HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoumas at Bayview Preservation I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I STAGE 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL/HISTORICAL SENSITIVllY EVALUATION AND SURVEY BAYVIEW SUBDIVISION, GREAT HOG NECK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNlY, NEW YORK 0 ~~IeIVE U f NOV 1 8 2003 Southold TOWI Plannin! Boa'" prepared for: Zoumas Contracting & Home Builders P. O. Box 361 Wading River, New York 11792 prepared by: Greenhouse Consultants Incorporated 111 40 Exchange Place, 13 Floor New York, New York 10005 November 2003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents ................................................... ii List of Figures ....................................................... iii List of Plates ........................................................ iii List of Personnel ...................................................... Introduction ........................................................ 1 Geography and Physical Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Prehistoric Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 HistoricSensitivity .................................................... 8 Sensitivity Evaluation Conclusions ...................................... 11 Field Methodology ................................................. 12 Stratigraphic Summary .............................................. 13 Results ........................................................... 15 Conclusions and Recommendations ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 7 Appendix 1 Summary of Field Record Forms and Context Numbering -ii- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 1 0 LIST OF FIGURES Location of project area shown on portion of U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series Southold, New York quadrangle topographic map, 1966. Known prehistoric sites within two miles of the project area. From the 1829 Burr map. From the 1842 Mather map. From th e 1855 U.S. Coast SUNey. From the 1858 Chace map. From the 1873 Beers atlas. From the 1896 Hyde map. From the 1917 Hyde Atlas. Locations of shovel tests within the project area shown on part of 2003 sUNey by Young + Young. -iii- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 LIST OF PlATES View of the south central portion of the project area looking north from North Bayview Road. View of part of the central portion of the project area looking south. View of the east central portion of the project area looking west. showing disturbance from earth moving. View of the pond in the northwestern portion of the project area looking southeast. View of the northwestern portion of the project area looking north along bulldozed path. -iv- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UST OF PERSONNEL William I. Roberts IV - Principal Investigator Co-Author Paula M. Crowley - laboratory Director Artifact Analyst Word/Data Processor Co-Author William Goldsmith - Field Director I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to document the potential prehistoric and historic sensitivity of the proposed Bayview Subdivision located on Great Hog Neck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. This documentation was completed through the review of existing archival, cartographic and published references. Upon completion of the literature review, an archaeological survey of any locations with the potential to preserve archaeological evidence was conducted to determine the presence or absence of archaeological sites. Recommendations regarding possible further testing or excavation were noted . To provide a context for evaluating any identified resources within the parcel itself. the survey will include a synthesis of published and unpublished references in the immediate area surrounding the project area. The project area consists of approximately 48.2 acres situated along the north side of North Bayview Road to the west of Brigantine Drive, and to the south of Anchor Lane. The project area is roughly U-shaped. It excludes the lots along Clipper Drive. See Figure 1. The organization of this study is as follows: first, a section describes the geography and physical setting of the project area; second, a section follows on the prehistoric sensitivity of the area; third, a review of the historic sensitivity of the area; and fourth, the conclusions to the sensitivity evaluation. This section is followed by the methodology used in the field survey; a summary of the stratigraphy encountered; the results of the field survey; and finally the conclusions and recommendations. -1- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I i 37 \ \ \ " ""." IS LAN D " '- '- 28 ___ '- '- " '-Piling '" '- 3 ,. I S L '3 26 . 20 '5 2 I 9 . Fl?inders ~r.kdi"' SHE L T E R 65 2 \ ' n \6 Sou-thpld I / I / Bay 1('7.. I. /. ( 8 ?~ .~ .~ -'~ 2. '0 24 :c' 17 19 ,. <> 39 3' 39 6 ',S OU N D30 3 . . -"0 2 \9 24 '." --:'\v'" l--__ "',: ..) , '\.1.-)/0/. II" 28 Southord Yacht Club . Paral POlnl . '-~.,- -:..:-''':'~'''\';' GOO" ~;<,I "',"1" ',,,' ''J'i. '. .(' " ,./-, /' f~~~~}~.~.>.,.-~:i '-f' ,0 Cedar Beach Point ;'9 3 . 5 6 9 8 5 ~...~$ ..,# /' ,/ ,/ ,/ / / / ,/ ,/ 8 " 9 II 10 6 " '6 9 <1 ;:'1 ,. 'Y6'. 7 15 / J . SCALE 1:24000 o 1 MILE E!j 1000 0 t----<....-............ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET 1 ~ 5 ,.........., -----.. o 1 KILOMETER ..........-. >----< Figure 1 Location of project area shown on portion of U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute series Southold, New York quadrangle topographic map, 1966. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOGRAPHY AND PHYSICAL SETTING The Principal Investigator visited the project area during October 2002. Most of the project area is forested. There is a small pond in the northeastern section. Limited areas have been disturbed by earth moving leaving bulldozed pathways. See Plates 1 through 5 for views of the project area. There are nine varieties of soil found within the Bayview Subdivision project area (Warner et al. 1975: Sheet 9). Two varieties of Riverhead Sandy Loam predominate, those with o to 3% slopes and 3 to 8% slopes. Riverhead Sandy Loam 8 to 15% slopes is present in lesser quantities. Riverhead Sandy Loam is a deep, well-drained, moderately coarse soil. It was formed in a mantle of sandy loam over coarse sand and gravel. The 0 to 3% slope variety is found on outwash plains. Both the 0 to 3% and the 3 to 8% slope variety are well suited to all Suffolk County crops. The 3 to 8% slope variety is found on moraines and outwash plains, usually along shallow intermittent drainageways. The 8 to 15% slope variety is found on outwash plains along the sides of deep intermittent drainageways (ibid.:81-83). Plymouth Loamy Sand 0 to 3% slopes is found only in a part of the northwestern section of the project area. Plymouth Loamy Sand 3 to 8% slopes is found in the central part of the eastern side of the project area. Plymouth Loamy Sand is a deep, excessively drained, coarse textured soil. These soils have a low to very low moisture capacity. Their natural fertility is also low. The 0 to 3% slopes variety is found on outwash plains, while the 3 to 8% slope variety is found on moraines and outwash plains (Warner et al. 1975:77-78). Haven Loam 2 to 6% slopes if sound in part of the northeastern section of the project area. Haven Loam is a deep, well-drained, medium textures soil. This variety is found on outwash plains and moraines, often along shallow intermittent drainage channels (Warner et al. 1975:71-72). Haven Loam thick surface is found in three small locations within the project area. This variety is found on outwash plains in the bottom of larger drainage channels and close depressions (ibid.:72). -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The northwestern corner of the project area consists of Carver and Plymouth Sands, 3 to 15% slopes. This is a deep, excessively drained coarse-textured soil. It is found mainly on rolling moraines (Warner et al. 1975:66-67). The southwestern part of the project area is classified primarily aas Cut and Fill Land, gently sloping. This area has been cut and/or filled for a non-farm use (Warner et al. 1975:68). Thompson (1962 :2: 253) described Great Hog Neck as containing n... some hundred of acres of excellent land, and is divided into a number of good farms" during the nineteenth century. He described the soil of the town as generally a loamy gravel. or light loam (1962: 1 :45). Originally the Town of Southold was three islands, which became connected with each and with the main island by beaches and marshes of alluvial formation (ibid.:28). -3- I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PREHISTORIC SENSITIVITY As part of the project evaluation process, the sensitivily study has surveyed published and unpublished references in the files of the New York State Museum and the Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Thirteen prehistoric sites are known within two miles of the project area. Five were reported by former New York state archaeologist, Arthur C. Parker, early in this century. Three were described in his text. The nearest site to the project area is New York State Museum site 