HomeMy WebLinkAbout33478-z FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-32727 Date: 11/16/07 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ALTERATION Location of Property: 2685 (HOUSE NO.) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 55 BOISSEAU AVE (STREET) Block 5 SOUTHOLD (HAMLET) Lot 14 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated OCTOBER 16, 2007 pursuant to which. Building Permit No. 33478-Z dated OCTOBER 17, 2007 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is "AS BUILT" BATHROOM ALTERATIONS IN AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ROBERT G & CAROL BOHN (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK CUUJlIT' DEPAR'l'MKNT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A 11/08/07 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE 110. 07-8692 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATIOlII DATED 10/29/07 WM. GREMLER ~..~ Rev. 1/81 r'. .. !lti ! ----_.-- ~ [2 n II}:. : .",'V....I':-2^. '1 i U i: ;u 'I. u'~. I L::J J Form No, 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 ~_1J C?,o,~w sS '~~,'n.~. II r 5~ tii...e"J. DEPT. T WN F S0UTHO'_D APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or iJ!k and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: I. Final survey of proper1y with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of I % lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations. a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. . B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. , 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied; the Building Inspector shall state the reasons tlierefor in writing to the applicant. C, Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25,00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00. Accessory building $25,00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Cel1ificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Corrunercial $15.00 Date. 1// I-I( tJ? (check one) ~ New Construction: Location of Property: u~ House No. Old or Pre-existing Building: ~~ ~---'1'~ Street v ~, Hamlet Owner or Owners of Property:( ~ d P ~.e-- ~ Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000', Section ';7 5!J 89 - () ()' Block 19 00) Lot () J <l- . Subdivision '- Filed Map. Applicant: Lot: Pennit No. 3~ ~7 % 2~ Date of Permit. Health Dept Approval: - ~ Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval: ~(Check one) Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: Fee Submitted: $ ~ ?-~~~ ~~.I~J~~ (,o:c 3.:n:L1 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Pax (631) 765-9502 Telephone (631) 765-1802 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATION Date: /() (zq/o 7 Buildipg Permit No. 2- g 3/ ")/' Owner: CIlf.cL ~ eo("~eT IS/) HP (Please print) Plumber: lA.> r I '.:tAw\. c...rZ&q \ ee. (Please print) lead. I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% \h - --...., (Plumbers Signature) ~ Sworn to before me this ;)1 day of OL1C>W , 2012!L . ~J-(~ Notary Public, ~fb / t County !LAINE T. VILLANO Nellry Public, State of New York No. 01Vle029229, Suffolk County Q Commission Expires Aug. 9,.i:!:iP f FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 33478 Z Date OCTOBER 17, 2007 permission is hereby granted to: ROBERT G & CAROL BOHN PO BOX 55 PECONIC,NY 11958 for "AS BUILT" BATHROOM ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR. (THIS REPLACES BP #28312) at premises located at 2685 BOISSEAU AVE SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 055 pursuant to application dated OCTOBER Block 0005 Lot No. 014 16, 2007 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on APRIL 17, 2009. Fee $ 150.00 --- ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 33'+78" 7--- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION C><f...FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECnON [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION ( DATE I () - ~ --0 7 INSPECTOR ~.