HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12525 P 917THIS INDENTURE, made the <~'t~ day of' -.~'O{~ 2007 und / BETWEEN o o o Distr- ict 1000 107.00 Blk: 07~00 Lot= 008.00 THKODORE MARANGAS and CA'i'tuE~RINE MARANGAS, his wile, both residing itt 1685 Westview Drive. Matfituck, New York 11952 party of the first part, and TIlEODORA A, MARANGAS, residing at 70 Washington Ave., Garden City, New York 11530, TH~RESA._B. MARANGAS, residing at 43 Aspinwall Road, Loudonville, New York 1221 I, Fn.~-KN RAYE~SKI, residing at42 O'Netll Drive, Moostc, PA 18507, AIl'CE V. DONI..AN, residing at 110 Old Pen Argyl Road, Bangor, PA 18.0139310, .a~..d C..A..T..HE. RINE M. WILINSKI, residing;at 750 Hi~,bwood Road, S~uthold;'Ne~': Y~'I I~'~ I" ....... " .... P.a .nY. Pl. Ih.e:s.ec,o.nd.p.a~, .r ~c,.. =:~=~.l~;, 'r. ~ ,,~, '-.~-.~:,.'~ -= -~ ,'.. ";:~' r.,~i:;~T .~-ot..o ue usct, e'f t.:wY,' '..~ o~t.". WITNF..SSETH, that the party of-the.first pan..~n consideration of ten dollars and.other valuable consideralinn paid by the,p, any of ha see, on, d'~'art does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan. thc heirs or successors and s,:s~gns of the party or' he second part forever. · ~l.L'that:c~'~nin plot. piece or parcel of Innd. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being J6i{,il~f a4: Manitunk in the Town of Southold, County of SulYolk and. Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake set un the Westerly line of Westview Drive 456.14 feet northerly along said westerly line fi'om the point where it is int~soeted by the direct extension westerly of the northerly line of Brower Road Road on a course South · 71 de~'ees'42 ~inu~es:4d seconds West; RUNNING THENCE along land now or Formerly ofWillism H. Mason nnd Hany E. Mason at right angles to said westerly line and pa.~i~ through a stake Sou~ 78 de~eas 42 minutes 40 seconds West, 175.0 feet, more or less, Io the oMinury high water made of Mattitock Creek; THENCE northerly along said ordiunsy.high water mark of Mattiluck Creek,.76 ~ more or less, to a point 75.0 feet nor~eriyfi'om~elastde.scribec, l. line..measure~, at right angles thereto; ..- ,., :-:. :. · ..,., ".. · .I.,I ..... ~ . . ... . ...... . THENCE along (~her [arid now or formerly oftbe sam W Ilmm H. Mason and, ..~. rE..Mason, at,right.angles.to said westerly Ime.ofWesty, xew DF. tv~ ed pa~., .in~ ~rough a stake, North 78 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds East 175 fi~et, more or less, to a steke on said'wegte'fly liner ' . . . THENCE-along said westerly line of Westview Drive, South I I degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East 75.0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to a retained life estate ofTbeodore Murangas and Catherine M~ in said premises, For and during their natural lives. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises unnveyod to the patty of the t"ust pan: by deed dated Doeembet 11, 1997 a~d teeurded in the Oflqee ofthe Suffolk County Clerk on Janun,T 25, 1988 in Liber 10522 Page 262. TOGETHER with all righh title and i,tarest, it' any. of the party of the first part. in and to any streets and roads 3buttln§ thc abova:dc.~cribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtennnees and all Ih.' estale and rights of' the party of th~ first part in and lO ~nid pmmis~: TO HAVE AND ~O HOLD ~he premises herein g~nte~Tnto'?e pu,y of tHe.~ond part. the he,rs or ~ucce~ors and u~gn~ of t¥ puny of the second purl forever. ANDqhf~p:u,y ~{J:~:~E~l pad-covenunl~ that the party of. Ihe tirol pun hug not tlon¢ nr ~uffered anylhing whereby the ~aid premisc~ have been encumbered in an~ wuy whalever, except ns uf.ore~uJd. ' AND I~e party of the first purl. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lmn Law. cnvenanm that ~h~ parly of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyanc6 und will hold the r~ght to receive such con~ider- arian us n trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the co~ of the improvement and will apply Ihe same firs~ tu ~he puymem of the cost of the improvement before u~ing any part of the ~olal of the same fur any other purpn~¢. be cunxlrued us d . " " · · The word "puny" ~hall · · · ' ' it mud parties whenever Ihe .'ease of thi~ indcnlure so requires. IH WITNESS WHEREOF. the party or Ihe firsl part ha~ duly executed t~ed the day and year fir~ above cknowledgement taken In New York State ta,, o, ,e,¥ Yo,k. Coun,y o,. ss. n the ~.~'~'~Oay ol ~'L.3~y.X,n i.e year 2~. before me. undersigned, personally.appeared ,. ' ~rson2lly known Io ~e o~ ~tovBd IO me on ,re) subscn~ed to the ~t~in instrument and acknowledged I~al ne/she/they executed the same in hJ~hedtheir apaclly(ies), and Ihat by hislheElneir signature(a) on the strument. (he mdividual[s) or the pe~on upon behall el which indlv~ual(s) aclad, e~cuted Ihs instrument, ~p~ary Public tory Fubt~c, Slate of New No. 4806688 t~alified in Na~au Counly , salon Expires SepL :knowledgement by SubecribingWilneea taken n New State :ale el New York. Coumy el r~ Iha day el , in the year e undersigned, personally appeared · belore me. ~ subscribing witness Io the ;orsgolng inslrumenL w~ih whom :m personally acqualnled, who being by me du:y sworn, did ,pose and say. Ihal he/she/they reside(s) m ;t he/she/they know(s) be the individual described in and who executed the 'egoing instrument that said subscribing witness was ;sent and saw saJ~ acute the same, anti that saia witness al :he aame lime OscrJbed his/her/their name(s) aa a witness therelo. !e NO,:_ Theodore Marangas & Catherine Mhrangas Acknowledgement taken In NowYork State Stale et New York. Courtly el , sa: On IhS day of , m the year . Defers me. ina undersigned, personally appeared personally known IO me or proved to me on Ina basis el ~ e~:e ;e be ,'he bt~'mdua~S) ~ ~s) is (are) s~scrib~ to t~ within ~l~t a~ a~ to me [hat he/sEe/they execuled the same in hislherllheir capacity(les), and mat by his/heff~heir signature(s) on the instrument, the Individual(s) or the person upon behalf o( which the individual(s) acl~, exerted Ihs instm, me? Acknowledgement taken outside New York State ' State of . County of · (or insert Distrmt of Columbia, Territory, Possessmn or Foreign Country) , ss: On the day of , in Ihs year the undersigned, personally appeared · balers me. personally known lo me or proved lo me on the basis off satlstaclory ewdence to be the mdividual(s) whose name{s) is (are) subscribed ~o the within instrument end acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same In hislherllheir capacily(ies), that by hislherltheir signature{s) on Ihs instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behall o~ which the IndiWdual(s) acted, executed the instrument, end that such individual made suc~ appearance be;o~e the undersigned In the (add the city or pobtical subdiv$1on aha the slale o; country or other place the acknOwledgement was taken). SECTION I 07.00 BLOCK 07.00 LOT 008.000 eodora A. leen Rayefski, Alice V. Donlan,and therine M. Wilinski Distributed by Chicago Title l~tsurance Company TO Marangae. Theresa B. Maranga~; Suffolk RETURN BY MArL TO: · Deth Po[net Abrahams, 300 Garden City Plaza,Suite 404 Garden City, New York 11530 Zip No. Number of pages 0 TORRENS Serial # Cemificete # Prier Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Inseument '1 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stump FEES Page / Filing Fee . Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 I? (County) l-YA-.'f217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. o£ Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy O~her __ Sub Toml ~ 0,0 Sub Total -- GR~ND TOTAL f Real P~o~aB, Tax Service A~.ncy Verification Dist. Section B lock Lot Stamp 07028153 zooo zo?oo o?oo ooeooo Initials ' Sntisfacfions/Dis~:hnrges/Rele~¢s RECORD & RETURN TO: ,.0 Law office of Beth Polner Abrahams 300"Garden City Plaza, Suite 404 Garden City, NY 115~0 REn_~RDEO '2007 Oct. 11 9~{12:!~ ,~ Jud{ th P.. Pa~ca!e CLERK ~ L ~12~25 P 9[7 Reco~i.g I Filing Stumps Mo~gage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total S~c.l~sit. Or S~c./~.dd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County__ Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax "~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this morlgnge is or will be improved by a one or two lan, ily dwelling only. YES. or NO it' NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # _ of this instrumem. Community Preservation Ft, nd Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Impmved ~ Vacaat Land TD TD [0 TD Suffolk This page forms pan ofth¢ attached Title Company htformatio,t Co. Name Title # Recordin & Endorsement Pa Deed Theodore Maran~as & Catherine Maran~as F+ F (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEqT ) The premLses heroin is situated in ~C~: ~, NEW YORK, made by ~heodora~Am._MaranglsO, TheresaB._MarangL%~,eT°wns~po~ Southold Eileen Rayenk~: Altc~ta V_ Donlan. & lnIhcV1LLAGE -~therine M. Willn~k{ "' or i-IAMLEToF Matttt.ek BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINIED [N BLACK INK ONLY PPJOR TO RECORDING OR FILU~G. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE ~2'pe of Instrument: D~u~S W/TH LIFE ESTATE/DDD ~,~er of Pages: 3 Reoeipt~-~e= : 07-0096089 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-07551 Distriot: 1000 Deed Amount: P~oord~d: At; LIBER: PAGE: Section: Blook: 107.00 07.00 EXAMZNED A~D Cll&RG~D AS FOLLOI~ $o.oo Reoeived the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTT $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Ch~.Pres Fees Paid TAX NUMBER: 07-07551 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE /NSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JudithA. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 10/11/2007 03:12:13 PM D00012525 917 Lot: 000. 000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $0.00 NO $149.00 ~ '-'-PL-~'-ASE"T'~¥E~ OR-~FiE~-K(RML~,h~H~:~ ~/[~IN~ ON-J:ORM INSTRU~rlONS: hep://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I Marangas Rallpmr~ebtfmdsnldomthedNd I , ,1 Marangas I Marangas I Catherine I I 11952 I ! ~ Donlans Alice V. ~c~ I Wilinski. Catherine Theodora A, I ~ Su~ ~p~ w~ ~ ~r Tr~r . . , 2. ~ I ~P~l~MrS~i~pPr~ ~ I ~heo~oge /NIA / I 1Z. Dete d Sl~ l TrinifM 8. Ownmshlp T~po la Condominium [] 9. N.w Coo.~uctim~ on Vncam Land [] 104. Pmpmly Locatod wlthkt an ~icu~uml Dh..rlct [] A B D E F I J Estate Planninq ½ , , ½ , ,7 ,o ,Ol 1LPfeoertyCb-- L2.rJ_~_J-il 19,8chodOkl~Nmne] Mattituck ~chnnl ni~t~ ~. T~x MBp IMIi~IM I Rdl Idm~flm~M I1~ mom th~n four, itlir, b shMt with igldgo.al IdentleflM) Section: 107.00 J I Block: 07.00 I I T.ot: 00fl. OOO I I District.' 1000 I I I [ ~ ~ ItU ~ the Elems o~ hd'or--,,u-q esllel~d Mt IJlb G)nn ~ I~lle mad 4.~o."~,ct Ih) Ihe ~ d' my b]o~led~ and ~ ~ I undfl~bmd Iht I~ mkhll~ of Ira)' wllU~ ~Me MJ~ement d' malcfbl ~KI krHn ~lll ~t me to b m,~,~lo~ d' thc oaml bw rd~h~. ~o d~ m.kbqc ond filk~ d' rn~. Im~l.*~ BUYER SmTI B~'SA~ORNEY Polner, Abrahams I Beth L~! NAME (516) I 741-9175 /, /} SELLER NEW YORK STATE