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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12520 P 861 ~/;;l[;d 0 P ?~J III -... /d-d-- c(- ~3 1591 - _IIU.T.U.r...llIOla..p;oood.'._ ...-.................-..c.., ...'_11.01 _~..._.N'fC>>>1' CONSULT YOUII LAWYER BEfORl! SIGNNG TItS INS'JRUM&l1' - THS INSTR\AlIENT SHOULD liE lI5ED lIT LAWYERS DNL Y THlSIi'l'DEN1l1RE.maOll 31st day of August, 2007 BETWEEN Marjorie E. Dunn 1570 Ole Jule Lane Matt1tuck, New York 11952 p8I'Iy of the lint J81, BIId Scott Schulman and. Jennifer Schulman 1575 Pine Neck Southhold NY 11971 p8I'Iy of the ltC...d port. WITNESSETH. lb. the plKly of the r... pll1. in c...lidendi... ofTen Dol..... BIId oIh.rvolu..1e considendi... paid by the pany oflbe ..cond part. do.. bonby ll""'IBlld ...1.... WII0 the pody ofth. ..coad p81t, the heils .................d mipl oftht pIIty oftb. Iccood plrt forewr, ALLthll cat... plOl, piece or p....1 oflllld. wilb Ih. buildinsl BIId improv.monlllhonllll erected. lilulle,lyins IIDd heiRS ill the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATrACHED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF. TOClE11IER with oil ript, till. IIDd inton.., ifony, oflbe party oftbt 1int plIII io ..d ... Illy....... and "'... obuuinslb. move described premi... ... the conler UIIOI th....of; TOOmmR with the __c.. BDd all lb. eatlle ad rishlI of lb. plIIIy of lb. r... pin iD and 10 said promis.o; TO HA va AND TO HOLD Ibe premises h....u. 8J1IIllod unto the porty of lb. oe.....d port, lb. he... or ......_ md _isM oftb. party oflh.occond plIII f_. AND tbe party of the iii'll pllll 00.....11III tbIIlbe party oflb. iii'll part bu a.. doa. or ...ffered 1II)1hiaS whereby Ibe .aid premi... havc hem _herod in BIIY way ...._. .xcept.. ofortlllid. AND lbel*1Y oflbe rm! pori, in eompUIllCO with SeCliou 13 oflhe Lien Law. covOllBIIlslhat lb. plllty oflh. rnl pIII1 willrcc.ive lb. .oooidmtion forlhil COQW)'lIICO ..d will bold lb. ri.olhIlo .....ive .....lidendion u . trust fW1d 10 be "PP1iod r... for lb. p"po" ofp~inSIb..OII oflb. improvem.nt.... willllpply lb. 11lIII. rnlO Ih'plI)'DIC11' ofth..OII cCth. impnJvemtlll beforo ulinSIll)' part ofth.lotoI ofllle 11IIIII' foc my other P"PO." The _nI "pll'ly" shall he ....struod u if iJ "plllti.... wh....ver Ibe son.. of Ihi. iodtlltu... 10 ...quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the port)' of Ibe fll!! port h.. duly exKUled tbi. cftd the d... IIDd Y'" iii'll above written. IlPmnUa ~;:o;: fl DUNN ,. ~ File No: RH073Dl068 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattltuck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a pipe set the Westerly line of Ole JUle Lane distant South 04 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West 85.76 feet as measured along same from a pipe set at the Intersection of the Westerly side of Ole Jule Lane with the Southerly side of Ole Jule Lane; RUNNING THENCE along said Westerly side of Ole Jule Lane, South 4 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West, 150.00 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of Julius Zebroski, North 87 