HomeMy WebLinkAbout32505-z FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z-32731 Date: 11/15/07 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 305 MULFORD (HOUSE NO.) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 14 CT (STREET) Block 2 ORIENT (HAMLET) Lot 3.23 subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated NOVEMBER 21, 2006 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 32505-Z dated NOVEMBER 21, 2006 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH WRAP AROUND PORCH AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to BONNIE KAMEN (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK c."OwI..' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-02-0151 11/15/07 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE 110. 7236 10/26/07 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 08/14/07 H2M LABS,INC ~/~ ut~r~Signature Rev. 1/81 ~ D WI [~ r~1 IW,i \'o\i1lil: 2r. ,l, . ,- \; TV I i ,2S 5 -Lj 0:2. <6' ~ 1m ~ I b~.l ; r -.-,;- L--I-Q,^{,.y' c'."'THnl'J_._. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Form No.6 TOWN OF 80UTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 This application must be filled in by typewriter or i~ and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: I. Final survey of propeliy with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (8-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in. system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6.. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) lion-conforming nses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land lIses: f. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied; the Building Inspector shall state the reasons tl1erefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees I. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Celiificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Celiificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. No-.J \~ 2..007 ~ New Construction: ~ Location of Property: 00 S House No. Owner or Owners of Property: \.3" N l'" '"E; Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) I'-Z... \'FO< l) (. +- Street \J./>..-M-erJ O~''.to-.N't r Hamlet Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section Subdivision G('",~\::. \{ttow ESt-l\k~ Pennit No..j~,? 0'5' Date of Pennit. No V 2.\ It-( Block 1- Lot ~,2.3 __ Filed Map. oc" Applicant:_ Lot: Health Dept Approva I Rio -02- 01<;/ JOSp~Lcl..Q. Underwriters Approval: _ 773 cO Planning Board Approval Request for: Temporary Celiificate (check one) 2><:::- Fee Submitted: $ ~.J 31{ ct5 ~o~ J),? 3) FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOU'l'HOLD BUILDING.DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 32505 Z Date NOVEMBER 21, 2006 Permission is hereby granted to: JOSEPH T DIMINO PO BOX 571 ORIENT,NY 11957 for : CONSTRUCT ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH WRAP AROUND PORCH AS APPLIED FOR. THIS PERMIT REPLACES BP 30826. at premises located at 305 MULFORD CT ORIENT County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 014 Block 0002 Lot No. 003.023 pursuant to application dated NOVEMBER 21, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on MAY 21, 