HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighway Equipment . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 165 OF 2003 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 11,2003: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as S.2479 and A.5423l and WHEREAS, the bill seeks to increase the limitation on amount to be raised by taxes for the purpose of certain highway equipment to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.) in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill No. 2479 and Assemblv Bill No. A.5423 entitled "AN ACT to Amend the Town Law and Chapter 114 of the Laws of the State of New York. Ptr~o."Qe~/J.. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk . ..",~ ~ '4' i' If,' i.:. I....."', "-"fl,:. i~':~ ~~ii';;' 1;J<l~n ~~~ . RECEIVED I'AY ':i j'"c3 1"1 L, ,-\..,I,~' STATE OF NEW YORK Soufhold Town Clert GEORGE E. PATAKl GOVERNOR May 19,2003 Elizabeth A. Neville Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: On behalf of Governor George E. Pataki, I acknowledge receipt of a copy of Resolution No. 629 Adopted by the Town of Southold. Thank you for sending the Resolution to the Governor. Sincerely, jL ?J~J ~~ John Haggerty, Director Regional and Local Government Affairs EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE CAPITOL AI.BANY 12224 http://www.state.ny.us @ . --<:~" ',..' " If~,J < 1.....'.11' ......,...fi,..' ,/1' ,V" ~\'::(' ""~"."f,~,:" 11I':,..! ' "a~ ' ~IC. ',0,.__, ~ ~~~' . RECEIVED STATE OF NEW YORK MAY 2 7 2003 GEORGE E, PATAKI GOVERNOR Southold Town CIeri May 19,2003 Elizabeth A. Neville Town of Southold 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: On behalf of Governor George E. Pataki, I acknowledge receipt of a copy of Resolution No. 628 Adopted by the Town of South old. Thank you for sending the Resolution to the Governor. Sincerely, jL~~ John Haggerty, Director Regional and Local Government Affairs EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE CAPITOL ALBANY 12224 http://www.state.ny.us @ ~ UNITED STATU ~ POSTAL SERVICE ' ***** WELCOME TO ***** SOUTHOLD MPO SOUTHOLD, Ny 11971-1000 03/26/03 11:02AM store USPS Trans 15 Wkstn 5,55002 Cashier KKQQRO Cashier's Name JAMES Stock Unit Id WINDJAMES PO Phone Number 800-ASK-USPS USPS # 3548330971 1. E~p. Mall PO-ADO 0,00 Destination: 12247 Weight: 2.9002 Postage Type: None Total Cost: 13,65 Base Rate: 13.65 Label#: EL704680152US Corporate Acct.: 119294 Sub-Account: Amount Charged: 13.65 2 E~p. Mail PO-ADD 0.00 Destination: 12248 Weight: 2,9002 Postage Type: None Total Cost: 13.65 Base Rate: 13.65 Label#: EL704680l66US Corporate Acet.: 119294 Sub-Account: Amount Charged: 13.65 Subtotal 0.00 Total 0.00 Number of Items Sold: 2 Thank You P:F .. . >, ! I , ] , .' '^, ~I 11 11 {! I POST OFFICE TO ADDRESSEE ~ EXPRESS MJjIL \111111\ I\IIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIII\ * [ L 7 0 ~ baD 1 b bUS * UNITED ST.4TES POST.4L SERVICE TM EL704680166US ." TAL USE ONLY) flat Rate Envelop.e [J PO Z71771 Dale IS --J .03 Mo. YOO' Tlmeln "J: I/~ 'J Day of De1iv8l'Y , e~' S;'::ond ~12NOO" iJ3PM Mlli"'''I ~2ndDay ;'-: ard Day lnt'IAlphaCountryCode Ibs. No Delivery eight o W""kend ,----.Holiday .. . MEllIOD OF PAYMENT: ExpressWCorporataAGct,No Fede<aIAgerqAcctNo.()( PostalServioeAcct,No FROM:(PLEASEPRIN1} r --:11'129.. Postage s/3./.(' SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ~1H E GUARANTEE AND LIMITS Cb~ 'P URANCE COVERAGE Retum Receipt Fee COD Fee ]I1suranceFee ;'""73.' t:f' ., MAR 2 6 2003 1IIIfCbIndIM~"-IIIld""'oI"""""1'IqIIIIItIlI. natu~ofaddresstl9oraddressee'8agent()fdeliveryempioyeejudges lauthtlriZethal-deliveryetnptoyee'sslgnaturec:onstilut9swlidproolof PHONE Ivo 3 I ;) I.. S. If'()() TO: [PlEASEPFlIIffl T~)-~~ OF ~UUTHOLu 1-'0 ';1]" 111'> ')r' i'1CLu PHONE ( , r Home Rule Counsel "y lH'l1-U'1'>1 Assembly PoSt Office 210 Legislative Office BuildinD 1\lban-y. NY 122118 " L ~ ""1 >-~ Q.8l o~ O~ ..~ Gl-' E" 011 U;S :l o {< j F,--, ,> , PRESS HARD. _>;;;=.;sg=======. You ,u, ,,'ow'q j co~,p. FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 www.usps.gov -=:5;;'S~ - - - -- - --~ -- POST OFFICE TOJ1l)DRESSEE .- poz7/v1 D"'J,M;b 3; Mo 0.. v...., '''''010 ~j '\ M;!~'~ry '/(. ~ 2ndlJay ---n L '. . ~ ~ EXPRESS MJjIL 111 U III1HIIUUIIIII II 1111 * [ l 7 0 ~ b a 0 1 5 ~ U S * UNITEDSTIJ.TfS POST4LSERVICETM EL704680152US TAL USE ONLY) Weight Ibs. No Delivery I --j Wee_end . . METHOD OF PAYMENT: Express Mail GorporateAcct. No. federal Ags<1c:yAcct. No, or PDStalSeMceAcct_NO FROM:(Pl.EAllEPRIN1l r Day of DeJivery ;;. bewnd 12 Noon Int'l Alpha Country Code 2..- OZ5 Acce ce Clerk Initials ,Holiday >.1192S"+ Flat Rate Envelopa ~13PM Postage S /3/'( SEEREVER~ESI ~'\ SERVICE GUARAN ON INSURAN . RAGE 'P \ MIlR? 6 2003 v.~ Retum Receipt Fee 3rd D~y COD Fee o WAlVER,OFSlGNAT\JRE (Domestic Only): AddItIonaIIIlIl'CIIandIAI " .. I wish delMlfY to 00 madeWlthoul obtaining SIQnaWre of addressee or thai artide can be left In securelocatioll) SI1d I 8ulhbrlza that delfvely employee '""~" 0 0 NO DELIVERy Weekend Hollclay - "00,,631, 765-1800 rO""I Of :>(JuT rluLlJ PI' '"'djA 117'1 S, ,",Ulci TO: (PlEASEPRlN1) , r PHONE ( Home Rule Counsel NY 1197 i-( 95'1 Sena.te Post Office 208 Legislative Office Building Albany. I>!Y 122117 " L __~..1 ., >-~ Q.81 o~ (,)~ ..~ Gl-' E~ S~ III :l o ) . i. ~".l t" ,J, -1" , " PRESS HARD -;;;=.;s....