4909, which is recorded by the museum as a large circle, including the project area. Parker identified this site as ACP-SUFK-40, and described it as a village and shell midden. Parker's description of the site as a village implies a cultural range including the Woodland period, since this lype of site was rare during the preceding periods. Site 4909 is designated A in Table 1 and Figure 2. The second nearest site to the project area is New York State Museum site 8546, which is designated B in Table 1 and Figure 2. This site was also reported by Parker, labeling with a symbol for traces of occupation in his figure. Since no description of artifacts recovered was included in his text, no cultural affiliation is known. Site B is located along the north shore of Great Hog Neck, and includes part of the project area. Site C in Table 1 and Figure 2 is the Pelicano Site, a Woodland period camp that was reported to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation by Tracker Archaeological Services during 1996. The Pelicano Site is located approximately 0.4 miles southeast of the project area. The Goose Creek site is located approximately 0.5 miles west of the project area. See D in Table 1 and Figure 2. The site is listed in the files of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, but no information beyond the name and location is included. -4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I Site E in Table 1 and Figure 2 refers to another site listed in the files of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. The site is a camp designated Site 30-2. No information regarding date range or cultural affiliation is included. Site E is located approximately 0.8 miles southeast of the project area. New York State Museum Site 4884 was reported by Parker, who labeled it ACP-SUFK-15. He described it as a village, so the cultural affiliation includes the Woodland period. Site F is located approximately 0.8 miles northwest of the project area. See F in Table 1 and Figure 2. Site G in Table 1 and Figure 2 represents Parker's site ACP-SUFK-14, also registered as NYSM 4883. Parker describes this site as burials one-half mile east of Southold village (Parker 1922:698). Parker notes that pottery was found, which indicates a cultural range including the Transitional and Woodland periods. Site G is located approximately 1 .0 miles north-northwest of the project area. The Pine Neck site is designated H in Table 1 and Figure 2. It is located approximately 1.2 miles west-northwest of the project area. This site was registered with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, but only the name and location were included. I in Table 1 and Figure 2 refers to the Hippodrome Creek Site. Artifacts assigned to the Orient culture of the Transitional period were recovered, approximately 1 .2 miles north- northwest of the project area. The next nearest site to the project area is the Beixedon site located approximately 1 .5 miles to the north-northwest. See J in Table 1 and Figure 2. The state museum files describe this site as a midden with a date range including the Woodland period. New York State Museum 77785 was reported by Mrs. G.R. Nickels as a result of surface collecting. Projectile points dating to the Late Archaic and Transitional periods were found in the fields. Site 7785 is located approximately 1 .6 miles north-northwest of the project area. See K in Table 1 and Figure 2. -5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Emerson site is designated L in Table 1 and Figure 2. It lies approximately 1.6 miles southwest of the project area. It is described as burials and pits, but no other information is included with the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation registration. The final site found during this search is labeled M in Table 1 and Figure 2. It is registered by the New York State Museum as 7300. This registration refers to the Jennings Point Site, which is an unnumbered Parker site noted with the symbol for a shell midden on his maps. This site is located approximately 1.9 miles northeast of the project area. In terms of potential prehistoric sensitivity, the project impact area was evaluated from two points of view: 1 . the proximity of known prehistoric sites in or near the project area; 2. the presence of fresh water drainage courses in general, and particularly the identification of river or stream confluence situations where two or more drainages come together, providing access to both water and food supplies of both systems. This survey has documented the recorded location of thirteen sites within a two mile radius of the project area. Two of these sites are recorded as including at least part of the project area. This parcel includes a kettle pond which could have supplied fresh water and would have attracted game. The remainder of the project area overlooks the pond and a tidal flat to the northwest. making it a possible location of a hunting or fishing camp. -6- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?:v/ ~' ".:. ".<-' .0 ." < :20,; '".:10 ,~o ~"'~'? ".'V~ cJ '-~ "'--. ' . ""r " .~, +i' .....' r '<:-_.. ....;,..:.:....:.. '..: .,' . , 5 + Conkling Pt /'" /' /' ~ -- ! / I 'r:... Cr., " " ~ ~ .' V " , ," / /~':.'~" ...... oPilinll / / / / / / / / I I Jennings Pt SOUND I \ \ \ "- , "- "- '- '- "-- '- , , c'., , "'- '\ \ \ \ ~ " ., o~.. 1" c . v~. " ,- ," .?6" .'.,: ...~\\. lv?z I"'~' ./" '" " . ~ -~ :i .' ~o SHELTER 2 2J 6 ISLAND ~?o :X:.~..., "'..... .' } ~ ., u. . :. ;-' ~" \;:. ~ ',\'1:0"" 1'-111,. ",.' -.I. eem ,"-..~ . i" I . ..'SM' . 20 ~ ./ J. I. ./. ( ~ c >~'0:\ Sou-thold u 19 .'.', 3~ ;-",,. lr. \ ~\' " Soul d Yacht CI b Paradise Point \ --"1;-'-" \\ " ~\ .', '~I<,: . ,''''0',' .. el,\"'. ,. '. ;'GO.?'=> ..... 0'" .. "." . 3 \$ .' o .~.' .\ -L '. .~': ,. " ~.>'.' l!j: '. D: " H' r. (bje::;, ., Hog Neck Bay ''=.. .' s f \- !f ,'1/1.' -,!.,',/ -0 1 \'1 \.: . / "1 ~ I ,'::' ' I D....,... : ,0 - -;; ~ . ~CK ~ 'j '.",-, r ../ ..' .' _"t~. ,".r :e~S Beach Cr ~ ",S ~ r. '~ ~ -r. --I/!l!_' , '/ -,// Cedar Beach Point .~ 0;.,. e,c. ~, " . '" 3 -.......;.: . .' -"... . ~::':-,-~:.~ :~;i,~;:~.'.... ,~" . !.; 9 ,'" \,.\\ .'1 ., B A y .--- .--- / 'I IP E I \ \ \ \ \ \ .--- / /' / / / / / / / / / / /'" .--- .--- ,-- ,\\l\l /.", " u " ~s ;.'4 ;--,.' 32 ~ \ \ . \l()I{Tn~ ~~\TIl)::\"\I.\~,\ ,e \\"1 I.IJLL j': !-{EFl"; r: " c.'J 1_'( ',2 , l~ " \ ) L I T T L E 22 CONIC \ '. -l.... .:\\J~ ,,' T'. '.", . e.' , 2 ,,' 2.'1 /-'} ". SOU T HAM P T ON 1 SCALE 1:24000 , 0 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4()(lO 5000 ~ ~ ~ 1 5 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I MilE 6000 7000 FEET 1 KilOMETER Figure 2 Known prehistoric sites within two miies of the project area, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 Prehistoric Sites within Two Miles of the Project Area Site Name Registration # Reterence Periods Description A. NYSM 4909 Parker 1922:699 Woodland Village, shell midden ACP-SUFK-40 B, NYSM B546 Parker 1922:PI. 223 un_ uacesof occupamon ACP-SUFK C. Pelicano ADl 03-1 0-12B5 Tracker Arch. Services Woodland Camp 1996 D. Goose Creek ADl 03-1 0-0247 u___ ----- E. SlIe 30-2 AD103-10-0297 Johrnneman 1980 ___h Camp F. NYSM 4884 Parker 1922 698 Woodland Village ACP-SUFK-15 G. NYSM 4883 Parker 1922:698 Woodlcnd Burials w/pottery ACP-SUFK-14 H. Pine Neck AD103-1O-0245 ----- __n_ I. Hipprodome Creek A103-10-0282 Transitional ----- J. Belxedon NYSM 700 B001l1 19407 Woodland/Contact Village, midden, ADl03-1O-0029 burials K. NYSM 7785 Mrs. G.R. Nichols late Archaic. Surface collection ADl03-1O-0293 L.E. Barker Transitional. Woodland L Emerson ADl03-1O-0275 ----- Burials, pits M. Jennings Point NYSM 7300 Parker 1922:PI. 223 Transitional Shell middens ACP-SUFK -7- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HISTORIC SENSITIVITY At the time of European contact, the Corchaug tribe used the area from Wading River to Orient, from the north shore of Peconic Bay through the Necks. The Manhasset tribe was on Shelter Island, Ram Island and possibly Hog Island (Thompson 1962: 1: 126-127). A group of associates from New Haven, Connecticut, bought Yenicock, or Yenicott, from the Corchaugs, in 1640. The purchase on the main island was 23 miles by four miles, and included Oyster Ponds (Orient), Plumb Island, Gull Islands, Fishe(s/Winfhrop's Island, which were all in the Sound, and Robin's Island in Peconic Bay (Thompson 1962:2:225). The name, Yenicock, was used until 1644 when the settlement began to be known as South Hold (Flint 1967:234). The men and their families, comprising the 1640 settlers, were The Reverend John Youngs, Isaac Arnold, John Budd, Jacob Corey, John Conkling, Matthias Corwin, Peter Hallock, Barnabas Horton, Thomas Mapes, Richard Terry, John Tuthill and William Welles, Esquire (ibid.). These names can be noted on nineteenth century historic maps. The village of Southold, within the Town of Southold was the oldest English settlement on Long Island, and was a colony of New Haven, Connecticut from 1640 through 1662. Fishing and other maritime pursuits were the chief occupations in early Southold (Flint 1967:239). Under Connecticufs charter of 1662, the colony claimed Long Island as one of its adjacent islands (Hazelton 1925: 2 :695). The patent of