HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeconic Meadows LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori,montefusco@town.southold.ny.us SCOTT A. RUSSELL Supervisor PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTH OLD August 14, 2006 Peter S. Danowski, Jr., Esq. 616 Roanoke Avenue P.O. Box 779 Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: Peconic Meadows Change of Zone Application SCTM No. 1000-74-2-22.1 Dear Mr. Danowski: The Town Board of the Town of Southold has received and reviewed the above- referenced application seeking a change in zoning from R-80 to HD. The Board has agreed that they will not take any action on the request. You may contact the Town Clerk to request a refund of the application fee submitted with your application. Thank you for your attention. KMC/lk cc: Members of the Town Board ./' Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk..,/" Members of the Planning Board Date: 06/16/06 Transaction(s): 1 1 Petition Cheek#: 1012 Name: Peeonie, Meadows C/o The Northwind Group Lie One Rabro Dr., Ste 100 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Clerk 10: L1NDAC Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Reference 64-2-22. Total Paid: 1012 Subtotal $1,000.00 $1,000.00 InternallD: 64-2-22.1 14-16-2 (2/87)-7c SEQR 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Ouality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL A"SSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is des(gned to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant IS not always easy to answer. Frequently, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determme significance may liave little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in envlfonmental analysis. In addition, many who have kriowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concern affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised oft1rree parts. Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place m Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides gl!idance as to wlietlier an im.pact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also Identifies wliether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Pat13: If apy impact.in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the rrnpact IS actually Important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - TYPE 1 AND UNLISTED ACTIONS IdentifY the Portions of EAF completed for this project: -X.-Part 1 _Part 2 - Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts I and 2 and 3 if aRPropriate), and any other suy,pOl1ing information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of eacli impact, it is reasonably de ermmed by the lead agency that A. The project will not result in any large and important impact( s) and, therefore, is one which will not - have a significant impact on the environment, tlierefore a negative declaration will be prepared. B. Althouy,h the pr~ect could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant - effect or this nlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared. * C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact - on t1ie environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Peconic Meadows Name of Action Town of Southold Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer If different from responsible officer) Date I PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determiningwhether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form,-Parts A through E. Answers to these questIOns will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addifional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. , It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Peconic Meadows LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Address, Municipality and County) NISIO Middle Road (CR 48)EIO Henrvs Lane & WIO Mill Road NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSfNESS TELEPHONE Demetrius Tsunis c/o Northwind ADDRESS CITY /PO 1 Rabro Drive. Suite 11 0 STATE NY ZIP CODE 11788 BUSfNESS TELEPHONE Hauooau!!e NAME OF OWNER (If different) Soartan Holdin!! Co. ADDRESS Sea Breeze West Gloria STATE Florida ZIP CODE CITY /PO 5 Marco Island DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: The 9.6 acre vacant property lies in the Hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York on the north side of Middle Road, between Mill Road and Henrys Lane. The site predominantly occupied by field! woodland. The proposed project involves a change of zone from R-80 to HD (Hamlet District) for the future construction of 38 townhouse units and associated amenities. Site access would be rom Middle Road (CR 48). ease omp ete ac uestion - n Icate I not app ca e A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: _Urban Industrial _Ftural(non-farm) _Other _Commercial _Forest 1-Ftesidential (Suburban) _Agriculture 2. Total acreage of project area: 9.59 acres APPFtOXIMATE ACFtEAGE PFtESENTLY AFTEFt COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres Forested (sparsely, wi areas of meadow) 9.59 acres 3.26 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland. pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 acres Wetland (Freshwater or Tidal as per Articles 24. 25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Ruck, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Ftoads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres 2.58 acres Other (indicate type) Landscaoed 0 acres 3.75 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? HaB-Haven Loam. 0-3%, PIB-Plvmouth Loamv Sand, 3-8%. RdB-Riverhead Salldv Loam. 3-8% a. Soil drainage: ~ Well drained ~ % of site; _ Moderately well drained _ % of site; Poor drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? +1- 9 acres. (See I NYCFtR 370). 2 4. Are there bedrock outcropping onproject site? Yes a. What is depth to bedrock? NA (in feet) - 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: X 0-10% 100 %; _ 10-15% _ 15% or greater _ % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to,pr contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? _ res ----.lL No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? _ Yes ----K..,No X No % 8. What is the depth of the water table? 22:t: (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? --.X. Yes No 10.Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _ Yes ...JL No II. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Yes ----K... No According to NP& V Staff (none known at this time. awaitinl? response (rom NYS Natural Herital?e Prol?ram). Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Yes ----.lL No Describe 13.1s the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Yes ..2L- No If yes, explain 14.Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? _ Yes --.X. No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name SO 33 & SO 34 . Size (In Acres) Yes (wetlands are off-site) 17.Is the site served by existing public utilities? Yes ..2L- No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? _ Yes No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? _ Yes _ No 18.1s the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? _ Yes ----K... No 19.Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? _ Yes A:.- No 20.Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? Yes ----K... No B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION I. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 9.59 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed 9.59 acres initially; 9.59 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~ acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N/A f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 0 ; proposed 86:t: g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 20 * (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: 'PM Peak Hour Total, ITE Trip Generation (see attached) One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium 38 38 2 stories height; 55 (I width; 60 (t length. % Initially Ultimately 1. Dimensions (in feet) oflargest proposed structure: 3 ,a .." j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 392.37 z ft. (Middle Road; CR 48) 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? Ullkllown at this time cubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~ Yes No N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? Landscaoill1!lturf b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ...K- Yes No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? X Yes No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 6.33 z acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _ Yes ~No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 12-16 months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I _ month _ year (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of fmal phase _ month _ year. d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~ Yes No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Y es ~ No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction z25; after project is complete...fL. 1O.Number of jobs eliminated by this project~. 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? If yes, explain Yes ~No 12.ls surface liquid waste disposal involved? _ Yes ~ No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13.Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ~ Yes _ NoType Storm water 14.Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? _ Yes If yes, explain: 15.!s project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Yes ~ No ..JL No 16.WiIl the project generate solid waste? ~ Yes No a. If yes, what is the amount per month --tLton. (Based on 2.31bslcapita; assuming 2.67 occupallls per u/lif) b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ~ Yes No c. If yes, give name TransferStatioll location TowlI of South old d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? _ Yes ..JL No e. If yes, explain 17.Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Yes ~ No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? _ Yes ~ No 19.Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Yes ~ No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels?_ Yes ~ No 21.Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~ Yes No If yes, indicate type(s) Fossil based fuels 22.Ifwater supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity NIA gallons/minute. 4 ," ,. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 6.000 z gallons/day. (Based on 150GPDlunit, O.30GPDlRec building) 24.Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? If yes, explain 25.Approvals Required: Yes ~No Town Board Town Planning Board Town Building Department City. Town Zoning Board City, County Health Department Other Local Agencies State Agencies DEC Other Regional Agencies Federal Agencies -XYes XYes X Yes -XYes ~Yes X Yes XYes _Yes Yes No No No _No No No No LNo X No Type Change of Zone Site Plan Building Permit Special Exception SanitarylWater Water Authority SPDES Permit Submittal Date March 2006 Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending C. ZONING AND PLANNING INFORMATION 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ~ Yes No If yes, indicate decision required: _zoning amendment _ zoning variance _ special use permit _ subdivision X site plan _ new/revision of master plan _ resource management plan X other Chanfle of Zone 2. What is the zoning c1assification(s) of the site? R-80 Residential 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 80.000 SF minimum lot size; 20% maximum lot coverafle 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? HD-Hamlet Densitv 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 20.000 SF minimum lot area; 25% maximum lot coverafle - 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? -L. Yes _No 7. What are the predominant land users) and zoning classifications within a 114 mile radius of proposed action? Residential. commercial. vacant land; R-80. R-ilO. LB. LI. AC - 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 114 mile? XYes _No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization( s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? _ Yes -L.No II. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)?~ Yes No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ~ Yes No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Yes ~No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? _ Yes _ No 5 . . D. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse irr!p'acts associ~ted with your proposal, please discuss such unpacts and the measures whicli you propose to mitigate or aVOId them. E. VERIFICATION I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Nelson. Pove & Voorhis Date Mav 5. 