HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12525 P 764NY 005 · am~ilmi~ and S~b ~ wi~ Cove. rant aaains! GraNor's Aca Imiividual or Coq~r~ioa (Sim~hs Sh~t) (NYBTU ~02) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE S1CND~C TI~ INSTRUMI~T . T]~ INSTRUMENT Sl]OUIJ) BE USED BY LAW%'ER$ ONLY THIS iNDENTURE, made the BETWEEN c~/ s~- ' day of ~'~/r.~' , in tit= y~ar STEPHAN IL~EGOUIN and DONALD DYE, as Tenants in common, each as to an undivided ~ interest residing at 121 ^ndalasia Way, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418, and 34:5 W. 13~ Street, Apt. 6H. New York. New York 10014. p~yof~efi~p~,~d RALPH VESTBOM and DOgOTHY~VESTB~)M~ as husband and wife, residing at 548 Brandon Place, Cliffside Park, New ~'ers~y 07010.. puny of the second pan, WITNILSSETH, that the party of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and othe~ valuable consideration paid by the pa~y of Ihe second purl does hereby 8rant and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or succesaors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, .. ALL eat ce~in plot. piece or pan:el of land, with the build:ngs and improvements thereon czeoU~d, situate, lying and being in the '*SEE $CIIEDULE A ANNEXED IIERETO AND MADE PART IIEREOF' BEING and in~:nded to be the same premises conw:yed in deed dat~xl 11/17/04 and recorded in Liber 12357 page 998 and recorded on 12/I/04 in the Omce of the Clerk in ~hc County of Suffolk. TOGETI~R with all right, title and interest, if any. of the party of the first pa~ of, in and to aay slreets and muds abutting the above-described premises Io the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and fights of the pray of the ru~t pan in and tu said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein 8ranted unto the puny of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the par~y of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the smd premises have been incumhered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in eomplinnce with Section 13 of the Lien law, covenants tha~ the parly of the first pan will receive the consideration for this eonveyaace and will bold the right to receive such consideration as a trusl fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cos~ of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the imp~vemant before using any p~n of the total of the same for any o~her parpose. The word "patty" shall be cons~'ued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture ~o tequila. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the puny of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wduen. IN PnF.~ICE ~': · STL~H~B. SEGOUIN Do ,o ! AMENDED 915/07 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows:· BEGINNING at a point on the northeast side of Lighthouse Road distant 100.00 feet northwesterly as measured along the northeasterly side of said Lighthouse Road from the comer formed by the intersection of the northeasterly side of Lighthouse Ro~d with the northerly side of Sound View Avenue; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning along the northeasterly side of Lighthouse Road, North 41 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West, 265.28 feet to the approximate high water mark of the Long Island Sound; RUNNING THENCE easterly along the high water mark of Long Island Sound, the tie line of which bears North 84 degrees 16 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 102.91 feat to land now or formerly of George and Doris Anderson; RUNNING THENCE along said last mentioned land, the following three (3) courses and distances: 1) South 49 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East, 109.39 feet; 2) South 8 degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds East, 115.95 feet; 3) South 40 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West, 35.43 feet to the northeasterly side of Lighthouse Road, at the po!nt or place of BEGINNING. On th~ day of in the year I~f~ n~, ~ und~si~ned, pemsonally appeared the sub~ribin8 wim~.-ss to the fe~go'mg insManent, with whom 1 an~ ~the place of residet~ce is in a city, incl~le ~be ~xreet and ~treet nurse r, ~f any, tt~reo~; that he~shel~y know(s) to be Ihe individual des~bed in aad who execuled the foregoing im~me~ ~at said subs~ibin8 wi~p~-..r,s was i~c~e~t and saw said execule the same; and ~at said wilaess at the same ~ sub~c~bed Ifir~e~hek name(s) as a witness the~o. US~.4Cr, NO~Nlr POlet BF_AOW ValW~ N~'W Yozg Sr4~ OA't.r: State ~New York, County of } ss. O~ lt~ d,~y of in th~ ycar befo~ me, ~ uncle, ruShed, personally appcat~ personally known Io me o~ proved Io me oa the basis of saisfact~ evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to ~ within instmmeflt and acknowledged to me that he/~.