2008. Fee $ 1,302.00 '- Authorized Sl.gn ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 SUFFOl:_ BUREAUo! E ,t E C T ReA '~ INSPECTORS, nc. 40 Nottingham Drive, Middle Island, NY 11953 Telephone: 631 4958136 . Fax: 631 980 6455 . E-Mail: SBEIGS@gmail.com CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE Applicant: Rough In Inspection Date: Application No.: A . Bee Electric October 26 ,2007 7236 Certificate No.: Final Inspection Date: Building Permit No.: 7236 October 26,2007 32505 Suffolk County Tax Map No.: This Certificate of Electrical Compliance is limited to the Inspection and compliance of electrical equipment and/or work described below, Installed by the applicant named above, located at the premise of and not after the final inspection date above: Owner: bonnie camen Site Location: 305 Mulford Ct, orient Pt, NY 11957 Owner's Address (if different): ~ Residential ~ Indoor ~ Basement o Service o Commercial ~ Outdoor ~ First Floor o Pool o New o Renovation ~ Second Floor ~Allic o Addition ~ Survey Other. -------,..-.-..--- INVENTORY o Shed o Hottub o Garage Single Phase 200A. Heat Three Phase Hot Water Main Panel 4lJckt AC Ccnd Sub Panel AC_ T"-""", Appliances Disconnect SWitches GFCI Breaker Heat Pump 1-011 Otlplex Recpt .58 Ceiling Fixture 18 HID Fixtures :Ii: GFCIRecpt 5 WalFixture 12 Smoke 8 Single Recpt 14 Recessed Fixture 53 COllelecl Range Recpt Aourescent Pumps 0Iyer Rocpt Emergency Time Clock Twist Lock Exit Fixtures TVSS Bectric Heat Poolluminaire Exhaust Fan 57 Other Equipment: Gas Range, Hood, Wall Oven, Microwave, Dishwasher, Refrigerator. Washer, Gas Dryer electrical work and/or equipment described above were inspected and appear to be In compliance with local, state and national electrical code requirements and this office. Applicant: A & Bee Electric '_B';;;: Signature: License No.: 5279-ME Date Of Certificate: Nov 04 . 2007 FLOOD ZONE AE ElEV.9.0 MAP NO. 36103COO69 LOT ARCA= 40,111 sq. ft. F.FL. ELEV. = 18. 1 lET... (1.2); 21'14'.fO"E- - - 10' ~s;';:'ent - -/- - -;-;8.84' (5.1) ... . ..'J> 1'6 ...~ .,. (11.3) CP E-4 ~ ~ tl 0 N D '" - ~ ~ 0 ~ " ~ ~ - ~ 0 ffi ~ ... \ III ~ :IE ~ PROPOSED ::. z DRIVEWAY ) b z \ ..J "-- ..-/ r DATUM NGVD ~\-+-.. LOT NUMBER 18 . WEll SUFFOU< COUNlY OEPARTMENT OF lEAL. N'fJRrNAl.. OF CONSTRUCTED WORK NOV t SINGLE FAMilY RESIDENCE Dale I 7nllT H.S. Ref. No. 0 .- SlIftfC&s F:_ 01S' I I The sewage disposal and waler supply lacil1Ues allhls ""'00 and/or Cllftifioo by this Depa~ or other . be ~ FOR A MAXI OF BEDRO &.J..;; Welter J. HUbert, P.E., I of Wastewater Managemen N 21'14'.fO"W (9.7) Ii;: ffi III :IE ::. z ... 9 8,. io rD " l' o !" ~ 18 CIl T 158.00' (12.0).... _ ,.n MULFORD COURT (10.7) 10-30-2007 REVISE SANITARY MEASUREMENTS 9-24-07 ADDED CESSPOOLS, WATER LINE 8 PROPOSED DRIVEWAY N/F WHITCO.., INI/ESTWENT COMPNlIY NOTE: CESSPOOl.. SEPT1C TANK. WELL AND WATER LINE LOCATION BY OTHEIIS DE.....rIF-.r....NIIJ._ OF .... F IIIr, NDr.... ",. .. _1M' Pm 1HI .... (at ''V I) ___.... ... IN[ ~ 11) 1M[ ...-w LIB _... A INIIAC ~ MD .. Mm ~,. tm __.. lID 1HE _ "..... ~ M1L fIDCLI, MID. ....... -. _11) __.. #lit emu CDNIIIIJCII:lIl ~ ~ CII ....... 'RJ 1118 SIIIlV . A Wl.AlDI aF .mDI 7*- " .... _ ..-: ... ....... .... _ __ __ ItWJ,. MIl CILY 10 mE ..