HomeMy WebLinkAbout32274-z FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date: 11/27/07 No: Z-32751 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: PVT RD (HOUSE NO.) county Tax Map No. 473889 Section 7 OFF E END RD (STREET) Block 3 FISHERS ISLAND (HAMLET) Lot 7 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated AUGUST 8, 2006 pursuant to which Building Permit ilia. 32274-Z dated AUGUST 8, 2006 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH WRAP AROUND PORCH AND UNFINISHED NON-HABITABLE ATTIC AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ANDREW STEWART (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COuN'rlr DEPAR'l'MER'I' OF IlBALTH APPROVAL Rl0-03-0087 06/13/06 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE 110. 1149966 12/02/05 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 11/22/05 TOM RAVINO Rev. 1/81 Form No.6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 [.. I " I r, ' , SEP - 5 2C06 ~' , L__. . I i i, - , Te" " "',:,., ') I '... '_.+-'-'--'''--'~:::'~~ APPLlCA TlON FOR CERTlFICA TE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: I. Final'survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or ...' .... ,"" topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/1 0 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land nses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and a consent to inspect signed by the applicant Ifa Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant C. Fees L Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 . ..' .... ,",' 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $25.00 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 A-u '-V..fT 3 ( . Date. uot, Permit No.5 7-2 7 '-{ Z Date of Permit /h)t, Health Dept: Appr~val: JJl'\...i {5, ~a::?0 Ph. , New Construction: V Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) LocationofPropertyJ(Oo !"rt.LILU fJ~ b,{<E'/ fi:rcftJ"ZU. House No. S~' Owner or Owners of Property: ft-t;'l) f(~ ~;1v(. (' Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section 1 Block 3 Lot "7 FiledMap.;+- 'izj .Lot:!ll/c(;if. Lof- (tJ] ~ a Applicant ANbczJJJ ~~,- --t'....:.. ( ......,-',. .., ~, Underwriters Approval: V'TlV s<--'. L- '"' ./-r l~..9 Hamlet Subdivision 0"' .....,).:1,. Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: Fee Submitted: $ Z-~ y,~. 73 '12>G Co?. 3J " 5 I FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 32274 Z Date AUGUST 8, 2006 Permission is hereby granted to: ANDREW STEWART PO BOX 132 HARTLAND FOUR CORNERS VT, 0 for : CONSTRUCT NEW ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH WRAP AROUND PORCH AND UNFINISHED NON-HABITABLE ATTIC AS APPLIED FOR. THIS PERMIT REPLACES 29903. at premises located at PVT RD OFF E END RD FISHERS ISLAND County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 007 Block 0003 Lot No. 007 pursuant to application dated AUGUST 8, 2006 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on FEBRUARY 8, 2008. Fee $ 1,772.70 ~~ I Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 ~. ~~ ! ~ I I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ i BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by Located at JASON ZELEK ZELEK ELEC CO., INC 187A BOSTON POST RD. LYME CT 06371 RESERVOIR RD FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 ANDREW STEWART RESERVOIR RD FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 1149966 Certificate Number: 1149966 Application Number: 31 11B Building Permit: BDC: NS11 Section: Block: Lot: Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement, First Floor, Second Floor, Outside, Attic, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 2nd Day of December, 2005. Name OTY Rate Ratin. Circuit ~ Alarm and Emergency Equipment Sensor 3 0 Carbon Monoxide Sensor 4 0 Smoke Appliances and Accessories Dish Washer 0 1.2 KW Furnace 0 Oil Watcr Heater 0 4.5 KW PumplMotor 0 1 H.P. Wiring and Devices Receptacle 36 0 General Purpose Switch 31 0 General Purpose Fixture 37 0 Incandescent Receptacle 1 0 20 amp Laundry Receptacle 1 0 30 amp Dryer Receptacle 10 0 GFCI Service I Phase 3W Service Rating 200 Amperes seal Service Disconnect: 200 cb Continued on Next Page of 2 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E Located at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ = = = = I = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~i'mii!eJiBE!effi!~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 40 FULTON STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by JASON ZELEK ZELEK ELEC CO., INC 187A BOSTON POST RD. LYME CT 06371 ANDREW STEWART RESERVOIR RD FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 RESERVOIR RD FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 1149966 Certificate Number: 1149966 Application Number: 31 11B Section: BDC: NS11 Block: Lot: Building Permit: Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement, First Floor, Second Floor, Outside, Attic, A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 2nd Day of December, 2005. Name Ory Rate Ratiu. Circuit Ix!!!! Meters: I seal 2 of 2 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTBOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECfOR '! .. . J P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 C E R T I F I CAT ION Date rJDV J..o/ 05- ::':M: No. ~~: (please pn.nt) Plumber=..J CJf1A RGl.J ";t) a (please print) I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. ~c;,~~ (plumber's signature) Sworn to before me this ).~d..day of JInVtMh<<- ~~ , t&th~N' ~Llhh~ Nota publi Notary Public, c:::u .th. J t- . County ROXANNE SPAULDING NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No.OlgPfl113942 UU^IIIIIIlIN SUI I 01 K COliN I Y MY CUMMISSIUN I.Xl'lIIlS ^Uli. 9. ?lIo11' 07/16/2007 08:59 FAX 631 788 7798 FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY 141003 . 3J.~1'f;;Z;- " " . ~. I. .~ ':JlDOB:t1 D.A.'lI ~~ ~g ...~ ~ ,I,. '/..- I FOtlNDA,'IIml (IST). ~... - ~, . iz FOUNllA,TJOIl (JIlD) ~ ~ . ,~."..~~. .~Z . l' P ... 'fJ ,. ,. .." " , ',I. '-- :-~ . =l1G1l~'" !'L1lMBING ..n ..~ . +- , . '~ ~ ~ ~~ ! ~ , . IK51JLAUON..-N. Y. . / IlTA.TJt -.aw CODII: .... ( ./, . ~ ~. 2;""... C/,d 0- ,,&~ ktMJ- [ .- 'i 'j ~.Jj.':l ' , V .I ! . . l!'ll'UL ~~ L ~/~ fH.i.r., J /. . ....... , -- .