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds West, 210.18 feet to James Creek; THENCE along James Creek North 4 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds East, 150.00 feet; THENCE along other land now or formerly of Zebroski South 87 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East, 210.]8 feet to the Westerly line of Ole Jule Lane at the point or BEGINNING. AlTA Owner's Policy (6-17-06) ACKNOllllLlDOMINT II NEW YCRIlSTATE lRI'L:lONl SIIIte or NIIW York, CounQ' or SUFFOLK ..: OD 31 day of Au!'! 2007 b.r...m.,dI.uadonip.d, pcncllaIIy oppand Marj orie e Dunn penoaally knowa to m. lI"provod 10 m. oa tho bais ofl8lis- rll<lOl)' evidoaeelo iadividual(s,.wOlO .....o{.) is (.-0) ",bllClibed to lb. wilbin inIIrum.alsad ecknowl....d lO m. lbol holob.llb.y ex....l.d Ill. l81li. in clip&- cily(in), IlIId Ihal by h is/h.r/their .illlalur.(.) on tb. inllrumtnl, Ih. individuol(s). or lb. penon upon b.bolf of .wicb dI. indivicllol(.) ICIed, .xecuted Ill. i_mL Pu::w" f .~ ,.p"........<fIIn.,_abJI.""~NJ ACK_IIIClMIIlI'OunulINIWWlRIC lun fU'L-.) SIaIe or OD penonolly oppesred CounQ' or .L: bef.... me,lbe und....iped. penona1ly known to m. arpRMd to m. an dI. blli. ar..w.. WlOI)' evidenc.lo be lbe indivicllo1(sl.w_ a....(.) is (...., ",bocribed 10 Ill. wilhin inlllJummlllld ecknowl....d 10 m. lbll he/ob'/Ihey ex.cut.d rho ume in bislber/ C8PKi- I)'(ies). sad Ibll by Sip_UN(S) insIrumen~ lb. iDdi"icllol(.), or th. penon upon b.half or .wicb lIle individuol(s) oded, .xecwod Ill., IUd dial such individuol mid. bef...lbe undeniped in jt..n: dO' 01' ,MDNI ..IUIWWIDIIW ,,,,, or (OIOLO' or olIN,. pl.x. t>> 1aIDwI....... ....., (,;_..u<flln.,....._~~oIJ Jaroain anll 6ah Jlull WI1II C"_Nf AG.&Il<SfOuNfOl'sAc:tlI TiII.No. RH07301068 Marjorie E. Dunn TO Scott Schulman and Jennifer Schulman 'r,1 . ., Ae~DO""" IV _selUlllID -"_I SIato 01 Conly or } .0 On pasanllly .W...... bef.... m', tho und...iped, lbe subocribin& wilneso(es) 10 lb. ranl"iD& inlllJumenl, with wbam I ... p.....oIly Kquoialed. who, b.inS by me clIly .wcm, did depos. and say IbIl he!sbel\bey reside(.) in (lJ.-. pltlU,q,..dMUUIIIII1t:.t()r., 1M1....."..,_IiIN........,..~... ......n. PATRICIA L. FALLON Notary Public, stat'll 01 New York No. OlFA4950146 Qualified In Suffolk County Commlaslon expires April 24, ~I/ IbIl b.lsb..tbey baw(.) 10 be th. indi.;duoI(.) described in IUd.wo ."....led lb. fare- BainS inlllUlll.D1; thl! Aid lllbocribins wim..(..) _ (were) prelOllt lIIlI_lIIid lime; IIId thai said wimea(e.) II lb. sometim. ......cribed bislb.dIheir nomo{o) u s wilneol(OI) thereto. ( V....- I/N fort SIa -' "0'01' poIlIIcwllUbdI..... .... _OI'_...o/Jwr,.....~"',.", And tbat uid IUbecribins willle..(.., made such IJIpeat1lllee berar'lhe undeniped in ) (."....,......ojluqJ....uIaJI &>II....--..IIIJ SECI10N 122.00 BLOCK 04 . 00 LOT 003.