. HENRY SMITH: OK FRANK KUJAWSKI: OK, I make a motion to close the hearing. HENRY SMITH: Second All in favor. FRANK KUJAWSKI: ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: JOHN BEDNOSKI: Second. ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: I make a motion to approve. Last hearing is in the matter of the application of Harbor Marine Construction on behalf of Luis Portal to construct a 4' x 20' dock, 4'x 10' ramD, and 6'x 18' floating dock to form a T section. This property is located on Jockey Creek Dr. Southold. We did have some information to add to the record prior to the hearing from the adjacent property owner across the way of Ulrich Marine. SPEAKER: That'll be Southold Marine.. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Southold Marine, excuse me...I'm dating myself. Is there anyone to speak for this application? Yes, my name is Wade Hulse, Harbor Marine Construction representing Luis Portal. Since the last time we met, we have since revised our application. We would be in agreement with that, I think, a floating dock would work fine under normal circumstances. But in this particular circumstances, I'm afraid that we've got a navigational problem. We've done some soundings in the area, right in front of the property and about 10' out, there was about one foot of water. It seems that the channel is on the west end of the canal. If we were to go approximately 10' out with a ramp from the shore line high water mark, we went with a 6' float, and then we had a 6' boat on the out side of that, that would limit us to approximately 20'on the boat on the adjacent shore on that dock. You have informed us that the Trustees' position that they could actually make the owner of the adjacent property produce the size of those docks. In the meantime, we've spoken to Rick Rizzi, the owner of this marine facility, and he mentioned to us, in fact, that he has a permit saying that it is to be this length and that he has the actual deeded right to that property. I think it was done from that .... from his property. In this circumstance, agsin, I think we would have a problem with navigation. I have a couple of pictures I'd like to show you just to refresh your memory on this. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think ......... some of the soundings. What kind of soundings did you get towards the east side of the property rather than in the location that you had wanted the structure? SPEAKER: They were on done the length of the propert¥o FRANK KUJAWSKI: They were? SPEAKER: Yeah, and the pictures were taken. WADE HULSE: Here are the pictures then. This was from the shoreline looking across the canal. SPEAKER: And one adjacent homeowner ......... FRANK KUJAWSKI: The east, well, standing on the owners property left hand side ROBIN PEREZ: Looking at the creek, left hand side, right. He has a float with a boat and we weren't there at low tide. We spoke to Rich of the mariner and he said that it sits on the bottom most times and there's limited access to the creek with his boat, and he's at a much wider area. The picture will show from the marina, across to the property, that that adjacent property owner is at a wider area. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Yes, That's why we were looking towards the left hand side of the property which is actually quite a bit back further from the marina. ROBIN PEREZ: Right, there were pictures taken from the marina and the property, showing across to the float... HENRY SMITH: I think the only way we'll solve this problem without the marina owner upset or the property owner upset is to give them permission to maintenance dredge in front of the Portal lot, to get that float in there, because historically, this whole area was made by dredging. All that property where Portal isr and all the way up,basically, to the woods where Frohnhoffer lives, that whole thing was dredged out and dumped on that shoreline there. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, you don't think it was the original creek that went up? HENRY SMITH: No, Ulrich's whole yard .. that was dug up from nothing. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Could you take a look at this map for a moment and see if this is the right angle. I don't know if the Board has seen this. You might want to come up and take a look. This is the two extensions of the marina here, the floating docks, ok, and this is the property of your applicant. If you went over here even with permission to take a scoop out of whatever for 3 feet of water, wouldn't that solve the problem? WADE HULSE: Well, the problem that we have is the Army Corp..suggests, unless otherwise circumstanced, that you should keep at least a minimum 15 feet side yard set back. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Oh, we do,too. ALBERT KRUPSKI: But we could waive this under these circumstances. HENRY SMITH: Again, I don't know how the adjacent property owner would feel about that, as well. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I wouldn't either, but look at what you've got. You've got 40' here, you've got 40' of the location to the right of his property line. If you go over to this side, you're gaining quite a few feet already. Here's the marina, here's the extension, between the two .... you're going to this side think it was done from that .... from his property. In this circumstance, again, I think we would have a problem with navigation. I have a couple of pictures I'd like to show you just to refresh your memory on this. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think ......... some of the soundings. What kind of soundings did you get towards the east side of the property rather than in the location that you had wanted the structure? SPEAKER: They were on done the length of the property. FRANK KUJAWSKI: They were? SPEAKER: Yeah, and the pictures were taken. WADE HULSE: Here are the pictures then. This was from the shoreline looking across the canal. SPEAKER: And one adjacent homeowner ......... FRANK KUJAWSKI: The east, well, standing on the owners property left hand side ROBIN PEREZ: Looking at the creek, left hand side, right. He has a float with a boat and we weren't there at low tide. We spoke to Rich of the mariner and he said that it sits on the bottom most times and there's limited access to the creek with his boat, and he's at a much wider area. The picture will show from the marina, across to the property, that that adjacent property owner is at a wider area. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Yes, That's why we were looking towards the left hand side of the property which is actually quite a bit back further from the marina. ROBIN PEREZ: Right, there were pictures taken from the marina and the property, showing across to the float... HENRY SMITH: I think the only way we'll solve this problem without the marina owner upset or the property owner upset is to give them permission to maintenance dredge in front of the Portal lot, to get that float in there, because historically, this whole area was made by dredging. All that property where Portal is, and all the way up,basically, to the woods where Frohnhoffer lives, that whole thing was dredged out and dumped on that shoreline there. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, you don't think it was the original creek that went up? HENRY SMITH: No, Ulrieh's whole yard .. that was dug up from nothing. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Could you take a look at this map for a moment and see if this is the right angle. I don't know if the Board has seen this. You might want to come up and take a look. This is the two extensions of the marina here, the floating docks, ok, and this is the property of your applicant. If you went over here even with permission to take a scoop out of whatever for 3 feet of water, wouldn't that solve the problem? WADE HULSE: Well, the problem that we have is the Army Corp..suggests, unless otherwise circumstanced, that you should keep at least a minimum 15 feet side yard set back. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Oh, we do,too. ALBERT KRUPSKI: But we could waive this under these circumstances. HENRY SMITH: Again, I don't know how the adjacent property owner would feel about that, as well. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I wouldn't either, but look at what you've got. You've got 40' here, you've got 40' of the location to the right of his property line. If you go over to this side, you're gaining quite a few feet already. Here's the marina, here's the extension, between the two .... you're going to this side ROBIN PEREZ: If we could go back further as long as we're allowed to dredge in the float area and... HENRY SMITH: Right, that would be the sensible thing to do SPEAKER: I think 20 feet would cover it. I think 16 feet would be a closer number. FRANK KUJAWSKI: With the dredging, it would let them get closer to the .. ROBIN PEREZ: There's no sense in having the float float without being able to get to the channel. HENRY SMITH: There is a marina here, we're not worried about two neighbors passing back and forth. It is a marina where it's a commercial operation and it's got a heavy used channel, so the tighter we can get that float to that bank, even if they have to dredge out, as long as they can get to it. I think this is the most common sense way to approach this thing. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Let the records show that that's the owner of Southold Marine who had those co~u~,ents. OK, is there any other comments? Does this application still include the retaining wall? No, ok, we're just talking about the marine structure. I make a motion to close the hearing. HENRY SMITH: Second FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES FRANK KUJAWSKI: I make a motion to approve the permit application with the stipulation that the site of the dock be hopefully, 15' from the neighboring property and the maximum of 20' out, hopefully less, and any necessary maintenance dredging from the float area to the channel would be permitted by the Board. JOHN BREDEMEYER: What depth is the channel? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, three feet. HENRY SMITH: I'll second it. FRANK KUJAWSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay, Hope this works out to everyone's satisfaction. We'll take a five minute recess now that we are done with the hearings and go back to our meeting . We'll be back on assessments, number 4. ASSESSMENTS: 4.En Consultants on behalf of James and Susan Trentalange, West Road, Cutchogue for permit to construct 85' stone rip rap along shoreline of Wickham Creek to Peconic Bay. FRANK KUJAWSKI made a mOtion to declare this a neg dec, seconded by John Bredemeyer. All in favor. 5. John Geideman on behalf of Robert Keith to construct 4' x 40~ fixed dock, 3' x 10' ramp, 6' x 20' float at property located at foot of Willis Creek Drive, Mattituck. To move location to the north, location to be specified by the Board. Dock reduced and turned float parallel to shore. FRANK KUJAWSKI made a motion to declare a neg dec,seconded by John Bredemeyer. All in favor. VI. AMENDMENTS: 1. Proper T. Services on behalf of Ira Wechterman to amend permit ~3690 to reflect construction of 4' x 34' walkway, 4' x 12' ramp and 5' x 20' floating dock. Property is located at 630 Oak Street, cutchogue, NY. Albert Krupski made a motion to approve, subject to his inspection, seconded by Frank Kujawski. Ail in favor. 2. En Consultants on behalf of Bernard and CAarol Kiernan, North Parish Dr., Southold, NY for amendment of permit ~483 to reflect construction of 4' x 60' and 4' x 40' fixed seasonal structure, same dimensions as previously approved. Henry Smith moved to approve, a second by John Bednoski. All in favor. 3. Petersen's Marina, Naugles Road, Mattituck, NY to amend permit 9126 to reflect addition of railway and travel lift, alteration of dock configuration. Henry Smith moved to approve with the condtion of concrete ramp and drywell to be used as wash basin for paints, etc.. A1 Krupski seconded this motion. All in favor VII. WAIVERS. 1. Gerald Jacobson, 1915 Lake Drive, Southold, NY., a waiver for construction of 3' x 45' walkway (existing structure), to Great Pond. Frank Kujawski moved to approve, seconded by John Bredemeyer. All in favor. 2. Walter Gaipa, Lakeview Terrace, East Marion, NY, a waiver to install pool behind bulkhead on Marion Lake. A motion by Frank Kujawski to deny waiver, seconded by A1 Krupski. Suggestion to include all work and apply for permit. All in favor. 3. Diamond Scarduzio, a waiver to construct single family dwelling behind bulkhead on Budd's Pond Road, Southold, NY. Frank Kujawski made a motion to table, a second by John Bredemeyer. To re-inspect and get a full permit. 4. Briarcliff Landscape on behalf of Dr. Frank Sciotto to construct retaining wall over 75' from wetlands. Property is located on Goose Creek, Southold, NY. John Bredemeyer made a motion to approve waiver, seconded by Frank Kujawski. All in favor. 5. Lester Eisenberg, 925 Long Creek Dr., Southold, NY to reconstruct existing single family dwelling at above-mentioned.location 81' from ~. Frank Kujawski made a motion to grant waiver, with stipulation of hay bales between construction and Long Creek. It was seconded by John Bredemeyer. All in favor. 6. James McMahon, Southold Town Community Developnent on behalf of Southold Town Highway Department for waiver to correct road drainage problems at several road endings in Southold Town. Approved locations: Nassau Point, Duck Pond, Ba!rview Road, Maratooka, and Sigsbee. Added to list was Pequash Avenue. A1 Krupski moved to grant waiver,Henry SMith seconded. All in favor. 7. En Consultants on behalf of Alan and Patricia Congdon to reconstruct two timber jetties on property located on Peconic Bay Blvd, Laurel, NY. Frank Kujawski made motion to approve waiver (in kind/in place replacement). A1 Krupski seconded the motion. All in favor. VIII. LEAD AGENCY: J. Peconic Associates on behalf of Narrow River Marina to dredge channel. John Bredemeyer made a motion to declare lead agency and send co-ordination letter to all departments. Albert Krupski seconded the motion. All in favor. IX. GRANDFATHER PERMIT: 1. Mrs. Gerald Jacobson, 1915 Lake Drive, Southold, NY to register existing 6' x 9' floating dock. Frank Kujawski made a motion to approve, seconded by John Bredemeyer. All in favor. X. MOORINGS: Approval of October mooring renewals, motion made by Frank Kujawski, a second by Henry Smith. All in favor New Mooring Applications: 1. Michael Connolly 715 Liberty Lane, Southold, NY to moor a duck blind in Cedar Beach. Henry Smith made a motion to approve with the stipulation that an agreement is worked out between Grigonis and Cornell. Frank Kujawski seconded the motion. All in favor. 2. Richard F. Greenfield, Cabot's Woods, Peconic, NY to moor 31' sail boat in Gull Pond. Moved by Albert Krupski to approve, a second by John Bednoski. All in favor. J~lados, Clerk