- ...... H ..... ~...... -.u. 1D,.. WII.a~. ._ ur~-. _....~____.1lC_.... ~ _..-. 1'1 n ......,.. 11IlUm .. 11) -. ............ ..- -~ 0::.-",.... __ _ _....1HE l..Me .. L,.... IICID 1IIlL.. ....... -. .-u. .... . to . A .., ~ ca-Y'. CERTIflED ONLY TO: BONNIE KAMEN PARTNERS L>>ID NJDK:"(, LLC. 1l11.E NO. 06190-5 . No. 048892 . No. 2115-E JOB No. 08-475 FILE No. GIWlDVIEW ESTATES SUR\IEYED FOR BONNIE KAMEN LOT NUMBER 19 MAP OF GfWID VIEW ESTATES AT ORIENT SITUATED AT ORIENT TOWN OF SOUTHOlD - SUFFOLK COUNTY N.Y. SCALE I" a 40' DATE 12-20-2008 FILED MAP No. 7D83 DATE 6-8-1982 TAX MAP No. (REF ONlY) 1000-14-2-3.23 OlSK 500 HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. P.C. LAND SURVEYOR 1866 WADING RIIIER-WANOR RD. WADING RIVER, NEW YORK, 11792 631-929-4695 ..,2M LAU~!l I~C. · . 575 ~ HcI<>N Road, Melvie NY 11747 (631)6943l4O.FAX(631)~ NYSOOH [)# 10478 HARRY GOLDMAN WATER TESTING MAIN ROAD MA TTITUCK, NY 11952 Attn To : 631-298-4640 FederallD Collected : 8f10/20077:55:00AM Received : 8/10/20073:30:00 PM Collected By : JD9S Copy : Original CC LABORATORY RESULTS Lab No. : 0709264-001A Sample Information... Type : Solder Origin: Distribution Routine Point No : Location: Client ID. : BONNIE KAMEN 305 MULFORD CT,ORIENT POINT SOURCE(CWL-KS) (1000-Ol4-2-3-023/R10-02- 0151) Parameter(s) Lead Results Qualifier D.F. Units 0.04 1 % Limit 0.2 Method Number Swe010A Analvzed 08/13/2007 5:36 PM Resutt(s) reported meel(s) Regulately Uml~s). Resutt(s) lIagged with * Exceed Regulatory Limi~s). O.F. c Dilution Factor Umft noted. f~~~ Date Reported: 8/1412007 Page 1011 Laboratory Manager ROBERT E. O'SHEA, ARCHITECT, P.C. l Lt~ d-~-3 .&3 3~s/oY , " I Member, American Institute of Architects 821 West Jericho Turnpike Smithtown, New York 11787 (631)864-3137 March 23, 2007 leI \MR '2. ( . \ ; \ '-~ ;. Town of South old Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 ---- Attention: Mr. Gary Fish Re: Job # 0218 New Residence at 305 Mulford Court, Orient, NY Dear Mr. Fish, I am the architect for the above referenced construction project. It is my understanding that the previous owner of the house installed all of the drywall in the building before an insulation inspection was made. Attached to this letter is a copy of an insulation certificate from Delfmo Insulation for work completed at the subject premises on March 19,2005. The work described in the certificate conforms with the R-values specified in my plans dated 9/29/02, and last revised on 11/8/02. Not mentioned in the Delfino certificate is the R-30 insulation specified for the cavity between the first floor and the cellar. This material should still be visible at the job site, and if it has been installed, the insulation installed at the job is in compliance with the approved plans and specifications. It is my understanding that this permit was issued prior to the adoption of the International Building Code. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the work described in this letter meets the requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Thank you for your attention in this matter and please let me know if! can be of further assistance. Robert E. O'Shea, AlA ~~ , .r Delfino Insulation m , 119 Stephen Hands Path East Hampton, New Yode 11937 Phone: 631-329-7181 Fall.: 631-329-7159 InsullAtion CeniJicate WORK AREA J "10 of"''' p/,;,f Cc-/"~J 5 ). )'" (5"'" ~l""" w.:tll ~ I- "Jl/~ c.