HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12523 P 228 H d r-~ f J-df . . ~ Tax Mup lJco.tall&liua Ili,1. s... IlIk. LvI{IJ "$' / io / / - f NY lJOj' -lJlUJaill and Sale l}red wilh CovenIIII apJD$I OI"lDIW'J AClllAdlvlduDI ,..CPfpllrllrinn ISinalc Shed)(NYYru SO(2) CONSUL'r YOUII..\ \fYl!II UEfOIll! SIGNING 'nus 1NS1'IIUM.~vr. rillS INSfIIUMFJ"'1' S110ULlIIIE u~w IIV I'" Wl'ERS UNI. V TIUS I NDEN'rURF.. ntnde lhe BI~T\V";KN j.J. M lIayof fH/IItlJltL- . in !he year 2007 DON L. JAY AMAliA AND SHARMINI llIVjI'I_'" 243 MAIDEN LANE MATITrUC~. NY 11952 pany oflhe firsl pan.llI1d TilE JAY AMAliA I'AMIL Y I.IMITED PARl'NERSIIlP 243 MAIDL'N LANF. MATTITllCK. NY 11952 puny of Ihr ..L..,nd pan. WI1'NF.8SJ;I'H, thaI the porly of the firsl pan. in cunsidcratiun ofTen Dollars ond OIher valuable eurlllidenuhll1 paid by the pony of the oecond pan,does hr",by lV"oland ",I"""" nnto Ihe portyufthe ""cond pan, the heiroor'U<'CCMurs and...,igMof Ihe pany of the .econd pan forever. ALL lhat L",nain plO!, pi..,. or parc<1 uf land, with Ihc huildings and improveme1ll5 then!on ereaed, .iwalC. lying ond being io the Mattiluck, in U.e Town ufSoulhuld, Counly ofSoffolk ond Stale of New Yurk, boonded .nd described as follows: .SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO]. Being and intending to be the same premisiS conveyed to the party of the first part by deed!~ated July 13, 2005 .nd recorded Augu~t 1, 200 in Liber 12400, Page 948 by THOMAS B. REEVE, JR. Executor of.~the Estate of Helen Z. Reeve SUDJECf,to all liens ofn:cord, however, to an easemcnllO feel in width along southeasterly line of said premises, TOGI>THEK wilh.1I right.liUe and in"'",,\, if any. of the party oflb< fi",1 parI of. in and loany 'lire,". ond roads ahulling the ahove-desc:ribed I""misellu the ccntrr Iineslhc...of: TOGETIIER with !he .ppon.nan..... and alllhe oslal. ond rilhlS of the pony of III. firslll8rt in and 10 .aid p""ni...: TO HA VE ANn 1'0 HOLl) the pn!mi...., hcrein granled unlo tho party of the ...:uod pan.lhe hei.. or .ocee..ars and a5lligns ofthc party IIf the "",,und pan forever. ANI> thc pany of the fi"" pan covenanlS UWI the party of the first part has nol done or .uffcred 8nythin[! whereby the .aid promi... hove been ineomhc",d in any way whol''''. UCCpl lIS af"",..id. ANI> the parlY oflhe fi.., pan. in compliance wilh Section 13 oflhel.icn Law, covensnlS that the pany oflh.lint part will ...,...ive the CUIlSidcnllion for Ihis euu\...yanee and will bold the righllO ""'...ive 5Ueh consideration 1UI a tru'l fund 10 be .pplitd Ii~ for the purpose of paying the coslof the improvClnenl and will apply lhe samc firolln thc paymenl of Ihr cost of the improven'C111 before o.ing any pan of the lnlal of the .anle for any otho:r purpose. The wonl "plll'1y" ""011 be construed ... if it read "panies" whe....er!he Ie""" of Ihi. indenlore lID ",qoi...., IN WITNF.8S WHI!RI!()F. the party of the lir.t pan has duly ",,<<otcd Ihi. deed the day and ''Cur firsl obove wrincn. INI'IlI!.~"."CKUF: . ' ~~ . DO . s~7 USIiAaJIiOlIUlIGMVIT FORMBEUJII'II'/TIIIN NEil' rORKSTATliONI.Y: SIa'" of New York, Ceun\l' ol,sllf((lWL. J...: Onlhe/J.