HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12522 P 489 I-Id-Sd-d ., f tJ1 ~~ 1/?J-c/-7 SIandard N.V.a.I.U. Form 8002 a8lllaln and Sale Deed, w111l covenants against Granlllr's Acls-Incfivfdual... CorporaUan CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE _ USED BY LAWYERS ONLY tJJ l> t- THIS INDENTURE, mada the 'l4ay rIJ'\J~ Thousand Seven. BETWEEN JAMES W. CLAY and MARY E. CLAY 500 Jackson landing Matlltuck, New York 11952 party of the fllSt part, and V1fflll.'D.t h. '_'/~ \r L I TSOUMAS and KATHY TSOUMAS 1 '1 t1 ...- r c 15-38150UlStreet ,._, I' .", Whitestone. New Yor~'.11357, . .:." I, lr . party of the second p-art, . . " WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of thellllCllnd pert. dollS hereby grent and relllll" unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and auigns of the party of the seoond pert forever, SEE SCHEDULE "N' ANNEXED . "I" '.;::"1.' 'f " SAID premises known.. 500 Jackson landing, Mattituck, New Yor~ .., '. . Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed dated August 11, 1997 and recorded on August 22,1997 Offlce of the Clerk of SUffolk County In Llber 11847 at page 850. TOGETHER with all rtght, tlUe and interest, If any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roeds abutting the above desCllbed premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the eppurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the fll'Bt part In and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the seoond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the fllSt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, compliance with SecUon 13 of the Lien Law, covenanls that the party of the first part will receive the conslderaUon for this conveyance end will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and wll apply the same fnt to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if ~ read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WrrNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hilt' duly executed this deed tho day and yaar first abow. written. , .:; ~.__. '" '... .... _.I............._...T~~r-;-...... rr_ Jlf' .'1' " Title Number GNA5802S . :'- . i~~~>>~K:-~'_.~...~..I~ ~...._r. Page 1 All the certain, plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated, as lot No.5 on a certain map entiUed, "Map of Jackson's Landing" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 28th, 1969 as map number 5280, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Jackson's Landing, 450.86 feet Easterly from the extreme Northeasterly end of a line connecting the Southeasterly side of Mill Road with the Southerly side of Jackson's landing; RUNNING THENCE Easterly along the Southerly side of Jackson's Landing along an arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 750.0 feet, a distance of 100.0 feet; THENCE South 11 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West, 203.74 feet; THENCE Westerly along a tie line North 73 degrees 00 minutes West, 120.0 fe~t to Lot No.4; THENCE North 17 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East, 201.42 feet t9 the . southerly side of Jackson's Lan~ing, th~'poin~'or place of BEGINNING. nl~'Tv' ~ . " , STATE OF NEW YORK . I ". .;,'", V COUNTYOF~ On the II I J day of l2uc.\, 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JAMES W . CLAY personally known to me or proved &; me on the basis of saUsfactory evidence to be the Indlvldual~ whose nerne(st Is (~l subscribed to the within Instrum~d acknowledged to me that ~hellhey executed the same In ~e"thelr capacity(IplII, and that by I er/thelr signaturels) on the instrument, the Indivldual("', or the pe~ upon behalf of which the Indlvldua lI) acted, executed the Instrument -L " , . " . ....