~~ fi?r Ge..I,...,;) ~lrlr'~l\ !r.> ~~~-r Pe:n~lrf.,~,u~'" ITEM INSTALLED Jl.. j 0 ~'9tj ')"-'3'..J :r,.J~"''''' - I (..00 ~..,.. 9--11 \'-","f f'9~ ~/V)~I"Jt"N-I'fYo "1~ ~.iO )<..rw f.?>~J.. 't.,.I~...~..... J":IO St pr 1-_1 . f..I'9'j} F9~ U s....w...-J - zeo ~f P Fv<- c.a.....~.......,.. 'r.. c.o<9.~- Cudomer: ~"1 bel"".", Proposal t!I: flit> Job Addresa: 305 ,m14/A"...,J. c"r C).",.....-r, Nt - Date COmpletedl ?J I q I ~ OQ';; DdtinollllutionlD ~~ 3//'1/07- "b=l~\) 1..0 be-v:>- ~,~ ""~,...,"'- OCT. 23. 2007 10:18AM [I HAWKINSWEBBJAGER NO. 1343 P. 2 HAWKINS WEBB JAEGER PLLC ENGINI;;~RS · ARCHITECTS · SURVEYORS. PLANNERS WILLIAM t. JAEGER II, P.E., L.8 MATTHEW D. ~NE LS EDWARD R. MIllER, /lJA FIlANCIS A. HAWKINS 1913 HERMAN P. HAWKINS 1962 CHARLES S. WEBB JR. L.S 2004 October 10, 2007 Paris Kostopoulis 31 E 31 St Street, Apartment # 120 New York, New York 10016 Re: (07-236) - Framing and plumbing inspection for the residence at 305 Mulford Court, Orient (SCTM # 1000-014-2-3.23). Dear Mr. Kostopoulos: On October 3, 2007 and October 17,2007 I inspected the residence at 305 Mulford Court in Orient. The purpose of the inspection was to verify the proper installation of the plumbing system and the confonnance of the framing with accepted practice and the building plans. In the course of my inspection I observed that the plumbing system (both supply and sanitary) was in general conformance with the building code with the exception of the fuel tank to boiler supply which required concrete encasement. This encasement was installed prior to my second inspection. The structural framing was in general conformance with the approved house plans and accepted practice with the exception of the following observations! recommendations made during my first visit: 1. The bascxnent level central girder consisting of2- 1 y.,"x12" L VL's has two mid-span seams which significantly reduce it structural capacity. Each of the beams at these two spans requires asupplementa1 I%"x12" LVL bolted to the central girder to assure structural confonnance with the approved building plans. 2. The basement level central girder is supported by a pilaster at the front and rear foundation wall. The front pilaster has a vertical crack which may reduce its' load carrying capacity. The girder requires additional support adjacent to the front pilaster to assure adequate support. It is recommended that an additionallally column on a concrete footing be installed under the girder adjacent to the front foundation wall. 3. The basement stairway header requires metal strapping. 4. The second floor ceiling joists require steel strapping al their connection to the attic floor girder. S. The installation of rafter ties is required for all of the roof rafters. 3239~11~-B~. 8-~ ~17~ P\i W 6~~ .~~{! .l1 ~ . 760 OCT. 23. 