~hey execute lhe same in his/her/~aeir capaci~(ies), and that by hir,/her/thei si~ature(s) on the imm~rnent, the individual(s), or the pea3ofl upo~ behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executad the insUumcat.. SPANBURGH State of New Yon~ ;P4906864 Suffolk County ExDJr~s Oct. 5,200~ A CIO~OWLEDGAfENT FoI~ FOR U$~ OUT~D£ NL~' YOIt. g STA YE ONLY [Ou: o/Start ar Foreign Gentral Ackae~ledgment Ce~iJ'~ate/ (Cem~te V~n#~ w~th State, Country. pte~nce er Mmicipeli~. l On the day or' in ~he year before me, the undenigned, penonally al~eared penonally known to me m' proved to me on the basi~ of evkleace to be Ihe individual{s) whose mane(s) is (are) subscribed to tb within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/~hey execum the same in h]s/ha'/~ir capanity(ies), that by his/her/their si~nature(s off the ins~umem, the individual(s), or the ixn3on upon behalf of whiel the individual(s) s_ _n_ _,~_, executed the ins~ument, and that such individua made such apFearance bcf~ the unde~gned in the (buen the city or other poEtical.mbdivbion and the state or country o other place the acknowledgment ~*~ taken). TITLE NO. BARGAIN at SALE DEED TO FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK COUNTY OR TOWN RECORDED AT RE~I,/~'F OF Fidelity Naflonnl Title lmumnee Company of New Yorl R~7'URN BY M~dL TO Jumhcr of paL:cs This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Securi~/Number~ prior to*recording. DC 't~J / MOf'T~ugC InsII'UIt~'IR JI ['age / Filing F[~ :" *'/ [andlin~ ~....-. ~otathql [A-5217 (51~lo) LIL'I:S.A. :.mm, of ~J. %l~idavil :c~itk:d C.py ~YS 5u~har~c 3h~r Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp 4 I Dist. (;:;ti Property rax Service Agency ,'Mfication I. 07030468 ~.ooo osooo 0200 oozooo h 8 Salisfaclion.ql)ischargcslRelea.~s List I~'ope~ly Owner/; M:tmng ~ddrcss RECORI) & RF;rlJRN TO: 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 [Co. Name wwN. suffolkcountyny, gov/clerk ] Tide # RECORDED 2007 Oct 11 09.'59:0~ Judilh A. P~c~le CLERk( OF SLFFOLK ¢O~T~ L OO0~12525 P OTi 07-074~1 Recording I Filing Slamps .M~rlgagc Ami. . ...... I. Basic 'ra~ .:'. AddiliUn;ll Tax .............. Sill) J'lll;[I ................ Spcc./Assil. N ~u:./Add. 'r( )'r. M'F(;. J)tlaJ 'j;nvn . . I)uaJ (.~,ltlhy . ..... 'l'runsl~r 'l~x Thc property crwerrd I,y ~l~is mnngagc i$ ' I'mn~ly ~wellhl~ unly. / ,,T' Nr.T ........ If NO. see al}Pmln'iatc lax clause on , ,~e ~ of?is inslrumenl. 5 j Community Pmse~tlon ~nd IConsideration am.urn $ 'fl) The ivcmi.~s herein is filualcd m SUI"FC)I.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In [ht~ TOWN of ~O~_ '~ ........ ~ ~ In tllt~ VII .UXGE ~r HAMI.ET iff IIOX~ fi THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR I'RIN'H]D IN'BLACK INK ONLY I'RIOR 'R) RECORDING f)R FILING. Suffolk County Recor ling & Endorsement Page This page f-,'n,s p:,rl or the an:,ched IJteT/c'- ',).... ...... ,ns!lc I,y: (SPECIFY 'FYPI.~ OF INS'rliI.iMF. N'r~ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFIC~- RECORDTNG PAGE ~ o£ Ins~nt: DE~DS/DDD l~,--~er of Pages: 4 ReceiptNumber : 07-0095758 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-07431 1000 Deed l~ount: Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Seation: Bloak: 050.00 02.00 EX~MINED A~ CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $1,250,000.00 10/11/2007 09:59:09 AM D00012525 764 Lot: 001.000 Reoeived the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 COB $5.00 EA-CT~ $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 Cert. Copies $0.00 Transfer tax $5,000.00 Corm. Pres $22,000.00 TRANS~ TAX NU~ER: 07-07431 NO Handling $5.00 NO NO N~S SRCHG $15.00 NO NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO NO Notation $0.00 NO NO R~T $30.00 NO NO Mansion Tax $12,500.00 NO NO Fees Paid $39,652.00 THIS PAGE I8 A PART OF THE ZNSTRU~-NT TRZS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pes~ale County Clerk, Suffolk County 2. Buyer ......... ~LEASE TYpE OR pRESs FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 Tall I t Ow~eqhip Type b Condominium [] B I~ 2 er $ Femily Re~dendal el...] R#l~ntial Vacmt Land A B C E F G H i J Deed Type net Wlm~ty or Balgaln end ~11 ( ~*l~y ~ None 20, Tm Map idaetlflarle! I R~I I1~ {11 moll, [han fmc. attach sheet ~./dh nd,~ieenl Id~(~l) I I I I I C~C^~ON I I Ck~ IbM d d h Item ~'hfm'malJen t. ett,~.d mt ak h a Iflie nmi cmTt~ (lo i~ ~ ~ W k~ a~ ~ ~ I ~ h ~ ~ I NEW YORK STATE COPY