~ ~-~~!!~!2~_!!ro-!!--I-~~!!----~---~-----------------------~!!~-------------~-~~ - I .. . I . mIDATION ( 1ST) I ------ I I i i ~!2'--...il~!....__t__-..--.I-..----~-----.------.---..--..---.-------.~-----.----- I U " " OuGH FRAME I. PLUMBING ,. I I I . ~==-_-_=====a= . I K ~, lIISULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY CODE . I --===---- - . . . . . . B . ~ __L II FINAL --=-====-- ==- _=r:==-__==- --- =-==-= ,------====---- - - =- = ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: =====:0:::======= d~12 "''''+ ~'\? ~ ~ ~ o IV c 00 VI ?r ~ ~ t ~ 0 ~ ~ i H f o ::> ; - .~ o 2: !c 0:1:> ~ -... - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD STREET b '3': c: VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT ~C./ /fI-J? -$'",0. .5"- / OWNER ~ ~~~- ;r- ACR. " TYPE OF BUILDING / VL. FARM /~ N T B..e.c/ - \{, IJ.. CRJ ~ S COMM. CB. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE.. REMARKS ~-OCl , "cO trO / -J ....-0 ~ /z ~- 0 CiYV .JOO AGE NEW FARM BUILDING CONDITION Acre BELOW Value Per Acre ABOVE NORMAL Value Tillable 1 Tillable 2 r /t!>e? /L. I./.r It c.. FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD Ho" ~, 'IoJ-fl6 /!..r ~ Rt~. <L .. " Tillable 3 Woodland 'ipo (i~ tf~, ,,~ () Swampland Brushland '" Irs House Plot ~-oo' /Iv' Total DOCK -- FORM NO. I TOW OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARnlENT TOW BALL SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 TEL: 765-1802 ......:??.. 19.J7 ~ %'1 ... ..::r?... 192.1 Pennit 1tI. ....~.....1..... Di a/c .................................. ~~=~...:::~~ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SOWER USED IN WATER APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLY SYSTEM CANNOT EXCEED 2/10 of 1% LEAD. INSTRUCTIONS , . It' ...--..;'... BOARD OF HEALTH ............... 3 SETS OF PLANS ............... SURVEy........................ CHECK ......................... SEPTIC FORM ................... NOTIFY: _ "yiV CALL .1&..l:J.t.l.i.... MAIL TO:.................... Date. ~/?......... .19~:1 a. This applicatiOll DUSt belXJlt)letely filled in by typewriter or in ink and subnitted to the &.lilding Inspector wit 3 sets of plllllS. accurate plot plao to scale. Fee according to scbed.Jle. b. Plot plao showing locatiOll of lot and of buildings 011 pnmises. relationship to adjoining pnmises or pj>lic streets or areas. and giving a detailed descriptiOll of layoot of property DllSt be drawn 011 the diagran ..deb is part of I:his applicatiOll. c. The \IOl"k lXJ\Iered by I:his applicatiOll may not be Q.""",.ced before issuance of &.lilding Pennit. d. Upoo approval of I:his applicatiOll. the &.lilding Inspector will issue a &.lilding Pennit to the applicant. Such pennit shall be kept 011 the pnmises available for inspectiOll I:h~t the \IOl"k. e. 1tI building shall be occupied or used in ..oole or in part for any plIIllllSI! .....tever until a Certificate of rrM~ shall hmIe been granted by the &.lilding Inspector. Al'l'LlCATIlII IS II!RI!IlY HI\IE to the &.lilding ilepsrtDEnt for the issuance of a &.lilding Pennit pursuaot to the &.lilding Zone Ordinance of the 'lbwn of Soul:hold. !lJffolk County. Hew Yorl<. and ol:her applicable Laws. Ordinances or RegufatiOll8. for the COIIStructiOll of buildings. additiOll8 or alteratiOll8. or for nmwal or dsJDlition. as herein described. The applicant agrees to CXIItJly with all applicable lam. OIlUrvmN>R. building code. bcusing code. and regulatiOll8. and to adDit wthorized inspectors on pnmises and in building for necessary inspectiOll8. r.JtM" I(U_,.J!:~~......................... . -tllllea '.511_"". (Signature of applicant. or DIllIe. if a corporation) -u.JI!.!:"":.':.1) .r:..~.. .:~ .1.. ?.f./...P.E~.~L~. .