~of S6"f~ inlhey....2007 berore me, lhe undersignal. pcrsooally appcan:d DON L. JAY AMAliA AND SIIARMINI JA YAMAHA , pc:rllUrIlllly known 10 me ur proved 10 me on lhe "'!Ii.. of !llllixr""l"" eviclcncc It'I be the individua1(s) ........._.).. (l1R) 5ubSl.Tibcd 1"lhe will1in in5lrUmellllllKl m:kllowlcdJ!Cd III me Ihat hclohdlhry execuled lhe """'" in hlWcrllheir capa<lty(iesl, .nd Ihat hy hislhcrltheir !IiI!'1lIIurels) IlII the il15lnl . Ihe individualCsl. or the pel1Ol1 ul'"n behalf or. h'/J,mJi I K.) lIl:Icd. e=UlOO the il15lnlmenl. f J IlOBERT E KOKE.II tlOTA y pUBUC, Slale 01 New York N 4801447.SU"0'kCOU~W~ Com 'ilSioR Expires June 30..,.... Ac31IWJfI'I.IiI)(~lf:NT f'OIIM FIJI USE WmlLv NEW fOIlK .~TATIi ONI.I', INrw ymt S.salltillJ Willll''u AriM'M'WJIIItHl Ctllijic:w,,/ Slale orNew York, ClUnly 01' I...: Onlhe _of inthe~ herore me, the und...ignccl. pcn;onally .ppcoretl the SUblll:rihing wiUICOS 10 lhe roregoing instrulllent. wilh whom I wn pcn;unally acquaimed. who. bei"ll by lne duly .wum. did dcpo"" lII1&! say thai hchIu:Ither ...ide(s) in riftllll/1Im...I{ ,..sidelll'e ;,. in Q dl)~ ;,u:I"J.tl" "TrIll umlstreel nwllllCr, if II/lY. Ih.,..,!!J; Ihat hcloheIthcy know(s) 10 he lhc imJividuaJ llcscribcd in and who .,.""uted Ihe fore811ing in.<lrUn1CJ1t; lhal suid su""'ribing win.... wu.. IRSCIU and saw said .x........ the "'11I,,: and \hat said ,,'iU1C5S OJ Ihe 5011'" tilll" subs.:rib:d hl<lherltheir l1lIInoI51.. . wil.....lhereIo. BARI:AL'l" SALlI DEf.l1 ~mlcrJ"'I!JWIlT5AG.\IUTQJlA.YTOIt"lI AC11 Tm.ENo. DON L. JAY AMAliA AND SIIARMINI JAY AMAliA TO TIIEJAYAMAIIA FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSIIIP F1PELITY NATIONAl. Tm..: INSIJRANCK . COMPANY OF NEW YORK , . INt\IIIIoMrrn/9;11f bW_.r(,Fidelity .1!~.--,- ~N-"'''''''''.MJWrA'_''''' USIiACIINOII'WJGMENTfYJIIM B1IUJWWTT/I'N ,v~""I'ORK STATliONLY: StaleorNew York, County or On lhc day uf in Ihe )'C'" bero", me. the undersigned. personally appeared pmronally kn""" 10 lIIe or proved 10 me on Ihe busi.. of 5llIi.......'lmy evidence 10 be Ihe i,K1ividlul(sl whose IIlII1IC(sl i..lare) subaTibed 10111. wilhin insmm..m and oo:knowledg<<110 me lhat hcJshcllhey execlllOd lhe SOIIIC ill hisJhedlheir eapaLityfICSl. and Ihat by hislhcritheir ,.;gnaruR:(5) ,O! lhe inslnllnent. tile indivilkullrxl. III Ihe peI'!iOlI upun I1ehalf of which 111. individuall!) acted, ..c:eultd the illSllUmcnt. I!IS.: ACIINOII'WJQtE.VT FOllAt f"(JII U.'iI! OrrI'SJDIlNI1I1')~ Sl....nOl\l.l": ,"'" roflillll<'" F_i,. c;_ .......,..,.."..... c.rrjJinw/ .. .. . . . . .. ,. . . ... . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . I!IS.: fC''''''Itklr "tIUIt' "'i"I.~Wff'. CtIIIlfll)". Prtn;If(" fir Mrwicipa/ir,J On Ihe cia)' or in Ihe y.... before me, Ihe undrrsigncd. pelSOlllllly appeared . pe"",nally kn<l\\n 10 me ... proved 10 "'. on lhc hw;is of SDtisfaclOry evidence 10 be Ihe individuallsl wI10lIC name(X) is (arel......,ribcd 10 Ihe will1in in.'UU111C111 and acknowledged 10 me lhat hclsheithey execultd Ihc some in hislherlthelr capacity(iesl, \hat by hislher/lheir signa\Ul'C(s) nn the imllUmenl.lI1. individw&l(x~ III lhe"",,1II upon hehalr of whirh the individual(.)aclcd. .,.""u..d lhc inslrumenl. and thai "",,h individual mllde such aJlPCllllll1ce ber"", the undersigned in lhe (IIurn tll. cil)' "' Dlher pt.~;tica' wbdM.I;/If, und till! ''''II! II' CI1UIIII)' aT OII"r I""''t! the uclu""d.dRnlllII M'ar /DU/I). DIS'I1ucr 1000 SliC'nON 140.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 008.