HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/27/1989FRANK A. KUJAWSKt, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI. JR. HENRY P. SMITH TELEPHONE (5161 765-1892 PRESENT WERE: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 MINUTES JULY 27, 1989 Trustee Frank A. Kujawski, Jr., President Trustee Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Trustee John M. Bredemeyer, III Trustee John L. Bednoski, Jr. Trustee Henry P. Smith Clerk Joan Schneider I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report of June, 1989 totalled $6,044.81 which was forwarded to Supervisor Murphy for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are published on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Rosa Hodgson, re: dredging at Pine Neck, Southold. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We have several coim,unications and the first one is from Rosa Hodgsono Henry you are probably familiar with this letter, right? HENRY SMITH: Yes. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Would like to explain it to the audience and the Board? HENRY SMITH: They want to dredge that channel out that starts from the main channel across from the Founders Landing Boat ramp where that bulkhead is and its going to go to the end of Pine NeCk Road. Storm Nelson, I believe it was, tore out the end of that sand spit and and filled it in quite bad. She has given permission for on her proPerty and she wants it to go down to the end where ,:from but also ~she would like to have those groins and jetties repaired'and'she is willing to split the cost with the Town, from the way it sounds in this letter, to do so. This is a separate re~est other than the dredging and from what I could find out through talking to people about the history of those jetties, they were put out there by the County to maintain that channel and in that storm and they have since got washed out and busted up pretty bad. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Did the County put them there? HENRY SMITH: That was what I was told. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We certainly do not have funds. We could send this on to the Town Board for consideration. HENRY SMITH: We have to make a request to the Town Board asking them, in next year's budget to put funds aside to repair that jetty. I know we have done that with the one in Gull Pond. We have asked them... FRANK KUJAWSKI: We have? Has the Town come up with the money? HENRY SMITH: I do not know if they have come up with the money, we did put in the request. That is all we can do. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Seeing that we have brought in $33,000 to date this year, we might remind them, if that is part of the big plan, to help offset big activities. HENRY SMIT~: It is getting to the point where a lot of these groins that were put in to keep some of these mouths of these creeks open... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think the Town should take over some of the responsibilities, because we are just not getting it done. Mr. Guldi, also now claims that this whole project is a Town project, not a County project. Are you familiar with that? HENRY SMIT~: I am not familiar with that at all. Also that jetty on Founders Landing, I do not know who owns that. That is in serious need of repair. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Seriously, maybe we should refer to the increased fees and would the Town Board consider dedicating a portion of it to structures in the creeks. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I will bring that up Tuesday morning. 2. John C.W. Campbell, M.D. re: Renewal of Permit No. 536. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 2 co~mnunication is from Dr. Campbell. He is requesting an extension of his permit, a two yea~x~ens, ion~ which I do not think is something that this Board grants. It is about to expire at midnight tonight. JOHN BREDEMEYER: That's timely. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, we had the request back on July 5th. It just happened that were meeting tonight. It is to construct a single family residence and it is his property in Harbor Lights and I would be willing to go along with a one year. I'll make a motion to extend the permit for one year. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second. MOVED by Frank Kujawski for a one year extension, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 3. Edith Boberg, Secretary for Mattituck Estates Property Owners AssoCiation re: Wetlands Permit issued for lot No. 42. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 3 is a communication from Edith Boberg representing the Mattituck Estates Property Owners Association and I will read it for the rest of the Board. 'We would like to know the disposition of the Building Permit issued to William Moore of Lot 42 in Mattituok Estates. .This permit expired in June of this year. We feel that before another permit is issued, we must again address the ~,~act on the environment of the destruction of the trees on this lot has caused a change in the water runoff in this area. We would like this matter resolved at a public-meeting at you earliest convenience.' Well, I thought this is an interesting question that you brought up. I did discuss this with the Town Attorney, you were correct when you p~inted out that the lot was cleared of trees and vegetation. Hay bales, I believe, were placed on the perimeter between the cleared area and the wetlands. Its the Town Attorney's opinion since that was part of the permit, that the permit didn't expire and, in fact, this may now point out why the lot was cleared of trees, that the clearing of the trees and the placement of the hay bails actually began the use of the permit. I do not know if that makes sense, because the permit certainly included a lot more than clearing a lot and placing hay bales. I think we would like to take a look at this situation, probably on our next field inspection. I wasn't able to get the legal response that you would be hoping for, that the permit was not begun and that this permit expired. But, let's take a look at the situation environmentally on our field inspections which would be on the 22nd of August and we'll walk down there and take a look at what is going on. Anybody have any col~,~ents? I remember when the clearing was taking place and I couldn't figure out why. I think I figured out why now. I think what they were trying to do was protect the permit with the area that they cleared. I do not believe the bails were in place actually when the clearing took place. Is there evidence of gullying or anything like that where you can see evidence that sediments have been carried down? Well, maybe rather than waiting until the 22nd, would you take a look at that? A violation maybe in order. Mr. McCarthy is one of our Bay Constables and he will take a look at it. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Kent may want to take the permit on that, because there was a lengthy discussion in pezmit conditions and the means of doing it and I don't think we strictly said it had to be hay bales It was a long discussion on the process to include materials as necessary. That a copy is in hand so you have a direct reference to what kind of performance we were looking for. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I am going to follow up with M~_.~chondabare.. I got this opinion from Mr. Berntsson who's the Assistant Town Attorney and when Mr. Schondebare gets back which will be next week sometime follow up on exactly when does a permit exactly begin, when does the clock start on that. In other words, is just clearing a lot, if that is 10% of the permit, is that enough to start the clock or not. The permit is given with conditions, those are the conditions that have to be complied with. I will tell you the way it works. The people of the Town really perform the function that you are talking about. If there is a problem or an overstepping of a permit or ignoring the conditions of a permit, it is usually the neighbors that Understand why these restrictions were placed on the propert~ an~ they notify this Board, or the Bay Constable and at that time we go on the property and the Bay Constable certainly has the authority to go on the property. If he can go on and look with a permit in hand, but to be honest with you, it is the people right across the street from you, Bob, where there was a bulkhead being repaired. I am trying to think of the peoples name, but I had three phone call before 9:00 the morning before that backhoe was there and both the Bay Constables were there within an half an hour. It was the neighborhood that said there was a problem here. It turned out that there was not a problem, but... JOHN BREDEMEYER: I just wonder, would there be a question here for the Town Attorney, we have an authorization statement that is signed automatically with an application for a permit. Maybe you could find out if'this kind of permission runs with the permit which is for these sorts of things that were in the restrictions and covenants. In other words, so that the owner could require the Bay Constable to get an inspection warrant, so the ability of the Bay Constable would run with such a complicated permit, he would always have the right to go on the property. A Bay Constable who may find himself checking on a routine matter regularly for a private individual not something of this depth, he would say hey you are bugging me, go get an inspection warrant. We already had restrictive covenants here, there is a permission statement. This would be a good chance to ask the Town Attorneys if, in the future, the Bay Constable would have easy access with out having to resort to the courts to get on to property. There is this question of accessibility... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think we have all that, right? We have wetlands behind there and we certainly have enough authority to inspect if there is possible environment damage to wetlands. HENRY SMITH: That permit is in effect until they get a C.O. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We have had this situation occur in Southold where a house traded hands three of four times and all of a sudden there were a lot of things going on in the wetland and the new owner was not aware that these things weren't even suppose to take place. They still have a violation , they still had to correct the situation , so...with out burdening the expense of the tax payer, by providing adequate personnel, the Building Department has code enforcement officers that constantly check on these things at least during construction. I suppose we could get into that too, but I am not so sure we could justify the expense to the tax payers. We will have to rely on the public to help us out. RECESS FOR HEARINGS. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN T~E MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICANTS FOR A PERMIT UNDERTHEWETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM T~E SUFFOLK TIMES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER WATCHMA~{. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COM~E. NTS FROM T~E PUBLIC. 7:30 P.M. HEARING IN THE MATTER OF T~E APPLICATION DONALD COCKS ON BEF_ALF ALI AGARABI. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The first is in the application of Donald Cocks on behalf of AliAgarabi to construct catwalk, ramp and floating dock at property located a 265 Westview Drive, Mattituck, N.Y. The Board was in this area. We hadsome incorrect information on the permit and we went to 365 Westview Drive. At any rate we went back to the correct location and met with the resident and inspected the area. This does seem to be in keeping with the neighborhood. Does anyone have any comments either for or against this application? Please identify yourself. MR. McGINTY: My name is Mr. McGinty, I own the property adjacent. I do not oppose the dock in ~estion if it is to be operated in the manner indicated in the application ...the application suggests use bythe owner...and I in no way wish to impede this. The concerns springs from observation of three other docks on the north side of the creek facing the marina. It is my understanding that these are properties owned by Mr. Agarabi or his close relatives. Presumably the applications for these docks indicated the same use as the application being considered this evening. Two of these docks appearto be operated as annexes to the marina. There has been no activities for the two weeks preceding this hearing, but during the July 4th weekend, since the end of June, boats were moved quite openly not under their own power but were moved by marina personnel using the marina's work boat. During the July 4th weekend, there were two boats at one dock and three at another, these boats were moved back to the marina after the holiday. It appears that they make room at the marina by moving the boats to docks on the other side. Please understand that I do not wish to impede this application, I and my neighbors and I are really concerned that we are or appear to be surrounded by an ipso facto change of zone, one that could have very damaging effects on property values and their sale ability... If this dock going in is to be used by the tenant or owner, we have no objection what so ever, but we are concerned that this is not the case. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay, thank you. Just as a comment, I had heard a rumor if you would, about what you have brought to the Boards attention tonight. I confronted Mr. Cocks on this and said that there is going to be some problems with zoning and so on if this is the case and he assured me it was not. I can't say that I am terribly surprised about what you have brought to our attention. Kent, do we have any legal recourse about boats from a commercial area being moved and placed on private property? KENT MC CARTHY: You can have two boats other than your own. HENRY SMITH: If he indeed did move two boats there other than his own or if he plans to put two other boats at this dock other than his own, he is perfectly legal to do so. As long as he did not have over two other boats there that were not his own boats, he is still legally doing this. FRANK KUJAWSKI: To be honest with you, this is one section of the code that really needs to be looked at quite seriously. It~might have worked alright a few years back but with what is going on today in the creeks and the number of boats that we have in there, I am n~t. ~o sure a property owner should be ~hle to put in five boats but were saying that you can own three boats and you can put two more boats in there and, you've got five boats, almost .a mini marina in some cases. I think we should look at the Code again. HENRY SMITH: Well the owner of the property has to own all the boats except two. FRANK KUJAWSKI: But, they can own three. I am not so sure that we shouldn't look at that in the code again. I will discuss this with the Town Attorney to find out if we do have any recourse if nothing more than possibly, at the least, a letter to Matt-A-Marr telling them that we are aware of this type of activity and that it is not permitted within our zoning regulations and that we will be watching it for the future. At least, to let them know we are on to something like this. I would say that if you notice this ~type of activity again, the best thing to do, I think would be to contact the Police Station and ask that one of the Bay Constables come down and take a look. BARBARA REITER: My name is Barbara Reiter and I live adjacent to one of Dr. Agarabi's properties. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Who do we owe and apology to about the yellow sign? Is that you sir? I would apologize for the sign being put in the wrong place? BARBARA REITER: Who is going to stop Dr. Agarabi or his family from renting their docks to other people? Who is going to monitor that? And I 'd also like to know if I have to hire a patrol to keep my property free of any trespassers, I wrote that in one of my letters. FRANK KUJAWSKI: If you would like to lease out your dock, you need to have the proper zoning to do that. That is operating a business. That is against the law. I think you can report it to our office. You are allowed to have two other boats other that you own, but you are not allowed to accept fees for it or to charge fees. HENRY SMITH: Well, when this was written up originally, it was stated that you could have two other boats other that your own on a dock on private property and you could charge fees for those two boats. I do not know who that they would be paid to or what... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I believe you are wrong about that Henry. Kent, would you like to fill us in? KENT MC CARTHY: We had a problem in Deep Hole Creek with Sea Tow, HENRY SMITH: They were commercial boats on a non commercial dock. They were running a business out of there, so that is under the zoning, its like if I wanted to open a plumbing shop out of my house, that would be illegal. I can live there, but I can not run a business there legally. That's what Sea Tow was doing, running a co~m~ercial business on a piece of residential property. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Okay would that stand to be if Agarabi business is a co~u~ercial venture, now expanding on to residential property... FRANK KUJAWSKI: It can not expand. JOHN BREDEMEYER: What I am inferring that now he is taking a commercial venture and expanding it on to residential property, it seems that he has crossed the line. HENRY SMITH: I would say if these people using the docks pay a fee to Matt-A-Marr Marina then that would be illegal. HELEN REITER: Well, suppose they pay it to him personally? He owns the marina~ FRANK KUJAWSKI: Either way, its the same idea, Ith~. HENRY SMITH: I don't know. It would be a hard thing to prove in court I would think. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I will follow up and I will contact you with what I find out. BARBARA REITER: Is there any way of amending the law? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Oh yes. What has to happen is it'goes back to the Code Committee, which is a branch of the Town Board, if they agree that either a modification is needed or a new law or an amendment to one or something that might just take, for instance, into account, this kind of situation it goes in front of the. Town Board to a public hearing and then adoption. There is a waiting period for the Secretary of State of sign it. JOHN BREDEMEYER: This is such an unique thing the act of taking it from a c~mmerciaI marina where it had already been there to the private facility maybe a key in this whole thing and it may not require special action other than enforcing existing laws and rules, because I'm sure Mr. McGinty and others would like to have guests with boats at their docks and we do not want to put ourselves in a position that a homeowner can't have his friends come along and use his own dock. Maybe this is something that when we could talk about to the Town Attorney we can find out a clear cut way to go with what's .happened already and just head this off at the pass. HENRY SMITH: Were there people sleeping on these boats or were there just boats there? It gets to be quite tricky with changing the law, because say you have your dock thereand have company coming and they are coming by boat, we want to:have it so that they could tie up to your dock for the weekend and visit you and things like that. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well we are certainly talking about a little bit of a different situation. Yes. ROBERT SCHNEIDER: My name is Robert Schneider, I live at 535 Westview Drive, right next door to 575, one of Dr. Agarabi's properties. There were three boats parked at ~Dr. Agarabi's property over the July 4th weekend and I too have a picture of that that I would like to submit to you. Rather than go through a whole story, I would like to reenforce what has already been said and ~oint out that this commercialization of a residential area goes beyond boats parked at the dock. Last Saturday between 9 AM and 5 PM I documented 22 announcements over the public address system at Matt A Mar Marina that just carried right across the water in a very inconsiderate way, towards the people who live there. There are other ways of co~mt,unicating with the staff. If Dr. Agarabi and his staff need to communicate with one another, I can understand in the event of an emergency it might be necessary to do that on a public address system. I don't know if he is breaking the law or if he is not, but it certainly is an intrusion on our privacy and it has been pointed out to him, on numerous times, and no action has been taken. In fact the people have become nasty when we call them now, to ask them to cut back on announcements over the loud speaker such as "would so and so please go the gas pumps", these are the kind~ of announcements that we are listening now to many times, particularly on the weekends. Last summer we had, by the way, during the times that these three boats were at the dock, right next door to my house, there was seemingly nobody even living in the house. There are now residents in the house... Going back to last summer when the house' was rented,!people who lived in th~t~kons~ thought that they had access to my dock and my property, in fact, they put their beach chairs out there and had their parties and guests sitting on my dock, so I am quite discouraged and not just the boats but I think that the boats symbolize another kind of actions that I think become intrusive on what used to be a residential block. Thank you. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Did you catch that? There is a top end to how many boats, A maximum number of boats that can be kept there. So again if you see boats being moved over to make more room for slips to be rented, that is a violation. JOHN BREDEMEYER: How is that going to be a violation? If he doesn't exceed in the marina and. he only has two other docks, then the question is still, you axe saying that it is an extension of the marina operation. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Yes, especially if they come over. ALBERT KRUPSKI: So what is going to happen? FRANK KUJAWSKI: I am going to go to the Town Attorney and explain what is going on and at the minimum I will direct a letter to them notifying them that we are aware of this kind of activity, when it occurred and that we regard this as as violation'of a zoning regulations and an expansion of marina activity, and that it should cease. BARBARA REITER: It is also a violation of quiet enjoyment. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Yes, I know. This has been a ten year, this has been going on for amillion years. Yes sir? FRED RENGHNEWSKI: My name is Fred Rengenewski and I am President of Browers WoodsAssocimtion, we have heard from the immediate neighbors of Dr. Agarabi, and I would like to speak for the remainder of the people. I would like to give you a little background. This organization was practically defunct.., for ~hout four or five years. This became revitalized with the so called shed that Matt-A-Marr put up. We increased our dues five fold and yet have gotten a 30% increase in membership. I would indicate that because it shows a concern by the residents of Browers Woods of what they feel is an encroachment of co~,~Jercial interest into a residential area. Just this afternoon I spoke with another marina operator who has boats for sale on the creek. He owns the home, but there are boats advertised for sale with the phone listing of the marina. I spoke to him about it and he feels that he is not doing anything wrong. I would expect that you will be hearing from us more formally about that situation also. Overall, it is just showing a constant little by little encroachment on what we feel is a beautiful residential community and we do not want to see it ruined. Thank you. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay, you have certainly going to give us something to do. DAN ROSS: I was wondering if there is anyone here to speak in favor of the application. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I don't know but I was about to ask. DAN ROSS: My name is Dan Ross and I am a resident of the Browers Woods area and in terms of whether this is an allowed use, the use by Matt-A-Marr parking the boats in a dock that comes out of a residential area whether it is legal or not. I do not think there is any question of this as a commercial use in a residential zone. I don't think there is any question as to what is going on. I have heard a number of people testify and there are pictures there. I think on that basis alone the present application should be denied, but in addition we're aware of another situationthat is existing at the marina, where the building was built and according to the ZBA it was built without the proper permits. Now this Board has refused to consider application~i~the past when there are outstanding violations from other Boards and agencies and I would suggest that this Board take that same position in respect to this situation. I think it is wanted bythe situation that is existing now and the pUblic attention to this matter until they have, in effect cleaned up the act, I don't think this Board should be considering or granting applications by them, their managers and their principles. As far as we have noticed, it has been suggested that if we notice this type of activity, if it goes on in the future, we should notify the Bay Constable. This is notice. Its going on right now and we are telling you now that Matt-A-Marr is using residential docks they bring boats across and then park them there. We feel this application should be denied. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Mr. Ross, are you representing just as a resident? DAN ROSS: As a resident, not as an attorney. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Fine, thank you. Is there anyone else who has any comments regarding this application? MIKE MOONEY: Mike Mooney, North Fork Waterfront Contractors. I am here not to speak for the owner, but the gentleman who is leasing the property. Two weeks ago on Sunday we had the torrential rain, I had been in the area doing work, he had been moving his boat slowly along as everybody brings their boat out to tie up on the different docks there. I put the new dock down there just recently, yeah it is low tide there and the heavy rain he's always out trying to take care, and he has to walk down quite a distance, he does have the batteries and stuff in the boat. He has been able to save it the last couple with the rain we have had a night, but two weeks ago the boat did sink, because again it rained in the middle of the night and it wasn't where he could easily get to it and take a look at it. The man enjoys his boat. The way Don already has repositioned the dock, you can only tie the one boat there. There is nothing that, you know, the guy is not going to move his boat around if I have somebody else's boat there. That is a condition of the leasing the house. Its not that they are going to be moving this guys boat around and bring in the other boat, and its at the shallow end towards the bridge there. Unless its high tide you won't be able to get a big boat in there anyway. He is going to sit on the bottom now at a good low tide and with an outboard. I can't see any reason why not to let this man put a dock in. Its for his use as a private person. MR. MC GIN=fY: I have a point to raise. He is a very nice fellow, a good neighbor, I want to see him get the dock almost as m~ch as he does, but before we are considered unreasonable, I have to make the point that his boat was moved and he did have to traverse my property, ..... and Mr. Schneider's Property, and no one objected to that and we certainly welcome him to do so, we are not being unreasonable. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Do you agree with the position of Mr. Ross that this application should not be granted then for that dock? MR. MC GINTY: I have to tell you that I am concerned about this. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think this Board is concerned too. I am not sure we should hold this application hostage for cooperation. You have got us at a loss here, because we do not have an attorney. I understand what you are saying and i know that this Board has held up things before when there are problems. There aren't any violations with this Board. There are violations, I guess with the ZBA and. DAN ROSS: Matt A Mar, and I believe that this application is filed by Donald Cocks, is that correct, and not by the tenant, I believe the property is owned by Agar-bi, I don't think there~i~¥.rquestion as to who dock.., and as far as violations with this Board, this Board has recognized violations existing in front of other Boards before, and the building department file reflects that the building they put up is 65 ' from the bulkhead, so whether there is an outstanding violation with this Board or not, I think there is no question that there is a violation when you look at the Code and when you look at the survey, that there is a violation. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We have been down there several times trying to find this violation and we have not found it yet, because of the retaining wall. The 65' distance becomes moot when it is behind a retaining wall or a bulkhead. DAN ROSS: That isn't the experience generally, that the Trustees jurisdiction has been cut off, such as the DEC jurisdiction has been cut off, by the existence of a bulkhead or retaining wall. I don't think there is any question that the wetland comes right up to the bulkhead and that the building is 65' from the bulkhead. It is still within 65' of the wetlands. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I don't think we will argue that point, but we have taped it off from mean tide which is our 75' distance and, I do not see that. JOHN BREDEMEYER: our jurisdiction starts at the high marsh range. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, that particular corner that is 65' I don't believe you could justify marsh there. DAN ROSS: Am I to understand that the Trustees are not going to exercise jurisdiction behind a bulkhead? FRANK KUJAWSKI: No, we have arrived at a situation with the ZBA that there is, if I can explain this properly without Mr. Schondebare here, and I'll try, that there is a dual jurisdiction, an overlapping jurisdiction between the ZBA and the Trustees, which, it was felt, created some legal problems. So to resolve the fact that an applicant may have to two Boards looking at the same situation, distance from the wetlands and distance from water, we had arrived at an agreement with the ZBA that if the property was not bulkheaded, and the activity was within 75', the Trustees would be the lead agency and review the application. If the property was bulkheaded ..tat least we will inspect and issue a waiver if we don't feel that there are any environmental concerns. That is the Point we are at now, is that they are basically the m~in~ agency reviewing these projects, but we are looking at them also at least in the point of view that will this activity cause any destruction to the wetlands or harm to the environment? DAN ROSS: This is somewhat confusing, at least it would be to the public, because the Code does not say anythin~ about bulkheads, it says 75' and my experience before this Board has beenthat bulkheaded or not bulkheaded it does not effect the 75'. Second, as far as I know, no waiver was ever requested or ever grsnted by your Board. Third, since we have a representative of the applicant here ~onight, possibly he could answer questions regarding the use of the other docks by Matt A Mar. That's why, before I sPoke, I wanted to know, if a representative was here so you could direct questions to him. FRANK KU~AWSKI: Mike, are you representing the applicant? MIKE MOON]ZY: No. I am just the builder, that's all. FRANK KU~AWSKI: Is there anyone else who has any comments on this application ? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: As far as the dock there is no problem at all, environmentally and... We do not hav~ a problem .......... BARBARA REITER: Is there any way you could restrict the usage of that dock to the tenant or one who resides in that house? JOHN BREDEMEYER: We could try. We could put the applicant on constructive notice. We can get him with one violation and revoke the permit and we will pull the dock out. You have got a Code, you have a right to revoke on Town bottom and mane it very clear if we feel we have to give them a permit, and I am not cQnvinced that we have to give them a permit, if you have to give them a permit, put them on constructive notice as to what the proVisions of the law~rare. Maybe wait and get spelled out by the Town Attorney, and put him on notice, and bring him in for a hearing or such legal action as... FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, I would like to discuss the whole situation with Mr. Schondebare before we move ahead ~ith the permit. HENRY SMITH: I amnot ready to move qn this tonight. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I am not ready to m~ve either. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Does anyone have anyfurther co~m~ents? Mrs. Wacker? RONNIE WACKER: I cannot speak directly for this application but I do want to say that the North Fork Environmental CounciI is very concerned about the co~,,ercialization of the residential properties by marinas, and the skipping over of the properties from the marinas to the property that the marina owner has bought. This is o~e of the major points of a lawsuit that we have against the Town right now. We feel that the zoning amendments that were recently enacted do not protect residential property owners in proximity to marinas sufficiently. We are hoping to correct that. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Anyone else in the audience with any coz~ents? No. Motion to Close made by John Bredemeyer, second by John Bednoski, Vote of Board: Ayes; All. No the hearing is not recessed, there will not be a motion as far as the pezmit goes. The decision on the permit will wait until we get some more information. 7:31 HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF EN CONSULTANTS ON BEHALF OF BARBARA BURKE. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next hearing is in the matter of En Consultants on behalf of Barbara Burke to construct 120' retaining wall and fill with approximately 200 cu. yds. clean sand at property located at 1150 Blue Marlin Drive, Southold, NY. The Conservation AdvisorY Council comments were that it was disapproved. I guess you pointed out before that this was not an unanimous vote. Let's find out from the public if there is any co~Luuent either for or against it. BARBARA BURKE: I am Barbara Burke. I do not know about environmental conservation or anything. All I know is that all along the strip of Blue Marlin Drive where there are homes, every home from what I can see, with the exception of one, has a bulkhead. All around is bulkhead and I just do not understand why there is a problem with granting a bulkhead. I am not very knowledgeable about these things, but as I travel around Southold, there are bulkheads everywhere and I would ask myself why, because these people want to protect there property. I bought ~he house two years ago with the understanding that we could protect our property by obtaining a bulkhead. This was my husbands last wish and that is why I am very concerned with doing this. I do not know how it can effect the environment when everyone else has done the same thing and nothing seems to be wrong. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I should explain that that is just an advisorY. BARBAP~ BURKE: I do not know if there were any complaints from my neighbors. It seemed to me, and I have not had to much time to know them, they were all aghast that the fo~mer owner did not put in a bulkhead... The other thing is according to what my husband bud~lt.~._when there is two retaining walls on both sides of you there is a greater chance of erosion. This has happened on Kenny's Beach. I do not have to be a genius to know that there are reasons for putting this up and this is why I want to do it. Now, if I could be shown a wonderful reason that my property should not be protected, to protect my property, I would like the matter to be taken very seriously. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Thank you. Are there any other questions or co~,,ents? Mr. Mooney? MIKE MOONEY: Mike Mooney again. I did go to the property in question because I knew the previous owner very well and that property was devoid of any vegetation along that shoreline for about 50' or 20' up which was from Hurricane Gloria. What you see there now has come up since that storm. Any southerly wind that comes from Sag Harbor you get quite a...that builds up there and the storm tides come right up to the porch. You have got a situation there again that the new house just to the east of there, and that was one of the first things he had to put up to keep his property there, any type of southerly blow there just devastates that property. It really needs to be done, it will be in line with everyone else's, you will still have a beach there for the ducks to come up out of the water and everything else with out asking for anything that isout of line. Again, I do not see any reason why not. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Thank you. Any other c~u~ents? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: You know our position, that's been there and I do not want to-enter into a debate, but one big problem with the waters in Southold are that it has been bulkheaded and you ride up and down the creeks and you see the grass right up to the bulkhead, and all of our waters are in for a big problem. I think, it is because of things like that. Just because people ~have done it does not make it right. I think a lot of things have happened that shouldn't have. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not think Mr. HolzaDfel wants to debate that and he is really acting as a citizen, an unpaid citizen, to make these comments to us. The advice needed by us...and Mrs. Burke I shouldmake you aware that we certainly do consider a neighborhoods character and what's going on on adjacent properties when we look at an application. If there were no retaining walls, I don't like the word bulkhead when it is not appropriate, if there were none along the way, I think it would be very difficult to put in an application for one. I do not know how this Board will vote, but certainly your neighborhood and what has occurred on neighboring properties, does have something to do with this application. HENRY SMIT~: I feel, Frank, that since her neighbors have retaining walls or bulkheads on either side of her, that it is almost like there is almost a hole in the wall where her property is. I do not particularly like bulkheads or retaining walls either, but I think in this instance that is a good idea to put one there. If we ever did get a bad storm, I think the whole area could be wiped out, one side to the other depending on what side that storms comes. BARBARA BURKENOT CLEARLY HEARD. FRANK KUJAWSKI: From my information, would you be willing not to put a lawn up to the structure? Plantings, bushes.. BARBARA BURKE: Oh sure. MIKE MOONEY: There would be no problem there because we were sanded for a backfill. The only thing again, when you get the southerly storm or any wave action there, everything will be inundated in salt water. So you will have to put in plantings that will take it .... That. is the only reason t think why a lot of the people have the grass down there. ALBERT KRUPSKI: How is this going to stop, you said the water goes up to her porch, how is it going to stop the water? MIKE MOONEY: You will press the wave out now where it hits the bulkhead. You are going to knock out wave action 30' out. You will press that wave out there and you will have a light surf come up on the shore. It all goes under water, Gloria hit there, the house down there had the windows blown out. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Are there any other comments? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Can I just follow up? Will that then scour out...Its going to hit the bulkhead and not do any damage. MIKE MOONEY: I am not saying that, but I do not see scouring anywhere else on the beach, because you have a sand gravel mix there, you got rock in there, you do not have a scour. There is clay there, but what you have on the beaches... JOHN HOLZAPFEL: There is no need then, because it stayed there and is still there. MIKE MOONEY: Every storm I have gotten, and again, I have been to the house since I moved out here 10 years ago, it keeps going back with every storm, it keeps getting eaten away, you lose two or three~ feet of property with every storm. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Its back to the question of poor zoning and lack of planning when ever they started putting houses there and building bulkheads. It is not something we have control over now. HENRY SMITH: I don't think we should deny this poor women this to plug up the hole... ALBERT KRUPSKI: No, I am not saying that to deny her is going to solve the problem that the bulkheads around her were created by any means. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Any other e~,L~ents? A motion to close the hearing? HENRY SMITH: I make a motion to approve this application and that we have a 20' buffer at the top of the bulkhead and plant species of grasses, shrubbery that will survive the salt spray. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I'll second~ MOVED by Henry Smith, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All.-APPROVED. 7:32 HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN GEIDE~L~N ON BEHALF OF JOHN AND PATRICIA CAMPBELL. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next hearing is in the matter of James and Patricia Campbell to construct 6' x 20~ float and 3' x 10' ramp on property located on 350 Harbor Lights Drive, S0uthold. The CAC will advise after further inspection. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: There was no problem. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Could we make a note of that on the file that there was no problem. Is there anyone ~ho has any comments regarding this application? I'll close the hearing. MOVED by Frank Kujawski, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All.-APPROVR. D. 7:33 P.M. HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEORGE BURRELL ON BEHALF OF THE LAGOON ASSOCIATION OF NASSAU POINT ...... FRANK KUJAWSKI: George Burrell on behalf of the Lagoon Association of Nassau Point to ma~nteu ,ce the channel at the entrance to Wuneweta Lagoon, Cutchogue. The CACcomments ~ere they approvethe dredging, but questions the excavating which would create problems with the down drift. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: The basic problem is that if they are going to move 2,000 cubic yards that got up there somehow and if you start taking 2,000 cubic yards out of there, its going to start refilling in there from somewhere down drift. Where they are p~tting this is where it is going to end up. They want-to dredge and take the high beach on one side and just take it out. FRANK KUJAWSKI: It does look high on the side where they want to deposit it,though that they have lost some too, haven't they? JOHN HO~ZAPFEL: T~ere is some, but I!do not. think it is as dramatic. JOHN BREDEMEyER: Last time i~ was 15~000 cubic yards. It was up there in the many thousands of cubic yards. It has always been an ~m~,ense project. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think this is a continuing problem that will continue right through history. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: We just had that concern that if you take that much out, it is going to come from the people u~stream, FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well maybe it is time to put nourishment the other way. Does anybody have any co~uL~ents in the audience about this application? I would like to make amoticn to close the hearing. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second. MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by John Bednoski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 7:34 P.M. HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DOUGLAS F. ROSE, SR. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next is in the matter of Douglas F. Rose, Sr. to construct 4' x 10' landing, 3' x 12' ramp and 6' x 20' floating dock at property located at Lot No. 1 on Kimberly Lane, Southold. The CAC did not have any problems. They have asked for an emergency permit in this case, but...Does anyone in the audience have any questions regarding this application? Anyone on the Board? I would make a motion to close the hearing. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Second. MOVED by Frank Kujawski, second by Henry Smith. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 7:35 P.M. HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF JOHN GEIDEMAN ON BEHALF FREDERICK A. ROSS. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next is in the matter of Frederick Ross to construct 100' x 4' fixed dock, 6' x 20' float and 3' x 10' ramp at property located on Bungalow Road, Mattituck, I am quite familiar with this. It is in line with several neighboring properties. There is a stipulation from the CAC that the dock not go out any further than the neighbors. I would second that. That is a navigation channel there. The catwalk should be elevated 4' ~hove the marsh. Did you measure the~hei~kt of the others? I did not. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I did not. FRANK KUJAWSKI: There is several of them there. I do not know if we would want one up higher than the others. Any co~mt~ents from the audience? I do not have a problem with it since it is in my neighborhood. I'll make a motion to close the hearing. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second. MOVED by Frank Kujawski, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 7:36 P.M. HEARING IN THE MATTEROF THE APPLICATION OF HAROLD AND HATTIE STETLER. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The next is the application of Harold and Hattie Stetler to construct addition to existing dwelling on property located on Gull Pond lane, Greenport. The Board did take a look at this. Does anyone have an comments regarding this application? Would you like to say a few words in favor of you application? You do not have to. I'll take a motion to close the hearing. JOHN BEDNOSKI: Move. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Second. MOVED by John Bednoski, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. APPROVED Moved by John Bednoski, seconded by Albert Krupski, Hearings closed at 8:30 P.M. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Is there a motion to approve the August mooring renewals? JOHN BREDEMEYER: Motion to approve, seconded by Frank Kujawski, Vote of the Board: Ayes, All.- APPROVED. RETURN TO COMMUNICATIONS: 4. Margery and Bertram Walker re: conditions of permit of Richard Zeidler for installation of swimming pool on Brush's Creek. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 4 is a letter form Margery and Bertram Walker regarding the conditions of the permit for Richard Zeidler. I actually have two letters: one that is addressed to the Building Department and one that was addressed to ourselves. I think both essentially cover the same groundwork. We had a discussion about this on site and Jay may be you would like to remind everyone what we talked about. JOHN BREDEMEYER: We just briefly discussed the fact that there were some concern that the planting of the beach grass did not cover the full extent that may have originally expected by the Trustees. So if it has not been given a C of O than, I guess we could send a letter out as an attachment to our fozmal recision of the violation or make th~additional planting a condition before we do the recision. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Okay is this going to bring up a question of the Board having to really be a police officer and say you have to plant beach grass... JOHN BREDEMEYER: I think you are right Al. The nice little old country Board may be over in some cases where we are not getting the cooperation that we want or where there is misunderstanding on more than one part. ALBERT KRUPSKI: The case here, frankly we could coLm,unicate with the Town Board, but... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not know, but I will discuss that with them. Joan, did anything go from our-office to the Building Department indicating that Mr. Zeidler was okay. Did the Building Department issue a C.O.? Would you check on that? If they have not could you tell them to hold it until I meet with the Town board on Tuesday? JOHN BREDEMEYER: If it has already been issued out then I will call Ziedler and try to shape things out. 5. Allan Geschwind re: mooring in Mattituck Creek. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay, the final communication is from Allan Geschwind about a mooring in Mattituck Creek. I will read you the letter. 'I am the owner of the above mentioned parcel which is off of South Drive. Several weeks ago I noticed that a mooring had been placed on the creek in front of the bulkhead on my property attached to the mooring is a sailboat. Upon seeing this, I contacted the Town Office and spoke with one Ms. Joan Schneider, who was quite pleasant and very helpful, she has advised me into checking the legal records that a permit was issued to Frank Wills. With a mooring in this place, two things become apparent: the first because of the normal swing of the boat, I will be restricted in mooring a boat of my own in front of my own property and the second is that if I decide to build a dock that a boat could be secured , instead of dropping the mooring I will prob~hlybe restricted in doing so since it would interfere with the boat recently placed on this mooring. This obviously restricts the enjoyment use of my property when I consider the taxes I pay are based on the lineal footage of my bulkhead. The apparent restrictions of the use of my property has become more than upsetting when looking out onto the creek it can readily be seen that many places where mooring can be dropped. According to where the public has access and right of ways, it seems appropriate that a non property owner and non property tax payer could be more properly located. As you are probably aware prior to the construction of a dock out into navigable wa~ers notice to abutting landowners must be given. It seems strange that a neighbor is required to give notice about the use of water at his or her own property and yet a total stranger does not. I received no notice about this mooring. If it is necessary to reserve mooring space in front of my bulkhead bydropping a mooring, I can do so. Although this should not be necessary. I respectfully request that you and the Board of Trustees take this matter into serious consideration and hopefully review my request as appropriate under the circumstances. I thank you for the consideration.' Is there anyone in the audience concerning this letter? There are obviously several things that the letter writer does not understand . That it is town bottom and the Bay Constable did locate this mooring. That if he did choose to put a dock out, we would be able to move the mooring . ALBERT KRUPSKI: I think that would be possible ......... FRANK KUJAWSKI: Does anyone want to do anything about this? or should I direct a letter back explaining the circumstances and if it does not interfere with navigation and his future placement of a dock. That he just can not drop a mooring in front of his property that he needs a permit. Is that satisfact0rywith everyone? IV. ASSESS~NTS: 1. En Consultants on behalf of Edward Fergus. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay under assessments, the first is on behalf of Edward Fergus to construct dock, ramps and floats on R.O.W. off North Bayview Road, Southold. What is the Board's pleasure on this? ALBERT KRUPSKI: I thought we had a problem locating this. I would make a motion to table it until we can get Roy Haje top stake it. MOVF. D by Albert Krupski, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - TABLED. 2. James V. Righter Architects on behalf of George De Menil. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 2 James V. Righter Architects on behalf of George De Menil to renovate an existing garage apartment, construct 800sq. ft. addition to existing dwelling located on Brickyard Pond, Fishers Island. I think we took a look at this. I am trying to recall and I do not think there was a problem. MOVED by Frank Kujawski for a negative declaration, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 3. Peter Fakiris. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 3 is from Peter Fakiris to maintenance diedge 90' x 100' area, approximately 675 cu. yds., to 8' at MLW, spoil to be used as fill on applicant's upland Property. This is at the location of the violation. This is off the end of dock. Henry and I did meet with Mr. Hamilton from the D.E,C. and regarding this particular application we did not really see a problem. We are trying to work out and we should be receiving in this office a detailed grading plan which we worked out on site that day. I think as far as this application goes I do not believe there is a problem with it. It is gravel. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Should the D.E.C. have any respects to the dredging projects? FRANK KUJAWSKI: No problem. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Where is the spoil going to be... JOHN BREDEMEYER: I am surprised the D.E.C. did not have a problem with it because it could a scallop area. FRANK KUJAWSKI: No. He did not have a problem about it that day. We talked about it. I believe the bottom that they felt was to fluid that it changed; its gravel and sand and it moves constantly. It wasn't a bottom that was going to establish anything. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: We were just concerned with an 8' hole just sitting out there. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I was willing to give a type 2 if you think the depth is going to be a problem. Am I correct Henry? HENRY SMITH: Yes, the D.E.C. had no problem with it. They were more worried about the lobster pots at the end of the dock. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I think they were more worried about the grading plan. That's where they were concentrating and that is~p~babl¥ the. more serious concern. MOVED by Frank Kujawski for a Negative Declaration, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 4. Thomas Prokop. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 4 is Thomas Prokop to register repair of boat dock and retaining wall, construct 5' x 14' floating dock. This was a violation some time ago that the applicants feel that they have corrected and we did take a look at it and had a few questions. Kent or Don answered one of those questions that is in fact at the bottom of the ramp is a dry well. So the question, I guess, before the Board is well first of all we are assessing it this evening. Would you want to make any chances to what has been done before we assess? ALBERT KRUPSKI: I was satisfied. JOHN BREDEMEYER: Had the dry well breached already, that was the question? FRANK KUJAWSKI: I suppose, they had made an attempt and environmentally there is not a problem. MOVED by Albert Krupski for a negative declaration, second by John Bednoski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 5. James V. Righter on behalf of W.G. Rafferty. - FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 5 is on behalf of W.G. Raffertyto renovate and construct addition to existing garage apartment on Middle Farms Pond, Fishers Island. Let's table this until the 9th. MOVED BY Frank Kujawski to TABLE this assessment, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 6. En Consultants on behalf of Nicholas Theorides. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 6 is on behalf of Nicholas Theorides to construct 8' x 8' raised dock, steps 4' x 20' elevated walkway, 4' x 16' hinged ramp, 6' x 16' float, dredge 30' x 30' area at floating dock on property located on Maple Avenue, Southold. We did have a chance on our way back to take a look at this area and thanks to Mr. Bredemeyer, come up with a little bit of data on environmental quality and oxygen demand. Would you like to sum JOHN BREDEMEYER: We just took some D.O. readings. They were consistently good from top to bottom there is no reason to consider the waters there seriously stressed from the bottom at this point. We did not do any B.O.D.'s or anything. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I was surprised with the consistency of the bottom here which was not as fluid as I expected it to be. HENRY SMITH: After the last rain storm, the sediment coming down the road deposited a layer of mud on top of the cabbage. Approximately the thickness of this cardboard here. That happens every time it rains. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, I hope they get that grant for that .... HENRY SMITH: That is generally contributing to the retail of that..there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that is filling in and all because of road runoff. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I have mixed emotions on this, one is that I worked rather hard to get it to this point. Secondly I did some calculations on the 30 x 30 and at 3' deep it exceeds out 100 cubic yard standard. At 4' deep, it is well over it. On that basis alone a.~t~p~one maybe in order. I am not so sure that a D.E.I.S. is going to tell us any more than we already know. My point is that I think it merits a type 1 and a full assessment. JOHN BREDEMEYER: One thing we have never done as a Board on a policy basis is that we have not defined the amount of material out, because generally speaking the amount of bottom removed as far as the cubic yards of materials, is the breaking point. You are moving a given space of marine habitat... HENRY SMITH': Originally this man had an application before us to dredge quite a project and this Board asked him to cut it down and he did spend the money to cut it down to satisfy this Board. So he has done what we have asked him too. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Henry, let me remind you that this is not a decision on this application. All we are doing is assessing. I agree with you. ALBERT KRUPSKI: That means nothing, Henry. HENRY SMITH: To assess it a type one, I think, is just putting a burden on top of another burden. JOHN BREDEMEYER: What did the CAC say concerning this? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: We said that we tabled it originally, until we had more information, but we never found out. JOHN BREDEMEYE~: You never found out. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: That it had been redone, reapplied. And again for the past three months, when you get an application and if it comes in with amendments, we never see them. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I thought went through this last month. We had this discussion, John, already. You were going to get the new information. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: We never got it is what I am trying to say. JOAN SCHNEIDER: Linda came down for it today. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I came in today to find out ... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not think we can put all that burden on Joan. Linda would have to take some of that responsibility, especially after a meeting when you are informed to her know to come down and get it. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I just thought~it was going to happen. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, we have already tabled one. JOHN BREDEMEYER: You know what I would like to do, it's a little bit different, this is like last application we have pending for dredging and I would like to move this on a n~gative dec. basi~ and maybe changing it in keeping with our policy and t~en put a moratorium on this creek until the study comes through. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Why only on this JOHN BREDEMEYER: Well, I was thi have suggested that this creek ha production. It started as a very there has never been a sanitary s water quality is going down the t this project which will improve t would be hurting with a moratoriu creek? nking because it, the baymen off and on s been underrated in shellfish good creek and it had a depression, but urvey, so we do not really know if our ~hes. A lot of money has been funded for he creek. We do not have anyone that we m at this point. You would have a body of information that would justif~ it from the stand point of its a valuableshellfishing creek. The baymen have been very concerned on the past dredging applications. This is the second applicant that we have whittled down and the applicants have come in andworked with us and this essentially would be like, time Qut guys .... the guy has been out working for a year and has scaled it down then nobody on the Board is happy with it, the CAC is not happy with the end project, t~.j.~ba~men are not happy with the end project, so this I ~hink would be a-legitimate area for a dredging mOratorium and key it inwith the study. The study certainly is going to have to include the. amount of rain water coming down the Street, solids coming down in there. I ~hink it is one of those rare opportunities where you can just!fyto let this one go since the person has worked with the process and ~hen... ALBERT KRUPSKI: I still do not understand the scale it down mentality. It says that the person worked w~th us, he could come in and reduce it...the agent is going to say hey look, they are going to scale it down. That is going to be good'for their ego, they are going to think that they did something that was so great.| We will ask for a large project, and then will scale it down and you ~ill get what you want, don't worry we will handle it this way and get what we really want. JOHN BRR~EMEYER: Well, that is your opinion Al. I am not saying whether I think that has happened or not. what I am saying here is that it is the intent of the SEQRA process to w~rk with the applicants and come to a meeting of the minds that is environmentally suitable. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I agree, but there is also ~the place for a ... JOHN BREDEMEYER: We could not g~all the way up to where the holes were coming out, we did not have enough water. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I have a question. How big is the police boat, Jay? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I do not know. HENRY SMITH: 24 feet. ALBERT KRUPSKI: You see I do not understand, he wants to put this basin in and we were there that one day ~o take the D.O. reading a_ud we couldn't get anywhere near it at low tide. HENRY SMITH: He realizes that. JOHN BREDEN~YER: Yeah, he realizes that. HENRY SMITH: He does not want his boat to sit on the bottom at low tide. He knows that he can only use it a high tide, but he wants to dredge this area around his boat so his boat does not sit in the mud a low tide. He knows he can't get down there at low tide. He's accepted that .... on these last low tides we have been having, I could not get my boat out, you work around that. JOHN BEDNOSKI~ I do not have a problem really. I understand what the guy is going through. I am not really in love with this by any means. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I wish we had something from the CAC. HENRY SMITH: This guy has worked on this since last year. FRANK KUJAWSKI: But, I suppose we have time to get something from the CAC by the Hearing stage of the game. John, would you be able to put something together by next month? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: No problem. FRANK KUJAWSKI: When is this study going to be done? JOHN BREDEMEYER: The grant was done, I know there was iltm,ediate coverage on it. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I mean will we all still be around here in office by the time this is finished? 1990's? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I have not talked to any of the principles involved. If it is going to depend on a lot of work out of Cooperative Extension, it might be a few light years down the road. I do not know who is going to be the lead agency on it, whose going to take it and go with it. It is going to happen. Studies take time. HENRY SMITH: This gentleman here, I do not thiok we should include him on that because... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I understand that. Okay, do we have a motion? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I will move a negative declaration. HENRY SMITH: I'll second it. MOVED by John Bredemeyer for a Negative Declaration, second by Henry Smith. Vote of the Board: Frank Kujawski; Aye, John Bednoski; Aye, Albert Krupski, Nay. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I move for a moratorium on dredge activity for this creek keyed in directly to the ability to have a report on the run-off control by a certain date. I think we should include Town and Jockey as a creek system. This is for private projects, not to include the county maintenance dredging? HENRY SMITH: How ~hout the maintenance dredging at the end of Pine Neck Road? JOHN BREDEMEYER: The public in other words not...I do not know if you want to put a date certain. If this project all falls apart, we could not tag... FRANK KUJAWSKI: I am not so sure that this project will receive approval anyway. I could go either way on this. I'll second that. MOVED by John Bredemeyer, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 7. En Consultants on behalf of Vincent Geraghty. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 7 is En Consultants on behalf of Vincent Geraghty to replace and grade approximately 9,000 cu yds of clean fill and to install a culvert on Main Road, Ashamomaque, Southold. This was settled as far as the authorities are concerned with the payment of a fine and a guilty plea on June 9th. This 9,000 yd~ you realize is to fill the rest in. JOHN BREDEMEYER: How much of a fine waG it? Do you have a record of it? I was just curious. FRANK KUJAWSKI: No I do not. Do you know what the fine was on this? I have also asked the Town Attorney to est property, whether it was intertidal mars HENRY SMITH: Frank, since we are runni some of these people out here if they ar those so they do not have to wait around FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, we only have a co really have a major problem with it now the area has been lost on that side of t expansion. I can't see any other possib stage, do you? Does anyone? JOHN HOLZAPFEL: Are you saying that the Frank? FRANK KUJAWSKI: No I am not saying that and determine if it was ours. I do not words... JOHN B~R~E~EYER: Its an additional issu an application we'd have to get a quit c ~it claim to him any interest or title under the road if we wanted to. It woul said well we think there is tidal waters come in with his attorney and say well t and we have a title that goes back to 16 I wrote down what the salinity was. Its because it is a hydrologically active ar fed so the tidal influences going agains really pushing out in a strong fashion. FRANK KUJAWSKI: We are not talking abou are still at the assessment stage. I ju prolonging it if it turns out that it is My point is I do not have a problem t!rpi it is worth a type 1. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I would still like to discuss potential other options. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I still think its bettE review. MOVED by Albert Krupski for a Type 1, se the Board: Ayes, All. 8. Costello Marine Contracting on FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 8 is JosephMaca Comments? The CAC did not see a problem MOVED by Albert Krupski for a Negative D ~hlish the ownership of that h and so on. It was not clear. ag so late maybe we should ask ~ waiting for us and we could do uple more assessments. I do not that we have a pezmit. I think he road due to c~,,ercial ility but going past to another re are wetlands around there, · although we were going to try think that was clear. In other s. We were going to go ahead with laim from them. We would have to we might have in that drain going ~ become a dead issue if we just flowing there and then have him 5is is why we think that we own it 75 or wha~e~e~ It is brackish. in a directional flow there ~a up to the west and it is spring the fresh water lands which is approval of a permit, John. We st don't whether it is worth going to be disapproved anyway. ~g it a type 2. I don't know if neet with the landowner and for the Board to give it a full ond by John Bednoski. Vote of oehalf of Joseph Macari. ~i, Paradise Point Road. ~claration, second by John Bednoski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All~ ! 