~~...../ - CHall1ng address of applIcant) ,It!. ~ PLUMBING ALL PWMIIING W\8'I'E . WII1"ER LIfEI N&D 1I!81ING IIEPORE COVERING State libel:her applicant is owner. lessee. agent. architect. engineer. general contractor. electriciao. pludJer or builder ........~..........~.........................~..................................... ...:.I.:~~::u;::.. "C;;';,;';,;;';;.;';.;~"'" ......:;.;;.~F.:.~.. . . I~~. signature of wly wthorized officer. fIII:. lID IV: "....l.aI..iDIr. '-01.' ... nil AT ,.._ . AM .. .. JIM FOR THE - · 11"JlII IIU 1C1.of.: , NI_ 1l'llllJlll . 1WO IlGUIRED ....... _ eoru... .. 1IIIUII1 . _~.. . PLUMBING I. 1II.tAIIOII ... FINAL . CONI"lWCTlON MUST IE COW\,ITE FOft C.O. ALL CON8T<<\ICTlON SHALL MEET Other Trade's License 1tI. .................... THE REQU'~n~ENTS OF THE N.Y. / C> 0 :J.s- .IT~CO"~~CTION . ENERGY I. lDCation of land on ....ieb l"~ worl< will be done..... C1......::-........ .coDA, .1Wf. ,RESPON&l8l.&..f'GR... .J.-.~.~.f......~~....~......~.~~....4~-.~~.~~~~~.~~~.~~... ibJse IbdJer Street lIanlet County Tax Map 1tI. ](rn Section .....~{...... Block ........\...... Lot ...l.i....UNDERWRITERSCERrlFlCATE !ilxIivisiOll ....... ............................... Filed Map 1tI. ............... Lot ........... ~~IRED (HaDe) . ..~ffi~~i....OCClWANCY OR 7;" H USE IS UNLAWFUL &.lilders License 1tI. ................W.THOUT CERTIFICATE PludJers License 1tI. ................Op.OCCUPANCY Electricians License 1tI. ..................... 2. State existing use and "'"'"''P'''''"Y of pnmises~.nt~ use and ~~l.~ COIIStroction: . . lI>k __eH to .,.,l! ., 'I a. Existlng use and "'"'"''P'''''"Y ............... ....;.. .. . . .. :.. W7uo:1 ~t(,lf'.;<! ;t~f;I.YJoltllllt . . .. ... .. .... . . ~ L-d-L--... ~t{.)arO.oM b. lnt:ended use and DCaJPlIIICY .................................. ..It.~........-.r................ 6. -- - - ~ ~ ""'Ll"~'UL ........ \U"","- ,,"1IC11 appl1caDle): New llJilding .......... Addition ......:.tlti:ilooII.i!.J)..(U4. Ilepair ............ Raooval ............. Ilenolition ............ Other Work .. .. .l~~: .. .. . . /~ ,~, " Ilstll"'ll:ed Cost .1..'.................... fee ..(~~.~.~id.~.fiii~.~hi~:.t;;;:;;.:.:)..... I I .l'l.iO<;QJIJ IE dwelling. ....mer of doelling owits ............ IUJber of dwelling units on each flEkW'tTUOl!'0 ~'1OT IE garage.....mer of cars ...........l......................... IE business. caonercial or mi1ll!d llCCUJIIIllCY. specify nature and extent of each type of use...................... O' . f" 'f J.-S .:1--\ I ~ 0 IlIEnslons 0 I!Xlst.ng structures.. any: Front................ Rear ............... Dept I ................. Ileight .... ...1.-.0... E. C..... IUJber of Stories .......).................. OillEnsions of S8IIE structure with alterations or additions: Front............... Rear............... Depth .................... lIeight .................... IUJber of Stories ............... Oit..,nsions of entire new construction: Front ............~... Depth .............. lleight ......................... IUJber of Stories ..................... . . ",(y\t\."Jn\\~~':) f\~~W\\H" S.ze of lot. Front .................... Rear .................... Depth ......,.............. ~)t)'"):.:E\ a\.\~OO:) n !\:U \'\0 \late of Purdl8se ..................... Nane of FOTIIEr Omer ......................'.f'?'!!.. ..,......."....+ '., \...n.."" "Fr,'" ",n\ ':y' " ... " . r'>\ C'\7\ iT;}J d. . .. .. " "-' .' - ,," '.,,' ,. ,.l, \,.. '\ Zone or use .stnct 10 "neb prenl1ses are sxtuated .............................................................. !bes proposed construction violate any zoning 1.... ordinance or regulation: '::.~:'...;................ ".:".'''\.)O'a. "'," '. ,,~) ~.. ';';,,\\ ,., Will lot be regraded ........fr:5..:.....,Wi~~ss fill be raooved fran~~s;... . YIlS .Ri;~~.-- Nanes of Omer of pr'OOses .1 ~ .~. ~... Address ...r? Q... ($;-U.. L:;...... Phone No. 7. .t;.?.!: .~L Nane of Architect .......... ~'.............. Address .... r:-P.-.~.. .