2006 Signature ~Yr~ (Marissa Va Breo) Title Environmental Analvst 6 rtP&V PECONIC MEADOWS Peconic, Southold, New York NP&V No. 05099 This document is a supplement to change ofzone application for the proposed Peconic Meadows project, specifically to address question C-9 ofthe application form. Proiect Description The subject property lies in the Hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York on the north side of Middle Road, between Mill Road and Henrys Lane. The property consists of a 9.6-acre parce~ which is predominantly occupied by woodland vegetation; however there are four (4) structures located in the eastern portion of the property, which are in varying degrees of disrepair. The property is more particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-074-02-22.1. The proposed project involves a change of zone from R-80 to HD (Hamlet District) to allow for the construction of 38 age-restricted, duplex condominium units and a recreation building with an outdoor pool. A centrally located roadway will provide the sole access to the site. A total of 10 parking stalls will be provided in the vicinity of the recreation facility. Parking for the residences will be provided in garages and on driveways. A natura~ vegetated buffer that will screen the development from surrounding areas will be maintained on the northern, western and eastern sides of the property. Use and ODeration The units will be privately owned and a condominium association will be created to manage the development. It is expected that a private maintenance company will be contracted by the association to maintain the development, structures and grounds. Solid waste generated by the development will be removed by a private carting company. The development will be age- restricted, therefure, the development will not burden the school district and will in fact generate substantial tax revenue. The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 6,000 gallons per day (gpd) of wastewater. The subject site is located in Groundwater Management Zone IV, which is a deep flow recharge area used for local water supply. Zone IV permits up to 600 gallons of sanitary discharge per day per acre with public water supply and without sewage treatment. For this 9.6- acre site, a maximum of 5,760 gpd of sanitary wastewater may be generated with septic systems in place as per Suffolk County Sanitary Code. However, to be conservative, a Cromaglass wastewater treatment system will be provided as part of the proposed development to ensure groundwater protection. Change of Zone Snpplement Peconlc Meadows Proiect SpOnsor Obiective The subject property was purchased by the Applicant with the intent of developing it residentially. The proposed development is compatible with surrounding uses. Approval of the subject application would not negatively impact the Hamlet of Peconic nor would it affect land use in the vicinity. The proposed development conforms to the proposed zoning and will comply with Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6. The site is located in an area wherein a mix of residential, commercial and agricultural uses are found, so that the approval of residential use would not create a land use not previously represented in the vicinity. The proposed project is designed to conform to the proposed zoning HD zoning district, and will establish high quality residential use on the site. An age restricted housing project with enhanced landscaping and styling is expected to be an asset to the community. Finally and as will be documented below, the project conforms to many Comprehensive Plan goals, is well designed and situated with respect to its surroundings, and will result in a quality development under the proposed HD wning. Conformance with Town Code and Comprehensive Plan The Town of Southold has completed a Hamlet Study which assists in identifying areas concentrated use corresponding to the existing and historic hamlet centers of the Town of Southold. From a plarming perspective, the hamlet centers are intended to provide sense of place and walkability to promote sustainable development within and around the hamlet centers. Peconic was identified as a hamlet center which would achieve more definition over time and which would benefit from gateway enhancement, architectural considerations in future design, streetscape enhancement and appropriate hamlet scale use and design. Areas influenced by and important to the hamlet center were defmed surrounding the centers and are designated as Hamlet Locus (HALO) boundaries. These areas would tend to support the hamlets and may experience moderate growth within areas that appropriately will provide residential use in support ofthe hamlets. The subject site is located within the HALO wne of the hamlet ofPeconic. The site lies north of a transportation corridor (CR 48) and within walking distance of the hamlet center (less than 200 feet to north end of Hamlet Boundary). The proposed Peconic Meadows site is not identified as being within or adjacent to any protected lands or wetlands; however, the HALO Non-Buildable Lands Map identifies community facility uses adjoining the northeast and west property boundaries. The proposed project is consistent with the comprehensive plarming efforts of the Town in terms of locating new development proximate to a hamlet center in a manner that will not adversely impact environmental resources. Communitv Benefits The proposed project will provide increased housing opportunities for people 55 years of age and older. The project will also provide an increased customer base for local establishments. The Town of South old will benefit from an increased tax base. Additionally, as the development will rage 2 Change of Zone Supplement Peconic Meadows be age-restricted, there will be no impact to the school district but a tax revenue benefit will be realized. Development Under Existing Zoning: Under current zoning, R-80, 2 acre or 80,000 SF lots with maximum lot coverage of 20% are allowed. These provisions would allow for approximately 4 single-family dwellings including roadways. Construction oflow density housing proximate to a hamlet center is contrary to Smart Growth goals which seek to provide medium to high density residential developments near to activity centers like shopping, entertainment, service facilities and recreation establishments. The proposal provides 38 quality homes proximate to a hamlet center creating a community for the 55 and older population seeking this type of environment to live. Page 3 'f O'"'!i~ft~~~t;iU' ~_~i 1"', '/','" "' t;.~.,~,.;..\.;.,;..r.;.:.,.(..~.;.~.;.t~'<.;'~ .' ~ ;~}:~ ~iiV~~.1t$';' , ,; "I" , . ~:~~': ,: 'r )rtJ~~'~I.t&t6~t':~ll~ ~'SP;AM~~A;Nd;H(;U~DD1~~~ r t,~<~; _~~~#~~~;~~;,C'Pft1~f"~'~~P r.~\. -;," ; .~ (; '~~~(,' _,~1i~v'~,'flg~1{:+,t~11 pr:1;~nCi'pa;lr;~l?l~t!e,o.~~~b}'~~es's~"~!v.~.1 i' r\),j.;f~P',l ~. A.' "", i. ,r1,,~: j ~~~ '". 'f ,,~~t,J.':J'.S1!abt'ee'ZOf~iWesf'I,~GJ,cO~'C'1~i~'!IS~t.!,~OO ,Is:l ' o~ '1.,!<;:.."~"t'~I~ ~ ~:,~<!r,~/~';.' 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'~long. . j.;'i'~~:( . ~~;' . .'. f"~~-"'~'C1',~~he_r,lY IJ.n:c' ~of ,~'tld;~~.:~~-t;1 r"~,~,seJl!~~}-~'.'r,:~lt~~jJ,g;vJ}}r~~~t:;~~~t~\~!":.:~5'}i!;I;~W.l;f1.g' ",'/'(( l' ,.s:i'x,.cpurs'''~:. .1.0.' ..5ou,l,I..:56"'d.,~.r~es.$S",:Jllinu~.s:,.:3.o"'s~c<>nd5.,;.we's'! ,';"" j.: 5S":'36, ":f~;~t:;, :~~, SO,u,th' b,O"'-~~,g;*:~'~:i $'4.-:';:m._~'l'lP)~,":f~':;:~~~;~9j;'~'~':,:',W~$.t':::fl" .~6' -. ~,!'I , 'I;,\,'\.:~il~f" ..:,: ~~~~t'!: .;_~..r" " :S,o'~'~~~1. ~Q~I: d_~,g'1;e.f!.~,~<:;J;;.- ~,~~riu.tre,~:;~:;~~#;t'.~-3,~,~~~mi,"~;#~',~~;''t~,',:4j~,-....;;~~~~1_,""", ~~ ~:(J , -'~~~~";;d.e:gl':ee's,,,l,~..s":im1.nu,te$1 .:\,0:' 'S:~,~,O:!ld.l:? -;W.~':t.t-:;?,? :fp,~:-t.,; \.C;",::)' ,_' 'S.C!,u:t,h;:(S'~.: '.~e!t':re:.~s' r~ i ',.DH~(\~:'-IJ\"[')~. ~;:; z"~,i,;;:lttf'jll.tte~' ''lo:',~~eo,nas' i;We~sit""l~P:O!. t3!<7fe'e1d:~'.a'-n'd; '4'r.-,,:':' '~S6u.~~~l,:'--:S']i~'~'Cle'gt'e'e!s"~' ,(!, io",;I;_l~'~,'OO ' i2l!' M1nlJt.es'.r':;O 3CCOnQS .Wes<t:,:i8B'.20 feet; I'" ."1 ,c-.. . .'~, ,', 07400" T/igjiCli ',Noith,.4Z d.grees 'Q9 :"'.nu~es,O,O,'seconds. '\'Ie.t"nO,f..~fi. THEN'cE ",.' ...':'. f-If ' , 11 ~S(Ju;h ,Sl_..deg~ees 21 lIHt"nutesl,..SIO :s~6ond.3:'W.e~t 'i.2,~\~1re'e.t '~o~'th~' ~. " '.:v,,& '. 020.0 '..' ,~.,s;ter:1Y \;line of hnd sho,vn, ':Mal' .:1' P.pon)c :lIO!ll'\S,',', f:..1,.;l ~~ _,:\11 ., '*., .,' .'lll&p',lllo, .4'111J::~' THRNCE. N.r.tll142, 'dog<tees,,09 rninu~~s,;,OO;:s.c~nas".We>~" ""<I~ ' nZZ001:; ,a1l,ong: lsaid' 1a~8 Inentioned 4:dnd 10\)6.72 xee1t" ~'o~"llandli'of'~ tnt"::t-6ng :" ,. 'I "\'~'. ',' 1~>'l'atj!d''''l;i1ghf1Ing~ Company; ~ tHElNCE .no:r.:th;'76 de~~e~~: "Zlil mi'fLut~S'J. r'" " . ~,~ I I SO~ seconds 'East a.long said las:t men'tiioned! "la.n'd 113'QO .:i16,~~Jfete;t to lana: ~;; i,' ;now pr for)lley;,ly of tile Bstate of Thomas Ib;owJ<a,;'..fImNCB,'"ad:ty ,along \, ')'\, 1~' ..:s ,!-i:~,"~l'llis t':.,_ ,rnent.~on,[)d 1 and ,:D.J\d,::-.:e ~,r."t~,Y,,:,.:8;.J:1Jl~' ~:~~'~Id;~ll\":_?!f:: :o"Y- .,,;~:~:t;l!(~:r.l:Y'co*':,~ .~e~:'_~.\?~ : .C9u~At~r .:'o,f,', S~~f~,lJt, th.e" :f:(r~~,q.W.1:tiI;" ..t,~.r.~,:~W"~.o~:r,s"t'1 S,.tl;,:<j:'~~I';:"" ,.".:,\~\,:.;.;,;, ',' :', _ ., -'/" ;.:"J'.~Ji; ,;,<i '1.....:. .'So..u. t,!.S..lI.,:;.;.df;g,.,". .S'19.:"JjJ~!)1!'l;".'.'~;;.'3..0!','i'.,~,c.p..P'(i5);!E~~..~..~7i. .~~.'~..~.~!!<I\<t'''~. ~~;.". .'ii;'.:.....:'..;'.\16.". '~ '2.'" :.' -S~_u'!:h -d~,3,.':deg,rlees '4B" ~lllU~e's'~ il,O~~,!,;5:bcanH,$;L~'tk'~i,~'~,U,'~'~:'I:~.11d ,.,,'. I' .{-.', (":~71 "3~ '-So~~tlt! '5t; dogt!!-es _ 3f 1~i1L"t1't:c.; 3(! '5~'COlla!: 'Ea$'lt::\:406,..,I01... f.eet: 1tO ,the '_ .,.':>:,;,,-J pOJ.nt aT polnclE' of 13F.GIN1HNl.>. ::::,~,~~';);;~;:':l ')..BEI~G ~. :l,I:f~~NDED,TD BE l;fli'/s~pr."mh;~~'C<l"~~Y8;~a_.";:;o'i~ii!t<\:;,,n~;',ty,: ....:......:.','.'........i.;!,. o::t.:;, Ir.;hl:::' ...l;,.,,~~;;;~r,t:!l?"Y '1~;E~~~~:$:~,.~:",Sep~_~~. c:r ,1 7"t'.,."i:0,7. .'~il" ' ~ '~~'li:.~<: ' 'i' '~Ui.rIt~~~~~' ""'''vf'''' ,I',,' --"-"1-"'--'-' ""h";"'" 'I, A\;'iuibo:r,i ~~'~:7pil~~:,:I.~ ~:;<: .....,,;. . ;...:.oj;i~h~;~,~~~~~i:~;f.::~~~,),r:~;iS7~.7~ri,? i ';, 'F: ; ...,,'7ll JdOd NOS1JN ~ .'1) : ..: ~ I, f'. , , , ;:l)l)~ _,'!.i,"1 I I I I I I I I "I I I "jl \j;.< IYd 9t:BO 90l);:'BO'SO 11~~F ';'-"~"':I"-'~'1 "(' :~/ti;\~!,:_; l~~i~;' ellll IPi _ ~ _ ~ ., " , ":_,:<'Jt~Ji\V :'~:~'~"' ' "1M'''; ... 'k .,'!I, I'"..,,';., ~,.. _, ~ -' . '.' " ..._~c\ll~:":~'''' ';, '[~'lfl~;~ r ...' , ,. ' ""l:'~' '1\"~""'\1~1~d ,~'~I;::'~ r~~ ",' I ,,\,\:,'1 ,,:="-,',. """ ,t- . ,''''~ ... (r';J~JItl \lfith~el' rij:ht. wlr. 1I1ld intcrt,~: H 1!I1l~', ~f Ihe pnrty or ~he 'lint pArt In utd 10 A1'l)' -..tI'cet.3 ll.ni:! 'I"!~;'~ : l'Wlib.:(i;bi;i~ ~ d~ribed prernlsC9 tf.l. the- eeRIer lil\C~ thc:~r. . - . : 3;~(h,&1 r ,f......~'1 ,"\ ....". i~''> } .' ~')l ~~ J'~.'~ ~j~.,:" ~aoH"' IU: " 'jilitLtrif ,...".;-". ';6:P"""'( .d::J."...;r~iItIlj I If~~' ..,1('1 _ ..l"'G:~!!~~11t\'J;k~~~~~JA\I'~v~ ~ ~1~4~r~~i~~_,'~~~~"IJt",~"~r" :r~.aJ~, ';\1 _I ~'\' ,., \. I' 'Iii'.'" I" I, '.,,~~:! ;r:~:;)1 :I ' ~1'~J ;; ,"I' \, ....'~ " . f'~' >~ '1 ,:'TO~~ Aftu.ro'BOLJD the prtltniic,'1It.rdn'gf:antCCi.;'unlo the pan>, or'tht xcoflcl pvt, the heirs or \ ,;~i~ ~', suctcMOr3 and.' &mp.3 o[ 1he pt."y Il( llJ.e: il!J~rW',P..ft:'[omvtt. ...........\:':.~;~:~.(.ffrli;1 ,'." <!li"i ;(:/ ' '. II 'l!~~~~~f :;",;l~~ ~ -~~ ).'~,.,~:~,;t~::_",~!' :{~_:" i:''::.J;~~i~:~:~ iI'", I ,"~ .... r.... ,",~I. .'I<:~ '., 'I._,.~I'.. -~..):,'~_~...j~;~~.~:t ." '\"":I,~.",I., " -I'.(;'.'r'....,.~l~ ',' - ,.,i~...:.:.':':,~{:.,t.r~~.:.~..::.,~~,~~~i:f< '1;1',-,r-:"~~1i~t":;tl <"il . . ..r?" ' "',::"~;~r~~i~ :i\;;,f~'~!~ft~i;:~ . "';~h'~",j ~. ,., :ij1i1 ,~~.,,,ifl'i~r q'. : (~. _k::t~\,.~:',v, ~,~ .~ , ;-'t'<~ ,,'.r !ii[~~"> f .;:;;~',v;:, ~h:;'~)~i r ::<J,::F(< r-;',t,::,' I:"~ f.' I'; 'j.',' I~', f' '::>"1: i'~'. ;,:AlGJI the, panr of lh~ i>r~ part C()~nant~ (flu 1hlo: pIIl'ty of .tht::, ft.~~t; ~rtjhM,:~i).haori~o~ :.luft'tr# .:"'~y(~,i~g}; .~~ti?i'lf.S!~P',"';.c. ""'" ",."~c~~!~in'n{";r'v;~'"i~.'~~~(~(#,~~{;tt. ....::,:. "~"<!,,,nY.I'J\><.fimJ..n.i' -ipli......'wi'h 's",i.. Ij.!'iA~ 'lA;:",I!J!fl;io;,~li\\61'-ih~~~:~(" '. ~:i~,:fi'd~rp;.11 ';;Yilt'~c&ive",th;;~n,j~~~I~::I~~;;i~~s tOMwYDnct and _M!i.hoid'lh~~;r~g~';:~?~~~c~/~~hr~ld~t. :;:'~i,b\\'as a trust fund; to be.applied fim {ot th~ pu~c'~ot,.~)'ing.:th~ oosl of, l~~,i1t\pro:v~ent .?~d will :\pp:I_Y _i:':'S.~flrl.t'-IQ1-- payment 'af dll: cost 'ofthe:imp~~,-:il'!, i_~{~-~' ,,,~I,~i:J!,,*~5.~1:~I~:~lJ~e{-~t:~Il{: roi"~ ;:~~;;pu~lA:. ' :', -", .~ ;:1< ",,"":;,i;'{r:lr:T:i{~~1:\1',lCi;? .~.;:-!" :.~~~~l' .. '\_I":"~ "."! ,*. '},.,t' ' , "i'. 1 ". < ,~,," ' ,- p"\~" ,.r.-;"Y ," I.~~ , ~'-'I . 'T"; , ;"3r.kI"oi-a ,;party:' ,"hall ,tii:: ~ .i jJ.j:1 .r~ ~pI.lni1l<,,1: ~"'li~C"cr il\ll~ r.tq~ nr: ~tiifi ind f, .niairc5~ ~ ~ " I' I Xl -.I- j ~I l l ;. Ilt'" 'I ( ., ~-'J ,'- t " .' H '.1f''',"'''' ~l'; /"".".'c~"r."'--;;'ljl~M' <I,.... 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'.Ii' :"" ~-!:~i'I:r,"'~ ::~~:..~+:#r.~~!'6,),0/h;!.~~~~~;:;.