HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12520 P 828 !-/JPo P?rd-.R f!JtX f)6~ /000 See. ()In I~l or I <.or 00' 11~f~-0 o Pam 80112 (9~9l,,' 20M - Bapin and Sale Deod. with eo.wnn apiul OlIn..... ~vidual or CoIporuloa. (oin&Ie Ibccl) caUuL' YOUR LAWYD IIP.nlClNllil 'N11II111'llUllllll' - ntlllIISTIIlIIIIII'I' UlOULD U UIID .,. UWYDa _I.,. THIS INDENTURE, made the JoJ..I... day of /}t.,~ ,2l:Jo7 and BETWEEN MARY ELIZABETH KENNEDY, f/kJa MARY ELIZABETH GILBERT, residing at 3650 Eugenes Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 .J.o. A SC''fo I nk,.ofSJ- party of the fllll part, and _..1 .- _.U h../M...mhrtlyll:S '_.1 ./ -'l'J/S'}.-II-.~%. - ~ "T T(If IIIII1U,", :r:"I"1'S1- LILLIANN PAVONE, THOMAS PAVONE! and ROBERT PAVON~siding at Manning . Drive, East Northport, New York 11731, A1. :1o/~'" ~ft>\lTs I.J/!+: rt~ OF SurvrIJOI'~/1" party of the scc:ond I'8lIo WITNEssETH. dtaI ihio party of tbe filSl pllll, in consideration of ten dollars and olber valuable consideraliOll paid by Ihe party of the second part, does heleby IJ8III and release unlO the party of the second part, lhe heilS or successors and wigns of the party of lhe second pari forever, AIL thai certain plo~ piece or pareel of land, with Ihe buildinga and improvernenlS thereon em:led. situale. ]vinll and being in Ihe SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED TOGETHER wilh all righi, lille and inleresl. if any, of !he pany of lhe filS( pan, in and 10 any streels and roads obulling lhe above"deseribed premises 10 lhe cenler lines Ihereof; TOGETHER wilh lhe appunenonces and alllhe esl8te and righlS of Ihe pany of Ihe finl pan in and 10 said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unlO !he parly of lhe second pan, lhe beirs or 8uccesS\IrS and assigns of lhe pany ohhe second pan forever. AND lhe pany oflhe firsl pan covenanL~ Ihallhe pany of !he firsl pan has nOI done or suffered anylbing wh'"ereby Ihe said premises have been encumbered in any way whalever, eRcepl as aforellllid. AND Ihe party pf the firsl pari. in compliance wilh Seclion 13 of Ihe Lien Low, covenants thollhe puny of Ihe first parI will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consider- ation as a trust fund to be applied firsl for the purposc of paying the cost of Ihe improvement and will apply thc same first to the payment of the COsl of the improvement before using ariy pan of the tOlal of the same for any other purpose. . . The word "party" shall be construed as if it resd .parties" whenever thc sense o~ this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first psn has dUly exec~ted.thi5 deed the day snd year fint above wriuen. . " IN 'BUF.NCR llF: ",. ..' D f/kla MARY ELIZABE GILBERT fI/~/~ikL~b~ . . . . . . . , GOTHAM LAND SERVICES, LLC as agent for. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORPORATION Tille No. Z4183SS SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with tbe buildings and improvements tbereon erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the intersection of the Southerly side of Eugencs Road with the Southwesterly side of Bay Avenue; RUNNING THENCE South 30 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds East along the Southwesterly side of Bay Avenue 220 feet to land now or formerly of Masons; THENCE South 64 