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THIS DECLARATION made this 28th day 0 December 1988,
by Cofam Realty Company a New York general part ership. with an
address at 4623A Sunrise Highway. Bohemia. New Y rk hereinafter
referred to as the Declarant.
WHEREAS the Declarant is the Owner of certain real
property situate at Main Road Mattituck Town 0 Southold
Suffolk County. New York more particularly boun d and described
as set forth in Schedule -Au annexed hereto and
WHEREAS the Declarant has made applica ion to the
Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approv 1 to subdivide
the said real property into 2 parcels. and
WHEREAS for and in consideration of th granting of
said approval. the Planning Board of the Town of outhold has
deemed !t to be for the best interests of the Tow of Southold and
the owners and prospective owners of said parcels that the within
covenants and restrictions be imposed on said par els. and as a
condition of said app~oval said Planning Board ha required that
the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's
That the' Declarant. for the purposes of carrying out the
intentions above expressed, does hereby make know, admit.
publish. covenant and agree that the said premises herein
described shall hereafter be subject to the follow'ng covenants
which Shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all
purchasers and holders of said premises. their hei s, executors,
legal representatives" distributees. SUccessors an assigns. to
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(1) That no lot shall be sUbdivided r its lot lines
changed in any manner at any future date unless uthorized by the
Town of Southold Planning Board.
(2) That any future subdivision of an part of this
tract shall have a map of the subdivision filed 'n the office of
the County Clerk.
(3) That all driveways on Main Road s all make an angle
of at least 70 ~egrees and preferably 90 degrees with the state
(4) That ~ach lot having frontage on ain Road shall
have a turnaround provision 50 that a vehicle Ie ving a lot will
not have to back out. into the traffic stream on he road.
(5) That all stormwater runoff result og from the
, ,
jevelopment and impr~vement of this subdivision r any of its lots
;3hall ~e retained on 'the site by adequate draina e structures so
':hat it will not flo~ out onto the rights-of-way of Main Road and
Old Main Road.
(6) That the within Declaration may n t be annulled,
uaived, changed or modified, unless and until ap roved by
J~esolution of a majority plus one vote of the PI noing Board of
the Town of Southold.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant abov named has
E!xecuted the foregoin'g Declaration the day and y ar first above
tI'ri tten.
Stanley C hen, Partner
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) ss.:
On this ~ day of December, 1988. be ore me personally
appeared STANLEY COHEN, to me known to me to be he individual
acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
described in and who executed the foregoing lost ument and he
NoIIry ic.. State of New York
N 6872225
Quallfi in Suffolk County
Commisalon ires Dec. 31. 1988
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ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. 'with the buildings
and improvements thereon. situate. lying and be ng at Mattituck.
Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State 0 New York, more
particularly bounded and described as fOllows,
BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of t
(N.r.S. Route 25) where the easterly line of pr
formerly of Ocean Holding Corp. intersects said
the Main Road and from said point of beginning~
along the southerly side of the Hain road North
minutes 10 seconds east 345.83 feet to a point:
degrees 57 minutes 50 seconds East 95.20 feet t
formerly of Fliss~ Thence along said last menti
52 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds West 114.34 fee
degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds West' 162.66 feet t
line of the Old Main Road~ Thence along the nart
Old Main Road, South,88 degrees 34 minutes 50 se
feet to land now or ~ormerly of Ocean Holding Co
the easterly line of land now or formerly of Oce
North 23 degrees 00 minutes 50 seconds West 108.
point or place of BEGINNING.
e Main Road
perty now or
southerly line of
Running thence
52 degrees 02
thsnce South 37
la nd now or
ed land (1) South
; (2) South 0
the northerly
erly line of the
onds West 197.14
p.: Thence along
n Holding Corp.
3 feet to the