~;W~ijtt;;.r~1;~i '':~~~'t(''~::~&~'$~~:;~Ji~j;;.J:_~;:1l~~%. ! f>i,t~~ '11~ Gt J)eC&"b'~:ffO::84 . aer-:I.:::~.;i~~~ ',I ";9 "':;::':;J~!~\ ~" :pi!:i1iOiN ,,'~daiQc.' plS'liONi1b' ~ '.Y,';,;'\" ~,.,}t,,:~~~:SI'mos . .........., ... .,i,l". .... ,. ."A~!ij,i '_~.::.~~.,'i~" :';..o:lIlIt'itJ~';~,'t1>>;.tb!t~.~~1 ,tJenco1Jod, Ib_ atMi:':'lFbQ"'-tQ :Dt,1aii:Qnr'm".1J;:/iUJ;:;"'N~ilt",t' ,;,,~PEa)'ID1i.aAil'...bP~-;,;'Lt'l."c~} _ ",'< .~~iii.i'Mm;~""!'~ ..Oiid ~1"""i..;,;,.........a"il;.>:fo;.,g".,'i""'""""'R!i..ncI:.....,..1iillai'd!!Iiil!"5,Wli. r.1:,,- "'U~i":",~1Iirk:"!(.:'r:;;p;;;:?" ",..;' .:..~z;r~~ ,- ,,,,.f.,-.)~;tbIi'I"~;'1"" ~,..I''''-'I''<i''-''',: ""i.'!-""-y,'!-:'-"lt I'r.. "ii/"(ii~&~' ""''''''f:~':;' ...........,..~.: ",.:V.1;.i:t,:i:?}:;;iif;'7~j;0;~, . .~;-, _ :~?ftlN,:~$ ,. " , ,'.. . ,?:'/);~.(,~ t, Mor",tn :f.llI1:.\c-, ;II!'J all~ \'Q,,"!II~',-:i~~'; r.:.~o,41fu~~l ,).,', ~,t;,;l~"': "',:". 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Lj-:SO 900./S0.'SO ______________________________________________________-------------x In the Matter of the Petition of SPARTAN HOLDING CO. To Change Zone From R-80 to H.D. (Hamlet Density) ______________________________________________________-------------x Petitioner does hereby duly swear, depose and say: 1. Petitioner is the owner of Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000 - 74 - 02 - 22.1. 2. The premises front on Middle Road, C.R. 49 (North Road) and comprise approximately 9.5935 acres. 3. The premises are currently zoned R-80 Residential and are within the Town of Southold's "Halo" Zone. 4. The Petitioner has authorized Demetrius A. Tsunis to process the within Change of Zone Application. 5. The Petitioner's project site can be served by public water provided by the Suffolk County Water Authority, which is an adjacent lot owner (see radius map). 6. It is the intention of the Petitioner and Applicant to provide a community sewer system, thereby qualifying for density based on 10,000 square foot per unit (see attached schedule). 7. It is the intention of Petitioner to provide 100% senior housing with 25% of same affordable under Town standards. 8. The Petitioner has owned the property in question for approximately 22 years. 9. The current tax bill is attached. 10. Various business uses exist directly across C.R. 48 from the project site; to wit, landscaping business, sand, gravel and masonry, bridal center, gas station, North Fork Wood Designs. II. The undersigned had previously delivered a proposed subdivision map to the Town's Planning Depm1ment, but no approval action was taken by the Town (see enclosed letter). 12. A conceptual plat plan A entitled "Peconic Meadows" and a radius map, are enclosed, along with this Petition. 13. WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the Town Board change the zoning from R-80 to H.D. (Hamlet Density). By: EMANUEL G. SFAE President VERIFICATION ST ATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss.: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) EMANUEL G. SFAELOS, being duly sworn, states he is the President of Spartan Holding Co., the Petitioner in this action, (Petitioner is a corporation) and that he has read the foregoing Petition and that the contents of the Petition are true to deponent's own knowledge except as to those matters which are alleged on information and belief. As to those matters, the deponent believes them to be true based upon the books and records of the Petitioner. -- LESLIE M. ROGELL Nolary Public, State of Florida My comm. expirtts Oct. 25, 2009 No. 00455779 SPARTAN HOLDING CO. 17 Huntington Bay Rd. Huntington, NY 11743 January 16, 2003 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Planning Dept. Southold Town Hall Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: SPARTAN HOLDING CO. Tax map # 74-2-22-1 9.59 ac. Dear Ms. Scopaz, I have been advised ~hat the Township is interested in providing "affordable hO.lsing" for its residents and that the panel is or may be revi,,"wing areas in which such a proj ect would be suitable. On September 10, 2002, I hand delivered the original of the letter enclosed to ~hl ofice of the Planning Board. It is my belief that the' premises identified above for the reasons stated in my 1ectel" of September 10, 2002, would make a good locaticn for "a(tordable housing". Suffolk County Water Authority has, by agre"ment, granted me public water to the premises, whic' I feel is an essential element of my belief. It would parcel in Your kind ther2fore De appreciated if you mind during YOlr del'berations. consideration js appr,ciated. would keep this Yours very trul., Spartan Holding Co. By Emanuel G. Sf~elos /' SPARTAN HOLDING CO. 17 HuntingtG~ Bay ~j. Huntington, .cy 11743 President: ,Jason Sfaelos (631) 425-7475 Secretary: Emanuel G. Sfaelos E- mail: esfaelos@hotmall.com September 10, 2002 HAND DELIVERED il:~.. p.'-'."C~~'" ".~.~t'~.l; 'l(/i'v,J~i~.)VJ j~ ~~ J ....W \,. ~ \1" . , .....'.1 . '\ SEP 10 2002 -- 5outhold Town PJannin1t~ Southold Planning Board pia. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Attn. B. Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~1''d-/fj8~ Dear Sir, It is not my intention to bore you wi ~h details, but I feel some background is necessary in this CdSe. Nearly four years ago, I hand dlllvered to the Fla~ning Department a proposed subdivision map of pn'perty consistir,g of 9.6 acres on County Rd. 48 having a tax n',ap designatio,: #74-2-22.1, and requested a review and meeting with the B~ard upo, review. At that time, I was advised tha~ :here was a new "study" was underway for property on Route 48, a:1d I would b3 advised. I waited patiently but was never notified. In A;gust of 2000, on visiting the Town Hall, I was told that the scuc'y was on.y for "commercial property" along 48. Residentially zoned parcels wnre left out of the "study". A cursory glance at the Zoning Map wll disclose that the premises, zoned R-80, are located between P.en;'ys lane and Mill lane on the North side of Route 48. The zoni"g in t.he imm,=diate area is as f)llows: 1. Westerly line, R-40 zoning or les~: adjacent 2. Northerly Line, L1LCO power lines 3. East, Mill Lane Suffolk County Water Pumping Station 4. Southerly line, Route 48, which is at that point is a major four lane highway 5. Southerly and directly across R 'Jut: e 48, Business, Light Industry, and Hamle' Business Dis~ricts. The designation of R-80 zuni'1g for tllat area was and is not even remotely in cadence with cO'1ditions as they exist or existed. My intention was to cor 3trllct something in keeping with the surrounding area such as " cl'lster .:of single-family homes despite the fact that the Zoning '::ode permics applications for many "non- residential" alternative us.s. In fact, I was subsequently advised by the Housing Alliance that the Southold desi~'ed to provide "affordable housing" in the area. Since I have access to public water, having granted Suffolk County Water an easement, I would desire Lo explore that possibility with you. In any event, my latest call to the Planning Board on September 6, 2002 revealed a new imped.ment has been placed before me, a "moratorium". When I asked the reason for this new restriction on subdivisions, no answer was fo~thcoming. I was told to call Mr. Mark Terry today at 10:00 am. I call~d at 09:30, only to be informed that he was going to a meeting, and could not spea k to me. I was told that he would call back by late clfternoon. As of this date, I have yet to receive a return call. It would be appreciated therefore i." you would extend to me the courtesy of a IT,eeting to discuss thlS situation at the earliest possible opportunity. I have been patient for four years. Thank you for your an~icipa~ed cooperation. Spartan Holding Co. Emanuel G. Sfaelos, Secretary SPARTAN HOLDING CO. 1"'7 u.._.....:__.L___ _ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRLAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Matn Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1197] Fax (631) 765-6]45 Telephone (63]) 765-1800 southoldtown .northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERI( TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT AND/OR CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NAME: Peconic Meadows (Name under which application shall be 1m own) SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NO.: 1000 _ 7 4 02 22 1 --- -- District Block --- --~ Parcel A. SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Application is hereby made to the Southold Town Board for amendment to Chapter] 00 {Zoning) of the Town Code and/or a change in the zoning classification ofthe Zoning Map in a accordance with the Section 100 - _ of the Zoning Law of the Town of Southold and Section 265, Town Law. Further, the following are submitted herewith (check those appropriate, write N/ A where not applicable) 1. Four (4) sets of the completed application form and petition. Each set shall contain one (1) complete set of cover letter forms, affidavits, project description, surveys, plans, and EAF and any supplemental information as maybe be needed or requested 2. Fee in the amount of$I,OOO.OO ($500.00 for AIID) Applicant is also responsible for any fees incurred in the Environmental Review Process. 3. Survey map, accurately drawn to appropriate scale, showing the proposed Zone district boundary changes, property lines, the calculated areas affected, in acres or square feet, the Suffolk County Tax Map designations, the street rights-of-way in the immediate vicinity and lands, land uses and names of owners immediately adjacent to and extending within two hundred (200) feet of all boundaries of the property to be amended. / 4. Metes and bounds description of the proposed amendment 5. Appropriate Environmental Assessment Form (EAF). All Unlisted and Type I Actions require either a Short or Full EAF to be prepared. See Chapter 157 of Town Code and Part 617 NYCRR (SEQR), or check with the Town Attorney and/or the Plarming Department. 6. Other information deemed necessary for review by the Town Board, the Town Plarming Board and/or the Suffolk County Planning Commission (i.e. site plans, subdivision maps). Please note items submitted: B. GENERAL INFORMATION: ( . /0 The Northwind Group l. Name Of Applicant s): pemetrius Tsum.s, c 11787 Address' One Rabro Dn.ve, Suite 100 Haupp"uge, NY Telephone N~ (631) 582-8300 If the applicant does not own the property, is a contract vendee, or if the Owner is a Corporation or a Partnership, prepare endorsement at the end of this form establishing owner's authorization of the applicant's request. 2. If the applicant is contract vendee, give name. If the applicant is a corporation (or partnership), give the name and title ofthe responsible officer: Name: Demetrius Tsunis Address:(if different) Title: Telephone No.: (631) 582-8300 3. Landowner(s): Spartan Holding Co. Title: Address: Seabreeze West Gloria, 5 Marco Island, <l.or1da 33937 Telephone No.: 4. Name oflicensed architect, landscape architect, civil engineer and/or surveyor who prepared the plan: Name: Thomas C. Dixon Title: Name of Firm: Nelson & Pope Engineers and Surveyors Address: 572 Walt Whitman Road Melv1.l1e N~ 11)4] Telephone No.: (631) 427-5665 Engineer 5. Name of Attorney, or Agent authorized to represent the property owner and/or applicant: Name: Peter Danowski I Je. I Esq. Title: Attorney Name of Firm: P"ter Danowski I Jr. I ESa\' Address: Po Box 779 Riverhead, NY 119 Telephone No: ( 631) 727-4900 6. All communications with regard to this application shall be addressed to the following person until further notice: Name: Tom Dixon, P. E. .Nelson & Pope Engl)tle: Engineer Address: 572 Walt Whitman Road, Melville NY 11747 Telephone No.: (631) 427-5665 C. SITEIPROJECT DATA: 1. Location of Property West (north! sou th! east/west) side corner of Middle Country (street) C.R. 48 or road) 450:!: feet South (north! south! east/west) of Mill Road (nearest intersecting street) Peconic (hamlet) 2. Existing zoning district(s) R-80 Residential Low Density A Special Overlay District(s), if applicable 3. Requested zoning district( s) HD Hamlet Density A 4. Lot area: sq. ft or acres 9.59 Acres 5. a. The latest deed(s) describing tins parcel(s) is (are) recorded in the County Clerk's Office as follows: DATE Dec. 27, 1984 LIBER 9708 PAGE 290 b. A copy ofthe(se) should be attached to the application. 