HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12525 P 274NY UII~ - Quit-iaJm Oeed -- Indivtdtm[ t,r COfTmr,'~ tsi~k~ .'~t) L%'Y BTU BO04) CONSUL? YOUR I.AWYER aEFORE SIGNING THE.'.; IN.~rrRUM K.N'r. 'fills I N~TUUM E,NT $1lOUI,n IrE ILqED aY tAWY£RS O.~I .%' BE1NVEEN ELIZABETH ANNE GOLDSMITH, residing at 910 Old Shipyard l,ane~ Southold, NY 11971 pony of the firr~ ffan. and DONNA L. HAASE, residing at 1695 Greenway East, Orient, NY 1 ! 957, CRAIG A. GOLDSMITH, residing at 1000 Old .~hipyard Lane, Southold, NY 11971, and GLENN E. GOLDSMITH, residing at 430 Mayflower Road. Mattitaek, NY 11952, as joint tenants with right of survivorship. pony of the ~econd pan, WITN E.SS ETH, that the party of the first pan~ in connidenttion of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by thc pnrty of the sc'cond part does hereby remi~e, release and quitclaim unto the pony of the second part, the heirs or suucess~ and tuc~igns of the pony of the ~.'ond pan forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or puree] of land. with the huildings and improvements thereon c~c b.'d. situate, lying and being in the Southold. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and distinguished as Lot No. 91 on a map entitled, "Subdivision Map of Founders Estates, situate at Southoid, Suffolk County, New York, made by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Engineer and Surveyor", dated March 18th, 1927 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 10, 1927 as Map No. 384. The grantor herein is the same person ns the grantee in deed dated April 24, 2002 recorded May 14, 2002 in Libor 12185 Page 867. Elizabeth Anne Goldsmith, the grantor, herein reserves a Life estate in favor herself and her husband, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Jr. in the subject premises. TOGETIIER with all tight, title and interest, if'any..f the puny of the fir~t pan of, ~n and to uny succqs and roads abutting the above-de~ctihed premis~'~ to thc center lines therex~f: TOGI'.'TI I ER with the nppurlcnueces and all thc c~tate ~nd rights of the puny of the first part in and to said premiss: TO HAVE ANI)'FO HOLD d~e premises herein grantnd unto thc pony of the second wart. thc hein; ot successors and assiip~.~ al' thc part), of the second pan forever. AND the pan)' of the first pan, in compliance with Sccdtvn I.t of thc Lien Law, covenanc~ that the play of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive ~uch ctw. rideration a.q u tms~ fund to he applied first for the purpo~ nf paying the co~t of the intprovcment and will apply the same IJr~t to the payment of the u~l of the improvement before using any pa~ of the tOlal of ~ ~ame fur any ~ther purpose. Thc w~l "'party" shall be cons, ruer, a.s if it read "pmties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires, IN WITNI~.N~ WHEREOF. the pony of the first pan has duly executed this ~.ed the day and your first above written. ELIZABETH ANNE GOLDSMITH in thc Elizabeth Anne bi$naturc(s) behal[ n[ v.'hieh th .~t~(s) is (a~e) s~a~.'fihed to thc } LO me that heft. he, icy c~%'uted and that by hisFnc~heir individual(sL o~ Ibc ~ upon Sine orNew York. Count*hr ] ss.*. Off thc day of' ii1 thc ycaf before mc, the undc~ig~.xt pcrmmlly uppca~:d pon~fl',dly known to me or proved ~o me on thc ~.~L~ or aad.~fuctor~ c,.'idcrtce tn be thc individual{s) whose name(s) ix (arc) subsefibcd to thc within inslmmem mtd acimowledged to mc thru helsheAhey exccutod thc mr~ in hiMm'/thelr capacily(ies), '.md thnt by hi.qhcr/their signature(a) on the hl.qrumenL the individual(S'l, or the pen;on ulxm hehaffof which the indivi!lunl(.s) m.'ted. ~ceuled the insmnm-mt. Public State C ' New YO~ Notary :" ' ' ': ' Sm~'Yo~ C~n~ }m: On t~ d~ of in ~ ~ ~ S~g wiw~q tO ~ fom~i~ i~qm~ with w~n: I am ~lly ~, w~ ~g by n~ duly s~ d~ dt~t~ ~ ~y ~m ~ ~i~{s} in ~my. ;hem~: ~ ~ kn~m(.) m ~ ~ i~iv~l d~ in ~ w~ ~u~ dw ft~n$ intone; ~n said su~n$ wi~n ~ p~m ~ ~w ~d M~ir mira(s) ~ a ~m~s ~to, ACKNO #7,~3~tO, WT FORM ~ U~ ~RNAW ~g ~A ~ ~'1.)