\ ':,,":. I .... . ~P.~ TARY PUBLIC I:AN P. HEBBERD Notary Pubic. S.... fill Wow "" No. 5044616 ~rlldinSlllfallCli.ntr II Car.mussian Dp;"s.... 5, ZO_ STATE OF l'JawYfr'L COUJTYOF ~L. On J II day of au~ ' 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared MARY E. CLAY persorlallY known to me Dr proved to me on the basis of saUsfactory evidence to be the Indlvldual(1t whose namelsl is ~usubscrlbad to the within instrum~and acknowledged to me that helllfi8ihty executed the same In h~eir capaclly(~l, and that by h' elr slgnature.lll on the Instrume'?ir.'ihe Indlvldual~ or the pefson upon behalf of which the Indivldualj.ri a , executed the Instrument. ~tfI1A (J.~ NO Y PUBLIC 1EA~P.=rNIW'AlR NaIl" ~'504-4616 Q\lalif.... in Sulfdk eountt JJ CllI1\IIllSslan CJpiIO$II". ~. ZQ Bargain and Sate Deed With t;:ovel1lnts Against Grantor's Ju:t Tille No.: Qi (,l J:) .s-t-tJv.r I I CLAY District: SectIon: 113.00 Block: 04.00 Lot: 007.00 County Dr Town: Suffolk Address: 500 Jackson Landing Maltlluck, New York TO TSOUMAS RECORD & RETURN TO : Kimon'lnermos. Esq. 26-20 23n1 Avenue Astoria, New York 11105 " U=2 ] Number of peges TORRENS . . RECORDED 2007 Sep 14 '02:51:25 PIt Judi m R. Pascale ClERI( (f" SUFFW( coumv L ??oo12522 P489 DlI 07-04926 Serial # Certifieale # Prior Or. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Reeording I Filing Stamps 4 ('age I Filing Fee Handling TI'-5114 $'" 5"""_ Mortgage Amt. I. BosieTax 2. Additional Tax NOIalion R.P.T.S..A. CO/om. of Ed. -f:s-- Sub TOIaI ?fl- ( Sub Total . EA-52 17 (County) EA.52 J 7 (State) ;).7 SpeeJAssit: Or Spe<./Add. 5~ o Anidavil Reg. Copy I..J" - Sub Talal GRAND TOTAL y . ).th~;;: will be improved by a one ur two family dwelling onl)'. YES orNO_ I f NO. see appropriate tax <louse on page # _ oflhis il\51rUmenL Certified Copy Other , Reall'ropert)' Tax ServiL.., Agency Verification Jli... c:~;..... nlnool,. '..t 11300 0400 007000 Slamp , Dale . Improved Initials 7 . Salisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Propeny Owners Mailing Add RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacantl.and It) t./ no,.j 7A c-It no ..r ').. ~ -)..ll l.. 1 "'#/ ~ (h,~1 &t II/OJ- TO TO TO 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Titlc/l . 'Ibis page fontlS pan of the aUachW made by: J/tV1rl /.,.,) .ct~ nIHL7 t: CLA7 VAf,LltJJ 1JounAJ f=~ '^ aUn rN UOXCS 5 UIRU 9 MUST nE WPEn OR PRlNIID IN Bl.ACK INK ONI. Y I'RlOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) (SPECIFY 'IYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is siluat~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. JDUn~L_D In the Township of In the VillAGE or HAMLET of 111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUIWY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of J:D8trumeDt I DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber I 07-0086610 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-04926 Recorded I At: 09/14/2007 02151125 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012522 489 DiBtrict: 1000 Section I Blockl 113.00 04.00 EXAJaNED AW CBJIRGBD AS FOLLOWS $1,200,000.00 Loti 007.000 Deed Amount: Received the Page/Filing COE BA-C'l'Y TP-584 RPT TrllDsfer tax Camm.PreB Following Fees For Above J:nBtrument "'-.,pt NO NO NO 1m 1m NO NO $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $4,800.00 $21,000.00 Handling NYS sacHa BA-STA'1'I!l Cert.Copies SC'l'M HaDBion Tax $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 Exempt 1lI0 NO NO NO NO 1lI0 Fees Paid $37,952.00 TRANSFER TAX NOMBERI 07-04926 TBJ:S PMB J:S A PART 01' '1'BE J:NSTRtlHENl' THJ:S J:S NOT A BJ:LL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWIS Code PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY mANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW 'IORIC STAlE IIlIARD OF IlEAL PIlOPEIlTY salV1CES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY RP - 5217 IINZI'....JIrI ,.