October 31, 1676 of Andros and Nicolls brought Southold formally under the jurisdiction of New York. The bounds were observed as follows: ". a certain towne in the East Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, commonly called and known by the name of South-Hold. scituate, lying and being on the north side of the said island, towards the Sound; the western bounds whereof extend to a certain river or creeke, called the Wading creeke. in the Indian tongue Pauquacumsuck. and bounded to the eastward by Plumb Island. together with the said island. on the north with the Sound or North Sea. and on the south with an arm of the sea or river. which runneth up between S. Hampton land. and the aforesaid tract of land. unto a certain creeke, which fresh water runneth into, called in English the Red Creeke. by the Indyans, To-youngs. so running on a straight line, from the head of the afore-named fresh water. to the head of the small brook that runneth into the creeke called Pauquacumsuck. including all the necks and islands within said bounds (Thompson 1962:2:242). -8- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I When the English lost control of New York, briefly, to the Dutch in 1689, Southold attempted to return to Connecticut. also briefly (Flint 1967:238). The holdings of the Town of Southold stayed the same through the colonial period until March 13, 1792, when the Town of Riverhead was created from the western portion of Southold (Hazelton 1925:2:699-700). Except for the War of 1812, when Southold's maritime interests suffered from British warships, its economic pursuits continued the same from the colonial period: agriculture, fisheries, and other maritime pursuits. The Long Island Railroad, built in 1 845, brought wider interests. Cartographic Evidence A series of maps depicting the project area and surroundings during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were collected as part of this research. The earliest depiction found is the 1829 Burr map. See Figure 3. The project area is part of vacant land on Great Hog Neck southeast of Southold village. Figure 4 is taken from the 1842 Mather map, Although the project area remains vacant. a road is now shown on Great Hog Neck to its south. This is the present Main Bayview Road. The 1855 U,S. Coast Survey map provides more detail than the previous two maps. See Figure 5. This map continues to show Main Bayview Road, but also shows another road leading north from it. This road is Jacob's Lane/North Bayview Road. There are several farmsteads shown along Main Bayview Road, and one at the north end of Jacob's Lane/North Bayview Road, No structures are shown within the project area which is mostly forested, The northwestern section of the project area is shown as cultivated fields, The source of Figure 6 is the 1858 Chace map. This is the earliest map to show the road running along the southern project area boundary. This road is now North Bayview Road. Two labels are shown on or adjacent to the project area: J,Q Corey and J,M, Horton. The owner of the project area is more likely Corey since his farmhouse is shown to the north of North Bayview Road, while Horton is to the south, -9- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Efj Project Area F T ~ c ~ (() ~ r ,~ f)tJL f)~ ~ Jf c S,...l,. " , ---..----,.... .,r llilo." " Figure 3 From the 1829 Burr map. I I I I I r- , PDTHERS BA r. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o SCALE 2 4 miles I Figure 4 From the 1842 Mather map. /.\\ EtJ / / / ('Ii; 1~'!:1 ~ / ~ '-.: ~-- The: S'prt~ -I I I I I I I .~I --------------Ill-~~ . Il( /""',/ III " 11.,,,/ " " c' Co," '" g)f..,.{ ... ,~. .. I ,,:'~~~~r}~~":'~;~. I I I I I I I I I I I I :'"l ,;! 1:.1 .,. HI wi ., JIII"ll',',/' " :,~ " " .. J{ E" " " " " y A " l~! " 11, '" ,., .1 . '. , .. r .) , ,l.'~. M '(' p:/! '0 .l8t,lt ,t 1JI.~ 5 :- Figure 5 .., ,~t Illl wI " l~; .1 " -----..- " 9i 61 7( ,I .. .....,~_.. " 4~ JIprtf! "P!-b :,l wI ,.1 . " ,M-___!t- _ " " \) " " (; " '" " ~ " ., .1 ., .$ " " " " 1 " " ., 1 " t " ~ ., " , -"x~. .<".~~" . 'Statute Mile. . Nawical)ffiell' ..,t n ~ . From th e 1855 U.S. Coast SUNey. Y', ~~1~ ,~ " '. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . , ~ ~. --~'-- ~ ----- ~ . ..-j" , I ~- .._~~_.- --- - . . . -. ~..._. .-' - --, ...<'t -', / I I I 1/4 0 miles (approx.l 1/2 ~ Figure 6 From the 1858 Chace map. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 7 is taken from the 1873 Beers Atlas. This map shows the main roads as they are presently. The project area remains vacant. It is probably part of the farm of W. Henebary who is shown just to the east probably on what was labeled Corey in 1858. The 1896 Hyde map shows a situation very similar to that seen in 1873. See Figure 8. The project area still includes no structures and the same roads are shown. The label to the east reads W. Henneberg Est. The source of Figure 9 is the 191 7 Hyde Atlas. This map now shows roads or pathways within the project area. Part of the western section of the project area is labeled Mrs. Reeves. The remainder is labeled Coleman (Henneburg Pl.). A group of two structures are shown within or adjacent to the southwestern corner of the project area. These are probably the Coleman/Henneburg house and barn. The 1966 U.S.G.S. quad shows one structure just outside the project area. See Figure 1 . In summary, it appears that the project area was primarily within the Henneberg or Henebary farm from at least 1873 through 1896. During 1858 this farm was probably owned by Corey. Information was then sought on the Henneberg or Henebary family. W. Henebary was evidently Walter Henebury. He appears in the 1865 New York State Census for the Third Election District Town of Southold. He was 32 years old, a farmer, and was born in Ireland. His wife, Bridget was also 32 years old and from Ireland. They had two children: Charles J., aged 5, and Laetitia, aged 2. Both were born in Suffolk County. Walter Henebury farmed 37 acres of which 22 acres were improved. He grew winter wheat oats, potatoes, and Indian corn. He had three acres of meadows which produced hay, and 3% acres of pasture. His livestock included one horse, three cows, seven pigs and some poultry. His farm was valued at $2000 and his dwelling at #300 (New York State Census 1865; Dwelling 35, Farm 24). The Henebury farmhouse is probably the hosue shown just east of the southeastern corner of the project area on the 1966 U.S.G.S. map. The outbuildings were probably also just outside the project area, although it is possible that one or more structures were within the project area. -10- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '0 ~-' ~~ - . ~ ~~ ~ f~r ,,~ ~1,:f~' Aj }'..- \' , , " ,~ - - " ,--~~ ,"'''<~ - "",',,"'--~--~---=- - "- - -" " '. . ~4, ~"- ><( '\ - -'. \ '. . \" ',\ ," " '\ \, " \ , '\:\\ ,,\ , " \.'. .' f \ . ,- ,- 1;2 I o mil.. (OpproKJ ~ Figure 7 From the 1873 Beers atlas, I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 63< ,:4- '. ,," 8 ... 1. ... 17 ... ,14'1.,; ...- 'l~ '1 ~ .. .- S '\ l1\w\<..'/-Y\. SOL"' T 10'" T' ~ 14- HOL j/",m 15 BAY ;.': If R' 4-' 18 " proj8.et Are/-+" 3 ..,. 8" .~" Ie: o.~ +~ -+-- 'W ~. r ,15 L! ''p;Cltl101''' . /.1 V' 8 3 2 17 I'" 2 16 9 15 8 3x 3..\<; r 13 ",," -,<2 11 0 14- 3J.4- 2/ 7 ". 1:: 15 11 9 , 3% 15 "","- 4'" ",2 ~ 13 8 11 1/2 I o mil.. (opprox.l 1 11 , . '( , 14 1Q 1'''' ..-' 1; 6J:- 16 1{; I I ... t511~ :, 1: Cpu.n' U ''':'- ~ "\'V' D'>.;'\\:\1"'<; _ . l .-r.... "'f ~ .,,:- .) (/) Figure 8 From the 1896 H d Y e map, , , I I I , I I I , II I ~') I.... I :1 I -f.. I ..../,,' j 'I ~ r'(/ I, ~ I ~l 1 ~ I. II ~ 1 ':1 18, II 1\ t3 \ \! 1. II \1 ~ l G:PL) I~ II ~\','" ,I -; " <:I I r:.1 I ';, T''":ill ""II'" I 1,: ' ,~II I I I I( ::",\"1 ,:' I I,,..., 'I I .11 I 11 II \ ..11 I I: I, I 'itoject Araa J / 0 I J I II 1.L.80"'_ o I I --J L.----J '~oRi" I I I " " ," ~ I I . I,'" " L \1 "0 _-~:~ J____ II ' --\ \1 ~ " ,; \\~ " " I, , " ,., '\ t " . :) \l~ \. I,. ..', l! i4 '..........J10 '~ I'':::~ I - ,I I' II I , , " ,I :i )/ / I , ,T.IL: Tt!/7"Tf I I I I ,; 00 ~1; f,,1<1 :1&;/;:," Est- ~ ~ . . N C<i \..i 000 o L . ~ ,~ ~ ~ I E I ~ ~ ,'-' " ;' ~ o .DfLyt07l/ Estcd", J.K, T"'77',F I r~r a I :, I' " ,/ " /' ,/ , :~st, (to-rV, ri " " " " " " " o a [] TOe a , I a a a I 00 c b ~ ~. '" ~ . L <:> 9 1- ~. fl:j il1 !Ii "':,. s.; N' I I I , I I , " 'I " , ,I " " , " :' /~ ,,,,, lip.. /1'':. ,/"'1 "..... I' -; all:::) " a, , , \ /:::- 't( ;;".\ I, 1\ 1/ " , \ \ ~ ~ r I \ \\ ::)..... ,I "~ 'I ~ ~ " ',, t:... ,. !; .., 1/ '> '\ ~ ~-:::; 'I N 1\..._;/ /1 t..3 /:.~- II //... \ II /<-" \ I / / 's' 'I/,/' 1.-r1,tt1'" ....../ 1[.-// .1 0":.:-....,/ I ./' r1'~-::..-_--11 If S ~f'!.--:>- 'I / I '!'-;... -- . I --1 ~::, - ffa-llo ok.;.! ,. t II , Es "I' ", II 13 W7V" II ]<:.]1. rO , " , ,I , " , ,I "I I" " , " \ " " , '1 . II _ - .... -.....-..:-;"';::. :..'::==- -- ,,/ -- ~ ,,,.- ~f . " ~ 'I I, ~ ~\ ,I lJ \10 o 110 10 o . 'I ~ \\ " " " , , ~'E' JL..Bro~ '~', " ',,\ .-";::'" '" ...-:::;."'- ,,\ . ,~/ '" \ C\ \~ /':" " ' Y~"""'9 ana.