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds West along last mentioned land 348.12 feet; THENCE South 80 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West still along last mentioned land 35 feet to land now or formerly of Solo wiani uk; '-'-8_'6 THENCE North 03 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds West along last mentioned land 1\ feet to the Southerly side of Eugenes Road; THENCE North 64 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds East along the Southerly side of Eugenes Road 39.41 feet; 11!,{. THENCE North 64 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds East still along the Southerly side ofEugenes Road 234.10 feet to the point orplaee ofBE~INNING. &,iJ'r}4..,,- 5ft'1o.1i {IN/'fIS fS ('b"t\\l.(~~ !-G-J1.-t 't'AoJtcr h",,.,n h'dJ.,~ db(~P( "/7-71'1/ l{'#C"orr/.,,) 12.1111"11 I~ lc ~r /I?~" Pr {?JV. For conveYlIlIcing only, if intended to be conveyed. { TogelMr ...llh all righl. III/e alld in/ensl of, in and 10 allY &/ree/. and I roads ablllling Ihe above de.criMd premise.. 10 Ihe cenler line IMreof. AcIalOWllldgement IlIken In New York SllIt8 Stale of New York, County of S 1./ ppoU ( Acknowledgement I8ken In NeW York llteta tI '-. , 88: State 01 New York, County 01 , ss: . SIlIIe 01 . County of . III . (or Inlert Dl8trlct 01 Columbia. Territory, Po.....lon or Foreign Country) On the l~day otlM~ In the year 2(>>") , before me, \he Undarslgned, peraonally appeared 1-1"rr. ~"'Y>}PJ-A. l<o.l'h"~J'rf P"R ""~"1Wl.1~lH~ fi."B-wY perlonally known to me or proved to me on tha besls 01 sellslaClllry evidence to be the lndlvldual(s) whose neme(s) II (ere) subscribed to fhe wifhln Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executeclthe same In hlslherllhelr capaclly(lel), and that by hls/herllhelr slgnaturels) on the Instrument, lI1e Indlvldual(e) or lh8 person upon behall 01 which lhelndlvldu!l~s)lICllld, 8ll8cuted ~strumsnL . 1(r.tte#J. c.t ftH1~ - , KATHLEEN A. MNDALL "'~P..bl~III'Yb1tl No.a1 ...QuIIIII4ld In u___ , CounIv. COi.aJ' 'vi EJiplNlJune3lUOtO . . . AcIcnowledgemlllt by Subacrlblilil Wllnus taken In N_ York Steta State at New York, County 01 On the day 01 , In tha year the underslgned, personelly appeared the subBcrfbjng WilneS8 to lI1e .foregoing instrument, with whom I em personally eCqualnted, who being by me duly &worn, did daposa and eey, 1hal heI8heIlhey reslde(s) In I before me, fhat he/lheIlhey knoW(I) to be thelndMdual dllCllbed In and who executed the foregoing Instrument that said 8Ub8crlblng wiln888 WlS present and saw said execute the lame; and that said .wltness at the same lime subscribed hl8lherNleir name(s) as a w(lness t~"!to. Title No.: 7- 4W?~ S ;(~ ~.J1-c.. MARY ELIZABETH KENNEDY f/kla MARY ELIZABETH GILBERT 10 L1LLIANN PAVONE, THOMAS PAVONE and ROBERT PAVONE Distributed by Chicago TIOe IDsurance Company ,s On the dey 01 , In the yeer the undersigned. personally appeared , belore m personelly known to me or proved to me on the basil seU8Ieclory evldence to be tha Indlvidual(s) whose neme(s) (are) subscribed to the within Instrument and acknOWledged me that he/shalthey executed the 88me In hla/her/thE capaCIty(les), end thlt by hls/herllhelr slgnature(s) on II I_ment, lhi IndIVldual(s) or the person upon behalf 01 wI1h the Ir1lIvidual(s) ected, 8XICUl8d the InstrumenL Acknowledgement