~. J.'g.S- -d.cne No. .7. .Cf..f::! !.eJ Nane of Contractor ................................... Address ...............................Phone No. .............. 15. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal ""tland? * YIlS .......... m..~... *IF YIlS. !D1l1IID 'ltm TIUmlI!S mttm' 11M' BE m;xpmI!I). J. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. PLOT DIAGRAM locate clearly and distinctly all buildings. 10iJether existing or proposed. and indicate ail set-back dillEnaions fran property lines. Give street and block ....mer or description according to deed. and show street l1lm!S and imicate 10iJether interior or corner lot. Q:.-~ ~ ~ ~ --[. ~e/ +- 13~ ~tL~ p~~ .~-<. ce. . "'1'""11 OJAM-nQ JGfYOt4I :l"ITIHV3111f )I:>OR JAIIl1RT ()I lUOe .tlIAIf OT U 1J3Ml& .300~. 01I10JIU8 JtATa J.I ::)'." j'1 1) .Iq 'j;' ,',;.'\~V t);/- ~ J 7.~ UJC1 JJA 0'0 "~I ;:>, :1'1111 fU rl"V'I AI P~"i;;: '.\).:, .~, ;J:"l ~-.;vt1Ta3T Hnl1 2A QlYOt4l4lA beeu.. 0f'Idut'lOqqOO1 ,~.:_.. ~ 'HI :JTACI I)Illtudlmlb 'IltIeW 10t 1"'8 ..,. ed U_ ll"1Qlq :me~ srA1E (W lfilI~~30 D~\~ ~8eqyfJo IDlNIY (W'~?~.~. ,~~~ 0(' V'1' ~ ,., '''''''''; llA:>ltITH:t.J2lf.iTllIWlI3OMU ,a !fe'!O" , \ '.! . \ v , " , ,"'... ".,> WlliU03Sl ;/~!_: . _~, I; ,-H ,.., ". ~, I'\~ ,-..-~. ~ . .... .. . .. .~I 1IQIIt.. .. . . . .. .. ..J d:, ..;",,~.yY6Wo~(,.ij,.,ses and says that he is the applicant (Nane of'Mj..rir.1I1' :. r.'...l ; hC ~').,..., L . above nmned, IIOrIA..IUM .1 ; '. f;' -to" I..J, l.' , ,"'lr'UAT2110' . JAl'!n.. V r " (' j ~-;,.., , -: .\ :'0., tl ..'''a.'''''....J~u.....~.~'...,^r 1,,,,',,\1.,,,... ,', :::IIIe IS Ie... ...'.'~n....'''\.;J .. "'""".'\""1..... .":'';: ~"......... ... ........ ......... ...... .... ........ .... ....... .... ... ,'; ~cdfclt~T~.,j~rate officer. etc.) ,^ . ') ." !~}i:;'Il\!,,-l::t JI1T of said OWO!!r or owners"fl,*,Jlu}YA'!l8:horized to perfonn or have perfoTllEd the said work and to make and file this application; thai: "Ustat__s, ~ in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and t1l8t the work ,will be perf'~ iA'XlIolliBnner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before Ill? this 74-'-- ................. ..day of.,..... Notary Public ... . . .. ;f~.. ROBERT I. SCarT. JR. Ilolety Public. State 01 N_ QuIIllfied In Sulfolk Cou No. 01SC472608t~ TerIII Ellplr.. May 31, (Signature of Applicant) ,~,..., \ C'r,_"<-'v,-......,-,--.:~,----~.. ~,.' --';"', - N/F QUQd +~-.. N 0lr57'JO" W 185' / "- I c 01 I 01 ~ I ~ .... I \ I N/F Milaski I I I I I \ \ \ \ I \ \ 1 1 (""L11IM"" RflD ~ I N/F Case I I / --- --- --- --- --- / I / .1 I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I , 1/ " /' , --- " " S ' , a"',p",. " '<C "0"20. II' Fd BOISSs",lI A'~ '88. 69'CM rc;NlIE SURVEY OF DESCR/BED PROPERTY SITUA.,......., ~ SOUTHOLlJ, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK SUMm1 FOR: ROBEFff G. IJ(Hi CAROl. ANN IJ(Hi ~ I"~ . c .!I'l co - , - .' TM/: 1000-55-5-14' ~_ IndIcoIlM he.. .. thall IIIl only to the ....... for wIlom die uwy 10 ............. .... .. .. ......., to the lilIe compenY. ~~ Agency, lending &.sIlII.tIcn. If listed he......., 011II to the ouill_ of the lendlllg lnollIuIlen. Guarani... a.. not tra..~rQbl. to "ddllional InsllIulIons Cl' ",bsequent _ .JJ.." N/F Quinn 45.9' 11.5 L..J ,.. ;/, llllli=/ . C 24" ,!t) C() - , - co ~ 81. 15'ft, Tik, /02.81' (") . ~ . ".J .. Qi :.. ;t '& 1:,fljj.' SURVEYED: 7 July, 1'198 SCALE: 1"-60' AREAS- 94,706.82 5.F. or 2. 174 ACReS """'rbM ............ .. ..411.... to .. -Y 10 a l.....II~,,, of SecIIen 72CW of the N_ V.... Stale Eel..... Law. GIJAR.4NTffD TO: Robert G. Bohn Carol Ann Bohn Chicogo Title Ins. Co. Cendant Morlf10ge Corp. SURVEYED BY: STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, Jr. P.O. BOX 294 New. Suffolk, N. Y. 1 1956 51 7. - CapIIs of INs uwy map not baa""" Ille'. Land 5uMyen ...."-td ..01 she' "'" be cansl4l...iI to II. a vallc/ """ _yo 98R716 , -