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk Town of Southold RETURN BY MAlL TO: Olsen & Olsen LLP Main Road P.O. Box 706 CUtcD>gue, NY 11935 Phone,631-734-7666 Fax,631-734-7712 ............. r._lllIInIdIcal'n. ,. IW :-lumber of p~ges TORRENS RECORDED 2007 Sep 05 09:22:38 A~ Judi~h H. Pas~al~ CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012520 P 861 DTII 07-Q3688 Serial # Co:nificale # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrumem Deed I :vtorlgage Tax Slamp FEES Recording I Filing Sl~rnps 3 Page f Filing Fee Handling I NOlalion ~-- ~ 7'"_ ~- Sub TOl31 rZl Mortgage AmI. L Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Towl Spec./Assil. or Spec.fAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Coul1ly _ Held for APPOin~enl _ Transfer Tax _~{--..:::::....- , Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage: is or will be improved by a one or lWO family dwelling only. YES or NO__ TP-584 5.~ 1_ EA-52 17 (Coumy) EA-S217 (Slale) R.P.1".S.A. Grand Total Comm. of Ed. 5.~ Affidavil Cerlified Copy KYS Surcharge Other 1 S. ~ Sub TOlal ~ bD3. lITO 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Pre Tax Ser Agency Verification ~07~~~23 1000 ~MA A EP 12200 0400 003000 Consideration Amount $ ax Due $ /(,./fro. - Vaeam Land _.__ 6 SatisfactionslDischargeslRelcases List Prop"rlY Owners :'1ailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: /)IIVUJ (JUEIJ I JC.;jG. ()J..S (fJ.J of th. S clV. UJ' f. O. BoX 70~ &.tTCJfIJ4Ue, ~y /1~3S TO ._j 0 TO TO 8 Suffolk Count 7 Title Com an Co. Kame & Title 1# ,tHO 40 Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonn. part of the auached B~.eCI/III AJ.JIJ SA'iF lJEliiJ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ,"ad~ by: /YJ 1IR:mR./1E E" _ /)/,0.1 A/ The premises herein is silUaled in SUFFOLK COUl'iTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of (CenT SCl-II./.l.M~N ;j-A//J In the VILLAGE - r~"'IFE1l' S(!t.J-Q~".) or HAMLET of /Y)/lTTItuc::H. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Cover) SOll'11-Hl../) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0082414 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 07-03688 Recorded: At: 09/05/2007 09:22:38 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012520 861 District: 1000 Section: 122.00 EXAMINED AND $999,000.00 Block: 04.00 CHARGED AS LotI 003.000 FOLLOWS Deed AIPount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ExEllDpt EXEIlDpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3,996.00 NO Comm.Pres $16,980.00 NO Fees Paid $21,128.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-03688 THIS PAGE IS A PART OJ' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUdith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County INSTR-U -~r; - .. - ..,.. r-vRM CpONS: Iittp:J: or PHONE (5181 473-7222 cjJ ?-J,t,crt, CZ. Data Doed IIecordod 10'7, {}'f;67, J ~... v... r-J I C3. 8_ Al, )..., I C4. Page' , ,}fj./ , PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR COUNlY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Cede REAL PROPERTY .TRANSFER REPOR STA1E OF raw YORK STATE IIOARD OF REAL PROPERTY IliIMc:Es RP . 5217 RP-5317", .WI ""'-' 1570 location IPltfT NUlW:1I ( ~h.&ld ) z. Buyer I ~,.hIl1man PM... IAST-.AlEIC'OIIMNY Ole Jule Lane 'IRElrNAMII! Mattituck - 11952 _CClD! SCOt[ rMr NMC Schulman WTNAAI[/CO"ttNin Jennifer "IIIlITNAW 3'. To IndicD whena funn To 8:11. IN 10 be lenl I II1II.. ._dlanbu,or_llII_mollorn1l. -1;Z~,~~""fi 00 5. :.::- I - MONT FIlT Ixl 1>>1"1'.. IORL. . t>. 