2007 10: 19AM HAWKINSWEBBJAGER NO. 1343 P. 3 At the time of my second inspection the following had been lWcomplished: 1. An additionall%"xI2" LVLwas added to the basement central girder and bolted to it with S" lag bolts staggered 1'0" O.c. This provides sufficient struetural reinfurcement to the central girder, 2. Lally columns were installed on concrete footings adjacent to the foundation walls at ClWh end of the central girder fur support in the event of a pilaSter failure. 3. The basement stairway header was properly strapped. 4. The second floor ceiling joists were strapped at their connection to the attic floor girder. S. Rafter ties were installed as required at the rafter/top plate connection. Based upon my inspection, I find that the plumbing system is in general code compliance and the structural framing is in conformance with the approved building plans and generally accepted construction practices. If you have any questions or wish anything additional please advise. Sincerely, (lCootopoul"X07-236) Document 10/23/07 Page 2 of2 3~YJst/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION REMARKS: 6P tf.. DATE I () / ). f/'t; 7 INSPECTOR , ".'. .'~ .._,......'. _" _. .._..c-;-:-. CSL~6~ ~ ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765.1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ [ ] FRAMING I STRAPPING [ [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ [ ] RAE CONS11WCTION [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ] INS TION FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECnON ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION ....., DATE 77(07 INSPECTOR 3;ePJ-:6~ 3d-::::'o~ .. 'i ~MLe\ 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ~H PLBG. [ ~UNDATION 2ND [ ..{INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ....... REMARKS: " M ~ r>.t1 '"'- r ..A/;:~ ~IT>'\) ,.r SfoIJ cJ()~ u ;k AI C~/~~ ~ ~~ - DATE if r INSPECTOR wzf2~C~ 3). s-o~ (2e~' tC Sr~ 0~/ :.;;? 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. -., INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMAR~ ~ *# /fr;! C~;;:-~. ~ . . DATE INSPECTOR "~ ,)o~~(~ 3'd-;::;-vS (~~ 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ [ ] ~DATION 2ND [ [ ~~AMING [ [ 0FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ REMARKS~ ~/ OUGH PLBG. ] INSULATION ] 'FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION -, " , 3~;'D{' -. . df1/~:L 3Q'!s'--~~ ! (~ /dtrv!~ ~~cI~ ~ ~ t ..,cf?~' 765-1802 ~ BUILDING DEPT. - SPEeTION ] ROUGH PLBG. ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST 3D$~ r~ 3~o5 (~~J l 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. PEeTION [ [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] FRAMING [ ] FIREPLACE [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ] FINAL REMARKS: DATE .40 /fl7~ , . ... "" .":'''', .. -. ...... .... - ' . . FIELDiNSPECl10N REPORT ''^~-- ft FOUNDATION (1/ II/'_ vnA ~~A -"'?!1JfJZ /~.. ~~ '" I I 'n..-l-;; A IF-/.)-~ /1_ !iJi, A Al ~ ~, ,,/./_~ ~- ..E-- k. ~ ' C " ;: ---------------------------"-- /'//~ ~2_'..r' ./J,L ~_ A ~LL ~ .1'1 I // ~. ,ri/-_..L.. f.d"~ -/ L',-/J. A. ' "'- FOUNDATION (2ND) .L /..I /.L - / L/..... .1' \.A. ~A" ~ ::;3 . bi2'.... . ~ ~' -l A I ~_ ' r ..J. _ ~~ i.!'ll ~ '.;' - A" / A....... ' ~w . - . ".. -'-{ ~ P . ,f7,-' J l~ ~ hu4" /J~'J'N:.. "....7. /1 r;; //.. /J, . ~~ /,1 i",.Lh. - 1 . i ROUGH FRAMING & hI.. ._~. f?)1v. . ../. F/~ ~^' -;'/oh F-> PLUMBING 1.fJ... ".