+ . (/> f 7 /77r 'h7J . / AL~. . .,. j" u,,~. r -- . '~_y~ I' / I 1"'/7 ./" ( , ..... .. . j' .... :i .r: " .... , , . .. . . . ,. ~ ~. " " .. ~~ . " " " " ',. i~ '",~'. " ,,, ,.. " . " '~. . " ~ -:....-.. - - 07-16-2007 0B:01 SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT 16317659502 PAGE3 GNCB _~ Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc. Date: Attention: Project: Job Number: ___~esent: ~"\--~:~-:' '::,.. \. II' ..l".'-' ''''., i,U.1'-OC1 1.1 'al)l Weather: I i I Field Report Sent Via: USPS October 7,2004 Skip Broom Stewart Residence 03012.03 Skip Broom - H.P. Broom - James Norden, P.E. - GNCB Work Crew and Super - 5 Clear, 650 at 1 :30 PM pl..."7?Jto I r J:t 21{ 0'3 :z. / V1f/o~ The following was noted: This visit Was the final structural framing inspection prior to applying finishes. The following was noted: . All framing had been completed including the roof framing. The deck rail system was not yet in place nor were the finished stairs. . Plywood cladding as shear walls was installed and nailed per requirements for the project. . The basement microlam beams were installed with steellally columns as called for. . All glue-lam one piece columns were Southern Yellow Pine with 1 W thick laminations. Proper anchor details were installed as per contract documents. . All galvanized connections were in place with all fastener holes filled. . Roof trusses with bolts and steel side plates were installed per contract documents. . The rear stair roof ridge was supported by a column as approved at the site. This completes the final inspection by GNCB of the residences structural components. Signed: James F. Norden, P.E. Copies to: 130 ELM STREET POST OFFICE BOX 802 OLD SAYBROOK CONNECTICUT 06475 PHONE: 860 388 1224 FAX: 860 388 4613 GNCBENGINEERS.COM Sent via: Page 1 of 1 Stewart Residence Fishers Island, NY Photo P-1 Photo P-2 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc. Stewart Residence Fishers Island. NY Photo P-4 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers. Inc. Stewart Residence Fishers Island, NY Photo P-5 - .. -, - - ""\"'~ .' ""':;':'":0.. ;;: --.::. --..:--. ~, -' ~ -........ Photo P-6 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc, Stewart Residence Fishers Island, NY Photo P-7 Photo P-8 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc. Stewart Residence Fishers Island, NY Photo P-9 Photo P-10 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc. Stewart Residence Fishers Island, NY Photo P-12 Gibble Norden Champion Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEJ.>ARTMENT TOWN BAQ. soumoft, NY 11971 'mL: 765:-(18it PERMlTNO. ;1 QQo3 ~ BUll.DING PBRMIl' APPUCATION CHBCKIJS~ Do )'0\1 have or 1IOlIll1lle Dl1IowiDi. bolbro appJymi Board ofHol1d1 .,; 3 .. ofB1dk\llIi" ..... S1JrvoY. ./ ~ ./ SeptIo p- N.Y.s.D.B.C. ~ CODtaGt: Mall to: I.J.!J... .20;03'.. .I ~I tj.20.e ~NI;[~s I '~~t. -.-, . DisapproVed ale ./ ~4f/~/\ .. "; .,;; Ie ti'.:,i i: i .0.:- :\1\ . . __--- ~ li\i)\ i"', ~./" .~~.---:. . \ l Bul'dl"gJnspector \!.Ji.:L____..__c. J.