6. There are no encumbrances or liens against this land other than mortgages? X YES NO 7. All buildings and structures are shown on the survey? j( YES NO (The Town Board reserves the right to request a complete survey showing all existing struc lures) 8. Existing: Building Area Vacant sq. ft. Lot coverage 9. Please attach a detailed typewritten description of the project, the proposed use and operation thereof, including a detailed explanation of the design concept, the reason for the particular design, objective of the developer or project sponsor and how or why the project is (or is not) in compliance with the Town Code and the Master Plan. Explain what benefits will accrue to the community by the proposed rezoning. Document reasons why proposed project can not be built under current zoning regulations and pursuant to the current zoning map. D. AGENCY COORDINATION AND SEOM (See Part 617, NYCRR and Chapter of Town Code) 1. Does the site Front on a Town~)fState Road? (circle one) Name and number ofthe road '~ty Road 48, State Road 25) County Road 48 2. Is the site within any other areas of review of the Suffolk County Planning Commission? X. YES NO. If yes, the referral requirements ofthe Suffolk County Planning Commission should be examined to assure a complete application. 3. Is the site in a designated critical environmental area as per the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and Chapter _ of the Town Code? YES X NO. If yes, what area? 4. Type I, Type II o~isted Act~ircle one) An environmental Assessment form must be completed for Unlisted and Type I actions. 5. Has an Environmental Assessment Form or Draft Environmental Impact Statement been prepared? X YES NO. If yes, copies should be submitted with the application. , E. I hereby depose and certify that all of the above statements of information, and all statements And information contained in the supporting documen and drawings attached hereto are true and correct. Sworn before me this :1"('t-h dayof1eh~U.<Le~ ,20~. ~~fl-.f~ NOTARY PUBLIC DONNA A. PUCCIO Notary Publlo, State of New York No. 01 PU6138256 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires 12/19/2009 G. DISCLOSURE AFFlDA VIT Stale of New York County of Suffolk Demetrius Tsunis being.by me duly sworn, deposes and says: I. I am an applicant for a project or an owner of the land which is the subject of a pending application before the Southold Town Board for amendment and/or change of zone. 2. The project name is: Peconic Meadows .d Dr1.ve, SU1.te 100, Hauppauge, NY 3. I reSl e at One Rabro 11787 4. The. Officers of the applicant corporation or owner corporation are as follows: NAME TITLE 5. I make and complete tills affidavit under the penalty of perjury and swear 10 the truth herein. 6. I am aware that lhis affidavit is required by General Municipal Law 809 and that I shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as provided by General Municipal Law 809 should I knowingly or intentionally fail to make all disclosures herein. 7. During the 12 months before the filing ofthis application, have any of the fOllowing individuals made campaign contributions exceeding $100 in total, in cash or in kind, to members ofthe Town Board or political committees designated to accept donations behalf: 1. Owner 2. Applicant 3. Agent for owner or applicanl 4. Attorney 5. Other Yes No ~ )<. )(' If the answer to Question 7 is yes, Town Code Chapters _ and _ require that the information be provided below: Name Title (Owner, A!!ent, Attorney, other) Amount ****************************************************************************** For the purpose of this disclosme, an official or employee or either the Town of South old or the County of Suffolk, shall be deemed to have an interest in the applicant and or owner when that official or employee, their spouse, brothers, sisters, parents, children, grand children or the spouse of any of them: a. Is the applicant or owner b. Is an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant or owner c. Legally or beneficially owns or c04trols stock of a corporate applicant or owner, or is a member of a partnership or association applicant or owner, or d. Is a party to an agreement with the applicant or owner, express or implied, whereby said official or employee may receive any payment or other benefit- whether or not for services rendered, dependent or contingent Upon the favorable approval of such application. Ownership of less than five percent of the stock of a corporation whose stock is listed on the New York Stock or American Stock Exchanges shall not constitute an interest for the purposes of this disclosure ****************************************************************************** YOU MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION YES OR NO Do any of the following individuals have an interest in the applicant or owner, as defined above? YES X NO I. Any official New York State YES X NO 2. Any official or employee of South old Town or Suffolk County? _YES ---LNO If the answer above is yes, to any of the questions, General Municipal Law Section 809 requires that you disclose the name and residence and the nature and extent of the Interest of said individual (s) in the applicant or owner. NAME RESIDENCE NATIJRE OF INTEREST Sworn before me this ~ Dayof roMI JajPl' 20 00 y{J!UU10-- 0-, fueW NOTARY PUBLIC DONNA A. PUCCIO Notary Public, State of New York No.01PU6138256 qualified In Suffolk County ";Ld""",~:';IUi, Expires 12/19/2009 i~ ":I\}H~> p.rty 01 ~fi~t 1'l'!,:F' .!Jf ARTAtt,itHQ,LI!IIiG ,,' C ,I, !',", hav,tn~,.'its' ,pr~nciplllf' a".o ffie"1:: ,iiJ~~.r~~~7 'Ii .'t:t ()\;[k!,> '.c' i ,g~r,J>!!~,'X<Q~di~,~' n, :;',.: (i';:\';,f"'ii',fj'" ":1 :,11~, 'Ib.t"b"paijyollb~ firol'iJo.il; in cnns1~el)lli~p',~ r::::! 1 ;~;'. >"i 'TlJij!'iiOtLARs;{NX;CiNO/lOO,($1\l~~tiO) _::;:~tl:; Ct:IY;'I,::,j",;: " .,' 'I, ':;';'" r~i~lti!i:,tt!~i~'r: ;' .,~; !r,"~.y(~f'lnonCY Qf.;the:'poi~e4SlafeS, ;i :'::C' : 1"::'" . ~~-;bY:'th,e-party of the ~e<<Jnd part, uQes herchy_'granl andr~i~~\liil;:fih~/~~f',?'.;:.:,~'rr',~f.~eJ6qil:' r- ':- ~l ' ... ,~. , . . " .-c; '( ',I ~ ,j( .) i;r ~ , , i: \- .~ :,,: " I I ' , ~ I '> " " i ' , ",'. ! ')' ju(:Cti~rs and aS5iglu of the party of the second part forever; ',' .,'_ .~'" -<'~' ,_, ":"::' ::;< . ,",. ':'':'('':'.:,:,;,,- t,_; ;.' }~'i ~IAoaII!lJIlttlIilltllil icoc:l<<X pg!lCIt~""l(ltilJxlllli:ll:lll"""""II'X' ',.' ""~'" ,<.:~~"":' '" ",~II A~ that':\1\rhain,l;&fi:,;p' '~~ii1i2rt~\,111;tpa~ ~"-iJI'llbur;~!ClC situate, ~~ying aM boling.lIi!:' c';};\til~f.J1e;,,<~'f;t Tuwil of Southold, County of Suffulk, l!lil St\lte (~JN~w:Yq11<!;",llotlJ\d~ll' . and' described ;a5 follows: ".,;" ";: .",' , ,", .' pllGINNING at: i1point on the Jl(lrther~y ,H!le,,?'f::j,fM .fiM,'~~..~~~t.~j: " ' tnking area!lPpropria ted by:. :the COlllltn:9f' 11l'Jn'ffI\9!Hij!,\!,t!Rn;(\1.. wkth' the recqnstruetion oia,'portion,pf,;t . ~!l!lIl:iii:rM.1il!9ri<, ,~, RIlad (Mid!lle Road) County'Road 271,'Sti'1lO1 ,;wlIcfiO'Jit(i'nllex . ", ,r.' 1ll41464, at its intersectien with the:W'; .T1i:;fi"~e'of~~na;now, '" .01', formerly of !he Estate qf Tholllas,Mr,!'J'(ka;'.lWJjI'f1N(; TH~NpEJaloll:g,; ,e tile northerly hna of said";fUl, aaspJl)a'ltj!;tl!~:!.J!g:,\~r.ll!,),?t~!,\~,oUq1'{l;,1I~f Sr~lC,courses: ,,1. South 5~ :u9greas 45,,{ ;~;~Q;.~n,9!?rl"5;'W\lS:t 1.;.:;;::;1' 5!..36 feet; 2, South 60 degrees 54 III . ~:,s,~c"jf!W\" 'H;,:I!6'(:;I!-, "fnet; 3, South 60 degrees,,23, minutes" ',,27~;feeli;'" o\L~lhll'" I)':~'~;;~;:~;)~ 56,l\l?grees,4~,mi!l'!tes 30 _.Ileonds West'75. f~c;i:; r~r,,~Soj:\i 'd~~'r~!lS '3:' minutes 10 'secollds West L''',13 fee.tr"aJid"'6', ''',Sollth'i5'., Tee'$'" ii" 2Jl minutes ;50" secollds West ,8~. 20 Ieet;,; ", ':':".:;":,.;"".;,,,,, .:.:f,: ,'" "I';';:',:';; .1'IjENCE North",42 degr"~s 09'1"~lIutes 00 s"~9!'Jl!'.!,W \HQ~,j;!i,e;ti 2'l!~If~Bj' .SuutO, ,$l,degrees 21 minutes 50 secollds"l'i"s,t;,~ ,t'::'tQ~tlJ~', ":'" ': OZOO ,ells~arly 'Hlle .pf ,I(pnd show.n "MPP of ;f~,,~lm~~~!l I:JUlll\;;:~f :: ';;:'" 1111, '",uP'No., ~18l,.;,;ml~NCIi~'NoTth ,,42j~Ure!l5~p9!!I!I;l ,}I~"q~~,l\'.W.r'l:,t.,j,,~,,~;t I f I 022001a1to,l)!l.sa1ll.l,aHmelltlollell '1!1,ndlO~6:.1~i:f" "f';1,tl1'fl;:i~01l " ,,', " 'IlIlall'd' Lighting" Compally;THENCE NO,rthi,:1.6;:." 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OFFICE LOCATION: 53095 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0499 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONSOLIDATED REAL PROPERTY TAX BILL DECEMBER 1, 2005 _ NOVEMBER 3D, 2006 - TAXES BECOME A LIEN DECEMBER 1, 2005 IF THE WORD ~ARREARS" IS PRINTED HERE SEE COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE ... ON REVERSE SIDE. OFFICE HOURS & PHONE MON-FRI 8:00 AM TO 4;00 PM 631-765-1803 FAX; 631-765-5189 . . . . .' LAND ASSESSMENT . ' 101 BRACKEN WOOD PALM BEACH GARDEN FL 33418 12/06/05 3,400 4,400 . ~.. .. : .' . .. SPARTAN HOLDING CO II- II . - . First Half: Second Half: L VYD SblllhOld School Southold Library 8571 8571 TI N $1,849.79 $1,849.79 LEVY % 67.13% 2,23% NY~Real Prop" TaxLaw NYS Mandated Expense Southold FD Waste Water District Solid Waste District DUE DEC. t, 2005 PAYABLEWtTHQUT PENALTYTO J,AN..10. 2006. DUE DEC.1,2005.MYAtll:;eW!Ti;.ICIIJT.P6NALU . see RtOVERSE SlDH'OJ:fPt:NALTY SCHEDUlE..' . SIDE FOA P.ENAt.TY"-S'CHEDf.ittANOJjOU "--,-_=n.;;;.:.;.:..._=_=_~'""""-,_',;,;,;;,;;".;,:;,-_,--,,,=,.~';;;;,;,,,:,__~_~_~ .;;...;.;..-....:.:="_-~.."""'f':-.=;..c--~-=---';':;"'O';":-=-..;.,;;...;.:-~--::--:-.,=;:';';'O.,=,.~..~-;;,;;.;;;-'~-~,.~M~'......,~_~-...;;;,;,;.;-..;;'_..,...:.:.;"~.~__ SECOND HALF ~SQa:rHOLI1 TAX lEVY. 201I5:~!O06 . .. . . ',' '~OJ;K;cOUN1y~~~~~rjBER ' , DETACH STUB ANll REi&RHWITit:SECOM>:IiA~F PAyMEN:i~JtE.TlJRN BOTH STUBS '; ,;; ~88!j'r<l::'?f?!"'1' . 4' . FORPAYMENT'OF~re.l'tJlx,:IlfI"KEC,HEQKPAYABle::rj:llieoRGER.SULLlVAN, .,;;~; ,; :. ';' .' ;~'.. .. R K. , I : ~~~!,!of DUE"" ;BJJ::L:MQ.; , f ~ . ,1;943;55, ~ll .' SPARTAN HOLDING CO The following bank branches located within the Town of Southold accept payments during regular. business hours: Bridgehampton National Bank, Bank of America, North Fork Bank, Suffolk County National Bank, Hudson City Savings Bank, , , -- . 4738890000074XZ2Z22X1008598050000000000194355003887096 FIRST HALF - SOUTHOLD TAX LEVY. 2Q05-2006 ""SUFFot.K~T~'MP~R DETACH STUB FOR FIRSTHALFl'AYMENT-REMlN.BOTII'S'I'IJlIIS FOR '.... ,47S~ 7:>:-;2':22' '. PAYMENTOFTOTALtAX,MAKECHECKPAYABLETQGE~ERSuLLIVAN" , .. ,!...,.. '" RECl:IVER OF TAXES AND WRn:E! Bill NO. AND TAX MAP NO:: ON FACE OF THE CHECK:,.' ,:A:~~!!IT ~ . :~ . , , : _. . II.' ': _.. .' I If. ~~<:_l~t'r~>s;:-) . , PAID BY: 0 ASSESSED 0 OTHER '. ;, ';~ ; ~:;:; _. .... ....<"Od-''' SPARTAN HOLDING CO " ' ''':" ," ;'4';';.,/", .. 'I The following bank branches located within the Town of SoulhOld accept ~me~ti d Bridgehampton National Bank, Bank of America, North Fork Bank, Suffolk: Co.unw.N" 4738890000074XZ2Z22X1008598050019435400000000003887093 SUGGESTED DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT PECONIC, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK. S.C.T.M.: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 074 BLOCK 02 LOT 22.1 BEGINNING at a point on the nOliherly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) distant approximately 287 feet (per s.c.t.m.) northeasterly along the northerly side of Middle Road from the northerly end of a line connecting said road line with the nOliherly side of Henrys Lane: THENCE N 42009' 00" W, 180.00 feet: THENCE S51021'50"W, 125.00feet: THENCE N 420 09' 00" W, 1,036.72 feet: THENCE N 760 21' 50" E, 300.46 feet: THENCE S 540 39' 50" E, 363.80 feet: THENCE S 53048' 10" E, 400.00 feet: THENCE S 540 38' 30" E, 406.02 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) THENCE along said road line the following six (6) courses: I) S 560 45" 30" W, 55.36 feet: 2) S 600 54' 20" W, 41.46 feet: 3) S 600 23' 00" W, 32.27 feet: 4) S 56045' 30" W, 75.00 feet: 5) S 590 37' 10" W, 100.13 feet: 6) S 510 21' 50" W, 88.15 feet to the POINT or PLACE of BEGINNING. Containing within said bounds: 9.59 acres February 27,2006 Job No. 05099a Property Owner List February 28, 2006 N&P Job #05099 500' Radius District 1000 SECTION 074 BLOCK 1 9 Rene Montenegro 1515 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 10 Randi LaCalamita 107 Bauer A venue Manorville, NY 11949 II Alfred Bartoszewicz 1515 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 12 Town of South old 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 13 Gekee Wickham P.O. Box 1122 Cutchogue, NY 11935 14 George J. Viola 995 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 15 John M. & Laura C. Helf 875 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 16 John Joseph & Irene Volisik 745 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 17 Panagiotis Tenedios 65 Bay Ridge Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11220 18 Panayotica Kasternoz 1153 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 19 Michael R. & Renee M. Harvey 447 7th Street Greenport, NY 11944 20 Elizabeth Martinsen 275 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 22.1 Robert Feaker 31606 County Road 48 Peconic, NY 11958 35.57 Kenneth & Patricia Homan 285 Stillwater Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 SECTION 074 BLOCK 2 5 1680 Henrys Lane, LLC 1680 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 6 Paula Daniel P.O. Box 541 Peconic, NY 11958 7 Gary & Debora Stroud 480 Soundview