(7, '.tJ J...../ ~ I ~ L J.-/. 'l I ~J '>- 0.. J.f... *..:: e'~ ".Ji'f?fl': .If.l. 7" . V..~ .A ..../ I {~cY._ '::'-"" Y 1/.....~. . >l- =< h 1/1.)( ,,~. I,\, 1..11 ..," //A/I ...t.~'" I . I ;17 A// ~, j~G .A..I-II-?_/'LI:~ /'1 .. (. / I 'h'i'" ' ~ 7 ~.~.' /..77:". ~ ~-r-' .... ,~~ I INSULATIONPERN. Y. . . / ./ - ~. I!-ul.~r: STATE ENERGY CODE . #' '. 4f7 j~' 1" /0/;.. ~/, '/ . I9i: ..;k) r /1 ~ f ( f II ~ rrL ,fl". ,,,... . --;::7 / L ... .~ II ',(',,__ CA.7;) . IJ' / \ v JP. 1.,rL,J-. / I FINAL . , / I ( ,.,p/'7../.. ~ -// V . , d ADDmONAL COMMENTS 1 ' I;J./tf/~_~_ A. nil!;rr" -r7 AI/' IA. ._ J, A ....A:; . /' -,,,,.--,/' I VV - ~ 1z.17/~ ~ I/_~' /"'" >L (7k.. J>P<. ..I 0 ! f V " ~. ':. m Jf--;rd~ 't:>-f h M 6'f\. -J.A.... ~. ~ - ^ :u c :\ . , .- ....I...I!! il . .- :"\ ., ".. .~ ~ I Cd ~ ~ " . 2: ~ _. '" . -_. . l vJ V V\ o iI\ I~ ex: --... . FLOOD ZONE AE ELEV.9.0 MAP NO. 36103C0069 LOT ARE:A= 40,111 sq. ft. F.FL ELEV.= 10.5 GAR. ELEV.= 9.0 DATUM NGVD SET ... (B.2) S 21'14'~O"E '" , ...'6 1'6 "'I;- ~ (B.3) prop. drivewoy ------....... c ci ... ~ ;5 E-o ~ ~ ;., 0 lD N U '" Q ~ 0 ~ .....:l I" ~ 0 ~ '" ;" ... lD '" z 67.0' " ffi '" :::I! => z ... 9 R=20.00' / N 21'14' 4O"W (9.7) ~ OWEWNG - WElL \-/-..... LOT NUMBER 18 . WELl. 10' --- / ------ easement 198.&4' (5.1) - --... FD._ (9.5) ) I I I I L (9.5) ) I 8 .; - '" o .. i q1.q- f. tf;- ~~ ~ i ~ ~ i covered porch 40 B prop. dwe/fing b "l in (9.5) 'I'- o S" ~ 18 III 156':1: ~. v 166.00' (12.0)rk- MULFORD COURT (10.7) N/F WHITCOM INVESTMENT COMPANY - VACANT 'If Ol'Fms (0. 'ralill!ICN3). . ,",OWN HE'R:1!ON rt'WM T~1::: rJlUC:fUR1f$ TO TH::: 1'1~O,,:;;-:TV iNEI A~~ Fell A rri:Ci':;:;,: \:~,. \e~E ANIj ,IJS~ A!~'l n, ~,,,. 'M NOT tNmmt.g ',,') ~~T\t)/'oI ~F> F~~lC:,\ 'YAlLB4 ~ltf'llT;'.7'. ii,i,.,.:~. '_:A.-aj ,t'.OOlrlON ,T,J of' '.~vi(,,-,; 1t~~t0N31K'J(,!-:.'t ~1\\jtMOfttZae A.\.iE!l/'\,!ON C!, _~ T9 ~S CU.RV;:V13 ;, ~~ ~ '~TK.'N 1:::;''1 (,t;' Wi ... 'foQIlt $fAY! t\1lUCA"\:ON .... JOUARAlmU iNDICA1!D .......... tW.'.L nm 07'!tV 10 M l';;RSOM r,:;~ \":;.:::.'\ iH: ~UT,'R,( 13 PH- Pt..,:'), :~:'D ("'l 1-',:1 B;:H!<.~F TO ,':"~ (.,~'''';:' :-~!, '3-i)V!l:;J;V"'.1;~4 -", ;.:" l';;:"--:;.'"N;_:' 1i~!. /",~m T<. "-",~,~-;,;'~~E~C.~g~ "i'..':>-;O:::Qunr r,,'; \-,; C CC" c;: ~;~:'i :::,)':vt'YP_'IJ>!I' L~)" e::,'-";":;~'~ "if:;: l~,.t":i.) ,sl:1tlEY0l'l'1 l~",<-":")~'.',t C,il E'.\303;J:-D 'l'~.~, s:' ~'- - ,:: :C",;::';''''~;~ '0 r>' CERTIFIED ONLY TO: 11p-~ Ft;.o -3. ~ ( " N.Y. lIC. No. 048992 HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. PENN. lIC. No. 2115-E JOB No. 00-434 FILE No. GRANOVIEW ESTATES SURVEYED FOR JOSEPH DiMINO LOT NUMBER 19 MAP OF GRAND VIEW ESTATES AT ORIENT SITUATED AT ORIENT TOWN OF SQU'lHOLD SUFFOLK COUNlY N.Y. SCALE I" = 40' DATE 9-28-2000 FlLED MAP No. 7083 DATE 6-8-1982 TAX MAP No. (REF' ONLY) 1000-14-2-3.23 DISK 500 HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. P.C. LAND SURVEYOR 1866 WADING RIVER-MANOR RD. WADING RIVER, NEW YORK, 11792 631-929-4695 " ~~ ~ FLOOD ZONE AE. ELEV.9.0 MAP NO. 36103C0069 LOT AREA= 40,111 sq. ft. F.FL ELEV.= 10.5 GAR. ELEV.= 9.0 DATUM NGVO ) ,I ~ OWEUJNG - WELL ~-f...... LOT NUMBER 18 III '" :l! ~ z b ...J SET "'" (8.2) S 21'14'40"E 10' easement (5.1) (S.3) '" .;'6 ---- --- ---- ....