-ll . '\ \. IJ' "'~j.) Al't'LICATJON ro,u,UJLDING PEIlMlT. I """;'~,',';i':~!2. . \,S\. ...., /;~ .J . . Date 1/1'2.. .2003 , ../'"s INSTRUcnONS I rni~lka"on MUST be COJIIP~ flI10d in bytypOWIitcr or in ink lIJId Sl,lwnlttM to tho BlIilil;.,g Inspcctorwith 3 sets ofplam, accurate plot plan to scalo. Pee accordinito schedule. . . b. PlOt plan sbowiIlg location of lot lIJId ofb"nn;.,p on premises, relation,h{P to a(ljoiniDg pzauises or public streets or areas, lIJId watc:rways. . c. Tho work ocVCll'Cd by this appli<lsticw may not be c"""""'"""" boforo issuaDco ofBullmni Pmmit. d. Upon approval of this application, tho BuildlIii Iaspector will issue a BuiJ.diui PCII'JIIit to tho applicaut Such a pcmm shall be kept on tho pzauises avaiJablo for iDBpection thro1Jibout tho work." . . . e. No bvilili..g shall be OCClIpied or used in whole or in part for lI1IY pmpose w~untIl a Ccrtificatc ofOccup!m- is issued by tho B'aiJni"i Inspector. . . .' . . APPUCATION IS HEREBY ~E to tho Bllildmg Dopartmcll1t.fortho issu3ncc of a Bui1diIIii'ermit pursuant to tho Build;.,g Zono QrtHn""Nl of tho Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yark, lIJId other awJic"1l1o Laws, (j,.lm"",.~ or Reglll..nons. for tho construotion ofblli!n;.,p, e13ditlOlle. or aJtcrations or for ICIIlOval or dlmIoJitian as hm'cin described. Tho applicant agrees to comply with an app1iceblo laW., ~..,~~. bulldil:Ii code, housing code, lIJId te&tll~nnq.lIJId to admit autborlzod inspcctOIS -on ~.~ ~ for uecessllIY'inspcctions. . . _.r..--...,.....,~-,..-_.. - ',., ,') . \t:\ .I~.T ," H P BROOM HOUSEWRIGHT, INC \ :, '. 1 2.003 ." ' POBOX ~ofllWli."..+orJllllllO,lf.__.aioD) ~1\J", NOV. '~.......; ! HADLYME~~ CT 06439' '. . .. . L.- " ........ ," . '.. ()Aol1n.,lIddreuofappliclmt) . .;,\' ,\,' . ";',,1) . 1"'~ . State wheth cant is owner, lessee, agent, architoct, engineer, general cont:ractor, electrician, plumbca: or builder GENERAL CONTRACTOR Name ofownllr ofpremises ANDREW STEWART (as onthc tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a ocIpOraUon, sigaaturc of duly authorized officer (Nameand1itleofCQIpOrlltCofficer) HARRY P BROOM, JR, PRESIDENT Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians LiCCDSe No. Other Trade's LiceIISC No. 13061 HI 1. Locatio1J-.o~1and on ,Wbi~ ~sed work wip be dQne: {J J:::('\>(,d:1 ~ i2:fE'~ e-~ ~(UX H01J8C Numbllr . Street ' FISHERS ISLAND Hamlet CountyTaxMapNo.lOOO Section 007 Subdivision HOLMSTEAD SURVEY 1927 (NllIDO) . Block 3 FRod Map No. ,.,,,, ..,.' .... ~.:)! . Lot'?' BLK 31 .:.~ llB ;L - :-] . , ~ ,~ ......j . ~-~ State m"'"'-ruse end oocapattCY o(premises and intended use and occupancy l)tproposed ccmstm:tion: L Bxistinguse ad oocapattCY - . b.rnteMed use ad occupancy: 1 FAMILY RESIDENCE 'f .( Addition J\1:1 _'~' OtherWork . .,. ' ~on) II. 772...l.E . . . (to be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor - " Nature ofwork (chock which applicable): New Builmng Repair Removal Demolition x Esth1:1Ated'cOst I- 775,000- If dwelling, number of dwelling units If garage, number of cars Fee 1 - Ifbllsiness, cOmmercial. or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. - , . Dimensions of existing structures, ifany: Front Height - Number of stories Rear - Depth - - Dimensions of Same structure WIth alterations or additions: Front - Rear Number of stories. - Depth - Height :. Di'm""mons of entire new constn1ction: Front 53' - 6. Rear' 53' - 6. Depth 52' - 5. Height 34' - 3. 