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK RIiCORlJI'.IIATREQUESrOF .1dellly Nallonal TiII"llIliUl'lInce CIIIIIJIIUIY of New York RF.lVRNRYMAII.7l) tfoMd c.IfoJlrl. '!f- Sfl.1I. ClJ/Jtff~ 4'Ot~ .JI...:r~J 1V.\f. IrJ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ .. ~ ~ .. fi! ... !i . ! w ffi III .. Number of pales TORR,ENS Serial 1# " Certificate 1# l'rior Clr. 1# Deed I Mortple Instrument Deed I Mortlage Tax Stamp FEES 4 Page 1l'i1lng Fee Handling TP-S84 ~- t:;" _ .)- Nolalion EA-S2 17 (Counly) EA-S217 (Stale) ,<; _ Sub Total 7S .... . ~ QQ.. S Q.Q........ ;).7 ItP.T.S.A. CcuIllIL of Ed. Affidavit Certified Cop)' Reg. Copy Other Jr Sub Total GRAND TOTAL l ) . , RECORDED 2007 Sep 20 02.24: 18 PM Judi th R. Pascale . . CLERK ct SUFFll.K COUNTY .' L 000012523 . P 228 DlI 07-05509 .. ". R~lnll Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. , I. Ilaslc Tax 21 Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssl1. Or Spec./Add. TOT: MTO. TAX . Dual'Town' Dual County -...:... neld for Apportionment -,f,. Transfer Tax --+1L" - Mansion Tax The property covered by this monaBie is or . will be Improved by a one or Iwo famlly dwelling only. YES orNO UNO, see epproprlBle 'IX clause on page 1# - ofthls Instrumenl. 9 - JJ -{J 6 Communi Preservation Fund Consideratiun Amount $ /IJ. ~ tH:J - Stlmp 'b CJ>F Tax Due $ Co. Name Tille # 9 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This poge fomlS part of the altached . ~j made by: (SPEQFY TYPE OF INSlRUMENr) .::JjtY.If'MWf 1#1 J. t V'.YIIfNHI S~tt.NWJ. . The premises herein !s situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~ ~~~ 'tIN :llI1lf1!AN!I flJf#Jll.y J.:f1U'f'~ In the V1UAGB fJAI.1n1ttSJap or HAMLET of HII1J'.:r7DCI( BOXES s mRU 9 MUST BE WPED ORPRINIED IN.BLACK INK. ONLY PIUOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING. , Dale Initials 7 SalisraclionslDischa'1leslllelcases1.istIJropcity Owners Mallmg Aadr . RECORD & RETURN TO: Jf.4ItIT ~ It.~ .rSf '.1- 1 SJ'.2 III. &,~ ~J ~J& D SJ. :rtlf'lIS. IV.Y. IJ'?I() 8 Improved Vacenl Land /'/) TO TO TO Title Company Information IOVFAI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of In.t~nt: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 . Receipt Number : 0'-0088691 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-05509 Recorded : At: 09/20/200' 02:24:18 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012523 228 District: 1000 Section: 140.00 EXAMINED AND $10,000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 008.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received tbe Following Fees For Above Inst~nt Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO !:A-CTY $5.00 NO !:A-STATE $'5.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $40.00 NO COJIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $192.00 'l'RANSli'BR TAX NOKBER: 0'-05509 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTlWMEN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 ~1,7.g ~f I ....._...... IO~ ,;;1! FJ} ~( ca. _ J ~ ~,~, ~ C4. p~: I v.., I PROPERlY INFORMATION FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS CuM 1'''''''"'''1 ..-. 243 I'l'lWPT hUMKR Mai~n Lane '" - 2. IIuyor - M'!iUtUCK ~ CITY I J.~'''' Jayamaha Family Partnershio ~"IIAMEI rDII#Wt " ...... rIlUlTNAII[ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE Of NEW YOIIK STAlE IIOAIID Of REAL PROPE.i'TY SERVICES RP - 5217 Ir.s:17 KI'I M'J '.w IMTIIMll!