- JrlJr I~o TV Jokn/ A.rscin/ 000 o a a C , ~ . L il1 ~ f:ri I I I Q feet SCALE APPRQX. '000 "'" I I Figure 9 From the 191 7 Hyde Atlas. , ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SENSITIVITY EVALUATION CONCLUSIONS The project area is judged sensitive to preserving prehistoric archaeological evidence. This conclusion is based on the presence of thirteen known prehistoric sites within two miles of the project area. Among these is New York State Museum Site 4909, identified by the museum as including the project area. The project area had easy access to fresh water from the pond that lies within the eastern section. If evidence of prehistoric use of this land exists, it would likely be in the form of a hunting camp. The review of the history of the Bayview Subdivision project area indicates that this location is unlikely to preserve significant historic archaeological evidence. The cartographic evidence indicates that the project area was probably never developed during the historic period. It was part of the Henebury farm from at least 1865 through 1896, but the farmhouse was outside the project area. We recommend that Stage 1 B archaeological testing be completed for all proposed impacts within the project area, excepting previously disturbed areas. This testing should consist of shovel tests on a 50-foot grid pattern or to an equivalent level of effort. -11- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIELD METHODOLOGY The Stage 1 B archaeological testing of the Bayview Subdivision property took place September 29 through October 6, 2003. The purpose of the Stage 1 B archaeological survey was to document the presence or absence of potential archaeological resources within the project area through the use of physical testing techniques. The techniques used were the excavation of shovel tests on grids at 50 foot intervals, or as close as poSSible to these locations. This strategy would cover all proposed impacts in the project area. A total of 101 shovel tests were planned. Seventeen shovel tests were eliminated due to disturbance. The methodology employed for the shovel testing was straightforward. Roughly square tests approximately 1.5 feet across were excavated until approximately 0.5 feet of the subsoil was explored, or until the test was impeded by obstacles. All soils from the shovel tests were screened through V.-inch mesh for the recovery of artifacts. Soils were excavated and recorded by natural stratigraphic deposits. For all of the shovel tests, the strata encountered were measured, described, and recorded in terms of texture, inclusions and Munsell colors. See Appendix 1 for the survey record forms. Twelve tests had noAhorizon: Shovel Tests 10, 13, 16,21. 27, 28, 31,39,42,61. 62, and 76. Shovel Test 33 had no topsoil. No artifacts or features were observed, either historic or prehistoric. -12- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 , 1 , 1-" /.q-, 1 "', >-, 1 ~I , 1 ' 1 -J r / // 1 1 1 1 , t \ , NA~ lJNP15T1.JR6EI? Bl.JFI=ER'-" / , !1x '" __, /---- I I ---- I I / / / / 1 , , , , , 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 \ , , \ I I / / _ 22/ ~ I N / j '" 1if k '" ,., '" " , ,'" o '" , / 1 \ , \ 1 / I 1 1 , I 1 , 1 'I ~w X 248 / I / I I ,-, - - "'- ,-~ , '- --- ~I " > " ., .),ord,el Or-~f7--II-~T-/-_--/-~~~~~;:~: :[~~~ '- ~ ", ,- \ " r", \00/001(,'1 "'{/\ ',_' ~_.;-- ,-~~' \ 'O,;;,e(\ '_I",/sov ---------, J\ /' \ ", ~':-:::;--'- '- :::.-- -- I \ 't':'" 0\./ ? --- \" \ ".... "J~'- '- } 1 ,.,- o-JV(\ /, "c,(I;--- ,) ," , '_;:- '- _ / -"f \,ne: \ r_ "b-1-31O ~- \ ,', \, ''-,'',- ", ",- ~-:-:_ (\0; I ~ }1'9'" /// ': ,,', ','\, "''- "'___~~"'" .-' Jf\. (eiJ - - ./ , I " \ \ ..... ......... ..... /' r./ I \ \ \ V) / I \, \. " " _/// ------' 1Ss'/ \" f\J _ // I' \ '- X / I I " ,,-..../ I ..0 I I " .,./ (\/ 0;),...; , I "- .,;" f'lV '" '" 1 1 /1>) / J ,>( " ~ / NA TblRAI- " -lJNDIS~~' : --...... , I ./ ..... / I I /. I I I -/ I \ , , / " '-~--~_/ : \ 0;i8 05't.O~5 ~1 / \( \/ \ Sq'o; " '\\ \ 91 ,Be, ,,'" " I 0 \ 061 062 050 I 1 '\" \ / I, \ () \ " / " \Q66 ado \~ 'v<:iiwJ~:>&3, --: "- 1\ ~ A \ >- /' '; / J \ n't, ,""( ',/ // //-..... \ 03' / I 10.68\- 10/69 I'CmV--e-71/ \ , ., \ I ~I / , {3' 1 ft / ' ~79 078 0 7/~rJj 1 / , , '1-/ / I I / ~{} / ~<l ~81 --i -i ,/ .J-: --- r I \ I 1 00' '\ \. .....::. / ? _~', 0- \ _ l-f 035' 034 ~3 --- 28.4 \:\ ~ -----+---.,.""-::....... \ 1-...., \ '-- -~---" \ / \ ,--;'--...L_ 037 ~ <i98 :oM " : \...0" I't I " , 1'50,,- 1 I I.......r::. 1 L \ () ,BG::i40 041 : 0f2 ' .Q " I 1 044 /045 \ , I , I , \ 1 ~ D ~' it J;} I ,::~_~, ~2 0"\'/,' " 1-'0, , /,' - - -J' '(') , / / ",- / ., Q\ / // rv ___ ~l'lRAL UNDISTJllR6EI',~ \/- ">( / 1 ",/ -- /----..... /370.} ",---- ~ vi '" 043" r" ., ..... ' 1/ ~'~~~:v / >-. -.-. ---- - ~ , .... in Q) IV I N-W E 2y;; '(') nln o..c' _ "" , "r"-.~ --0 yo- , .l.....J,fJ I / "'- ",PI~ /:/' ~,o c1-' ' ~~._:.J , 0 L I I I " t> t> . '" ?^ I 31~ ~ \ ~ I X ~~ r7 100 NURTM~EW RUA --~ --=----~ - /975.14' / 208 x ~ , n 0- (t) .0- r --_/ - --..... Figure 10 Locations of shovel tests within the project area shown on part of 2003 survey by Young + Young_ ~ I .0 I o SCALP: 100*", I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRATIGRAPHIC SUMMARY The typical shovel test profile at the Bayview Subdivision project area consisted of three layers: a topsoil of silty loam or sandy loam overlying an A horizon of dark greyish brown silty sand and a B horizon of yellowish brown sand. Table 2 Summary of Shovel Test Stratigraphy Layer Texture Color # of Tesfs % Topsoil Layer 1 Silly loam Black 1271 44 53.01 % (N-831 Very dark brown 11 71 Sandy loam Very dark brown (39) 39 46.98% A Horizon Layer 2 Sillv sand Dark areyish brown 1381 72 100.0% (N=721 Dark brown 1211 Dark yellowish brown Ill) Brown (2\ B Horizon Layer 3 Sand Yellowish brown 1841 84 100.0% (N-841 The topsoil layer was divided between a silty loam (53 percent) and a sandy loam (47 percent). The average thickness of this layer was 0.1 feet. Silty loam constituted the topsoil texture in shovel tests numbering 1 through 45. The sandy loam was obseNed in shovel tests numbering from 46 through 84. -13- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I One hundred percent of the A horizon texture was a silty sand. The average thickness of the A horizon was 0.6 feet. One hundred percent of the B horizon texture was identified as sand. The average thickness exposed in this layer was 0.5 feet. with the top of the layer found from 0.1 to 2.0 feet below the surface. -14- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESULTS The Stage 1 B archaeological testing of the Bayview Subdivision project area did not recover any artifacts either from the prehistoric or historic periods. No features, either prehistoric or historic were noted during the testing. -15- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This report documents the procedures and results of the Stage 1 archaeological/historical survey of the Bayview Subdivision project area, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Based on this objective ground testing, no potentially significant prehistoric or historic archaeological sites exist within the boundaries of the project are. The conclusion of this report is that no additional testing is necessary, and no further work is recommended. -16- r r Plate 1 View of the south central portion of the project area looking north from North Bayview Road. . . Plate 2 View of part of the central portion of the project area looking south. r I - :.1...... r r Plate 3 View of the east central portion of the project area looking west, showing disturbance from earth moving. Plate 4 View of the pond in the northwestern portion of the project area looking southeast. Plate 5 View of the northwestern portion of the project area looking north along bulldozed path. l-------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BIBLIOGRAPHY Beers, Frederick W. 1873 Atlas of Long Island, New York. New York, New York: Comstock & Cline. Burr, David H. 1 829 Map of County of Suffolk. Republished by Stone and Clark, Ithaca, New York. Chace, J., Jr. 1858 Map of Suffolk County, Long Island New York From Actual SUNeys. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John Douglas. Flint. Martha B. 1967 Long Island Before the Revolution: A Colonial Study. Empire State Historic Publication Y0/. Port Washington, Long Island, New York: Ira J. Friedman, Inc. Originally published 1896 as Early Long Island. Hazelton, Henry I. 1925 The Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens Counties of Nassau and Suffolk, Long Island, New York 1609-1924. Volume 2. New York, New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc. Hyde, E. Belcher 1917 Atlas of the North Shore of Long Island, New York. Brooklyn, New York: E. Belcher Hyde. Hyde and Company 1896 Map of Long Island. Brooklyn, New York: Hyde and Company. Mather, WW. 1842 Geological Map of Long and Staten Islands. New York, New York: WW. Mather. -17- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I New York, State of 1 865 Census. Parker, Arthur C. 1922 The Archaeological History of New York. New York State Museum Bulletin, Nos. 235-238. Thompson, Benjamin F. 1962 History of Long Island From Its Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. 3'd ed. 3 volumes. Port Washington, Long Island, New York: Ira J. Friedman, Inc. Originally published 1839. United States Coast Survey 1855 Middle Part of Long Island Sound. Directed by F.R. Hassler. United States Geological Survey 1956 Southold, New York Quadrangle. 