- You ACf' ""'my F,W'" FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 WWW.USpS.gov ""i:5 ;.;ii = L __-1 . . ~~ IMPORTANT: REAO INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SlOE HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the................"...............T9W.n.................................. . ... . ........................ of (county, city. town urvlllagc) .................................Sg.~J,w!g........................ requests the enactment of ~~:~bill (no. ...........5..24.7.9................). (name) T'\'e' entitled" AN ACT to amend the highway law, in ~erat"io"ri to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment" It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislalion. and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows: (Check appropriate box) RJ The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law. o Other facts, as set forth in the following "Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION (If space below is not sufficient, use separate sheet and attach here) Such request is made by: (Check appropriate box) D The chief executive officer of such local government, concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) Xl The local legislative body of such local government, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A If the request is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by a majority of the total mem- bership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. B. Ifthe request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the totalmcmbership thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGN TURE (Signed).... ~~ /~ (C~i~tx~~'~f6.f!:!r Joshua Y. Horton Date: .....Mi\l.r.!;.h...n..............., 20 9.~.... ............................................................,........... (print or type name below .'iigll~ture) ...... s. ~ p.~n(,i ~9. r...... I() '^' n.. 9.(. .S.Q.~.t.h()! d CTItleofchiefexeculivcufli;.:,'r) CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, ...E..I.i~.a.I',e:~':1...^..~....I'4.e::v..i.I~.e:..........................., do hereby certify that I am Clerk of the ...T.o.w.n..B.oar.d........ (print or type name) (10,';)1 kgislallve body) . ...... ................... ........... ......... ......... ................. ......... ............ of the ... I ~~.r:-!.. .I~: .j~...~ ~:::"~:."~ :.'. ~:. ~... ..................... ......... (county, city. !Own or village) of .......................S.Q.lJ~':19.1.9........................................ and that on the ....J..1.t.h......... day of ...M.?l,r,<;D................... , (name) 20~, such legislative body, at least twl'Fll!iflls of the IOtal membership having voted in favor thereof, a majority approved the foregoing request. (strike out one) (SEAL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) (Signed)...~e-ii~..... ....! ()YI. f.1.. .<;:.I~.r:~ f...! ()V; 11... of... ?,()I,I ~h().I. d (Prinl or type mlmcbclul\' signature) Date: ..........Mi\l.r.!;.o...H..........., 20 ...9.~.. . . INSTRUCTIONS Copies required: Two signed copies of this form, specifying the final bill number and title must be filed with each House of the Legislature. Examples: (al If thc bill has been introduced in only one House of the Legislature, four copies of the request form must be filed, i.e., two with the Senate and two with the Assembly. (h) If thc identical bill has been introduced in both Houses, eight copies of the request form must he filed, i.e., two with the Senate and two with the Assembly for the Senate bill and the same for the Assembly bill. Date of request: The signing of a home rule request or the adoption of a resolution by the local legislative body approv-ing such request cannot precede the date on which the bill is actually introduced in the Legislature. In the case of prefiled bills, the actual date of introduction is the first day of the legislative session. The request may be signed or the resolution adopted the same day as the date of introduction. Amended bills: Each timc the bill is amended a new request must be filed (with the appropriate number of copies) and the new request must correctly identify the bill number as last amended. The signing of the request, and the date of the supporting resolution, cannot precede the date of the amendment. Transmittal: The signed forms should be sent as follows: To the Senate: Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office 208 Legislative Office Building Albany, N. Y. 12247 To the Assembly: Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office 210 Legislative Office Building Albany, N. Y. 12248 Definition of terms: Chief executive officer. In the case of a county, the elective or appointive chief executive officer, if there be one, or otherwise the chairman of the board of supervisors; in the case of a city or village, the mayor (not manager); and in the case of a lown, the supervisor. (Municipal Home Rule Law ~40) Local/cRistative body. The board of supervisors, board of aldermen, common council, council, commission, town board, board of trustees or other elective governing board or body vested by state statute, charter or other law with jurisdiction to initiate and adopt local laws or ordinances. (Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Local government. A county, city, town or village (Const. Art. IX, ~3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Specia/taw A state statute which in terms and in effect applies to one or more, but not aU, counties (other than those wholly included within a city) cities, towns or villages. (Const. Art. IX ~3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Tota! 1n('J!1bership. The total voting power of a legislative body. (Municipal Home Rule Law, ~ ~20, 40) . . IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the................T.Q.