7. ~ "tRioS .fA.. PYlnnlng 80Ird wfIh SubdIvilIOf'l Authority bills OB. Sulld_ Aop"",,1 _ Roqulrod for T_ c. P.... .._ for Subdivllion wllh Map PnMdod , IN V ,/fJS6'..3, :t ..- (Only .....rt ate '-II Q_ .. .ppry. o o o ....T._,ea...... ~ I Q't:: ~t:(j I;'1'V 0" IOINN .....- .t. Indicate till. number at AIi....runt RaU..........._...d......._ II "of Porco.. OR 0 Pan of . Percel ..- Nom. LD~n NAIl.. I COMPNI't Marjorie E. ....,- 7. a..k... bo. IMlaw whk:h mod KCUr.tllv d....baa thl no at III. property _ thl time 01..11: I.AlITNaa.;"COIH'ANV 'IIISrllAM! A~ 0.. !'omily _'III B 2 or 3 F.mDy R-.nliII C Relidlnrill V..,. Land () _;eIl..,1I V..... r..nd I SALE INFORMATION l ,.. Slil eon....._ F.~ ""r~ullu,.1 I' Cammlrdol o A_ H e............'_..... I ~ Commun;ly S_ I Indullrlll K Public: s.wc. I. For., -....--.."'....."'" .. Owrtorahip Typo II Condominium 8. New Construction on V."nt: Land 1OA. Property LocMed within 1ft Aarica.Ctunr.1 DiRrict 1'" Buyer ~ . dIIcIou1t noticIlI' indlcldng ........_...,11....""__ o o o o 7 ,18 , 07 Man." Do, VN' 8 ,~/,Ol.J ....... Ill, v... 15. Ct-* ... or more 01.... GCIIIdIdonI.. We......~ to tIanIIIr. s.e Batwaen Relltlva or Former RelativM Solie aetw.en RellIod Comp.nilll or 'artneq In Businosa Ona of the Bu",1I II I. . Saller Bu.,... or Se.., I. Government Agency or Londing Inldtution Dood Typo not W.....,.., or I-'n .nd SIroIS_iv Bo/owl Sale of F,acUoNlI or la8 thin F.. InIerWll ($podfy BeIawt Slgnl_. Cha"9lln Propony '- T_ S1a'Ulond SlI. D s.r. at Bulin... I, Included In SIJe PrICl Other Unu.uaI FICtDn Ahcting SaIa Price CSpocIfy BelOW) N""" 12. Dot. '" SIll' T........ 999000 . ...0.0 I , , . (Full SaIl Priel I, the tot.r .mourn paid for1he pIOpIfly including pel'lXIIl property. Thill PlYmtnt may be in !he farm of ~ Dlher property or QCICIlD. or the auumption or mOl'tpgU or OCher ObRgMIonL) PIuu lOund to 1M n..,., whM rJoB.r MKNUrt ,.. IndICII"", WlI... aI ......... I 0 nor- __In...._ . . --;- ~ . ASSE5SMENT INFORMATION - 0... .hould ,.noel.... II,CI, Fino' Au.......nt Roll Ind TI. Bill 16. =~"'~nt,,=""m ~ n. '...IA_V....loI.U_ln......'..,1 II. FuI _ Prill .............a.. ,tA./ .I>I-LJ '1._..._....1 nJArrtnUI<:. ; ; 1.0 1.0 01 , 20. T.. .,., Idlntifi.w I RoIldentIIieI1t1 (. mON than four. .n.... ..... with adcItiolllllldlntiflerfl.ll 1000-122.00-04.00-003.000 I I I CERTIACATION I "'rlI/)' .bol .n filII........ or - ....1\11 .. dd.. r.... 1ft ,.... UDd "'.......1 lID Ill..... of my ......lcdlll' IIIlII bdld) .... I ...........Ihollhe lIIIIIWIII ulllllJ wlIIIld Ildoo -.., ... ....ortuI "'lllenln .11. ........<1 ... IV .110 ""n'""" DI' \he ..... ..,.. .....1.. .. .... ....... uu1111lna ... lalw ................ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY .... .. JJI _ lAIr IMW n"o INU JtUMII.. c.._f. M"..,....C!>LA 2.~ '111 ....WTEII~ iJ 31 ~na 01..36.1 I ~D,q.vlb W. ....,- I ,=~i~ .~~~ rlU I'IUIIIM .-fA-rT I T"'- ~ K artQll101111N N:j "A'll: LI1-''Z.. ..- ""\ SELLER ~ce~ M:"crr- €. l)C(t.:l#J ,.J/- 0 7 .... NEW YORK STATE COpy '-