HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-06/20/2007 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Minutes R[C[IV~D p.t IF '3?J 19141 Wednesday, June 20, 2007 6:30 PM a~C1.l?~"J', $oulLuU Tv;," Clerk Present were: James King, President Jill Doherty, Vice President Peggy Dickerson, Trustee Dave Bergen, Trustee Bob Ghosio, Trustee Lori Montefusco, Assistant Town Attorney Lauren Standish, Secretarial Assistant CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, July 11,2007 at 8:00 AM NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, July 24, 2007 at 6:30 PM WORKSESSION: 5:30 PM TRUSTEE KING: Good evening everyone, I'm Jim King. I'm the chairman. I have the pleasure of having the chairmanship of this Board. I would like to introduce the rest of the Board to you. To my far left is Dave Bergen; next to him is Peg Dickerson; Jill Doherty is the vice-chair; myself; Lauren Standish is our office manager; Bob Ghosio, another trustee; and our legal advisor, Lori Montefusco. Wayne Galante is our court reporter. If you have anything to say please come to the microphone and identify yourself so he can get everything on the record. And Jack McGreevy is here from the Conservation Advisory Council. They go out and do a lot of site inspections and look at the same projects we look at and gave us their take on it and recommendations from Board of Trustees 2 June 20, 2007 them. So I need to set the date for the next field inspection. July 11. How does that look? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Sounds good to me. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Motion to approve. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 24,6:30, with a work session at 5:30. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Motion to approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: Did everyone read the minutes of February 14? looked through them and found a couple of minor typos, is alii found. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I already spoke to him about our voices. We have a few switchovers. TRUSTEE KING: Just minor stuff? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, minor stuff. TRUSTEE KING: Do we have a motion to approve? TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'll make a motion to approve. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) I. MONTHLY REPORT: TRUSTEE KING: Monthly report: The Trustees monthly report for May, 2007, a check for $16,160.27 was forwarded the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: TRUSTEE KING: Public Notices: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's bulletin board for review. III. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEWS: TRUSTEE KING: We have a number of state environmental quality reviews. Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the following applications more fully described in Section VII, Public Hearings section of the Trustee agenda, dated Wednesday, June 20,2007, are classified as Type II Board of Trustees 3 June 20, 2007 actions pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations and are not subject to further review under SEQRA. There is quite a number of them. Carriage Hill Association, Inc. - SCTM#99-4-4 Wickham Family, LLC c/o Barnaby Wickham - SCTM#110-8-32.7 Parnel Wickham - 110-8-33.1 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - SCTM#15-9-8.1 Mark Hansen - SCTM#87-4-3 David Edelstein - SCTM#86-2-12.6 Mary DiGregorio - SCTM#136-1-37 Peri Hinden - SCTM#107-6-18 Theodore J. Bucci, Jr. - SCTM#71-2-10 William C. Goggins - SCTM#117 -10-14.1 William & Alice Lehmann - SCTM#31-17-17 Margaret McNamara - SCTM#87 -6-10 Neil & Roberta Simon - SCTM#71-2-11.3 Charles Brautigam - SCTM#110-7-5&6 Robert H. Dexter - SCTM#126-11-20 Indian Rock Realty, LLC (Brian Brille) - SCTM#18-3-30.4 Michael & Kathryn Russo - SCTM#90-4-22 Tom & Julia Fitzpatrick - SCTM#89-3-11.3 Donald Humans - SCTM#57-1-32 Vincent & Eileen Flaherty - SCTM#92-1-8 Susan Norris c/o Ed Sawicki - SCTM#115-9-4 Carol Witschieben & Janet Witschieben Larsen - SCTM#99-1-5 Dennis Katevatis - SCTM#35-4-28.25 Michael & Lisa Bunker - SCTM#70-5-46 Frederick Rapp - SCTM#80-3-15 Rosaria Forchelli - SCTM80-3-16 Jean Roter:( - SCTM#80-3-17 Elizabeth Wolff - SCTM#90-1-20 William & Joanne Turnbull- SCTM#52-1-1 Robert & Elizabeth Scripps -- SCTM#104-3-6 Jill & Carol Ridini - SCTM#110-7-4 Mattituck Park District - SCTM#126-6-17&18 Susan Souder - SCTM#128-6-8 Nancy Sue Mueller - SCTM#123-8-11.1 IV. RESOLUTIONS - OTHER: TRUSTEE KING: 1. Proclamation - E. Brownell Johnston TRUSTEE KING: Before we get going into the meat of things, there are a couple of people here I think are pretty special people; Brownell Johnston is in the audience. Brownell, do you want to come up here, please. Board of Trustees 4 June 20, 2007 And I would like to recognize AI Krupski, the past president of this Board is now a member of the town board. Why don't you come up here, Brownell. First of all, I apologize for this taking so long. MR. JOHNSTON: It's fast. Your a Trustee now. TRUSTEE KING: One of my many faults is I always put off what should be done today, I put off 'til tomorrow. And if it wasn't for Jill and Lauren you would probably still be looking for it. Anyway, I would like to read it. Whereas the Town Board of Trustees wishes to pay tribute to E. Brownell Johnston for his accomplishments and lasting contributions during his time as a legal advisor to the Board of Trustees. And whereas Brownell became part of the team on August 1, 2002, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and experience. Whereas Brownell has helped preserve the wetlands and shellfish resources within the town and has spent countless hours working to improve the town's wetland code and shellfish code with success. Whereas right, wrong or legal, Brownell was a motivated, dedicated professional, who provided countless hours of advice and assistance in the Town of Southold in his role as legal advisor to the Trustees. Now, therefore, be it revolved, Southold Town Board of Trustees hereby expresses their sincere gratitude to E. Brownell Johnston for his commitment and dedication and extends their sincere appreciation and warm wishes for continued personal and professional success. It's signed by myself. MR. JOHNSTON: Thank you, for letting me serve. TRUSTEE KING: Brownell has dedicated I mean hundreds of hours helping us out and I can't thank him enough, really. Just one little comment. I first met him, he applied for a dock permit and we went to the site and I think he had a stake out in the water. We always like to see it staked, get some measurements so we know what we are looking at. And we wanted to know how far west of the stake. He jumps in the water with the tape and goes out. And I said to myself, we have a live one here, folks. And that was the start. And he got involved with us and lead us through a lot of work on the wetlands, revisions and everything else. MR. JOHNSTON: And you've introduced me to a lot of good stuff. Thank you, very much. And thank you for the opportunity to help preserve the assets of Southold Town, and I think that is what we are all about and I hope that the laws that we put in and legislative agenda that you are still working on continues. TRUSTEE KING: We try. MR. JOHNSTON: Thank you, very much. TRUSTEE KING: Thank you, Brownell. Board of Trustees 5 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Brownell, Jim wanted us to put that at the end of the agenda. MR. JOHNSTON: I was going to come back at nine and then come back at midnight. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And then come back at two because it's going to be a long one. V. RESOLUTIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS: TRUSTEE KING: Okay, getting into the resolution of administrative permits. What we'll try and do tonight, folks is everybody has an agenda. Rather than me sit here and read through all this stuff, we'll just name it like number one, James and Judy Hayward, and you'll see what we are all about. I think it might move things along. And also, we have some postponements. So I don't want anybody sitting here waiting for something to come up that has been postponed. Just on page nine: Number 31, the application of Kinlin Rutherfurd Architects, PLLC, on behalf of PETER BACCILE. Number 32, the application of Swim King Pools on behalf of JOHN FRANKIS. Number 33, the application of Ronald Hansen on behalf of MARK HANSEN. Number 34, the application of Munley, Meade, Nielen & Re on behalf of NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC. TRUSTEE KING: Those have been postponed and we will not be looking at those tonight. TRUSTEE KING: Under resolution of administrative permits, Number One, JAMES & JUDY HAYWARD requests an administrative permit for the removal of weeds and old plant material, to reinforce wind eroded berm and replace with salt tolerant and native species and dense grasses, and to provide a seasonal platform for removable screen room, to be removed at end of the Fall season. Located: 1450 Three Waters Lane Orient. We went out there. We were supposed to meet them out there and nobody home. Are they here tonight? (No response.) I think we'll have to table that and look at it again next month. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to table. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) Board of Trustees 6 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: Number two, BARBARA REITER requests an Administrative Permit to install a post and rail fence along both sides of the property down to approximately 15 feet landward of the high water mark. located: 165 Westview Drive, Mattituck. It's just a minor change to this. I looked at this myself. And it's to put a fence along both property lines. And it says here to approximately 15 feet landward of the high water mark. And it should read is to the seaward property line marker, which is much further landward than the 15 feet. I was looking, there was a corner marker marking the property and that's where the fence should stop. It's further landward than this. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Does she have it marked on her application? TRUSTEE KING: We'll just put that on the plan. She was there. I don't think she is here tonight. (Perusing). We'll get it straightened out. I could mark it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Seaward property corner marker. I'll stop by and explain it. MS. STANDISH: Down to the seaward property line? TRUSTEE KING: Yes, on both sides. TRUSTEE KING: Motion to approve that with the modification. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: Number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine we can lump these all together. That's the applications of, number three, EDMUND & CORIANDER SMYTHE; number four, the application of DEBORAH DOTY; number five, the application of EDWARD JURZENIAlSllVER SANDS MOTEL, INC.; number six, the application of SILVER SANDS MOTEL, INC.; number seven, the application of JOSEPH & BARBARA ISABELLA; number eight, the application of MARK MELNICK; and number nine, the application of Michael Irving on behalf of NEW SUFFOLK PROPERTIES, LLC. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We have the past consent of the Board to lump all these together. TRUSTEE KING: These are not public hearings. If there is anybody here that has anything to say or any comment about any of these administrative permits, please come to the microphone. We'll lump these together and approve them all. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Three through nine? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Three through nine, yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Three through nine. Board of Trustees 7 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: Being no public comment on them, I'll make a motion on approve three through nine on the resolution of the administrative permits. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) VI. RESOLUTIONS - MOORING/STAKE PERMITS: TRUSTEE DOHERTY: One through five are all replacements. They are, Number one, the application of FREDERICK POLLERT; number two, the application of ELLEN HUFE; number three, the application of AMELIA SMULCHESKI & FRAN SMULCHESKI; number four, the application of JOAN FLECK; and number five, the application of STEPHEN GERACI. This Board has given prior consent to lump all these together as well. So I'll make a motion to approve one through five as written on the agenda. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) VII. APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS/EXTENSIONSITRANSFERS: TRUSTEE KING: Number one, MICHAEL & LISA BUNKER requests an amendment to permit 1336 for the existing dock consisting of a 3x67 foot catwalk, 3'10" for 41 feet on the landward end, 6'5"x14'8" floating dock, and three pilings. Located: 3392 Oaklawn Avenue, Southold. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this? This is one where there is really nothing left. It's really not enough left. Nothing is functional, that I could tell. So that would be my recommendation, that they apply for a new permit. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Agreed. TRUSTEE KING: So we'll deny this. It's an amendment, they need to come in and apply for a wetland permit. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: Number two, PETER & ALETRA TAGlOS, JR., requests an Amendment to Permit #5858 for the existing first floor deck at entry door. Located: 545 Williamsburg Drive, Southold. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: They're here. Do you have the certificate from Board of Trustees 8 June 20, 2007 the Health Department? MS. TAGIOS: Do you need the operating permit? TRUSTEE KING: No, the certification from the Health Department for the -- MS. TAGIOS: This is the operating permit I received from the Town TRUSTEE KING: What we are looking for is the Health Department certification. MS. TAGIOS: I have the report. We have one more inspection with them. I have been in contact. TRUSTEE KING: It hasn't been certified yet? MS. TAGIOS: It has not been finalized yet. They are waiting for a final survey. Um, I don't know, did you guys also request a copy of the flood certificate? TRUSTEE KING: The only thing, I was interested in the certification for the septic, the final. MS. TAGIOS: Have the final survey to submit and tapping letter and something else before they'll do their final inspection. TRUSTEE KING: They'll be coming out to look at that. MS. TAGIOS: I have to contact them. The water main was just put in this week. We are waiting for the tapping to be done. The service was put on and once the application is done they'll come out and do their final inspection. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What we are concerned with is if we approve the amendment to add the decking there without the final approval from the Health Department, because it's right over it, we didn't want to approve something that would not be right. So we are inclined to wait for you to see that final inspection from the Health Department. I don't know if the rest the board would like to table this. TRUSTEE KING: I would like to table it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: For the decking. MS. TAGIOS: There were two other items on the amendment. One of them was the propane tank. Did you make a decision on that? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That needs to be moved and not just turned because we feel that just turning it -- what was the measurement? TRUSTEE BERGEN: Bob and I -- I don't have the file in front of me. The non-disturbance buffer goes how far? Because we measured it and it was 27 feet on one end of the tank and the other end of the tank was approximately 28 feet. I'm waiting to hear what the non-disturbance buffer is. TRUSTEE KING: 35 feet. TRUSTEE BERGEN: If it's 35 feet, the entire tank is in a non-disturbance area. TRUSTEE KING: I think what we need to look at is if there is any other place on that property that tank can be installed. That's what we need to be find out. Board of Trustees 9 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Can that be installed in a driveway area? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: A propane tank? No. MS. TAGIOS: Mr. King, did you get to speak to Frank DiBenedetto? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MS. TAGIOS: Did he have any suggestions? TRUSTEE KING: He said when he came to that area he said that area was cleared and he assumed that was the proper place to put the tank. It should not have been cleared because that is not a proper place to put the tank. MR. TAGIOS: When he came to the property he said that's the only place WE could put it. TRUSTEE KING: I don't think he knew -- he didn't realize that was a non-disturbance area. Was he aware of that? MS. TAGIOS: We gave him a copy of the site plan. Every contractor that we hired has a copy of the site plan. The problem he was running into, I guess, is the septic, electrical wires, water mains. The electrical is on the other side and the water is over there as well, so really we don't know. I guess we are asking for your suggestion on where you would like it moved to because it is very limited space there. TRUSTEE KING: That's the very problem I have with it. This was technically a violation with the tank. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Sure. MR. TAGIOS: He assured us it was not in the disturbance area at all TRUSTEE BERGEN: We measured it out, and it is. The bottom line is 27,28 feet and the non-disturbance area is 35. It's not even close. It's well outside. MR. TAGIOS: That's what happens when you hire someone out here. MS. TAGIOS: You also have erosion. TRUSTEE KING: My feeling is there is no other place to put it. My feeling is leave it and not disturb that area and do revegetation to restore the area. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'm uncomfortable with that because as a non-disturbance buffer, that should have been something the architect should have already thought of when planning this house, that it was not going to fit. TRUSTEE KING: There is requirements on the size of the tank, requirements how far off the property line depending on the capacity of the tank. MS. MONTEFUSCO: Why don't we have the applicant step back so we can make a record. TRUSTEE KING: Sorry TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: What's the Board's pleasure? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Well, I think maybe -- we have to wait for the Health Department on the decking. Or we would like to wait for the Board of Trustees 10 June 20, 2007 Health Department on the decking. So why don't we try to figure out -- TRUSTEE KING: Why don't we just table the whole thing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Table the whole thing and we'll work on it to see if there is another location. MR. TAGIOS: Fair enough. MS. TAGIOS: Would you contact Frank from Van Hueser (sic) again? Maybe you could coordinate with that with him. MR. GHOSIO: If you want, I could talk with him. MS. TAGIOS: That would be great. They are the ones who will move the tank. You just have to let them know where you would like it to be moved. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And he'll know the rules. Bob knows the rules, too. And as soon as you get your Health Department final certification, give it to us. MS. TAGIOS: Do we have to reapply for the amendment? TRUSTEE KING: No, we'll just table this. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Which means we'll just hold it off until we have more information. MS. TAGIOS: When we get the final from the Health Department, we will just contact you and come back. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MS. TAGIOS: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Motion to table TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: Three, Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of JOHN XIKIS requests an Amendment to Permit #6310 to excavate a trench behind the existing bulkhead to allow installation in the excavated area of one 1 0"x8" deadman pile for each of the existing fender piles on the seaward side of the bulkhead. Behind the deadman piles, install horizontallaylogs 10"x20' long extending the entire length of the bulkhead. Install tie rods 3/4"x 12 feet through the individual existing fender piles. Located: 55585 County Road 48, Southold. We all should have gone down there and looked at this. We thought we knew what was going on there. I was there today with the DEC. You remember looking off the bulkhead, there was like a six or eight foot drop to the beach. It's about that much. The whole beach has come back. Unbelievable. It's incredible. The beach is about two-and-a-half feet below the top of the bulkhead now. That whole area, that whole beach came in. All the stones out in front of Xikis are all buried. You can't even see them. They are gone. This is why it's been so quiet and nobody complained about losing Board of Trustees 11 June 20, 2007 the beach. It's back. TRUSTEEBERGEN:Upfueffi. TRUSTEE KING: Like I said, I was there with DEC today. I couldn't believe my eyes. They have approved what he wants to do here. As far as trenching behind the bulkhead and putting in the new deadmen, he has DEC approval for that now. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, last month I had asked if it was possible to use helix screws here, so we were not digging out -- MR. FITZGERALD: Is this me? TRUSTEE KING: Yes, this is you. You are number three. We are talking about -- have you been down there, Jim, recently? MR. FITZGERALD: No. TRUSTEE KING: The whole beach came back. MR. FITZGERALD: I heard. I thought it was somebody else' beach. TRUSTEE KING: I thought it was somebody else's beach when I went there today. MR. FITZGERALD: And it probably was. TRUSTEE KING: It was incredible. Absolutely incredible. MR. FITZGERALD: It's nature's way. TRUSTEE KING: I was told today if you are patient, just wait, it will fix itself. Anyhow, I don't know what to do with the original permit we issued. That's the problem I had. We issued a permit for a new bulkhead, plastic sheathing and armored with stone. That work was never done. They put some new piles in front of the existing bulkhead and now they just want to put some new ties in to hold that in place. So I don't know if we should just rescind the original permit or what to do. They have not done what was permitted, so. What do you want to do? MR. FITZGERALD: You had questions the last time we were here and I have answers to those questions. TRUSTEE KING: Do you want the question or will give us the answers? MR. FITZGERALD: I have the questions. The original permit says wetland permit to replace existing timber bulkhead with vinyl sheathing and replace rock armor in front of the bulkhead. Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. The answer to the question is no, he doesn't intend to replace the bulkhead with vinyl sheathing. And no, he doesn't intend to replace the rock armor in front of it. The rocks that are on the property which were originally intended for that will be removed to, as Jack Benny used to say, whence they came. TRUSTEE KING: Okay. MR. FITZGERALD: With regard to the helix anchors, the contractor is not comfortable with that from the standpoint of his not having had any experience with it and he thinks it would be more expensive and Board of Trustees 12 June 20, 2007 he thinks the regular laylogs and tie rod thing would be more suitable. And, well, the two piles for the neighbor, he said it looks like indeed they are there and this contractor, who is not the guy that put the piles in, said he will remove them. TRUSTEE KING: This is the neighbor to the west? MR. FITZGERALD: Yes. Katzigeorgis. TRUSTEE KING: There are some other issues there. I won't go into it. Not concerning you. MR. FITZGERALD: So it would seem, Jim, that the amendment would turn out to be the whole permit now. TRUSTEE KING: But it would -- you are not going to do the plastic, you are not going to do the rock armoring, so why don't we just rescind the original permit and just -- MR. FITZGERALD: That's what I'm saying. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And make this the permit. MR. FITZGERALD: Make the permit we would like to walk away with is simply what we are asking for the amendment for. TRUSTEE KING: I think that's doable. MS. MONTEFUSCO: That's doable. TRUSTEE KING: I know, Dave, you are still uncomfortable with it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: What I'm uncomfortable with is what I alluded to last month, is there is very little room between the bulkhead and house and there is going to be a lot excavation and digging here to put in these horizontallaylogs, et cetera, and whatever, and it just seems like helix will be much better environmentally, and to me it sounds like less work because all you are doing is going straight in. MR. FITZGERALD: But you and I are not going to do it. The guy that will do it and be responsible for the usefulness of the work says he would prefer to do it the old fashion way. TRUSTEE BERGEN: But there is other contractors out there that could do it with helix. That's his choice to use that contractor. There are other cOntractors around that might have a different opinion than the contractor you are talking to. So I'm just, that's what got me uncomfortable with this. It seems like a lot of extra work in a very small area and I thought helix was the way to go. That was, but if the rest of the board is comfortable with this. TRUSTEE KING: My feeling is it's all behind the bulkhead, so there with won't be disturbance seaward of the bulkhead from this work so it won't have any effect on the environment there. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'll go with the board majority here. TRUSTEE KING: So we could just rewrite a permit indicating what he wants to do here now and rescind the original permit. So that's, I think, the proper thing to do. So I would make a motion to rescind the original permit number 6310, and we'll approve a new permit to excavate a trench behind Board of Trustees 13 June 20, 2007 the existing bulkhead and so forth to reflect what is there. MR. FITZGERALD: So may I just confirm that what you are talking about approving is -- TRUSTEE KING: Is what is written here. MR. FITZGERALD: As submitted. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll second that. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.). TRUSTEE KING: Seeing all this work is behind an existing bulkhead, it would be, it's consistent with the LWRP. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Yes, it's consistent. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What does CAC say? TRUSTEE KING: It has support from CAC. TRUSTEE BERGEN: We all looked at it. TRUSTEE KING: Case closed TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Number four, Alpha Consulting on behalf of DENNIS KATEVATIS requests an Amendment to Permit #5534 to add non-treated decking over existing walkway landward of the bulkhead and within the ten foot non-turf buffer, and to Transfer Permit #5534 from Theodore Angell to Dennis Katevatis. Located: 305 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. Now, the Board members were all out there. We took a look at it and I believe what we came up with is that the transfer was okay but we wanted to have you come in with an as-built for the second bulkhead. And we would like to see the decking, the raw materials is good decking, we would like to see a little more of a gap between the boards so that that non-turf buffer is actually working at that point. MR. ANGELL: There is stone beneath that. It is pervious. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: The problem is the decking material, the decking board is so close together the water is just going to run off into the creek. So if you spread it a little bit it will give it a chance to get down into the stone. And that secondary bulkhead was not a permitted structure. MR. ANGELL: It's a retaining wall. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: It was not part of the original permit, so we just ask for you to come in with an as-built. TRUSTEE KING: When was that second wall built? MR. ANGELL: It was done at the same time as the bulkhead but there was a tremendous crown going down to the original one. It was basically -- TRUSTEE KING: You should have come in for an amendment to the permit to approve that. Would of, should have, could have. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Bob, there was also an issue, there was a double Board of Trustees 14 June 20, 2007 jet ski float out front. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I was going to bring that up. There is a double jet ski platform there and we did have questions on that in the sense it's not a permitted, something that we permit on the dock there. MR. ANGELL: I'll advise him of that. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: That has to come out. As far as the CAC comments on this, CAC resolved to support the application. LWRP has it down as exempt. So I would like to make a motion that we approve the transfer part of this amendment as well as the rest of it except with the stipulation that the decking be res paced , quarter inch, half inch apart, whatever is suitable, and also come back with an as-built permit for that retaining wall. MR. ANGELL: Very good. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: And that the double Sea Do slip come out with the platforms. And you would not actually get this until the as-built is put in. MR. ANGELL: Okay, thank you. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Five, En-Consultants, Inc., on behalf of NANCY SUE MUELLER requests an Amendment to Permit #6535 to authorize the inplace replacement of approximately 104 linear feet of timber bulkhead with vinyl bulkhead and backfill with approximately 10 cubic yards clean sand fill to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 2300 Park Avenue, MaUituck. Jim and I went out and looked at this. Is Rob here yet? (No response.) Is anybody here on number five? (No response.) The only question Jim and I have is was we wanted to see if the bulkhead was going to be raised. In a previous permit, the reason why this is an amendment is we gave them, in February, gave them a permit for the groins. So they are amending that permit to add the bulkhead but we want to make sure the bulkhead is not raised in height because on that permit for the groins we have them to be located no higher than one foot above existing beach grade and the tops of the new groins are to be no higher than three-and-a-half feet above the top of the existing bulkhead. So if the existing bulkhead is raised then we have to raise this three-and-a-half feet. That's the only problem we had with this. The bulkhead, we assumed, they didn't put on the first permit Board of Trustees 15 June 20, 2007 because it was fine but in that April storm it got blown out. So we don't have a problem with it. So I will make a motion to approve as submitted, and according to the plans it's not being raised. If the bulkhead is to be raised, we have to adjust that three-and-a-half feet. TRUSTEE KING: And new elevation were taken on the groins because they was DEC requirement. So they do have elevations. I'll second it. All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number six, Patricia Moore on behalf of MARY DIGREGORIO requests an Amendment to Permit #6120 to commence the fixed dock at the wetland line rather than the upper retaining wall and install a pile and pulley system at the end of the fixed dock. Located: 100 Oak Street, Cutchogue. We all went out to look at this and. As I recall, the Board's feeling was that we were not inclined to consider the pile and pulley system. Is there anyone here who wants to speak to this application? MS. MOORE: Patricia Moore. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We all went out, Pat, and the feeling of the entire Board was not to permit the pile and pulley system, and that the feelings were the same that, originally we wanted to stay within the pier line and we didn't want any more going out any further into the channel there, the waterway. MS. MOORE: Well, we had two parts of it. The DEC wanted us to start the dock at the wetland line. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We had no problem with that. MS. MOORE: Is Mr. DiGregorio here? I didn't see him. (No response.) The dock does present a problem. That's why we were coming up with an alternative design, since the water depth is somewhat of an issue there. So we were trying to come up with something that would work for him to have a small boat there and the DEC really had no problem with any of it originally so we are kind of at a point where you have cut us back but the DEC won't grant us something that is so short. So a pile and pulley would at least allow us to have the boat in a location where the DEC would approve. That's the reason we came up with a pile and pulley. Because the fixed dock is no longer than the tie line. Remember, that the creek there or the bay there, cuts back. It's on an angle. So you are penalizing him because you have properties that are setback further, so there are docks that go out further but when you do a tie line on a land mass that is behind the other, it creates an artificial tie line. So that's something Board of Trustees 16 June 20, 2007 we have to reconcile and we were trying to come up with a more workable approach. TRUSTEE KING: We talked about this a long time ago and we wanted to maintain that pier line. That's the whole thing. MS. MOORE: Exactly. TRUSTEE KING: But you don't maintain it with pulley and stake system. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: MOORE: That's what I'm saying. We have problem with the changes the DEC made or that catwalk that we permitted but we are not agreeing with the pile and pulley. MS. MOORE: Right. I heard that. That's why I was explaining why we are asking for the pile and pulley, to enable the boat to shift in the depth of the water that would be agreeable with the DEC. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'm just trying to find LWRP, which was done during the last permit process, but it's quite extensive talking about the significant fish and wildlife habitats, the length of the original dock proposal. MS. MOORE: We cut that back. It's no different than having a mooring. So a pile and a mooring really make no difference. Actually it's less, probably, in circumference than a mooring that would be required to keep a boat in place, so we tried to come up with an approach that would compromise. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: If you want to compare it to a mooring, there is a waiting list for that creek and they can go on a list. MS. MOORE: He's also waterfront property. So we won't go there. I'm just saying environmental affects. When you are comparing environmental affects, a pile is generally not considered to have significant environmental affect. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I think the feeling of the Board is that we had compromised and worked with you and given the original permit and felt this was the extent that we would permit. So I would be inclined to permit the change of the fixed dock at the wetland line but not the pile and pulley system. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That's three foot. That's two. (indicating.) I understand that. I'm just looking at the depth. The depth looks someplace place between one and two at the end of the dock MS. MOORE: Right. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And the pile takes it out to three, but extend it beyond the pier line. And, I mean, since it's a pile and line, it is different than a mooring because it doesn't prevent anything from going inside that. A mooring, the boat sits out here and a boat can go inside and outside that mooring. So to me it's not the same as a mooring. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Bob, I want to get the feeling of the Board again. Was your feeling that it would be fine to move the fixed dock to the wetland line but not agree with the pile and pulley? Board of Trustees 17 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I agree with that. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That's where we are. MS. MOORE: Okay, please note our objection and our request for the pile and pulley and we'll accept that for purposes of having a permit in hand so we can proceed, but we still object to the fact that we are being penalized, being taken, that the tie line is being artificially drawn based on the topography of the shoreline there. So. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the request for an amendment to permit 6120 to commence the fixed dock at the wetland line rather than the upper retaining wall, and to not include the installing of the pile and pulley system. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE KING: Second. All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MS. MOORE: Thank you. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Pat, we'll need a revised plan for that, please. To take your pile and proposed -- MS. MOORE: That's fine. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Number seven, Patricia Moore on behalf of CAROL WITSCHIEBEN & JANET WITSCHIEBEN LARSEN, requests an Amendment to Permit #6436 to increase the size of the west side of dwelling from 18.4' to 20' within the setback; increase the size on the east side of the dwelling from 26.4' to 29' within the setback; covered entry area converted to living space except for entry approximately three feet wide by 12 feet long; increase length of dwelling from approximately 64 feet to 69 feet long; and relocate proposed swimming pool to west side of property. Located: 1000 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck. The whole board went out and looked at this. It looked like it was just a modification of the house, basically changing it from it was originally going to be a two-story to one-story with all the additions going landward and the movement of the pool as per DEC request. The CAC went out and looked at it and had no comment on the application, however states this is a prime example of overdevelopment on the shoreline. We looked at it. It's also consistent under LWRP so we didn't have a problem with it, so I would entertain a motion to approve. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MS. MOORE: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Number eight, Costello Marine Contracting Corp., on behalf of PHYLLIS SCHAFFER requests an Amendment to Permit #6522 to Board of Trustees 18 June 20, 2007 construct a 4'x48' catwalk using grate style decking instead of the approved 4'x23' fixed catwalk. located: 1725 Smith Drive North, Southold. This was a request for catwalk modification. We all went out and looked at it. I think the general feeling of the Board was it's extending out too far, more than we thought it was going to TRUSTEE BERGEN: I think the question was whether it was more than one-third out across the waterway. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: John, the one question we had, I believe you were looking at the dock, the float, what's the position of the float? MR. COSTEllO: My name is John Costello, Costello Marine Contracting. We are the agent for this application for Phyllis Schaffer. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What is the current proposed location of the float? MR. COSTEllO: It was staked. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. MR. COSTEllO: There was a question on the other hearings that we had, the stake being missed, and we put stakes out there three different times. Some of them didn't survive through the winter but it was restaked recently and -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We went out last week and we felt it was too far out, and I'm asking -- TRUSTEE KING: It's out another five feet from the original. I'm looking at what was approved here in March. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: This is from March, what I'm looking at -- I think the plan we were looking at last Wednesday when we were in the field, we saw the dock catwalk, the catwalk going straight out. So I just want to make sure we are all looking at the same plans. MR. COSTEllO: April 19, 2007 plans. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay, that shows the "l." MR. COSTEllO: That was the "l" shape and flow through decking. TRUSTEE KING: It also shows five feet further seaward than what was approved before. We measured from this line. On the outside of that is 25 feet. We measured from the same line to the outside post is 20 feet. So it was pushed out five more feet. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: When you set the stake, did you happen to measure the width of the creek? MR. COSTEllO: We had a surveyor, Bob Fox, measure the width of the channel way there and at low water to low water is slightly over 100 feet. And that's why we tried to regulate to meet the approval. It's a narrow waterway. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And this plan shows it how far out? MR. COSTEllO: 33 from low water. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Out a third. MR. COSTEllO: We'll try. Why not. Board of Trustees 19 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: So it is one-third TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes. Any reason if you pull it back a little bit that the boat would not be able to get in there? MR. COSTEllO: The only thing is I don't want to jeopardize the DEC permit because we were playing around with three-and-a-half feet of water, they were a little bit reluctant. All the boats in that area are going to be quite small. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So it's just at one-third. TRUSTEE BERGEN: A boat, dock, everything, can't be more than a third. TRUSTEE KING: Am I right, John, that this dock is five feet further out than what we showed in March, what we approved in March? MR. COSTEllO: I don't believe so. At that time, I don't believe we had Bob Fox's survey, so what we tried to do is, in order to meet the objections of the DEC on the depth of water, we had to revise it slightly, but I don't know if it was five feet. If you are using a scale ruler, you know. TRUSTEE KING: I scaled it off. It's five feet seaward. MR. COSTEllO: I thought it was three-and-a-half but I'm not going to contradict. We tried to minimize the structure, the four-foot width, flow-through decking, the minimum-size piling. It's a creek that has a lot of limitations on the size of the vessels. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Where does the channel run through that? It doesn't run through the middle MR. COSTEllO: It runs right out the middle. It's a dredged channel but it has not been maintained for many years TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The docks on the other side are hugged up against the shore, so we were just wondering if this can't be moved in closer to the shore and still, you know, it's at three foot right now. It looks, the boat would be at three-and-a-half feet depth. We are wondering if we can move it in a little bit. MR. COSTEllO: I'm sure it can be. I just don't want to jeopardize the DEC permit. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I understand. MR. COSTEllO: The DEC, I mean, one disapproval is all it takes. TRUSTEE KING: Is this a seasonal float, John? MR. COSTEllO: Yes. And the ramp, too. If we put the ramp on the float. TRUSTEE KING: It looks like a five foot grab to me but if it's inside the one-third, with the boat, and meets the code, I think that's the way we should leave it. Word the permit -- TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Yes. TRUSTEEBERGEN:R~ht. MR. COSTEllO: Could I make one additional comment? TRUSTEE KING: Sure. MR. COSTEllO: If the Board wishes, I think that there is a Board of Trustees 20 June 20, 2007 possibility, without the ramp being too steep, because of the elevation of the dock, that if we pull the ramp back from 16 foot to 14 feet, that, you know, it would not affect walking down the ramp. You know. That's one of the reasons we tried to do it. And the ramp is wood and will have two handrails, so it will still remain safe. TRUSTEE KING: That was on the original plan was a 14 foot ramp. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: On this is 32" by 16 foot. I think that's a compromise. TRUSTEE KING: The new one is open grate, is it? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. That gets it back. I think that's a compromise. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: John, did DEC know that you were amending to the grate style decking? MR. COSTEllO: Yes. I believe it was this Board that requested -- TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Was DEC aware you were going to be amending it to -- MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Did they consider lowering their elevation? TRUSTEE KING: They have five quarter decking on the plans. MR. COSTEllO: Yes, we have gotten an amendment from DEC, I believe, for the float. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Did they also consider because it was grating that the elevation was going to be able to be lowered? That's what Jim is asking. TRUSTEE KING: The plan shows five quarter decking. If this is going to be open grate I would like to get the elevation down lower. They have been approving them right along. MR. COSTEllO: I don't believe it would be a problem. We'll go back to them. TRUSTEE KING: That would be my -- let's get this thing down to like 18 inches above grade, two feet. 18 inches would be fine. That gets everything down nice, you know. We have had some good luck with them. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: DEC is getting better with the grading. TRUSTEE KING: They are recommending it now. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I can't see them having a problem, is what I'm saying. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do you want to make a motion, Jim, or do you want me to? TRUSTEE KING: You can do it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Phyllis Schaffer, request an Amendment to Permit #6522 to construct a 4'x48' catwalk with a 32"x14' ramp to be 18 inches above grade; open grate catwalk. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. Board of Trustees 21 June 20,2007 TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: And the structure including the boat is not to be more than one-third of the way across the creek, with the boat, as noted in the code. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. I just want to, I see that -- is Mrs. Bunker here? Mr. Bunker? I see we already did yours. What we did is we feel that there is not enough of the dock left so we ended up denying your amendment and we request you to put a full permit application in. We don't have a problem with the dock being there, we just need to do a little further review. TRUSTEE KING: Just apply for a permit for a dock. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Apply to us for a wetland permit. You can see Lauren in the office and she will give you the paperwork and we'll go through the steps and she will give you the deadlines and we'll put it on the next meeting. MR. BUNKER: Thank you. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Numbers ten through 17 are transfers of permits and one-year extensions. Those are: Number ten, the application of SALVATORE GRANFORT; number 11, Gary Olsen on behalf of VINCENZO & MARGHERITA POSILLlCO; number 12, the application of CAROL R. DENSON; number 13, the application of RICHARD E. BONATI; number 14, the application of LI SOUND OYSTER, LLC.; number 15, the application of KEVIN BUCCINNA & FAITH BEISER; number 16, Gary Olsen on behalf of the ESTATE OF EILEEN O. GOLDNER; number 17, En-Consultants on behalf of PATRICIA GILCHRIST MANCINO. We all have reviewed each one separately and I would like to put all those together. Does CAC have any comments on extensions or transfers, do you know? MR. MCGREEVY: I don't have it as a matter of record. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. They are just simple transfers and extensions. There are no changes to any of the permits or anything. I'll make a motion to approve numbers 10 through 17 as requested. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: As to number nine, DAVID LAVAN requests a Transfer from Permit #251 to Robert Troccoli to David Lavan, as issued on May 29, 1986, to replace three missing pilings and add two additional pilings to make the dock more secure. Located: 710 Jockey Creek Drive, Southold. Board of Trustees 22 June 20, 2007 It is supposed to read "transfer of permit to." And not replace the three missing pilings. So I'll approve the transfer to, and deny the request to replace the three pilings and add two additional pilings. TRUSTEE KING: Second. All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to go off our regular hearings and go on to our public hearings. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: TRUSTEE KING: These are our public hearings. Please try and keep your comments brief, when you comment, and we'll get right to the point on things. I don't want to drag things along. And I don't really want these things to turn into debates between the Board and the applicant. TRUSTEE KING: Number one, HENRY H. TRAENDL Y & BARBARA A. CADWALLADER request a Wetland Permit to expand an existing beach cabana and garage and construct a single-family dwelling with decks and garage. Located: 13000 Rt. 25, East Marion. MR. TRAENDL Y: I'm going to speak about the application we have made and why we made it, et cetera. Our application is to build a one-family dwelling on a recognized lot and, frankly, retire there. The decision to proceed was made based on a letter from research discussions, especially including a walk through done by the Trustees and we attempted to make every amendment possible to the original plans and we did, to conform and comply with the suggestions made at that time. We also met with the other agencies, which we understand we fully have to deal with. Without approval from the Department of Health or DEC, there will be no project, there will be no building put in. We have worked with professional engineers to mitigate any potential problems with the sanitary systems, to suggest various sites so we can perhaps move septic systems. I've spoken to engineers regarding the well, the depth using, if necessary, water treatment systems. We have met with and spoken with, at length, the Suffolk County Department of Health. They have been quite helpful and they have, frankly, given me some confidence that this can be accomplished. We also met with duty analysts in the DEC and listened to Board of Trustees 23 June 20, 2007 their advice, and based on that our decision to proceed was made and hence we are here. We went to the Building Department for the denial. We are now at this stage. I would like to speak about a few other things and I'll be as brief as possible. One, is that the coastal erosion hazard area as defined I believe by the DEC, that's the map that the Board of Trustees uses, defines coastal erosion area as one in which the erosion rate of one foot a year or more is demonstrated. In fact, this property, which is recognized in 1947, grew from, at that time, 170 feet in length to 197.9 feet. It's actually increased almost 28 feet. So I think it is not a typical coastal erosion area, much less a coastal erosion hazard area. And I'll make one final point, and that is that the dwelling we are proposing and the variance we are seeking is consistent with other neighboring lots in the area. There is approximately 19 fully developed, as far as I could tell, lots in that area. And this is not entirely inconsistent at all. In fact we believe it is compatible, plus esthetically, in terms of sanitary, engineering, well placing and so on. And that's why we are here. TRUSTEE KING: I think the biggest problem we have is the sanitary system that is proposed. MR. TRAENDL Y: We got that message loud and clear. We understood that you were quite helpful in suggesting to us how we might accommodate the requirements, and we have gone ahead and spoken to the two ultimately yea or nay agencies, the DEC as well as the Department of Health, and we think that in the end we will succeed in our applications. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'll speak for myself, I don't know about the rest the Board members, but I'm uncomfortable with how close it is. It's only 65 feet from the high water mark. And I know it's a challenge to figure out where to put it. It's just too close. MR. TRAENDL Y: In discussing this with the Department of Health and in reading the standards both health and wealth standards, the current editions of them, we have noted and we have confirmed with the Department of Health, that 65 foot separation from a well to a septic is all right if it's in the shoreline area and is not serviced by public water. And then of course the way it works is you run into the depth of the well. Well, the depth of the well, assuming the water quality is not adequate to meet the standards, at that point, you can use a device to improve the water quality and bring it up to the level of the standards. So we believe that we can get through the Department of Health using that particular approach. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So a device on the water system? MR. TRAENDL Y: Yes, if the well -- and we have reason to believe that the quality of the water will be okay as it is. But in other Board of Trustees 24 June 20, 2007 words, that would be the remedial step. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So a device just coming from your well. MR. TRAENDL Y: Yes, it would be a device used to treat the water if the well depth was not great enough. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: But we are not concerned with just your well. We are concerned with the neighboring wells as well. MR. TRAENDL Y: This is on the seaward side, as you well know. And on that point, I believe the neighboring properties have their septics -- I have very good reason to believe this -- their septic systems are clearly on the seaward side and much closer than this one is. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I understand that. But did you discuss with the Health Department alternatives systems? MR. TRAENDL Y: Yes, and they felt what we were proposing could work. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: But this is a normal system. So they are saying that they feel that the way you are applying for it is approvable to them, is what you are telling us MR. TRAENDL Y: They said subject to variance, yes, that's what they are -- TRUSTEE KING: Have you applied to DEC yet with this? MR. TRAENDL Y: No, we have not applied yet. I thought -- I'm a novice at this. I thought procedurally we would be better off dealing with the local authorities and if we had to get a subject, in fact, whether or not you, if you approve this on its face we would still have to get all the other approvals TRUSTEE KING: Sometimes, what I have been doing the last few years, some people like it, some people don't, on these difficult applications, I have been trying to do joint inspections with the DEC so you are there, both regulating agencies are there, and you don't get any mixed messages. We don't say yes you can do it and you go to the DEC and they say no, you can't do it, or vice versa. I would like to do something like that with this application. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Can I clarify, one thing. In the application it says construct a single family dwelling with decks and garage. Is that correct? Because I don't see anything on the plans. MR. TRAENDL Y: It's not on the plans. We just wanted to reserve that option, if it turned out it would be an option. TRUSTEE BERGEN: We would have to see it on the plans. In other words, the garage is not currently on the plans. We would have to see it on the plans in order to consider it as part of the application. That's what we are saying. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I just want to clarify that because if it is something you are considering, it has to come off one or the other. TRUSTEE KING: I would like to table this for a joint discussion. That's my feeling. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I agree. TRUSTEE KING: That's my recommendation. Board of Trustees 25 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: I have no problem with that. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would also like to see the Health Department approve the septic first TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Can you request that before we do another inspection? TRUSTEE KING: I don't know who moves faster, the Health Department or the DEC. I think you should apply to the DEC and get something going and we'll do a joint inspection with them. That would be my suggestion. Like I say, I think it saves you a lot of time and a lot of frustration. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Mr. Traendly, the application as you presented it is inconsistent with LWRP. Are there any recommendations from them he might need to consider? TRUSTEE KING: I think it's mostly because of the septic. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I was just wondering if there is anything that they are recommending. TRUSTEE KING: (Perusing.) Direct or indirect discharge. It lists the whole -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Setbacks and septic. TRUSTEE KING: Mostly setbacks and septic system will be the problem. MR. TRAENDL Y: If I may ask a question, perhaps, in the form of speaking to the standards for variance. Your setback to the wetlands water line or high water mark, is 75 feet, I believe. TRUSTEE KING: It's 100. 100 feet is our setback. MR. TRAENDL Y: Okay, that's to what they call -- TRUSTEE KING: That's from the edge of the wetlands to, it would probably be roughly here from just looking at this, right around the bulkhead area, it looks like. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's what we said, yes, when we were out there MR. TRAENDL Y: There no bulkhead there, but, from the adjoining properties, but that's one of the areas where you can grant, the Board of Trustees can grant a waiver of the setbacks. TRUSTEE KING: Well, we don't necessarily waive the setback. What we try and do is try and get as far away as we can. I mean, we are looking at 65 feet and that's just a little over half of what the setback should be. It was 97 feet, I would like at it differently. That's just my personal feelings. MR. TRAENDL Y: Are there any suggestions the board might have as to how we might consider re-engineering this, because we certainly -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Like in the field, we asked you to see what other systems are out there that are approvable by the Health Department that would be more environmentally friendly. And, you know, if you could explore that a little further. MR. TRAENDL Y: That would certainly be one possible path. Could Board of Trustees 26 June 20, 2007 that be recited in whatever your decision is this evening -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think what we are looking for is just to table this application right now until we get more information and meet with the DEC. MR. TRAENDL Y: What about the Health Department? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: If they want to meet with us, too, great. But we haven't -- MR. TRAENDL Y: I wasn't sure. I thought the Health Department was ultimately the most important -- TRUSTEE KING: They are important. If you want to pursue this you should really contact both of those agencies and get going on it. That's my suggestion. MR. VALANTI: Excuse me, do you think I have say something? My name is Brian Valanti. In regard to from where the well is to the septic system, he meets that. That's 100 foot apart. It's from where the 55 feet from the shoreline, I think originally when you went out there to view the site, it was 52 foot at that point. He set it back, the house, to make it 55 feet because that's okay with the Health Department. You don't need a variance for that part. The part is if it was, he would need a variance regarding the well issue, because it could be a shallow well, greater or less than 40 feet. And if at that point, you know, he knows if it's exactly less than 40 feet, then he would need the water treatment system. That would be required in a variance. Not for the 55-foot setback. That he can go along without a variance from the Health Department. Just to clarify that issue. So that's not a problem with them. It's really a problem with the Board. And if you look at any other system that could possibly go in there, you can't get any further back than 55 feet. And that's really about it. Because I went with Hank to that one health meeting and, you know, that's pretty clear about that, about the 55-foot setback. He doesn't need a variance. It's just he would need a variance to put the well in and if so, it would only be a matter of water treatment. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And just so you understand, that just because the Health Department or DEC approves something doesn't mean we are going to automatically approve it. We have our concerns. MR. VALANTI: I understand. I just wanted to clarify that. MR. TRAENDL Y: There is just one other pleading. That is the potential effect of adding another dwelling to the area, on the wetlands themselves, assuming this really is a wetland area, even that's, potentially, that's one of the issues with the DEC, the zone it's in is an LZ zone. But it's not a typical LZ zone in that it doesn't have the characteristics, doesn't have the marsh grass, it's course sand on the bottom. I have gone through this with the DEC. Perhaps that area should not be classified as such. It's Board of Trustees 27 June 20, 2007 really tidal water of the harbor. So, that's a larger issue, perhaps, but nonetheless it's a legitimate one. So the effect, which I know you are very concerned with, of having a septic system 65 feet from the water, when you think about it, this represents approximately a 5% increase in the number of dwellings in the neighborhood, it has to be diminimus, arithmetically or otherwise. That seems to me to be somewhat compelling. TRUSTEE KING: Are you going to have to go to zoning on some of these side yard setbacks? MR. TRAENDL Y: Yes, but I don't think that should be a problem because we are very much consistent with the adjoining properties even. As a matter of fact, the setbacks are even greater. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's another thing we have been discussing inter-office, is something like this, the zoning board might want so see it first prior to the Trustees' approval. MR. TRAENDL Y: I have no problem with that at all. We only require a variance for the side yards and the volume. That's all. And I'm very comfortable that we are actually, we need less of a variance in terms of feet than the two adjoining properties. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think the feeling of the Board is to table this and we can discuss it further. MR. TRAENDL Y: Would you suggest that we move to the ZBA next and then with the state and -- county and state agencies or-- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I would move with DEC. TRUSTEE KING: ASAP. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You might want to work on that and visit the Building Department and tell them your plans and see what the steps they send you are. MR. TRAENDL Y: We actually went to the Building Department. We are ready to go to the ZBA right now. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You can go ahead and start with them as well. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to table this application. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Number two, on page six, WILLIAM & ALICE LEHMANN request a Wetland Permit to construct a two-car garage and install gutters and drywells to contain the run-off. Located: 725 Rabbit Lane, East Marion. I looked at this and had no problems with it. It has all the stuff; gutters, drywells, on the plan. And it's inconsistent under LWRP because of the 100 foot setback, and there was a built-in pool there which was much closer to the lake than the proposed garage, which is no longer there. There is some sheds there. And we, during construction, require hay bales. And there is a non-turf Board of Trustees 28 June 20, 2007 buffer there already that is pretty well established. And they are putting gutters, leaders and drywells, so that would make it, in my mind, consistent with LWRP. CAC supports the application and they want the Trustees to consider whether or not the culvert pipe is problematic. There is a culvert pipe that happens it go across this property from the lake to the bay and it has been there for at least 50 years. At one point it was not functional, however, I believe it's functional now. They have a gate that was not functional for many years and salt water intrusion was getting into the lake, which is part of the reason why the phragmites started flourishing. Since then that gate has been fixed and I don't see it problematic at all. Is there anyone here to speak on this application? MR. CUDDY: I am. I'm Charles Cuddy, speaking on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Lehmann. Thank you. I'm sure they wonder why I came since you have done a better job than I'm going to do. I would just add one or two things. We have permits from the DEC, both tidal and freshwater wetlands. I would also like to make part of your records, because this is somewhat unique, the Zoning Board of Appeals determination. As you indicated, we are going to put a garage, but we have covenanted and also are putting in the deed that this parcel will never be used for a dwelling. So there will be no septic system on it. It's essentially joined with their parcel across the street. So I think the Board of Appeals went through the LWRP and said this mitigated all of that concern. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, Mr. Lehmann had told me that as well. MR. KUTTY: So if I may, I would offer this up to the Board. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Thank you. MR. KUTTY: Because you have enunciated all of the concerns and have set forth mitigation, I won't speak longer because I know you like us to be brief. Thank you. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Thank you. I do have one other comment. I did ask Mr. Lehmann if he would consider moving it landward further and his answer was that he placed it in such so he could get into the driveway and park a car on the driveway. And Rabbit Lane is a very narrow private road. And I agreed with him. If he puts it closer to the road he would not be able to turn around MR.CUDDY: And he could not really park any cars off the road. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Right. And his is other house is beyond that, so. Are there any other comments? (No response.) Hearing none, I make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) Board of Trustees 29 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I make a motion to approve the application of William and Alice Lehmann as applied for. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Which is including gutters, leaders and drywells, and I would like to add hay bales during construction and to maintain the butter that is there. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: Okay, I apologize. We are going to go back to number one. I would like to reopen number one. I didn't realize there are a couple of people here have comments to make. And I have a letter on the Traendly application. I would like to read the letter into the record. Board of Trustees, for the HENRY TRAENDL Y & BARBARA CADWALLADER application. The request for a wetland permit to expand an existing beach cabana and garage and construct a single-family dwelling with decks and garage. The cabana is a boat house and was used to store a few boats. It remained dormant as long as we lived next door to it. We do believe they have a fire hazard by not having the new building less than 30 feet from our house. Signed, Edward T. Burton, I think it is. The address is 12460 Main Road, East Marion. So with that entered into the record. MR. BURTON: Could I make a comment about the same thing? TRUSTEE KING: Number one, yes. MR. BURTON: My name is Tom Burton. I kind of object to the two foot away from my parent's property. TRUSTEE KING: That was one of the questions I asked whether they need variances from the zoning board to put a house that close. MR. BURTON: Two stories, we are living in Southold, not Manhattan. TRUSTEE KING: That's a zoning board issue they'll have to address MR. BURTON: And he claims he wants to live there, right? He has been trying to sell this property for a couple of years, and he can't. He wants to build so he could sell it. He used to own the house next door to that and he bought that just so nobody would build there at all. And the place has not been maintained for quite a while, anyway. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Thank you. Are there any other comments on this application? (No response.) Being none, I'll make a motion to table this hearing again. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? Board of Trustees 30 June 20, 2007 (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number three, NEIL & ROBERTA SIMON request a Wetland Permit to renovate the existing landscape, including the installation of a berm with boulders upland of the driveway, maintenance on existing driveway, repair/replace existing stone and CCA retaining walls with new stone retaining walls, add new stone retaining wall, replace existing stepping stone walkways with deeper stones and plantings, add new stepping stone walkways to replace existing turf areas, replace most turf areas with garden flower beds and stone walkways, and perform maintenance on existing on-grade decks, walkways and patios. Located: 60 Harbor Lights Drive, Southold. The entire Board looked at this. We don't have any comments on my notes except that the land meets the bulkhead. There is a question -- I remember what it was. Do we want to make the land lower than the bulkhead down by the water? I just remember I had a comment. Was that Bob's comment? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes, we talked about. TRUSTEE KING: We talked about it. It should be lower than the edge of the bulkhead, yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: And to make sure when the landscaping comes down to the bulkhead that it's lower than the bulkhead and doesn't meet it at exactly the top of the bulkhead. That's the only comment. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Otherwise any runoff goes right in. If we make it lower, it has someplace to go. MR. SIMON: I'm Neil Simon. I'm the applicant for this permit. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Did you have any problem with what we just said as far as the landscaping going -- now it comes up to the top of the bulkhead. MR. SIMON: Yes, if so there is a runoff channel form so the run water can't run over it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Just like six inches so the water doesn't run over it. MR. SIMON: That's not a problem. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Are there any other comments? MR. SIMON: I had a couple of comments. Just some observations of the beneficial impacts that we think the project will have. One of them is we believe that runoff from the property will be better controlled. That's basically the reason for the boulders along the facing of the slope on the landward side of the driveway. Secondly, for our own maintenance purposes and for the benefit, environmental benefit, virtually all of the turf that was previously on the property is removed by the plan and is replaced with lower maintenance flower beds. And the reference to maintaining the at-grade walkway is basically replaces CCA decking Board of Trustees 31 June 20,2007 on the walkways with trecks, synthetic material. Those are the comments that I offer. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I have field notes here that say that did we want to get the dock amended? I think that's why I took this picture, because we felt -- TRUSTEE BERGEN: There was a permit for the dock but what we needed to check to see is that the dock was built according to the specs. Because it appeared when we walked out, that the dock is more than one-third of the way across the waterway. So we were going to check that to see, the office was going to check that to see if the dock matched -- the configurations of the dock matched the permitted dock. MR. SIMON: Okay. And the dock structure was built by Costello Marine probably ten years ago and they put the permits in place. It's not been altered and it should match the permits that were issued for that dock. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, there is a sticker on the side that says "Tom Johnson Docks." MR. SIMON: Tom Johnson did some maintenance on the float a couple of years ago. But again, the structure was not altered. TRUSTEE BERGEN: We'll check that out. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Lauren, you were asked to do any checking of that? Do we want to include anything with this approval, Jim or just checking? TRUSTEE KING: We can approve this and just make a note. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I just want to make sure that it's getting notated. Are there any other comments from the Board? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I just had a question. On the maintenance of the decks and the walkways and patio, is that replacement of the decks or is that actually maintenance? MR. SIMON: The walkways that are referred to are flagstones set in soil, and what the plan calls for, the flagstones stones are about an inch-and-a-half thick. The plan calls for removing them all and replacing them with stones that are about four inches thick so we can grow plantable materials between them. The reference to the decks, are at grade, they were originally CCA plank walkways that are at grade that the plan calls for replacing them with trecks. So they are basically maintenance of what exists. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I guess my point was going to be if it's just routine maintenance, was there going to be any chemicals involved. But it doesn't sound like it. MR. SIMON: No, absolutely not. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: If there are no further comments from anyone in the audience or Board members, I'll make a motion to close the hearing. Do I have a second? Board of Trustees 32 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the wetland permit to request wetland and landscaping for Neil and Roberta Simon. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE KING: Has most of this been done? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Well, yes, but a lot of the plantings have not been done. It was kind of midstream, I believe. TRUSTEE KING: I'm just curious. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I don't remember that much being done. TRUSTEE BERGEN: This is the one we found out and it's been done. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It was started. It's like midstream. The consideration is the work was done before you came in for a permit. MR. SIMON: Yes, that's accurate. I hired a landscape contractor locally and I thought he got the permit, and we stopped the job. There are basically bales of stone on the property now. Some have been set in place. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We can approve it subject that he has to pay that fee, before he gets his permit. What we are talking about, when there is a violation, when work has been started and there is a violation and it's been taken care of, usually what we do is we have a fee structure of as built. Meaning already built without a permit. So what we are thinking is you fall into that category. So you would just have to pay an additional fee before you get your permit. MR. SIMON: I accept that. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I made the motion. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. SIMON: Thank you. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Number four, THEODORE BUCCI, JR., requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 3'x12' hinged ramp and a 6'x20' floating dock attached to the existing bulkhead. Located: 112 Windjammer Drive, Southold. The Board did go out and look at this. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application? MR. BUCCI: My name is Theodore J. Bucci. I'm the applicant. I know you wanted to discuss some things about maybe changing it to a marine nursery. I would just like to find out what you did discuss and find out. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. I spoke to Pat Finnegan, the Town Attorney, and she suggested that we to not go that way since there no Board of Trustees 33 June 20, 2007 provision in the code for that right now. And she would rather not head down that path. There are a lot of variables. MR. BUCCI: Okay. And another thing there is about 22 floating docks in that boat basin right now and every single one is within 15 feet of someone else's property line. And to have mine, since I bought the property four years ago, where you could put a floating dock there, I have been paying taxes on it like that, and to pull the rug out from underneath us at this point, I think is not fair. Even though the law says it's a 15-foot setback, there should be an exception to this. I mean there is, like I said, 20 some odd floating docks in there that would be exactly like mine. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Lori, did Pat discuss this with you at all? Did we figure out -- MS. MONTEFUSCO: We discussed the use. (A comment was made off the record.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The way it's written in the code, with the 15 foot, what are our options? MS. MONTEFUSCO: Your options are to be consistent with the code or there has to be some specific reason why you are not. Unfortunately, the code doesn't speak to a different use as an exception. And that's just the unfortunate, you know, fact of this job for the applicant here, but the fact is if there is a setback requirement, there is a setback requirement. So. It's really. MR. BUCCI: May I also say something. We paid about five years ago, $50,000 for this slip. Now, by changing the rules from when we bought the property, you can't use it. It's pretty much worthless because if you bring a boat in there with a bow, you know I have a pontoon, which my make that easier, but for all intent and purposes a bow boat pulled in there, you can't get off. No one would jump off the bow of the boat trying to go get up on to the bulkhead. Now, you know, the law may say. But what is right. What is fair. And it's up to you to make a decision and I think you could make a fair one where you just say let's make an exception and allow this person to put a floating dock just like the 20-some odd others. And if I had known, I mean I had to put certificates out, certified letters to notify everybody that I wanted to do something and if I had that same courtesy where I was told my property would be worthless, I would have made sure I put a floater in before you changed the rules. TRUSTEE KING: I think the 15 foot set off of property lines has been in effect a long time. I sympathize with you. I understand what you are saying. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Believe us, we are trying to work it out. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I mean, it's the opinion of the Trustees this was a very good project what you wanted to do. The challenge is we have Board of Trustees 34 June 20, 2007 a code. It's nothing that this group here created. We have a Town Code and there has to be a 15-foot setback on each side of a piece of property to accommodate a dock. And this doesn't have it. And what you are asking for is for us to grant you an exception to the Town Code, which we really don't have a tendency to do. MR. BUCCI: I understand that. And I would say the tendency should be there because there are 20-some odd floaters in there that were given permits and use has been there where everybody is within 15 feet of someone else's property. This is not like it's a new boat basin and it's not like we had all the room in the world. This is what has been there for like 40 years. And it's very consistent with what is in there and being used right now. Excuse me, my neighbor who adjoins me. If you want to ask him if he has a problem with that. TRUSTEE BERGEN: If you hang on for just a second. You're done with your comments. Thank you. And we'll ask for others. I want to make sure you had your opportunity to give comment. MR. BUCCI: Sure. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak on this application? MR. SIMON: Again, I'm Neil Simon. By coincidence tonight, we are, I believe the contiguous adjacent property owner to Mr. Bucci's property, and basically confirming what his comments are. It's hard to see the project that he's proposing being nonconforming to all of the other boat facilities within the canal. His misfortune, his timing perhaps being the last one to put a float in. But it would be completely conforming to the character, the spacing, that exists today. That would be my comment for the Record. We have no objection to it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. Are there any other comments to be made from the audience? (No response.) If not, just for the record, CAC did not make an inspection therefore no recommendation could be made. LWRP found it consistent. So with that, are there any comments from the Board? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes, I have one. I have to tell you, I think that what Mr. Bucci wants to do is a great idea. What has not really been brought out is what he's planning to use that dock to do, which is to construct a dock so he could grow oysters underneath and bring it out into the bay and set those seeds. I think that's a great idea and I know that's a different use than what we would normally call a dock. I also know the code does say that docks, including the vessel, should have a minimum clearance of 15 feet so as not to interfere with the neighbors' access to the waters, which in this case it wouldn't, unless the Trustees decided otherwise, for Board of Trustees 35 June 20, 2007 navigational or other reasons. And I have to tell you, I see this as a viable other reason. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I agree. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: So I'll support the application. TRUSTEE KING: I think we should just make certain stipulations and restrictions as far as the use of it that it should only be used for active culture and there should be no vessels tied to this float, strip it down so that it's pretty specific to what it's used for and the size. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: His plan was to have a vessel there as well, a pontoon vessel. TRUSTEE KING: I wouldn't go with that. I say if we are going to allow this, we should stipulate to a float for the raising of these oysters and that's it. Don't put a boat on it so you are practically bumping the next door neighbor. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: That's going to be a pontoon boat that will fit right over the top, right? MR. BUCCI: Yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Mr. Bucci, I'm looking at the file here. I'm looking for plans to describe the dock itself, the dimensions, the materials, things like that MR. BUCCI: That's, it has photos of it also has attached to it the dimensions, 6x20. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Okay. Thank you. So it's a 6x20. There are no pilings out at the end to support it at all. MR. BUCCI: No, because it will be supported off the bottom so I could slide right over it. TRUSTEE KING: What holds it in place? MR. BUCCI: The mooring. Just drop down an anchor at the bottom. There is four I guess you call turnbuckles at the end to fasten down. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And the lumber itself is made of what? MR. BUCCI: It's not -- well not CCA but the treated lumber that is allowed now. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It says here pressure treated lumber. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Our code still says no treated. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Our code says the decking cannot be treated lumber. MR. BUCCI: Then I'll ask have to take that off and put the trecks or whatever. Because the bottom is just the plastic floaters on the bottom. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What's the width of the property? MR. BUCCI: The width of the property is 15 feet by 50. From the bulkhead out, it's 45 feet. TRUSTEE BERGEN: The question we have, it's a 15-foot wide piece property but the specs on the dock for a 20-foot wide float. So it would extend farther. Board of Trustees 36 June 20, 2007 MR. BUCCI: No, not 26 wide by 20 long. TRUSTEE BERGEN: All right. That was the question that was proposed. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: What's the total width of the pontoon? MR. BUCCI: 14. And that slides right over. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do we need a better description written? TRUSTEE BERGEN: The description that is here, that is provided, it's a downloaded page from the Internet. It has all the specs on it. It's just what we have to change from the specs that are on it from pressure treated to using non-pressure treated wood MR. BUCCI: Right. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Are there any other questions from the Board? TRUSTEE KING: This means this description would have to be changed to include the pontoon boats. This is an application for a 2x12 hinged ramp with a 6x20 float. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And we talked about not having the ramp if he has the pontoon boat. He said he didn't need the ramp. TRUSTEE KING: My concern is you have 15 feet of property, you are taking up 14 feet now instead of six. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I have a problem with that, too. TRUSTEE KING: Six foot float with a ramp down to it, in my mind, is doable. When you start adding all this structure on either side, is starting to push the envelope MR. BUCCI: But it's a boat. The pontoon boat is not fixed to anything. It's a boat. I mean, it's just like any other boat you put into a dock or slip. TRUSTEE KING: My boat doesn't go on both sides of the float. It only goes on one side MR. BUCCI: No, I don't think you understand. The pontoon will slip right over. There is a space underneath it. You have the big huge pontoons on the side. As you pull in, it slides right over it TRUSTEE KING: I understand that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We are, for example, we have the one-third rule which we explained to you in the field. How that is written is, a dock with a boat on it cannot be more than one-third across the width of a channel, of the area, the creek. And so we do consider a boat on structures when we approve them. So that's where Jim is coming from MR. BUCCI: I'm not following. You mean the length of the pontoon boat? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: No, in this case it's the width. In this case. MR. BUCCI: What I'm getting at is if I didn't have a floating dock there and I put a 14-foot wide boat there, it wouldn't be a problem? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That would be a problem still but you would need a permit to do that. Board of Trustees 37 June 20, 2007 MR. BUCCI: I'm just saying there is so many boats in there now with six foot wide floaters and 12-foot wide boats. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: He has a good point. He could dock a boat there now and not need a permit to do that. MS. MONTEFUSCO: You are making an exception for his specific use and now he's asking to have what everyone else has but he's not entitled to it by the code. If you wish to make an exception, you can do that, but for specific reasons. The reasons that were stated was because of the aqua culture. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What's the purpose -- I agree with Lori. You came in to get the aqua culture structure and the boat is -- MR. BUCCI: The boat will used when we go out into the bay and but the oysters at the bottom. TRUSTEE BERGEN: There is a notation here from the environmental technician. This facility will require an aqua culture permit from the New York DEC. MR. BUCCI: That's been applied for. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And from the Trustees. Well, are there any other comments from the Board? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Is it something we can close the hearing and reserve decision for later and maybe look for more information? Or -- I don't know. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I don't have a problem with the aqua culture part of it. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Without the pontoon you can't do what you are trying to do with the aqua culture part, right? MR. BUCCI: Right. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: And that is part and parcel of how this dock is designed. MR. BUCCI: Correct. And another thing is the season is coming up where these, the oyster spat has to be placed in the upweller there. So I mean this is, if we put it off for another month or two, it's useless TRUSTEE BERGEN: What's the feeling of the Board? Do you want to table this to get more information or would you like to move forward with it tonight? TRUSTEE KING: I'm uncomfortable with the size of the structure, outside the size of the float. To make an exception and then -- it's really pushing the envelope. I want to get hit in the behind down the road here. I know that's what is going to happen. Let's table it and look into it some more. Is there any way you could tie this boat in another place and just have the float for your oysters? MR. BUCCI: I mean, possibly -- yes, there is always another spot to put it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We understand it's not convenient, but. Board of Trustees 38 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE GHOSIO: He would still have to dock it there to load it. TRUSTEE KING: That's just temporary. Nothing that will be there all the time. MR. BUCCI: I mean, I have, at some point I may have though get a commercial, you know, go to Goldsmith's or something like that but I thought I could, you know. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Mr. Bucci, let me ask you this. If we would consider permitting simply the dock portion of this permit tonight as opposed to tabling it for another month to consider the pontoon boat -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The pontoon boat is not part of the application. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That's what I'm saying. Then work on that dilemma, problem, in the interim of wanting to start your season. MR. BUCCI: Would the permit then include the ramp or not? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It could include the ramp but I don't see us approving the pontoon boat because what Lori is saying here we are making an exception. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'm not saying we would. I'm saying the next step is to look into the problem of what we already approved. But if we table it, he'll leave tonight with nothing. MR. BUCCI: What I was asking about the ramp is because if the pontoon boat is not there then getting on to the floating dock without a ramp would not really work either. So if the pontoon boat was removed and docked somewhere else, then I would need a ramp to get on to -- TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I understand. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The ramp is included in your application right now. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Correct. The application is only for a ramp and floating dock. TRUSTEE KING: 3x12 hinged ramp to 6x20 floating dock. That's what this application is for. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Correct. MR. BUCCI: If you approve it now, I'll dock the boat somewhere else and come back at a later date. TRUSTEE KING: Is there anybody else raising oysters in that area? Did you research this to make sure it's going to be a viable thing to do there? MR. BUCCI: Oh, yes. TRUSTEE KING: There is a lot more to it than just throwing some spat in. MR. BUCCI: Absolutely. This is not something I haven't given thought to. TRUSTEE KING: We've seen these things come and go and with very little success with some of them because of the location. MR. BUCCI: Well, the location, that's a whole different thing with Board of Trustees 39 June 20, 2007 the upweller. You go to the upwell and you move them out to a site and there is a five acre site there. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Are there any other comments from the Board? (No response.) If not, I would like to make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: I would like to make a motion to approve number four as stated for a construction of a 3x12 foot hinged ramp, 6x20 float with the stipulation that new plans will be presented to us that will show there is non-treated wood used in the construction of this structure. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: With the exception being that it's for aqua culture. TRUSTEE KING: Only to be used for an aqua culture project. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, with the stipulation it's being used for aqua culture purposes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) (TRUSTEE BERGEN, OPPOSED.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: Opposed. MR. BUCCI: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: You made the motion to approve it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: And it was voted on. All ayes. And I said nay. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Number five, the application of MARGARET MACNAMARA requests a Wetland Permit for the existing bulkhead and to install pavers along the bulkhead to minimize erosion of soil behind the bulkhead. Located: 640 Takaposa Road, Southold. Is there anybody here who would like to speak to this application? MR. MCNAMARA: I'm Michael McNamara, the applicant. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Well, we went out and took a look at this. I think we felt that rather than the pavers there, we would rather have a non-turf buffer. The pavers, they are not pervious, really. And that was pretty much it. It was a pretty simple project, aside from the pavers. MR. MCNAMARA: When you say non-turf buffer, what do you mean? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: It has to be pervious material, for example, in this particular case, we were looking at what, a ten foot non-turf buffer along the breakwater. In other words, stone, plantings, anything that wasn't non-turf. Something that can act as a filter for runoff. The pavers wouldn't do that. MR. MCNAMARA: There is a paver that is made for that. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: There is? MR. MCNAMARA: We were not planning on using that because it's very Board of Trustees 40 June 20, 2007 expensive, but it's actually made so that grass can be grown amongst it. It's used on commercial roadways, public roadways and stuff like that. The problem we have is we have been unable to grow anything in that area because the salt water comes over the wall now. Since the high water mark has been moved back, now whenever there is any type of wind hits the bulkhead and comes over the top and it's constantly flooded with salt water. Nothing grows there. We tried Montauk daisies and zoysia grass, which grows anywhere, but not there. As you notice, my neighbor, both of us in that last storm we lost quite a bit of soil. To the west had some major damage because once it's unprotected it just washes away. TRUSTEE KING: Yes, it all got over-washed. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: The LWRP found this to be exempt. And the CAC did not make an inspection, so there is no recommendation made. Is there anybody else in the audience who would like to address this application? (No response.) Any comments or questions from the Board? (No response.) TRUSTEE KING: We just want something that is pervious there. MR. MCNAMARA: How about that paver that is designed for that? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I don't think I would have a problem with that. would like to see what it looked like and how it works. Is anyone familiar with it? TRUSTEE KING: There is one in Orient in the driveway. As a matter of fact, I just saw it today. MR. MCNAMARA: Actually there is another one that is designed so the corners are wide open, too, so there is drainage. Is that with a your concerned with is for drainage of the sea water? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Well, mainly for runoff from the property itself. It's not the sea water but runoff from the property itself. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What is running into the sea water is what we want to try to filter. MR. MCNAMARA: You want to prevent the rainwater from washing into the bay? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Right. So if you use fertilizer on your grass, it won't run off into the bay. MR. MCNAMARA: It's zoysia, we don't fertilize it. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes, but we don't know ten years from now, you don't know who is going to own the property. MR. MCNAMARA: What if it was pitched away from the bulkhead? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: You would have to grade the whole property to do that. MR. MCNAMARA: We have to grade it to put the pavers in anyway. You Board of Trustees 41 June 20, 2007 have to remove it to put the base in. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: If you are willing to use the pervious pavers -- MR. MCNAMARA: What's the requirement? How do you determine what is enough porosity? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Well, we kind of do it by using common sense, I suppose. You could have that calculated by an engineer. I don't know if we need to get that far into it. I don't know, how does the Board feel about the porous pavers? TRUSTEE KING: I don't have a problem with those. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: As long as it's pervious. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I don't have a problem, as long as it's pervious MR. MCNAMARA: Great. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: If there are no other comments I would like to make a motion we close this hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I make a motion to approve this application with the stipulation that if pavers are used that they use the porous type so we could establish a pervious buffer at the bulkhead. MR. MCNAMARA: Does this include the application for the maintenance permit too? Is that approved as well? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I don't have that here. Oh, the existing bulkhead, yes. MR. MCNAMARA: Okay, great, thank you. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. MCNAMARA: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Number six, ROBERT H. DEXTER requests a Wetland Permit to replace the upper and lower bulkheads using vinyl sheathing. Located: 8380 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. MR. DEXTER: I'm Robert Dexter, owner of 8380 Peconic Bay Boulevard. I notice on here it says the upper and lower bulkheads. They are only partial. I lost about 42 feet of the lower and about 30 feet, depending on when we start to dig, I might have to go a little more of the upper. The rest of my bulkheads are wood. The next door neighbor was totally wiped out, upper and lower, and the neighbor to the west was also, his top bulkhead was also wiped out. They are going with treated wood on their upper bulkhead. TRUSTEE KING: Yes, on the retaining wall. MR. DEXTER: I would like to have continuity there. It's easier to match them up rather than go from wood to vinyl to wood again, on the upper bulkhead. TRUSTEE KING: You are actually just replacing west of that Board of Trustees 42 June 20, 2007 platform. MR. DEXTER: Yes, not all west but partially west of the platform, yes. TRUSTEE KING: So he's not working where that's in good shape. He's only working on the damaged part. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I don't have a problem with him doing the wood up there. TRUSTEE KING: So how do we word this? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It's exempt, and what he said, with the upper bulkhead being in wood and the lower bulkhead being in vinyl, correct? MR. DEXTER: Lower bulkhead is vinyl, correct. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Replace as needed, upper bulkhead, in wood. Because he doesn't have to replace the whole thing now. TRUSTEE KING: That's what I'm saying, it was just to replace the upper and lower bulkheads, now we are taking everything so down the road he would not need anything to fix this, he already has a permit for it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's what I'm saying, keep it as it is. But just because he noted he did vinyl sheathing, just note the upper one. TRUSTEE KING: Are there any other comments on this application? (No response.) I'll make a motion to close the hearing then. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: It's exempt from LWRP. CAC voted to support the application as written. MR. MCGREEVY: That might be a mistake. TRUSTEE KING: I think this is mis-written here, wth the condition CCA lumber is used. I think they mean is "not" used. And 15 into the non-turf buffer installed landward of the bulkhead. On the upper bulkhead, didn't we talk about ten-foot non-tu rf? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, to match the next door neighbor. TRUSTEE KING: So I'll make a motion to approve this application with the revision, the secondary retaining wall, that can be a timber wall to match up with the neighbors, and there will be a ten foot non-turf buffer behind that to match with the neighbors also. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. DEXTER: Thank you. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number seven, WILLIAM C. GOGGINS requests a Board of Trustees 43 June 20, 2007 Wetland Permit to replace the existing timber groin with new 63feet low-profile vinyl groin, replace existing timber bulkhead with 73 feet vinyl bulkhead, construct 4x3 foot steps and install a 15-foot non-turf buffer landward of the bulkhead. Located: 1780 Jackson Street, New Suffolk. MR. GOGGINS: Good evening. William Goggins, the applicant. How are you? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Fine, thank you. The whole Board looked at this. LWRP finds this exempt and CAC supports the application with the condition of a 20-foot non-turf buffer. The whole Board looked at this and our comments, one of our comments, starting with bulkhead, we felt that should be raised a little bit, and slope the lawn and have a buffer. And we wanted to have the elevations of that bulkhead. MR. GOGGINS: Which I got. The elevations range from, at the present time, they range from 22 inches to 24 inches. Right now we have a lot of beach. If we had measured it after the April storm -- TRUSTEE KING: Elevations she means by sea level elevation, not a measurement. MR. GOGGINS: Right. Well, it changes there substantially because of the rip, the tide rip. As I was going to say, in April, if you measured it, it would be 40 inches. So it changes there from season to season. But I would be in agreement that the bulkhead should be raised an additional 12 inches from where it currently is. If that's what the Board wants. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: All right, the reason we are asking for the elevations is because when, if we approve the groin, what we have been doing is any groins that we have been approving that exist, we are requesting it be low profile, and we take a measurement from a solid piece of ground which is within the bulkhead so we measure, so it would say like the groin has to be three feet lower than the top of the bulkhead. So if we don't know the height of the bulkhead then it's kind of hard -- we could say we visually know it but we want it down. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What we did is we measured two feet from easterly at the water -- oh, two foot from the top of the groin, easterly at the water pipe. So you know where that water pipe is, that's where we measured it, two feet from that groin. MR. GOGGINS: So from that point you want it to go 12 inches higher; is that right? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We are talking, Jim, going a foot higher on the bulkhead? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. What's the neighbor's height to the east of you MR. GOGGINS: Same. Board of Trustees 44 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: Is it the same as what you have now or higher. MR. GOGGINS: Same. TRUSTEE KING: It's identical? MR. GOGGINS: Yes. The properties were owned by families that were related, and when they did the bulkhead, I think in 1978, '79, they did it together and kept the same height. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Would you have any objection to raising it by a foot? MR. GOGGINS: No. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Our notes don't show what kind of buffer. MR. GOGGINS: Well, as far as the buffer, I was here in September, September 22, 2004, when you issued a permit, you issued a permit for a five foot buffer. Um, and I had mistakenly believed that since the construction was ongoing that the permit would continue. But I was wrong. It expired even though we still didn't finish the work. So I had to reapply. I'm not sure what has changed from then until now. And I would not have a problem with a ten foot buffer, like number five, McNamara, you issued for them, that would be fine. But if that was the case I would like to extend the width of the deck from six feet to ten feet. TRUSTEE KING: Okay, I did a joint inspection on this on March 28 with the DEC. Hamilton came out and I have my field notes. And he wanted to make the groin 30 feet low profile, 30 feet long. And the top of the groin was two feet below the top of the bulkhead. Those are the notes I had when I was with him. TRUSTEE BERGEN: So we raise the bulkhead by a foot it would be three feet below. TRUSTEE KING: Three feet below the top of the bulkhead, correct. MR. GOGGINS: And cutting, that's cutting the groin in half. TRUSTEE KING: 30 feet, yes. MR. GOGGINS: I might take issue with that because -- TRUSTEE KING: Take it up with them MR. GOGGINS: I know your decision needs to be consistent, I think, with them, and we are kind of a on a peninsula there and I guess at some point in '60s when they built these groins, they had an engineer look at it and they determined it would keep the beach and keep our properties, and it has ever since, and now to change that dynamic, I think it could really adversely affect our property. Mine and my neighbors Gilchrist's. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: When did they have a engineer look at it? MR. GOGGINS: I didn't have an engineer look at it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: When they originally did. What year was it? MR. GOGGINS: I believe it was in the '60s. TRUSTEE KING: It was before he was born. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: And I think the theories on that have changed a bit and I think that's what we are leaning toward, what is Board of Trustees 45 June 20, 2007 consistent with current policies and theories on that. TRUSTEE KING: Almost all these groins we have been reconfiguring are all low profile and they have all been shortened. MR. GOGGINS: I understand the low profile part of it, I'm just afraid if you shorten it too much it could have a serious adverse impact. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: You might even see a positive change. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I was just looking at the original permit and there is no buffer at all. MR. GOGGINS: The original permit there was a five foot buffer. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think the Board is looking to make this a ten-foot buffer. Can you show me where it says five foot buffer? Because I'm looking at our original permit from 2004 and it doesn't say anything about a buffer. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Let's just make it ten, regardless of what the original permit said. The applicant already said he agrees to that MR. GOGGINS: Yes. But I would like to orally amend my deck application to make it instead of six feet wide, make it ten feet wide. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We could add that to this, I think. The deck is proposed for six foot wide going out all the way across. TRUSTEE KING: That can serve as part of the non-turf buffer. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That's what he's saying, if it's a ten foot non-turf buffer can the deck be ten foot also to match the buffer. MR. GOGGINS: Correct. TRUSTEE KING: It's like sand underneath the whole width of it, and the deck is untreated lumber. MR. GOGGINS: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And the spacing is not too close. We should come up with what we want the spacing to be. TRUSTEE KING: That's fine. We have done that before. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So the non-turf buffer can be the ten foot deck. So we are in agreement that the bulkhead should be raised a foot and so it can be regraded and the deck can be ten feet TRUSTEE KING: That would make the landward end of the groin three feet below the top of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. Now, our notes on the groin, the Board feels that 30 feet replacement, not the whole 65. So that's, do you have any other comments on that? TRUSTEE KING: That's consistent with what DEC said in the field. MR. GOGGINS: Because right now the fill was to the low tide mark. TRUSTEE KING: There is a big hole there, too. That's really not functional. MR. GOGGINS: Right now, yes, the storm wiped out part of it and I haven't repaired it. Board of Trustees 46 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: 30 was here. We measured it to there. That's 45. All right. TRUSTEE KING: That would make it consistent with what they want MR. GOGGINS: That's one of the things I needed to bring up. Gilchrist, my neighbors, number 17 on the calendar tonight, by raising my bulkhead one foot it would be inconsistent with their bulkhead. So I would think you would want to raise their bulkhead a foot, too. Also, they have a groin on their side that maintains the beach, and I'm hoping that the length of our groins are consistent. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What was the name that you had? MR. GOGGINS: That's Patricia Gilchrist-Mancino, number 17. They have a renewal application for En-Consultants. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: 17 on my agenda is Frederick Rapp MR. GOGGINS: 17 on the application for amendments, extensions and transfers. They were smarter than I was. They renewed theirs before the permit expired. MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman, En-Consultants. If I could jump in. We prepared the plans for Mr. Goggins and we did have the application on tonight to extend Gilchrist, and I do just want to jump in on a couple of things because I think the buffer you resolved. The Board approved a ten foot, non-turf buffer on Gilchrist, so ten foot there would be consistent along the length of the bulkhead. There was no proposal nor approval by this Board or the DEC to raise the Gilchrist bulkhead, though. So if there is going on be a raising, that would sort of create a situation where we would have to come back in for Gilchrist to amend the permit to raise that bulkhead, otherwise you'll have a sudden drop in the grade at the property line. So I would just, you know, warn both you and Mr. Goggins, presuming the DEC would allow that, we could do that, but I just don't want a situation where you have the continuous bulkhead where Mr. Goggins is going to be raising the bulkhead but the neighbor is not. It should obviously both be one way or the other. TRUSTEE KING: Just leave it alone. You don't have to. You are not in any danger of flooding or anything like that. Leave it alone. Keep it the same height MR. GOGGINS: I just want to do whatever the Board is happy with. TRUSTEE KING: I like keeping things simple if I can. MR. HERMAN: The other question, Jim, out of curiosity, what was the length on that groin; not what it is now but what was the length on that plan? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Approximately 65. MR. HERMAN: And you are saying 30 feet. First of all, that's two feet shorter than Gilchrist, to answer Mr. Goggins' question. But low water is way out beyond 30 feet, and I'm just curious if you Board of Trustees 47 June 20, 2007 met with DEC, I mean, we have now been consistent for years on these things where it is replaced only out to what is currently functional and where low water is, and we submitted photographs with the DEC application. We filed with the DEC for Mr. Goggins. And out except for the last maybe ten feet or so, that beach is stable there, and if you cut that groin back by 20 to 30 feet, you've got a peninsula beach that will just wash right down to Mr. Goggins' neighbors property. Which I'm sure they would be happy with, but I mean that would be wildly inconsistent with what this Board and the DEC has been approving now for years. I don't know where that 30 foot would possible and up with that. TRUSTEE KING: That's where that gap was. MR. GOGGINS: According to the survey that was submitted, the average low water mark is at the end of the groin. MR. HERMAN: We measured out. I don't have your file, Bill, I didn't know you were on. TRUSTEE KING: (Perusing). TRUSTEE DOHERTY: All right -- MR. GOGGINS: Now is the point about being on a peninsula, if you stand on my bulkhead and look to the right, toward the west, the beaches go all the way up to where my house would be. If we let this thing go, we would lose the whole front yard. MR. MCGREEVY: At the end of Fifth Street, too, the public access, that the beach there possibly would be washed out if you shorten that groin. You would lose sand at the end. TRUSTEE KING: It shows a little drift from east to west. It would tend to fill that in. MR. MCGREEVY: From east to west. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MR. GOGGINS: But when it comes the other way, it will wipe it out. We see it all year long. You saw it Jim, back in 2004. TRUSTEE KING: I seen that beach come and go. Exactly. I seen it come and go. I was just saying earlier tonight, I was in Greenport and there was a place there, it was a six foot drop off the bulkhead. Now it's about two feet. People went screaming they are going to lose all their property, and it came back. MR. HERMAN: I guess my concern about it, Jim, where a groin functions is in the intertidal zone, the littoral zone where sand is littorally transported. If you cut the groin to 30 feet, that's high water. You might as well get rid of the groin. It would serve no, it would cease to function, really. You would have no structure in the intertidal zone. TRUSTEE KING: I didn't write down what time I was out there. I can't remember what the tide was. MR. HERMAN: It's often the case, based on visits, we are off by five, even up to ten feet sometimes where there is a difference of opinion as to what is functional where low tide is or whatever. Board of Trustees 48 June 20, 2007 But this is off by 100%. It has to be something that is not, I mean, Bill, I don't want to cause you to be delayed but in your own interest it might be worth asking them to take another look at it at low tide. MR. GOGGINS: I'm in no rush. It's expensive. TRUSTEE KING: We are trying to save you money. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do you want to separate the application and go ahead and approve the bulkhead part? TRUSTEE KING: If he's in no rush, we can table it. We can take a look at it. In the meantime you'll perhaps hear from DEC. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You've applied to DEC already? MR. GOGGINS: Oh, yes. TRUSTEE KING: I was out there in March. Usually we issue a permit and we come out and I ride along, but this was the 28th of March. This is long before we had an application in this office. I should think you should have gotten something from them by now. I should think. MR. GOGGINS: It's been a while. But we have not pushed them. Usually I do. But on my application -- MR. HERMAN: We have seen an abrupt lull in getting any response become from DEC lately. I have probably a dozen and a half applications that were deemed complete, January, February, there is nothing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So the feeling of the Board is to table this and go take another look. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Specifically at high side, low tide? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Low tide? TRUSTEE KING: I would like to go out at low tide. MR. HERMAN: I think it's worth it. MR. GOGGINS: Definitely. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'll make a motion, there is no further comment, I'll make a motion to table this application so we can go out and look at the site again at low tide, with regard to the groin. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. GOGGINS: Thank you. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Number eight, Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc., on behalf of INDIAN ROCK REALTY, LLC (BRIAN BRILLE) requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'x21 , wooden stairway on the face of a 9' tall sound-front bluff and clear a 4x140 foot unsurfaced trail within an existing wooded area. Located: 26659 Rt. 25, Orient. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application? MR. REINER: Brant Reiner, Inter-Science, on behalf of the applicant. Actually here on behalf of, also on behalf of my Board of Trustees 49 June 20, 2007 associate Scott DeBreiner who was called out of state on a family emergency. So please excuse me if I don't know too much about the application. I have been briefed. I do know that I have been out to this site. I have inspected the location where the stairway is proposed to go. It is a four foot wide by 21 foot long staircase traversing the bluff at what we determined to be the least vertical rise of the bluff over the subject property shoreline. The four foot wide path is going to be approximately 140 feet long and that will extend from the platform at the top of the stairway back to the clearing, existing clearing on the subject property. When I say clearing, they are native meadows. There is no mowing or anything going on. It's a completely vacant site. The applicant is proposing to use the staircase as soon as possible because he's an avid wind surfer. There is no proposed other development on this site at this time that we know of. I have aerials and I have plans if we want to review those things but he know that the Board is pressed for time tonight so I'll do that only at your request. The proposed location of the bulkhead, as I alluded to earlier is, I understand it's about a nine foot rise where the bluff is at that point where, from beach access to the top of the bluff. The platform of the staircase is proposed to be comprised of through-flow materials, which I'm sure the Board is familiar with to allow sunlight to penetrate and allow vegetation to grow underneath the platform. The stairway itself, the stairs, are going to be constructed, I believe, of a non-treated wood, probably a hardwood or a composite of some sort. The path is proposed to be un-surfaced. I understand it to be either be a mowed maintained grass path or something of natural vegetation that is mowed down. All site disturbance that will be taking place during construction activity at the time the project is complete will be completely revegetated with native vegetation, grasses and shrubs. And I anticipate the construction will only take, for the staircase to be one on two days, and the path to be two to three days, keeping the construction activity at a minimum. Short of that I'm here to answer any questions you may have, to the best of my ability. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Thank you. Just to add one more thing, sorry, I forgot to mention this. The plans have been updated to show the platform being constructed of the through-flow material, and I have ten copies for the Board if you would like them. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What is the dimension of that platform MR. REINER: It is 4x6. They call it a landing. It's a 4x6 landing. TRUSTEE KING: 4x21 wooden stair with a landing. Board of Trustees 50 June 20, 2007 MR. REINER: Yes, that's inclusive. 21 feet is inclusive. TRUSTEE KING: Oh, that includes the platform. So 4x21 includes it. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: So it's really 4x17 foot stairway with a 4x6 foot landing. MR. REINER: Right. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I was out there. I saw it. It's really a beautiful spot. MR. REINER: It's an absolutely gorgeous site. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I have to tell you, I had to four wheel drive it out there. It was pouring rain and I almost got stuck in the meadow you are talking about. So it's a real nice spot. The LWRP reports it is consistent. I would like to, of course, suggest, as you already have, that you don't use any treated wood on those stairs or that platform. The grating is a great idea on the landing as well. We wanted to know what you were going to do with the path because it was not mentioned here in terms of what materials you were going to use. But you just want to maintain, you want keep a mowed path, leaving the vegetation there -- MR. REINER: Correct. As specified in the plans, it says un-surfaced path. Again, I didn't speak directly with the applicant but I think the intentions were just to mow grass or native vegetation, is to keep it down. Like I said, at this time, the applicant is an avid wind surfer and would just like to use it to cart his wind board up and down the steps. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: There is also a possibility you would use wood chips. MR. REINER: If the Board would like to put in the resolution whatever they would prefer I'll take that back to the applicant. I'm sure he would be amenable to whatever your concerns are. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: CAC also took a look at this and CAC supports the application with the condition that the posts have a 2x10x8 foot support at the base, vertical to the earth. Do you want to address that? MR. MCGREEVY: It's a recommendation by the CAC. At the base of the eight support pillars, vertical to the earth and parallel to the beach, for erosion control. MR. REINER: I'm sorry, if you could just specify a little more where you are speaking of. MR. MCGREEVY: Two inch by ten inch planks, eight foot long, at the base of the eight supporting pillars, vertical to the earth and parallel to the beach for erosion control. MR. REINER: So they would be connecting underneath from piling to piling along the bank, the bluff. MR. MCGREEVY: Correct. Board of Trustees 51 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Essentially just piering it. MR. MCGREEVY: Correct. TRUSTEE KING: Is it vegetated there now? What's there now? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: It's vegetated. MR. REINER: It's a completely vegetated bluff. It's actually a very, as far as bluffs go in this area, it's one of the more highly vegetated of the bluffs. And I do have photographs. (Handing). This is where the pathway is going to commence and go forward the bluff. And the next one shows you a shot of the bluff. There was supposed to be other photos out here. This is the bluff. And this is the toe of the bluff and the top of the bluff, roughly, again, it's nine fight rise. This is where the path commences with the bluff. And this is a picture of the other bluff. And as I discussed before, any site disturbance, especially on the bluff face that will happen during construction activity well will be re-planted with native vegetation, grasses and shrubs to match the vegetation currently on the bluff there. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Sounds like a good plan. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Any other comments from the audience? (No response.) MR. REINER: If I may make one more comment, please. Regarding the CAC requests, I would like to acknowledge that I don't know how the DEC would respond to that proposed improvement of the bulkhead, only because they would be concerned with the disturbance to the vegetation on the bluff. I would be happy to propose it if the Board would require it, but I believe that we may have to have further discussion with the DEC. That would only prolong the application. And if we would like the board to act on it tonight, of course, and I just fear that, as you heard earlier, the issues with the DEC are the responsiveness. It's six to nine months turn around period and it's just not feasible for something as minor as the requested improvements from the CAC. TRUSTEE KING: You haven't heard anything from them yet on this? MR. REINER: Actually, yes, my associate Scott DeBreiner had discussed this application with an analyst who had requested the through flow on the platform and there was also issues with the -- DEC normally requires a three-and-a-half foot rise from the face of a bluff for staircases. And in this case we thought that the visual impacts would be too great and we had the engineer design a plan that is most esthetically pleasing and non-disturbing of the bluff face. But the professional engineer ensures that the staircase design is of sufficient quality to last on the site given erosion, and I highly doubt erosion is an issue considering the vegetation on the site right now. So we anticipate the DEC will be issuing an approval shortly but shortly is a relative term for the DEC. Board of Trustees 52 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Any other comments or questions from the Board? (No response.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would like to make a motion that we close the hearing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would like to make a motion we approve the application of Inter-Science Research Associates on behalf of Indian Rock Realty requesting a wetland permit -- and here is where we'll make some changes -- to construct a 4x17 foot wooden stairway on the face of a nine-foot tall sound-front bluff, with a 4x6 landing that will be made with a grating type material, and to clear a 4x140 foot un-surfaced trail and maintain that as a mowed path within an existing wooded area located 266559 Rt. 25, Orient TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And to replant any disturbance during construction with native vegetation. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. REINER: Thank you, very much. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number nine. JMO Environmental Consulting on behalf of ROBERT & ELIZABETH SCRIPPS requests a Wetland Permit to demolish existing 376 square foot garage, construct new 528 square foot two-car garage, construct additions to an existing single-family dwelling (576 square feet) and construct a new porch (122 square feet.) Located: 2745 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue. Is there anyone here who would like to address this application? MR. JUST: Glenn Just, JMO Consulting as agent for the Scripps. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Good evening. MR. JUST: If there are any questions from the Board or public or CAC. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We have LWRP review with some requests for gutters and down spouts and drywells and hay bales. Is that something you had planned on? Where is the distance of the septic from the wetlands? MR. JUST: About 125 feet. If you see the septic tank itself is located about 20 feet on the landward side of the house and the two pools are located about halfway distance between Pine Tree Road and the existing house. I could point them out. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I couldn't locate it. Yes. MR. JUST: You don't have the new survey. Here's the 100 foot setback. Here's the existing tank; existing pools, proposed Board of Trustees 53 June 20, 2007 addition, proposed garage (indicating.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I couldn't find this. That's why. MR. JUST: We just dug them up the other day. I don't know if you saw it. There is actually space where they are exposed. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: The 13th, whenever that was. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You went on this. There was one we had the same thing. It was two. MR. JUST: Two openings we dug. I had an orange flag on this one, orange flag on this one there. And there. When you went to the site. Anywhere here is your hundred foot setback line. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All right. Are going to ask for a ten foot buffer, landward of the concrete bulkhead. Is there anyone here this evening that would like to -- MR. JUST: I think if you notice, the buffer well exceeds ten feet there. The applicant's are not in favor of big lawn there. When you walk the site it's almost all natural state. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Okay. We do have a letter from a neighbor. The neighbor's concern, from Anne and Bob McGowery, 2860 Pine Tree Road. As neighbors across the street from the property we have not objected in the past to plans to enlarge the garage but in this case we propose a minor change to the current relocation plan which would benefit the neighborhood and people who walk or bike down our street and ourselves. The positioning of the two-car garage 50 foot from the street on the left or northern side of the lot dramatically blocks the view from the road of the creek which one sees between the Scripps' and their neighbors to the north. This nice view of the creek is last one that remains to the public of this beautiful creek aside from the narrow right of way, which is a driveway lined with trees. Their thought or suggestion would be that the garage be on the south side of the property. Is there any consideration for that? MR. JUST: We had addressed that but if you look at the configuration of the sanitary system, it would become a major problem with that. But it doesn't show on the original plains. I don't know if shows on the ones that were sent to you or not. MR. DIDIMINICO: Good evening. My name is Jeff DiDiminico. I actually have the property next door to the side where they are suggesting the garage. And consistent with that letter, I guess is what my question was for coming here this evening, was there an alternative location that would be consistent with the rest of the neighborhood relative to the street view, if you will, where it seems or appears to me that most of the garages appear on the upper left-hand side or I guess that would be the north portion, very consistent with the neighbor across the street. Board of Trustees 54 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: The problem that has been mentioned is where that garage, if they alternated it to the south, will be going where the septic is right now. And the issue of the garage is really not in our jurisdiction. As much as we understand the concerns, it's really not within our area of jurisdiction. MR. DIDIMINICO: Is there a consideration perhaps removing it, not consistent with that letter, but moving it closer to the street whereby it's not on the closest property line closest to. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That has to be determined about the Building Department. MR. JUST: Actually if you look at the plans, it's laid out for a very minimum from what is required by the Zoning Board. I would be happy to bring it back to the applicant but I think a lot of these questions are out of your jurisdiction, with all due respect. TRUSTEE BERGEN: You are right. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I started to mention before, the inconsistencies from LWRP are the distance of the residence, which is from the concrete bulkhead 90 feet, but also their concerns are the gutters, the drywells and the hay bales be required, and the requirement of non-turf buffer. But as you said, knowing the property, it's pretty much left as it is. MR. JUST: To be honest, I discussed it with the applicant when I met with them. They have no problems with leaders and gutters and hay bales. I just neglected to put them on the plan. I would be more than has happy to them have them in the plan. But we discussed it and they would be agreeable to it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: If there are no other concerns or comments from anyone else, I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve this application for a wetland permit, as stated with the addition of the gutters and drywells and hay bale line on the plans. The ten foot non-turf buffer at this point, I don't see it necessary, because the area we are speaking about is pretty much left natural anyway. And that would deem this application consistent with LWRP. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. JUST: Thank you, very much. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Number ten, Proper-T Permit Services, Inc., on behalf of SUSAN SOUDER requests a Wetland Permit to demolish existing one-story wood frame house; remove 7.5'x14.7' extension on northeast side; add 8.8x12.1' extension at northeast corner; remove Board of Trustees 55 June 20, 2007 7.5'x7.5'slate patio on northeast side. In revised footprint, construct full poured concrete basement; construct two-story wood frame house within revised footprint. Abandon existing waste disposal system and construct new waste disposal system at a distance greater than 100 feet from the seaward face of the bulkhead. Located: 3470 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. Jim and I looked at this. LWRP finds this inconsistent due to the hundred foot setback, and CAC supports the application with the condition the dwelling is in line with the adjacent dwellings on the seaward side, a ten foot non-turf buffer be installed and there is no expansion of the footprint. Jim and I went out and looked at this and we had some comments as well. Is there anyone here on behalf of this application? MR. FITZGERALD: Yes. Jim Fitzgerald for Mrs. Souder. You recall we had a permit to make certain renovations to this building and I think it is expiring now, and during that period of time nothing was done, and the owners decided that the way to go is with a full basement in the house and the condition of the existing structure and its design indicated that it would be better to demolish the house and rebuild it, in the same footprint, so that what they are proposing now is in effect the same house that would have been there, except that now it has a full basement under it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. I don't think you ever did get a permit. It was never finalized. MR. FITZGERALD: Sorry? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: A permit was never finalized. So there is no permit. MR. FITZGERALD: We were having discussions about the design and I think it was just a matter of the drywells and gutters not appearing on the plan. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We would like to see the house since it's being demolished, moved back in line with the houses. On your survey here you show the ones where the one house is but we don't see where the other one is. I believe that one was forward of this, wasn't it? MR. FITZGERALD: This, I'm not sure that this is the current location of this house. But go ahead with what you were saying. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What we would want to see and it probably requires us to table this, we want to see, unless you have a survey that shows the dwellings on either side, because we would like to see the house moved back to be in line with the dwellings on either side. MR. FITZGERALD: That sounds reasonable. The seaward side of this house on a line drawn between the seaward side of this house and the seaward side of this house. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's exactly what I said. Board of Trustees 56 June 20, 2007 MR. FITZGERALD: I just want to be sure I'm hearing what you are saying and vice versa. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes MR. FITZGERALD: Okay, that sounds like a good idea. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. And we want a ten foot non-turf buffer. MR. FITZGERALD: That's above the second bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes MR. FITZGERALD: That's to prevent stuff from getting behind the first bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Is there any other comments? (No response.) All right, hearing no other comments, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do you want to reserve decision, Jim, until we get to see this on the survey, do you think, or, I mean, I think we were satisfied if it was moved back in line. TRUSTEE KING: We could approve it based on seeing the new set of plans and survey showing the house behind the line drawn between the new neighboring houses, sure. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'll make a motion to approve Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of Susan Souder for a wetland permit to demolish existing one-story wood frame house; to remove 7.5'x14.7' extension on the northeast side; add 8.8'x12.1' extension on the northeast corner; remove 7.5'x7.5' slate patio on northeast side. In revised footprint, construct full poured concrete basement; construct two-story wood frame house within revised footprint and abandon existing waste disposal system and construct new waste disposal system at a distance greater than 100 feet from the seaward face of the bulkhead. With the condition that we receive a new survey showing the existing houses on either side and this house is moved back to be in line with the seaward edges of those houses. Did I say that fair enough? And that would make it consistent with the local LWRP. And of course on the plan there is drywells, gutters, leaders and hay bales during construction. We want a ten foot non-turf buffer and the hay bales can be at that ten foot line during construction. MR. FITZGERALD: That would be to keep the stuff from getting into the non-turf buffer. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Right, because it won't be non-turf at that point in time. MR. FITZGERALD: Thank you. Board of Trustees 57 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That makes it all consistent with LWRP. Second? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MS. STANDISH: Mr. Fitzgerald, can you get that notarized. MR. FITZGERALD: Yes. TRUSTEE KING: Number 11, Land Use Ecological Services, Inc., on behalf of MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT requests a Wetland Permit to repair/reconstruct the existing timber groin inkind and in place. Located: Veterans Memorial Park, Mattituck. Is there anybody here to comment on this application? MR. HALL: My name is Dan Hall, Land Use Ecological Services, for the Mattituck Park District who is proposing to reconstruct two existing timber groins at their Veterans Memorial Park in Mattituck, on the corner of Peconic Boulevard and Bay Ave. TRUSTEE KING: LWRP has it exempt. CAC supports the application with the condition the jetties are reconstructed low profile and shortened to the low water mark. Jill and I went out and looked at this, took some measurements ourselves. I think it probably comes pretty close to what the CAC recommends. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: On one side, maybe not the other. TRUSTEE KING: We looked at the east jetty. The groin, make it 75 feet long from the cement wall, low profile. And the west jetty make it 100 feet seaward of the existing bulkhead there. MR. HALL: Where you are trying to end it, at low water, because the day I was there, I have photographs, that's, the line it ends now is at low water. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Basically it's measured out to where it becomes non-functional, so that non-functional seaward end we are not -- MR. HALL: That was just damaged, that's why they are proposing to reconstruct it, otherwise they would not have an application. It was damaged during the April storm of this year. I mean there had been deteriorated but it was removed, from at that storm, that's why they are proposing to reconstruct it. TRUSTEE KING: We want these in plastic, too. I think it says inkind. MR. HALL: Vinyl? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. There is remnants of an old, may have been part of an old groin halfway down the beach. MR. HALL: Yes, it's further landward of the high water mark. TRUSTEE KING: Just get that removed and out of there. It serves absolutely no purpose. While they are doing work there, just get it out. MR. HALL: That makes sense, yes. Board of Trustees 58 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: That's what we decided out in the field. MR. HALL: So the east bulkhead, 75 foot long, and west bulkhead, 100 feet long. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: 75 feet from the cement wall. There is no reason to even touch what is landward of the cement wall, because that's all buried in and there is grass and bushes around that. MR. HALL: Which -- TRUSTEE KING: That's the east wall. There is a concrete wall. MR. HALL: 75 foot seaward of the concrete wall? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And the west side we measured from the existing bulkhead. 100 feet from that. Seaward of that. MR. HALL: And the west bulkhead you measured, just a functional part of the bulkhead, 100 feet, right now. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. TRUSTEE KING: And we need revised plans indicating those lengths. MR. HALL: And as you have been approving these timber groins as to low profile, that's in reference to what elevation from the low water mark? TRUSTEE KING: I didn't take a measurement from that wall. TRUSTEE KING: It's almost at the present elevation at the landward end. And follow the profile. MR. HALL: Of what it's at now? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, of what the cement wall is and what the bulkhead is on the west side. Follow that. TRUSTEE KING: Start that and follow the beach elevation down. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We'll need new surveys, so if you could mark that on the survey, that elevation. MR. HALL: No plans or new surveys? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: New plans. TRUSTEE KING: Because I don't know what -- MR. HALL: That's per existing elevation then, right? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. TRUSTEE KING: Yes, we have plenty of beach here. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The elevation is at the landward end there. You know, we are talking about the elevation of the cement wall. MR. HALL: Yes, it should go straight out. It's in regard to elevation. TRUSTEE KING: Have they gone to DEC on this yet? MR. HALL: We submitted an emergency application. They have been trying to work on this before the true summer season set in but we never heard anything back from DEC, any comments from them. TRUSTEE KING: I haven't seen this with them. Any questions or any comments? (No response.) Board of Trustees 59 June 20, 2007 Any other comments? (No response.) No comments from the Board? (No response.) I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to approve the application with the modifications we talked about and seeing a new set of plans. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Number 12, Land Use Ecological Services, Inc., on behalf of CARRIAGE HILL ASSOCIATES, INC., requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct the existing 200 foot steel bulkhead using vinyl sheathing immediately landward and adjacent to the existing bulkhead. A 30 foot new bulkhead return is proposed at the west end and an 18 foot bulkhead return is proposed at the east end and both returns are proposed to be constructed utilizing vinyl sheathing. Approximately 70 cubic yards of clean fill from an upland source is proposed behind the reconstructed bulkhead and bulkhead return at the east end. Approximately 8,225 square feet of area is proposed to be dredged to a depth of (4.0) below MLW and 1,300 cubic yards of dredged material is proposed to be removed by clamshell dredge or equivalent. Dredged material to be placed on site (landward of bulkhead) to dry then removed off site. Located: 775 Naugles Drive, Mattituck. The whole Board looked at this. The LWRP finds this exempt. And the CAC supports to reconstruct existing 200 foot steel bulkhead using vinyl sheathing. They support the application. Is there anyone here on behalf of this application? MR. HALL: Yes, my name is Dan Hall, Land Use, for Carriage Hill. Just a note, that the bulkhead is going to be reconstructed landward of the existing steel sheathing. It's just easier. TRUSTEE KING: Is this Carriage Hill Associates, are they the openers of the property? MR. HALL: They own the property and are leasing it out. They own the property. TRUSTEE KING: It's in the name of Carriage Hill Associates? MR. HALL: As far as I'm aware, yes, it is. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: On our tax rolls it has a different name. Do you know when Carriage Hill -- MR. HALL: They owned it for a little while. Hold on a second. (Perusing.) If I could grab the application, authorization forms. Board of Trustees 60 June 20, 2007 Is the name Carl Lizza. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Philomena Lizza. MR. HALL: They signed it. He's the owner of Carriage Hill Associates. TRUSTEE KING: Philomena is, according to our tax records, Philomena is the owner the property. MR. HALL: Right, they are a principal of Carriage Hill. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So, Lori, should this application be in the name of Philomena Lizza since that's what our tax rolls show? It doesn't show Carriage Hill. Does it matter? MS. MONTEFUSCO: That's fine MR. HALL: Is it true you would like to have a meeting at the site with the DEC? TRUSTEE KING: Yes, because DEC owns property on either side of this property. I know there are plans down the road for shoreline restoration there and possible removal of that steel bulkhead with the DEC. MR. HALL: On the adjacent property. TRUSTEE KING: They own the property west of it. MR. HALL: The bulkhead does extend to the northwest. It ends there. TRUSTEE KING: I did a lot of research on all those properties on that part of Mattituck Creek when the state was considering buying up the properties. MR. HALL: They made offers. TRUSTEE KING: I think what we need to see here, we need to see the deed with the meets and bounds on this piece of property. And we need to see it surveyed showing those meets and bounds, because I have a lot of questions on the property. MR. HALL: Regarding the survey that was done? TRUSTEE KING: Regarding the ownership of the land. If you read the deed, there is quite a bit of description in there on the meets and bounds. I also believe there is a 3D-foot right of way through there that should be indicated. MR. HALL: I believe part of that is shown on the plan. About halfway back from the water. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. Okay. But the meets and bounds, I would like to see that staked out. MR. HALL: You want it staked in the field. I didn't know that. TRUSTEE KING: Yes, yes. Show it matching that description. MR. HALL: So you mean you want a hard copy, a paper copy of the survey, new surveyor just -- TRUSTEE KING: It doesn't have to be re-surveyed but I want to see the meets and bounds of the deed staked in the field. MR. HALL: Yes, I understand. TRUSTEE KING: That's important MR. HALL: Okay. You want that done obviously prior to the DEC Board of Trustees 61 June 20, 2007 meeting? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MR. HAll: It makes sense. TRUSTEE KING: And I know they are going to be, as an adjoining neighbor and a regulating agency, I think they should be at these, do the joint inspection with them. MR. HAll: That would be fine. I could arrange that. The Board's schedule is pretty flexible on that, or, just when I contact them I'll get a couple of dates so all parties can be present. TRUSTEE KING: I'm flexible. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, we are pretty flexible. Our next field inspection is July 11. You know, so you can mention that as one of the dates. MR. HAll: I think it would be more dependent on the state being available. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, just throwing it out there. Are there any other comments? MS. MillER: My name is luv Miller and I live next to Peterson's Marina, and my house is right there on the driveway that leads to the Peterson's Marina. And this piece of property has been used as a storage area now for a while, because they are not using it for fishing anymore. Because of the boat. However they do use it on occasion. And what I want to know is what is the planned use after they reconstruct, you know, the bulkhead. Because in the past it's very troublesome for the community. Not only for me, but for other people in the community. They use refrigeration trucks that run all night long and it's, the prevailing wind is west, so the sound is very loud. And when they do arrive to pick up the clams, they come at midnight, past midnight, and they have, the trailers have many lights and they shine the lights into the house, you know, because it naturally reflects and it's very disturbing for the community and, you know, I'm very concerned they'll start to, you know, destroy the area now. Especially now since the DEC came a couple of days ago and put new fences and it really, they are really working hard to pick the community, the area up and clean it up, and they are rebuilding that little house there where the tanks used to be. Anyhow, it's very distressing, you know, not only for me but for other neighbors. TRUSTEE KING: I'm very familiar with the area. I worked very closely with the DEC on the Peterson renovation working over there getting the boats out. And right now the zoning on that piece, I believe, is Marine II. And that's the most liberal zoning we have in the marine district. I don't know what their intentions for the property are. They came to us a few years back with a proposal for an aqua culture facility there. It never flew. So I really don't know what they Board of Trustees 62 June 20, 2007 want now. I know that have a clam boat tied up there for surf clamming. Surf clamming was a boom and bust type of thing. It went crazy then got shutdown. Right now they have 100 bushel a week quota now so you won't see a lot of the traffic of trucks throughout the summer. What will happen later in the year, I don't MS. MillER: The boat came in about month, maybe five, six weeks ago. And the truck arrived, and it was about 12:30 at night. And of course it's so dark I can't see exactly what went on, but the truck took a long time, I believe they knocked some wires down that go to my house because I didn't have cable the next day, and anyhow, which is really not significant, and they were there for a while. And then the truck left. So. And, now, it's the refrigeration going, so I don't -- it didn't look like it was a very large boat, but, you know. My house looks right over the beginning of the inlet there. TRUSTEE KING: There are two boats tied there right now. MS. MillER: It was not one of those boats. It was another boat that came in. MR. NAVARETTA: My name is Robert Navaretta. There is two boats there now. They have others that come in and out. They load real fast at night, trailers are coming in and I guess they fill these trucks up. You should see the operation that goes on. Sometimes 3:00 in the morning the over the road trucks will come in, they can't find the place, they are out there idling, smoke coming out of the stacks, and it's very commercial type deal going on out there. Then like you say, they stop. Then a few weeks go by and they start up again. Sometimes three boats, sometimes two boats. And we see this all the time. And with the refrigerator going, they are on continuously and the noise is right in the house. We can't even have conversations sometimes. TRUSTEE KING: That's a permitted use of the property under the zoning and the reason they have the engines running, the compressors running is for the refrigeration because they are mandated under the shellfish laws to have shellfish under refrigeration. MR. NAVARETTA: I just want to mention one other thing. They come down and start these boats up, all different times. And talk about smoke stack industry, the whole diesel is sitting in there, they smoke up the whole neighborhood. You know. It's really old boats they use. And, you know, the operation goes on and off. Like you say, they get an order, they fill the trailers up with clams and truck them out of there and it's whenever they feel like doing it MS. MillER: And the middle of the night, for some reason. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We'll take some more comments, please. MR. VAGOS: Good evening. My name is Gregory Vagos. I live exactly across the street from Mrs. Miller and I just want to stress Board of Trustees 63 June 20, 2007 exactly the same issues that they are facing that I'm faced with. We can't sleep at night. The noise that they do, they make consisting. And I do have about 18, 20 signatures from other neighbors that I could submit at the next meeting. I left it home. That they all is, they sign the petition with addresses, the names and everything, that this is really an ongoing problem that we are faced with this property. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We appreciate your concerns and comments but unfortunately there is nothing we can do with that as this is zoned Marine II and under that zoning this is an allowed operation MS. MONTEFUSCO: And currently the Town Code has no noise ordnance. MR. VAGOS: They should work at set hours, not at midnight, not at 3:00 in the morning. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's something you may have to take up with the zoning board or town board. It's not under our jurisdiction because it's zoned Marine II and allowable. MR. VAGOS: Where we should complain for that? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The Town Board. MR. VAGOS: Thank you, very much. MR. LOMAGA: Hi, I'm George Lomaga. I just would like to support what is being said. I'm representing Captain Kidd's Civic Association in that area. Jim, you know the history of the area, right? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MR. LOMAGA: We eliminated the tanks and what you have to the east and what you have to the west, just doesn't match what is there. I know what you are saying, I know it's not the right place. But I would like to go on record, it just doesn't belong. And I think we need to sort of keep organizing and, I hate to say it, but just eliminate it. So if you could help us, we appreciate it. Thank you TRUSTEE KING: That whole area from where the Carry Tank Farm was all the way in was zoned Marine II which is the most liberal form of zoning, but then the town bought where the Carry Tanks were, and then the DEC bought that corner piece of property. I think they tried to buy this piece of property and they were refused, then they moved ahead and they bought the Peterson Marina. There was another small piece of property belonging to Cavalieri and they bought that. Then they bought the Lone Star property. So it's all either town or state property now and you have this now Marine II is sandwiched in between. So things have changed over time where it was all industry, and now it's -- MR. LOMAGA: Yes. We are saying things are changing, and I think the direction we are looking for is the future. And we may not be there but it certainly doesn't fit in. TRUSTEE KING: We understand that but currently it's zoned for this. Board of Trustees 64 June 20, 2007 MR. LOMAGA: Things can change though. Thanks. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And other comments? (No response.) At this time I would like to table this application so we can do a joint inspection with DEC and also take another look at the property with the meets and bounds staked out on the property. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number 13, David Corwin on behalf of CHARLES BRAUTIGAM requests a Wetland Permit to replace 196 linear feet of CCA bulkhead in same location using CCA piles, CCA wales, and vinyl sheathing, and replace 200 cubic yards lost fill with clean sand from upland location. Located: 675 West Road, Cutchogue. MR. CORWIN: I have no comments but if have you any questions I'll try to answer them. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Anyone else here this evening who would like to speak to this application? (No response.) The full Board went out and looked at your bulkhead replacement. We would like to see it brought back. We notice there is an original bulkhead behind the one that you are requesting to repair. So we would like to see it brought back to that original bulkhead on the west side. We would also like the jog taken out on the east end to meet with the neighbor's -- to match up with your neighbor. And I believe the Board had some questions about the decking to the west of the beach house. Most of that is gone. Is the request to replace that? MR. CORWIN: Yes, it was. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I think the question is whether that structure is necessary to be replaced. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Is there an opportunity to downsize the deck from the proposed plan. MR. CORWIN: There is always an opportunity if you insist. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I believe that was the feeling of the Board of Trustees was that the bulkheading could be replaced, backed up to the original, without the decking on the west side of the beach house and that the job be matched up on the east side of the bulkhead. Any other comments from the Board? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We didn't say eliminate all the decking, we just said -- TRUSTEE DICKERSON: No, just this. Board of Trustees 65 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You said west of the beach house. But there is decking here. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Well, that's to be determined. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It would help me in clarifying, that property really runs, that beach really runs north to south, not east to west. So I'm a little confused now also. So at the east end we want to take that jog out and then have the bulkhead moved down so that it would be, in my opinion, we wanted it so that bulkhead matched the neighbor's property to the east. I didn't know we were looking to match the entire bulkhead structure back to the old bulkhead. I thought what our goal was, was to match that one so there was not a jog there and it was consistent going down the beach TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Was it as obvious on both sides, Jim, of the existing? Because here you can see the existing is right behind, it's set right behind this bulkhead here. TRUSTEE KING: It wasn't that far. It was like a foot or so. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It might have been a foot bump out or something when they did that TRUSTEE KING: Because you could see the bottom of the original bulkhead still there. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Yes, okay. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: So if he removes the jog will that have to be on an angle? TRUSTEE KING: It's such a long distance, you won't see it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That's what I thought, the intention is move the jog and just a straight line from there to the other end. MR. CORWIN: So remove the jog to the east which will make a stronger structure without that little jog and build to the original location to the west. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Correct. MR. CORWIN: And you want to scale back the deck a little. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That's the feeling, I believe, from the Board. Because this is a tremendous amount of decking. (Indicating.) That was my understanding from the conversation, even though this is not here, my thought was that this is not -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I thought you were saying this (indicating.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We are confused. Were you talking -- TRUSTEE DICKERSON: This is the jog (indicating.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: Yes. And then the question was, this is the part where the erosion was. And they would like to keep that up to about here (indicating.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That would be consistent with what you are saying. Keep the deck up to what is existing but not replace beyond that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's what I thought we were talking about. Board of Trustees 66 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Everyone can clarify because there were conversations TRUSTEE BERGEN: Make sure you draw it in to the plan. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What about if we keep it to the 27 and not replace the last 23. Is that what I'm looking at? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes, about right there. MR. CORWIN: I think that will work. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is that what everyone is toward? MR. CORWIN: I put that jog there for the fill, to show the fill to the DEC. TRUSTEE KING: (Perusing). That would work. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: So replace the decking from the stairs 27 feet to the west and not replace any of the decking the last 23 feet. MR. CORWIN: The last 23 feet we won't replace the deck. In other words, way to the west TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That could be replanted, if that last 23 feet you want to replant with American Beach grass, native species. MR. CORWIN: It will be native vegetation that is there now. MR. MCGREEVY: Would it be practical, Jim, that the timber wale be non-CCA or should it stay as CCA, to cut down on the amount of CCA timber. TRUSTEE KING: We have been allowing it in walers. It's something we have been discussing. What else can we use? MR. MCGREEVY: It seems to be high enough like deck planking maybe, we could put it in the same category. I don't know if it's practical, if we could cut down on the amount of CCA that is being used. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, the code right now allows for CCA. So what you are asking is, on behalf of the committee, would the applicant consider using non-CCA for the waler. Is that what you are asking? MR. MCGREEVY: If that would work, that would be a good idea. It's a recommendation to cut down on the amount of CCA. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Mr. Corwin, would you consider that? MR. CORWIN: No, we have to have CCA otherwise it won't last. There is just nothing else we can get. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It's within the water. It will be under water. MR. CORWIN: It will be out of water. MR. MCGREEVY: That's why I thought it could be put into the category of deck planking where we don't allow CCA, if it's practical from a construction point of view. MR. CORWIN: The only thing it could get is southern pine or maybe fir and the life expectances would be ten years at most. MR. MCGREEVY: How about oak? MR. CORWIN: Okay is even less. Oak doesn't last long at all TRUSTEE BERGEN: Again, our code allows for CCA. It was a request for the applicant and the applicant said no, so I suggest we move forward with CCA. Board of Trustees 67 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: And Jack, it still, at this point, is under review and discussion at this point. But for this evening's permit I think we'll -- MR. MCGREEVY: It was just a recommendation. I'll try again. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Okay. TRUSTEE KING: Is the old CCA sheathing going to be removed? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The old structure is it to be removed, right? MR. CORWIN: Yes, it has to be removed to go back in the same place, yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to close the hearing. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the wetland permit for Charles Brautigam for the replacement of their bulkhead with the additions that removal of the jog, backing it up to the position of the previous bulkhead and only replacing 27 feet of the decking west of the staircase but not replacing it beyond that to the 23 foot. TRUSTEE KING: It would be 12x27 deck on the west side. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It would be a 12x27 deck. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And we would want new plans showing -- MR. CORWIN: I'll make a no project drawing, yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Thank you, Mr. Corwin. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Number 14, David Corwin on behalf of DAVID EDELSTEIN requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4x16 foot ramp, 4x46 foot catwalk, 4x12 foot access stairs and one (1) eight-inch diameter mooring pile. Located: 4145 Wells Road, Peconic. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application. MR. CORWIN: My name is David Corwin. And again, I have no comments but I'll try to answer any questions. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I went out and looked at this today. Just so we know, the CAC supports the application under the condition that vinyl is used as possible, fiberglass grid material on the decking should be used and the dock should not expand past the adjacent docks. And seeing it staked out, it does not expand beyond the dock that is adjacent. LWRP found it inconsistent for several reasons. Primarily Richmond Creek is in a critical environment habitat area, so they did not want to see that, the LWRP does not want to see additional docks in the critical habitat area. They are also concerned about Board of Trustees 68 June 20, 2007 the vegetation that might be destroyed during either the construction or with the use of the dock there -- bear with me. Provide public use to coastal water, assure the public has access to the waters and it doesn't obstruct navigable waters. Adverse impact of construction of a dock on marine habitat are well documented. So this was, again, it was staked out with stairs, a ramp and going to stairs going down at the seaward end. It did not extend beyond the other dock that is next door to it. Is there an opportunity in looking at this if one moved toward the direction of the dock of the next door neighbor; I'm looking north, south, east and west and it's not depicted on here, so (perusing.) Ah. Thank you. Toward the northwest direction where there is a dock there. The neighbor has a dock. So you understand -- MR. CORWIN: I think that's the southeast though. TRUSTEE BERGEN: There we go. Okay, why don't you step you step up so I could show you so we know which way we are talking. I think we are exactly correct. But we are talking toward the property line of the Hallocks. MR. CORWIN: There is nothing this way there is a dock here. I originally showed it in the middle and the DEC wanted it moved over there because it's less wetland, so that's why we ended up there and the DEC approved it there. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Do you have the DEC permit? MR. CORWIN: Yes, I included it when I made the application. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Okay, I looked where it was staked and I thought if it was moved over a little bit toward the Mitchell property there would be less vegetation it would be crossing, so it would do less harm to the vegetation. It sounds like that's exactly what the DEC asked you to do, to move it over to an area where it's crossing less vegetation. Is a that what are telling me? MR. CORWIN: Well, I did move it from the original, urn, if I move it again, maybe four or five feet, there is a little less vegetation, we are talking a foot or two, that you would gain. And I left it there because that's what the DEC had approved back 74 feet off the property line and that's I measured and that's what I staked. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Interesting. Because what I thought was the same thing as you, and that would help mitigate the inconsistency with the LWRP to move it to a location where it's going over less wetlands. So that's what I was trying to do here. Interesting. MR. CORWIN: Can I make a proposal to you? TRUSTEE BERGEN: Yes. MR. CORWIN: That rather than CCA posts, we use four-inch locust post and we use open grate. TRUSTEE KING: You are reading my mind. Board of Trustees 69 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, yes. I think that would be excellent. MR. MCGREEVY: Can we include the non-CCA on the cross pieces underneath the decking? MR. CORWIN: Well, there again there IS really no substitute for treated lumber there. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Mr. Corwin, can I ask you a question. This is an empty lot? MR. CORWIN: Yes, correct. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: So the purpose of the dock is for the owners -- MR. CORWIN: Future use for their recreation. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I went out and inspected it today as well and the seaward stake, that's the seaward end of the stairs -- MR. CORWIN: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What is the need for the piling to be 40 feet out from there? MR. CORWIN: The idea is of course to pull put a pulley out there and moor a boat. Originally we wanted a floating dock. The DEC said no because there is enough water. If there is something that is allowed in there. I guess on the other side of the creek, with the stairs that are really going nowhere and the pulley pile. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What's the width of the creek in there? MR. CORWIN: I don't have the answer to that. TRUSTEE KING: Approximately 500 feet. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So that would not be more than one-third. TRUSTEE BERGEN: No, there is plenty of room there. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do you have a profile drawing? We don't seem to have one in the packet. MR. CORWIN: (Handing). TRUSTEE BERGEN: Is there anybody else in the audience that wants to comment on this application? (No response.) TRUSTEE KING: You are saying you could redesign this to use locust post and an open-grate catwalk. MR. CORWIN: Yes, it's what I'm offering. TRUSTEE KING: Can we get it down to like 18 inches above grade, between a foot and 18 inches? I know DEC approved, they just approved two in Mattituck. As a matter of fact they went from plank catwalk to open grate and lowered it. MR. CORWIN: I certainly have no objection. My only problem is the last time I proposed that to the United States Army Corps of Engineers, they said the height had to be the same, the height had to equal the width. In other words four feet, in a case like this, and I said well, open grate, and they said yes, even if it's open grate, so. TRUSTEE KING: We've had pretty good luck getting these things down low with the open-grate system. MS. MOORE: I just had one rejected because -- Board of Trustees 70 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: From the Corps? I guess we'll have to reeducate them. MS. MOORE: Yes, please. MR. MCGREEVY: Jim, by lowering the level would that also improve public access along the beach or would that be a separate issue? TRUSTEE KING: I don't think it's a lot of access going along there anyway. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It's a marsh. There is really no public access along there and it won't interfere with navigation. TRUSTEE KING: To me it's more aesthetics, it's not as obvious. When you look cross the wetland you don't even see these things. And the vegetation grows, even at that low level. Those are my thoughts. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I have a concern with the application for a dock without a residence there and my other hesitation is the fish and wildlife habitat area, so I'm very hesitant to approve this application. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Is there anything in the code prohibiting a dock on a vacant piece of land without a building on it? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: No. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I just wanted to know for my information. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, we get back to the question of if the applicant is willing to use the open-grated decking and they are willing to drop it down to 18 inches above grade. TRUSTEE KING: That's the whole idea of the open-grate system is to get these things down low. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Because right now it's three-and-a-half feet. It's just an idea. Any other comments from the Board? (No response.) If not, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'll make a motion to approve the application of David Corwin on behalf of David Edelstein with the amendment that there will be the use of locust posts in the construction and the use of open-grated decking in the construction. And that was it. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: And what's the distance above grade? TRUSTEE BERGEN: As depicted in here, three-and-a-half feet. I had asked I him if he would drop it to 18 and did not get a positive response. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We could add if there was an opportunity to drop it, we could entertain that. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That's as per the DEC permit also. And with those mitigations of the use of locust posts and open-grated decking that would mitigate the inconsistency with the LWRP. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. Board of Trustees 71 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Nay, due to the reasons I already mentioned. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Aye. TRUSTEE KING: Nay. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Nay. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It is denied. TRUSTEE KING: Okay, we'll take a five-minute break. (After a short recess, these proceedings continue as follows.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Number 15, Patricia Moore on behalf of MICHAEL & KATHRYN RUSSO requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct the existing structure and connect to new additions and new garage, relocate hot tub and alterations to existing basement. Located: 775 Oakwood Drive, Southold. Is there anybody here who would like to address this application? MS. MOORE: Pat Moore. I'm here. I know you are familiar with this application so I address any issues that you want otherwise we are bringing the plans into conformity with the permit, so I think you have all the documentation. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Yes, basically we have all seen the property, and you are right. The LWRP indicates that the proposal is located in the FEMA flood zone. I have seen you done what you need to mitigate that. It also find it inconsistent because of its distance, it's within 100 feet of the wetlands. CAC report, did not make an inspection therefore no comment was made. Is there anybody else in the audience that would like to address this application? MS. MOORE: I have Mr. and Mrs. Russo here but we are here to really answer any questions you may have, rather than prolong this night. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Thank you. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: The only question we really have is the drywells, gutters and putting hay bales. TRUSTEE KING: Hay bales are already in place. MS. MOORE: Hay bales are in place. The drywells are as part the DEC permit as well and I thought it was part of your original permit. If not -- TRUSTEE KING: It probably was. MS. MOORE: I think everything was the same as your original permit, so. We actually had the option of extending the permit we had or coming in and submitting this one. So we were within two months difference. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: The permit from 2005? MS. MOORE: Yes. Board of Trustees 72 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE GHOSIO: It didn't address drywells or gutters. We'll just add it here. MS. MOORE: That's fine. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Comments or questions from the Board? (No response.) MS. MOORE: My client tells me they already have plans for that anyway. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would lake to make a motion we close the hearing. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would like to make a motion we approve this application with the stipulations that we add drywells and gutters to catch the runoff. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MS. MOORE: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Number 16, Patricia Moore on behalf of PERI HINDEN requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4x115 foot fixed dock, 3x24 foot ramp and 6x20 foot floating dock. Located: 1255 Woodcliff Drive, Mattituck. MS. MOORE: Pat Moore. I'm here. Mr. Hinden is here to help answer any questions, and we actually have the neighbor here. We were out in the hallway working on it. We had plenty of time to talk about it and there were a couple of revisions or suggestions that were discussed in the hallway and I can either give them to you now or wait until you have comment. It's up to you. Which would you prefer? TRUSTEE KING: Jill and I looked at this. We had some suggestions and some questions. What is on your mind? MS. MOORE: What we talked about, and I know Mr. King is very familiar with this area, the tides and the winds that are here we felt that there should have been included the piles to tie up the boat so we actually, I had Bob Fox add some piles to the drawing, which I actually, I drew it on a drawing and I'll have it redone, but we have, out in the hallway, Bob Fox gave me a set of piles that we actually revised so I have one, eight-inch pile is which is the one at the end of the float and then four tie off piles which are 12 inches in diameter and I have identified the location of them by numbering them one through five, so I have that for the Board. I have additional copies I just drew out, so. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We have a lot. MS. MOORE: A lot of other changes, okay. We also have one pile, I forgot to mention, between our proposed dock and the neighbor's Board of Trustees 73 June 20, 2007 dock. They have a boat on the south side of their dock which we are trying to, we placed our dock in such a way so that we don't have interference between the two boats and it was suggested perhaps we would possibly need an eight inch pile between those boats just to keep them off set it each other. I also included that. Those are our suggestions from our meeting out in the hallway, otherwise we'll listen to your proposal. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: All right, because that has nothing to do with ours. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Do you have anymore copies? MS. MOORE: Yes, I actually have one here. One for your side and one for your side. If you would like a little more explanation, we have the proposed dock in this location because it is 15 feet from each property line. We had Bob Fox, you could see the property lines as shown on the survey, on the marine survey, and we are equidistant between the two lines so as to conform. We also placed the dock in a location where it appears that an older dock may have been and it's also at the location of the shortest distance over the wetlands. So the purpose behind this placement was with all of those points and all those issues in mind. TRUSTEE KING: We felt that the dock should be moved further to the south. As a matter of fact, there is two old posts there that looks like the beginnings of something some time ago. About 20 feet to the south, at the starting point. MS. MOORE: I don't see those posts, sorry. TRUSTEE KING: I don't see them on here, but they are there. MS. MOORE: The only problem with that is, as you can see -- we really have no problem with the flexibility where the dock begins. Our concern was really where it begins doesn't really change where it ends. So if you move it to the south where we are actually crossing more wetlands, but if that's a preferential spot by the Board, we can certainly consider it. The end spot where the float and the dock ends is pretty much the same because it's like a triangle there, so if we start the dock at one end we are pretty much at the same spot at the other. The problem we have is we should keep the parallel position with the dock to the north of us because the boats obviously you don't want to have interference between the two docks. They are the only ones that are really affected in this area. So depending on what position you ask us to take, we just have to make sure that we are parallel. As can you see. And that's why Bob Fox put the second boat in on the neighbor's -- the neighbor has a ten-foot right of way. Their dock is at the end of that right of way. They Board of Trustees 74 June 20, 2007 don't really have that flexibility there. TRUSTEE KING: This is to the north. MS. MOORE: To the north is the dock existing that was approved in 2000 by this Board, so we positioned ourselves in such a way so we would have a safe distance and have as minimal interference. TRUSTEE KING: But there is nothing to the south until you get to that dock, set of floats that goes out there quite a ways. MS. MOORE: Right, Browers Woods Association is association land to the south of us. They don't have anything, but you can also see that the water depth, well, it's pretty much the same. That's not too bad. TRUSTEE KING: My thought were if we moved this whole structure over it gives you a lot more room between the two docks. MS. MOORE: If I could approach the Board, you can see where this line is here, it extends out. Okay, legally, technically, we should be keeping inside of this space. Okay, so if you start the dock here, to the south, you have to angle it within our water space. You are not supposed to cross -- TRUSTEE KING: You are confusing me now. Because you explained to us a long time ago how to extend property lines into the water. There is a formula which you educated us about. MS. MOORE: Yes, but I have opposite property lines here. I have one property line going this way and the other property line going the other way. They are converging. TRUSTEE KING: But they go perpendicular to the channel. That's the way these are supposed to be extended, according to you. MS. MOORE: No, I think we educated you was on a cove. TRUSTEE KING: It was a peninsula and running as a channel out in front. Because I did lot of research on this on how to extend property lines out into the water and it's supposed to be perpendicular to the channel. And if you did that then this property line can be changed direction to the south more. MS. MOORE: We have no problem with that it's just Browers Woods may have an issue because they are going to be looking -- look at a tax map. If you look at a tax map you can see that you have opposite property lines. This map doesn't show you but the tax map, you can see, the property lines of the Browers Woods and beach access at opposite ends of our property. So if you were to, if Browers Woods were to ever ask for a community dock, they would, they either would have to go parallel to everyone else or they would have to go within their property limits. Based on your code, you say 15 feet off the neighbor's property. So we can work with this Board but you will have to come up with a kind of consistent angle of all the docks. We kept to the same angle as the dock to the north of us because he kind of sets the tone of the angle of the docks. If you want to change our angle then we could go further south but then Board of Trustees 75 June 20, 2007 everybody to the south of us will go at a different angle from their property line. TRUSTEE KING: Like I said, the research I have done on these, I know this is for years, everybody just extended them out whatever angle they are on land. MS. MOORE: And it created a problem at the end. Exactly. TRUSTEE KING: Correct, I spoke to surveyors about this and each one of these lines were extended to be perpendicular to the channel, and that means everybody is parallel to each other and it gives you a lot more room. MS. MOORE: Except that I don't know that we are parallel to the existing dock to the north. Am I not getting it? If you go straight, you have to draw it on this map, but if we change the angle I would extend into Browers Woods. TRUSTEE KING: You would keep the dock the same. It's the property line that changes to the south. MS. MOORE: I mean, it doesn't affect us and we have no objection to that but I think Browers Woods might have an issue. And you have a town access to the south of it, so. As long as you are consistent we'll have no problem, but you have to kind of look at the, to the property to the south of this piece. TRUSTEE KING: It's something we'll have to --like I said, I did a lot of research. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We have other issues. MS. MOORE: Tell me the about the other issues because, again, we are flexible in our position but I have to worry about the property owners to the south. TRUSTEE KING: I have been trying to do some things with DEC where we kind of know what everybody is going to approve. I worked with Rob Herman on this. What we are looking at is 4x4s through the marsh, instead of eight inch piles, and we go to eight inch piles once we are out in the water on the main part of the Mattituck Creek, when you get up into these little extensions, up-creeks and smaller creeks, we want to see six inch piles in the water MS. MOORE: Holding the dock up you are saying? TRUSTEE KING: That would be a significant downsizing on this. MS. MOORE: Could you repeat that. It's four inches in the marsh area and once you reached past the marsh -- TRUSTEE KING: Then we go with the eight inch. But that's in the main part of the creek. MS. MOORE: I think we had eight inch proposed here, in the marsh area as well, so. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And we would like to see the 4x4s put in by hand, not by machine. MS. MOORE: Mr. Costello, do you do this? MR. COSTEllO: Yes. Board of Trustees 76 June 20, 2007 MS. MOORE: There are only a few dock builders out here. If everybody is willing to do it. TRUSTEE KING: And eight inch piles holding the float in place. MS. MOORE: Yes, we had that. We had eight inch piles for the float. We had eight inch in the end of the float. Then we definitely needed more significant to hold the boat in place because of the tide and the winds over there. TRUSTEE KING: I don't agree with the tie off piles in that area. MR. MCGREEVY: Would a lower catwalk be applicable, Jim, in this case? TRUSTEE KING: And the starting point, we would like to see it further seaward than it is now. There is no reason to start it right up on the bank there. MS. MOORE: What being seaward? TRUSTEE KING: I mean the landward end of the dock. Move the landward end toward the water. MS. MOORE: We are starting at the wetland edge. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: There two posts that exist there now and I think they were basically at the mean, where it's marked mean high. We want you to start the dock there MS. MOORE: Down at, go up and then across, because you'll have to -- I think the elevation is changed over there. That's why I think he started it where he did. Because you have a drop off at the end. TRUSTEE KING: Yes, where we are talking -- it's not that much where we are talking about. MS. MOORE: Sorry, did you guys say the same thing or did you contradict each other? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We want you to move the landward end of the dock seaward. MS. MOORE: Okay. By how much? Where would you like it? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It was kind of hard, we couldn't do a measurement because of the way, it wasn't staked, but if you come up here. MS. MOORE: Well, we have it starting at the wetland boundary. Bob Fox identified the wetland boundary. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Right about here. At the seaward end of the remains of the dock, there was two posts. So basically where those two posts started there. And also -- MS. MOORE: Some of this is flooded. It doesn't make any sense. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Did you mark it wrong on here? MS. MOORE: I think over here. TRUSTEE KING: I think if you look at the two old posts they are pretty much in the right spot. There is two 6x6's. MS. MOORE: Which is the old remains of the dock. TRUSTEE KING: I think it's further to the south. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think it's more on this end. And also the Board of Trustees 77 June 20, 2007 seaward end, we felt that needs to be in line with the docks along here. This is going on much further. MS. MOORE: That will be a problem unless we shift the location because again, it depends on where we are going to end the dock. Where we have it right now offsets the boat that is there. So it would be giving both property owners room for a boat there so you don't have interference between the bow and the stern of the boat. So if you are talking about moving the whole structure down and parallel to the existing dock, then as long as we maintain the water depth which is, the problem is you have to maintain three-and-a-half feet. So the water depth changes as you go further south. It actually, three-and-a-half feet, takes you out a little bit further out. Not quite what you suggested but not quite what we have. We have the float, the center of the float is at three-and-a-half feet. That's what I think it was designed as, to keep the float at mid point. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It shows four-and-a-half here. MS. MOORE: No. Three-and-a-half. The float right now, where it is now is between 3.1 and four-point-something. It's less than 4.6. So 4.1. So in between is the three-and-a-half TRUSTEE KING: It's actually deeper here to the south. I don't agree with the tie off piles at all. MS. MOORE: We need to have some form of tie off piles. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Why do you feel you need pie off piles? MS. MOORE: Because of the boat he has and wind and the tides there. TRUSTEE KING: There is two boats to this dock now and there is no tie off piles and they seem to be floating okay. MS. MOORE: Remember, the boat is on the south side of that dock. On the northerly dock, the boat is on the south side, not on the north side. We were keeping our boat on the north side to keep it away from the neighbor. Sorry, the opposite. South side. Sorry, sorry, sorry. We were making everything the opposite of what the neighbor had. He's there and that's in place. We have to work around that. TRUSTEE KING: There is a boat on either side. MS. MOORE: They have a larger boat. Their primary boat is the one on our neighbor's north side. The smaller boat is on the south side. Our boat, our larger boat is going to be on the north side, keeping it away from them. Now, maybe if we move it further to the south you can keep it on the south side and that might be easier. You tell me. Practically. Can you keep a boat there without tie up piles? MR. HINDEN: The south side is where you have to be. MS. MOORE: So if we move the whole structure further to the south then there is, then we should be okay. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I don't see the need for pilings. Board of Trustees 78 June 20, 2007 MS. MOORE: Okay, I have to figure out where you want me to put this thing. Started where the old 6x6s are, and go parallel to the dock to the north of us? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Yes. Parallel to it. MS. MOORE: Parallel to it. Okay TRUSTEE KING: And stake the seaward end of the float. And if you look to the south, that other dock that is there, just keep that, maintain that line. MS. MOORE: I just don't know where the water depth is. I have to keep three-and-a-half feet. That's mandatory. So I don't have that one in here on this dock. TRUSTEE KING: Why is that mandatory? MS. MOORE: Well, DEC will require us and my client has a boat that needs three-and-a-half feet. So that's, you have a very deep channel. That's the value of this property is the deep channel and the water depth that we have. So there is really not much difference between three-and-a-half in this area. So it's very close. It's within a foot or two of. But you can't tell you where the tie line is because the dock is so far to the south of us. I can't tell. It's not showing up on this at all, so. TRUSTEE KING: Will it show on an aerial? MS. MOORE: Do you have an aerial? TRUSTEE KING: No, you can -- MS. MOORE: I thought you had one there. No, Bob Fox will provide one for us. TRUSTEE KING: Just so we could see. MS. MOORE: That's fine. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: If we could make those changes and get it restaked. MS. MOORE: No problem. We'll get Bob Fox here late another night. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We want to make sure the seaward end of the float is staked. MS. MOORE: That's what we have. We have the seaward end of the float is staked. That's what he always stakes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Do you want to table this, Jim? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MS. MOORE: Yes, we'll table it, obviously. So we'll start the whole thing. TRUSTEE KING: Have you applied to DEC on this? MS. MOORE: No, we are waiting for whatever modifications you come up with and then we'll -- TRUSTEE KING: Okay. MS. MOORE: Okay, back to the drawing board. TRUSTEE KING: I make a motion to table the application. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? Board of Trustees 79 June 20, 2007 (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Lori, the next three are all in a row. Can we open them all at once and if we do, do we have three separate resolutions to approve or do we approve them all in one. MS. MONTEFUSCO: You can approve them as one as long as everyone has an opportunity to speak on each one. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. All right, we'll open the next three all at once. 17,18,19, as they are all together. They are all En-Consultants on behalf of; number 17, FREDERICK RAPP, requests a Wetland Permit to construct approximately 40 linear feet of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead and backfill with approximately 25 cubic yards clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 355 Lake Drive, Southold and; number 18, ROSARIA FORCHELLI requests a Wetland Permit to construct approximately 40 linear feet of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead and backfill with approximately 25 cubic yards clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 405 Lake Drive, Southold, and; number 19, JEAN ROTERT, requests a Wetland Permit to construct approximately 60 linear feet of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead and backfill with approximately 25 cubic yards clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located: 475 Lake Drive, Southold. I'll just go over the LWRP. They are all exempt from LWRP. And CAC there was no recommendation made. (Perusing.) CAC, no recommendation made on any of them. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of these three applications? MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman, En-Consultants, on behalf of all three. The standard application is replacing the existing timber bulkheads in place with vinyl ten foot non-turf buffer adjacent to them. Very straight forward, all three, they can all be done at once as part of the same work. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: On the plans you show 15 foot non-turf buffer. MR. HERMAN: It should be ten. They are all pretty small yards in the back. There may be a wider area shown as backfill but they actually depict ten foot non-turf buffer. For all three. All three are ten foot non-turf buffers. TRUSTEE KING: The adjacent on the water looking to your right, wasn't there a wider buffer there? I think we had in mind keeping that buffer the same all the way across. That just popped into my head. Maybe I'm wrong. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I recall an adjacent buffer also. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We marked in our field notes we wanted a 15-foot Board of Trustees 80 June 20, 2007 non-turf buffer. MR. HERMAN: If it's consistent with what ties through. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We measured from the neighbor. That's how we came up with that. MR. HERMAN: I don't think anyone is maintaining lawns down in that area, if I recall correctly, anyway. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I have a picture of somebody doing that. MR. HERMAN: Well, Rapp is vacant, so I know that is natural. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's natural. What materials do you plan on using? MR. HERMAN: Vinyl for the sheathing with the treated structural supports. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Treated with CCA? MR. HERMAN: CCA treated except for the lowest wale, which is creosote. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Why not just CCA? Why creosote? MR. HERMAN: That has just been the way some of the contractors have -- we have been proposing that for a number of years. The Board has approved it. If is there are three wales, the lowest wale that's always under water has been treated with creosote. I mean if there is a prohibition in the code -- is that under the latest 275? TRUSTEE KING: Yes. MR. HERMAN: Well, that will make that easy. Sorry, I was not aware of it. TRUSTEE KING: I was not sure we reviewed it. And it's in there. MR. HERMAN: Okay. So all wales will be CCA. I just have to modify the plans to reflect that. Sorry about that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Are there any other comments? (No response.) Comments from the Board? TRUSTEE KING: Other than that, perfectly straight forward. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: With the prior consent of the Board I would like to vote all three of these at once instead of doing them separately. So I'll make a motion to close all three hearings. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'll make a motion to approve number 17,18,19, with the submission of new plans showing that no creosote will be used and with 15 foot non-turf buffer on all three properties. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? Board of Trustees 81 June 20, 2007 (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Number 20, En-Consultants on behalf of ELIZABETH WOLFF requests a Wetland Permit to construct approximately 107 linear feet of vinyl bulkhead in place of existing timber bulkhead; backfill with approximately 25 cubic yards clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source, and construct a 4x4 foot timber deck and 4x11 foot stairs to beach. Located: 200 West lake Drive, Southold. Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of this application? MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman, En-Consultants on behalf of Elizabeth Wolff. Very similar application to the three prior; standard inplace replacement of all the bulkheading that is there; replacing timber with vinyl; proposing ten foot non-turf buffer. Here again we had the lowest wale proposed to be creosote treated. And then the construction of a platform and stairs to the beach in place of the previously existing platform and stair combination which was there prior to April 15 but gone since. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I have a field note here, Rob, to move a pipe in the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: There was of a pipe sticking out of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Apparently there was a pipe sticking out of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I remember it, but it wasn't a drain. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Are you familiar with the pipe? MR. HERMAN: I'm looking at the photos to see if I could see it. It's not a drainage pipe, Dave? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: No. MR. HERMAN: What is it? TRUSTEE BERGEN: We didn't know. It's a pipe coming out of the bulkhead. MR. HERMAN: It will have to be cut to replace the bulkhead, so if it is actually leaching anything, they will just plug it. It's pretty standard. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It was sticking out three or four feet. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We wanted the bulkhead to be in line with the neighbor, also. MR. HERMAN: What do you mean bulkhead in line with the neighbor? TRUSTEE BERGEN: So the neighboring -- and I'm sorry, I don't know which direction it is, but so the neighbor, the proposed bulkhead and the neighbor's bulkhead, there would be no jog. MR. HERMAN: No, this is not only a previously existing structure but it's actually a permanent structure by the Trustees as it is and the applicant, we already have a DEC permit for it just to replace it exactly as it is. To move it back you would have to excavate that whole area out, shift the whole wall landward, you Board of Trustees 82 June 20, 2007 then have to extend the groins landward. I don't see a reason for it. That's a lot of extra work and disturbance. It's only a two foot jog and three foot jog on either side. I can't represent that the applicant will would agree to that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I thought we saw the original location behind that. MR. HERMAN: Permit 5435 was issued to Joseph and Catherine Barbado (sic) in 2001. Wetland permit for the existing bulkhead is depicted on the survey dated January 16, 2002, and that permit was transferred to Elizabeth Wolff when she purchased the property. And she is very, very anxious to move on this. We already got a DEC permit. TRUSTEE KING: That must have been an existing bulkhead. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Existing bulkhead, 2001. TRUSTEE KING: (Perusing). That was the deal, they are selling the property so they come in and get permits for what is there. So this was a bulkhead that was bumped out years ago, now it's a permitted structure because they came in and got a permit for it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What is your concern? Do you still think it should be backed up? TRUSTEE KING: It's not that huge a deal. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Rob had pointed out that I did not see in the field, the groins are there and to pull it back would mean a reconstruction of the groins, which I think would be a lot. So, I'm willing to forego that suggestion. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What do you think, Jim? TRUSTEE KING: It's not that huge a deal. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seeing no one else to speak to this, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the request for a Wetland Permit to replace bulkhead with vinyl bulkhead and with a ten foot buffer. What is the Board's feeling on a buffer? We talked about 20. Rob offered a ten. Any comments? TRUSTEE KING: Take the middle road. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: 15, Rob? MR. HERMAN: Yes. And I would like the Board to try to reach some sort of standard with this because it's been a moving target. If the Board could try to formalize the buffers as to what, I don't know if there is a formula you want to use, but you were going with ten so we started proposing ten and now it's changing to 15 or 20 and I'm not sure exactly what the rationale is. This is not a real big yard in the back. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We could get a percentage but I'll tell you the Board of Trustees 83 June 20, 2007 rational. We are hearing more and more that the distance we are giving to buffers is quite minimal to what is being recommended. So that's the consideration it appears we are floundering, but as Jim says, we could up come up with a formula for the percentage of the yard would make sense MR. HERMAN: I know buffers, when you have new construction it's a lot different story. But these are all, typically, they are maintenance of existing bulkheads and it's pretty easy to sell to the clients establishing a ten foot non-turf buffer but as it starts to creep up, you are talking 15 or 20 feet of a yard that's barely over 60 feet wide, you are talking about people kind of losing almost 35% of their yard just to replace a bulkhead that is a legal structure. Technically he we would not have to be even be here tonight if not for the proposal for the platform and stairs for the inplace replacement of a permitted structure we don't need a permit. So I would like at least on this if the Board would consider holding to the ten feet because I think it's, I think it's an adequate buffer for this yard size, given the setback of the house TRUSTEE DICKERSON: What's the feeling of the Board; ten, 15? TRUSTEE KING: Ten is there now. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: We'll go with a ten foot buffer and we'll work on a formula. MR. HERMAN: Thank you. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll reiterate my motion to approve the application for the bulkhead replacement with ten foot buffer, removing of the pipe. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: Number 21, En-Consultants on behalf of EDWARD & CHRISTINE VOLlNI requests a Wetland Permit to demolish and remove an existing one-story dwelling and appurtenances and construct landward thereof, a two-story, one-family dwelling with attached porches and terrace; install drainage system of drywells; and establish a 15-foot wide non-turf buffer adjacent to the bluff crest, to be planted with native vegetation. Located: 8625 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application? MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman, En-Consultants on behalf of Edward and Christine Volini. And Sean Mulligan, architect, is here again. Hopefully we'll have a lot shorter discussion than we had a month ago. We had talked about whether the proposed house which Sean and I were advocating the benefits to the Board to move the house Board of Trustees 84 June 20, 2007 landward of where the existing house is. There is some considerable discussion about moving the house back further and one of the things we had left with is the Board sort of challenged us to check your estimations of where, at what setback from the bluff crest would the house be in line with the adjacent structures, and the Board was, I would say, right on the nose. So I'm handing up the revised surveys with the cover letter that actuality shows the proposed house and appurtenances relocated to a setback of 100 feet from the bluff crest, which would put it smack in line with the adjoining houses which the Board had discussed. The applicants spent a good deal of time discussing the Board's comments and what occurred at the last hearing and the applicants were willing, in light of the discussions and what Sean and I discussed with them, to move it. We would still, as part of the request for the Wetland Permit, look to, despite the relocation of the house, would still proactively agree to plant out a 15-foot native vegetation, non-turf buffer behind the crest of the bluff and we would still need the Board's permission, obviously, I'm sure you would be happy to give it at this point, to demolish the existing dwelling, remove the other associated improvements and then whatever construction activities, you know, disturbance within your regulated area, would be associated with the construction of the new house that is now located outside of your jurisdiction. There are a couple of drywells that would have to be right within that 100 foot setback, but almost 100 feet back from the crest of the bluff. So I trust the Board will find this to be a substantial improvement to what was previously proposed in line with what we discussed, and as we discussed last month, this will also have the project fall in line with the crest of bluff setback and in alignment with the adjoining houses under your code. So. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Is there anybody else here who would like to speak on behalf of this application? (No response.) If not, in the review of the notes, this was found inconsistent under LWRP and one of the reasons was because of it being within 100 feet from the top of the bluff. As at matter of fact, that was sole reason for the inconsistency. So your proposed movement of the house to that 100 foot line would bring it into consistency under LWRP. CAC did vote to support the application with the condition of a non-turf buffer and you have a non-turf buffer of 15 foot here on the plans. We would also ask for the inclusion of drywells and gutters. MR. HERMAN: Those are all on the plan. Board of Trustees 85 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: We saw the two drywells. There was only two within the 100 foot boundary. The rest are outside of our jurisdiction. We would ask still for hay bales. MR. HERMAN: They are shown. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Right, thank you. I see that. Because of the taking down of the demolishing of the house. And I also had a note last time, just as a point of information for the applicant, that there was some bulkhead damage in April that would probably be a good idea for them to look at for taking care of before that collapses in a major storm. MR. HERMAN: I think Sean was discussing that with the applicants. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Great. Are there any comments from the Board? MR. MCGREEVY: Would there be any consideration for LWRP pertaining to the pervious or impervious driveway? Would that come into the picture for LWRP? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's out of Trustees' jurisdiction. It's out of our jurisdiction. I was looking to see if it's -- MR. HERMAN: It's proposed to be pervious. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. I have not gotten to that yet. It's proposed to be pervious. Being no other comments from the Board, I make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'll make a motion to approve the application of En-Consultants on behalf of the Volini's as per the plans submitted and dated June 20,2007. In those plans that would address the setbacks so as to bring the project into consistency with LWRP. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) MR. HERMAN: Bob, you had something right on the tip of your tongue. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I was going to say, my son would have said, awesome dude. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I want to see that in the minutes. MR. HERMAN: Thank you. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: En-Consultants on behalf of JAIME & NANCY SANTIAGO, requests a Wetland Permit to demolish and remove an existing two-and-a-half story dwelling and appurtenances, including a tennis court, and construct in new, landward location a two-story, one-family dwelling with attached porch, patio, deck, pergola and other associated appurtenances, including an inground swimming pool; install a drainage system of drywells with incorporated concrete retaining wall; erect a fence; install a fish Board of Trustees 86 June 20, 2007 pond; and truck in approximately 26 cubic yards clean sand fill to be incorporated into cut and fill operations required to achieve proposed grades. Located: 3745 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. This is inconsistent with LWRP, the reason being the distance. And I don't have anything from CAC. Yes, I do. Sorry. CAC supports the application with condition hay bales placed during demolition and construction activities, pervious driveway is installed, the bluff protected, all runoff contained on the property, efforts made to protect the large old healthy and mature trees as practicable and catch basin installed to contain the overflow of the fish pond. That's the CAC comments. Is there anyone here to speak on behalf of this application? MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman, En-Consultants on behalf of the applicants, Jaime and Nancy Santiago. Jaime and Nancy are both are here. James Zizzi, the contractor, is here. I'll try to keep this short. We spoke a lot about this project in the field when we went with Mr. Santiago and Juan Carlos from James Zizzi's office. Similar in spirit to the prior application, we had given you a survey at this site that added the locations of the existing dwellings on either side of the property. Not only will the new construction be set landward of the existing house, all of the structural areas associated with the dwelling and the dwelling in particular will be set actually landward of the bluff line if you are connecting the points of the adjacent houses. The new house would be served by a Suffolk County Health Department conforming sanitary system located landward of the Trustees' jurisdiction. There is a drainage system of drywells proposed as per usual for the dwelling but also here there will be accessory drainage proposed in the, I guess it would be the southeasterly corner of the property that will mirror what the Board has previously approved for the Parks property. That was designed by James Deerkowski, an engineer. I just handed up to Lauren one legal size color print of the engineer's plans which, forgive me, Jill, are still going to test your eyes. But I blew that up in black and white. What that does is, really, the proposed topography reflected on that engineering plan is actually shown on the Ingegno, now Nathan Corwin survey. But that plan details what we ultimately show in the application as the amount of fill that needs to be brought in. And, Jill, if you could read it, I think we are at 20-some odd yards of fill after the cut and fill operations and the excavation for the dwelling. It's very minimal amount of fill that needs to be brought in. In addition with the cut and fill source that will flatten out the grade as we looked at in the field. Again, that grade is designed to match up with the Parks property. I think the Board got a good look at that in the field. Board of Trustees 87 June 20, 2007 In terms of the consistency with the LWRP, I think here, given, well, in addition to being consistent with this Board's code in terms of the alignment with the neighboring dwellings, I think we did look at a little bit of a different situation here given the topography between the location of the proposed house and the roadway. You have this entire area of the proposed construction which is previously developed, it's clear, it's maintained, and all the activity will continue to occur in that area, with the exception of setting a native planted non-turf buffer adjacent to the crest of bluff. So we'll get back some vegetation there. But we really are pushing the house back to the maximum extent reasonable here because if we had to continue farther back, you would have to bring in an incredible volume of fill to bring up the elevation of the property between the proposed house and the road. And you would have to clear a lot of trees and other mature vegetation that exists there now. So given the site constraints and given the consistency with the locations of the neighboring dwellings I think what we are proposing here, much in the spirit of our original argument on the Volini application last month, is really an improvement to what is there in terms of the sanitary treatment, in terms of the drainage, in terms of setting up a non-turf buffer, and in terms of getting the house not only back from the existing but back behind the neighboring dwellings. There was an issue that Mr. Santiago had brought to the Board's attention during the field inspection as well, concerning that southerly corner to the property where there are a number of trees, and I handed up some black and white photographs, showing where those trees are in danger of collapse and pulling the top of the bluff with it. I think what the Santiago's would like to do and if we can incorporate it into the application, as a temporary stop gap, as a prophylactic measure really against that happening, would be to cut those trees down just above the root base, leave the root balls in tact, then we would probably have to come back in subsequently, I know Jim had mentioned briefly in the field, due to the precipice at the top of the bluff, actually come in with a plan to shave that back and get a more natural angle of repose at the top. There might be some sort of terracing needed, and then tie that in to the non-turf buffer. We are really not prepared to treat that now nor were we prepared to treat it as part of this application. I think some of that area got worse after the April 15 storm, and I think frankly the Santiago's were waiting to see how the Parks project flushed out next door. And actually I think it turned out pretty nicely, what we saw in the field, sort of an amazing turn around there. Board of Trustees 88 June 20, 2007 So I think the Santiago's would like to speak with Peter Sterling and speak with us some more about doing something in that area but just between now and that time to prevent those trees from getting pulled over, they are eventually going to be have to be lost with any sort of resloping of that bluff crest anyway. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'm thinking maybe they can just stay there until you come in with a full plan. Because the construction debris will not go near those particular trees. MR. HERMAN: It's not a concern for construction. The concern is just the fact that so much of those root balls are now exposed that if you had some sort of additional storm event and those get pulled down, instead of us being able to in a controlled fashion, reshape the top of that bluff, they are going to pull avulsively at the crest and the same thing will happen as happened next door to the parks and that's what I think they are looking avoid. In other words, those trees, to do it, Jim was mentioning in the field, the trees will be lost. The vegetation will be replanted there but those particular, that particular stand of black locusts that are right on the edge, they are going to be lost. So the question is can we do something to prevent that from happening and in an uncontrolled fashion that might create more of a mess up there and could threaten to undermine what Parks just accomplished. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I know you said you need to speak with other people to figure out a plan. What is your timetable? MR. HERMAN: I think Mr. Santiago is fairly anxious for the bluff restoration at the top. MR. SANTIAGO: I think we learned a lot from the Parks. I only wanted to just expose that because those roots, there a couple of trees there that the roots are just, there is three, four feet of roots that are exposed. And when we went through the experience with the parks when I was a contract vendee, you know, it took many, many months of further erosion and I'm just, I said it to Rob, I said not to get it interfered with what we are trying to do for the house, but somewhere along the line that should be looked at because I'm going to end up with a bluff problem while we are going through this construction. So we are not looking to get rid of trees. It's getting rid of those trees that somebody can say to me they will create a bluff problem in the future. And I have seen them from the last nor'easter that we had, more dirt is coming out. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I don't have a problem with what you are suggesting, cutting them down and leave the root ball to help maintain, but my thought would be when it appears someone does a planting plan that some replacement of the trees and it's not all just groomed. Board of Trustees 89 June 20, 2007 MR. HERMAN: The trees, I don't think I'm misrepresenting it, those trees don't really do much to obscure view. Their foliage is limited and there is no low foliage. I mean a lot of times we'll try to -- a lot of times people, well, how can I cut all the trees down for some other purpose, and I don't think that's the case here. Because they really are-- MR. SANTIAGO: I have nephews. I'm more concerned about losing the stairs and they just spent a lot of time and energy to fix it, thank God, because I almost walked away from the deal, and we just want to make sure we protect the bluff TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Any other comments? MR. MCGREEVY: Jill, the topography on the north side of the property slopes to the north. Would that be changed detrimental to that property owner on the north boundary line of the Santiago property? MR. HERMAN: It's actually being lowered on the north side. So the opposite, if anything. MR. MCGREEVY: So the drainage would be more positive. MR. HERMAN: In other words, the only place where it's being raised is where it's currently lower than the neighbor to the south and it's being raised to match. MR. MCGREEVY: Has it changed the plans for the pond that is anticipated? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: The pond is on the north side. MR. MCGREEVY: Is that still in the picture? MR. HERMAN: Yes. You talking about the proposed fish pond. MR. MCGREEVY: Yes. MR. HERMAN: Yes. That would be all in the newly set elevation on the side of the house. TRUSTEE BERGEN: CAC had asked if there was a drainage issue with that pond. MR. MCGREEVY: That would have been the case, Dave, with the present topography. With them changing the level of the ground there, it doesn't cause a problem. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Okay, great. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Any other comment? (No response.) I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I'll make a motion to approve En-Consultants on behalf of Jaime and Nancy Santiago for a Wetland Permit to demolish and remove an existing two-and-a-half story dwelling and appurtenances including a tennis court and construct in new, landward location a two-story, one-family dwelling with attached Board of Trustees 90 June 20, 2007 porch, patio, deck, pergola and other associated appurtenances, including an inground swimming pool; install a drainage system of drywells with incorporated concrete retaining wall; erect a fence; install a fish pond; and truck in approximately 26 cubic yards clean sand fill to be incorporated into the cut and fill operations required to achieve proposed grades as depicted on the plans dated received April 25, 2007. MR. HERMAN: Jill, do you want to make the site plan date the one I gave you in the field and I can give Lauren additional copies? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. MR. HERMAN: The date was May 22. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: May 22. Okay. As depicted on the site plan of May 22, which includes gutters, leaders, drywells; and a line of hay bales; 15 foot, non-turf buffer. I think staked hay bales during construction, 15-foot non-turf buffer. That would bring it into consistency see with LWRP. MR. HERMAN: Jill, sorry, I will have to give you your revised plan to show the 15-foot, non-turf buffer because actually it doesn't show that now. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It shows it to on these plans. MR. HERMAN: Is it? This got omitted from, when they added the houses. Let me just give you one that shows both. I thought we had it but I was looking at it and it wasn't there. So I'll just need to give you a revised plans that show that buffer and I want the plans to show the adjoining houses. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: All right. MR. HERMAN: That's not a big deal. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And I'm just trying to think how I want to word the trees that you wanted to cut to grade. The trees that are marked along the bluff line that the roots are showing down the bluff can be cut to grade. MR. HERMAN: Do you want to just arrange to have a Trustee inspection with the contractor before the work is done. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I was going to volunteer. I can do that since I'm right there. MR. HERMAN: That way no one has any problems. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's what I was just saying with inspection. So we'll have Trustee Bergen can inspect before that happens. And also I would like to see an application applied for in the next three months for the planting, replanting of the bluff. Did I miss anything? (No response.) That's it. That's my motion. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) Board of Trustees 91 June 20, 2007 MR. ZIZZI: Jim Zizzi, for the applicant. On your approval of the Parks wall, retaining wall, that is parallel to the bluff, I believe there was a perpendicular wall also that was approved with it. And it was, I believe dependent on this application. Will that wall now be subject to removal so there is a continuous level plain between the two properties? And I don't know if have you some type of reverter to take that away from that application. Because I understood we brought in this application so you could see how they were planning this that you wanted a parallel, another perpendicular wall to the bluff. MR. HERMAN: What Jim is referring to, there was a wall approved on the Parks application that was put in, as we understood it, as a contingency, if Santiago didn't do this. If he didn't have an engineer come in. It should be one wall that shared. MR. ZIZZI: And it's going to cause a problem logistically, and I think we were all aware of the fact it was going to be removed but they were required to put it there because their plans shows it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Parks has to ask for an amendment to the permit, I guess. Right? That was part of their permit that was granted to Parks. So, help me out Lori, would they now have to come in and request an amendment to their permit? MS. MONTEFUSCO: They have to come in and request a permit. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Or they could just elect not to build the wall. MR. ZIZZI: Because the idea was for us to contiguously have that wall. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: They can elect not to build the wall. MR. ZIZZI: Because we are just looking for some guidance how to eliminate it. Okay. Thank you. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: En-Consultants on behalf of WILLIAM & JOANNE TURNBULL requests a Wetland Permit to partially demolish an existing one-story, one-family dwelling for the purpose of renovating and constructing a two-story, one-family dwelling wherein proposed expansion of the existing dwelling shall be situated partially upon and partially beyond existing foundation walls and all seaward expansion shall occur over and in place of the existing wood deck; construct 1 Ox13 foot addition to existing deck; construct 20x37 foot inground swimming pool, masonry pool patio, and 8x12 foot shed; and install a new sanitary system, public water service line, drainage system of drywells, pool drywell, outside shower, and pool enclosing fence. Located: 54005 North Road, Southold. This is up by town beach. Is there anyone here who would like to address this application? MR. HERMAN: Rob Herman on behalf of the applicants, the Turnbull's. Also Mel Gonzalez, the project architect is here. Board of Trustees 92 June 20, 2007 I need to review a little bit of the history of this application. Some of the Board members have seen this before in a slightly different version but didn't formally speak to it. In September of '05, we had come before the Board with a proposed expansion of the deck that is seaward of the existing dwelling. At that time the Board's jurisdiction was limited to 100 feet from Long Island Sound. We had come in with a proposed expansion of 14-and-a-half feet by 19 feet, and part of that expansion was seaward of the coastal erosion line. The Turnbull's agreed pursuant to the Board's request to cut that back to 14-and-a-half by 12-and-a-half feet so that it was entirely landward of the coastal erosion boundary. The rest of the project is very similar to what you see now but was out of your jurisdiction, and that original project would have added northerly and easterly expansions to the existing dwelling, plus the pool and accessory shed that are shown on the current plan. After receiving the Board's approval for the deck which was in part an approval and in part a non-jurisdiction determination, and a non-jurisdiction determination from the DEC, and a permit from the Health Department, a couple of things happened. The code changed and increased the Board's jurisdiction to 100 feet from crest of bluffs and the Turnbull's also worked with Mil Gonzalez to revamp the design of this thing in a way that would create a slightly smaller house in terms not from what is existing but from what had been originally proposed to a reduction of the easterly expansion. But the primarily difference, instead of being just a pure addition to the existing house, it became a partial reconstruction of the existing dwelling over the existing footprint but also continuing out beyond that footprint. So you would have one entirely new dwelling as opposed to just additions to an existing dwelling. As part of that redesign, the size of the deck expansion shrank again a little bit from the 14.5 x12.5 that had been approved by the Board to 13x1 O. And again, the overall footprint of what would have been the resultant dwelling is a little bit smaller than what the Board did not have to review last time. In terms of overall project, the seaward expansion of the dwell would occur entirely over the existing deck footprint and the rest of the expansion that is over virgin ground, if you will, is either in line or landward of the existing house or over the existing foundation. So the only seaward expansion is really just replacing deck with dwelling. You'll of course get an inconsistency determination pursuant to LWRP because we don't meet the 100 foot setback with the proposed work. 100 foot setback here actually puts you on the Board of Trustees 93 June 20, 2007 highway, so we can't possibly meet that setback here. We are constrained not only by the bluff but of course by lot size, the proximity of the existing house to North Highway and also the existing topography of the site where you have that pretty sharp slope running from the existing house down toward the highway. So what we had proposed as part of the original project, of course, is an upgraded sanitary system that is located up on the highway side of the house proposing a drainage system of drywells to capture and recharge roof runoff and of course there is a pool drywell proposed to catch pool backwash. After your field inspection we spoke briefly in terms of trying to mitigate this a little bit more in terms of what we might be able to do in terms of a rotation, perhaps, of the proposed swimming pool, and some sort of modification to some of the existing deck area. I think more importantly what you are trying to do is establish some sort of non-turf buffer adjacent to the bluff crest. What I asked, I assume the Board saw the stakes for the swimming pool. What we asked Mel Gonzalez to do, since we spoke to the field, and Mel, if you could bring up your drawings, we asked him to actually plot out on a site plan where the existing line of clearing ends, where the lawn is relative to where the existing vegetation is so that we could try to plot out where we could establish additional plantings and additional non-turf buffer, in addition to the vegetation that exists. So in effect we are looking for some more guidance from the Board just in light of that sketch, what its thoughts might be in terms of a partial rotation of the pool. Obviously we are constrained. Right now the pool so proposed in a way that would conform to zoning and of course the Turnbull's, they would like the pool here in a constrained lot, but also don't want it right on top of the highway. So we could, given that the tightest bluff setback is over on the westerly side of the proposed pool, I think that's what Jill had pointed out when we spoke briefly about it, was that if that pool be shifted to some degree on that southerly end back to the east, you would increase where the setback is currently the narrowest and I think that's the area where we could actually maximize a non-turf buffer in place of what is existing lawn. I think the overall sell here is that you are, I mean with the addition of the, exception of the pool just as an additional accessory, in terms of the house you are not getting a tremendous difference from what is there relative to what is already covered by structure. And if we could get rid of a little bit of that structure that is closer to the crest of the bluff, which we talked about in the field, and get a decent non-turf buffer established Board of Trustees 94 June 20, 2007 and improve the drainage capability of the site and septic treatment, et cetera, we would probably get an overall improvement to the ecological condition of the site without any real drastic change in the developed nature of the site. Obviously, this is not a site where we really can move the house back nor do I think it would be desirable to move the house, you know, on to the highway. And it terms of the seaward expansion, we are over existing footprint and we are willing to try to work some mitigation to make that an approvable trade. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Well, you were right, LWRP did find it inconsistent for the very reasons you mentioned. CAC did not see it so they didn't make any recommendation on this. You addressed, you already addressed the concerns we spoke about in the field with the field inspection. Are there any comments, any other comments from the audience? Any comment or questions from the Board? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Rob, you had spoken about putting on the neighboring structure, dwelling. My recollection is that this house already exists ahead of, seaward of the house to the east. But I don't -- that would be one of my concerns that, as it is already, it's ahead of the east, the house to the east, and the proposal is to go more seaward. MR. HERMAN: The only reason I didn't look at that here, Peggy, is only because it's not, in those other applications we were really proposing a complete demolition and abandonment of the existing structures in favor of entirely new dwellings that were substantially larger and had room to some extent to move back. I mean in terms of any viewshed coming from the east, one thing we did do, we have never, the adjacent owners have been noticed now, twice. We did actually move, we tightened up the easterly expansion of what, again, the portions that you see that are outside the scope of the existing foundation had been proposed as additions. They are not proposed just as expansion with a new house. The easterly expansion you were talking about was cut back away from the property line. I think we had a ten or ten-and-a-half foot setback that had been proposed that now ranges from 12.5 to 14 feet. Bill, I don't know if you have spoken to the neighbor about it. I don't know if the Board received any. We have not gotten any comments from. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I know standing in front of the existing house as it is, that it was protruding out further. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Were you going to cut back the existing deck that you talked about? MR. HERMAN: That was one of the things we discussed with the Turnbull's and trying to line this up a bit. We talked about, Board of Trustees 95 June 20, 2007 first of all, this is an easy section to narrow up right here. Because you want to just lay the pathway here. But maybe coming back so you are in line, again, this was out here. It came back here, now it's back here. Perhaps run a line across and you know even have a partial rounding or something of this so that you keep this same lineup there, and that would get rid of this section of deck here where we could establish this as a non-turf buffer and get some more plantings in here and cut back some of this square footage from the bluff. And this obviously is a legally pre-existing structure that they would be willing to try to do some shaving on in exchange for allowing this bay window step out here. This sectiOn of the bay window. So I mean what we could do is, Mel could draft something that would show some sort of reconfiguration of that outer area. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Would this decking here, is this necessary, is it a living area? MR. GONZALEZ: This is a roofed over area right now. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: This is like a corner patio. MR. HERMAN: Yes, same here. MR. GONZALEZ: I have the drawings and elevations if the Board is interested in seeing it. I don't know if it's necessary. MR. HERMAN: I think we would be agreeable doing something along those lines. We just wanted, before we changed something formally, just wanted to make sure the Board was still thinking along the same lines as what was mentioned in the field in terms of that. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: What would a non-turf buffer be in terms of the crest of the bluff? MR. HERMAN: It would almost have to vary, Bob. Because if you look at the drawing -- MR. GONZALEZ: If I may. I had the opportunity to go out there this weekend on Sunday and I took some field measurements and as you can see on the photographs, they are designated on the site plan, A,B,C and D, the direction of the photos. You'll see that the stakes are indicated on the site plan. Stake number one is approximately right on the line of the edge of the established plantings. Stake number two is approximately 13 feet from the edge of the plantings. Stake number three is approximately 17 feet and the fourth stake is roughly about 20'4" perpendicular to the bluff and on a slight angle heading easterly, approximately 28'2". This is a sketch of my field notes based on what we have projected on this particular site plan. So stake one, two, three and four as such, is being, this being the corner of the building, right here. This is a reference point, and what I have done is indicated the limits of the established plantings along the edge of the bluff. So this way we can give you an idea as far as the non-turf buffer what you are Board of Trustees 96 June 20, 2007 looking to see in that particular area. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: So in some areas it's almost 30 feet into the non-turf buffer. MR. HERMAN: You almost have to split the difference. Where you have 20 feet, you could have a 10 foot buffer. You give up 50%. Where it's 13 feet, you have six feet. I mean you can't lose all of the lawn. MR. GONZALEZ: That's the idea you had discussed out in the field, that being the possibility, not necessarily the shifting of the pool but perhaps the combination of both, perhaps shifting and rotating ever so slightly. We have to be cognizant of the fact that at the moment we are in the required setback in the front and I know the Turnbull's are opposed to bringing it too close to North Road, so what we would like to is kind of ease that off a little bit so we can create this non-turf buffer without necessarily encroaching too dramatically into the front yard setback. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Would the Board the want to see this restaked and go out and take another look at it, showing the pool rotated? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I don't know if we need to go out and look at it again. I would like to see it -- MR. HERMAN: We would have to give you some revised plans. MR. GONZALEZ: I could certainly show that on the plan. I think what we are here to establish is some sort of guideline or some sort of direction as to the depth of that non-turf buffer so that this way I can indicate something so that we are not kind of guessing at what you would we would like to see. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I have no problem with the pool. MR. GONZALEZ: This is what we were talking about as far as the field notes as it relates to that. TRUSTEE KING: Rob, can we get the cesspools out of our jurisdiction? MR. HERMAN: I don't think so unless they put them in the road, Jim. That was part of the problem. It's close. We may be able to get them shifted farther. TRUSTEE KING: If we could tuck them in. MR. HERMAN: It's the same elevation out to a distance about six or seven feet from the road. We have to stay almost that far from the roadway under the Health Department code but we might be able to extend that waste line and actually push that system farther south. Again, originally, this may have been an oversight concentrating on everything else but originally, with DEC and you guys out of it, it was never really an issue. But that is something else we could definitely offer to improve the overall mitigation here. I would have to talk to John Ehlers. But I don't think that's a problem. Board of Trustees 97 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think we should probably table this and get the revised plans. TRUSTEE KING: Are we going to try and tip that pool a little bit? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's what he's saying, rotate that a little bit MR. HERMAN: And what is interesting, Jim, is I think the Health Department would not modify their approval until we had received the modified approval from you all. So the window is wide open to change that septic and ask them for their okay so that we can get an approval from you for that, I think they would sign off on it. I don't see any other constraints because it's public water up here; it neighbors on public water. I think we could probably do it. TRUSTEE KING: That would be helpful. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Basically we talked about shifting the pool and making the non-disturbance buffer wider, and septic out of our jurisdiction. And I would like to see the existing wood deck cut back as far as you can. MR. HERMAN: Yes. I think the Turnbull's are most reluctant to do away with much of that deck. Let me see if I could work with them and get Mel to get you something that you could agree to. I think the rest of the stuff there is not a problem. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay, if you could come up -- MR. HERMAN: Maybe we could do enough with the buffer to minimize the deck. Let us come up with something and we'll hold it off to July. But I'll have the stuff submitted to you prior to your field inspections in July, so if you find it agreeable we'll know that, keep all these folks home, and if not, you can let me know and we can try to discuss it ahead of time. Sounds good. Thank you TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Comments or questions? (No response.) I'll make a motion to table this application to next month. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (ALL AYES.) TRUSTEE KI NG: 24, Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of TOM & JULIA FITZPATRICK requests a Wetland Permit to clear and maintain a 4x55 foot mowed footpath through the high marsh area leading to a 4x16 foot ramp up to a 4x26 foot fixed dock section with a 32"x20' seasonal aluminum ramp onto a 6x20 foot seasonal floating dock secured by two (2) two-pile eight inch diameter pilings, and construct a canoe and kayak storage rack. Located: 1030 Clearview Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KING: Is there anybody here to speak on behalf of this application? CAC did not make an inspection. LWRP found this inconsistent because under New York State Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Board of Trustees 98 June 20, 2007 It was quite a long narrative. Okay, John, explain to us what we are doing here. MR. COSTEllO: Well, my name is John Costello, of Costello Marine Contracting. We are the agent for the application of Tom and Julia Fitzpatrick. We originally made the application similar to this with a structure at the same point. It was advised by this Board that we continue over the wetland and extend a catwalk approximately 125 feet further inland after Mr. King and Mr. Hamilton met on site. They want the structure to be exactly this size. It was staked on site and they will allow the wetland to, a path through the wetland to be walked and the Fitzpatrick's did not want to mow or cut the wetlands for the 125 feet so we angled it back to a 55 foot area to the shortest portion so that we could maintain the shortest way. In order to provide for the kayak and canoe that they own, we asked to install four locust posts and some frame so they could elevate the canoe and kayak and leave it out there so they didn't have to drag it through the wetlands. We have a letter from the does. We don't have the DEC permit. We have a letter from the DEC saying that if we design it this way, the technical staff, which I believe is Mr. Hamilton, will approve the project. TRUSTEE KING: So we never issued a permit for anything here? thought we issued a permit for the catwalk, for the dock. MR. COSTEllO: No, you talked about it. You said you would issue a permit but we had to modify the permit and when we did modify the drawing, we came back to get the permit, and then it was modified by yourself and Mr. Hamilton again. That's why we are here. TRUSTEE KING: I thought we voted on a permit for this, I'm sure we did. MR. COSTEllO: It was verbally approved that we get the drawings to you. But the only thing that altered was instead of walking through the entire high marsh and maintaining a cut pathway through the marsh, we minimized it to a 55 foot -- TRUSTEE KING: I know we voted on it (Perusing). TRUSTEE BERGEN: Was it voted subject to plans being submitted? MR. COSTEllO: Yes, you did. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Submit plans with catwalk ten foot landward of marsh. TRUSTEE KING: Because I met with you out there. MR. COSTEllO: You AND Mr. Hamilton met with me. We staked it but instead of what was recommended by yourself and Mr. Hamilton, the Board met in a work session and said we should apply and make a submittal showing the catwalk all the way inland. Yourself and Mr. Hamilton said you would like to shorten that. So it was up to me having the proper drawings submitted. That was all. TRUSTEE KING: John, couldn't you put the rack for the kayak there Board of Trustees 99 June 20, 2007 on the catwalk? Wouldn't that be easier if it was on the side of the catwalk? MR. COSTEllO: It's just getting out where the tide comes up all the time. That's all. We are trying to get it just inboard of the tide. It's four posts that will be dug in. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: As opposed to digging into the marsh, attach it to the side of the catwalk. We have seen multiple times -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Hang it on the pilings of the catwalk. MR. COSTEllO: Why I would be hesitant to do that is the number of pilings that we are trying to use in the dock, we are not trying to use, you know, four-pile dock. It's a four-foot wide. We are just trying to use the two pilings. We are trying to minimize the structure. That's all. You are putting a lot on it. There is, you know, 4x4s and six-inch piling. It's a minimum size. And, again, the locust post, the only shading or whatever is going to be -- TRUSTEE KING: I thought it would be more convenient to have the rack on the side of the catwalk. MR. COSTEllO: You have to get it through the piling then. You have to take it off. You have to take the boat off, go back to the ramp and then run it, and walk it up that way. I mean it's just a design. Do you see where it's located? What I recommend that it be located. Just inboard of the ramp way. So you are right there. You walk it up the ramp. We tried to, design wise, minimize the structure. That's all. TRUSTEE BERGEN: What was suggested, as I recall, was people who walked through the marsh to get to the catwalk. TRUSTEE KING: Bob, I think the argument, this would do less damage than putting in a catwalk. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: And I disagreed. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I disagreed with it also. TRUSTEE KING: Is this going to be decked over catwalk or open grate? MR. COSTEllO: It's going to be open. Well, it's going to have two timbers. There is a cross-section of it. It's just two timbers on four locust posts. It's open. TRUSTEE KING: You are showing two-inch decking. MR. COSTEllO: It's going to be five quarter. It will be untreated. TRUSTEE KING: I thought we talked about open grated. I don't know why I'm losing it here. It must be the hour. MR. COSTEllO: It was mentioned and I believe I talked the Board out of it. You wanted all untreated material, as much as possible. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: (Perusing.) We have never permitted mowing of the marsh. I don't see how it improves anything when you walk across something to begin with. And I would rather see the kayak Board of Trustees 100 June 20, 2007 rack somehow how implemented on the catwalk because we have seen many, multiple times, seen them and it would eliminate having to disturb any of the marsh area. That's my feeling. MR. COSTEllO: I intend to minimize it. We are not going jet it in. We are going to dig it in. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: When you have an option of something that has been done, we have seen it, it's not in the marsh. MR. COSTEllO: You have to walk over it. But if I can't get the permit. I'm trying to minimize it and trying to minimize the structure. You are right, Peg, I agree with you. I have an approval from the DEC as recently as a couple of weeks ago for 475 foot, four foot wide catwalk over the wetland so you don't walk through it. But that's neither here nor there. It's an approval. They gave it to us. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I know what you are saying. MR. COSTEllO: But if you want, we'll try it. If it doesn't work, we'll be back. You know. MR. MCGREEVY: Did the DEC knock the catwalk going over the marshland MR. COSTEllO: Well, it was advised it would have less impact by walking and mowing it than by adding a bunch of structure to it. MR. MCGREEVY: What you just said contradicted -- MR. COSTEllO: It's different people in the DEC. It's not a regulation. But that's okay. It's different applications. I have been denied because a dock doesn't have four foot of water and gotten approval last week of one in 2.6 feet of water. MR. MCGREEVY: So that's the stumbling block with the DEC. MR. COSTEllO: It's not a stumbling block. The owner is agreeing to build a minimum structure. If it doesn't work we'll have to come back and go back to both agencies. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I would rather see the catwalk go all the way. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: At this point that's not what the application is for. MR. COSTEllO: I'm afraid the DEC will deny it. The other thing is I asked the last meeting, at that, asked -- forget the catwalk, the entire catwalk, for the Trustees, but I'll have to go to the DEC, which is less than what this approves but it allows me to go to the DEC and say, how about it. You know, I can't -- but it is less structure, so it has less impact. MR. MCGREEVY: Jim, on this original, I would not say the original, but I did the inspection a while back on this property and I spoke with the owner. Now, the CAC thought it would be less of an environmental impact by having that straight run of the catwalk going out over the marshland and in speaking to the owner at the Board of Trustees 101 June 20, 2007 time, he was all for it. Even though it was additional expense, he was all for that instead of walking through the marsh. And the CAC thought that would be the best way to go. TRUSTEE KING: Right now that's history. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Now we have a different application in front of us. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You could close the hearing and think it over, Peg. TRUSTEE KING: We have to move on. We'll close the hearing. MR. COSTEllO: If you want, I'll read a brief letter from the DEC into the record, if you don't mind. TRUSTEE KING: Go ahead. MR. COSTEllO: Department technical staff has reviewed the above reference application for a tidal wetland permit to install a catwalk, ramp, float and piling, and has the following comment. The project is not approvable as proposed as it bisects the large high marsh area. The department will approve a catwalk ramping up beginning at the landward edge of the intertidal marsh and proceeding over the intertidal marsh to a ramp and float as proposed. To access the dock we will authorize a 4x55 foot mowed foot path in the same location as the portion of the catwalk that will be eliminated. We have enclosed a copy of the site plan indicating what will be approved. I mean, but that is an office that is Darlene Jipino (sic) who is in the office. Not the technical staff. That's why the drawing was resubmitted. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Seeing what he said, I would be inclined to approve that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Why don't we close the hearing, reserve decision and maybe get a copy of that letter and talk to the DEC about it and tell them our concerns over it. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It's a terrible precedent, to mow. MR. COSTEllO: Can I make a suggestion before you close the hearing. We won't mow the marsh. Approve what the DEC will approve, and we won't go mowing marsh but we'll walk through that 55 foot area instead of the 195 foot area. At least, then we can try to get, persuade the DEC to go that way. MR. MCGREEVY: Using that other example you gave as the precedent. MR. COSTEllO: At least I have a portion that is built and usable and we can do whatever later. But if we are told no, at least we have a usable spot for the boat. TRUSTEE BERGEN: So you are talking about amending the permit application to remove the requested 4x55 foot mowed foot path. MR. COSTEllO: Just the mowed. The path will be there. That's where they'll try to minimize walking through the wetland. But we won't mow it. Board of Trustees 102 June 20, 2007 MR. MCGREEVY: Would the owner be amenable later to the additional expense in extending that? MR. COSTEllO: I believe so. He said at one time, yes. MR. MCGREEVY: I got had a impression, too. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I would be amenable to that with the canoe and kayak storage rack not being a separate structure, but with them as suggested, because we have seen them in the field just on PVC pipes on the side, sitting on PVC pipes. MR. COSTEllO: I'll relocate the kayak rack on the ramp area so you don't have to -- so you get it on to the dock. TRUSTEE KING: What do we do about the inconsistency? TRUSTEE DOHERTY: I think by changing that saying no mow and moving the rack. TRUSTEE KING: All right. I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) I'll make a motion to approve the application of Tom and Julia Fitzpatrick. Clear and maintain the 4x55 foot path through the high marsh area leading to a 4x16 foot ramp up to a 4x26 foot fixed dock section with 32"x20' seasonal aluminum ramp onto a 6x20 foot seasonal floating dock secured by two -- can we just make two eight-inch piles? MR. COSTEllO: I would rather personally, I need the two pile. Only because I can't get in there with a barge to put in a very, very long piling that would stay or they'll be pulled out each year by the ice. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'm fine with it. TRUSTEE KING: All right, stay with it. (2) two-pile, eight-inch pilings; construct canoe and kayak storage rack on the sides of the fixed catwalk. There will be no mowing of the access path in the marsh. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) MR. COSTEllO: Thank you. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Number 25, Costello Marine, Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of VINCENT & EilEEN FLAHERTY requests a Wetland Permit to remove and replace inlike/inplace existing 42' of bulkhead, 6x11 foot ramp, 12x14 foot fixed dock, 32"x8' seasonal aluminum ramp and 6x20 foot seasonal floating dock. located: 177 Inlet Way, Southold. Is there anyone here to speak on behalf of this application? MR. COSTEllO: My name is John Costello, we are the agents for the applicant, Vincent and Eileen Flaherty.. Board of Trustees 103 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: CAC did not make an inspection. Therefore there is no recommendation from them. It was found inconsistent under the lWRP, number one, because located in critical environmental area, that being Cedar Beach Creek; materials to construct a dock include the use of CCA; and the applicant has not demonstrated the following standards construction had been met and they listed all 12 standards. So. We went out and looked at this. And with the dock had a question regarding, is this a total remove and replace; specifically are all the pilings going to be taken out and all new pilings put back in? MR. COSTEllO: No, we are going to reuse all the existing pilings that are there in the dock. We'll reframe it. The framing is bad, but we are going to re-frame it and re-deck it and the pipes that are on securing the float in position are going to be replaced with new pipes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: The reason I asked is because the unusual size of the deck out there. If they were, all the pilings were going to be removed, I would recommend reducing the size of that deck. I would not make that recommendation with the reuse of these pilings because it will be do less environmental damage to leave all these pilings in than it would be to remove all those and shoot new ones all in. The material for the decking is going to be untreated lumber? MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Thank you. That will address the lWRP consistency MR. COSTEllO: And the existing bulkhead, which is basically CCA, is going to be vinyl. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Okay. You are ahead of me. That was my next question. TRUSTEE BERGEN: In other words it's not inlike replacement. It's inkind replacement using vinyl. The ramp currently was aluminum, I believe. MR. COSTEllO: Yes, they have the ramp on site now. TRUSTEE BERGEN: The ramp was off to the side there. They'll just replace that with the exact same? MR. COSTEllO: No, they'll re-use the same ramp. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Great. Is there anybody else who would like to comment on this application? (No response.) Any comments from the Board on this application? (No response.) If not, I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) Board of Trustees 104 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE BERGEN: I'll make a motion to approve the application of Costello Marine on behalf of Vincent and Eileen Flaherty with the stipulation being none treated lumber used for the decking replacement that is being done and that there will be vinyl used in the bulkheading. In doing so this will mitigate the inconsistency and bring it into consistency tee with the lWRP. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll combine 26 and 27, since they are actions immediately next door to each other. Number 26 is the WICKHAM FAMilY, llC C/O BARNABY WICKHAM requests a Wetland Permit to construct 105 feet of rock revetment consisting of 1-1 1/2 ton rock on 25-50 hard course stone foundation and filter cloth base. located: 5005 New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk. And number 27, PARNEl WICKHAM requests a Wetland Permit to construct 125 feet of rock revetment consisting of 1-1 1/2 ton rock on 25-50 pound hard course stone foundation and filter cloth base. located: 4299 New Suffolk Road, New Suffolk. Both of these applicants being represented by Costello Marine Contracting. Is there anyone here who would like to speak to either of these applications? MR. COSTEllO: Yes, my name is John Costello. We represent both Wickham applications. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I believe the Board has looked at both of these a couple of times over the last month or two. Is there anyone else here who would like to speak for or against this application? (No response.) John, the thing we have been asking for and as the Peconic Estuary program suggests is plantings between the seaward side of some, after the rock revetment is put in, put some beach grass interspersed between some of the rocks just to try to get some started to hopefully reduce the amount of the removal of sand from wave action. MR. COSTEllO: We'll that. We do that anyway as part of this because we had some very good luck with it, American Beach grass. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That was the only suggestion from our field notes. CAC supports the application with the condition a master plan is created for the entire area. Both of these applications are consistent with lWRP. Jack, did you want to comment on your CAC recommendation? MR. MCGREEVY: That was a proposal by I think Don Wilder who inspected that property. I wasn't on this site so that was his Board of Trustees 105 June 20, 2007 suggestion that a master plan be put together since they were adjacent properties. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I see, a master plan of the two. Which they will be, correct, John? MR. COSTEllO: Yes, it will be consistent and in line. And they adjoin one other property that already has a small rock revetment. TRUSTEE BERGEN: John, I needed some clarification because I was confused when I looked at this property. I understand Parnel Wickham's property, there are three Wickham properties there together. You have Parnel's in the middle, then there is one to the north and one to the south. And I thought this was Parnel's and the one to the north is being done. But it looks like here this is Parnel's and one to the south is being done. MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: What about the one to the north that also, the Wickham's have not said anything about that? Because that one was eroded even worse than the other two. MR. COSTEllO: They haven't approach me. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I wanted to clarify that, because I was confused. I thought it was the Parnel's and the property to the north. MR. COSTEllO: It joins the south existing rock revetment. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It will join Suter's. MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to close the public hearing. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve both applications for rock revetment for the Wickham family, Parnel and Barnaby Wickham with the stipulation that plantings be put in between the revetment rocks in both applications. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Number 28, Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of DONALD HYMANS requests a Wetland Permit to excavate eight to nine feet back from face of existing bulkhead, remove existing tie-rods and T&G bulkhead sheathing; install new C-loc 4500 vinyl sheathing inplace to replace existing; install new tie rods inlike/inplace; construct ten feet of new bulkhead extension to existing west bulkhead return; backfill excavation and regrade area. located: 1050 Blue Marlin Drive, Southold. This is exempt from lWRP. And CAC did not make an inspection. Is there anyone here to speak on behalf of this application? Board of Trustees 106 June 20, 2007 MR. COSTEllO: Again, my name is still John Costello. We are agents for the applicant. The bulkhead replacement will be exactly the same position and is going to be vinyl and we are, the only difference is we are extending the west return an additional ten feet because it seems to be washing out on that one end. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: You have on the plans a set of stairs but it's not in the description. MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: What's the width of the stairs proposed? MR. COSTEllO: It will be less than four feet in width on the stairway. So they'll be a handrail on one side. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Okay. looking at the picture, in the notes it says 15 foot non-turf buffer, but it's all, it's got a buffer already. It's all vegetated, isn't it? MR. COSTEllO: Yes, it is. It's all vegetated. But when we are done there, we will be excavating, you know, whatever we excavate will probably just remain in that same vegetated state. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: All right. So we just want that maintained. Is there any other comment? (No response.) From the Board? (No response.) Make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Motion to approve Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Donald Hymans for a Wetland Permit to excavate eight to nine foot back from face of existing bulkhead, remove existing tie rods and T&G bulkhead sheathing; install new C-loc 4500 vinyl sheathing in place to replace existing; install new tie rods inlike/inplace; construct ten foot of new bulkhead extension to existing west bulkhead return; backfill excavation and regrade area; also set of stairs that will be less than four feet in width and the area disturbed will be replanted and a 15-foot non-turf buffer will be maintained. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) MR. COSTEllO: There is stairs on the existing bulkhead. It will be the same steps. MS. STANDISH: Can you give us a new plan showing the buffer so we could stamp it? MR. COSTEllO: Anything we disturb we'll replant with beach grass, probably. But the photograph shows it's, one end of it is -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It shows the area of excavation that says eight to nine feet, and we want 15. If you could just draw ON the plans a Board of Trustees 107 June 20, 2007 15-foot buffer and get that back to us. MR. COSTELLO: It will probably be about a 12-foot buffer but we will be backing sand and fill on the edge of the vegetation and we'll revegetate it. There is no lawn. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We just want that drawn on the plan. As soon as we get that in, we'll stamp that. Just so it's on there. Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: Number 29, Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of JILL & CAROL RIDINI requests a Wetland Permit to construct 155 foot of new bulkhead immediately in front of existing; remove existing stairway to beach, repair as needed, and reinstall after new bulkhead construction is completed; construct 10.10.25 foot extension to existing wooden deck; remove existing wing retaining wall and construct 43 feet of new eight foot high retaining wall and 150 feet of new five foot high retaining wall; revegetate areas behind walls with Cape American Beachgrass planted 12 inches on center; repair existing stairway up bank as needed, inplace; install concrete catch basin at top of bank on southwest corner of property; construct a 3x104 foot fixed dock with stairways to beach; and install two ten-inch diameter mooring pilings. located: 805 West Road, Cutchogue. Is there anybody here to comment on this application? MR. COSTEllO: My name is John Costello, we are the agents for Jill and Carol Ridini on this application. TRUSTEE KING: CAC supports the application to construct new bulkhead stairs and deck and retaining wall. It did not support the application to construct 3x1 04 foot fixed dock with stairways to beach and install two ten-inch diameter mooring piles. lWRP found this inconsistent. The proposed dock is located in Cutchogue Harbor which is in the New York State Designated Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Quite a bit of -- 2004 aerial shows within the Cutchogue Harbor Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat Area, seven of the 57 waterfront parcels, 12% contain docks. See attached aerial. I'll just read some of this. Proposed action is for private recreational use and will not support a pattern of development that enhances community character nor preserves public open space. Additionally, the applicant does not propose sufficient mitigative design and construction best management practices that will minimize adverse effect of the action on the environment. Scenic viewshed of use of public water or lands to the greatest extent possible. The use of the dock must be identified, installation of the proposed dock introduce boat traffic in areas of shallow water depths which could lead to the following negative impacts, impacts to submerged aquatic vegetation, contamination of field discharge, suspension of bottom Board of Trustees 108 June 20, 2007 sediments and turbidity, physical loss of marine habitat. The proposed action will result in a physical loss of ecological components. Maybe we should talk about the bulkhead first. TRUSTEE BERGEN: John, this application had a retaining wall bulkhead so to speak in the middle of the bluff. MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: It's a very well vegetated bluff and the Board looked at that and wondered what is the need for this, because it looks like it's very heavily vegetated, there are no erosion issues there, and we didn't see, we questioned the need for this additional structure and this additional secondary bulkhead. MR. COSTEllO: Well, they just wanted to terrace it because by terracing it, you can actually utilize the area better if it's terraced. As you could see, the vegetation on this bluff, it is not eroded. The only spots it's eroded is through the collapse of the main lower bulkhead. But, if you do terrace it, it certainly gives you more utilization of the property. That's all. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Because there is a wall up on top of the bluff, as I recall. MR. COSTEllO: Yes. TRUSTEE BERGEN: So there is a wall there that acts as a retaining wall, then you have the bulkhead. MR. COSTEllO: They wanted to replace the upper one, basically. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll just say, while Jim is looking over that, that I have no problem with the bulkhead. TRUSTEE KING: This sheathing is going in front of the bulkhead, John? MR. COSTEllO: Yes, we'll take the piling off and put the sheathing and it will be elevated by two inches. That's all. And we are going to use vinyl for the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I would not be inclined to approve a dock in this area. The lWRP has many reasons listed but, the pristine shoreline in this area, the wildlife habitat. MR. COSTEllO: It's not pristine because there is a dock right next door. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: There are two docks there, and we have come a long way and changes are being made. MR. COSTEllO: But it's not pristine. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: If you look to the east it is. Anyway, so the bulkhead is something I have no problem with and would have no problem approving. But the dock and mooring pilings, I would. MR. COSTEllO: If I could show you one thing. I can't give you this because it's the only copy that I have. But there was a dock on this site. It was three foot. It was a duplicate of the neighboring dock. It was three foot by 104 feet. It is not there now. Board of Trustees 109 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: And that was 1967. MR. COSTEllO: It was. The good old days. But it was, and it's a duplicate and he said, you know, I would like to have a dock. And we also told him that it was going to be, how easy it was going to be to get it. But there was one there on that property. TRUSTEE KING: It's history. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I would like to comment on the dock. With all due respect to Mr. Terry, who did the lWRP evaluation, that's one person, and his opinion of how the lWRP matches this site. I also went out and looked at that and I agree there are two docks there, already, immediately to the south. This dock does not extend out beyond either of those docks, so it is not a hazard to navigation. This dock includes the use of steps so that the public would be able to continue along the beach. This dock is, there is no eel grass, there will not be in harm, in my opinion, to the marine environment out there. It's not going to be a hazard to navigation because it doesn't stick out as far as the other docks. And there is a history of docks in this area. From myself self, personally, I think that this dock is okay, as long as we are using non-treated lumber and using best management practices in installing the dock. So that's my opinion on this dock. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I want to comment on that because it's something that has come up many times before and we say it with houses and we say it with docks, that because there is a dock there, the next person should get a dock, and then the next person down this pristine beach says well there is a dock to my right and now I deserve a dock. And what ends up happening is it's a domino effect. And a pristine beach that had two docks from the 1960s when we didn't know as much as we do now, now as migrated to the extent that there are those of us that don't feel that's what we want in the year 2007. So I don't think that saying because there are other docks existing that that should justify another dock. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I just use that as one of multiple factors that I discussed there. MR. COSTEllO: I would like just somebody to come up and tell me the detriment of docks. Because it does have a growth column. I mean there are some detriments, and I could name some of them, but everybody pretends they are a real bad thing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It's not so much the individual. It's the culmination and the cumulative effect. And that's where we are right now. We are at a point where we can say we feel that it needs to stop somewhere and someone has to say this is the time. And it's not the one piling and it's not your past dock or the next dock. It's the culmination of it that eventually at some point when do you say no more. And that culmination docks will make a change. Board of Trustees 110 June 20, 2007 MR. COSTEllO: I don't want to get into an argument but there used to be a lot more docks when they had less ways to travel. There was a lot more boating and that way when you had to bring in ships and whatnot but, you know, those days are dead. Now there is just too much money, and people want and people want. That's more of the problem. TRUSTEE KING: I agree with Peg. There are few docks here. It's a pretty open spot. It can't keep going on and just keep building. MR. COSTEllO: In the meantime I'll see if I could, in the meantime I think it's more important that the bulkheads get done because they are rotted. I mean, I hate to see a hurricane or a storm do damage. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I agree with that. TRUSTEE KING: The proposed middle wall, I don't think there is any need for it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That was my point. TRUSTEE KING: I think we should just concentrate on the replacement of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Would the applicant be willing to amend this application to take the dock out of it and the middle retaining wall and then could come back and reapply as amendments later or, -- it would have to be a full application for a dock, but what I'm saying, in order to get some of this through, separate it out. MR. COSTEllO: I'm a big believer you make applications on anything at any time. Whether it gets turned down or not. I'm sure. But personally, I think it's important, the only one that is really important if a storm or hurricane hits, is the low wall is important because there are structures there which they certainly don't want to lose, and I'll just have to speak to the owner but I'm sure he would do that. But I would like to get an approval of the lower wall. I don't believe anybody on the Board -- anybody that saw the site, knows that that needs to be replaced. And I'll submit the drawing showing such. MR. MCGREEVY: Jim, can I interject something on the part of the CAC here. I didn't do the inspection on that property, but I notice that the CAC has at the bottom of that first paragraph, supporting the application for the fixed dock. I don't think that was our intent. See where it says"support." TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Then it says they don't support. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Jim already read it and it says they don't support the dock. MR. MCGREEVY: I don't have it on mine. Sorry, I missed the page TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It says support and then not support. MR. MCGREEVY: I'm missing the big print. I didn't see it. Sorry about that. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to close the hearing. Board of Trustees 111 June 20, 2007 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to approve the application of Costello Marine on behalf of Jill and Carol Ridini to construct 155 feet of new bulkhead immediately in front of existing, remove existing stairway to beach, repair as needed and reinstall after new bulkhead construction is completed. That's all we are approving tonight. I'll make a motion to deny without prejudice the dock construction, the secondary retaining walls -- TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Wait a minute. If we deny without prejudice can they come back and put in the same application? I thought we were just going to separate with his permission, to separate -- TRUSTEE KING: You want to just do the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: That's it. And just leave it at that. TRUSTEE BERGEN: The bulkhead, the stairway to beach. Why would we not -- I'm trying to remember the. There is 1 Ox1 0.25 foot extension -- TRUSTEE KING: I don't think it's needed. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: It looks like that's just for the dock, so they can add that on to the dock application. See the shaded area. TRUSTEE KING: That was to gain access to the dock. TRUSTEE BERGEN: I thought it was just a deck next to the building, adjacent to the building that is there. MR. COSTEllO: It was an extension of the existing deck. That's all. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Correct. I don't see it as being part of the dock. MR. COSTEllO: Well, what happened was the original dock was more to the center of the property. There is an association that owns -- I know the hearing is closed. There was an association that owns the property and they moved it away from that property, public property. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We saw that. MR. COSTEllO: That's all. That's the only reason for that deck. don't think it makes any difference whether that deck is there or not. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Well, if it doesn't make any difference to the applicant -- MR. COSTEllO: We may be back, but in the meantime. TRUSTEE KING: Do you want me to reread it. Just to make sure we are clear? TRUSTEE BERGEN: Yes. TRUSTEE KING: Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Jill and Carol Ridini request a Wetland Permit to conduct 155 feet of new bulkhead immediately in front of the existing; remove existing stairway to beach; repair as needed and reinstall after new Board of Trustees 112 June 20, 2007 bulkhead is completed. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) MR. COSTEllO: And I'll submit the drawing. MS. MONTEFUSCO: Why wouldn't you deny the remainder of that application? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It was withdrawn. MS. MONTEFUSCO: It was formally withdrawn on the record? I didn't hear that. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: We asked him if he wanted to separate it out and he said yes. MS. MONTEFUSCO: What does that mean, separate it out. That means it's still existing. It should be dead. Either you are going to kill it now, deny it, or else he should withdraw it and reapply. TRUSTEE BERGEN: That's what I thought was going to be done. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: So we'll reopen the hearing and you can formally withdraw the application for. TRUSTEE KING: I make a motion to reopen this hearing on number 29. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: John, do you want to withdraw after the construction is completed, that following language in there? MR. COSTEllO: Okay. As the application for the Ridini's I would like to withdraw the two upper retaining walls and the dock from that application and the 10x10 deck that is going to be extended, and only leave the bulkhead, lower bulkhead as this application. TRUSTEE KING: Thank you. That sounds right. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Sounds good. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE KING: And I'll make a motion to approve the bulkhead replacement. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: last but not least. Number 30, Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of SUSAN NORRIS C/O ED SAWICKI requests a Wetland Permit to remove and replace inkind/inplace 82 feet of existing bulkhead. located: 2790 New Suffolk Avenue, New Suffolk. In an effort to expedite this a little bit, the lWRP finds this to be exempt. The CAC supports the application with the condition of a 15-foot non-turf buffer. The Board was out there. Board of Trustees 113 June 20, 2007 We all saw it. We agree with the non-turf buffer. The only question I have here is how are you going to get the equipment in there and what is going to happen to the vegetation? MR. COSTEllO: If it's a non-turf buffer, that vegetation is gone and I have to put a backing system in anyway. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I think getting the equipment in there. MR. COSTEllO: There a grass roadway that goes right up alongside those trees. TRUSTEE KING: What are they going to do with the side piece there? MR. COSTEllO: There is a grass roadway that goes right alongside those trees. When we visited the site we just drove there. You drive right up to it. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: On the other side of the trees? MR. COSTEllO: No, this side of it. TRUSTEE BERGEN: So all those trees have to come out to do the work? MR. COSTEllO: Yes. Well, they are pine and they are tired and a couple of them are a little on the diseased side. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: There is a note here that says only corner, no need front buffered already. MR. COSTELLO: It has a pine tree buffer right now. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Are you going to replace? MR. COSTEllO: I'm sure it will be replaced. I don't know if it's the same kind of trees but it will be a non-turf buffer. TRUSTEE GHOSIO: Any other questions or comments from the Board? (No response.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would like to make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE BERGEN: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) TRUSTEE GHOSIO: I would like to make a motion to approve this application to remove and replace inkind and inplace 82 feet of existing bulkhead with the stipulation to reestablish a 15-foot non-turf buffer along the length of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE DOHERTY: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) MR. COSTEllO: Thank you. TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion we close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Second. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor? (All AYES.) RECEIVeD ""~ II. 30 /1#[ ~{l?f"''J~, S~"l:,dd Tv.m Clerk