~r.!.....". .........................,....... ................................ of (county. city, (own (lrviJIagc) ...?~lJ,~J:1~I.9............................................"........ requests the enactment of _~ bill (no. ........A.5.lI23...................), (n~c) ~WtJ_~ (slrikcnUlunc) entitled" AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment" It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows: (Check appropriate box) KI The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law. o Other facts, as set forth in the following "Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION (If space below is not sufficient, use separate sheet and attach here) Such request is made by: (Check appropriate box) o The chief executive officer of such local government, concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) :'gJ The local legislative body of such local government, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A If the request is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by a majority of the total mem- bership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. Date: ..M~.r.!;.h...U..................., 20...Q.3.. ....................................................................,..... (Print or type name below signature) ........ ?,I,lPE!!.'.y.i !>~r..<...:r ~"'. f.1.. ~f... ?'().lI.t/:1() I d (Title ofchiefexecurive offirer) CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, .........~I.i.~~.I;?~~~...A.,....N..E!'!:i!.I~....................., do hereby certify that I am Clerk ofthe .......:r()."'.f.1...B..()~.r.9..... (print or fype name) (Ioc-allegislative body) ..................................................................................,.......... of the ............I.()"'..n....................... ............................... (county,ciIY, lown or viJJage) of ..............................~.9.!,I.t.b.9.!.c;:!................................. and that on the .......1.Hh....... day of .....M;:t.r.~.I:1.................. , (name) .4We=thif.... . 20-Dl, such legislative body, at least .. of the total membershtp having voted in favor thereof, a majority (strike out one) approved the foregoing request. (SEAL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) (Signed) .....!'EI...~... .'~.. "'''A .~.... p'~r ~H/d ~1J(01 Town Clerk, Town of Southold ,.......,....",.. (P;i'~; ~;~y~' ~~.~~~ 'b~i~'~' .~ig'~~;~~~)""""""'" Date: ..M!3.r.~.~.J.L................, 20.n... rJ ~vJ . . INSTRUCTIONS Copies required: Two signed copies of this form, specifying the final bill number and title must be filed with each House of the Legislature. Exanlples: (a) If the bill has been introduced in only one House of the Legislature, four copies of the request form must be filed, i.e., two with the Senate and two with the Assembly. (h) If the identical bill has been introduced in both Houses, eight copies of the request form must he filed, i.e., two with the Senate and two with the Assembly for the Senate bill and the same for the Assembly bill. Date of request: The signing of a home rule request or the adoption of a resolution by the local legislative body approv-ing such request cannot precede the date on which the bill is actually introduced in the Legislature. In the case of prefiled bills, the actual date of introduction is the first day of the legislative session. The request may be signed or the resolution adopted the same day as the date of introduction. Amended bills: Each time the bill is amended a new request must be filed (with the appropriate number of copies) and the new request must correctly identify the bill number as last amended. The signing of the request, and the date of the supporting resolution, cannot precede the date of the amendment. Transmittal: The signed forms should be sent as follows: To the Senate: Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office 20X Legislative Office Building Alhany, N. Y. 12247 To the Assembly: Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office 210 Legislative Office Building Albany, N. Y. 12248 Definition of terms: Chief executive officer. In the case of a county, the elective or appointive chief executive officer, if there be one, or otherwise the chairman of the board of supervisors; in the case of a city or village, the mayor (not manager); and in the case of a town, the supervisor. (Municipal Home Rule Law ~40) Local legislative body. The hoard of supervisors, board of aldermen, common council, council, commission, town board, board of trustees or other elective governing board or body vested by state statute, charter or other law with jurisdiction to initiate and adopt local laws or ordinances. (Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Local government. A county, city, town or village (Const. Art. IX, ~3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Special law A state statute which in terms and in effect applies to one or more, but not all, counties (other than those wholly included within a city) cities, towns or villages. (Const. Art. IX ~3; Municipal Home Rule Law ~2) Total membership. The total voting power of a legislative body. (Municipal Home Rule Law, ~ ~20, 40) I---------------------------------------~ ~ :1- I 111111 nlllm IIIIIIIIIIU r='1 ~ I.D POST OFFICE I~ME~/'LRESS . [ l 7 0 ~ b 6 0 :> b bUS · -..el ~ TO ADDRESSEE UNITEDSTdTES:':'4LSERVICEcH E L 7 0 4680166 U S -I -I m C o z z m :I! 1 I II I '. - -- _h__._ __ ____~ ..