=, .,2::... I .~~.so,.J +1~ -hu- c,,' JO\J nl3d !.All N..... ,COWOMY .",,1;rco!!,lJ I7I!J:1 3. T8. IndicICe where future Tax Billie... 10 be sont I IIIIIng H__ __101 boIlom eI'or,", . -- LAS' NAIA/cnMPANV ""'""'" VA-f/J..,(),J '''''"f-R- n 'OIT_ '1 I I I "Il.rv I ..""" 2. ...... - ,"1H~rNAMI- CIlVColM U,*Ji1 I';'ATI Z,pCOllIi 1511lEET "<<JllBER MiD &1lIEET "'WIE 4.:~=:::.':.t',~== I o-"~ Ii. Dood Property S.... IYo FRONT FaT I xl l~ '}o3> IORI Ul-I'rH . (Only. - of 0 _ _......., oppIy: .cA. Planning Board with Sutxllvilion Authority ExItts .... Subdiv-.ion Approvlll WDI Required for Transfer 4C. .....1 Approvod lor s..bd"",ja;on wi1h Mof Pravldod D D D I "of flrCII, OR D Part of a Parell 'AQIltI' I ~",t.t ~ :rQ.r\es. (.)J FIIISI....... ..- N.... L",__/~1 WI"_,ll~i ^ ~Ona Family Ralidanlial R 2 or 3 Flmil., Relidentlll C Ruid.mlll VICInI Lind V Non-Retidlntill V..ntllnd I SALE INFORMATION ~ 11. __D.,. E ~ 1\;<1..1...01 F Commercial G Apartment H Enterulnmont I Amusemunt I ~ CommunitY Service J Indultrill K Public s..;.. I. forni _....ba__.......,...pIy: .. Ownership Type Is Candornlniwn I. New COlllUucllon on V8Cllnt LAnd 'lOA. Property Lacaccd wllhln an Agrf~ DislricI: lC11. Buyor -.... o dilcloluro notlco IncUcorIng lhallhc praF*IY iI in III Agr"cullur.1 DiIlnct D D D D 7. Check the box b.1ow which mnl: IIICIUrdely de.be. the .... of 111. praperty It thII time of ..Ie: IV "." I~ v_ 1&. ChId. 0IlII ... morll at u- ...... . ..W1t-.....1D tr...tw: '2. D... of S. , Tr........ L3 ...... t I ~q I Doy ~ ,\ II C D " " G H I J Sale ScIlY<<Jert Relatives or Former RelI1ive1 Salo Butween RlIBbId Campllll.. Of Plrtner_ln Buain... 001 01 the Buyers I_ a110 . SIlIlar Buyttr or Soller II Governmel1l Agency or lIInding Il1Itifution Deed Typo not Warranty or BargBin .nd Sale (Spaclfy Solow) SIlle 01 Fractional or Less than Foe 1n1W'nt ISpecify Below) Signlllcant Ch.nge in Property Between TlWlbIo Staru. .nd SlIe 0111 Sill 01' Busineuls Includad in SIIIo Price OIhor U.......I F....". A/locling Sola P\ico 1_ "'-I None ...... .... '3. Full _ PrIco r ,1---,0,0 ,0 ,0 ~ ,0, 0 I , , . (Fwl 5118 Price 1_ the tatal amount pakl forth. property including PlraoMl property. This peyment mDY' be In the form 01 coh. Dlher property or goods. or the ..um~ion 0' ItIOItpgII or OCher obIlg1tlonl.J PIN" round to the ,."" whole doIIIr IIJ'IOUnt. ,... In.......... val.. DI J*IOIIII I I 0 I 0 I __In...._ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Ollla should ..n.el tho lotnt Finol A.....m..t Rallo.d Tox Bill 11.::~of~"::lrom I O:r I 17.T...._V....Ial.II_In_1 'I. ""'_ C1_ I ~ I :0 I-LJ 18. School_lei Nomo I 21.00 (10,1000 . ; . . ~ . ~ I'" MA{"f!1'cIC l::.. ; 20. TOIl ........_1 RaU ""_111 1II__....n laur, _ __ _ ___'lIIortoll p\ ~ COO() ~" 'f Lo1 ~ "lEe \\~ I CERTlACATlON I. I n.'I'tItf tImI'aII at tlwl&nal ull.ruraWUII en&l:nld 'ID I" rll"".1'Il' Irw'" "'C1I'1',..a. 110 du.'1uI ,,rill)' knowlcdJlt' ud bellcn and I undrnlluld dIId tilt llUlkina of oy wUlIuI nd5r 1IIaIrml'lll ullBKltrial. 1'Il&"l1le'" wiU IIlhjed .. In lilt Dnn iAklli!lo IIr!be IlftW hi.. r\'balhr 10 Iht IIIIIkIDR aDd lling ." r..... IaliInuDrntL BUYER BUYER'S ATIORNEY ~~ -.....j~\~4 . bAD , ~.J) J"'o.. ~/t E I-MO.)o I,q'TN....E \'- \ IY\ O/w'" '1IIITNIIo\IE JO-UI 111IEr."RlIIM1I t-/;e~~ ItT r.... ruclALU ----3-1 ~ .... taa 1- t- '}-- Cj ~1- ~ .RfPtI:lfe NUMIOI n~ cnVOllIDWII -L~t: ~ ,1"'/I~07 ..." NEW YORK STATE COpy