7.5 minute series topographical map. Warner, John W. et al. 1975 Soil Survey of Suffolk County, New York. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. -18- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD RECORD FORMS AND CONTEXT NUMBERING I I I APPENDIX 1 CONTEXT NUMBERING AND PROVENIENCE lABEUNG I A field recording system which encompasses a variety of conditions and situations is optimal for any archaeological project. Among these situations arethe size afthe project. the number of different field techniques and the numberof expected artifacts. The field recording system used was developed by Greenhouse Consultants and was based on modifications of other accepted systems. All contexts are numbered in the field and these numbers are applied to the artifacts. The fOlmat for numbering is XX-99SS.99 where X is alphanumeric and 9 is numeric. The alphanumeric characters to the left of the hyphen are the prefix. The two digits to the right of the decimal point are used only when it is necessary to referto strata within a context. The four digits between the prefix and decimal subdivision may be called the base code. I I The prefix is a two character designation of the project parcel. The four digit numeric base code can be divided into two parts; the first digit being separate from the last three. The first numeric digit indicates the type of field technique used. The codes are as follows: I 1000 2000 300D: 4000: 500D: 6000 7000 8000 900D: unprovenienced surface collection provenienced surface collection shovel testing trenching excavation units feature excavation borings transects I The three digits following the technique code are unique for Bach location and are assigned sequentially. Decimal subdivisions may be used for techniques three through six to indicate specific strata. Forexample, 01-3001.02 refers to Area 1 (01), shovel test (3), number 1 (001 J. at the second layer (.02). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Soulhold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture DeDlh Horizon Comments 3001.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 TODSDII 75' N N. Bavview Rd. 3001.02 10YR3J3 Dark brown Silty sand 0.1-0.4 A 3001.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3002.01 10YR2ll Blad< Silty loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' W ST1 3002.02 10YR3J3 Dark brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.5 A 3002.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3003.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' W ST2 3003.02 10YR313 Dark brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.3 A 3003.03 10YR5I6 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3004.01 10YR2Il Blad< SlItvloam 0-0.1 TODsolI 50' N ST3 3004.02 10YR313 Dark. brown Silty sand 0.1-0.2 A 3004.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.2-0.7 B 3005.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' E ST4 3005.02 10YR313 Dall< brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.2 A 3005.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.2-0.7 B 3006.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 TODsolI 50' E ST5 3006.02 10YR3J3 Dall< brown Silty sand 0.1-0.3 A 3006.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3007.01 10YR2I1 Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' N ST6 3007.02 10YR313 Dall< brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.4 A 3007.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3008.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' E STl 3006.02 10YR313 Dark brown Silty sand 0.1-0.4 A 3008.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3009.01 10YR2I1 Blad< Silty loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' W STl 3009.02 10YR3J3 Dall< brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.3 A 3009.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3010.01 10YR2ll Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 TOPSoil 50' W ST9 3010.02 10YR516 Yell_h brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B NoAhorlzon 3011.01 10YR2ll Blad< Silty loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' N ST10 3011.02 10YR3J3 Dark. brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.4 A 3011.03 10YR5I6 Yellowish brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3012.01 10YR2Il Blad< Siltvloam 0-0.1 Topsoil 5O'EST11 3012.02 10YR3J3 Dall< brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.5 A 3012.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3013.01 10YR2I1 Blad< Silty loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' N ST11 3013.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A horizon 3014.01 10YR2I1 Blad< Silty loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 100' E ST13 3014.02 10YR3I3 Dall< brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.4 A 3014.03 10YR5/6 Yellowish brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Oenth Horizon Comments 3015.01 10YR2I1 Black smv loam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' E ST14 3015.02 10YR313 Dark brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.7 A 3015.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.7-1.2 B 3016.01 10YR2ll Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' N ST15 3016.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A horizon 3017.01 10YR2l1 Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' W ST16 3017.02 10YR313 Dark brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.6 A 3017.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.6-1.1 B 3018.01 10YR2I1 Black Sillvloam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' N ST17 3018.02 10YR3/3 Dark brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.3 A 3018.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3019.01 10YR2ll Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' E ST18 3019.02 10YR313 Dark brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.4 A 3019.03 10YR516 Yell_h brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3020.01 10YR2ll Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Ton'oil SO' N ST19 3020.02 10YR313 Dark brown SillY sand 0.1-0.4 A 3020.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3021.01 10YR2I1 Black Sillvloam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' W ST20 3021.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A horizon 3022.01 10YR2Il Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' N ST21 3022.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillvsand 0.1-0.7 A 3022.03 10YR516 Yell_h brown Sand 0.7-1.2 B 3023.01 10YR2ll Black Sillvloam 0-0.1 Ton<oil SO' E ST21 3023.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillv sand 0.1-0.6 A 3023.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.6-1.1 B 3024.01 10YR2I1 Black Sillvloam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' S ST23 3024.02 10YR313 Dark brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.5 A 3024.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3025.01 10YR2I1 Black Siltvloam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' S ST24 3025.02 10YR3/3 Dark brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.5 A 3025.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3026.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Siltvloam 0-0.1 Tooso<l 25' N N. Bawiew Rd. 3026.02 10YR412 Dark ore,,-'h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.3 A 3026.03 10YR516 Yell_h brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3027.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Siltvloam 0-0.1 Ton<oil 50' N ST26 3027.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A hoirzon 3028.01 10YR212 Very dark brown SillY loam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' N ST27 3028.02 10YR516 Y eIIow~h brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A holrzon 3029.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sillvloam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' N ST28 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture o;.;;h Horizon Comments 3029.02 10YR412 Dam oreyish brown Siltv sand A 3029.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a 3030.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown ~Ioam 0.0.1 Toosoil SO' N ST29 3030.02 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown Siltv sand A 3030.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.5-1.0 a 3031.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown SUtvloam 0.0.1 TOMeii 50' E ST30 on cuI trail 3031.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a No A holizon 3032.01 10YR212 VAN dam brown Siltvloam 0.0.1 Tonsoil 50' W ST30 3032.02 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown Siltv ~and A 3032.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.5-1.0 a 3033.01 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown Si';;;-sand 0-2.0 A 50' W ST32 on dirt mound 3033.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 2.0-2.5 a No Ioosoil 3034.01 10YR2Il alack S;;/oam 0.0.1 Toosoil SO' W ST33 3034.02 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown Siltv sand A 3034.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a 3035.01 10YR2I1 alack Siltvloam 0.0.1 Tnn<<>1 50' W ST34 3035.02 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown SiHv~nd 0.1-1.1 A 3035.