Avenue Peconic, NY 11958 8 Steven & Ellen M. Kosciusko 360 Soundview Avenue W. Peconic, NY 11958 9 George & Lorraine Fredericks 605 Grove Road Southold, NY 11971 10.2 Henry Bokina 1945 Mill Lane Peconic, NY 11958 10.3 Rosanne Church 199 Silverleaf Lane Is1andia, NY 11749 10.4 Margeret F. Sienk 1205 Mill Road Peconic, NY 11958 10.5 Richard & Ellen Bohner 19 Inge10re Court Smithtown, NY 11787 15 AnneA.Hubbard 1519 Leggett Road Bronxville, NY 10708 16 Suffolk County 330 Center Drive Riverhead, NY 11901 17 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakda1e, NY 11769 21 Emanuel G. Sfaelos 17 Huntington Bay Road Huntington, NY 11743 23 Long Island Power Authority 1 Metrotech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 24 Marietta Silvestre 1500 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 25 Nick Georgakakos 224 Mill Road Peconic, NY 11958 26 Town of South old 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 27 Sal Raymond & Yvonne M. Varano 20 1st Street Garden City, NY 11530 28 George J. Aneson 1050 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 29 Steve Tenedios P.O. Box 44 Peconic, NY 11958 30 Jaroslaw Misiukiewicz 5 Chapel Lane Southold, NY 11971 31 Francois Hascouet & Ors. 5105 Hillyer Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 32 Tevfik Kocan 600 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 33 Charles & Patricia Glowacki 500 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 34 John Skabry 390 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 35 John E. & Barbara Bokina 280 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 37.2 Carol Hydell 150 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 37.3 Charles F. & Carol Hydell 32125 County Route 48 Peconic, NY 11958 SECTION 074 BLOCK 4 4.9 New York State Federation ofG 1576 State Street Schenectady, NY 12304 5 John P. Krupski & Bros. Oregon Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 7.1 Leon Petroleum, LLC P.O. Box 1017 Melville, NY 11747 8 Alvin & Addie Pace (Private Road) 1720 Carroll Avenue Peconic, NY 11958 9 Andreas & Stacy Paliouras P.O. Box 434 Peconic, NY 11958 10 Francis & Maryann Misloski P.O. Box 237 Peconic, NY 11958 II Robert H. Chilton 1305 Blue Marlin Drive Southold, NY 11971 13 Bauer Fanns Bay Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 14.3 Darren E. Skrezec 840 Clearview Avenue SouthoId, NY 11971 15 Paul McGlynn P.O. Box 206 Peconic, NY 11958 16.1 Eric Rouleau 3150 Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958 . Date: 06/16/06 Transaction(s): 1 1 Petition Cheek#: 1012 Name: Peeonie, Meadows C/o The Northwind Group Lie One Rabro Dr., Ste 100 Hauppauge, NY 11788 Clerk ID: L1NDAC Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 . * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Reference 64-2-22. Total Paid: 1012 Subtotal $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Internal 10: 64-2-22.1 . PATRICIAA. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lori.montefuscoCa)town.southold.ny. us l!~fSOU;~~ '{II'!. ~..~ ~. {gc, ~ ~~~l ;r COUNT'{ ."~"'1O) ?-Q:?/-4Y..v:;r-fr;-P . SCOTT A. RUSSELL Supervisor KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran((l~town.southold.ny. us Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIV;:O JLII\.', .. "nn" Lv..1O MEMORANDUM Souj:j(.;~ Tc",n Clerk To: Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Kieran M. Corcoran, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Date: June 14,2006 Subject: Peconic Meadows Change of Zone Application Please be advised that I have reviewed the referenced application and have met with Anthony Trezza in the Planning Department regarding same. We concur that this application may be accepted for filing by the Town. KMC/lk . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ~:=;~ ~~\)t SO~1It/)~ ~.~\ ~. :.J ~ ,>::: 1Y r" COUNT'{ ,\\~,#c} =drP . MAlUNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE WCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD RECEIV::O MEMORANDUM ,ltii< ,.. 2005 To: Linda Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk SOI!\k\d Tc-:.'n ((elk From: Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner Date: June 14, 2006 Re: Change of Zone Application for Peconic Meadows SCTM#: 1000-64-2-22.1 As requested, the Planning Department has reviewed the above-referenced change of zone application and finds that it is complete and ready for processing. Upon receipt of a written request from the Town Board, the Planning Board will provide comments and recommendations for this application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office. Cc: Kieran Corcoran, Assistant Town Attorney . ~'l" /.//Z j7~><-<- ,l:~.;~,~r SOU/~'" j ~~ 'H~,S ~..M+ +\~ S ~' N ~_ .:::c,~ ~ 9:: 1" ~~. ~(' ~~ ~\\ j" ~:tCOUN-nI \\~~j); ? .I"""d <:CO~.L.CCfJ'-~ . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouthoId, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Southold Town Board From: Linda 1. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Dated: May 11,2006 Re: Change of Zone Application The attached Change of Zone Petition was received by the Town Clerk's Office. It has not yet officially been accepted pending review for completeness by the Town Attorney and the Planning Department. . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER (ffjtIZi/2Z~~~~ lV~.'~' \')r SOU1~\c. t1' ~.. 'h~.\.2 ~~! !z ~ 9::'", A1. ~('; i1:ft :t COUN'N ,~~1i '<Q-Q;rny..cF OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Town Attorney Patricia A. Finnegan Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner From: Linda 1. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Re: Change of Zone Application of Peconic Meadows Updated Long EAF and supplementary documentation Date: May 10,2006 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou tholdtown.northfork. net Additional documents to be included with the change of zone application of Peconic Meadows. . . LAW OFFICES PETER S. DANOWSKI, .JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 779 RIVERHEAD. NY 11901 -RECEJVa (631) 727.4900 FAX (631) 727-7451 "". JOHN P. TAGGART. ESQ. MAY 1 C 2CCD ''SOIlIIWlnC.v:n em. May 9, 2006 Southold Town Clerk's Office P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Plan Known as: Peconic Meadows at Peconic, Town of Southold Change of Zone Application - Change From R-80 Residential Low Density A to HD Hamlet Density A SCTM #1000 - 74 - 02 - 22.1 Dear Sir or Madam: As a follow-up to an application recently hand delivered to the Town Clerk's office, I enclose an updated Long EAF, with supplementary documentation, prepared by the project's engineering and surveying firm, Nelson & Pope. Please add these documents to the previously delivered application. Very truly yours, G~ PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. PSD:gsg Encls. cc: James Tsunis Emanuel Sfaelos, Esq. 14"16-2 (2/87)-7c . . SEQR 617.21 Appendix A State Environmental Ouality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL A'SSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be signitlcant. The question of whether an action may be si~ificant IS not always easy to answer. Frequently, there are aspects of a project that are su~ective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determme significance may liave little or no tormal knowledge of the environment or may be technically expert in envlfonmental analysis. In addition, many who have kriowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concern affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the ~etermin.ation process. has bee!! orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible to allow introduction of mformatlOn to fit a project or actIOn. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts. Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place m Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides g1!idance as to wliether an imJlact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also Identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Par): 3: If any impact.in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the 1lllpact IS actually Important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - TYPE 1 AND UNLISTED ACTIONS IdentifY the Portions of EAF completed for this project: -X-Part 1 _Part 2 _Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts I and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other sUf,pof\ing information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of eacli impact, it is reasonably de ermmeo by the lead agency that: _A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, t1ierefore a negative declaration will be prepared. _B. Althouf,h the pr~ect could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect or this nlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* _C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. * A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Peconic Meadows Name of Action Town of South old Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer If different from responsible officer) Date I . PART 1- PROJECT INFORMATIO. Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determinin~ whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form,-Parts A throug!! E. Answers to these questIOns will he considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Peconic Meadows LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Address, Municipality and County) NISIO Middle Road (CR 48JEIO Henrvs Lane & WIO Mill Road NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE Demetrius Tsunis c/o Northwind ADDRESS CITY /PO 1 Rabro Drive. Suite 11 0 STATE NY ZIP CODE 11788 BUSINESS TELEPHONE Hauppaufle NAME OF OWNER (It different) Spartan Holdinfl Co. ADDRESS Sea Breeze West Gloria CITY/PO STATE Florida ZIP CODE 5 Marco Island DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: The 9.6 acre vacant property lies in the Hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. New York on the north side of Middle Road, between Mill Road and Henrys Lane. The site predominantly occupied by field! woodland. The proposed project involves a change of zone from R-liO to HD (Hamlet District) for the future construction of 38 townhouse units and associated amenities. Site access would be rom Middle Road (CR 48). ease omp ete ac uestlOn - n Icate I not app Ica e A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. I. Present land use: Urban ~Industrial _Rural (non-farm) _Other _Commercial _Forest ~Residential (Suburban) _Agriculture 2. Total acreage of project area: 9.59 acres APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres Forested (sparsely, wi areas of meadow) 9.59 acres 3.26 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 acres Wetland (Fresltwater or Tidal as per Articles 24. 25 of EeL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres 2.58 acres Other (Indicate type) Landscaped 0 acres 3.75 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? HaB-Haven Loam. 0-3%. PIB-PI\,mouth Loam\' Sand, 3-8%. RdB-Riverhead SandI' Loam. 3-8% a. Soil drainage: ~ Well drained ~% of site; _ Moderately well drained ~% of site; Poor drained % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? +1- 9 acres. (See I NYCRR 370). 2 4.' ~re there bedrock outcropp.fon_project site? Yes a. What is depth to bedrock? NA (in feet) - 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: X 0-10% 100 %; ~ 10-15% _ 15% or greater ~ % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to,pr contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? _ 1 es --.-K No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? _ Yes ---LNo X NO. % 8. What is the depth of the water table? 22 % (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ~ Yes No 10.Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? _ Yes L No II. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Yes ---L No According to NP& V Staff (none known at this time, awaitine reSTJonse from NYS Natural Heritaee Proeram). IdentifY each species I2.Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Yes --.-K No Describe 13.Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Yes ~ No If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? _ Yes ~No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area N/A a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16.Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name SO 33 & SO 34 . Size (In Acres) Yes (wetlands are oft-sIte) 17.Is the site served by existing public utilities? Yes ~ No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? _ Yes No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? _ Yes _ No 18.Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? _ Yes .L No 19.Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? _ Yes X- No 20.Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? Yes .L No B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 9.59 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed 9.59 acres initially; 9.59 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ~ acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N/A f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 0 ; proposed 86 % g. Maximum velriculartripsgeneratedperhour 20 * (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: *PM Peak Hour Tolal, 1TE Trip Generation (see attached) One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium 38 38 2 stories height; 55 ft width; 60 ft length. % Initially Ultimately 1. Dimensions (in feet) oflargest proposed structure: 3 ~. j: Linear feet of frontage a. a public thorougbfare project will occu.? 392.37 % 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? Unknown at this time cubic yards. ft. (M"uJdle Road; CR 48) 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? ~ Yes No N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ~ Yes c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? L Yes LandscaDinfl/turf No No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 6.33 % acres. 5. Will anymature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _ Yes ~No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction 12-16 months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase I _ month _ year (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of fmal phase _ month _ year. d. Is phase I functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~ Yes No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Y es ~ No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction %25; after project is complete-.fL. 10.Number of jobs eliminated by this project JL 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? If yes, explain Yes ~No 12.ls surface liquid waste disposal involved? _ Yes ~ No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13.Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ~ Yes _ No Type Stormwater 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? _ Yes If yes, explain: 15.ls project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Yes ~ No LNo 16.Will the project generate solid waste? -L Yes No a. If yes, what is the amount per month ~ton. (Based on 23thsleapita; assuming 2.67 occupallts per ullit) b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ~ Yes No c. If yes, give name TransferStation location Town of South old d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? _ Yes L No e. If yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Yes ~ No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? _ Yes ~ No 19.Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Yes --L No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels?_ Y es ~ No 21.Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~ Yes No If yes, indicate type(s) Fossil based fuels 22.Ifwater supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N/A gallons/minute. 4 :.' . 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 6,000 :r . gallons/day. (Based Oil 150GPD/Ullit, 0.30GPDIRec building) 24.Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? If yes, explain 25,Approvals Required: Yes ~No Town Board Town Planning Board Town Building Department City, Town Zoning Board City, County Health Department Other Local Agencies State Agencies DEC Other Regional Agencies Federal Agencies -.K Yes XYes XYes -.K Y es LYes X Yes XYes _Yes Yes No No No _No No No No LNo LNo Type Change of Zone Site Plan Building Permit Special Exception Sanitary/Water Water Authority SPDES Permit Submittal Date March 2006 Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending C. ZONING AND PLANNING INFORMATION I. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ~ Yes No If yes, indicate decision required: _zoning amendment _ zoning variance _ special use permit _ subdivision X site plan _ new/revision of master plan ~ resource management plan X other Chanee of Zone 2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? R-80 Residential 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 80,000 SF minimum lot size; 20% maximum lot coveraee 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? HD-Hamlet Densitv 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 20,000 SF minimum lot area; 25% maximum lot coveraee - 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? ---K....- Yes _No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a l/4 mile radius of proposed action? Residential, commercial, vacant land; R-80, R-~O, LB, LI, AC - 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a l/4 mile? XYes _No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision ofland, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? IO.Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? _ Yes ~No II. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)?~ Yes No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? L Yes No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Yes ~No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? _ Yes _ No 5 . . D. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse iU!llacts associ~ted with your proposal, please discuss such Impacts and the measures whicli you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. VERIFICATION I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Nelson. Pope & Voorhis Date Mav 5. 2006 Signature ~Yr'.-o (Marissa Da Breo) Title Environmental Analvst 6 . . PECONIC MEADOWS Peconic, Southold, New York NP&V No. 05099 This document is a supplement to change of zone application for the proposed Peconic Meadows project, specifically to address question C-9 of the application form. Proiect Description The subject property lies in the Hamlet of Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York on the north side of Middle Road, between Mill Road and Henrys Lane. The property consists of a 9.6-acre parcel, which is predominantly occupied by woodland vegetation; however there are four (4) structures located in the eastern portion of the property, which are in varying degrees of disrepair. The property is more particularly described as Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-074-02-22.1. The proposed project involves a change of zone from R-80 to HD (Hamlet District) to allow for the construction of 38 age-restricted, duplex condominium units and a recreation building with an outdoor pool. A centrally located roadway will provide the sole access to the site. A total of 10 parking stalls will be provided in the vicinity of the recreation facility. Parking for the residences will be provided in garages and on driveways. A natura~ vegetated buffer that will screen the development from surrounding areas will be maintained on the northern, western and eastern sides of the property. Use and Operation The units will be privately owned and a condominium association will be created to manage the development. It is expected that a private maintenance company will be contracted by the association to maintain the development, structures and grounds. Solid waste generated by the development will be removed by a private carting company. The development will be age- restricted, therefore, the development will not burden the school district and will in fact generate substantial tax revenue. The proposed development is expected to generate approximately 6,000 gallons per day (gpd) of wastewater. The subject site is located in Groundwater Management Zone IV, which is a deep flow recharge area used for local water supply. Zone IV permits up to 600 gallons of sanitary discharge per day per acre with public water supply and without sewage treatment. For this 9.6- acre site, a maximum of 5,760 gpd of sanitary wastewater may be generated with septic systems in place as per Suffolk County Sanitary Code. However, to be conservative, a Cromaglass wastewater treatment system will be provided as part of the proposed development to ensure groundwater protection. . . Change of Zone Supplement Peconic Meadows Proiect SpOnsor Objective The subject property was purchased by the Applicant with the intent of developing it residentially. The proposed development is compatible with surrounding uses. Approval ofthe subject application would not negatively impact the Hamlet of Peconic nor would it affect land use in the vicinity. The proposed development conforms to the proposed zoning and will comply with Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6. The site is located in an area wherein a mix of residential, commercial and agricultural uses are found, so that the approval of residential use would not create a land use not previously represented in the vicinity. The proposed project is designed to conform to the proposed zoning HD zoning district, and will establish high quality residential use on the site. An age restricted housing project with enhanced landscaping and styling is expected to be an asset to the community. Finally and as will be documented below, the project conforms to many Comprehensive Plan goals, is well designed and situated with respect to its surroundings, and will result in a quality development under the proposed HD zoning. Conformance with Town Code and Comprehensive Plan The Town of Southold has completed a Hamlet Study which assists in identifying areas concentrated use corresponding to the existing and historic hamlet centers of the Town of Southold. From a planning perspective, the hamlet centers are intended to provide sense of place and walkability to promote sustainable development within and around the hamlet centers. Peconic was identified as a hamlet center which would achieve more definition over time and which would benefit from gateway enhancement, architectural considerations in future design, streetscape enhancement and appropriate hamlet scale use and design. Areas influenced by and important to the hamlet center were defined surrounding the centers and are designated as Hamlet Locus (HALO) boundaries. These areas would tend to support the hamlets and may experience moderate growth within areas that appropriately will provide residential use in support of the hamlets. The subject site is located within the HALO zone ofthe hamlet ofPeconic. The site lies north of a transportation corridor (CR 48) and within walking distance of the hamlet center (less than 200 feet to north end of Hamlet Boundary). The proposed Peconic Meadows site is not identified as being within or adjacent to any protected lands or wetlands; however, the HALO Non-Buildable Lands Map identifies community facility uses adjoining the northeast and west property boundaries. The proposed project is consistent with the comprehensive planning efforts of the Town in terms of locating new development proximate to a hamlet center in a manner that will not adversely impact environmental resources. Communitv Benefits The proposed project will provide increased housing opportunities for people 55 years of age and older. The project will also provide an increased customer base for local establishments. The Town of South old will benefit from an increased tax base. Additionally, as the development will Page 2 . . Change of Zone Supplement Peconic Meadows be age-restricted, there will be no impact to the schoo I district but a tax revenue benefit will be realized. Development Under Existing Zoning Under current zoning, R-80, 2 acre or 80,000 SF lots with maximum lot coverage of 20% are aIlowed. These provisions would aIlow for approximately 4 single-family dweIlings including roadways. Construction oflow density housing proximate to a hamlet center is contrary to Smart Growth goals which seek to provide medium to high density residential developments near to activity centers like shopping, entertainment, service facilities and recreation establishments. The proposal provides 38 quality homes proximate to a hamlet center creating a community for the 55 and older population seeking this type of environment to live. Page 3 ":~. '~I'~~~tt~~::~~~{~ .;i!;I,h,,,.1l:.1:',~I"~)""~"" if~~t~;;!):~~"~.:~~ ':'" ::~ "1,_":"'.::::: ",:,.,'"~~ . ,,_'/~ , I, . ~:\f. '-';1 ;;;/ " " J~,~t1;)"~,~6!JliJ>l!l"ui4 'SlMR'l'A!l.;:ijO/.iDING"'illp.,j~, 1'J.lill"'ill;',c.;fill>iI'j1~ilOll ~1\' .. " ':i ~,' ;~1(~ .~llaVlin.,~II..i't.,u~ nr~nc:.i1;~lt~"1! ::ta,\!e ,af. ~' , ~~S'S~~1, ,c' I~ .1:;-"~ .~,A. :r,." i /'r 'J ''''~l ^. 