----..- ___.__u -----.-.- --.-.. --..-. - ~-----------------~------~~--,-,----______I ORIGIN (POSTAL USE ONLY) DELIVERY (POSTAL USE ONLY) DelIvery Attempt T1~ --~ PO ZIP Code D<<y of Delivery o 0 Next Seoond Flat Rate Envelope o Mo. DAM n~ Employee Slgnat\lre OPM Date In PostaQa Delivery Attempt D'2NODn O'~ DAM - OPM $ ~. -. " Vo.r RetumRecelptFM Mo. DellveryDnJ Employee SIgnature -- D2ndOay D3IdOay Mo. DB 0 AM SIgn_ture of AcId_ or Agent OPM o eight o lnt'l Alpha Country Cocle COD Fe. Insurance Fee "TI o il Vl x Name- P1_PI1nt X Ibs. OZ$. No Delivery Acceptance Clerk Initlals Total PostagoI & F_ o Weekend OIiOliday $ .. . METHOD OF PAYMENT: X119294 6:1:i<essMail C,:,,~a'ateAcct. No .... - N ... - <= .... '''0'''' FROM:IPLEASEPRINl) PHONE(fc,31 lll,.S-IPM r ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLO NY 11971-0959 TO:(PLEASEPRIH1) r , Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office 210 Legislative Office Albany, NY 12248 Building L J L (I PRESS HARD. _~aar=======- Youa'emakmg3'c~2c FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 www.usps.gov -=:;E?'5i5 recYCled paper EP-13A-FEBRUARY 1994 :) 2.31 2 ~ f02) T . r,: J <<> USPS 1994 I==- -1- - - -- I . ------------------~ ------------ I ~ WI~ IIIIII~~IIIIIIIIII UIIIIIII . *El10"bA01Si!US* - POST OFFICE TO ADDRESSEE ~ EXPRESS MIlIL EL704680152US UNITED STATES POSTALSERVlCETM ORIGIN (POSTAL USE ONLY) DELIVERY (POSTAL USE ONLY) "i~ .c~ ('11-'" ...1-" Q)'\- C:; =11 "i(j:'j :::E PO ZIP Code DayofDelIYely o 0 Nex! Second --~ Flat Rate Enwlope o Delivery Attempt nne Mo. 0 AM DpM Delivery Attempt Time EmployeeSlgnatute Datetn -- ~. Tlmoln D12Noon D3PM Mo. 001_ .... Employee Slgn.bJre $ o AM DPM Vo.. TI~ .- D2ndOlly D3RlDoy Return Receipt Fee Mo. 0 AM DPM SlgrnrbJreof~or~ o girt o Int'l Alpha Counby Code COO Fee lnalnnoe Fee lbs. oZ!;. No Delivery Acceptance Clerk Initials Total Postage & Fees o W_nd o Holi<lay $ X Name - PIeue PrInt X / I .. . ME1lfODOfPAYM~NT; E>:proo.Mail Corporate Acct.No X1l9294 Fedeo:al~cyAcCI.nocr PostalSer\tii;sAccl.'io FROM: (PLEASE PRINT) "'ON" 631} 765-1800 """'" TO:(PLEASEPRlNT} r -, r -, TOWN OF SOuTHOLO PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD Home Rule Counsel NY 11971.-0959 Senate Post Office 208 Legislative Office Albany, NY 12247 Building L ~ L ~ e ~:'~~;':;'~'~~3COP'''' FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 WWW.USpS.gov -:gM~===::::' re;:~~d Lo.::-~;.... J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ EP-13A-FEBRUARY 1994 26/03 '03 WED 10:29 FAX 516 765 6145 SOUTHOLD CLERK ~001 . ********************* ..* TX REPORT ... ********************* . TRANSMISSION OK . a..Ji;:It I 1').-/ ~ '(.. , _rl .. TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST, TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 4348 6962307 ji....... ~A.. ~a Cl.f.. 26/03 10:26 02'50 4 OK THE ASSEMBLY STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY Roam 448-M, capitol Albany, New Vorl< 1~248 (518) 455-4191 FAX; (518) 455-4103 CATHERINE M. TULLY Home Rule Counsel March 20, 2003 Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road 1'.0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: A.5423/S.2479 Dear Ms. Neville: Please find enclosed the certified copies of the Home Rule Requests you forwarded in regard to the above bill which is entitled, "An Act to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment". Home Rule Legislature. Clerk's Office Requests must be on the forms These forms are available in the in the Capitol Building. provided by the Assembly Journal Since the forms you submitted were not done on the forms provided, we are unable to accept your message as submitted. I am enclosing eight copies of the form for your convenience in resubmitting these messages. If you have any questio~~, orr~~ed further assistance, please . . THE ASSEMBLY STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY CATHERINE M. TULLY Home Rule Counsel Room 448-M, Capitol Albany, New Yorl<. 12248 (518) 455-4191 FAX: (518) 455.4103 March 20, 2003 Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: A.5423/S.2479 Dear Ms. Neville: Please find enclosed the certified copies of the Home Rule Requests you forwarded in regard to the above bill which is entitled , "An Act to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment". Home Rule Requests must be on the forms provided by the Legislature. These forms are available in the Assembly Journal Clerk's Office in the Capitol Building. Since the forms you submitted were not done on the forms provided, we are unable to accept your message as submitted. I am enclosing eight copies of the form for your convenience in resubmitting these messages. If you have any questions, or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. t CATHERINE M. TULLY CT:las cc: Assemblywoman patricia L. Acampora OLD F Df<f'il. HOME RULE REQUEST · (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) o the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town of ~~:mr,Cily, Town or VdJage) Southold Illqucsts the enactment of Assembly bill No. A.5423 ), (Name> (~outOllO) ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be es for the purchase of certain highway equipment" that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts essity are as follows: (check apjAuptiate box) [i] The local goy ent does not have the Jl()wer to enact such legislation by local law. o Other facts, as set fo in the following "Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION below is DDt_on~ use _to.