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 a 3036.01 10YR212 VAN dam brown SiHvloam 0.0.1 Toosoil 50'W ST35 &5O'S 3036.02 10YR412 Dam oreyish brown SiItv sand 0.1-1.2 A 3036.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.2-1.7 a 3037.01 10YR212 VeIV dam brown Siltvloam M.l TOMOiI 50' E ST36 3037.02 10YR412 Dam nreyish brown SiHv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3037.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 a 3038.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown SiHvloam 0.0.1 Ton~i1 SO' E ST37 3038.02 10YR412 Dam nreYish brown S;;; sand A 3038.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a 3039.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown Siltvloam 0.0.1 TOD50iI 50' E ST38 3039.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a No A horizon 3040.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown ~Ioam M.1 Toosoil 50' S ST37 3040.02 10YR412 Dam Dreyish brown Siltv sand A 3040.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a 3041.01 10YR212 VeN dam brown ~Ioam 0.0.1 ToDSoiI SO' E ST40 3041.02 10YR412 Dam Dreyish brown Siltv sand A 3041.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a 3042.01 10YR212 VeIV dam brown SiHvloam 0.0.1 TOMoil SO' E ST41 3042.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand a No A horizon 3043.01 10YR212 VeIV dam brown SiHvloam 0.0.1 TODSoil SO'S ST40 3043.02 10YR412 Dam oreyish brown Siltv sand A 3043.03 10YR5I6 Yellowish brown Sand 0.6-1.1 a Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Oe..th- Horizon Comments 3044.01 10YR2I2 VeN dar1<brown Siltvloam 0-0.1 To""'i1 50' E ST43 3044.02 10YR412 Oark nre"sh brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.8 A 3044.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.8-1.3 B 3045.01 10YR212 VAN dark brown Siltvloam 0-0.1 Tonsoll 50' E ST44 3045.02 10YR412 Dark n=~h brown ~and 0.1-0.6 A 3045.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.6-1.1 B 3046.01 10YR2/2 VeN dark brown Sandv loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' N ST31 3046.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.4 A 3046.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.4-0.9 B 3047.01 10YR2I2 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 To""'i1 50' N ST46 3047.02 10YR412 Dark nfPVish brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.5 A 3047.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3048.01 10YR2/2 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' N ST47 3048.02 10YR412 Dark ore~h brown SillY sand 0.1-0.6 A 3048.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.6-1.1 B 3049.01 10YR2/2 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 To""'i1 50' N ST48 3049.02 10YR412 Dark nrevi'h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.6 A 3049.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.6-1.1 B 3050.01 10YR2/2 VeN dark brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Ton""l 50' N ST49 3050.02 10YR412 Dark orevish brown Slltvsand 0.1-0.7 A 3050.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.7-1.2 B 3051.01 10YR2I2 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' N ST50 3051.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltvsand 0.1-0.7 A 3051.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.7-1.2 B 3052.01 10YR2/2 VON dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 T oo<on 50' E ST51 3052.02 10YR412 Dark orevish brown SIItv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3052.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3053.01 10YR212 V= dark brown Sandv loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' S ST52 3053.02 10YR412 Dark ore~h brown SillY sand 0.1-0.3 A 3053.03 10YR516 Yellow~h blOwn Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3054.01 10YR2/2 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Tonsoil 50' S ST53 3054.02 10YR412 Dark orevish brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.5 A 3054.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.5-1.0 B 3055.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sandv loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 5O'WST51 3055.02 10YR412 Dark nrevish brown Sl'" sand 0.1-0.7 A 3055.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 0.7-1.2 B 3056.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' N ST55 3056.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.8 A 3058.03 10YR516 Yel~h brown Sand 0.8-1.3 B 3057.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Ton'oil 50' W ST55 Page 4 I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York I I I Context Munsell Color Texture Depth Horizon Comments 3057.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-1.2 A 3057.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.2-1.7 B 3058.01 10YR212 Verv dar1<brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 50' W ST57 3058.02 10YR412 Dark grey~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-1.1 A 3058.03 10YR516 Yelklwish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3059.01 10YR212 Verv dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' W ST60 3059.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown SillY sand 0.1-1.0 A 3059.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3060.01 10YR212 Very dark brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' E ST59 3060.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown SIItv sand 0.1-0.8 A 3060.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand B 3061.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 100' E ST60 3061.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A horizon 3062.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' E ST61 3062.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 0.1-0.6 B No A horizon 3063.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil SO' S ST62 3063.02 10YR412 Dark arev~h brown Sntv sand 0.1-0.3 A 3063.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.3-0.8 B 3064.01 10YR212 Very dark brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Topsoil SO' W ST63 3064.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand A 3064.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3065.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Toosoil 100' W ST64 3065.02 10YR412 Dark aravish brown SillY sand A 3065.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3066.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' W ST65 3066.02 10YR412 Dark aremh brown Sntv sand 0.1-1.2 A 3066.03 10YR5/6 Y ellow~h brown Sand 1.2-1.7 B 3067.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil SO' W ST66 3067.02 10YR412 Dark ore~h brown S~tv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3067.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3068.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil SO' S ST67 3068.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.9 A 3068.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.9-1.4 B 3069.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown SandY loam 0-0.1 Toosoil SO' E ST68 3069.02 10YR412 Dark arev~h brown Siltv sand A 3069.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3070.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil SO' E ST69 3070.02 10YR412 Dark orev~h brown Siltv sand 0.1-0.8 A 3070.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.8-1.3 B 3071.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam 0-0.1 Topsoil 50' E ST70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Shovel Test Stratigraphy Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Deoth Horizon Comments 3071.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Silty sand 0.1-1.0 A 3071.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3072.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0<1.1 Topsoil 50' E sm 3072.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SillY sand 0.1-1.1 A 3072.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3073.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 Toosoil 50' E ST72 3073.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand 0.1-ll.9 A 3073.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.9-1.4 B 3074.01 10YR2I2 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 TODsoil 50' S ST73 3074.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Silty sand 0.1-ll.9 A 3074.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.9-1.4 B 3075.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown SandY loam 0<1.1 TDOSOil 50 E ST74 3075.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3075.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3076.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown SandY loam 0<1.1 TDOSOil 50' W ST75 3076.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.1-ll.6 B No A horizon 3077.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 Toosoil 50' W ST76 3077.02 10YR513 Brown Silty sand 0.1-1.1 A 3077.03 10YR5/6 Yellowish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3078.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 Tooso;l 50' W ST77 3078.02 10YR513 Brown Siltv sand 0.1-1.1 A 3078.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3079.