/COMMN't I. T_ Indlclle wIwI future Tax BUll... to be..nt I _. ~_____CIl_a/tannl. -.- .........., LAlTNMIII/CIDMI'M'f (rJA 711.11/(;1'- ...,...... ~lj?> tt1~ I.Awe AND Ir.., "".. CITY"" .c. In'" tM number of ~........ RoD......1o tr_od on ..._ . I( . of Parcul. OR 0 PDtt of I P.n:el II. DoocI - &Iza 10111 IXI '/ID9. . !)LPU' f'lQNTFU.T ..- - alil.lJmilhil , ,- Don ....,..... Jayamaha LAlT NAIll' , COIINM'I I Sharmini ....,..... 7. Ct-..1he Ita. b.&ow wtalch mast.......,~.. the u.. DI ,he property lit the time of ul.~ A~ 0.. F....1y He_I B 2 at 3 f.mlly RelidenlfDl C _ntJoI VlCln' LInd D Nan-RuidDnllaI Vacant Land 'SALE INFORMATION I 11.8010 -... 0... E ~ Ago;""'"''' F Commercial G AII""",,nt H Entertainment J Amusement I ~ Communily_ J 1nduII.... K ...... SoNlco L F..... IOnIy........._~_Ihoy_ 4A. PlanrnllCl Boood..... Subdl",",n _ ex_ 0 48. Subdtvillon ApprDvaI .. Aequi,. lor Tr...... 0 ce. Pan;aI AppI1MlCl for Suhdivilli.... with Map Provid.. 0 L. , -",---Ihoy- L Ownonlhlp 'ypet ia Condominium .. NIIW' ConICruction on VICIJ'lI Land 'OA. Proportyl.ocolod_1n an All_oJ 01_ ,DB. Buvvr f'lCfJiveti D diIdaIuN notice lNIiclting thlt the properlY is In In AgrlcuJlurll DlIIrIct o o o o 11. ChKk .... Dr more 01.... candIIiIInI.. rr- .. 10 ~ ~ , 11- I QJ, 9 , 1:1. ,(fJ - ""' v... ,I. 0... .. ...., T..."", 10 000 ,0,111 , , . CFuII SIll PrieD 11 the teal amoUlll paid for the properlY Including pone>>!,,1 propeny. Thla paymIIIIlNY be in lhe Iorm of 1:8.... other praperty Dr goodL or the DlSUmption of morlpgll or oIher obIigItiona.l PIHN round fo 1M ItHtUt whala dol_ MlDI"'t. ,..-",..-.......... I - '1.. 0 0 I __In"'_ i ' .u 1 '-. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dal1 should refleCllhe "'111 Rn.1 Asoe..ment Roll and T.. Bill 13. Full .... Pra L A B C D E f G H 1 J Sail Betwlen RelltiveI or Former Relltlvos S111a Betvveen ReI.1Id Com~ or Plnners in BUlineu One of VI, Buyers is eIIo . Seller Bu.,., or Sol"r II GoYMnment Agency or Landing Il'II1.itudon Deed Type not Werrancv or Bargain and Salo CSpKify 8elow~ Sale of FrICtiOnal or Leu rhan FOB In1wnt (Spec:iIy Below) Significant Change In PropII1V Between Taxablu SWuI and Sa" 0.- Sale 0' Bu1ll'1011 Is Includod I" SlI. Prlc:a Olhor Unusual FKIOrI AIf8caina Slle Price tspecify BeIowt N... 18. V.... at .,---..... Roll from I ....... L....AlItoI. ..un I T7. r_ _V.Iu. 101 III ""-10 _.. L 11. _ a... I r. ) .0 I-LJ 'as......DIstrIct_ I SOIlTN)ldL't, 20. T.. Mop _.1,_ _sl Of man.hen....... ....oh ...... wiIh .-.onol _loll 1000 140.00 ; , ; 01.00 008.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ,,'111\)" IIuoI aD '" '110 IInmi '" Ia!eraIoIlon mtoml .a lhJs lorm .... '''''' .... comelll. IIIe .... '" my ......1odAe WId hdidI und IlIllIImIIond ..... .bo1llllldna . III IIIIJ wlIIl'uI ,.. ..._ 11.-.. ,.... _ will.......... D' 10 '110 .....101.... II .... ..not.... ..loll.. ,. .... ....... .... lIIIng Ill...... .............. llYn!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY 9....'''''" ffokf rlftlrNololAi hArlE: /,}/ IT1IR'T MIIIIM II...r MAW: """"SAUI MA1f~1~~IL IrH ZIPCODO 1/9fS, 0'" OR IOWN srAlI ~ r:]~- :.11 'L ! "'1 LAIr MMI ....1XlIX lkunT .J,'1- ]3sj TlloIl'HON!IlliUMIIll r NEW YORK STATE COPY '-