'RooF MIDPRlIlWber of Stories 2 80' '. Size oflot: Front Rear . 246.' Depth 368' Name ofFotmer Owner HENRY J R-120 I LINDA L FIGLEWSKI .0. Date ofPun:baso' .1. Zone or use district in which premises are sittiated .2. Does proposed ~on violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: NO .3. Will lot be re-gt'lIded, AROOND IDJSE lE.Y wm oxc;ess fill be removed from premises: YEs @. . '. P 0 alX 132, HARrIAR> FCllR .4. Names of Owner of premises ANIEEW S'lUiARl' Addl:essC<mlERs, vr 05049 PhoneNo. 802-436-2620 NameofArchi~ ~.r. A1lnn'I'. EH:; Addressr.rrr:J:J;ROCK.l\R 7220~oneNo 501-372-2900 Name of Con1ractor HP BllO.:H IDJSIHUGHT DC Address HAIlLYME, cr. 0&439 Phone No. ljbU-:'.ll>~ll",l> lS.Jsthispro.l:""-lywithinl90footofatidillwet1and?ry:aS NO x ~ . IF YES, SOumOID TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQ l6. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. :S)He is tho l7. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 foot or below, must provide ~grapbical data on survey. CO~~~'f~~ ITATEOFhr..f"leRK) . :x)UNTYOF t\)~S)~~ . . 'M.~1: ('O~. "" ::::J Y"' being chuy sworn; deposes and says that (s)he is tho applicant (Name of' .. ..;~ contract) lbove nATnM., . ~r~\~~ . . (Contraotor, .Agent, Co1poratc Officer, etc.) .f said oWner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; :i~ 't~,."",."m, COh'AinM in this application are true to the best ofhis knowledge and belief; and tbattheworkwi1l be ~ in the "lnmm.... set forth in the application filed therewith.. . . . :wom to before me ~ ~ . day of M~~. . 20~ . ~_.:-~ <..: N0Iary Public - - ;' ~ / TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ./ ~ FORMER OWNER S;; / . )j/U;-:C:t- RES. SEAS. b { ./.>1 cC> 5 I N C!,,--,"-' ! f.... DiSTRICT SUB. LOT OWNER STREET \. /. ~ / ACREAGE 1.71 TYPE OF BUILDING VL. Boy ( CIH d FARM COMM. Bt')y{m'-1d_. I IND. I CB. I MISe. 3/1 LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE / ",-~ r'l / 707) ... 14 L~ REMARKS / l~{) ~ F,' () .. ~ .8"cK: E' - 7.;. Sq~f. A-:i-:r; ....7 / (7l) AGE NEW NORMAL BUILDING CONDITION BELOW ABOVE Farm Acre Value Per Acre Value fillable 1 fillable 2 fillable. 3 Haadland )wampland i 3rushland House Plot ! fatal FOLK COUNTY DEPAR. ~ ~..:~,....--' --, ...'......, , , """, , '", ~....,- (kjlLI' "::.1 , , ~ , '" , , ~ , , ~ -008"'1 HIF TH<>.II.<S TMfONEY (BLOCK JI-LOT I) VACANT UND , , ---- - - OF HEAL TIT S&'WlCES ,r CON!>"'TI?UCTIDN F~ mF"NCE ONl,Y I I H/F THOI.44S TAUONEY (BLOCK J1-LOT 2) VACANT LAND /' FOR APPROVAl., 0 SINGLE fAMILV , , , /' , , /' , , FOR MAlGM:;;", '.IF ~Jn'f:; EXPIRES TIlREE VEJ\<tS ~ )i\1 DATE OF A.PPROV AL ~ _ _ i ' ~ =~ L,-;l ,~ HIF ANNE J. BORLAND (BLOCK J1-l0T ffA) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MUNICIPAL WATER ON SIT( SEPTIC . ~ l, . LAND" \ --1 " ",-.,j T ~ / / ~i _-----i ~~--- , , \ <( / / / =r I \ """ "" ~::=-5 ~ '45.00' " ,. H/F ANNE J. BORUJ/'l (BLOCX Ji-LO'!' 