? On ~ day of in ~ ~ evidcmc~ ~ ~ ~ i~]vzciual(s) w~ ~tw(s) Lq (ami ~'n~ ~ I~ (In~.n the city or ~her l~lil~d ~'~:xJiri$i~m ~ the state t;r c¢~:1~, or other platy tJ~t m'bto,4edgrm, nt .'~ lakm), QUFFCI.AIM DF, KD T[;7.E GOLDSMITH HAASE, GOLDSMITH & GOLDSMITI! FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY Oi,' NEW YORK ~,.~,,,,~, ~,, Fideli~ .~.'~,~., ' Fidelity National 'rllk~ InmlrnlmL'e O*mlmny or Ne~s York OLSEN & OLSEN LI,P P. O. BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 Number of pages This document will be public record. Please removd all Social Secudty Ndmbers prior to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp 3 Page / Firing Fee Handling 'FP-584 $. 00 FEES EA-5217 (County) Sub Total EA-5217 (State) r'~ Comm. of Ed. 5~ O_.~_0 15. O0 SubTotal L/,.,' - Other 4 I Dist. I Section 'iOOO 06400 0400 022000 Real Proper ~ Tax Service Agency VeUflcatlon RECORD & RETURN'TO:' Grand Total~.~ /-~" 0 0 I,.. 8 RECORDED 2007 Oct 05 t2:40:2~ PH JudLth fl. Pascale CLET~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012§2§ P 2'/4 DTt Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or 5pet./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX · Dual Town __ Dpal County Held for Appointment TranSfer Tax Mansion Tax The p, mperty covered by this mortgage or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling.~nly. YES or NO ff NO; see appropriate tax clause on page I of this Instrument. 5 Community Presentation Fund C ~j~ideration Amount $ ~ Improved ~-.~' Vacant Land ~ TD I('~ TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk . [ 7 [ . Title.Cdmpany Information · 310 Center Drive. Riverhead. NY 11901 ICo. N~me COMMO~TWI~-ALTH www.s~ffolkcountyny.gov/derk ' J Title i~ ~l~'7f.,,~ I C~¢~ . Suffolk County Recording & Endorsem'ent Page This page forms part of the attached by:. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTR'(JMENT) The premises herein is situated In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK: made TO Inthe TOWN of '~ ,... ,'~"~ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES & THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. ioverJ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Tl~e of Xnstrument:: D~-mnS WITH LIFE ESTATE/DDD ~,ml~er of Pages: 3 Reoeipt Number : 07-0094340 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-07071 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At:: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 064.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-SS4 $5.00 NO Not:ation Cert. Copies $5.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Cos~.Pres Fees Pa~ TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 07-07071 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A B~LL Judith A. Pesc&le County Clerk, Su£folk County 10/05/2007 12:40:23 PM D00012525 274 Lo~: 022.000 $5.00 Szs.oo $75.00 $o.oo $30.00 $o.oo $154.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'J! www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 · I '~ STATE O~ NEW YORK C2 Date Deed RaG(ruled ~ STATS BOARD OF REAL ImOPERTY SERVICES · ~" '"', . RP - 5217 1. vm~mv 910 [ Old Shipyard Lane Lauaan ,~=,,~ ,.~T .~e t Southo/d [ Southold z.s~w [ u~.~ ] Donna L. i Ilt97[ I (and others - see attached) 5. D~d I I I DL_J N0rI-Rliktent~ Vacnnt Land itL_j SALE INFORMATION I CltKk thl _~-~_._--_ W as thW I~. & Owpemhlp Ty~e ie CondominJum [] D(~U Type not W~rranty or Bargain and Snb (Spe~ Bek)w) Sale o~ Fractional M ~ than F~e ~ IST~cify ~ -0- ! ! · :--_:_'r~ k.~,M.a fit the ~ 11 ? · ~ A$~F~-;MENT INFORMATION - I)~ta should raflect lha late~t Final Assessmont Roll and T~x Bill Yom cd Amlsammt Ko4] from I , 117. Total AiMaild Valua (d iq paKib in tmmMrl I , , M himmdon takifl , ,..--o__, , , I 1000-064.00-04.00-022.000 ] I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I I eerd~¥ thai Id) d' dw kern d' blrorn.d~m uM~'d on rids I~wm a~u b~ae amd omrr~ lie dm ~t ~ mY k~ ~d ~ ~ I ~d ~ ~ ~ ot rely wlJlruJ tabe .~la~ d malrriM ~dd bendn ~lh~)JKI nm b) the p~m ~ b ~ ~ ~e m ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ BUYER'S ATrOflNEY ~ELLER OLSEN & OLSEN LLP I I 7~4-77]2 NEW YORK STATE COPY