-.... aUach hero.) Such request is made by: (Check apl'lUpriate ) o The chief executive office of such local goVlJDlll CClIIC1IITtJd in by a lIIlliority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) IX] The local legislative body of such local govemmen at least two-thirds of the total membersbip thereof voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE Sf G A. If the request is made by the chief executive officer and con in by a lIIlliority of the total membersbip of the local legislative body, both the chief executive offi the clerk of the local legislative body muat sign below. In such case use the word "IIIlliority" below ev though the vote may have been greater. B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two . of the total membersbip thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the local I . ve body muat sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. CLERK'S CERTIFICATION ,20eL.. . /~F EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNAT (SIgned) ~ A-..= ? (Chief of Inclu.a .V Hnrtnn Date: (Print or 1YI>e Name Below) I, FIi7..t-.h A N..vill.. . do hereby certify that I am Clerk ofo approved the1l>regOing request. [llaAL OPl.OCAI. ~-] of the n (CoUDty,CiIy, TownorVdJage) and that on the 11 th day of March \ - twe 1hirds - \ ~ority of the total membenbip having voted in favor thereof; (_outone) \ (Signed) ~;'/~~dO_ Y}~#)A. Elizabe A. ~~e Town rlArk Tnwn .n" ~.tlvlld (Piint or 1YI>e Name BoIow) of Southold (Name) 20l!!.-, such l~ve body, at , . Date: ~"..,.h-'-'1\~ , 20-83. .', . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 12, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill No. S.2479 and two copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill No. A.5423, each entitled "AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment". Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 11, 2003. v cry truly yours, ~~/MJ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures (5) cc: Senator La Valle I I , 11 l' ~I r ~ , ""iii !4IY ~ S'" 9 ~ C/::; ""!J.I: "':'..;E ..... Gr--<: ^ -.OCLcnto ~ ....,l--:::E:....._~N ~ ~<~o''::' ..... ,L.......J ,- ~ oc...)>- 'S ...... CJ:I:=(~) S -'!I_...J~- ...~ ::s Q~~c:-~ ~i"~~ r~* ~ i I 1 I 'j I, ! I I POST OFFICE TO ADDRESSEE ." ffi C03 :'-::0..... '-:-.:> ':::.> 65 ,~(~ u: u.. ,-,",,.- ':J.::-_:::;t-_ 0' 0, Z::.::.O l1) ,....(;')(,j fJ),-<t:.__J~:1:':'J ~ ~~~.~~~ 'k_<UI---II--l'~I.-:) ,-. :~----.-i3=CO(0 N ""<:;f-D >...t)LO C'JO 'JJ'.;::J(D Noe . - ~M~S?S? ... en U) ........... 'D C>} C <0 OJ ::J',=, .co :.- ~ .:.LCJ ~_u -.L.(l) ~~ ~ <v ,"-J co co <!' ',=-? =- ......':s ~O e IJ..) ~ H CL C'J J.J G..l os:n....;::o 01.:l..........t:::: U)ln= :::; o-.f) .....:z: rf) .:...... (11,,- :=, (iJ-L...:5 ~ r]J -.::J# f}) C:'~...:L-C 1...-+....:::::: UQ...(f) OrJ)U,!O a... ........._~ 'U+-oC)(i') (f")3:C)(nc.._~ ~ U UJU (1J OJ -=:J U" 0) C. - - CJ)....:r.~..... + ;-,........ co C. ro l- (j)u.. <<:tG.:i_:J:..c .r-........ a+-< 0.-I-10L) (t,1 ro.. C,)C.J to -'L"'J <U ~ "4c+-,cn O::::#.--LU+-, '.-.r:: ~.- r--C') Cl<': C ........ OM-> ,0 (:; 'JJU") Q' :....., o...'f}-- ffl+-> r.n..L:lrr"1 L....o 0 XCUUlOO<ura~JO::lE LUO:-i::Q..I----CD.......JLJ.JLlc:n-<l: ill .0 e .0 Z co en ,~ ~7 <0 ~ O~- ~<O .D~ ::>0 (nl-- ~ EXPRESS MIJ./L IIIIIIIU~ II ~IIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIII' -- *[lb531'D~a~us* UNITEDSTLlTES POST.4LSERVICETM I '" "' , EL653190489US 'OF"1O/, 7/ l~fD~ive~ Flat Rata Envelope i ! . I f: c-i toe S~;nd 0."," I~' Postage ~ \/ -.7 Q ~,,,oo, C3PM )'7 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR M<l._~DJ.r .';;yeor ,. $ / .5 J SERVICE GUARANTEE AND LIMITS Tlmoln J /2(.JJ MIIIIIU)' Retum Receipt Fee ~2nClDay ~3rdDay ON INSURANCE COVERAGE I ~M ~ Weight ~~ Int'lAJphaCount~Code COD Fee lnsuranceFee Ib;~'W.~ ozs. - NoDelive~ Acceptance CJ.~~j~ Total/tageiJeesC ~ C W....k@nd -Holiday ~7 $ ;:; kl ~ , . MEllfOO OF PAYMENT: 1\119294 o WA/VEFI_OF SIGNATURE (Domestic Only): AcllIIIIonIIIIIIICIlMdIII.....1w:i llY01d Ifwalnrol...... IIr8l1U81t1d. Exp",ssMail CorporataAccl.No IWlshdellVElrytobemadeW~hOlJlobtaJnlngSignatureOfapdresseeoraddrassee'Sagent(jfdeliveryempjoyeejudge9 that article can be left In secure location) and I authorize tf1at deNve~ employee's slgneture oonsl~utes wlid proof of F_ralAgencyAcct.No_or "'- 0 0 PootalSer\OceAcct,No NO DEUVERY WNluInd Holld.y -.. FROM: (PLEASEPRlH1) PHONE! 6':l1 I 7~~ 1ROn TO: (PlEASEPRIH1) PHONE I I r -, r il..lfJr. UI' :>UtJTriOlU -, Pf..; DUX 1119 Home Rule Counsel !'OUH,dlu NY 1l~71-\!959 Senate Post o ffl cee The Capitol Albany NY 12224 L ~ L ~ PRESS HARD FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 -:;gM~ You die making 3 copies WWW.USpS.gov I ;I I I >o~ a.1il 0; O~ ...~ Gl.'- e;; 0" ...~ Ul ::l o 24/ f-OZ T -1 . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 12,2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill No. A.5423 and two copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill No. S.2479, each entitled "AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment". Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 11,2003. Very truly yours, ~o~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ... . Enclosures (5) cc: Assemblywoman Acampora POST OFFICE TO ADDRESSEE yo/Delivery S;';:~nd ;eM Time In MII.i~ry L~ 2ndDay ~3rdD.y ~.[J Weight Int'l Alpha Country Code '" NO Delivary "~ J Ozs. ,----. Week~nd U ,HOI'<lay . . METHOD OF PAYMENT: Expras.M"'lGorporaleACG\,No ;f,119i...'i"t Federal Agency Acct. No,ar POSlalServiceAcct.No FROM: (PLEASEPRIN1j ~ EXPRESS MIJIL IIIU 11111111111111111111111111 -* *[lb53:L"I04"12US* UNITED STATES POSTJJ.LSERVICETM Flat Rate Envelope EL653"190492US Postage ~ I ') s!;;> .' SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR SERVICE GUARANTEE AND LIMITS ON INSURANCE COVERAGE Retum Receipt Fee COD Fee InsuranceFae Totarost~Fe '$ / 7_" o WAIVER OF SIGNATURE (Domestic 0l11y): AddItIanI1mercbandllelnlurllncelsvolltlfwatveroflfgnatlnllJeQUICII(L I WISh delivery to be made wittlOut obtairmg Signature of addressee or addressee's agent (rt dBlrvery employllEl Judges that artk:IB can be left In secure locatlonj and I authorizetl1al delrveryemployee's sigrJa1urecon.stitul esvaNdproofol d"."'Y D D NO DeLIVERY W__ HoIIdRy - ..... TO: (pLEASEPRtmj PHONE(6~1 J .,r:S~~1800 , , TI_) (tt.. JF ;WUTHULLJ pc".: uL!);, 1.11'., -.~CiJ"nuLi.J L PtfONE( "l >o~ Q,g 0; O~ ...~ Q)~ e;; 0" ...~ VI :l CJ ~' ')/ l-:)i.: 'r , -" ~,~,~~; n~~,~~j COP'8' FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING CALL 1-800-222-1811 WWW.USpS.gov -:;E M~ ======= -.,J)' 11971-,),-;;'7 Home !(ule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Captiol Albany NY 122ZQ -" L .J . . HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town of (County, City, Town or Village) Senate . Southold requeststheenactmentof '\6s8H>bl~' bill No. S.2479 ), (Name) (strike out one) entitled "AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment" It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows: (check appropriate box) Ii] The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law . o Other facts, as set forth in the following ''Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION (Ifspace below is not sufficien4 use separate sheet and attach here.) Such request is made by: (Check appropriate box) o The chief executive office of such local government, concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) GJ The local legislative body of such local government, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A. If the request is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by a mlliority of the total membership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. (Signed) 4. -/ CHIEF/ E~CUTIVE OFFIC:~'S :~::T~wn nf Snllthnld / (Chi9f'EltCCU~~) Pftitle o1ChiefExecUtive Officoc) J9S~Yp' ~ Mgr~~A no or e- ame e ow) Date: U::.rr.:h 17 ,20~ CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, Elizabeth A. Neville. do hereby certi1y that I am Clerk of the Town Board Local Legislative Body of the T8W~O\Ulty.City. Town or Village) of ~.JU.t)I~ame) , such legislative body, at and that on the 1 th day of March 20 03 - tw.. tltifdq- majority (strike out ODe) of the total membership having voted in favor thereof, approved the foregoing request. [SEAL OF LOCAL GOVBRNMBNTJ (Signed) ~~Aff{O 2~//' - Eliza th A. (~i11 SO..'thn1rt Tn_" C':1p.rk (Print or Type Name Below) Date: March 12, ,20~ . . HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town of (County, City, Town or Village) Southold requests the enactment of AsS:ly bill No. A.5423 ), (Name) (strike out one) entitled "AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment" It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows: (check appropriate box) [Xl The local government does not have the power tu enact such legislation by local law . D Other facts, as set forth in thefollowing "Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION (If space below is not sufficient. use separate sbeet and attach here.) Such request is made by: (Check appropriate box) D The chief executive office of such local government, concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) IKJ The local legislative body of such local government, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A. If the request is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words ''two-thirds'' below. (Signed) F EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Inc;,huH V Horton (Print or Type Name Below) Sl'pfl!!rvi~n& Town of Southold (Tide of hicfExccutive Officer) Date: March 12. ,200L- CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, Fli7"h,dh A N..vill.. , do hereby certifY that I am Clerk of the Town Board Local Legislative Body of Southold (Name) , such legislative body, at of the Town (County. City, Town or Village) and that on the 11th day of March 2003 -!we lhifds majority (strike out one) of the total membership having voted in favor thereof, approved the furegoing request. [SEAL OF LOCAL GOVBRNMBNT] (Signed) ~~:'/~"4 Q, YfnjA Elizabet A. N~9,-me Town r:IQrk Town of Southold (Print or Type Name Below) Date: U~....,..h 1., ,20.....11.3. . INSTRucnONS . Copla req-aIred I Two Iiped copies of this form, specifying the final bill number and title musl be fiJed with each House of the LeplatuR. EJUlmples: (a) If the bill bas been introduced in only DIU! House of the Legis1atuR, four copies of the request form must be filed, i.e., two with the SeDate and two with the Assembly. (b) If the