HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-03/07/1991 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice President Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Johtl L. Bednoski, Ir. John B. Tuthill Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 MINUTES MARCH 7, 1991 PRESENT WERE: John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Henry P. Smith, Vice-President Albert J. Krupski, JR., Trustee John Bednoski, Jr., Trustee John B. Tuthill, Trustee Jill M. Thorp, Clerk WORKSESSION: 6:00 P.M. 7:15 p.m. called meeting to order Pledge of Allegiance Next Trustee Board meeting: Thursday, April 4, 1991 at 7P.M. Worksession: 6:00p.m~ Next Field Inspection: Thursday, March 28, 1991 at 8:00 AM Approve minutes: January 17, 1991 Regular meeting and February 14, 1991 Regular meeting on a motion made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE BEDNOSKI. ALL AYES. I. MONTHLY REPORT: A check in the amount of $1,241.48 was forwarded to the Supervisor for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. RALPH PUGLIESE on behalf of Pugliese Vineyard request a waiver to construct a 20' X 40' deck attached to existing building. Located at Bridge lane, Cutchoque. A motion was made by TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER and seconded by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI to waive construction subject to containing all roof runoff. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 2 March 7, 1991 2. Peconic Associates on behalf of BRICK COVE MARINA request a waiver to use (2') two foot contours instead of (1') one foot contours on the surveys for this project. Located Sage Road, Greenporto A motion was made by TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER and seconded by TRUSTEE TUTHILL to approve waiver for that portion of the property landward of ordinary high water mark subject to no waiver of the one foot contour requirement shall be made for lands lying below or beneath the ordinary high water mark where sufficient soundings shall be made in one foot increments so as to give a clear indication as to the bathemetry of the site. 3. En-Consultants on behalf of JAMES GRATHWOHL to construct a one-family dwelling, sanitary system, well, bluestone (or similar pervious) driveway. This application was tabled from the January 17, 1991 meeting for further information and changes; The elevations of the house has been moved to 15' from the northerly property line. The sanitary system has also been relocated 10' from that line. The retaining wall has been eliminated. The dock is still proposed, consisting of a 4' X 10' fixed elevated (4' above grade) walk; 3' X 16' hinged ramp; (2) 6' X 16' floats secured by (3) 8" diameter pilings. Located at Williamsburg Lane, Southotd. After a discussion by the Board, A motion'was made by TRUSTEE SMITH and seconded by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI to accept the amendment. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A motion was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Krupski to go onto public hearings. 7:37 p.m. - In the matter of En-Consu!ltants on behalf of KIMOGENOR POINT COMPANY request to replace within 18" 135+/- 1..f. of existing bulkhead. Approxima%ely 5 c.y. of clean sand will be trucked in for backfill. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone hsre who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? There isl a DEC permit here in the file, I will note. Is there anyone h~re who wishes to speak against this .application? Any commen~s from the Trustees or the CAC? The CAC voted approval. TRUSTEE SMITH: I think you got the l~near feet squared up that they are going uo do part of it. Is that correct? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: That is correct. They are only going to do that which showed on the application. The portion which lies below MHW out into Peconic Bay, they want to leave intact because it is a different construction method. There being no additional comments and clarification having been made, I take a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: What is your pleasure? Do you wish to go into a vote? Board of Trustees 3 March 7, 1991 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to approve this application. TRUSTEE SMITH: I will second it. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: The next application originally scheduled for 7:16 p.m. it is not 7:34 is in the matter of Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of ARTHUR VAN DEWATER request permit to remove existing dilapidated docking facility and replace in-kind, in-place a 4' X 48' fixed timber dock, 3' X 16' aluminum ramp, 6' X 20' float dock and (2) 2-pile float support dolphins.~ TRUSTEE TUTHILL: We talked about that. I looked at it. Then I called back Costello. Actually, they are replacing inkind. the only thing is that it is going to be two foot shorter. So I make a motion that we let them Grandfather it. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I will open and close the hearing since we already announced it, then we can move into that resolution. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak before or against this application? SUE LONG on behalf of Costello: Only if you have questions. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: There being any further col~nt? I will take a motion to close the hearing in the matter of Arthur Van Dewater. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: I make a motion that we let them Grandfather the dock% TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I will second that. ALL AYES. A motion was made by Trustee Smith and seconded by Trustee Bredemeyer to go back onto the regular meeting agenda. V. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of FRANK CURRAN to replace (within 18") 101 1.f. of existing timber bulkhead. Install 10" diameter mooring pileo Dredge a 21' X 25' boat basin to 4' below MLW. Approximately 25 c.y. of spoil will be removed and partially used for backfilling bulkhead; remainder to be trucked off-site. Located Fishermans Beach Road~ Cutchoque. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE BEDNOSKI to grant a Negative Declaration. 2. Land Use C0. on behalf of STEVE DONADIC to install a 6' X 20' float and 3' X 18' ramp at a private community docking area. Project will also entail dredging approximately 8 c.y. of sand from a 50 s.f. area to provide 3' depth of MLW, all dredged material will be trucked off site. 50 s.f. of S. Alterniflora will be disturbed. Mitigation for said loss will entail 50 s.f. of planting area at other location. Located 200 Willow Point Road, Southold. A motion was made TRUSTEE SMITH and seconded by TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER to grant a Negative Declaration with the idea that the Trustees will approve the planting location. Board of Trustees 4 March 7, 1991 ALL AYES VI. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Board to set public hearings for the April 4, 1991 regular meeting. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE BEDNOSKI. ALL AYES. 2. EDWARD BRENNAN request again a grandfather permit to replace bulkhead and catwalk, ramp and float. Located at 1865 Little Peconic Bay Lane, Southold. Applicant has Grandfather permit for dock that was not found previously. After discussion it was decided that the applicant must go for a full permit application for the dredging. VII. MOORINGS: 1. .Joseph Chiaramonte request a mooring in Town Creek for a 20' Sea Hawk. A motion was made by TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER and seconded by TRUSTEE TUTHILL to table this application to put on the waiting list. ALL AYES 2. Domenico Lo Re request a mooring in Hallocks Bay for a 26' inboard with a 50lb mushroom. A motion was made by TRUSTEE SMITH and seconded byTRUSTEE TUTHILL to table and put on waiting list. ALL AYES 3. John Sahm request a mooring ix Jockey Creek for a 15' Starcraft with a 1001b mushroom. A motion was made by TRUSTEE SMITH and seconded by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI to approve mooring. ALL AYES 4. David Camando reques a mooring in East Creek for a 26' sail boat with a 2501b mushroom. A motion waS made byTRUSTEE SMITH and seconded by TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER to approve mooring. ALL AYES 8:20a motion was made by TRUSTEE SMITH and seconded by TRUSTEE BEDNOSKI to adjourn meeting. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: Tho p, lerk