ta"'"! outalde New York State On the dey 01 , In fhe year fhe undersigned, personally appeered , bafore m, personally known. to me or proved to me on th.e balls , lellslectory evidence to be the Indlvldual(sl whose neme(s) (are) subscribed to the within Instrument end acknowledged I me thet he/shelthey executed the seme in hla/her/thl cepaclty(les). that by hIe/her/their signature Is) on t~ Instrumen~ the Indlvldual(s) or the person upon behalI 01 whk the Indlvtdual(s) acted, _cuted the Instrument, and that lue individual made such appeerance before the undersigned In '" (add the city or political subdivision and the state or country . other piece tha acknowledgement was Illkenl. 01 Sir fc...l- 1000 SECTION 97 BLOCK 8 LOT 6 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK RETURN.BY MAlL TO: . WARREN BERGER, ESQ. 320 CARLETON AVENUE, SUITE 6800 CENTRAL ISLlP, NEW YORK 11722 Zip No, I i ; ~ ~ ! ~ i III I '" . ~ " , '. ", , .' Numhrr 0; pagcs ~ " This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. RECORDED 2007 Sep 04 03: 50: 54 P" Judith A. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFlU COUNTY L ??oo12520 P 828 DTtI 07-03660 need I Mortgage Instrunlcnt Deed I Mortgage Ta., Stamp fEES Recording I Filing Slamp~ 3 EA.:'i:! 17 (CounlY" EA-S2 17 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. 0- -'5~ 80- Sub Total ?l/ Mongage AmI. I. Ba~ic Tax 2. Addilional T'.l.' Sub Totnl Spec.1Assil. or Spec./Add. ror. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cllumy _ Held for APPOin~m . -' Tran~fer Tax _ Man~ion Tax The property covered lly lhi~ mortg:lgc is or will he improved by a onc or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate ta., c1au~e on page # of lhi~ inslrumcm. 111_..... P;'gc I Filing Fee -IJ-- Handling S. ~ TP-SR4 ~ -==---- Nllt:,tion Comlll. of Ed. :'i. 00 Affidavil I. Certified Copy l:'i...!.!!!.... ..Jnc:::. Sub Toml . L.....J -- GmndTOlal~ Disl. /Odd , 5 CommUDity Preservation Fund Real Property Tax Service I "'~~~;a~ron I Salisf:tctionsIDischargeslReleases List Property Owncrs Mailing Address . R.:CORD & RETURN TO: /,J J'ly- r.#K I2.t ~ ...-<; "- 32.0 ('Prr-l~./-o,^ l1u-E, SCotj/, (.yw r~/Y/Il'l. I:-fujo Nt 11'7<..... 1000 ~9~00 0800 006000 Consideration Amoun t $ CPF Ta.'t Due S Improved Vacanl Land TD TD TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk 7 Title Com an Information Cn. Name c)AA1't-/ ~ JOtroJJ. S t-X U I (e;S I "'..4:. 'litle # z.. ", ( ?~ 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e D-r oed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT/ This page form~ pun of the auoched made by: Ii ~ f:' L, ")p), off-+..- /(..,~ Ill' / 'T' F'KA 1-1fv<j ~Uj~j"u. t-",n'l't The premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLK COUNIT. NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Sou ,.,1.01..{).. I.,. !11f,.] PI'IJI'f\~ .,. 'iNJI'1A!. PA\J(J'tl e. '1 In (he VILLAGE ROh./>rt (JA.,JCJ'r\JL. or IIAMLET of fl.(kJ..O ~- BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. iuwr) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUPPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0082313 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 07-03660 Recorded: At: 09/04/2007 03:50:54 PH LIBER: PAGE: D00012520 828 Deed J\mcunt: Section: 097.00 EXAHXNED AND $625,000.00 Block: 08.