identical bill bas been introdnced in both Houses, eight copies of the request form mUSI be filed, i.e., two with the Senate and two with the Assembly for the SeDate bill and the same for the Assembly bill. Date of nqa..t. Tbe signing of a home rule request or the adoption of a resolution by the Ioca1legislative body approv- ing IUCh RqDCIt cannot plCCede the date on which the bill is actually introduced in the Legis1ature. In the cue of prefiJed bills, the actual date of introduction is the firsl day of the Iegislam seuiOD. Tbe requesl may be Iiped or the resolution adopted the same day as the date of introduction. Am_ded billa. Each time the bill is amended a new request musl be fiJed (with the appropriate number of copies) and the new request musl correctly identify the bill number as WI amended. Tbe signing of the request, and the date of the .upporting resolution. ClIIIDOI precede the date rl the amendment. TraaIIIdtW. Tbe Iiped forms should be senl as follows: To the Smllte: Home Rule Counsel SeDate Post OlIice Tbe Capitel Albany, N. Y. 12224 To the Asmnb": Home Rule CouIIIeI A_hly POll 0IIice Tbe Capitol Albany, N. Y. 12224 DefiaitiOD of teJ'IDI: CIWf eucudve ofJiCt!,. In the cue of a county, the eIeetive or appniDm chief execUtive ofIicer, If there be ODe, or otherwise the chairman of the board of supervisors; in the cue of a city or vi1Jage, the mayor (not ....nllCl'); and in the cue of a _, the supervisor. (MUDicipaI Home Rule Law 140) LocGllegi.:UJlive body. Tbe board of npervison, board of aldermen, _on council, council, -;nlnrI. _ board, board of __ or other elective aoveming board or body _led by state statute, cbarlcr or other law with jurisdirlion to initiate and adopt local laws or ortIm.n<:i:s. (Municipal Home Rule Law 12) Lot:Gl ~t. A county, city, _ or vi1Jage (Const. Art. IX, 13; Municipal Home Rule Law 12) Spdlllllw A .... _In wbicb in terms and in eIfcct appIiea to aae or more, but DOt III. counties (other lban thole wboIJy incIudedwitbin a city) cities, toWDIorvillqes. (Const. Art. IX 13; Mvnilipal Home RnIe Law 12) TOIIIl-"-hlp. Tbe lDIaI wtiD& power rl a IepIative body. (M.... HIDe Rule Law, 1120, 40) . . Ak "",'..1, " THE SENATE STATE OF NEW YORK RECEIVED , ',j' F' '1 (' (""((1 L_ L, t)",~ KENNETH P LAVALLE 1ST SENATE DISTRICT CHAIRMAN, MAIORITY CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN COMMTTTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION 325 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD SELDEN, NEW YORK] 1784 Southold Town aarl February 27,2003 Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk, Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road, PO Box 179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: Constitutional provisions mandate that certain bills require a Home Rule Request before the Legislature can act upon them. Senate Bill S.2479/A.5423 (LBD# 10217-01-03) is one such bill. We respectfully request that your office assist us in having the enclosed forms completed and returned to the Home Rule Counsel's Office, the State Capitol, Albany, New York, 12247. (Please see reverse side of Home Rule Request forms for more specific instructions.) Your prompt attention to this request is most appreciated. Sincerely yours, -z~ Enclosures @ . . HOME RULE REQUEST (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Pursuant to Article IX oftbe Constimtion, the Town of (COWlty, City, TownorVi11agc) Southold requests the enactment of ~ bill No. S.2479 ). (Name) (s1rikc out one) entitled "AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment" It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows: (check appropriate box) D The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law. ~ Other facts, as set forth in the following "Explanation" establish such necessity. EXPLANATION (Ifspace below is not sufficient, use separate sheetand au.ch heRl.) Such request is made by: (Check appropriate box) D The chief executive office of such local government, concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body. (See paragraph A below) [J The local legislative body of such local government, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof voted in favor of such request. (See paragraph B below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A. If the request is made by the chief executive officer and concurred in by 8 majority of the total membership of the local legislative body, both the chief executive officer and the clerk of the local legislative body must sign below. In such case use the word "majority" below even though the vote may have been greater. B. If the request is made by the local legislative body, at least two-thirds of the total membership thereof having voted in favor of such request, only the clerk of the loca1legislative body must sign below. In such case use the words "two-thirds" below. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (Signed) (Print orTypc)iame Below) (ChiefExe<:utive Officer) (Title ofChiefExocutivc Officer) Date: ,20 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, , do hereby certify that I am Clerk of Local Legislative Body of the of (Counly, City, TownorVillage) and that on the_ day of (Name) 20 _, such legislative body, at two-thirds majority (strikcoutone) of the total membership having voted in favor thereof, approved the foregoing request. [SfiALOI'LOCAL GOVEllNMliNT] (Signed) (C1orl<) (Print or Type Name Below) Date: ,20_ The People of the State of York, represented in Senate Assembly, do enact as follows: New and IN SENATE 1l..