11C) VA('.do.NT LAND -_.~-."._"".. / , , . LO<.lCMIl'_ -- f) -...f. '~'.i='::l..' I'" , r""'LL ~ ~~.. T-l-,,_ .--' _..., .. .~,~.'.' I .. '1i'I'UIlI'lllll ' o 1YJ'I/".&l DI!ml'I""mnH !!Ox ..- "" . " ICJIOCI(()UTlIOU:TNtO _n"""", - .... .wi! " !)'-" l"~~r.TInN 1000 1".&H nN , NlUPAATLIF'NT gpTJCTANI( _ro~ ''L {:~n~w '":~~:,I:r:G;i";;! '- '---'~:. ." ., .,11IO..~0I.~ VCPrClEDIIllHGIlOIN)M1OI' .~~- "IF '}., " ~~~l flhf /Y~'::~:::::::~::'~'. <4 ~ ~~ I .., ....c. nn.. , !><: ~~" "- .ce.::':'::::::::,: 'CO ~ i ~ r l ~ ~~ g u.... e VI" ~, i ill, J- U gill, u! @)f :s"..:=r.DJAs1f1O/C13 0'- rlOf'SOl. r-JtrSUBSOl. JO"-IT CCU'ACl'SAMln'tlU. IIOLDIliE.IIOW..IUt '" - ......... 1.)fIlIOPOSmSO~"""IMDEF"QR,,"N[~.1OIll.NtD;1UICK31 I.OI'S 11,., & I1c. fISt€RS IQ.NtO.IIEW' YORK; 5Go\tL: 1".10ClFT.: awo.LIl, I'lllMER & IllIG; ocr 17, 1911I1 2.)SUIttO'WIPPItOPDlTTlOECONIIETI:DtOANllAEWSK'WARI: a.ocx11 --LOTI18l;FlStDSISI.MO,NEWYOIlK;CWE/CPK0ESlCN ~NCIAlIlCH.cr;W.Tl:ID/19/7002'SCllE:I"_.o',St€iTllJ1 / / i / t'- , 1\ / / I / I \ I / I \ I \ / \ , I I 1 i \ , / I \ I \. \ , , ~I~ \ / -. \ -'I~ \ / / I X -- \ " -- I - ------+---- - - I floJ'D .... ...... - I ..... I.) IHIS SUN[Y lIAS I'IlIEF'MED FOR THE IWtTES NC) PUlPClS( IIOCAlED HDlEDN. MftDllENSlONOIFlIlE USE IlEYONDTHE FUlPOSUJAGlEEllTOEnItJI1HEQ.JtNrNC!1t€SI.fM'l'OR EXCOCIlSlIlESCOPEOIFHENGoIiGOlEM". 2.) " I$"'VICllAJIDIl OIFtHE 5TAfE QllJCUIOJIlMffORlMtP€RSOIoI 1KQS.lICl1NGlJNDERlHEtwC1IlllrtOfAlJCDCSEl)lNG~ TO"l.PMrmlWMftIlAY. ~C::SMOIFo:...~~~~ L::J~'s PRDllUCTOflllElAHDSUll\IEYOIII. 4.) o:ioREIIrM1E: Dl5TANCtS N1E. MEASURm FllOM U.S. a>>ST AND GEOOEIIC !iUIMY IRWDUtICIN SWION .,.. ~cl.a.~.M~.~3,~COUNITorst.Ff"OUCTAX- ..)toW..l#IE.A. 1.17*.IICR[$. 7,) S1'!. I!i UlCAtUl".-I20 ZllNE. a.) N'fI'lICif(f, NDIEW SlRlMII" ft:~s:J: -~. ltC. 1WlLlW.~IIM3ll-Clll1O (8Io)-&H-_ ~~SDMl;ED""ON-!lltlilEU.NlOON-sm:SOIAGt lo.)lIlS[RlIIl1\IE1S:ASSl.lIEO UliDIl "If HOW OR rORMrRlY 51' 5C'il_':f: r~!'T -10-- EllISTlNGCQ'IIOLlrc -1:;1-- P~..rn COHTOUR -i!.---- III1lJl1NGSElEW:lt~...[ .IICI 15 3a ----::.=.I ~seo.;:;;;n::n , \~ w () Z W Cl en .... ~ W !);i ~~ "" ::<' ~ ~- 0 ~e .... g~ 0 ml VI Ig "" 0 ~ -~ Lu ~~ III ~ "" ~~ 0 ~~ .... z <( ~ 0 w en (") ,:1. 0 IX u. ,I 0 I I, . 0 I 0 J > w ~ ~ i + II << ~ .. .; , I.. ~ ~ i ;; H.P. BROOM - HOUSEWRIGHT, INC. P.O. BOX 70 - 162 FERRY RD. HADL YME, CT 06439 (860) 526 - 9836 FAX (860) 526 - 2647 &hw~ ~ b 5L -1i I~ 10 f:t) ~ vopt ~U I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 10/25/04 To: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT - TOWN HALL P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0959 OCT 2 7 2004 ..,-.- --~~.- HBMIJ . 