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0<1.1 T Dosoil 50' W ST78 3079.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SIItv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3079.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3080.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 TODSOil 50' S ST79 3080.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand 0.1-ll.9 A 3080.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.9-1.4 B 3081.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0<1.1 TDOSOil 50' E ST80 3081.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiItv sand 0.1-ll.8 A 3081.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.8-1.3 B 3082.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 Toosoil 50' E ST81 3082.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand 0.1-1.0 A 3082.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.0-1.5 B 3083.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 T ODSDiI 50' E ST82 3083.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiItv sand 0.1-1.1 A 3083.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 1.1-1.6 B 3084.01 10YR212 Very dar1< brown Sandy loam 0-ll.1 Toosoil 50' E ST83 3084.02 10YR4I4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltvsand 0.1-ll.8 A 3084.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand 0.8-1.3 B Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B Topsoil Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture DeDth Horizon Comments 3046.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' N ST31 3047.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown Sand'loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' N ST46 3048.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand,loam <1.1 T oosoil 50' N S147 3049.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand,loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' N ST48 3050.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' N ST49 3051.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sa;;;;k,am <1.1 Toosoil 50' N STSO 3052.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sandi/loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E ST51 3053.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand,loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' S ST52 3054.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' S ST53 3055.01 10YR2I2 VeN dark brown Sand, loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' W ST51 3056.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' N ST55 3057.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Tonsoil 50 W ST55 3058.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil SO' W ST57 3059.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Topsoil SO' W ST60 3060.01 10YR212 VAN dark brown Sand,loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E ST59 3061.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Topsoil 100 E ST60 3062.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' E ST61 3063.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 T oosoil SO' S ST62 3064.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Topsoil SO' W ST63 3065.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Topsoil 100' W ST64 3066.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand, loam <1.1 Tnnsoil 50' W ST65 3067.01 10YR212 V"'" dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 TOO5oil 50' W ST66 3068.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil 50 S ST67 3069.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' E ST68 3070.01 10YR2I2 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Toosoil SO' E ST69 3071.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Toosoil SO' E STlO 3072.01 10YR212 VAN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E ST71 3073.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand,loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E STl2 3074.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' S STl3 3075.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand, loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' E STl4 3076.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand'loam <1.1 TODsoil 50' W STl5 3077.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Tonsoil 50' W STl6 3078.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 T oosoil 50 W STl7 3079.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand' loam <1.1 Topsoil SO' W ST78 3080.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sand, loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' S STl9 3081.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand'loam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E ST80 3082.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sand'loam <1.1 Toosoil 50' E ST81 3083.01 10YR212 Very dark brown Sandy loam <1.1 Toosoil SO' E ST82 3084.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown Sandi/loam <1.1 Topsoil SO' E ST83 3001.01 10YR2ll Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil 75' N N. Bavv~ Rd. 3002.01 10YR2Il Black SP;;;-Ioam <1.1 Topsoil 50' W ST1 3003.01 10YR2Il Black Siltvloam <1.1 T oosoil 50' W ST2 3004.01 10YR2I1 Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil SO' N ST3 3005.01 10YR2Il Black Sillvloam <1.1 Topsoil 50' E S14 3006.01 10YR2Il Black SU;-Ioam <1.1 Tonsoll 50' E ST5 3007.01 10YR2ll Black Siltvloam <1.1 Toosoil 50 N ST6 3008.01 10YR2Il Black SU;-Ioam <1.1 Topsoil SO' E STl 3009.01 10YR2Il Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil SO' W STl 3010.01 10YR2Il Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil 50' W ST9 3011.01 10YR2I1 Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil 50' N ST10 3012.01 10YR2I1 Black Siltvloam <1.1 Topsoil 50'EST11 3013.01 10YR2Il Black Siit;ioam <1.1 Toosoil 50' N ST11 3014.01 10YR2Il Black Siltvloam <1.1 Toosoil 100' E ST13 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 8 Topsoil Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Deoth Horizon Comments 3015.01 10YR2I1 Black Siltvloam .0.1 TOMOil SO' E ST14 3016.01 10YR2ll Black SiUv loam .().1 Toosoil SO' N ST15 3017.01 10YR2I1 Black SP;;;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil 50' w ST16 3016.01 10YR2I1 Black SU;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil SO' N ST17 3019.01 10YR2I1 Black SiUv loam .().1 TOpSoil 50' E ST16 3020.01 10YR2I1 Black SiUv loam .().1 Toosoil 50' N ST19 3021.01 10YR2I1 Black SU;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil SO' W ST20 3022.01 10YR2Il Black SIUv loam .().1 Topsoil 50' N ST21 3023.01 10YR2I1 Black SiUvloam .().1 T oosoil 50' E ST21 3024.01 10YR2I1 Black SU;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil 50' S ST23 3025.01 10YR2I1 Black SiUvloam .().1 TOpSoil 50' S ST24 3034.01 10YR2I1 Black SiUv loam .().1 Topsoil 50' W ST33 3035.01 10YR2I1 Black SU;-Ioam .().1 TOMOII SO' w ST34 3026.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SIUv loam .().1 TODsoil 25' N N. Baw;.., Rd. 3027.01 10YR212 VON dark brown Sillvloam .().1 Toosoil SO' N ST26 3026.01 10YR212 Verv dark brown Sillvloam .().1 Toosoil 50' N ST27 3029.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SiUvloam .().1 Toosoil 50' N ST26 3030.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown s;,;;;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil 50' N ST29 3031.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown Sillvloam .().1 TOMol1 SO' E ST30 on art trail 3032.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SiUvloam .().1 TODsoil 50' W ST30 3036.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown s;,;;;-Ioam .().1 Toosoil SO' W ST35 & 50' S 3037.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SiUvloam .().1 TODsoil SO' E ST36 3036.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SIUv loam .().1 Toosoil 50' E ST37 3039.01 10YR212 VeN dark brown s;,;;;-Ioam .().1 TOMail SO' E ST36 3040.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown Siltvloam .0.1 Toosoil SO' S ST37 3041.01 10YR212 VOIV dark brown SiUvloam .().1 Toosoil SO' E ST40 3042.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SU;loam .0.1 Toosoil 50' E ST41 3043.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SiUv loam .().1 Toosoil 50' S ST40 3044.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown SiUvloam .().1 TOpSoil 50' E ST43 3045.01 10YR212 VelV dark brown Sji;ioam .().1 TOMaII SO' E ST44 TOTAL = .s.3 N =63 AVERAGE = 0.1 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B A Horizon Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Deoth Horizon Comments 3077.02 10YR513 Brown Sillv sand -1 A 3078.02 10YR513 Brown Sillv sand -1 A 3001.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.3 A 3002.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillvsand -lJ,4 A 3003.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.2 A 3004.02 10YR3I3 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.1 A 3005.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.1 A 3006.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillv sand -lJ.2 A 3007.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.3 A 3008.02 10YR313 Da", brown SillY sand -lJ.3 A 3009.02 10YR313 Da", brown SOIY sand -lJ.2 A 3011.02 10YR313 Da", brown SillY sand -lJ.3 A 3012.