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NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork,net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Town Attorney Patricia A. Finnegan Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner From: Linda 1. Cooper, Deputy Town Clerk Re: Change of Zone Application of Peconic Meadows Date: May 5, 2006 The enclosed change of zone application of Peconic Meadows was received today, May 5, 2006 from Attorney Peter S. Danowski, Jr. I have not yet officially receipted this application. Please review it and send me your recommendation as to whether or not this application meets the criteria for acceptance for filing by the Town. Thank you. . . LAW OFFICES PETER S. DANOWSKI, .JR. 616 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. BOX n9 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (631) 727-4900 FAX (631) 727-7451 RECEIVED t(:SS fJl1) MAY 5 2006 JOHN P. TAGGART, ESO. May 4, 2006 Southold Town C1er. Southold Town Clerk's Office P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Plan Known as: Peconic Meadows at Peconic, Town of Southold Change of Zone Application - Change From R-SO Residential Low Density A to HD Hamlet Density A SCTM #1000 -74 - 02 - 22.1 Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed find the following documents regarding the above application: 1. Four sets of the completed application form. 2. Four copies of the Petition. 3. Four sets of the Long Environmental Assessment Form. 4. Four copies of our metes and bounds description. 5. Four copies of Property Owner List. 6. Four prints of our Conceptual Plot Plan. 7. Four prints of our Radius Map. S. Check for $1,000.00 payable to the Town of Southold to cover your filing fee. If you need anything further in connection with this Application, please contact my office. Very truly yours, (};L- PETER S. DANOWSKI, JR. PSD:gsg Encls. cc: James Tsunis Emanuel G. Sfaelos, Esq. . . ELIZABETH A. NEV1LLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRiAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 MalO Road PO. Box Il79 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT AND/OR CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICATION NAME: Peconic Meadows (Name tmder which application shall be known) SUFFOLK COllNTY TAX MAP NO.: 1000 _ 7 4 District 02 --- Block 22 1 --- -- Parcel A. SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Application is hereby made to the Southold TOWil Board for amendment to Chapter 100 {Zoning) of the Town Code and/or a change in the zoning classification of the Zoning Map in a accordance with the Section 100 - _ of the Zoning Law of the Town of Southold and Section 265, TOWil Law. Further, the following are submitted herewith (check those appropriate, write N/ A where not applicable) L Four (4) sets of the completed application form and petition. Each set shall contain one (1) complete set of cover letter forms, affidavits, project description, surveys, plans, and EAF and any supplemental information as maybe be needed or requested / 2. Fee in the amount of$I,OOO.OO ($500.00 for AHD). Applicant is also responsible for any fees incurred in the Environmental Review Process. / ----L_ 3. Survey map, accurately drawn to appropriate scale, showing the proposed Zone district boundary changes, property lines, the calculated areas affected, in acres or square feet, the Suffolk County Tax Map designations, the street rights-of-way in the immediate vicinity and lands, land uses and names of owners immediately adjacent to and extending within two hundred (200) feet of all boundaries of the property to be amended. \) 4. Metes and bounds description of the proposed amendment. . . 5. Appropriate Environmental Assessment Form (EAF). All Unlisted and Type I Actions require either a Short Or Full EAF to be prepared. See Chapter 157 of Town Code and Part 617 NYCRR (SEQR), or check with the Town Attorney and/or the PLuming Department. 6. Other information deemed necessary for review by the Town Board, the Town Planning Board and/or the Suffolk County Planning Commission (i.e. site plans, subdivision maps). Please note items submitted: B. GENERAL INFORMATION: I N Of A I t( ) . T." un's. c/o The Northwind Group . arne pp ican s: pemetr~)ls 0 ~ 87 Address: One Rabro Dr~ve. Su~te 100 Hauppauge, NY 117 Telephone N;- (631) 582-8300 If the applicant does not own the property, is a contract vendee, or if the Owner is a Corporation or a Partnership, prepare endorsement at the end of this form establishing owner's authorization of the applicant's request. 2. If the applicant is contract vendee, give name. If the applicant is a corporation (or partnership), give the name and title of the responsible officer: Name: Demetrius Tsunis Address:(if different) Title: Telephone No.: (631) 582-8300 3. Landowner(s): Spartan Holding Co. Title: Address: Seabreeze West Gloria, 5 Marco Island, >Lorlda 33937 Telephone No.: 4. Name of licensed architect, landscape architect, civil engineer and/or surveyor who prepared the plan: Name: Thomas C. Dixon Title: Name of Firm: Nelson & Pope Engineers and Surveyors Address: 572 Walt Whitman Road MelVIlLe NY il/4! Telephone No.: (631) 427-5665 Engineer 5 Name of Attorney, or Agent authorized to represent the property owner and/or applicant Name: Peter Danowski, Jr., Esq. Title: Attorney Name of Firm: pptf!r Danowski, Jr., ES~. Address: Po Box 779 Riverhead. NY 119 Telephone No.: (631) 727-4900 . . 6. All communications with regard to this application shall be addressed to the following person until further notice: Name: Tom Dixon. P. E. . Nelson & Pooe Eng1)tle: Engineer Address: 572 Walt Whitman Road. Melville NY 11747 Telephone No.: (631) 427-5665 C. SITEIPROJECT DATA: t. Location of Property West (northl sou thl east/west) side corner of Middle Country (street) C.R. 48 or road) 450~ feet South (north! south! east/west) of Mill Road (nearest intersecting street) Peconic (hamlet) 2. Existing zoning district(s) R-80 Residential Low Density A Special Overlay District(s). if applicable 3. Requested zoning district( s) HD Hamlet Density A 4. Lot area: sq. ft or acres 9.59 Acres 5. a. The latest deed(s) describing this parcel(s) is (are) recorded in the County Clerk's Office as follows: DATE Dec. 27, 1984 LillER 9708 PAGE 290 b. A copy ofthe(se) should be attached to the application. 6. There are no encumbrances or liens against this land other than mortgages? X YES NO 7 All buildings and structures are shown on the survey? ;<., YES NO (The Town Board reserves the right to request a complete survey showing all existing structures) 8. Existing: Building Area Vacant sq. ft. Lot coverage 9. Please attach a detailed typewritten description of the project, the proposed use and operation thereof, including a detailed explanation of the design concept, the reason for the particular design, objective of the developer or project sponsor and how or why the project is (or is not) in compliance with the Town Code and the Master Plan. Explain what benefits will accrue to the community by the proposed rezoning. Document reasons . . . why proposed project can not be bnilt under cnrrent zoning regulations and pursuant to the current zoning map. D. AGENCY COORDINATION AND SEORA (See Part 617, NYCRR and Chapter _ of Town Code) I. Does the site Front on a Town~)fState Road? (circle one) Name and number of the road ~ty Road 48, State Road 25) County Road 48 2. Is the site within any other areas of review of the Suffolk County Plaruring COmmission? X YES NO. If yes, the referral requirements of the Suffolk County Planning Commission should be examined to assure a complete application. 3. Is the site in a designated critical environmental area as per the New York State Envirorunental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and Chapter _ of the Town Code? YES 'X NO. If yes, what area? 4. Type I, Type II o~isted Act~ircle one) An envirorunental Assessment form must be completed for Unlisted and Type I actions. 5. Has an Environmental Assessment Form or Draft Environmental Impact Statement been prepared? X YES NO. If yes, copies should be submitted with the application. , E. I hereby depose and certify that all of the above statements of information, and all statements And information contained in the supporting documen and drawings attached hereto are true and correct. Sworn before me this :Jri-h day of-JehJel1af ~ ,20 M:1.. ~!>-ft. fW!.UJ NOTARY PUBLIC DONNA A. PUCCIO Notary Public, State of New York No.01PU6138256 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires 12/19/2009 . . G. DISCLOSURE AFFIDA V1T State of New York County of Suffolk Demetrius Tsunis being by me duly Sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am an applicant for a project or an owner of the land which is the subject of a pending application before the Southold Town Board for amendment and/or change of zone. 2. The project name is: Peconic Meadows 3. I reside at One Rabro Drive, Suite 100, Hauppauge, NY 4. The. Officers of the applicant Corporation or owner Corporation are as follows: 11787 NAME TITLE 5. I make and complete this affidavit under the penalty of perjury and swear to the truth herein. 6. I am aware that this affidavit is required by General Municipal Law 809 and that I shall be guilty of a misdemeanor as provided by General Municipal Law 809 should I knowingly or intentionally fail to make all disclosures herein. 7. During the 12 months before the filing of this application, have any of the fOllowing individuals made campaign contributions exceeding $100 in total, in cash or in kind, to members ofthe Town Board or political committees designated to accept donations behalf: I. Owner 2. Applicant 3. Agent for owner Or applicant 4. Attorney 5. Other Yes No ~ )<. >t . . If the answer to Question 7 is yes, Town Code Cbapters _ and _ require tbat the information be provided below: Name Title (Owner, Agent, Attorney, other) Amount ****************************************************************************** For the purpose of this disclosure, an official or employee or either the Town of South old Or the County of Suffolk, shall be deemed to have an interest in the applicant and or owner when tbat official or employee, their spouse, brothers, sisters, parents, children, grand children or the Spouse of any of them: a. Is the applicant or owner b. Is an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant or owner c. Legally or beneficially owns or c04trols stock of a COrporate applicant or owner, or is a member of a partnership or association applicant or owner, or d. Is a party to an agreement with the applicant or owner, express or implied, whereby said official or employee may receive any payment or other benefit- whether or not for services rendered, dependent or contingent upon the favorable approval of such application. Ownership of less than five percent of the stock of a corporation whose stock is listed on the New York Stock or American Stock Exchanges shall not constitute an interest for the purposes of this disclosure ****************************************************************************** YOU MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWlNG QUESTION YES OR NO Do any of the following individuals have an interest in the applicant or owner, as defined above? YES X NO L Any official New York State YES X NO 2. Any official or employee of South old Town or Suffolk County? _YES -LNO If the answer above is yes, to any of the questions, General Municipal Law Section 809 requires that you disclose the name and residence and the nature and extent of the Interest of said individual (s) in the applicant or owner. NAME RESIDENCE NATURE OF INTEREST . . Sworn before me this ~ Dayof fohRt JaRll20 ()0 ~fi ()- 0-. f~ NOTARY PUBLIC DONNA A. PUCCIO Notary Public, State of New York No.01PU6138256 luallflea In Suffolk County .h." 'oo,u" Expires 12/19/2009 rJ~\XH.W ()r::";\(:~~\110:'\: Il,.. 1000 ,;,., 07400 OZOQ lI!ll" I",,, I 022001 ,I) !I '.ll(Celi~rs and a85i~5 of the p~rty of the second part forever. ,,'"'~''''''''''''''' , .. .,.......... .........~...."II(_...._~,.., ..~........o(l'",!\;p.._lIIl""h""'''''I\'ln,,''''''''''''II'"'l!ll!',' :"'.'),"". " ,'" "'.i.'. ALL t lit .,e. II'rtlJin:,.f..l'ft. ~t:,..", 1ol..Jl1ij~~!(X situllt~. J>,ingaJ\4iill'<lWs, ,'"".' .o. TnwnoJ; S(1uthold, County of. Suf{ol1c',!!lliIStl!te'Fl! .New" Illlil: described:as ~ollows: ." ..'" :i,:;,f~ ""', ' I!UGJNNING lit "II: Ilolnt on tlW:,l\orth!lr~r"',,~Jl~;i!l:f,yC), tnMngllr~Il'lljipr(1prfate'''Il>'i:t~e C9lllJ" . ',,', ".Wk.th..' th~ r~.e9'1~truqiolJ....Qf i,a.,.,.Yl1Qrljj,QI!, ,R(lall, (Middle' Road) coUnty:ll. 1l.1l..,'27'1". S 11l41464, at its intersectic,jjWfth thll . , 01' fOJ1llerly of the Estate fi,f Thomas'"M 'tJj'e . northerlY. line of said":llill ,elu~ ,5~X"C(1\1rse5 :,..1.. South $,~~~l~:rf1!l~~S . 5!1. :l~ feet;? South 60 aelPlees ,54 "',<I' '''ii ,ffl!lt.~. South,~Q,<legreeS"iZ~"mfnllt,!,~i!W ,J~ll2 ,564I1grll!ls"4.~rl1!i,,ut:,e'~ 3P ~~conas l'/esll'1,II!'Pi . 3Tinintites ", 10"(econ'c!s'We$t"lc ',13' feilliYll!i'a"'6', ,"2ll"IIIillutesj5Q""se9Qlids ,West,i8~. 20 Ie"ty", .. ,1'IQll/CI1 NOX:*I1",cH 4"gree$ p9,m,j.l\..t~. qP'I!:!/ )I(11:!tb,?~",,4Ql!t!S"s ,~l milluh.$';5Q $ecol\d..~~. ijll~rlltlt'14l\~:;l~f..:.""nd $h<!!f!\;:"HlIjI Q:tJf' . . ; "'lIjI';,NO",'!-41 Al'j1iiTHlllipe.:NoTtl\: ;,4;ti';Q/!'gt/l . \~ll~~~a~.ft~*~~~~:.~g~;~~~.~~t~g~~ali~b .\SlIi"sec<inc!s. 'Ei!st along salll.1"st me now or f01'merlY pft)le 5$tllteof ')'li i$uid4ast mCJltipncc! lana IIlt!J.iP,lIrt1y' County ofSuf:fQll<. t.bll,fO ' ' 'ln8 ' l..',$~ut)lS+iJc~~.