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 006.000 District: 1000 POLLOWS Received the pollowing Pees por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,500.00 NO Comm.Pres $9,500.00 NO Fees Paid $12,152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-03660 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BXLL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp;J1 www.orps.slale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 foR COUNlY USE ONLY H""'"7 . I ~- t;, REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Cod. I", III ,tr; ,/ I c:z. De11 Dood -- I oj" D Lf. oZ I cuaokl( ;l,6:f." );-y C4. PIsII , ,K' )..., PROPERlY INFORMATION 1C.~u.t ,UWAnn TlijM"ltS 1r2l\~ ~ . -- ,. Praporty I 3VJ5I:J LocatIon alIHT ..... ~O\d ~;"""'" ~=~~ ~ €us.~ (<roj 3. TI. IndicItI whirl fuMI Tlx Billln ro be MnI I IIIlIIntI K __ buyer _1M bot_ 01 loom! -- STATE OF NEW YDRK STATE IOARD OF REAL PROPERTY IERVlCY RP - 5217 8...,217 II" .WI " IQ3s "'''''''' LAIr HoW[ I f>>WNIY 'NT,.,.,. I . S-. l> I .At...... I \<.enr<<l4 I f'b(~ <e \i l.1l beth I.fT~~ z.'\l.Qbeth6i\~Y <NT wnv'1!T hlMIIIIlI AM) ITNlT,....... gIVlJIl,lQWN .. INIIe... till numblr vi .ttt--~nt -..........-.......- II . of Plreel. OR D Part of . Pln:aI 1i'~_1 SIzo I xl m,,,," I ORI HKlNI toUr L_ Nome LAIr NAMt/COMl'AN't ,......... 7. Check ttI. box below which mat aeeurlteIy....~ the 11M crt 11I1 propeI1Y ., thl 11m. DlllIIa: A~FomiIy _nUll B Z ar 3 Family Ra.......iII C Reo_II VICOIlI LInd D _..... VlOIm LInd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... ContrIlGI DId. Ii ~ Ag,I.."...1 I ~ eocnrnun;,y 5._ F Commerclll J IndUSInII G Aplnrnenl K Public Slrvic. II EnlCIIIlnmonl1 AmUlCtIMnt L FDttIl 1T;'n: "COOl! IOnly . Put all P_ Chock .. "'or opply: 4A. I'IoMlI1ll Bon w11h _ AuIho,lty bills 4IL Subdiv_ AppnMI_ Roquirod ror T_ oc. P_""'- lor SubdMoion _ Mop__ o o o _Ih.__.._-", .. QwMrahip Type " COndominium .. Haw Canllructkm on VlJCDf1t Land ,M. Property _ wIII1ln In A;flc....... Disuttt 'DLBww_'_ronolicoOldlcallng thltlllo_il..onAgric:llllurolllillric:l o o o o I I en You 15. CI-* .... ar mare at __ 110-...1--- _ W"-L.,. to tr...r.: I l Illy A B {" () F. I' G H I J """" 12. a.te of s.a. 11r."", 8' I z.o I 01 Dot ....... Y..r ,~, 'L,S-, 0,0,0, II, III , , . (Full Sill Price ill the IDbllamount paid for the proparty lnchdng plllOftll property. Thil plymonI .... be In ... form ........ _ _""V or good.. or !hi ............ of monllgtl or om. obiglliocaL) "..,. round '0 the"..,." wIN* dol,., ,moun'. '3. Full &.I. Price s.1e Between Relll. or Former Relati...... 5I1e Botwalln ReIIMd CompAnlas or PlnnGl'l In Busineu an. of the Buv-,. Ia ilia . s.l1ar Iluyor or _ Is G_ Agency 0' Landing InoIibl.... DMd TYJM not W.rrwlty ar Barglin .nd 51. ISpKify Belowl Sale 01 Froclional or Lou Iho" Foo 1m..... (Spaclly Belowl SignifiGent ChoIngo In Property &.tween TOIbIe Stat..- Ind 5.1. Oat Ie af BUlin... illncluded In Sele Price h.. Unu_ Foctoro _II"G Solo PrIco 15po<ify IIoIowl N...,o '.._"'"_01.......... I . ,II, II I .....___In...._ , I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0"" should roflectth. 1110" Fin.1 AAelsmont Roll and Tax Bill ,.. =~~:~ from I D.1 I n. TouI AIInIed V....lof d ~ In ...........1 1L "-'" ao.. 1.2. 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