- prop. driveway 1'6 -- - - - - - - ---...... 0 "'I;- ei ~ on \ E-; \ ~ ~ \., ;" 0 CD U N ~ CD / Q 8 I ~ prof,' b 9 0 dwel '"9 "l ~ ~ CD ~ w . 0 (8.~) ~ ,OJ "' ... iD 1'- CD ~ Z ~ 10 '" , III -------------- .... z ~ '" T ! 156':1: ~'T- .(12.0"'_ ,...... . 1&6.00' (10.7) .. ", 1::3:) fS PIRES l'HREE "fEARS FROM DATB OF APPRO\{AL. -- -N'/~ -wHIT t:C.:";;"., c:= ~.':S ~\..:!Zfl Jt!'y l,.>i eM~lt~c. 'riSE u..u:: ..:'.i:t~Zyo.vs. IN<"'"' "'!'!! OSlE~,("'.cS........ c~A1 ~~l r:;T'.;:::; cd:':,;;~;<'!;c;"'.,.o Sl .- (")< ....... ~ Q "" "''''' c: ~ ........ JOB No. 00-434 F1~. 9NlMEWIESTATES SURVEYED FOR JOSEPH DiMINO LOT NUMBER 19 MAP OF GRAND VIEW ESTATES AT ORIENT SITUATED AT ORIENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY N.Y. ' ." SCALE I" - 4{)' DATE 9-28-2000 FILED MAP No. 70113 DATE 6-8-1982 TAX MAP No. (REf' ONLY) 1000-14-2-3.23 DISK 500 "11 umcv. <<')1 'IMENSleN!) IiiOWN H1m-ebN P~G'~ T~:\! foi.\Jt:TUl'H:S TO Tn!! flRcr:~~.(Y fNli~ ~v~: P:f! A s.,:;.;,~~': f~,r-!. ,/;"-.."t l.~_':~ lJ':-" A~F) 1:1~~,,:,':-:':: '~',~ t~OT f;lw:n:"l') r:~,:,:," \',' :;>~t-n'~ii 0;: ["'1,::,-:\ (':,-,\,'-:11,'(; <'.\i,IS" f{';~)~'j ~'_\j".:-"', ;-';,:--,:: \1<;;';)\,1. 1>,,;,-,nl~l! ~\ 1 -~ ';~~:'_i~<";:;' ~-rt A:iVt':H~r\ '\*!~f;:ts':r~14, IN~ti~IUO ~'t't~:"'-~:0!-4 t,Q \eOl~ 'tQ _ -m,~ t'~.l<Vt~! It. A ~tw)N 'OlI Sl.'Gl'Jtt.l '1~ (II ~tt WHt "iIQiIM u...'tE tl)UU..llON .... (jUAftANTl!eS lNOtCA-ftO HI..... SHAll. t::~!~l O:-I~'1 10 TAW FawoH r';i: \"!:::.'.'. n~:; f;,U:.'ff:f IS PRI- FA~.[f,', {;~';'} C"l H'~ G"H;..tr TO iF'" C::;!-;'\~~Y, GC",,';J1Nrt.~-I- l '-. ' -:; i-,~:,:: l'::'.'':;?;.:) 1~'.:::>:1 ,..--":\: ~-;:;::<:':i~';~ ~;i~,,~:~ -"'<':'.i-:lhS AI';~ '.:; -~) K~,) '. ;~..'.:p'. ':. ;;~! e.U..:WU::N" ~ - ~---...,..., I fb--.J F -,-- ~ 9.- R NY.U~N~~8~2 HA OLD F. TRANCHON JR. PENN. ue. No. 2115-E HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. P.C. LAND SURVEYOR 1866 WADING RIVER-MANOR RD.WADlNG RIVER, NEW YORK, 11792 631-929-4695 LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT " , ."2- .... E ACR. \ W TYPE OF BUILDING COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value REMARKS 81 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD STREET .. S RES. SEAS. VL. FARM Q.~0 ":f.s:.1/ Tillable t House Plot ,'hI I~Oo '105 FRONTAGE ON WATER FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH BULKHEAD ( Woodlaacl MeadcMIcmd Total P€i't t'\ 1'\ .z:t:- 2-? q ( 4- 2. 3D~\o r~ 3~SDS- ~ --/ 'I tJ a D Ar>.J e>'fJ TeN ~r Dv0 Foc/2.. G yvto ""ki--:I Ie> CelM PterJ Iffe (..{.o q. <;' e fr... r.,. r.-.' r' Ii: I'll 1\ r ~ _yo ~~" !,: ; ':, ! l' " , N3R2'. ! ,_ ,- ~,'~-J ..~--.,..".,.,~-- AOC NT NUMIlER ID ORDER NlJMIIER PURCHASE ORDER NUMa~R F,?8.n CMS 46183 DATE SHIPPED 08/1 ITEM NUMBER 1.00 A LATE PAYMENT FINANCE CHARGE OF 2.001< PER MONTH MAY BE APPLIED ON BALANCES AFTER 30 DAYS. HARRY GOLDMAN WATER TESTING PO BOX 859 MATTITUCK NY 11952 5 I'ORTION WITH, . ,"f;~F~~':7'; ,.. .. r' ,""..,q COMPANY TRUCK 49536 DATE 08/14/2007 NUMBER DESCRIPTION EM dIN SOLDER UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT NET AMOUNT 8J!I~. ~0 80.00. I ! 1 80.00' AMOUNT DUE 80.00 ORIGINAL INVOICE RETAIN BOTTOM PORTION FOR YOUR RECORDS