~r.l!r ~.\l)i!I ' " 2 ".:;,$(1u.~I\.s;3~,lI"IP'@~ "'4 A;III,. "3, ,$pu*" 54 <lell'tees 38 mj, ". ".' 30' point or place ~f BBGINNING. . 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First Half: Second Halt VY.DE . . Southold School: , Soulhoill Libral)'" ,8571 8571 I N Nvs Fleal F'rO'ptalitaiNl NYS:MantiateClExiiense Sduthold FD . Waste Water District Solid Waste District The following banK braric~e.s.:located'Vn6liithe:T9~:<lf Southold accept paym Btidgehampton National BanK; Bank of Amllrica, North Fork Bank, Suffolk Cou 4738890000074XZ2Z22X1008598050000000000194355003887096 - - - FIRST.HALF: -sOI1THOLD. TAX L~V,."'-;- . DETACH SWB:~OItfJF$TJ:i~ll>iPA'tMENT";. RdIl'~' '.. ,c, PAYMENT .01' TotAL.,tAlI,,,.,AKElllll!C/("P. . fU!.CtlllER ~ Tl\x,Es ~D'~llt~t~~AflD"l'AU4 ;,,,,,"',, ',~', '""""_~",,.,~,i,,>,_,). ',"" "",,""-^' ""_-__'~>:%,;.i,, PAID BY:. [] ASSUSEa; SPARTAN HOlDING CO The following b-ank branches located witHin the i;dWl!J'Of~~~~1ct accept Bricfgehampton National"Bank, sank'of Anierlca,f\loitH"FSrk!a~lIk, Suffol .... '''-'" -, 4738890000074XZ2Z22X1008598050019435400000000003887093 . . SUGGESTED DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT PECONIC, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ST ATE OF NEW YORK. S.C.T.M.: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 074 BLOCK 02 LOT 22.1 BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) distant approximately 287 feet (per s.c.t.m.) northeasterly along the northerly side of Middle Road from the northerly end of a line cOlmecting said road line with the northerly side of Henrys Lane: THENCE N 42009' 00" W, 180.00 feet: THENCE S 51021' 50" W, 125.00 feet: THENCE N 420 09' 00" W, 1,036.72 feet: THENCE N 760 21' 50" E, 300.46 feet: THENCE S 540 39' 50" E, 363.80 feet: THENCE S 530 48' 10" E, 400.00 feet: THENCE S 540 38' 30" E, 406.02 feet to the northerly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48) THENCE along said road line the following six (6) courses: 1) S 560 45" 30" W, 55.36 feet: 2) S60054'20"W, 41.46feet: 3) S 600 23' 00" W, 32.27 feet: 4) S 56045' 30" W, 75.00 feet: 5) S 590 37' 10" W, 100.13 feet: 6) S 510 21' 50" W, 88.15 feet to the POINT or PLACE of BEGINNING. Containing within said bounds: 9.59 acres February 27, 2006 Job No. 05099a .. . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------)[ In the Matter of the Petition of SPARTAN HOLDING CO. To Change Zone From R-80 to H.D. (Hamlet Density) ______________________________________________________-------------x Petitioner does hereby duly swear, depose and say: 1. Petitioner is the owner of Suffolk County Ta)[ Map No. 1000 - 74 - 02 - 22.1. 2. The premises front on Middle Road, C.R. 49 (North Road) and comprise appro)[imately 9.5935 acres. 3. The premises are currently zoned R-80 Residential and are within the Town of Southold's "Halo" Zone. 4. The Petitioner has authorized Demetrius A. Tsunis to process the within Change of Zone Application. 5. The Petitioner's project site can be served by public water provided by the Suffolk County Water Authority, which is an adjacent lot owner (see radius map). 6. It is the intention of the Petitioner and Applicant to provide a community sewer system, thereby qualifying for density based on 10,000 square foot per unit (see attached schedule). 7. It is the intention of Petitioner to provide 100% senior housing with 25% of same affordable under Town standards. 8. The Petitioner has owned the property in question for apprQ)[imately 22 years. 9. The current ta)[ bill is attached. 10. Various business uses e)[ist directly across C.R. 48 from the project site; to wit, landscaping business, sand, gravel and masonry, bridal center, gas station, North Fork Wood Designs. ,~ . . II. The undersigned had previously delivered a proposed subdivision map to the Town's Planning Department, but no approval action was taken by the Town (see enclosed letter). ]2. A conceptual plat plan A entitled "Peconic Meadows" and a radius map, are enclosed, along with this Petition. 13. WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the Town Board change the zoning from R-80 to B.D. (Hamlet Density). By: EMANUEL G. SFAE President . . VERIFICATION ST ATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss.: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) EMANUEL G. SFAELOS, being duly sworn, states he is the President of Spartan Holding Co., the Petitioner in this action, (Petitioner is a corporation) and that he has read the foregoing Petition and that the contents of the Petition are true to deponent's own knowledge except as to those matters which are alleged on information and belief. As to those matters, the deponent believes them to be true based upon the books and records of the Petitioner. - --. LESLIE M. ROGELL Notary Public, Slate of Florida My comm. expires Ocl. 25. 2009 No. DO 455779 . . SPARTAN HOLDING CO. 17 Huntington Bay Rd. Huntington, NY 11743 January 16, 2003 Ms. Valerie Seopaz Planning Dept. Southold Town Hall Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: SPARTAN HOLDING CO. Tax map # 74-2-22-1 9.59 ae. Dear Ms. Scopaz, I have been advised ~hat the Township is interested in providing "affordable ho,lsing" for its residents and that the panel is or may be ,r'eviewing areas in which such a project would be suitable. On September 10, 2002, I hand delivered the original of the letter enclosed to the O,'fice of the Planning Board. It is my belief that the- premises identified above for the reasons stated in my l~~tec of September 10, 2002, would make a good locacic~ for "aitordable housing". Suffolk County Water Authority has, by agre"ment, grar.ted me public water to the premises, whic' I feel is an essential element of my belief. 1 t would parcel in Your kj.nd ther2fore De appreciated if you mind durir.g YOlr del'berations. consideration js appr'eciated. would keep this Yours very trul, Spartan Holding Co. By Emanuel G. Sf~elo:3 .. . . /. SPARTAN HOLDING CO. 17 HuntingtG~ Bay ~j. Huntington, le'I 11743 President: Jason Sfaelos (631) 425-7475 Secretary: Emanuel G. Sfaelos E- mall: esfaelos@hotmall.com September 10, 2002 HAND DELIVERED '~",'p, .~',,~!,~~,'. .,:~~j~j~~~, '; l(.. h~l_' '-;J ~ ~ C'tl."" }....QI \... , ft" ' , , ~,,\ . " SEP 10 2002 .... Southold Town PJanninit~.!d Southold Planning Board pia. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Attn. B. Orlowski, Jr., Chairman ~"'d-/88~ Dear Sir, It is not my intention to bore you wi ~h details, but I feel some background is necessary in this Cdse. Nearly four years ago, I hand d~llvered to the Fla~ning Department a proposed subdivision map of pr,'perty consistir,g of 9.6 acres on County Rd. 48 having a tax n',ap designatio,: #74-2-22.1, and requested a review and meeting with the Bnard upo, review. At that time, I was advised tha~ :here was a new "study" was underway for property on Route 48, a~d I would b~ advised. I waited patiently but was never notified. In A'gust of 20JC, on visiting the Town Hall, I was told that the StUL'y was on.y for "commercial property" along 48. Residentially zoned parcels w~re left out of the "study". A cursory glance at the Zoning Map w'll disclose that the premises, zoned R-80, are located between Hen;"ys lane and Mill lane on the North side of Route 48. The z()ni~'J in the lmm~diate ar'ea is as f)llows: 1. Westerly line, R-40 zoning or les~: adjacent 2. Northerly 1ine, 1ILCO power lines 3. East, Mill Lane Suffolk County Water Pumping Station 4. Southerly line, Route 48, which is at that point is a major four lane highway 5. Southerly and directly across Rlute 48. Business, Light Industry, and Hamle" Business Dis~ricts. . . . The designation of R-80 2uni'\g for tilat area was and is not even remotely in cadence with co~ditions as they exist or existed. My intention was to cor ;truct something in keeping with the surrounding area such as , cl'lste!" ':of single-family homes despite the fact that the Zoning C::ode permit:s applications for many "non- residentialH alternative us's. In fact, I was subsequently advised by the Housing Alliance that the Southold desiLoed to provide "affordable housingH in the area. Since I have access to public water, having granted Suffolk County Water an easement, I would desire to explore that possibility with you. In any event, my latest call to the Planning Board on September 6, 2002 revealed a new imped.ment has been placed before me, a "moratoriumH. When I asked the reason for this new restriction on subdivisions, no answer was fo,thcoming. I was told to call Mr. Mark Terry today at 10:00 am. I cal10d at 09:30, only to be informed that he was going to a meeting, and could not spea k to me. I was told that he would call back by late ,lfternoon. As of this date, I have yet to receive a return call. It would be appreciated therefore i~ you would extend to me the courtesy of a meeting to discuss thlS situation at the earliest possible opportunity. I have been patient for four years. Thank you for your anticipat:ed cooperation. Spartan Holding Co. Emanuel G. Sfaelos, Secretary SPARTAN HOLDING CO. ,., u..._....:__......_.. . . Property Owner List February 28,2006 N&P Job #05099 500' Radius District 1000 SECTION 074 BLOCK 1 9 Rene Montenegro 1515 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 10 Randi LaCalamita 107 Bauer Avenue Manorville, NY 11949 11 Alfred Bartoszewicz 1515 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 12 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 13 Gekee Wickham P.O. Box 1122 Cutchogue, NY 11935 14 George J. Viola 995 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 15 John M. & Laura C. Helf 875 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 16 John Joseph & Irene Volisik 745 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 . . 17 Panagiotis Tenedios 65 Bay Ridge Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11220 18 Panayotica Kasternoz 1153 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11228 19 Michael R. & Renee M. Harvey 447 7th Street Greenport, NY 11944 20 Elizabeth Martinsen 275 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 22.1 Robert Feaker 31606 County Road 48 Peconic, NY 11958 35.57 Kenneth & Patricia Homan 285 Stillwater Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 SECTION 074 BLOCK 2 5 1680 Henrys Lane, LLC 1680 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 6 Paula Daniel P.O. Box 541 Peconic, NY 11958 7 Gary & Debora Stroud 480 Soundview Avenue Peconic, NY 11958 8 Steven & Ellen M. Kosciusko 360 Soundview Avenue W. Peconic, NY 11958 . . 9 George & Lorraine Fredericks 605 Grove Road Southold , NY 11971 10.2 Henry Bokina 1945 Mill Lane Peconic, NY 11958 10.3 Rosanne Church 199 SilverleafLane Islandia, NY 11749 lOA Margeret F. Sienk 1205 Mill Road Peconic, NY 11958 10.5 Richard & Ellen Bohner 19 Ingelore Court Smithtown, NY 11787 15 Anne A. Hubbard 1519 Leggett Road Bronxville, NY 10708 16 Suffolk County 330 Center Dri ve Riverhead, NY 11901 17 Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, NY 11769 21 Emanuel G. Sfaelos 17 Huntington Bay Road Huntington, NY 11743 23 Long Island Power Authority I Metrotech Center Brooklyn, NY 11201 24 Marietta Silvestre 1500 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 . . 25 Nick Georgakakos 224 Mill Road Peconic, NY 11958 26 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 27 Sal Raymond & Yvonne M. Varano 20 1st Street Garden City, NY 11530 28 George J. Aneson 1050 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 29 Steve Tenedios P.O. Box 44 Peconic, NY 11958 30 Jaroslaw Misiukiewicz 5 Chapel Lane Southold, NY 11971 31 Francois Hascouet & Ors. 5105 Hillyer Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 32 Tevfik Kocan 600 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 33 Charles & Patricia Glowacki 500 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 34 John Skabry 390 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 . . 35 John E. & Barbara Bokina 280 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 37.2 Carol Hydell 150 Henrys Lane Peconic, NY 11958 37.3 Charles F. & Carol Hydell 32125 County Route 48 Peconic, NY 11958 SECTION 074 BLOCK 4 4.9 New York State Federation ofG 1576 State Street Schenectady, NY 12304 5 John P. Krupski & Bros. Oregon Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 7.1 Leon Petroleum, LLC P.O. Box 1017 Melville, NY 11747 8 Alvin & Addie Pace (Private Road) 1720 Carroll Avenue Peconic, NY 11958 9 Andreas & Stacy Paliouras P.O. Box 434 Peconic, NY 11958 10 Francis & Maryann Misloski P.O. Box 237 Peconic, NY 11958 II Robert H. Chilton 1305 Blue Marlin Drive Southold, NY 11971 . . 13 Bauer Farms Bay Avenue Cutchogue, NY 11935 14.3 Darren E. Skrezec 840 Clearview Avenue Southold, NY 11971 15 Paul McGlynn P.O. Box 206 Peconic, NY 11958 16.1 Eric Rouleau 3150 Peconic Lane Peconic, NY 11958