9. Harbor Marine Construction on bDhalf of Luis Portal. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 9 Harbor Marine ~onstructiOn on behalfof Luis Portal t° construct a single family dWelling on Jockey Creek Drive. The CAC disapproved. I think our feelings w~re about the same weren't they? The application is for a bulkhead also. If that is the case what is your pleasure on the assessment? Or would you like to go back to the applicant and ask them to consider that and resubmit? I would like to do that. HENRY SMITH: I think we should go back and tell them that if it is going to be all one package like this then its going to be typed 1. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Joan, would you send a letter tOlthem and state that the Board does not have a problem with the application if they would drop the bulkheading and retain the marsh grange without the bulkhead. Would they like to resubmit before we assess the impact of this. Or amend their application. MOVED by Frank Kujawski to TABLE this application, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 10. John Geideman on behalf of Robert W. Keith. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 10 John Geideman for Robert W. Keith at the foot of Willis Creek Drive in Mattituck for a dock, a ramp and a float. I think we felt that day that we would like to know the location and like to have the application staked. So until it is stake and the locations is shown, I make a motion to table the assessment. MOVED by Frank Kujawski, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - TABLED. 11. Joh~ Geideman on behalf of Stanley J. Salter. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number ll John Geideman on behalf of Stanley Salter for a bulkhead at the foot of Pequash Avenue. The CAC disapprove for there was no need shown. The bulkhead may destroy beach front and suggests stabilizing bluff and keep people Off the bluff to prevent erosion. What's your pleasure on the assessment? HENRY SMITH: I feel if they loose that beach that is' their problem. Environmentally, I do not think there is anything wrong with a bulkhead there. JOHN HOLZAPFEL: I do not want to debate the issue, but once again the bulkhead immediately causes vegetation behind it and that is going to be bad. When you ride around and you take your boat there... JOHN BREDEMEYER: I do not think they will. That was hit ver~ hard by Gloria again. I was there doing County beach inspections post Nelson, Gloria and there was a true cresting dune there scouring, its got a new angle of repose there now and you really can not appreciate what had happened there. They have lost a lot of beach there. As a matter of fact, they had sand under all of the steps, now it is treacherous for a child to go through. Previously those steps were on sand all the way to the bottom step, they have lost a lot there. I do not have a problem with it. ALRERTKRUPSKI: I think the only concern is the road ending there. We're looking at a situation in a few years...its a retaining wall, right. HENRY SMITH: I make a motion that we negative dec. it. MOVED by Henry Smith for a Negative Declaration, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 12. En Consultants on behalf of Dolores Holman. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 12 is En Consultants on behalf of Dolores Holman to construct two timber groins on property located on West Lake Drive, Southold. The project does not represent the best engineering, the space between the groins should be two to three times as the length of the groin and filled with sand. Suggests only one low profile groin. That was back on August a year ago. The D.E.C. did approve it. The permit which was revised on January 5th for...I guess what they did was space the groins out with the groins down drift of that property location. They did issue a permit. Clearing will be one-third the length of the proposed groin or ten feet on the east tapering to the bulkhead on the west. As per you recommendation we revise the area to be refilled so it consists of the most westerly most compartment. I would move it along. MOVED by Albert Krupski for a Negative Declaration, second bY Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 13. Winifred Antoian. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The last is Winifred Antoian of Greenport to construct a catwalk across Gull Pond Inlet. I am not so sure they mean that, do they? JOHN BREDEMEYER: Its a catwalk over the old inlet. There is no real access to the bay. Its identical with all of the neighbors. MOVED by John Bredemeyer for a Negative Declaration, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. VII. MOORING APPLICATIONS: 1-3. Agnes Combs; mooring for 13', 19', & 23'-boats in Richmond Creek. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Okay does anyone have any problems with any of these moorings? HENRY SMITH: Yes, why does Combs want so many ofthem? ALBERT KRUPSKI: Yeah, exactly. Does Combs have old moorings there or not? JOAN SCHNEIDER: Yes, there were three moorings that were cancelled for non-payment, so he wants to reclaim them. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Oh, okay that makes sense, because it seems like we went through this a few yeas ago with those three moorings. I make a motion to approve all three moorings. MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by John Bednoski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All.- APPROVED. 4. Daniel J. Dunn; mooring for a 17' boat in East Creek. MOVR.~ by AlbertKrupski, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. APPROVED. 5. Lee Rodenburg; mooring for a 19' boat in Jockey Creek. MOVED by John Bredemeyer, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 6. Richard Rizzi; mooring for a 27' boat in Jockey Creek. MOVED by Henry Smith to TABLE application, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. Moved by Henry Smith to RESCIND, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board.: Ayes, All. MOVED by Henry Smith to approve subject to Henry Smith's inspection, second by John Bredemeyer. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All.- APPROVED. 7. Samuel and Virginia Peters; mooring for a 25' boat in East Creek. MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 8. J. McKee and J. Swanson; mooring for a 16' boat inNarrow River MOVED BY John Bredemeyer, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, Ail. - APPROVED. VIII. WAIVERS 1. Garrett Strang on behalf of Ellen and Paul Mitchell. FRANK KUJAWSKI: The first waiver is Garrett Strang on behalf of Ellen and Paul Mitchell to construct single family dwelling on Munn Lane, Orient. Jay? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I went to the site, this is rather unique in that it has a small patch of wetland indicators that exist not in a direct tidal connection so that the water flows upon it, its spring fed from underneath. I think it is a case of definitionally is in no man's land in respect to the code. I felt a waiver would be appropriate way to protect it. I do not think that the DEC would allow any disturbance down on the wetlands anyway. Its well away from the house. An in depth site plan was submitted to the Board that shows all activity will be upland and there should be no impact on it from construction so I move a waiver. MOVED by John Bredemeyer, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes; All. 2. Peconic Associates on behalf of Leopold Stern, Jr. FRANK KUJAWSKI: This is for a waiver on Old Orchard Lane and Bayview Drive. JOHN BREDE~EYER: I saw that, it is bulkheaded. I would move to waive it. The slopes are slight, the area is already vegetated with grass up to the bulkhead and its a full and complete bulkhead. MOVED by John Bredemeyer, second by Frank Kujawski~ Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 3. Patrick J. Brennan. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Patrick Brennan for a waiver to construct 22' x 30' addition to cottage located at 1270 Truman's Path, East Marion. JOHN BREDEMEYER: This is on Marion Lake, the property has a natural buffer that exists from the head of the bluff and goes to the lake up some 35 or 40'. He's approximately another 30' from that, so he's at least 65' where he wants to put the structure. They are no slopes really on the property at that point, I think we could waive it. He also indicated that he would be putting in drywells anyway and a waiver for 65' You see he was under the impression he was already 75' feet from the creek, but he was using measurements walking up and down the slopes. He really did not have a true measurement. I felt, to stake it, the 65' would be appropriate. I move to waive, no structure within 65'. MOVED by John Bredemeyer, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 4. Fairweather-Brown Architects on behalf of Arnold Blair. FRANK KUJAWSKI: This is to relocate a boathouse, we took a look at this. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I make a move to waive as long there is no encroachment onto the bank. MOVED by Albert Krupski to waive as long as there is no encroachment onto the bank, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 5. Matthew Cusumano FRANK KUJAWSKI: 5, a waiver to construct addition to an existing deck. MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by John Bednoski. Vote of theBoard: Ayes, All. 6. Edson and Bruer on Behalf of Charles A. and Caroline Burst. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 6 is for Charles and Caroling Burst to construct addition to existing dwelling. MOVED Henry Smith, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. IX. AMENDMENTS: 1. En Consultants on behalf of James E. Klein FRANK KUJAWSKI: This is to amend permit No. 3730 to include construction of a 6' x 24' float and three pilings .... Do they have a permit? HENRY SMITH: Yes. Oh, its been there for many years. Its a unique thing where it is built right on the property line. I do not know of any other like that around. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Its on James Creek which is so narrow. MOVRn by Frank Kujawski, second by Albert Krupski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All - APPROVED. 2. J. Kevin McLaughlin on behalf of Anthony and Rosemary Bolletino. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 2, the Bolletinos want to amend the permit to include the placement of a gazebo. Remember this? MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by Prank Kujawski~ ~Vo~te.of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 3. Matt-A-Marr Marina FRANK KUJAWSKI: Number 3 Matt-A-Marr to put in 10 pilings to be used as fenders. Do we hold this hostage? MOVED byFrank Kujawski, second by Henry Smith. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. - APPROVED. 4. Edward Diefenbach on behalf of Margaret McGwire. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Well, we went down there. From what we could see there is no water coming off of the McGwire house onto your property. There is a steep slope here, but it slopes under the house also. The rain falls off the house and runs underneath the property. There was no evidence, because there was coarse sand here, of erosion into the adjoining property. Now when you put the addition on thehouse, the slope does run to the east. So that could conceivably be because of the volume of water coming off the new roof instead of having it spread out over the sand surface, it could be concentrated in one spot and run to the east. So I would make a rec~tm~endation to have drywells and gutters put on the addition to stop the volume of water from flowing maybe washing more material in there. MRS. EWER NOT CLEARLY HEARD. ALBERT KRUPSKI: Could you just test nutrient loading? I mean, I do not know. JOHN BREDEMEYER: To be honest with you when you take coliforms in any body of surface water it s so misleading because you have the presence of...you do not know what you would be sampling, nitrates or natural constituents of plant breakdown. They could probably do a dye test there. Why don't you re~aest that, I will give you the phone number and you could talk to my office at the health department. I will try to steer you to someone in the environmental assessment area. Maybe someone can do a dye test and you will see because the dyes are extremely fluid if there is a direct connection between that and your property~ Sanitary systems usually retain most of the material including the bacteria within about two or three feet if they are properly constructed; the water will leach through and clearly the dye will go further than the bacteria. So if there is a case where they system is improperly constructed the use of most dyes particularly in such close proximities if it is short circuiting you will see the dye in that surface water around the system. A dye test would be a reasonable thing I think on this. MRS EWER: I cannot understand. I have two cesspools on my property, but they are very, very deep down. JOHN BREDE~EYER: Well, the reason they construct them so high is because for each two feet, and preferably the United States Public Health Service would like to see them four feet above ground water level because the removal of nitrogen from the sewage waste improves on the order let's say 10 or 15% of the nitrogen removal that around 2 feet to upwards of maybe half or more of the nitrogen removed before it ever hits the ground water. So one of the principle reasons for having a zone of aeration is for natural nitrogen removals so you do not overfeed or put back too much nitrate in the ground water. So their standards represent a compromise of a five pool system you see there, it is a compromise which provides a capacity necessary for a single family dwelling but also trying to keep the bottom of the cesspool two feet above groundwa.ters so they get a maximum amount of removal of nitrogen consistent without having this horrible mound that comes a visual problem. Well, you have had a flooding conditions for two years now you, we have not had this amount of water, (rainfall). You are seeing a new succession stage because you have developed a new water level. It would be no different if you flooded a woodland swamp and all of a sudden the trees would die from their roots being saturated with lower oxygen water. You are seeing a natural succession, you have had a very wet two years. MRS EWER: I just do not understand why people are putting that amount of fill in...and now a piece of property that I have, 130' on the beach...it will be almost value'less because of the building next to me. Someone comes in a few years ago and buys a lot and we permit him and now this. The first lot plan I saw was a location west of the house and then when it was built it was put to the east. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I understand what you are saying. I think the whole Board does, but how do we turn that clock back? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I have a credential, environmentally, but I am not a hydrologist. Would you feel better if you talked to someone in the U.S. Geological Survey, or Conservation Department who's a specialist on water issues, who could also review the fact of the higher water levels. I think they are going to tell you the same thing, would you feel more comfort~hle...I think you are going to hear the same thing from other people, but I can tell you of other people to contact or call who would be probably be willing to loOk at the property and make an independent review · of it. I just think you are just looking at ground water, but if you feel more comforted knowing that its not the neighbors house or whatever, I can tell you a half a dozen people to contact if you want an additional review. MRS. EWER: I am not an engineer, but you can't put all that fill in there and here are two lots that wer~ just like this across and now I have got this one up here and I'am down here. Its very simple. I do not understand it. Neither do I understand w~y with all the rules and regulation today why they were permitted to put all that filling there without making any arrangements for some of it to run off onto the beach or something. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not know either. But the suggestion of g~tters... JOHN BREDEMEYER: What if subject to the pelmit we made them put a slip around the outside perimeter o~ the existing fill that they have. In other words to remove the compacted organic matter, it would provide additional good drainage. FRANK KUJAWSKI: You think that JOHN BREDEb~SfER: Well, no, thc not totally pervious below, eve that there is a certain amount may have acted as an overflow 1 the dead leaves and organic mat they would take lets say one bt clean sand then it might act t( connection to the water t~hle natural, it would be removing provide a more open way to the down Smith Drive it would go ti before it would hit that area applicants property may more rc any reduction of flow. other than drywells is necessary? question is if the fill for the house was ~ though there was a lot of sand on top, of massive soil there occupying space that ~asin and when you cut and scrape thrOugh .ter maybe there are sediment layers and ~ket around the edge and then fill with ~ drain faster It will provide a more open ~hether that i~ good or bad. Its not .11 vegetation in that area, but would water table and when the water does rush ~rough the entire expanse of that wetland .nd or anything that was moving through the adilymove into the watertable if there is MRS. EWER: Did you check behind where he wants to build and see how much water is laying there now? There never used to beJ JOHN BREDEM~YF~: I was there~ and I saw it. It was ankle deep or something~ There is no turning back the clock here and we are dealing with an extreme water situation. FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not know either, that's the whole thing. JOHN BREDEMEYER: I would be w~ong to ask without talking to a hydrologist, it may be unwarranted. Maybe it needs just totally sand there with just a few scraggly Ipieces of vegetation. MRS. EWER: Are you approving ~his garage? FRANK KUJAWSKI: Not yet. We do not know that. We are just acting on the fact that its a structure. Thc you whether it is bedrooms or do with this Board, nothing at are limited in talking ~hout t~ its environmentallyacceptable. concerns as a neighbor. We thc and by coming up with the idea would solve the problem, at lea running from this structure to in putting that kind of restri¢ JOHN BREDEMEYER: Now we are t~ Building Department, I am sure, could tell athrooms or whatever. That has nothing to all. He could use it for a pool room.~We e structure, the location of it and whether That's why we are trying to resolve your ught we had resolved them by looking at it of gutters and drywells. It was felt that st there would be no additional water your property .... then there is no point tion on it. lking that you have to have impenetrable barriers closer to the property. They would have to put an additional, totally impervious barrier and put the french drain ahead of it to allow ponding FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not think we could do that. JOHN BREDEMEYER: ...because now we are into the wetlands; there's no room left. MRS. EWER: ...for the first time now, my property has been put on the wetlands map, its a very small thing. There is a pond up there...he owned the lot that Mr. McGwire bought. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Well, that is not why you were notified. ALBERT KRUPSKI: I was notified too by the D.E.C. about my wetlands. You were not singled out. MRS. EWER: What happens now? FRANK KUJAWSKI: I do not know what happens now. I am trying to figure that out. I am sure they were put there not because they just picked that spot, but because he was directed to pick that spot. Well, the point is that he was probably directed to put them there and he would not have gotten approval to get a C.O. unless someone had said okay .... maybe we should just move it along and get it out of this Board. You should have pointed that out to the Building Department, you didn't even need to give us this. All he needed to do was to show us where the structure is and we asked him for this. The point is maybe this Board should move it along and the battle you should probably make on the water and all that is with the Building Department. I am not trying to pass the buck. Its not up to us? MRS.EWER: About whether you can build there near the wetlands and so forth. FRANK KUJAWSKI: He's got to get past first. We'd say no because of all these concerns that you have got. I do not know if that is legally enough to say no on, then we are in trouble. Where are we getting to here? JOHN BREDEMEYER: I do not know. I would be inclined to, I would like to move it, but I would say just out of deference to. the complaining party here, to table it for one more month to give her the opportunity to come forth with a hydrologist or someone that can tell us that our reasoning is totally off base and there's something else that we should be doing. I really think the burden should be on you now to go out and talk to somebody in a public agency or a private, if you have to, because I just do not buy it. To me it is just groundwater. I am ready to approve it, but with your concerns, I would like to give you the opportunity to have an expert come in and say hey Trustee Bredemeyer, you may know about the environment, but you do not know all ebout water. FRANK KUJAWSKI: Public agencies should not cost you anything. ALBERT KRUPSKI: ~hey will say hey look if you put this garage on, addition to the house, whatever, its going to make a bad situation more severe... MRS. EWER: I do not mind if he builds a garage. I just want to be able to get to my beach very simply. I do not see why that is so difficult. ALBERT KRUPSKI: If you pursue this, consult a hydrologist, then we will table.this for one month. MOVED by John Bredemeyer to TABLE this amendment, second by Frank Kujawski. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. 5. Lynne S. Chanin FRANKKUJAWSKI: Number 5 Lynne Chanin to register as a Grandfather Permit, existing 2 1/2' x 90' dock and 3' x 15' float. MOVED by Albert Krupski, second by Henry Smith. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. APPROVED. MOVED by Frank Kujawski, second by Henry Smith, this meeting was closed at 10:10 P.M. Vote of the Board: Ayes, All. RECEIVED AND _FILED THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CT.~K Town Clerk, Town of Southold