29903 Z ATT: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Re: STEWART RESIDENCE FISHERS ISLAND, N.Y. WE ARE SENDING YOU --! Attached __ Dnder seperate cover via the following items: Shop Drawings Prints Plans Samples __Specifications __ Copy of Letter Change Order Other Copies 1 Date 10/7/04 No. Description Structural Framing Inspection (certification of nailing & connectors) THESE ARE SUBMITTED as checked below: __ For approval __ Approved as submitted __ Resubmit__ copies for Approval ~ For your use __ Approved as noted Submit copies for Distrib. __ As requested Returned for corrections Returo__ corrected prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUB n a PlUN'l'S RBTURNBD AI'TBR LOAN TO US RI!lHl\RKS : PBRNIT , 29903 Z ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND THE DOCUMENT(S) NOTED ABOVE TO SATISFY THE CERTIFICATION OF NAILING AND CONNECTORS REQUIREMENT AS PER PERMIT 29903 Z, ISSUED 12/4/04. SHOULD THERE BE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL H.P. BROOM-HOUSEWRIGHT, INC., AT 860-526-9836. THANK YO~' . ANTHONY /~ . # StormPlus"" windows and doors brought to you by Marvin Windows and Doors WhaftsS/<<mP/us?Pertofmance products, designed for specific regional cQdes that meet m exceed industry standards WhyllrtJenh.Jncedprrx/tJctsntteded?Code activity spawned by a need for stronger construction in coastal communities. Population shilt to coastal regions at unprecedented rates Hurricanes and violent storms are at the beginning of a two. decade cycle. StormPlusis designedtorneet and.exceeOcode.requirementsfor: Energy: Insulating glass with Low E II meets ENERGY STAR'" WirId.borne debris: During a violent storm or hurricane, debns can be hurled at windows and doors. A breached opening can allow tor sudden changes in air pressure and can compromise a building structure. Cye/kpressures;Hurricanes create both positive and negative pressures on a structure Testing includes a tolal o! 9000 cycles, both positive and negative pressures, to assure the unit wif! not burst into 01" blow outofthe structure. Stringent International B"i!ding.. Code requirements cal"lbe.metusing StormPlus"'.products. Storm Plus1>1 Wood & Clad Ultimate Double Hung Certltiedby WDMAt()JevelsthatmeettheNYState~, Stil!1.ditr.d InsulatinglmpactGllUs Two panes of glass, tempered extenof and laminated lfltenor, reduce energy cosls while providing structural protection Keeps glass in unit so building envelope is less susceptible fa strudural damage. Sash Lock Lock with an exclus!ve tift lever makes hlt,ng almost effortless for cleaning. Available in Bronze, Brass, Antlque Brass. Polished Chrome, Brushed Chrome, White MARVIN. IN i 1i d 0 w.s ill'l.d 0 Q 0 r -s Made for you: Storm Clips Used to seGure the sash during v;olent weather condItions .neludlng flYing debris .Available in Bronze, BrQss, Antique Brass, Polished Ch.ome, Brushed Chrome, White. 4 9jy: Jambs . Readily installs Into 2 X 4 construction reducing contractor costs Brick Moulc/ Casing . For a traditional wood profile appearance Clear Pine Interior . Readily accepts paint or stain. Bare P'me Exterior . Easily paints to match any color, QAtio.ns t.