- Sen.al~ inrmdllcer's. S~II.UI~ The Sr_ton,.,-hose names alt cin:1e4 beknr.- ,.,;sh IU join me ill rhc: 'pOltsonhip ohhis pn.IpoIial: s55 Alesi .0.1 JohnlOft '" Oppt=aheimn 020 Aadn:.os .26 ....... .11 P:u1.'-..n .07 Balboni s'l7 Kruger .21 Parkn .u Bonadc 55! Nihl oJ. PafCnnn ... Breslin o2J ......-- .61 R;llh ... B~~ .J9 wrki. ,;. Robach .n ......0 "', La",,1Ie .ll Sabini .z Coa_ HO Leibel .., SlIllIl.nd .5O DeFr..aciKO 152 ...... ... Sa_pso. ill Dilz ..; Link '"~ SduM'ide""aa .17 Ollla 515 Malee- dl s-.'ard .29 D...ne ..; M:.,.:elli_ .09 Skdos ... Farle,- .2. M..rchi .10 Smith.A. sO:'. F",.n~Jan .62 Mazian sl.4 Smhh. M. ... FlIschillo 5;7 M,e." s3S Sp..no .22 Golden .., Meier .,.. Slacho...':\ki .n Goaule;r: r28 Mendez 51. Sta'bk~ ... Hannon .18 M_cco-ery .OJ Trunzo .,. HaneD- ... Mon..... '" ,'ckUa Thompson .~ NoueIiD ... ,'olke.. ... Ho""..III. .12 Ono~m ... ...."<<h. IN ASSEMBLY ( Auc..bly i..iod~r'. liip . T_Membeno'thc^,R_blv ..1toM'~_cin:kd kno- wilh hJ joill me in the .pollSOnhip Of.lli' 'ptopdSat .... Abbale .... Co"_ .... Onia: ..... ACadlpoI'II .075 Goafri<4 .... OnloIF .on Alfaao .... Cii.....is 01150 Pannea' .... A~~ "';, ..... .... POI.'" .118 Aubemne a.77 G...... 81.&1 PCfJP" am Alibn: aOZ2 Ciirodc~hik "'39 Penh.. a136 Bac:ailes .... G_k .... ...~ aU. Ban::lay - (ii_thel' alI2) Phe"r "',. Ba~ a'" Ha_ .... ......~U .... B:maga aOlIJ He__ a'09 1Ift..ilI. 00" BiJla al~5 HigUII; ..., Pre'" .... Bradln- .... HikiDd .... RlIi. .... BrenDaa a127 H_..... .... RaMOS alI92 Brodsky .0" H_... .u. Rei1M:h a12' B~ a'" He)' "". Rive..,). a"" a.rUng ..., Ja""" "". Rivera-P. 01117 Buder all' John a036 Robinl08 .101 Cahill - ....... "". Sande.. .... Calhoun .082 "'..... allJ Silnlanl a'" Callanan a'OO Nr-.... "'29 Sc""'OfOUjEk aD26 Ca,rozza - KIn. ...- Schimm.inJCCf a'08 C..... a129 KoIb a122 Sceuarava 10119 Chrit~nle.. ailS """. aM' Seddie aOJl Clark "'12 Labriola .0.. SC.....nc:rio .... Coben, A. ~ lAfa,,-etW .Oll Sidilr.ma.. .... Coftn,M. ..., La\.e-Ik a'" Sil\," ..., Coho. .... ....... a'" Smim .0.. Conle .005 Lan a09' Spano .032 Cook a125 UftDa .... Slephenl .'07 ClOach aIISl Lopez .062 Suanieft .... Cusick dll Mall" alI6' ShiRRef" ...; C,....bro..iQ: a120 Mapaftlli ;1011 S....'re~ alJO D"cl).lonle a'OJ ~"'n.inl .no TftI~co a'16 Delli.. ..... Mi~' - Thiele .... Diaz. L. olI27 M:n-enohn aDJ, Titus .... Diu.,ft. a'12 McOoaald a09' Tos;d :1016 DiNapoli "'.. McDo.aough alU TnJuul aOO' Din_itz a'DI McEne." .ll1S To_ko ..... Eddift~on aOn Md..aughlia ..054 Tn....., ..... EIlM:lebriM:bt al02 Miller a113 To.....',end alJO Errilllo a'52 ft.IiUman a126 W:IImer ""2 Espaill:1I a0'f7 Milk aUI, Weinstcia .." farRlI - Mi_s a020 Weilcllhc" ..015 Femllra aU2 Morclle ..,. "oe:prin .W Finch alJ9 Nabiu aL17 Winnll:r aOO7 Fiupatrick aOJ' No'" al-42 Winh a.... Galef """ Norm.. a070 OWri_ht aUl Gantl al2l' Oaks al.&9 Younl "',. Gian"'ris .0" O'ConnIl:U a055 .... Glick a'" O'DonneO a079 II Slrrjl:1t huu'''' hill tinlnllluf'eCI and prinltd Mpanldy IRnlhullf' both hou.'inl: saJ.! ~ rirdr IMIn-. uI' ru-SP""."ilN'lillnd dttIvcr 10 die inlrudlKlkln d~ ofll'lll: hou.w lortMr ..ilb'& titpies ....Ihe inl"....(ft".~ 1I'11!.......aodum. Zll-nl-hllllinlmdured <;h..ullanellu~l~ In blllh ht_ and prillltd a<; 1m" bUh; S...nall: and .~._n..Jt~ illlnodlll:u ~illn th... !llIme rnpy ~ lite hilL rirdr 'lIe ftantr.'i.,t ('f"<;pll~on and relurn 11111 thl: inlnlllUl'tinn rkl1i. IIf ellltff htlU.W ..-ith Ih", n'ftlllllninlt ellpi...... unci lJ copies lOr Iht inlmdlll't"o<; _murandum.. LODe JlD!IIOJ ~ . Legislative Bill Drafting Commission 10217-01-3 s. SENATE IN SENATE--Introduced by Sen L A- V fH-L6 --read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on '-------- A. ASSEMBLY IN ASSEMBLY--Introduced by M. of A. ~(Jt-fL.Pc> I l7t 18.6" --read once and referred to 'the Committee on *HIGHWLA* (Increases the limitation on amounts to be raised by taxes for the pur- chase of certain highway in the towns of Riverhead, Southold and Southcampton, county of Suffolk I Hway. raise limit taxes; purchase AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to the limitations on amounts to be raised by taxes for the purchase of certain highway equipment ~. . . 02/25/03 2 10217-01-3 1 Section 1. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 2 271 of the highway law, as amended by chapter 150 of the laws of 2000, 3 is amended to read as follows: 4 (1) Two hundred thousand dollars in the towns of COlonie, Bethlehem 5 and Guilderland in Albany county, in the town of Carmel in Putnam coun- 6 ty, in the town of Greenburgh in Westchester county, in the towns of 7 Baverstraw, Clarkstown, and Stony Point in Rockland county, [in the 8 towns of Riverhead, Southold and Southampton in Suffolk county,] in the 9 towns of Camillus, Cicero, DeWitt, Manlius, Onondaga and Salina in Onon- 10 daga county, in the town of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess county, or in any 11 town of the first class in Erie county. 12 S 2. Paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 271 of the highway law is 13 amended by adding a new subparagraph (I-h) to read as follows: 14 {l-hl Three hundred thousand dollars in the towns of Riverhead, Sout- 15 hold and Southampton in Suffolk countv. 16 S 3. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed- 17 ing the date on which it shall have become a law.