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillv sand -lJ.4 A 3014.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.3 A 3015.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.6 A 3017.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.5 A 3018.02 10YR313 Dark brown Sillvsand -lJ.2 A 3019.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.3 A 3020.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillvsand -lJ.3 A 3022.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.6 A 3023.02 10YR313 Da", brown SillY sand -lJ.5 A 3024.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.4 A 3025.02 10YR313 Da", brown Sillv sand -lJ.4 A 3026.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SillY sand -lJ.2 A 3029.02 10YR412 Da", arevi,h brown Siitv sand -lJ.3 A 3030.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SillY sand -lJ.4 A 3032.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -lJ.4 A 3033.01 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -2 A 50' W ST32 an dirt mound 3034.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -lJ.3 A 3035.02 10YR412 Da",arevi,h brown Sillv sand -1 A 3036.02 10YR412 Dar1< are~sh brown Sillv sand -1.1 A 3037.02 10YR412 Dar1< arevish brown Sillv sand -lJ.9 A 3038.02 10YR412 Da", arevi'h brown Sillv sand -lJ.2 A 3040.02 10YR412 Da", arem brown Sillvsand -lJ.3 A 3041.02 10YR412 Da", arevi'lh brown Sillv sand -lJ.2 A 3043.02 10YR412 Da", nrev~h brown Sillvsand -lJ.5 A 3044.02 10YR412 Da", nrevi'h brown Sillvsand -lJ.7 A 3045.02 10YR412 Da", arev~ brown Sillvsand -lJ.5 A 3046.02 10YR412 Da",arev~hbrown Sillvsand -lJ.3 A 3047.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillvsand -lJ.4 A 3048.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SillY sand -lJ.5 A 3049.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -lJ.5 A 3050.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -lJ.6 A 3051.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Sillv sand -lJ.6 A 3052.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SIIlv sand -lJ.9 A 3053.02 10YR412 Da", grev~h brown SIIlv sand -lJ.2 A 3054.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SIIlv sand -lJ.4 A 3055.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SIIlv sand -lJ.6 A 3056.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SillY sand -lJ.7 A 3057.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown Slllvsand -1.1 A 3058.02 10YR412 Da", grev~h brown Sillvsand -1 A 3059.02 10YR4/2 Da", arev~h brown SillY sand -lJ.9 A 3060.02 10YR412 Da", arev~h brown SIIlv sand -lJ.7 A Page 1 I Stage 1 B A Horizon Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York I I Context Munsell Color Texture D.nlh Horizon Comments 3063.02 10YR412 Dar1< orevish brown Sillv sand -0.2 A 3064.02 10YR412 Dar1< oreYish brown SiHv sand -0.9 A 3065.02 10YR412 Dar1< orevish brown Siltv sand -1 A 3066.02 10YR412 Dar1< ore",'h brown Siltv sand -1.1 A 3067.02 10YR412 Dar1< orevish brown SiHv sand -0.9 A 3068.02 10YR412 Dar1< oreyish brown Siltv sand -0.8 A 3069.02 10YR412 Dar1< orevish brown SiHv sand -0.9 A 3070.02 10YR412 Dar1< oreYish brown smvsand -0.7 A 3071.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand -0.9 A 3072.02 10YR4I4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiHv sand -1 A 3073.02 10YR4I4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiHv sand -0.8 A 3074.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand -0.8 A 3075.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiHv sand -0.9 A 3079.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiHv sand -0.9 A 3080.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown Siltv sand -0.8 A 3081.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SIHv sand -0.7 A 3082.02 10YR4/4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiIIv sand -0.9 A 3083.02 10YR4I4 Dar1< yellowish brown SIItv sand -1 A 3084.02 10YR4I4 Dar1< yellowish brown SiHv sand -0.7 A TOTAL = -43.2 N=72 AVERAGE = 0.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B B Horizon Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture DeDlh Horizon Comments 3001.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3002.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3003.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3004.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3005.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3006.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3007.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3008.03 10YR516 Yel~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3009.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3010.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3011.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3012.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3013.02 10YR516 Yel_ brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3014.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3015.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3016.02 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3017.03 10YR516 Yellow~hbrown Sand -ll.5 B 3018.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3019.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3020.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3021.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3022.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3023.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3024.03 10YR516 YeI~hbrown Sand -ll.5 B 3025.03 10YR516 Yel~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3026.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3027.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B No A hoirzon 3028.02 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B No A hoil2on 3029.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3030.03 10YR5I6 YelloWh brown Sand -ll.5 B 3031.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3032.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3033.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B Notonsoil 3034.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3035.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3036.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3037.03 10YR516 Yel~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3038.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3039.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3040.03 10YR516 Yellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3041.03 10YR516 Y ellow~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3042.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B No A horizon 3043.03 10YR516 Yellow~hbrown Sand -ll.5 B 3044.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3045.03 10YR516 Yel~h brown Sand -ll.5 B 3046.03 10YR5I6 Yellow~ brown Sand -ll.5 B 3047.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3048.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3049.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3050.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3051.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3052.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -ll.5 B 3053.03 10YR516 YelloWh brown Sand -ll.5 B Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Stage 1 B B Horizon Summary Zoumas, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Context Munsell Color Texture Denth Horizon Comments 3054.03 10YR516 Yellowisl1 brown Sand -0.5 B 3055.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3056.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3057.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3058.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3059.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3060.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3061.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B No A horizon 3062.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B No A horizon 3063.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3064.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3065.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3066.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3067.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3068.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3069.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3070.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3071.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3072.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3073.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3074.03 10YR516 Yellowisl1 brown Sand -0.5 B 3075.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3076.02 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B NoAholizon 3077.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3078.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3079.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3080.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3081.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3082.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3083.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B 3084.03 10YR516 Yellowish brown Sand -0.5 B TOTAL = -42 N =84 AVERAGE = 0.5 Page 2