-. E II with or without argon . Reduces energy costs. complies with ENERGY SIAR'~. Glazing Tints . Diminishes solar glare and reduces cooling costs . Available in Gray. Bronze. or Green Obscure . Provides priv<lcy without window treatments Sash Lift . Available IrI Bronze, Brass, Antique Brass, Polished Chrome, Brushed Chrome, White Flat Casing . Design flexibility %. or 1 '/s. Wood GriI/es . Removable inserts for traddlonal or contemporary styling 7/8. or 1 'Is.SDL with ./without Spacer Bers ('CerJilication pending) . Permanently affixed muntins lor traditional or contemporary style Primed Interior/Exterior . Ready to paint from the lactory. FactoryApp/iedJamb&tensions . F aclory preps product for a variety of wall thicknesses. S. .uzel For sIzes up to CN3028 - ASTM.E 1886/1996 Level C DP +401.50 ANSl/AAMAfNWVVDAJS2 s}7 H. LC40 For Sized up to CN3232 - ASTM.E 1886/1996 Level C DP +35/-40 ANSI/AAMA/NWWDA IS2.W H - LC35 It:,2002 f-.ll<tlIVIP WW,(,kM~ ~f1~) ()or.x" f\il qghh rf!~wv~t:i tJ'lf;I"c,r )IA.tt"' ''< <J 1~91~lefl(~d us fOllfk fvl",-~ tor YO,if i~ ,; reg;~-er<<l tr-<ldem(111~ of Marvin WindO\\-s MId Doors_ Pad#1997186a ~H-1U-U,j WW UC:C~ PM AW Hfllil!li(i~ "AX NU, 14UlcbJlb~U p, U4/Uo . . MARKETING BULLETIN. MARVIN-a.. v:. ,,-I ",... I .~.. ~...' r I MtJ~lor~t ~"......,... D,iL~: Jone 2'1, 20m No ~8X STOIUWU.:S SIMPUI'US NAMING STRliCn:RE In fill dTml to sitnplify u", clarify which products your cusLOnln needs to consider when plrtJlliilg a cO:l~lal proJc~l, Marvin Wi,lIlows lUld Doors is chnnging thc Slcmll'Jus nancng Sl',\lctt.lr~ 'I'M folh)\\iil(llla,,1c cil",;!~~S willlrokc I,laca on an Nd~rs rcceiwd beginning July 7, 2003: e..r~,y~q.IIS..~lli!lq ,\(OI1i1P]\l:llll' StormP)\I, NY S 10"11',1'1", Dade New Name SlormPJus HI' (uo _hange) SlormPlus Impacl Zone 2 SlormPlus ImpacI Zone" l'l'iis now Ih\l\lillg slrLlrl'Jr" li~':l O\lr V,oducllincs to the 1l\I~m;,tioD~1 Cod~, Imd specifically 10 \\hcre thl) p[(lj~ct is gcogn,phi<::llly j,)caLed. This makcs idcnl;ricallOlI as simple ns looking at a 1I:"!i (I';,go :1). lla:;cd 01111',0 j1lOj~CI's wind speedood pro,dmity \0 Ihe OCecJ\, you can dC\CfI1'ine \lhiclt /(',no YOll nt" inl1f1d cLoose the corresponding product that matches. . :1.""0 I: llOflJph w'.d \:1' to <:12(1mph wind zone nnd "Iihill one mile of In~ llce;Ul (West rJld of J ,\lIlt Idnnd, NY), ~Ild Ila\~aii . Z(lll~ 2: 1201l1ph urullll' to <I JOlTlllh v.il1d zone and greater than one mile rrOllllhe oeean (11l\(ul(ll'aJ't oCll-%t,;ml.ong bl:U1d. NY, al~o covers zone 1) . 7,(;u~ :1: 12011lph [lild t,p 10 '~140mph wind zone and within one milo oCthe oeCilll (Constal p~'l of E:"~!ofll LCIl.~ j,i(lIld) or 130/11ph lUlu up 10 <\40I11ph \\ind r.one il/:d greater Iboo Olle mile from (110 "CC;'II (N(\ SC, GA, FI., TX) . 1'.0111' 4 1.;OnII'H hieh Idocity \\im! zone requiring additional impacts por lest sp'~cilllon l'foJncls thaI W~(~ li:'j,u'JfV _ailed oul os Storll1Plus NY will now be cailcl! out as SloJ'll\rl\l~ Im(':lll ZOHe 2. This s''''',' product covers Zono 1 and so we have combinM tnes: two Zl)>)e~ .ud l"h~lllhiJm 3S 7..ono 2, Pmlltlcl, Ih:!l form",ly In';''' dcsi!);1a!cd as SlornlPlus Dade Will now 00 c3110d OUla> SlomlPiUli 1 I11l'act ZOO" 4 Lo()k fo! hl1llt'lii1s b!",,.tl;i:~ swtlmeJ' announcing product inlrod\lcLions th.11 meet Zone 3 rt'li."r~mcl1ts. Tn sil1\pliry the "Id,ling r'focrss, 1'lo,mPlus Impllel ZOIl~ 2 ;Illd Zone 4 products will b, cdd,;d to MQS!MOn IN';OIl5.12. rrYP\l haw nny '1\1C,t;(:1\" p\(:.1S~ comncl your Marvin reprcsl~',lative,